Your Children S Safety Is Our Concern!
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Your Children’s Safety Is Our Concern!
Hastings Area School System Transportation Department Hastings, Michigan 948-4418
Dear Parents and Students:
It is the responsibility of the Transportation Department of the Hastings Area School System to provide safe transportation for all Hastings students. Hastings school buses traveled over 360,000 miles last year in that pursuit and if we are to continue to maintain our fine record, we need the cooperation of everyone involved in the program.
This Transportation Handbook is being made available to explain the Transportation Department and the policies, rules, and regulations that everyone must know. We urge parents and students to read it carefully, making certain that they understand the information it contains, especially the “Conduct Rules and Regulations.”
We are looking forward to another year of serving the students of Hastings, and trust that it will be a happy experience for all of us.
James Vreugde Supervisor of Transportation Services Hastings Area School System
To Parents and Guardians
It is necessary for parents and guardians to support school safety rules and help their youngster abide by them for their own safety as well as for the safety of others.
Student management on the school bus is probably the biggest problem facing school bus drivers today. As in the classroom, student management on the bus is an important issue. There are, however, some differences. Unlike the classroom teacher, the school bus driver has her/his back to the students. Unlike the classroom teacher, the school bus driver has 50-80 students. A bus driver must control thousands of pounds of steel, glass, and rubber as she/he drives through traffic in varying road conditions. The school bus driver is constantly aware that a single lapse in concentration could result in a serious accident and possible injury or death to students on board the bus or to persons off the bus. To avoid distractions, it is imperative that the students be under control at all times.
It is essential to communicate to students the importance of good behavior on the bus. It is imperative that students hear this from parents and teachers as well as the Transportation Department staff. Parents are encouraged to do the following:
Stress the importance of remaining seated and reasonably quiet while the bus is in motion. Stress the importance of following the directions of the bus driver. Advise their students that Red Flashing Lights cannot stop oncoming vehicles. Students must take direction from the bus driver as well as look one more time before crossing the roadway. Reinforce that their students be at the bus stop five minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time. Escort kindergarten students to and from the bus stop. Discuss safety hazards involved in throwing anything out of a bus window or in putting any part of their body out of the window. Support the Hastings Area School System’s policies and procedures as they are established to ensure student safety.
Positive communication is also necessary to operate the transportation system. Parents need to communicate with the department staff and the drivers need to speak with parents if there are questions or behavior management problems. Parents need to let the Transportation Department know if there is a problem or perceived problem by identifying the day it happened and the bus number. Also, bus drivers need to know if students have any medical problems that may need to be addressed while on the bus, or personality conflicts with other students so that seating can be assigned. Parents, teachers, and the transportation staff all must set a positive example for our students.
It is the school system’s responsibility to: 1. Develop the bus routes and schedules. 2. Determine the mile computation as required by the Board of Education policy. 3. Provide appropriate student information to bus drivers. 4. Provide vehicles that meet or exceed the requirements of state laws pertaining to vehicles utilized to transport school students. 5. Provide adequate insurance coverage. 6. Hire certified and qualified staff. 7. Provide ongoing training for the Transportation Department staff. 8. Recommend to the superintendent when schools should be closed due to inclement weather. 9. Develop and administer disciplinary procedures for students who exhibit inappropriate bus riding behaviors.
It is the parent’s/Guardian’s responsibility to: 1. Have the student(s) at the bus stop at least five minutes ahead of the scheduled stop time. 2. Make arrangements to have an appropriate person at home at the designated drop off time if needed. 3. Take their youngster home if they become ill at schools. 4. Deliver medication directly to the school. 5. Keep animals away from the loading area. 6. Take responsibility for the safety of students to and from and at the bus stop. 7. Allow for three working days to make approved transportation changes. STUDENTS
It is the student’s responsibility to: 1. Obey the driver at all times. 2. Board the bus promptly. 3. Talk in a normal tone of voice. 4. Keep hands to themselves. 5. Stay in their seats facing forward while the bus is in motion. 6. Use appropriate language. 7. Refrain from eating or drinking on the bus. 8. NOT transport weapons or tobacco products on the bus. 9. NOT deface the bus. 10. Place all carry-on items in one’s lap. 11. Allow three people to sit in each seat (secondary and elementary). 12. Not take skate boards, scooters, and other similar items on buses.
Bus Stop Procedures
Drivers shall instruct students about the following safety procedures: 1. Students shall move well away from the side of the bus after leaving the bus. 2. Students are not to rush to bus. 3. Students are not to get the mail from the roadside mailbox until the school bus has departed. 4. If the students must cross the road, they shall be instructed to: a. Move at least 10 steps in front of the bus before starting across the roadway. b. Wait for the proper signal from the bus driver. (State law requires that students must cross in front of the school bus.) c. Stop at the traffic side of the bus, look left, right and left, and cross only when approaching traffic is stopped. d. Walk. 5. Drivers shall count the number of students who leave the bus to cross the roadway and count again before leaving the bus stop to account for all crossing students.
Students are to be at the bus stop five minutes prior to pickup time. Students are required to wait a minimum of 20 feet from the edge of the roadway, in an orderly group, and remain there until the bus has come to a complete stop before loading.
ALWAYS OBEY YOUR BUS DRIVER Crossing Paddle Procedures
Cross with the Paddle…
For student safety, the Hastings Area School System uses a uniform crossing signal when students cross the road to get to or from the bus. The bus driver uses a crossing paddle that is red (“stop”) on one side and yellow (“cross with caution”) on the other. Students learn this at Kindergarten Roundups and in early elementary programs by the Transportation Department Safety Team.
Students must follow the bus driver’s direction and always cross in front of the bus with the paddle. Before crossing the road, students should always check one more time after getting the “cross with caution” signal. All students of all ages are to follow the crossing paddle procedure. ALWAYS WATCH FOR YOUR BUS DRIVER’S SIGNAL!
Departure from the Building in the Afternoon:
All Hastings buses must maintain a very tight schedule in order to be on time.
Approximately five minutes after dismissal are allowed before the buses depart from the buildings in the afternoon. The school dismissal times will be determined and times will be published in local newspapers.
Students must board the buses in the designated loading area because bus drivers will not stop on the road to allow them to board.
Calling the Transportation Office:
If a student will not be attending classes, it is helpful and necessary that the parent contact the Transportation Office. Such cooperation gives the drivers the opportunity to make appropriate adjustments to their routes, not arriving late or early for other students. If a student will be absent for more than two days, the Transportation Office should be notified. If the bus arrives at a stop on five successive days and the student is not there, the bus will discontinue making that stop until the Transportation Office is notified that the student will be riding again. The Transportation Office is open every day of the school year at 5:30 a.m., which gives the parent or guardian time to call before it is time for the buses to leave on their runs. The telephone number at the Transportation Office is 948-4418.
If a child is injured on a bus or at a bus stop, a summary of the incident is to be reported to the bus driver. By law each bus is equipped with a first aid kit, which may be used to help with small cuts and abrasions. If an injury requires more extensive treatment, the bus driver will make the decision as to the best course of action to take at that time.
The Hastings Transportation Department has an excellent safety and maintenance record, but accidents and breakdown do occur and, in the event of either of these situations, the driver will instruct the children exactly what they must do.
Breakdowns are usually not of a serious nature. If a breakdown does occur, another bus will be used and the children transferred to it will continue on their way. There generally is no more than a five or ten minute delay in transporting the children home or to school.
Accidents involving school buses and other vehicles are rarely very serious. A greater time delay than a breakdown may occur, however, since the police will have to be contacted and they will want the names of all the students on the bus. In the event of an accident, the Transportation Office will be notified and kept informed of the situation. Radios on Buses:
All buses are equipped with radios for emergency purposes. If a bus develops mechanical problems or one of the students needs emergency treatment while being transported to or from school, the driver can call for assistance. However, the radios cannot be used to transmit personal messages to a driver or to passengers on the bus.
Evacuation drills are conducted three times a year in order to acquaint students and drivers with proper and time saving practices. The drills are conducted on the buses under the direction of the bus driver.
Should it become necessary to evacuate a bus due to an accident or a breakdown, the driver will instruct the students as to the proper action to take.
In most situations, students will be allowed to sit where they wish on the bus. If a problem does arise, the driver may assign seats as necessary. Perhaps only a few students will be assigned to a special seat, or in some instances, a whole group could be given a particular place to sit. The students are expected to take their assigned seats each day until the driver instructs them otherwise. The driver is authorized to assign seats as necessary.
Students should report any damage that is observed as soon as they enter their seats. Parents are responsible for damages to school buses, and students who are found guilty of this offense will be disciplined and will be denied bus privileges unless the cost of repairs for all damages are paid within the time specified.
Guest riders are not permitted unless they have been cleared through the Transportation Office. To arrange for a guest pass, please call the Transportation Office at 948-4418. Guest passes are limited to one day per guest. The number of guest passes may be limited based on seating space on the bus. While riding the bus, the guest must be accompanied by a Hastings Area School System student, at all times, and the host student will assume all responsibility for the guest. Guests are expected to follow all Hastings Area School System rules and regulations.
The Transportation Department is looking forward to a safe, efficient, and effective year of working as a team with parents and students. In order to maintain high safety standards, it is important that everyone work together. Please remember the bus driver is in complete charge at all times; students are not to question the driver’s authority.
For safety and consideration of others, Students must follow these Board of Education approved rules:
Be on time and board the bus safely. Buses cannot wait for tardy students.
Stay off roadway while waiting for the bus. Form a line to get on bus Walk to your seat, sit facing forward, keep feet on the floor, remain seated at all times, and share your seat willingly. (Up to three students are expected to sit on one seat.)
Keep aisles clear. All items you take on the bus must ride on your lap.
Keep all body parts and belongings inside the bus.
Leave the bus safely, through the front door; be sure the bus driver can see you.
These items are not to be transported on school buses: pets or other animals, glass containers or other fragile items, aerosol cans, radios or boom boxes, large band instruments, balloon, and other items that can become projectiles.
Food and beverages are not to be consumed on school buses.
No dangerous or harmful objects are allowed on the bus.
No drugs, alcohol, or tobacco are allowed on the bus.
Fighting, kicking, punching, pushing, pinching, spitting, arguing, teasing, taking anyone’s property, and similar inappropriate behaviors are not allowed.
No obscene or offensive language is allowed, and there is to be no shouting, screaming, or other loud noises. Talk in normal tones.
There is to be no cutting, puncturing, or tearing bus seats. Do not cause damage to the bus, on the inside or outside.
No objects are to be thrown at or on the bus, and no littering is allowed.
Students who fail to follow safety or behavior rules will receive a Bus Conduct Report that must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the bus driver before the student can ride the bus again. Generally, the first conduct report is a warning. Serious misbehavior or further reports of misbehavior will bring disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
Automatic Suspension (from school):
1. Tobacco use and/or possession of 3 days minimum (Additional days of suspension are given for second and third violations.)
2. Alcohol, use and/or possession of: 5-10 days minimum (Maximum days of suspension are given for second violations.)
3. Drug Abuse (controlled substances or look-alikes, and drug paraphernalia), Use, possession, selling and/or delivering of; 10 days minimum
4. Fighting, Intimidation, Insubordination, Forgery: 1-3 days suspension from school
5. Physical assault: 3-5 days suspension from school 6. Stealing: 3 days minimum
7. Vandalism: Restitution for materials and labor and possible suspension; possible suspension until full payment is received.
8. Arson: Permanent expulsion as required by law
9. False alarms, Fireworks, Misuse of safety equipment: 5 days minimum
10. Other rule infractions: Refer to Board of Education regulation JF/JFC/JG-R
There are many factors to be taken into consideration when the decision to close schools must be made because of inclement weather or other emergency situations. No matter what criteria are used to reach the decision and despite how carefully advance preparations are made, an emergency closing may inconvenience some people. Whatever decision is reached, it will not be satisfactory to everyone, but the safety of students is always the primary concern in any emergency closing.
Occasionally conditions allow the decision to be made well in advance of the next school day, but usually the decision is made during the early morning hours. Every effort is made to determine an emergency closing no later than 5:15 a.m., but there may be occasions when conditions don’t permit that. When possible, a delayed opening of the schools will be arranged. However, as soon as an emergency closing or a delayed opening is determined, the following radio and television stations are immediately notified through the Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN):
WBCH (1220) WBCH (100.0) WWMT (Channel 3) WBCK (930) WCUZ (101.3) WOTV (Channel 8) WKZO (590) WGRD (97.9) WOTV (Channel 41) WOOD (1300) WOOD (105.7) WZZM (Channel 13 WQLR (106.5)
If emergency situations arise or weather conditions deteriorate while classes are in session, the safety of students may require an early dismissal of school. In that event it is important that students, particularly younger children, understand what to do and where to go if adults are not at their homes.
When schools are closed because of weather or other conditions, evening classes and activities also may be cancelled and announcements about such cancellations will be made on radio stations WBCH. No media announcements will be made when schools are open as usual.
State law requires that schools provide a minimum number of hours of school, so it may be necessary to reschedule the hours that school must be closed. STUDENT INFORMATION
It is imperative for the Transportation Department to have on file as much information as possible about each passenger. In the event of an emergency it may be necessary to deal immediately with a child’s particular problem and the name and telephone number of each student’s physician must be available. Time may be essential in some instances and having this information at the Transportation Office will help insure that each child receives prompt and efficient attention. Please be sure each child’s school has up-to-date emergency information each year.
Hastings has a fine Transportation staff… the bus drivers are chosen with care and must meet the following criteria:
Criminal Check State of Michigan Certification – must renew every two years Special Driver License Certification – CDL BP Physical Examinations Driving/Road Test Pass drug/alcohol test – random testing throughout each year
The drivers must have an excellent driving record.
The drivers are very safety conscious and spend much of their own time participating in various functions to improve their driving and other useful skills. Drivers have attended the Regional Transportation and Safety Institute, which provides driver training at the Eaton Proving Grounds in Marshall, where they learn evasive and emergency maneuvers.
Hastings drivers safely transported over 2,400 students to school every day last year, covering over 2,000 miles per day. Each bus driver makes one run twice daily, with some making an extra run taking kindergarten students home at Noon.
The school bus drivers of the Hastings Area School System put forth their best efforts in the safe and efficient transportation of Hastings students and ask only the cooperation and understanding of the students and their parents in return.
Where Buses Can Travel
The Hastings Area School System transportation policy has included the following criteria for roads traveled by school buses:
Be at least 20 feet wide
Provide a location for change of bus direction with a minimum of backing
Have adequate shoulders to allow the bus to pull off the roadway
Be kept clear of snow, sleet, ice, vehicles, and other obstructions that would prevent safe travel of school buses
Have centralized bus stops for pick-up and take-home of students Not be located on private roads or drives
In addition, the Michigan Vehicle Code and Public Act 187 require the following procedures for bus stops:
Buses at stops must be clearly and continuously visible to motorists approaching and following buses for at least 400 feet on roadways with a speed limit of over 35 mph, and have a 200 foot visibility for roadways that are 35 mph or less.
Stops must be at least 50 feet from an intersection.
Students may be required to cross a two-lane road but never three or more lanes of traffic.
Motorist Reminder: Use Caution Around School Buses
Drive with care… school buses on the road!
About 23 Hastings Area School System buses will be on the road from 5:45 - 8:15 a.m. and from 2:15 – 5:00 p.m. every school day. Motorists are reminded to use caution around school buses and remember the School Bus Stop Law!
Vehicles must stop when a bus is stopped and displays the overhead alternating red flashing lights. Vehicles must be no closer than 20 feet in front of or behind the bus.
Drivers are to prepare to stop when there are flashing overhead amber lights or red warning lights on a moving bus.
Drivers may proceed with caution when there are flashing yellow hazard lights (on lower bus body).
Because school buses were manufactured in many different years, the Hastings Area School System’s bus equipment varies. As drivers meet or follow a Hastings Area School System bus, watch for these lights and equipment:
Eight-light with stop-arm system: Overhead amber and red lights plus a stop-sign arm on the driver’s side of the bus. Prepare to stop when overhead amber lights flash. Stop when the bus is stopped and the overhead red lights are flashing. The red lights will flash and the stop-arm sign will swing out when the bus door is opened.
When safe and practical to do so, buses will pull to the right shoulder to allow waiting traffic to pass.
Put Children’s Safety First Drive Safely! What Every Driver Must Know
1. Yellow lights are flashing – prepare to stop. 2. Red lights are flashing – stop no closer than 20 feet from the bus. 3. Red lights turned off – proceed.
1. Red lights are flashing and bus is moving – prepare to stop. 2. Red lights are flashing and bus is stopped – stop no closer than 20 feet from the bus. 3. When red lights are turned off – proceed.
Yellow hazard warning lights are flashing – proceed with caution.