Bad Boy Vocabulary

Chapter 1

1. memoir – an account of an author’s life, focusing on personal experiences

2. bustling – moving rapidly and energetically

3. rural – having to do with country life

4. complexion – the natural color and condition of the skin, especially of the face

5. emigrated – left one country in order to settle in another

6. scoffed – spoke with disapproval

7. fad – something that is liked by many people for a short amount of time

Chapter 2

1. tenement – an apartment building, especially one located in the poorer section of a city

2. bawler – one who cries loudly or strongly

3. equivalent - the same as or equal to another in force, value, measure, or meaning

4. supervision – the act or process of directing during the carrying out of a task

5. apparatus - tools or equipment made for a particular task

6. matzoh - flat, unleavened bread, eaten especially by Jewish people during Passover

7. charlotte russe – a dessert consisting of a lining of ladyfingers or sponge cake filled with Bavarian cream

Chapter 3

1. scowling – scrunching up the brow in an expression of displeasure or anger

2. notable – worthy of being noticed

3. discarded – to get rid of especially if useless or unwanted

4. serials – a set of regularly presented (radio) programs

5. carbine – a short-barreled, lightweight firearm originally used by the cavalry

Chapter 4 1. rote – something you repeatedly do or say without thinking because it comes to you naturally 2. laxative – a drug that loosens or relaxes the bowels to relieve constipation

3. appendix – 3-4 inch long hollow tube connected to the large intestine but has no part in the digestion process

4. strenuous – physical activity that requires effort; energetic activity

5. incision – an open wound usually made in surgery: cut

Chapter 5 1. anticipation – looking forward to something in the future

2. integrate – to combine together: unite

3. lynched – to put to death (usually by hanging) without probable cause within the legal process

4. whitewash – to paint with a watered-down white color

5. anxious – extreme uneasiness of mind; fearful; worried; nervous

Chapter 6 1. deemed – to think, believe, consider

2. bevy – large group or collection

3. limber – capable of being shaped or bent: flexible, agile

4. manipulating – to manage or use skillfully

5. rigid – having no flexibility; unable to bend or shape; stiff, unyielding

6. transgressions – violation of law, command or duty; sin or wrongdoing

7. excruciating – causing great pain or anguish; very intense: extreme

Chapter 7

1. conviction –

2. infinite –

3. permeated –

4. adversary –

5. derision –

6. deflection –

7. alluded – Chapter 8

1. expansion –

2. proposition –

3. moored –

4. scanty –

5. verified –

6. resolute –

7. commendable –

8. bedeviled –

Chapter 9

1. pretense –

2. indiscriminate –

3. notoriety –

4. devious –

5. fiendishly –

6. disdain –

7. incursion –

Chapter 10

1. heady –

2. accumulate –

3. newfangled –

4. opaque –

5. decrepit –

6. ostracized –

7. vague –

Chapter 11 1. eviction –

2. predicament –

3. civilized –

4. immerse –

5. touted –

Chapter 12

1. stern –

2. defiant –

3. replete –

4. respite –

5. anarchist –

6. ethereal –

7. incomprehensible –

Chapter 13

1. eluded -

2. atrocious –

3. admonition –

4. canonization –

5. convoluted –

6. labyrinth –

7. compelled –

Chapter 14

1. truancy –

2. insolence –

3. mingled –

4. protagonist – 5. dilemma –

Chapter 15

Chapter 16