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Rocky View Virtual School

Answer KEY Rocky View Virtual School Science Department

8 Copyright, 1999

Scienc e 9


 Students should be able to challenge their thinking processes.

 Students should be able to identify manipulated, responding and controlled variables.


As we have been developing process skills, the goal is to think differently. Our brains must be challenged to view information in various ways and to extend our thinking processes. Today=s lesson will aid in developing your creativity.

Test of Applied Creativity

Answer the following questions and TRAIN your BRAIN to think carefully !! :)

1. If an individual went to bed at 8 o=clock p.m. and set the alarm to get up at 9 o=clock in the morning, how many hours of sleep would he get? Answer: 1 hour. (Be careful, these questions can be tricky!) Now, answer the following questions in the same format.

2. How many birthdays does the average person have? Answer: one 3. Can a person living in Calgary be buried West of the Rocky Mountains?

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Teacher: Miss Yu Answer: No, a living person can=t be buried 4. If you had a match and entered a room in which there were a kerosene lamp, an old heater and a wood burning stove, which item would you light first? Answer: match 5. Some months have 30 days, some 31; how many have 28? Answer:12 all months 6. If your doctor gave you three pills and said to take one every half hour, how long would it take to take all three pills? Answer: 1 hour 7. A house is built so that each side had a southern exposure. If a bear were to wander by the house, most likely the colour of the bear would be Answer: white - house on the north pole to have all sides have a southern exposure 8. How far can a dog run into a forest? Answer: 2 way - past will be running out of the forest 9. There are two Canadian coins that total 55 cents. One of the coins is not a nickel. What are the two coins? Answer: 50 cent piece and a nickel 10. What is the minimum number of active baseball players on the field during any part of an inning? How many outs in an inning? Answer: one , 6 outs 11. A farmer had 17 sheep. All but 9 died. How many does the farmer have left? Answer: 9 sheep 12. Divide 30 by one-half and add 10. What is the answer? Answer: 70 30 divided by 2 is 60, add 10 is 70 13. Two men were playing chess. They played five games and each man won the same number of games. How is that so? Answer: each won 2 and 1 stalemate 14. How many animals of each species did Moses take aboard the ark with him? Answer: zero - it was Noah who took them 15. Take two apples from three apples and what do you have? Answer: 2 apples 16. An airplane crashed on the border of Alberta and B.C. All but three aboard were killed. Where will they bury the survivors? Answer: can=t bury survivors 17. How much dirt may be removed from a hole that is 1 m deep, 70 cm wide, and 5 m long? Answer: zero - a hole is empty with no dirt 18. An archeologist claimed she found some gold coins dated 46 B.C. Do you think she had

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Teacher: Miss Yu them? Answer: No, no coinage before B.C. 19. A lady gave a beggar 50 cents. The lady noted that the beggar was not her brother, yet the lady is the beggar=s sister. Explain. Answer: The beggar is a woman 20. Is it legal in Alberta for a man to marry his widow=s sister? Explain. Answer:No, the man is dead 21. If your bedroom were pitch dark and you needed a matching pair of socks, how many socks will you need to take out of the dresser if there are 25 white and 25 blue? Answer: 3- any combination will provide a white pair or a blue pair of socks 22. Which word in this test is misspelled? Answer: mispelled 23. Which would you prefer, a truckload of nickels or half a truckload of dimes? Answer: dimes are smaller and there would be more 24. There are 12 one-cent stamps in a dozen, but how many two-cent stamps are there in a dozen? Answer:12 (dozen is 12) 25. A monkey at the bottom of well tries to climb out. Each day he jumps up three feet and slips back two. At that rate, when will the monkey reach the top? Note: The well is ten feet deep. Answer: 8 days 26. Which is correct: 8 and 8 are 15, or 8 and 8 is 15? Answer: 8 and 8 is 16 27. If three cats kill three rats in three minutes, how long will it take for 100 cats to kill 100 rats? Answer: 3 minutes Email me your answers for the Test of Applied Creativity as an attachment. Use your copy and past functions in WordPerfect and type in the answers below the question. Attach it to your email. Miss Yu=s email is : [email protected] Subject Heading is : Science 9 - Creativity

Process Skills - Variables

Scientists use the term variables to help isolate factors that may affect a certain situation they are studying.

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Teacher: Miss Yu Variables: The things (factors) that change or can be changed in an experiment which may influence (affect) the result.

There are three different kinds of variables:

MV - Manipulated Variable: The condition or measurement regulated by the scientist or experimenter. On a graph, this always plotted on the X-Axis (i.e. the horizontal axis).

RV - Responding Variable: The data/factor in an experiment that changes as a result of changes to the manipulated variable. On a graph this is always plotted on the Y-Axis. (I.e. the vertical axis).

CV - Controlled Variable: Any factor that remains the same throughout an experiment. IT NEVER CHANGES. This variable is NEVER plotted on a graph.

Part I: MV and RV For each statement below, isolate the manipulated variable (MV) and the responding variable (RV). The first couple have been done for you.

Ex1. The time it takes to run a kilometer depends on the amount of exercise a person gets. Manipulated Variable (MV): amount of exercise a person gets Responding Variable (RV): time it takes to run a kilometer

Ex.2. The higher the temperature of water, the faster an egg will cook. Manipulated Variable (MV): temperature of water Responding Variable (RV): faster an egg will cook

In your notebook, answer the following:

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Teacher: Miss Yu 1. The temperature of the water was measured at different depths of a lake. Manipulated Variable (MV): Responding Variable (RV):

2. Grass will grow taller if it is watered a great deal and is fertilized. Manipulated Variable (MV): Responding Variable (RV):

3. The amount of algae growth in lakes seems to be directly related to the amount of fertilizer used on nearby farms. Manipulated Variable (MV): Responding Variable (RV):

Part II:

1. What effect does the speed a moving car have on its braking distance?

MV: speed RV: braking distance CV: road surface / braking system CV: Tire / drive type of car

2. Which type of paper towel will absorb the greatest amount of liquid?

MV: type of paper RV: absorb , volume of liquid CV: Type of liquid CV: Amount of paper towels used

3. Which brand of dish soap has bubbles that last the longest?

MV: brand of dish soap RV: bubbles that last the longest CV: Water temperature CV: Amount of soap / volume of water

4. Which type of ballpoint pen will last the longest?

MV: type of ballpoint pen

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Teacher: Miss Yu RV: last the longest CV: Paper you write on CV: Speed at which you write

5. Which kind of latex paint covers the largest area in one coat?

MV: kind of latex paint RV: Area covered CV: Amount of paint used / surface being painted CV: Paint brush / painter

6. How does the age of a hockey player affect the number of goals he scores?

MV: age of a hockey player RV: number of goals he scores CV: Goal tender / ice time / team mates CV: Same player

7. How does the amount of fertilizer added affect the growth of a plant?

MV: amount of fertilizer RV: growth of a plant? CV: Sunlight / type of plant CV: Water

8. Does the number of guns sold in a city affect the murder rate?

MV: number of guns RV: murder rate CV: Types of guns CV: Who you sell to .

9. How many hours of exercise per day increases a person=s lifespan the most?

MV: hours of exercise RV: increases a person=s life span CV: Diet / type of exercise CV: Occupation

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Teacher: Miss Yu 10. Does eating an apple a day really keep the doctor away?

MV: eating an apple RV: keep the doctor away CV: Time of day you eat CV: Kind of apple

Great job!! Email your Part I and Part II to Miss Yu at : [email protected] with the Subject Heading - Science 9 Variables

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Teacher: Miss Yu

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