Csds Lead Consortium Member Memorandum of Agreement

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Csds Lead Consortium Member Memorandum of Agreement

"Consortium") WHEREAS AND “ Program the Data(herein called Community through the Consortiums providersto Data Community other anddata Canada Statistics WHEREAS AND BETWEEN: ismade (the“Agreement”) Memorandumthis of Agreement This of the the Lead. of boundaries geographic the within operating and goal service public a of implementation DataConsortium" "Community their within trends economic and social on report and Agreement;described inthis asmore particularly individual communities, monitor to order in providers Members allow to designed "CDP" or Program" Data "Community corresponding the have shall to attributedthem: meanings terms following the Agreement, this of purposes the For 1.0 herein parties covenants the acknowledged, mutual hereby is the which and of forth: hereinafter set as agree hereby sufficiency currency and receipt Canadian the of contained, ($2.00) DOLLARS TWO THEREFORE, NOW Consortiumin the membersofCDP. the of other participation WHEREAS AND TERMS &DEFINITIONSTERMS CCSD organizes the collection, organization and dissemination of data from data of dissemination and organization collection, the organizes CCSD having an office at P.O Box 13713, Ottawa, Ontario, K2K 1X6Ontario, K2K Ottawa, 13713,Box P.O office anat having MAILING ADDRESS.MAILING NAME CONSORTIUM P.O. Box13713, P.O. ON 1X6Ottawa,K2K CANADIAN COUNCIL ON SOCIALDEVELOPMENTCANADIAN ON COUNCIL a corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada, ofunderlawsCanada, corporation a the incorporated h ed i ebr o omnt aa Cnotu (the Consortium Data Community a of member a is Lead the the Consortium wishes to participate in the CDP and to facilitate the facilitate to and CDP the in participate to wishes Consortium the the parties to this Agreement witnesseth Agreement this to parties the THE COMMUNITY DATAPROGRAMCOMMUNITY THE COMMUNITY DATACONSORTIUMCOMMUNITY MEMORANDUMAGREEMENT OF to access customized data from Statistics Canada and other and Canada Statistics from data customized access to (herein called the (hereinthe called“Lead”) (herein called “CCSD”) means , having an office at at office an having |

a local network of organizations focused on the on focused organizations of networklocal a T: 613.236.8977 means CDP

”); the program described herein, and herein, described program the | [email protected] CONSORTIUM |

www.ccsd.ca DAY, MONTH, YEAR. DAY, that in consideration of consideration in that ,

Page 1 of 10 "Term" "Term" Consortium to Program Data Data Community Community the approved with Program andtablesservices. data to allaccess enable an registered formally with and affiliated Organization Member formally is who member User" Data "Community Members.communication targeting general an join to and services, eligible building otherwise not but capacity & training or acquisition data Program, from benefit not will Partners Consortium. existing Data Community the from benefiting Partner" Program Data "Community Consortium. Data Community Lead. the of area catchment a the with consistent as mandate a with centres serve research not affiliated of may exception the with institutions, post-secondary but and mandate; national a CCSD, with the organizations by organizations; for-profit include membership determined for eligible not as Organizations basis, case by a on case membership for considered be may mandate province-wide a with Consortium. Organizations a joined has which level, sub-provincial the at operating and goal” service public a of implementation the on “focused organization sector voluntary or para-public Organization" Member Consortium Data "Community with CCSD. Agreement of Memorandum a into entering for responsibility assuming Consortium the (Lead): Organization Lead Consortium Data Community 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 CCSD will publish an annual report of the Community Data Program, to include a include to Program, Data Community the of report annual an publish will CCSD both byparties. writing be signed shall and to committed agreement such any and basis negotiated occasion per a on Lead Consortium be the and CCSD between will visits these with associated expenses the for Responsibility agreement. mutual by arranged be may visits Site Agreement. this of term the during Lead the to email and telephone by support ongoing provide shall CCSD third from delivery following practicable reasonably providers. party data as soon as posted be will this of matter subject the is Data way. any in public made or posted is B that Schedule in specified or Agreement data any before Lead the advise shall CCSD products. arrangements those for licensing and providers data from acquired products data regarding communications all for contact official the as act will CCSD CDP. the for organization host the is CCSD CCSD OF RESPONSIBILITIES advance of March 31 of each programeach year.of March of 31 advance next-year and in organizations Lead with revenue, shared be shall report annual and The projections. budget expenditures actual and budgeted of comparison means the term of this Agreement, as set out out asin 11.1 section this set term Agreement, of the means P.O. Box13713, P.O. ON 1X6Ottawa,K2K will not be invited to participate in Member meetings or receive or meetings Member in participate to invited be not will ror Ue""User" or or means | T: 613.236.8977 "Partner" "Partner"

n epoe, cnrco r ohr staff other or contractor employee, an | means an means [email protected] or "Member" "Member" A member organization of organization member A

organization interested in interested organization | www.ccsd.ca means a public, a means

Page 1 of 10 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 4.1 4.0 3.8 3.7 l riigmtrasadtcncldcmnainue,cetdo rdcdproduced or created originatingorganization. propertyof shallthe Agreement the remain this under used, documentation technical and materials training All PROPERTY INTELLECTUAL its Consortium. of to fromthe shallinformation members all CCSD received communicate The Lead 3.7.2 3.7.1 advise and community its in Consortium permittedto:beThe Leadshall requests membership. anyfor CCSD of the for lead the as act will Lead The possible. members asofisreportedsoon to anyCCSD its as by data the of use unauthorized any that and Licence Sharing the and Agreement this of requirements other and licensing all with complies it that ensure shall Lead The these of copies file.on agreements signed keep also shall Lead The providers. shall data party Lead third to the policy, government or delivery for Licence Sharing the of copies signed by-law original the with CCSD provide law, applicable any the to of Subject member a by engaged formally contractors member.behalfof a on the usedata to Consortium private include Users have inB. Schedulespecified data Consortium each within users the to access all given be will Consortium the before Licence, End-Use the received that evidence provide shall Lead The (the administrator licence its as act to person Administrator”)ofAgreement.this “Licence one designate and Sharing Licence a sign Members all ensure to efforts reasonable make shall Lead The of form the in Agreement Licence End-Use “End-UseLicence”). D (the Schedule Consortium Data the the of and and Licence”) Agreement this of terms the Sharing Products (the“Data C ofSchedule form inthe Licence Sharing Products by abide to agrees Lead The THE CONSORTIUM ORGANIZATION LEAD OF RESPONSIBILITIES receive any information related to the subject matter of this Agreement this matter subject Agreement of to the related information receive any isAgreement the of matter subject the to relation in meeting and calls conference all attend P.O. Box13713, P.O. ON 1X6Ottawa,K2K | T: 613.236.8977 | [email protected] | www.ccsd.ca

Page 1 of 10 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.0 ed, uig a dcso aig poes cnitn ih te Program the with consistent process making decision a inMarch2011. Model approved Governance using Consortium all of consensus Leads, the without occur will increases Fee Program No members of members. among shared inConsortium, eachbe can and included number the of regardless same the remains Fee Consortium The 1. Table using area catchment Consortium the of population the of basis the on The CCSD. in membership of cost the includes Fee Administration Program the of Payment Lead. Consortiumincluding each the Member of The each to applied Fee Consortium a and consortium. Consortium, each of member each to applied Fee Administration an components: two comprises Fee Program The STRUCTURE FEE PROGRAM Consortium Fee Consortium diitain Fee Administration P.O. Box13713, P.O. ON 1X6Ottawa,K2K Catchment PopulationArea Consortium

1,000,000 450,000 450,000 500,000 550,000 600,000 650,000 700,000 750,000 800,000 850,000 900,000 950,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 50,000 50,000 Table 1 Consortium Fee Structure Fee Consortium 1 Table - - is payable annually by each Consortium and is calculated calculated is and Consortium each by annually payable is s a nul fe o 15 pybe b ah each by payable $125 of fee annual an is 49,999 99,999 149,999 199,999 249,999 299,999 349,999 399,999 449,999 499,999 549,999 599,999 649,999 699,999 749,999 799,999 849,999 899,999 949,999 999,999 + | T: 613.236.8977 ConsortiumFee Annual | [email protected]

$ 5,000 $ 5,750 $ 6,499 $ 7,249 $ 7,998 $ 8,748 $ 9,497 $ 10,247$ 10,996$ 11,746$ 12,495$ 13,245$ 13,994$ 14,744$ 15,493$ 16,243$ 16,992$ 17,742$ 18,491$ 19,241$ 19,990$ | www.ccsd.ca

Page 1 of 10 6.1 6.0 6.2 For the purposes of this Agreement, the main contact for CCSDforshall the be: Agreement,main contact this the of purposes For the for this section.of purposes address its change above, provided as given Notice by time, or to time fax from by transmitted if may, day party Any mailing. of date business the following day business third next the on and email, the on hand, by delivered if delivery of date the on received been have to deemed be shall it given, so is Notice any If Email: Email: (613) 236-8977 Tel: 1X6 Ontario K2K Ottawa, 13713Box P.O. CouncilSocialDevelopmenton Canadian CEOand President, Taillon Peggy Ms. Email: Fax: Attention: ______Email: Fax: Attention: ______Lead: or mail fax, hand, by delivered and writing in addresses:the partiesfollowing toat the email is it if party given either sufficiently to be (“Notice”) Agreement shall this under given be to permitted or quired re document or demand request, communication, notice, consent, approval, Any NOTICES CCSD:

taillon P.O. Box13713, P.O. ON 1X6Ottawa,K2K [email protected] | T: 613.236.8977 | [email protected] | www.ccsd.ca -

Page 1 of 10 8.0 7.2 7.1 7.0 6.3 8.2 8.1 April of 2012 and subsequent years up to 2016)years subsequent to up of 2012 and April B Option 2016) through A Option HST……………………$XX.XX 1) Table on (based Fee………$XX.XX Consortium HST……………………$XX.XX 1)Table on(based $XX.XX Fee……… Consortium combine to opt may Leads Option Consortium B. using payments multipleupfront, Members. Consortium of number the of regardless applies fee same The tax. services Fees& sales/goods box. of the exclusive following are the by in reflected CCSD as to Members of annually behalf on paid Lead Consortium and calculated are Fees Consortium Program or CCSD, to Members by directly Members. toof CCSDbehalf on paid ConsortiumLeadsand by collected paid be may Fees Administration Program SCHEDULE PAYMENT budget resulting the and program, the joining data Program from to fees. acquire available and Partners complexity and the Consortia of new factor of number the data a and, CCSD; by negotiated of price Members, the and cost products data Program of volume the the on by dependent be desired will products Dividend Data Community annual An the with consistent 2011 model approved in March governance Leads, Consortium Data Community among consensus on based be will across-the- decision final The Fees. an Consortium in reduction percentage board introducing and/or for services opportunities and products identify data to increasing review either budget Program annual an lead will CCSD REVIEW ANNUAL FEE Email: Tel: Address: Organisation: Title: Name: thebe:forLead shall the Agreement,main contact this the of purposes For (Any combination of Annual and Combined payments, payable on the 1 the on payable payments, Combined and Annual of combination (Any (Annual Payments of $XX.XX due on the 1 the on due $XX.XX of Payments (Annual P.O. Box13713, P.O. ON 1X6Ottawa,K2K | T: 613.236.8977 . | [email protected] st of April in the years 2012 years the in April of | www.ccsd.ca st of

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Page 1 of 10 14.1 14.0 13.1 13.0 12.3 12.2 12.1 12.0 16.2 16.1 16.0 15.1 15.0 codne wt hs Scin oie eiee y proa eiey by delivery, personal by delivered Notices in other the Section. to notice this by above with out set accordance address the change may party Each party’s control.such reasonable beyond events by caused delay or failure any for other the to liable be shall party Neither GENERAL fundamental damages.such the possibility advised of of been (including contract in has arising party breaching the if even otherwise, consequential or negligence), whether (including tort breach), and or profits, incidental, lost and indirect, data, any for lost savings, lost liable business, lost limitation, without including kind, any of damages be agents) and officials elected employees, officers, directors, its (including party either shall event no In DAMAGES anyCONSEQUENTIAL NO to, the to errors, providers limited defect, data party any third not for by supplied liable CCSD. data but the not in is delays including, or CCSD omissions usage, non-infringement. and trade purpose, or particular a for fitness merchantability, of condition custom and warranty, representation, by arising or representations, implied express, warranties, whether hereof, all matter subject the are disclaims to relating conditions CCSD products and data basis. such is” all “as that an on acknowledges supplied Lead The CCSD. to products data all of integrity and delivery the for responsible are providers data party Third DISCLAIMER data the of made uses of types data.that producedfrom products and received, the on annually CCSD to report will Lead The ADDITIONALCONSIDERATIONS Administration Fee. Program annual new an Allmembers pay must website. products the and the data given to access being before fees and costs applicable all pay CONSORTIUM and AGREEMENT LICENSE the USE DATA END of the receipt of acknowledge copies signed LICENSE, deliver SHARING must PRODUCTS Consortium the of members new All its additions membership. to proposed Consortium The MEMBERSNEW actual receipt. Notices delivered by first class mail shall be deemed to have to deemed be shall mail class of date received mailing thereof.three after days been first the by on delivered delivered Notices been have receipt. to actual deemed be shall email by or facsimile P.O. Box13713, P.O. ON 1X6Ottawa,K2K ut avs CD n wiig 0 dy n avne f any of advance, in days 30 writing, in CCSD, advise must | T: 613.236.8977 | [email protected] | www.ccsd.ca

Page 1 of 10 16.8 16.7 16.6 16.5 16.4 16.3 Agreement. WHEREOF, WITNESS IN 16.12 16.11 16.10 16.9 specified in Schedule B before CCSD receives such signed acknowledgement.CCSDsigned receivessuch before B in Schedule specified data the to access given be will users end its of any or member Consortium No the to agreeing and accepting member.respectConsortium to such of with CCSD hereunder rights acknowledging, hereto E Schedule of form the in acknowledgement an sign to member Consortium each cause shall Lead The the on binding be and of benefit the permitted assigns.and their successors respective parties, written to ensure prior shall the and without other, party the of either consent by assigned be not may Agreement This or partner. joint venturer employer-employee, principal-agent, of that privilege otherwise not and contractors independent or of that is or parties the power of relationship The right, invalid any be exercising in to party held either privilege. a ofright, power or as suchwaiver operate shall hereunder by is delay Agreement or No Agreement. failure this this of part form longer of no shall provision such unenforceable, provision any If and writing in made be must Agreement both byparties. signed be must this to modifications or additions All prior any supersedes herein. matter with and subject the cancels parties to respect with and parties the the between agreements herein, and understandings between matter subject agreement the entire to respect the constitutes Agreement This have shall Province such of courts arising the with hereunder. respect dispute to any non-exclusive jurisdiction and Ontario of Province the in force in laws the with accordance in construed and by governed be shall Agreement This their ofAgreement.provisionsthis the full extent, to implement to power its within reasonably be may as steps such all take and efforts reasonable use shall and Agreement, this to effect giving of purpose the for time to time from require and reasonably may hereto documents party other acts, the as things further such all delivered, or executed made, done, be to cause or deliver, or execute make, do, promptly shall hereto parties the of Each instrument.same the and one which of each counterparts, constitute shallwhich ofall and original more anbe to deemed be purposes allfor shall or one in executed be may Agreement This P.O. Box13713, P.O. ON 1X6Ottawa,K2K each of the parties hereto has executed and delivered this delivered and executed has hereto parties the of each | T: 613.236.8977 | [email protected] | www.ccsd.ca

Page 1 of 10 P.O. Box13713, P.O. ON 1X6Ottawa,K2K

| T: 613.236.8977

Lead Organization: Lead Title: Name: By: DEVELOPMENTSOCIAL CANADIAN ON COUNCIL Title: Name: By:

| [email protected]

| www.ccsd.ca

Page 1 of 10 INSERT NAME OF Community Data Consortium


P.O. Box 13713 Ottawa, ON K2K 1X6 | T: 613.236.8977 | [email protected] · www.ccsd.ca INSERT NAME OF Community Data Consortium



Schedule B shall be amended on an ongoing basis, relying on a priority setting exercise led by CCSD and carried out in consultation with Community Data Program Leads, using a decision making process consistent with the Program Governance Model of March 2011.

Schedule B shall contain a list of data products – including both data tables and analytical tools, the names of third party data product providers, expected data delivery schedule, and licensing requirements associated with each product, reflected in the following table. Product Name Provider Name Estimated Delivery Licensing Date Requirement 1. 2. 3.

All products currently under consideration for acquisition are described in greater detail in the following documents available at communitydata.ca: CCSD CDP Data Catalogue Descriptions_Ver1_Dec2011 CCSD CDP Product Reference Guide_Ver1_Dec2011

P.O. Box 13713 Ottawa, ON K2K 1X6 | T: 613.236.8977 | [email protected] · www.ccsd.ca INSERT NAME OF Community Data Consortium


Date Name Tile Organisation Address 1 Address 2 PC


Dear Licence Administrator:

This License authorizes the Member’s End Users to access the Community Data Program products listed in Schedule B.

The rights granted by this Licence are extended to the Consortium Member and to designated employees of such Member, and to other individuals working exclusively with or on behalf of the Consortium (collectively, the “End Users”).

As the Authorized Officer you shall be the official contact for all communications about this licence and its administration.

You are authorized to assign authorization to members of your organization to access data tables on the CDP website and/or to install the data products and/or any accompanying documentation and to permit access to these products at, or from separate local workstations, micro-computers or terminals operating either as stand-alone units or connected in a local network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN) in accordance with the following conditions.

As the Authorized Officer, you agree to ensure that employees of your organization are informed of the conditions of use of the data products as they appear in the CONSORTIUM END-USE LICENCE AGREEMENT, attached as Schedule D. This licence document shall govern the uses of the data products by all authorized users.

It shall be your responsibility to ensure the proper installation of any data products within the premises of your organization and to ensure that this utilization conforms to the terms of the CONSORTIUM END-USE LICENCE AGREEMENT.


The Canadian Council on Social Development shall terminate the authorization to use of any organization that is found to be in violation of this Agreement or the CONSORTIUM END-USE LICENCE AGREEMENT.

P.O. Box 13713 Ottawa, ON K2K 1X6 | T: 613.236.8977 | [email protected] · www.ccsd.ca INSERT NAME OF Community Data Consortium

In the event of termination, your authorization to access data from the CDP website will be revoked and you must erase any copies of these data products that may reside locally on any workstation, micro-computer or terminal in your organization and certify this removal in writing to the Canadian Council on Social Development. The Canadian Council on Social Development in turn shall advise third-party data providers that the organization in default is no longer authorized to use the data products.

Yours sincerely,

Peggy Taillon President Canadian Council on Social Development

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the terms and conditions under which third party provided data products can be made accessible to my organization and that the organization will abide by them.

Member Organization

Authorized Officer


Name (print)

( ) - Phone


P.O. Box 13713 Ottawa, ON K2K 1X6 | T: 613.236.8977 | [email protected] · www.ccsd.ca INSERT NAME OF Community Data Consortium


Form of:


This document sets out the conditions under which the data products listed in Schedule B can be used by the employees of (Name of Organization).

COPYRIGHT Third party data provider is the owner or a licensee of all intellectual property rights (including copyright) of the data products. As an employee of the organization (hereinafter referred to as the "licensee") has been granted a non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable licence to use the data products subject to the terms below. This license is not a sale of any or all of the rights of the owner(s).

TERMS OF USE 1. All copyright and proprietary notices and all conditions of use associated with the data products must be communicated to all users of the data product. 2. The licensee shall not lend, rent, lease, sub-licence, transfer or sell any part of the data products nor any right granted under this agreement to any person outside the licensed organisation or to any other organisation. 3. The licensee shall not disassemble, decompile or in any way attempt to reverse engineer any software provided as part of the data products. 4. The licensee shall not use any part of the data products to develop or derive any other data product or data service for distribution or commercial sale. 5. The licensee is granted reasonable rights of use of the content of the data products only for personal, corporate or public policy research, as well as for educational purposes. This permission includes the use of the content in analyses and the reporting of results and conclusions, including the citation of limited amounts of supporting data extracted from the data products in such documents. In such cases, the source of the data must be acknowledged in all such documents and communications by providing the following source citation at the bottom of each table and graph: Source (or "Adapted from", if appropriate): Name of data provider, name of product, catalogue number of product, reference date of product. 6. The Licensee shall obtain approval from the data provider, before publishing any significant volumes of material extracted from the data products in any medium. 7. Any violation of this license renders it void and of no effect. This agreement will terminate automatically without notice if the licensee fails to comply with any term of this agreement. In the event of termination, the licensee must immediately return the data products to CCSD or destroy it and certify this destruction in writing to CCSD.

WARRANTIES AND DISCLAIMERS The data products are provided "as-is", and third party data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will third party data providers be liable for any direct, special, indirect, consequential or other damages however caused.

P.O. Box 13713 Ottawa, ON K2K 1X6 | T: 613.236.8977 | [email protected] · www.ccsd.ca INSERT NAME OF Community Data Consortium

ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that your use of the data products complies with these terms and to seek prior written permission from CCSD for any uses not permitted or not specified in this agreement. Any infringement of third party data provider’s rights may result in legal action.


The Licence Administrator identified below shall be the official contact within the organization for any communication about the licence and its administration and has agreed to ensure that all authorized users are delivered a copy of this "CONSORTIUM END-USE LICENCE AGREEMENT" document.

For further information please contact the Canadian Council on Social Development.

You must obtain authorization from your Licence Administrator to utilize these products.

Your Licence Administrator is: and may be reached at TEL: .

P.O. Box 13713 Ottawa, ON K2K 1X6 | T: 613.236.8977 | [email protected] · www.ccsd.ca 17 INSERT NAME OF Community Data Consortium


Form of:


TO: Canadian Council on Social Development (“CCSD”) P.O. Box 13713 Ottawa, Ontario K2K 1X6


DATED: , 200 .

In consideration of (the “Consortium Member”) and its name of Consortium Member end users being granted access by CCSD to certain data originating from third party data providers, the undersigned Consortium Member, on behalf of itself and its end users, acknowledges, accepts and agrees to the rights of CCSD under that certain

Community Data Consortium Memorandum of Agreement dated

, 2012, as amended from time to time (the “Agreement”), with respect to the undersigned Consortium Member and its end users. For the purposes of this

Acknowledgement, such rights of CCSD shall be deemed to include, without limitation, the rights of CCSD appearing in the sections of the Agreement appearing under the following headings of the Agreement: RESPONSIBILITIES OF CCSD; TERMINATION;


Name of Consortium Member




P.O. Box 13713 Ottawa, ON K2K 1X6 | T: 613.236.8977 | [email protected] · www.ccsd.ca

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