Minutes of the Indian Hills Association Board Meeting
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The meeting was called to order at 9:32 a.m. at 642 Agaming Road, Fontana, Wisconsin. Directors in attendance were: Mick O’Connell, Ken Jacobs, Steve Fischer, David Jensen, Kathy Zettek, Nancy Neumeister, Rick Pappas, Joe Meier and Lisa Trajkovich . Historian Barb Samuels was also present.
Director Zettek made a MOTION to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2008 Board Meeting. Director Fischer Seconded and the MOTION carried.
President – Micki O’Connell The former Klauser residence at 731 Aweogon Road has been served by the village with a raze order, as the residence is uninhabitable. Barb Samuels has purchased new software to create pdf files of IHA documents. Leaf and brush pick up is still available, but you must call the village to schedule a pick up.
Secretary – Rick Pappas Director Pappas made a MOTION to appoint Annette Honquest to the Nominating Committee to replace Jerry Pepping. Director O’Connell Seconded and the MOTION carried.
Piers – Joe Meier The piers have been installed. We will schedule painting. We have purchased a new No Wake buoy and Swim Area buoy. A couple of boat mooring buoys will also be replaced. No Parking, Loading and Unloading Only signs will be stenciled onto the end of the boat pier.
A couple of PWC Lifts will need repair. The damage is caused by turning the crank will in the wrong direction. Individual PWC Lift users will be held accountable for damage they cause.
Treasurer – Dave Jensen The lifeguard contract has been renewed for the 2008 season. Four liens were placed on members this year. Two have been satisfied in full with fees and interest. One is only partially satisfied. Director O’Connell made a MOTION to purchase a new Slow Children sign and 5 mph Speed Limit signs. Director Meier Seconded and the MOTION carried.
Lakefront – Steve Fischer Our lakefront lighting has been completed. We are now in compliance with the Village ordinances. We will purchase more of the composite chairs for the lakefront. The sand box has been purchased and will be installed by our landscaper. Thank you to the Buchholtz family for their donation towards the sandbox. We will look into ways to improve the shore path. We will continue to add plantings to help restore our lakefront hill. Bids for locker repairs will be solicited. Security will now patrol the lakefront park after dark.
Harbormaster – Ken Jacobs We have 3 Ramps and 1 Buoy available for rental. There is a waiting list for lockers. If you are not planning on using your locker, please make it available for rental. The correct numbers and locations for buoys are on the chart at the top of the lakefront or the chart on the website. Ignore the numbers on the actual buoys themselves. Boating Facility Transfers The Klauser Locker has been sold to Thurow. The R. Honquest PWC Lift has been sold to C. Anderson (upgrade) The C. Anderson Ramp has been sold to Hartner-DelGrosso The Karsten Ramp has transferred to Windhill LLC with home purchase The Karsten Locker has transferred to Windhill LLC with home purchase
Roads – Nancy Neumeister Much discussion was held about amending the By-Laws to include a Road Deposit. The village requested permission to remove the pillar on the Southwest corner of Indian Hills Road and South Lakeshore Drive. Director Jensen made a MOTION to deny the village permission to remove the pillar on the Southwest corner of Indian Hills Road and South Lakeshore Drive. Director Meier Seconded and the MOTION carried.
Social – Kathy Zettek The Kick Off Party is scheduled for June 28th. It will be a barbeque picnic. The price is $15 for Adults, $8 for children 4-10 years old and free for children 3 and under. A progressive house party is scheduled for August 2. More details to follow.
Membership – Lisa Trajkovich We plan on issuing a new directory at the Annual Meeting. A form to provide your current information is available on the website. You can fill it out on the website and transmit it directly to Lisa or you can print it and hard mail it to Lisa Trajkovich at 3803 Great Hill Crystal Lake, IL 60012. Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated.
Barb Samuels’s tremendous effort has made our website the best on the lake. In appreciation of her work the Board presented Barb with a gift certificate to Gordy’s.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 21st, 2008 at 639 Aweogon Road. Director Zettek made a MOTION to adjourn the meeting. Director Pappas Seconded and the MOTION carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m. Respectfully, Rick Pappas, Secretary Indian Hills Association WEBSITE: Our new website, www.indianhillsassociation.org , has been up and running since November 2005. Email us any digital pictures you’d like to see published on the IHA website. We’d love your input! Please inform us of any changes in address, phone number or email addresses.