Interface 2 Unit 8

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Interface 2 Unit 8

Interface 2 Unit 8

1. Write one or more words to complete the sentences. 1 You usually buy milk in a bottle or a ______. 2 The ______is a big cat with black and orange stripes. 3 Gold is a very expensive ______. 4 The biggest animal in the Arctic is the ______bear.

2. Write one or more words to complete the sentences. 1 A ______is a mammal that lives in the sea. It's smaller than a whale and is usually grey. 2 A ______is a large African animal with one big horn. 3 Can you go to the supermarket and buy me a ______of marmalade? 4 At the airport they found a metal object in my bag – a ______of lemonade!

3. Write one or more words to complete the sentences. 1 They usually make drink cans from the metal ______. 2 Most bottles are ______or plastic. 3 In the past, people killed ______and rhinos for their ivory. 4 The ______is a big black and white animal. It lives in forests in China.

4. Write one or more words to complete the sentences. 1 An orang-______is a big orange mammal from Indonesia. 2 We saw an enormous ______on TV – an anaconda! 3 Do you want a ______of crisps? 4 The box is brown ______, so you can recycle it in the paper bin.

5. Read the definitions and write the words. 1 This is a material like silver, iron or aluminium. ______2 You use this material for jumpers. It comes from sheep. ______3 A sea reptile. It swims and has a big shell and makes eggs. (first letter is t) ______4 A big cat. It is yellow with brown circles on its body. (first letter is l) ______

6. Read the definitions and write the words. 1 A square container. You put things in it. (three letters) ______2 A large black and white mammal from China. ______3 A grey animal. It's famous for the big horn on its head. ______4 An artificial material. They make toys and containers from it. (first letter is p) ______

7. Read the definitions and write the words. 1 A metal that is not heavy and is easy to recycle. (first letter is a) ______2 A long thin reptile with no arms or legs. ______3 An intelligent mammal that lives in the sea. (seven letters) ______4 You make this from wood. It's white and you write on it. ______

8. Read the definitions and write the words. 1 A big cat with stripes from India. (first letter is t) ______2 A container for drinks. You make it from glass. ______3 A very large, grey mammal with big ears. (eight letters) ______4 This comes from a plant. You makes shirts from it. (first letter is c) ______

9. Complete the dialogue. A: Have you ______to Africa? B: Yes, I ______. A: Really? Wow! B: My parents ______taken my sister and I there lots of times. A: That's amazing! B: It's because my dad ______worked a lot in Africa. He looks after endangered animals. A: So have you ______seen a tiger? B: No, I ______. Tigers are from Asia, not Africa! 10. Complete the dialogue. A: Have you ______recycled your clothes? B: No, I ______. A: My sister ______done it lots of times. She says it's really good. B: Really? Where does she recycle them? A: There are some special bins next ______the new supermarket. B: The new supermarket? Is it ______? A: No, it's very close. Follow this road past the bank and then ______right into Blue Lane. B: OK, maybe I'll go there and recycle some of my clothes.

11. Complete the dialogue. A: Hey, Rick. Have you ______been to Julie's house? B: Yes, I ______. Lots of times. A: I'm going there now. ______it far? B: No, it's next ______the swimming pool. A: Great, thanks. Oh, ______Mrs Dupont given us any French homework? B: No she ______! A: Great! OK, see you later!

12. Complete the dialogue. A: Could you ______me where the shopping centre is, please? B: It's next ______the railway station. A: Is ______far? B: No, it's about ten minutes ______bike. A: Do I go down this street? B: Yes, go ______on past the cinema. A: OK. B: And then the shopping centre is ______your left.

13. Write one or more words to complete the sentences. 1 We ______taken photos of lots of animals – including orang-utans in Borneo! 2 ______the girls ever studied ICT? 3 Our new English teacher ______lived in five different countries! 4 I ______done my homework because I didn't understand it.

14. Write one or more words to complete the sentences. 1 How many hours ______Micky been outside today? 2 The café is next ______the park. 3 Have you ______swum in the Atlantic Ocean? 4 They ______adopted an animal but they want to do it in the future.

15. Write one or more words to complete the sentences. 1 Have you ______been to Madrid? 2 My mum ______met a lot of famous people. It happens all the time! 3 I ______never seen snow because my country doesn't have winter! 4 Could you ______me where the bank is, please?

16. Write one or more words to complete the sentences. 1 The schoolchildren ______recycled lots of cardboard this year. 2 ______your mum met your new teacher? 3 The shops are 15 minutes ______bike. 4 I ______never been on TV.

17. Put the words in the correct order. 1 have / dolphins / with / I / swum / . 2 to / is / house / supermarket / the / next / My / . 3 the / has / My / used / never / internet / granddad / . 4 been / ever / camping / Has / Ian / ?

18. Put the words in the correct order. 1 have / We / eaten / sushi / never / . 2 past / zoo / straight / the / Go / on / . 3 bottles / recycling / has / She / started / . 4 ever / rhinoceros / you / a / seen / Have / ?

19. Put the words in the correct order. 1 lot / a / of / saved / electricity / We've / . 2 never / in / has / a / Jim / flown / plane / . 3 where / tell / my / Could / is / classroom / you / me / ? 4 in the / the / bin / jars / haven't / recycling / I / put / .

20. Put the words in the correct order. 1 been / weather / very / cold / The / hasn't / . 2 become / habitat / has / The / smaller / leopard's / . 3 horse / ridden / you / a / Have / ever / ? 4 into / right / Road / Turn / Manchester / .

21. Make the sentences negative. 1 We've been to Russia. ______2 I've broken my arm. ______3 She's finished her homework. ______4 The school's recycled the plastic bottles. ______

22. Correct the mistakes. 1 Luke haven't spent a lot of time on the computer. ______2 Do you ever seen an orang-utan? ______3 We don't have never ridden an elephant. ______4 Go straight on past the park. The hotel is in your left. ______

23. Write the questions using the words in brackets. 1 (you / ever / touch / an / elephant) ______2 (Simone / ever / have / a / pet / cat) ______3 (they / ever / be / to / Morocco) ______4 (we / ever / eat / curry) ______

24. Read the answers. Write the questions using the words in brackets. 1 No, I haven't. ______(you / ever / be / to / China) 2 Yes, she has. ______(Karen / spend / all / day / at / home) 3 It's next to the school. ______(you / tell / me / where / the / hospital / be / please) 4 Over thirty! ______(how / many / countries / they / visited / in / their / lives)

25. Read the text and write True or False. SSS – Snakes! They've got no legs, no arms and they can't hear. With all these problems, it's amazing that snakes are one of the world's most successful animals. They are almost everywhere, including Britain (but not Ireland!). They can be big or small – the longest is the python – they can sometimes grow to 12 metres! Snakes are also marine animals. Sea snakes are common in the Pacific Ocean. They mostly eat fish and similar animals. It's amazing but true – most snakes make eggs, like turtles. But sea snakes are different. Their babies are born alive in the sea – there's no egg at all! Sometimes snakes have venom and many people are frightened of them. However, snakes are shy animals and they don't like to meet people. Unfortunately, people want to find snakes. Many snakes are endangered because people use their skin to make bags and shoes. In some countries, people kill them to make traditional medicine from their bodies. So when you see snakes in a horror film, remember: we shouldn't be frightened of them. They should be frightened of us!

1 Snakes are good at listening. ______2 Snakes live in every European country. ______3 The python is the largest snake in the world. ______4 Mammals are the normal food for sea snakes. ______5 Sea snakes and turtles leave their eggs on beaches. ______6 Snakes are aggressive and noisy. ______7 Some snakes are in danger of extinction. ______8 People make clothes from snakes. ______

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