Standing Committee Application s1
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APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists Standing Committee Application
The Standing Committees of APhA-ASP are as follows: Awards, Communications, Education, International, and Policy Standing Committee.
Any student member who has demonstrated leadership qualities within their own chapter is eligible for appointment. Current APhA-ASP Regional and National Officers are not eligible to be appointed to a Standing Committee. Appointments are made by the APhA-ASP National Executive Committee during their January Business Meeting. All applicants will receive notification of the status of their application by February 1, 2014.
The term of appointment is from the APhA2014 Annual Meeting to the APhA2015 Annual Meeting; therefore, applicants must have a graduation date of April 1, 2015 or later. Members of the Awards Standing Committee will serve from the APhA2014 Annual Meeting to July 15, 2015 in order to assist chapters with reporting.
All APhA-ASP appointed committee members are to remain in their first professional degree program during their complete terms of responsibility. Standing Committee Members occasionally are required to attend meetings and conferences during the school year. No monetary or material awards are provided to APhA-ASP Standing Committee Members.
Appointees must have a satisfactory record of academic performance (minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale, and non-curricular) and understand that the responsibility of being appointed to a committee will not negatively affect their current academic standing. Appointees must maintain a satisfactory record of academic performance (minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale, and non-curricular) throughout the term on the committee. Failure to do so may result in removal from the committee.
Serving as an APhA-ASP Standing Committee Member is rewarding and satisfying, both professionally and personally. At times, serving as a Standing Committee Member may be a very difficult and demanding job, but the position is meant to complement, not compete, with educational responsibilities. A Standing Committee Member’s education always takes the higher priority.
Permission from your APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor is required, and he or she must sign the application verifying that the information submitted is true and that the applicant has demonstrated leadership qualities that qualify him/her for an APhA-ASP Standing Committee appointment. If appointed, the student must have full support of the school administration.
Applicant’s Name: ______Page 1 of 6 D E A D L I N E A N D R E Q U I R E D M A T E R I A L S
Please read through the entire APhA-ASP Standing Committee Position Descriptions prior to completing the application. Type the application and use only the space provided. Do not include additional pages. All sections of the APhA-ASP Standing Committee Application need to be submitted to APhA Headquarters via email (to the APhA-ASP Inbox at [email protected]) by no later than 11:59pm (PST) on December 1, 2013. These sections include (please initial):
___ APhA-ASP Standing Committee Application
___ Digital-quality headshot (jpeg/tiff/etc.)
___ CV or resume
___ Unofficial transcript
___ Up to 2 letters of recommendation
Make a copy of the entire application for your records.
Print or type the application and adhere to the word limitations provided. Do not include additional materials.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the application for APhA-ASP Standing Committee, please contact:
Crystal Atwell, PharmD Lynette Plowden APhA Director of Student Development APhA Manager, Student Development Phone: 202-429-7586 Phone: 202-429-7514 Email address: [email protected] Email address: [email protected]
Event Event Date Standing Encouraged to Required to Committee Attend Attend APhA2014 March 28-31, 2014 A, C, E, I, P Yes — Academies Leadership Meeting April 25-27, 2014 A, C, E, I, P — Yes Summer Leadership Institute July, 2014 A, C, E, I, P Yes — World Congress July 31-Aug 10, 2014 International Yes Yes* Midyear Regional Meetings Oct/Nov, 2014 C, E, I, P Yes — Awards Committee Meeting Nov, 2014 Awards — Yes APhA2015 March 27-30, 2015 A, C, E, I, P — Yes * Denotes Contact Person
Applicant’s Name: ______Page 2 of 6 APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists Application for Appointment to Standing Committee
S E C T I O N I – C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N
A. Standing Committee of Interest: (if you are interested in multiple Committees, please rank your choices 1 through 5) Awards _____ Communications _____ Education _____ International _____ Policy _____
In addition to selecting a committee if you are interested in serving as vice chair check below: Vice Chair ______
International Committee: SEO-Elect (2 year position) _____ Contact Person _____ Project Coordinator _____
B. Name:
______(Last) (First) (Middle or Middle Initial)
C. Name of School of Pharmacy you attend / anticipated graduation date:
D. Address (February/March):
______(Street) (Apt. No.)
______(City) (State) (Zip)
______(Home Number with Area Code) (Mobile Number with Area Code)
______(Email Address)
E. Do you plan to attend the APhA2014 Annual Meeting & Exposition in Orlando, FL?
Yes _____ No _____
F. Will your school or college of pharmacy schedule and school administration allow you to attend the APhA Academies Leadership Meeting, April 25-27, 2014?
Yes _____ No _____
Applicant’s Name: ______Page 3 of 6 S E C T I O N I I – B A C K G R O U N D & E X P E R I E N C E
A. List any previous leadership experiences you have had on the international, national, state and local levels. Be sure to include any specialized talents, or skills, along with all pertinent information that indicates your qualities to fulfill the appointed position you seek. Also, specifically list any positions you have previously held in APhA-ASP on the local, regional, national, and/or international level. (500 words)
B. Please describe why you would like to serve on the ______(please fill-in) Committee(s) and what contributions you will make to benefit the American Pharmacists Association and the APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists? (500 words)
Applicant’s Name: ______Page 4 of 6 S E C T I O N I I I – S T A T E M E N T O F C O N S E N T
I am aware of the responsibilities outlined for the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) Standing Committee position to which I am seeking appointment.
If appointed, and I find that I am unable to fulfill the duties for that position; I understand that APhA has the authority to replace me with a qualified applicant.
If appointed, I agree to serve APhA and APhA-ASP to the best of my ability and to the best of my knowledge.
If appointed, I agree to serve APhA and APhA-ASP with sound moral and ethical judgment and understand that APhA may remove me from my position if my actions violate sound moral and ethical judgment.
If appointed, I understand that I, upon the discretion of APhA, I may have to resign from any local, regional, national, or international positions held in APhA-ASP or other pharmacy associations.
I have read, understand, and will comply with the APhA-ASP Standing Committee Position Descriptions.
I am currently in good academic standing at my school or college of pharmacy. I understand that if appointed to the position, I must maintain successful academic performance throughout my term in office.
I understand that my picture, email address and qualifications may be posted on the APhA-ASP website, used in APhA-ASP publications and will be utilized during the APhA Annual Meeting.
I understand that APhA reserves the right, upon its discretion, to remove any elected or appointed officer from their position.
I agree that all statements on this application are true. I understand that any false statements or the failure to complete this application accurately may result in my disqualification as a candidate for an APhA-ASP elected or appointed position.
Signature of applicant: ______
Please print name here: ______
Date signed: ______
Applicant’s Name: ______Page 5 of 6 S E C T I O N I V – C H A P T E R A D V I S O R ’ S A P P R O V A L
Dear APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor:
One of your students, ______(applicant’s name), is seeking a standing committee position in the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP). All APhA-ASP elected or appointed officers are to remain in school during their terms of office and occasionally attend meetings and conferences during the school year. At times, serving as an APhA-ASP Standing Committee Member is a difficult and demanding job, but the position is meant to complement, not compete, with a student’s education. An elected or appointed officer's education always takes the higher priority.
The APhA-ASP National Executive Committee and APhA staff would like to know if you support this individual's efforts to seek a standing committee appointed position. After reviewing the information submitted by the applicant, please sign this form if you can attest that:
The applicant, as a student in your school or college of pharmacy, has a satisfactory record of performance (academic: minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale, and non-curricular);
That the responsibility of being appointed as an APhA-ASP Standing Committee Member will not negatively affect the student's current academic standing;
That the student is capable of fulfilling his/her responsibilities as an APhA-ASP Standing Committee Member;
That the student is of sound moral and ethical judgment; and
That, if appointed, the student will have the full support of the dean and chapter advisor(s) of your school or college of pharmacy.
In addition, please understand that if appointed to this position, it will be necessary for the student to travel throughout the year. The student is required to attend the APhA Academies Leadership Meeting in Washington, DC (three days in April or May), the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition (five days in March) as well as participate in the APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meetings (three days in October or November).
Signature of advisor: ______
Please print name here: ______
Date signed: ______
Applicant’s Name: ______Page 6 of 6