Human Reproduction/Body Changes

Name ______PD _____ EVEN/ODD Lesson 1 Vocabulary growth spurt sperm fertilization ovum/egg

ovary menstruation fetus

puberty adolescence testes

1. A sex cell made by males is ______.

2. ______are one of the two organs of the female reproductive system that makes eggs and the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

3. The male reproductive organs that make sperm and the hormone testosterone______.

4. ______occurs when one sperm and one egg come together, the combination of the 2 reproductive cells.

5. The sex cell made by females in the ovaries are called ______.

6. The monthly breakdown and shedding of the lining of the uterus during which blood and tissue leave the woman’s body through the vagina is called ______.

7. ______is a period of rapid growth.

8. Once an egg is fertilized, the result is a developing human called a ______.

9. ______is the period of time during adolescence when the reproductive system becomes mature.

10. ______is the stage of development during which humans grow from childhood to adulthood. Name ______PD ______EVEN/ODD Lesson 1 Review

1. How is a fertilized cell formed? ______

2. What are male reproductive cells called? What is the female reproductive cell called? ______

3. How does the fertilized cell grow? ______

4. What is a growth spurt? ______

5. Who usually goes through a growth spurt first, boys or girls? ______

6. What is puberty? ______

7. What is the main function of the male reproductive system? ______

8. How can males practice good hygiene? ______

9. What are the two main functions of the female reproductive system? ______

10. How can females practice good hygiene? ______

11. What is menstruation? ______Name ______PD ______EVEN/ODD Lesson 2 Vocabulary Matching

_____ 1. the passing down of traits from A. inherited traits parents to their biological child B. dominant C. heredity _____ 2. Long strands of matter located in D. chromosomes the cell nuclei; contain codes for all E. recessive your inherited traits F. genes

_____ 3. Tiny bits of information on chromosomes; influence heredity

_____ 4. Describes the stronger gene of a pair; this gene’s codes keep codes on the recessive gene from being carried out

_____ 5. Describes the weaker gene of the pair; its codes are “hidden” by the codes on the dominant gene

_____ 6. Characteristics received from parents; they affect the way you look and act

Pick two of the vocabulary words above and write a sentence displaying your knowledge of their meaning. DO NOT re-write the definition!

7. ______

8. ______Name ______PD ______EVEN/ODD Lesson 2 Review 1. What is heredity? ______

2. What are three examples of inherited traits? ______

3. With the exception of reproductive cells, how many chromosomes do each of the cells of the human body have? ______

4. What is the difference between a gene and a chromosome? ______

5. How many chromosomes do the reproductive cells have? ______

6. How much of the genetic material in a fertilized cell comes from the mother and how much from the father? ______

7. How is DNA for inherited traits passed onto the fetus? ______

8. What combination of chromosomes determines that a fertilized cell will become a boy? What combination of chromosomes determines that a fertilized cell will become a girl? ______

9. When a gene from the mother and a gene from the father contain different directions (B and b), which directions are carried out? Do Not put a B or b!!! ______

10. What causes a recessive gene to have its codes carried out? ______

11. If a person shows a dominant trait, does this mean that his or her parents do not carry the recessive trait? ______12. What are sex-linked traits? ______Name ______PD ______EVEN/ODD Lesson 3 Vocabulary Matching

_____ 1. Reproductive organs that make A. endocrine glands reproductive cells and hormones B. pituitary gland C. thyroid gland _____ 2. Gland that controls how fast D. gonads cells turn nutrients into energy E. hormones F. puberty _____ 3. Organs that make up the endocrine system G. endocrine system H. adrenal glands _____ 4. Glands that control how the body uses nutrients

_____ 5. Body system that directs certain activities, such as growth and development

_____ 6. Time of life when males and females begin producing reproductive cells

_____ 7. Gland that produces growth hormones

_____ 8. Chemical messengers that help control some of the body’s activities by changing the way cells work

On the lines below, write a short paragraph using 3 of the terms above. Underline the term once used. ______Name ______PD ______EVEN/ODD Lesson 3 Review

Fill in the blanks to complete the outline. Use your notes to help you.

1. Pituitary Gland A. Location/What does it look like? - ______B. Function/What does it produce? - ______

2. Thyroid Gland A. Location/What does it look like? - ______B. Function/What does it produce? – ______

3. Adrenal Gland A. Location/What does it look like? - ______B. Function/What does it produce? – ______

4. Gonads A. Location - Male______

Female______B. Function/What does it produce? – Male ______

Female ______