2015 Aetna and Coventry Agent Certification
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2015 Aetna and Coventry Agent Certification
Q&A for Distribution Partner Use
When is 2015 Certification Go-Live?
2015 Certification Go-Live is scheduled for 7/17/2014.
How will the agents access certification this year?
The certifications for Aetna and Coventry plans are combined for 2015. All agents selling either Coventry or Aetna Individual Part D and MA/MAPD plans will complete certification online via the Aetna Certification site.
Distribution partners will be given PURLs (Personalized URL’s) that that may be distributed to downline agents. The PURL will take the agent directly to the Aetna Certification site. These PURLs will take the place of access codes for 2015, but will function in a similar manner. The PURLs will be distributed from the BSD to all Tops of Hierarchy.
o Note that use of a PURL does not affect a broker’s contract hierarchy.
What’s changing with certification this year?
AHIP Training and Exam
o Fraud, waste and abuse will be added as a sixth module to the AHIP Medicare training for 2015. This portion of the training will no longer be provided as part of the Aetna Medicare training modules.
CORE Training and Exam
o A Core module will be required which includes both Aetna and Coventry-specific information.
o Part D training will not be included in the Core module for 2015.
Part D Training and Exam
o A single Part D module will cover both Aetna and Coventry-specific information.
Individual Medicare Market Training
o Individual MAPD market training is required for each Aetna Individual Market in which the broker wishes to sell Aetna /Coventry MAPDs for 2015. The Individual Medicare Market training will be facilitated by Aetna local market personnel.
MAPD Overview Training and Exam o A single MA/MAPD module will cover both Aetna and Coventry-specific information.
How will the Individual Medicare Market (MAPD) Training work?
Individual Medicare Market (MAPD) training events will be available on the Aetna Certification site calendar. Agents may sign up online through the calendar or contact their local Aetna broker manager to enroll
What is covered in the Individual Medicare Market (MAPD) Trainings?
Each Aetna Medicare Market offers its own training which details both the Aetna and Coventry the MA/MAPD products offered in that market.
What does the MAPD Overview exam cover?
The MAPD Overview exam will be an overall assessment of MAPD in general. More plan- specific information should be covered in the Individual Market training.
How many times does an agent need to take the MAPD Overview exam?
An agent will need to take and pass the MAPD Overview exam only once, even if the broker is selling in multiple markets. If the broker does plan on selling MAPD products in multiple markets, the broker must complete the Individual Medicare Market (MAPD) training for each of those markets.
How does an agent certify for 2014?
Certification for 2014 Aetna plans will continue to be offered on the Aetna certification site until the end of November.
Certification for 2014 Coventry plans will continue to be offered on the current Coventry certification site until the end of November.
Agents who complete the 2015 Aetna certification will not automatically receive certification credit for 2014 plans. The 2014 certification requirements must be completed independently if the broker wishes to sell for 2014.
What are the 2015 Ready to Sell Requirements for Individual Medicare Products?
For 2015, a broker will need to be contracted, as well as licensed and appointed in all states in which they’d like to sell.
For Part D certification, the broker must complete AHIP, Aetna Core, and Aetna Part D. For MAPD certification, the broker must complete the above listed for Part D. In addition, they must complete the MAPD Overview training/exam and the Individual Medicare Market (MAPD) training for each market in which they would like to sell.
What are the requirements for uplines in 2015?
For 2015, an upline will need to be contracted, as well as licensed and appointed in all states in which their downlines are selling.
An upline must complete AHIP, Aetna Core, and Aetna Part D to receive overrides on downline sale of Part D plans.
For overrides on downline sales of MA/MAPD plans, an upline must complete the items listed above for Part D, the MAPD Overview training/exam, and the Individual Medicare Market (MAPD) training for each market in which their downlines are selling.
Are uplines required to attend all Local Market Trainings in order for their downline to sell in those markets?
Uplines are required to become certified in each market in which their downlines are selling MAPD plans. However, the upline may complete the 2015 National MAPD Training in lieu of multiple Individual Medicare Market (MAPD) trainings if they have downlines selling in more than one market.
What if the upline intends to personally market MAPD plans as well?
The upline must complete the Individual Medicare Market (MAPD) training for each market in which they will be personally selling MAPD plans.