Hampton Park Encouraging and Supporting Safety, Pride, Achievement, Respect and K Indness
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Hampton Park…Encouraging and supporting Safety, Pride, Achievement, Respect and Kindness Visit us at our website! http://hamptonpark.sd43.bc.ca 1760 Paddock Drive, Coquitlam, BC V3E 3N8 Phone:604-464-2549 Fax: 604-464-2571 March 4, 2016 #5
Second Term Report Cards will be sent home on Thursday, March 10th.
PAC hot lunch is scheduled for Wednesday, March 2nd and 9th. Hot lunch for April is on Wednesday, April 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th.
Our Book Fair is coming and should once again be a HUGE success! Sponsored by the PAC, the Scholastic Book Fair will run from March 7 to Mar 9. All commissions raised comes back to us in the form of books for Hampton Park! If you would like to volunteer please contact the office.
HEALTHY TREAT DAY Yummy! April’s Healthy Treat Day is April 14th. There will not be a Treat Day in March. Healthy Treats will be available to purchase for 50 cents each.
Next PAC Meeting: th Spring Break is March 12th – March 28th April 11 at 7pm in the Library. th School re-opens March 29 Everyone Welcome!
Coquitlam Minor Lacrosse Registration is Open for New and Returning Players!
Open to Coquitlam Residents only. Check our website for details.
http://www.coquitlamlacrosse.ca/default.aspx?p=registrationinformation The following documentation must be provided to have registration accepted: Proof of residency - a hydro, gas or property tax bill
Player’s Care Card
New Player Must Provide a Copy of their Birth Certificate
Registrar email: [email protected]
Check our website for details!! www.coquitlamlacrosse.ca
Games start April 11th!
Coquitlam Moody Minor Baseball Association wants YOU! It’s not too late to register but sign up now as teams are being formed. We also invite parents to participate as coaches, assistant coaches or team managers. If you’re interested in earning some money, the Association is always looking to recruit and train new umpires, young and old. All kids ages 4+ welcome Rally Cap division FREE this year! (born in 2011) All information on registration, divisions, umpiring, etc. can be found on our website: www.cmmba.com We look forward to seeing you on the diamond! REGISTRATION OPEN: www.cmmba.com COQUITLAM MOODY MINOR BASEBALLASSOCIATION PO Box 31069 #8 – 2929 St. John’s St. Port Moody, BC V3H 2C0 www.cmmba.com
SFU SPRING BREAK DAY CAMPS THE “SCHOOL OF WONDERSTANDING” 2016 The Professional Development Program at Simon Fraser University is excited to offer four days of hands-on, action-packed activities this Spring Break from Monday, March 21st through Thursday, March 24th, 2016 for students from grades K-5. The four days of activities will run from 9:00 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. each day. This unique opportunity is part of a wonderful community partnership between Simon Fraser University and School District 43. During the four days of our “School of Wonderstanding,” students will participate in a number of different activities such as cooking, crafts, indoor/outdoor games, dance, sports, science experiments, drama and of course, FUN. All sessions are fully supervised by Student Teachers in the Professional Development Program, as part of their teacher training. And they will be working under the supervision of certified teachers. Each session is designed to excite and delight participants with hands-on, creative learning opportunities to strengthen the connection of “wonder” and “understanding” of the world around us. The Maillard School of Wonderstanding camp will be facilitated by the Aboriginal stream of Simon Fraser University student teachers. This camp will incorporate traditional aboriginal cultural teachings as part of the program curriculum of this camp. The cost for all 4 days of activities is $60 per student, which includes supplies and materials. Participants will need to bring snacks, a bag lunch, a water bottle (with their name on it), dress comfortably and come ready to have FUN. ------HOW TO REGISTER Registration is ONLINE: To register for Aboriginal School of Wonderstanding Camp location please visit the Aboriginal Community Program page website and follow the link on the website to register. Paper Registration: To register by paper registration please download and print the registration form from the online registration site event (Karelo). If unable to print the forms please visit the office hosting the Camp you have chosen for paper copies. Please return the registration form to the Maillard school’s office with cash or cheque made payable to: SD43 Aboriginal Education There are a limited number of spaces. Priority will be given to those first registered and paid. You will be contacted only if the program is full or cancelled. *If you must cancel, please contact us as soon as possible. Refunds may not be available after the Camp begins. ------Aboriginal Community School Coordinator: Malcolm Key: [email protected] (604) 600-9350