Fall 2016 Campus Sustainability Grant Proposal

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Fall 2016 Campus Sustainability Grant Proposal

Fall 2016 Campus Sustainability Grant Proposal PSC Draft Horse Club Trip to the Equine Affaire and Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales / Merrimack Stables

Emily DeYoung, PSC Draft Horse Club Vice President Tyler Brooks, PSC Draft Horse Club Treasurer Kimberly Yager, PSC Draft Horse Club Secretary Lydia Wright, PSC Draft Horse Club Co-Advisor Frederick Wright, PSC Draft Horse Club Member Amanda Menard, PSC Draft Horse Club Member Taylor Meunier, PSC Draft Horse Club Member Connor Sherman, PSC Draft Horse Club Member

3/27/2017 - Request for $500.00 Reimbursement Proposal Revisions on page 4

Project Summary: The Paul Smith’s College Draft Horse Club is planning a weekend long trip to Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Beginning on Friday, Nov. 11th and returning on Sunday, Nov. 13th the club will be attending the Massachusetts Equine Affaire (West Springfield, MA) and the Budweiser Clydesdale Stables (Merrimack, NH). Club members, along with club advisor Lydia Wright, will travel in a school van, spend two nights in a hotel, and eat a combination of bag-lunch meals and eating out at restaurants. Goals: This trip will provide an excellent educational opportunity for club members. The clinics offered at the Equine Affaire include a wide variety of subjects related to horses; from riding and jumping to care, liability, and training (See attached schedule). Club members will have the opportunity to attend any clinic available during our visit and will be encouraged to share their new knowledge with other club members. The Budweiser Stables in Merrimack are home to their East Coast Team consisting of no less than 24 horses. The Draft Horse Club will be touring the stable facility and interacting with the Clydesdales and their handlers. The opportunity to interact with professional teamsters and handlers who work with one of the largest breeds of draft horses will give our

1 students insight into job opportunities available to those with driving and horse handling skills. This new information will be valuable as the club continues its mission to educate the public about draft power / use in the modern world - in addition to our continued efforts to utilize and promote sustainable animal / horse power by demonstrating the wide array of tasks a team of draft horses can perform; both in forestry and agriculture - as well as educate fellow PSC students and the public at large by providing educational programs and demonstrations of techniques and implications of animal power. Project Timeline: Depart PSC Friday afternoon, Nov. 11th; attend the Equine Affair Saturday, Nov. 12th, drive to and visit the Budweiser Stables in Merrimack, NH on Nov. 13th, return to Campus Sunday evening, Nov.13th. Budget: Cost Cost/perso Category n $310 Cost of van to travel ~620 miles $480 $120/room 2 hotel rooms X 2 nights $630 Food (daily meals for 6 members / 3 days @ $35 per day) $90 $15/person Admission to Equine Affaire (6 members) $30 Tolls and parking $1540 Total $500 Requested contribution from the Sustainability Fund $557 Contribution from Student Government Association $483 Contribution from Draft Horse Club

Follow Through: Routinely, throughout both the Fall and Spring semesters, the PSC Draft Horse Club offers Wagon, Sleigh, and Stagecoach Rides for our Campus Community as well as the general community at large. Additionally, plowing, discing, and harrowing demonstrations at The Rural Skills & Homesteading Festival, Gould’s Garden, and the Osgood Pond Farm / Boy Scout Camp are offered as well. The PSC Draft Horse Club has partnered with the NYS DEC on several back country projects utilizing draft horse power in areas where mechanized vehicles are prohibited. Our Club and our PSC Draft Horses work with local businesses and non-profit organizations to offer sleigh rides, including the Annual “Joy of Giving” holiday program sponsored by a local business focusing on the joy of giving rather than receiving. The PSC Draft Horse Club takes pride in our community outreach and continually strives to promote sustainable draft animal power through both education and practical applications. Knowledge and skills acquired through ‘hands on’ learning programs and workshops during this outing will enable club members to become better educators.

2 Danielle, 3/27/2017 I am hopeful this will answer the following questions you posed in your email: -How does this proposal relate to sustainability? -While on the trip, did you purchase tools or anything that will be brought back and utilized on campus? -Is this proposal for reimbursement? After reviewing our proposal from Fall 2016, I feel that most of your questions / concerns were answered in the proposal itself. The Draft Horse Club works directly with Campus Sustainability initiatives such as Gould’s Garden, Osgood Pond Farm, and the Rural Skills & Homesteading Festival promoting animal power / sustainable agricultural practices. Not only does the Club actively participate in these initiatives, but they are responsible for the care, repair, and the purchase of horse drawn agricultural equipment used in the initiatives. Typically we purchase items at the Equine Affair necessary for the care of our PSC horses. During this past visit we purchased grooming supplies – in years past we have purchased lead ropes, feed buckets, halters, combs, brushes, and nutritional products to name just a few. Club members connect with teamsters from all across New England in order to develop and maintain a network of support and supply for spare parts necessary to keep our horse drawn agricultural equipment in good working order. They attend workshops on technique in horse handling, equipment maintenance; horse care, horse health, as well as offer meaningful insight from the perspective of a student actively participate in sustainable logging practices and animal powered agriculture. The Budweiser Merrimack Stables is the facility where all Budweiser Clydesdale foals are sent for training. The facility is also responsible for training the teamsters who drive the world famous Budweiser Clydesdale Teams. Our visit enabled Club members to interact directly with the Head Training Teamster for a very informal and informative question and answer session including access to several pieces of equipment. During the session, our students spoke of PSC’s Draft Horse Program and the role our Draft Horse Management class plays in training future teamsters. As club advisor, I was quite impressed with our students’ ability to hold a well-informed conversation with professional teamsters. In years past we have received funding from the Campus Sustainability Fund and our hope was to have partial funding for the field trip taken in Fall 2016 - now we are requesting reimbursement. The majority of money our Club raises and / or receives through funding by Student Activities goes directly back into the Draft Horse Program - for the purchase of equipment, horse care, and / or any other needs not covered by the College Draft Horse budget. The Club members rarely use funding for anything other than direct horse program needs – our Fall trip is usually the only exception. If we are able to receive the reimbursement requested in our Fall 2016 proposal, it would enable us to continue to purchase items not covered by the College Draft Horse budget going forward. Thank you, Lydia Wright, Draft Horse Club Co-Advisor


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