United States History I: Final Exam Review Sheet s2

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United States History I: Final Exam Review Sheet s2

United States History I: Final Exam Review Sheet Columns Read Top to Bottom then Left to Right

Washington Legislature/Powers Gibbons v. Ogden Chapter 3: Section 1 & 4 Mercantilism and Hessians Executive/ Powers Worcester v. Salutary Neglect Georgia Proclamation of Lexington and Judiciary/ Powers Louisiana Purchase 1763 Concord 1803 Chapter 4: The Bunker/Breeds Hill Checks and Jefferson’s Embargo Revolution Balances Act Writs of Assistance Trenton and Bill of Rights Lewis and Clark Princeton Tea Act 1773 Saratoga Delegated Powers J. Madison Stamp Act Yorktown and Reserved Powers Causes of the War Treaty of Paris of 1812 Townshend Acts Chapter 5: Shared/Concurrent War Hawks Constitution Powers Intolerable Acts Constitutional Implied Powers Henry Clay Convention 1787 Quartering Act and Articles of Veto Power John Calhoun Boston Massacre Confederation Declaration of Shay’s Rebellion Elastic Dan Webster Independence Clause/Necessary and Proper Jefferson James Madison Chapter 6: Tippecanoe Launching a New Nation Loyalists/Tories Virginia Plan National Bank and William H. Harrison A. Hamilton Patriots New Jersey Plan Protective Tariff Tecumseh Sam Adams Roger Sherman Loose/Strict Andrew Jackson Construction Views of Constitution Sons of Liberty William Paterson Whiskey Rebellion Battle of New Orleans Committees of 3/5 Compromise Judiciary Act of Francis Scott Key Correspondence 1789 Patrick Henry Great Compromise Alien and Sedition Hartford Convention Acts King George III Federalist Papers John Marshall Treaty of Ghent and Authors Supreme Court Thomas Paine Branches of Marbury vs. Chapter 7 Common Sense Government Madison Sectionalism J. Monroe Martin Van Buren President Polk John Brown Era of Good Webster Hayne Manifest Destiny Harper’s Ferry 1859 Feelings Debate Adams Onis Treaty Nullification Spot Resolution Bleeding Kansas of 1819 Monroe Doctrine South Carolina Stephen Kearny Charles Sumner and Tariff Crisis Preston Brooks Clay’s American Force Bill/Bloody Gen Winfield Scott Chief Justice Taney System Bill National Road Compromise Tariff Gen. Zachary Dred Scott Decision of 1832 Taylor Missouri Chapter 8 Bear Flag Revolt Lincoln Douglas Compromise Reformers Debates 36-30 Line Reformers 1830s Guadelupe Hidalgo Freeport Doctrine and 1840s Election of 1824 Women’s Rights Gadsden Purchase Election of 1860 and Seneca Falls 1853 Corrupt Bargain Abolitionists Chapter 10: Chapter 11: Civil Protest and War Resistance Tariff of Education Popular Sovereignty The Civil War Abominations Compromise of Causes and 1850 Secession Election of 1828 Social Issues Fugitive Slave Law Southern Advantages King Mob Chapter 9: Harriet Beecher Northern Expanding Stowe Advantages Markets Jacksonian Stephen Austin and Uncle Tom’s Cabin Goals of South Democracy Texas Settlement Spoils System Texas Revolt Underground Goals of the Union (reasons) Railroad Kitchen Cabinet Alamo Harriet Tubman Richmond, Virginia War on the Bank Goliad William Lloyd Border States Garrison Pet Banks San Jacinto The Liberator Jeff Davis Specie Circular Lone Star Republic Stephen Douglas Trent Affair Indian Removal Mexican War Kansas-Nebraska Copperheads Causes Act Antietam Ford’s Theater Closing of Freedom Summer Immigration Door 1924 Emancipation John Wilkes Booth Great Migration The March From Proclamation Selma to Montgomery McClellan Results of the Civil W.E.B DuBois vs. 1965 Voting Rights War Booker T. Act Washington Gettysburg Chapter 12: Atlanta Reconstruction Compromise Pickett’s Charge Carpetbaggers Souls of Black Folk Matthew Brady Scalawags Lynching Photos Fort Sumter The 3 Civil War Jackie Robinson Amendments: Breaks Color 13,14, 15 Barrier 1947 First Bull Andrew Johnson Truman Run/Manassas Presidential Desegregates Reconstruction Armed Forces 1948 Chancellorsville 10% Plan Lincoln Brown vs Board of Education 1954 Vicksburg Radical All Deliberate Reconstruction Speed 9-0 Segregation Unconstitutional Battle for Atlanta Thaddeus Stevens Rosa Parks and Montgomery Buses 1955 Appomattox Tenure of Office SCLC and Dr. King Act (26 years old) New Impeachment 1955 Emmit Till Orleans/Mobile Sherman’s March to Black Codes Little Rock 1957 Ike the Sea sends troops Admiral Farragut Freedmen’s Bureau Freedom Riders Stonewall Jackson Oliver Howard 1963 Birmingham Riots Joe Hooker Ku Klux Klan 1963 I Have A Dream MLK in D.C U.S Grant Plessy vs. Ferguson, 1963 J.F.K 1896 Assassinated J.E.B Stuart Separate But Equal Lyndon B. Johnson Phil Sheridan Jim Crow 1964 Civil Rights Act

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