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Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 1

Table of Contents Mission/Vision………………………………………………………………………………………...2 About Our School...... 3 Accelerated Reader...... 3 Arrival and Dismissal of Students...... 3 Asbestos Notification...... 4 Attendance & Ways to Help Us...... 4 Cafeteria...... 5 Character Program...... 6 Emergency Drills……………………….……………………………………………………………..6 Field Trips...... 6 Fundraising...... 7 General Rules……………………………………………………………………………………………7-9 Gifted and Talented...... 9 Guidance Program...... 9 Health Services...... 9 Integrated Pest Management...... 9 Kindergarten Enrollment...... 10 Lice...... 10 Lost and Found...... 10 Medication Policy...... 10 Non-Discrimination Policies...... 11 Office Hours...... 11 Parties...... 11 PTO...... 11 SBDM Council...... 12 School Fees...... 12 Special Education...... 12 Teacher Requests………………………………………………………………………………………13 Testing...... 13 Volunteers...... 13 Ways to help your children do well in school…………..…………………………….….…14 Weather Emergency Closings…………………..……………………………………………..…14 Code of Conduct………………………………………………………………………………………..15-19 Staff Phone Extensions...... 20

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 2

Mission Statement Rich in tradition and committed to the future, the Fort Thomas Independent School District provides engaging and challenging learning experiences which foster creativity, curiosity, and innovation, while inspiring all students to pursue lifelong learning and become productive members of the global community.

Vision Statements

 Our students are engaged in a variety of experiences that foster creativity and curiosity, demonstrating the skills and dispositions needed to solve real-world problems and to become caring and productive members of the global community.

 Our teachers exhibit a student-centered passion for teaching and a deep understanding of content, utilizing research-based strategies to challenge and meet the needs of all learners.

 Our leadership maintains high expectations, works collaboratively with all stakeholders, focuses on a shared mission, and demonstrates a commitment to individual student growth and achievement.

 Our parents are encouraged to be active participants in their child’s education, investing in a partnership of mutual respect.

 Our community, as a valued partner, reciprocates our desire to develop a highly-skilled workforce that demonstrates civic pride, global citizenship, and service to others.

 Our instruction focuses on individual student growth toward mastery of college and career readiness standards and instills a passion for lifelong learning.

 Our technology is utilized by teachers and students in transformative ways to enhance student achievement and to make real-world global connections.

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 3

 Our culture/climate is welcoming and allows all stakeholders to feel safe, encouraged, nurtured, and challenged to achieve at high levels.

Fort Thomas Independent Schools Rich in Tradition, Committed to the Future


On March 6, 1922, a lot was purchased in the 1100 block of North Fort Thomas Avenue as the site for construction of a new school. This school was to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population in the “Highlands” of Fort Thomas and was named after World War I hero, Robert D. Johnson, who was the first young man from Fort Thomas to join the army. Today, Robert D. Johnson Elementary has been recognized twice as a Blue Ribbon School, consistently performs in the top 5% of elementary schools in the state of Kentucky, and is accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The primary purpose of the Robert D. Johnson Elementary School is to establish an environment where the child is provided opportunities to reach his/her full potential. This improvement will be achieved through identifying and prioritizing school needs. Innovative and proven practices will be combined to meet the needs of the whole child. The council will develop goals and action plans to ensure these expectations are met successfully. This process involves close communication among parents, staff, students, community, and school board.


The Accelerated Reading Program is a computerized testing program. Students read specific books and then take a computerized quiz. These quizzes are multiple-choice questions that reflect your child’s comprehension of the stories they read. As students take quizzes they earn points for the questions that they get right. The longer the book, and the higher reading level of the book, the more points a student can earn. The computer records student points, books read, and percentage correct. Students’ points can be used to purchase prizes from the Accelerated Reader Store every quarter and students are recognized at the end of the school year at our Awards Program. Student’s progress can now be followed at home. The link for this is Renaissance Place - Home Connect and can be found on the Johnson website under “links”.


Johnson’s classroom doors open at 8:00 AM as school begins at 8:15 AM. (Afternoon kindergarten starts at 11:55) Students may enter school as early as 7:30 AM if the need arises. All students who arrive before 8:00 AM must enter through the front door of the school and report immediately to the cafeteria where the students are supervised by a teacher assistant. Students are expected to read or work on school assignments at this time. We encourage all students to arrive after 8:00 AM.

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 4

Students are dismissed at 3:00 PM. (AM kindergarten dismisses at 11:20) Students who are not picked up by 3:15 PM are escorted back to the office and parents are notified that their child has not been picked up from school. It is important for the school to have several emergency contacts on file in the event that someone needs to be contacted to pick up a student. We encourage all parents to remind students that in the event that no one is there to pick them up that they need to report to the school office.

Student Drop Off

Since Johnson is located on a very busy street we strongly encourage our students to walk to school. For those parents who are dropping students off in the morning we need your cooperation in pulling completely forward in the drop off zone, unloading quickly and safely, and then exiting the student drop off zone. No one is allowed to park in this zone and wait for the front doors to open.

Students and parents must use the cross-walk located outside of school.

ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION In accordance with applicable Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) regulations, the Fort Thomas Board of Education’s updated Asbestos Management Plan is on file at the Board of Education Office located at 28 N. Fort Thomas Avenue, Fort Thomas, Kentucky. Office hours are 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.


We take good attendance seriously since your child cannot learn if he or she is not in school! Changes in how we teach, with an emphasis on active classroom learning, make it doubly hard to make up what is missed during an absence. Your attitude toward attendance will greatly influence your child’s attitude toward school for years to come. All students returning from an absence must bring a note to their homeroom teacher indicating the reason for absence. Only illnesses or some other very important reason will be excused. If a student is absent due to a communicable disease, he/she is required to bring a doctor’s note before being readmitted to class. If it is essential for your child to be out of school for something other than illness, this should be cleared with the office prior to the absence. Only illness or some other very important reason can be excused since state financial assistance is based upon actual attendance of your child in school. Since three tardies are by state law considered truancy, parents will be notified in writing after the third unexcused tardy. The Kentucky Department of Education defines Tardy as “missed instruction time.” As such, tardies will be accumulated by a student being late to school, signing in and out during the school day, or leaving school before the regular school dismissal. Any student receiving more than 9 unexcused tardies will be subject to a 30 minute detention in the principal’s office. If a student reaches 15 tardies the student will receive a one hour detention and the Director of Pupil Personnel Services will be notified. In extreme cases when a student reaches 20 or more tardies the student will receive a one hour detention and the Fort Thomas Independent Schools will consider filing charges with the Campbell County Family Court pursuant to KRS 159.150. If a student has an excused absence, upon returning to class, he/she should ask the teacher what assignments were missed and/or what work should be completed.

Ways To Help Us 1. If it is necessary for your child to be absent from school, please call the school office before 9:00 AM. You may leave a message on the attendance line by dialing 815-2299. When your child returns to school, send a

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 5

written explanation of the absence to the homeroom teacher. Anytime an absence results in a visit to the doctor, please acquire a doctor’s note and file it with your child’s homeroom teacher. 2. Remember to write a note if your child is leaving early for a doctor’s appointments, etc. Small ones become confused as to time and other details without your help. 3. Report to the office annex if you need to pick up a child during the school day. Students must be signed out to leave. 4. If your child has forgotten his/her lunch, musical instrument, etc., please drop it off at the office annex with his/her name on it. We will see that it gets to the classroom.

CAFETERIA Johnson provides the opportunity for all students to take part in a healthy and balanced lunch. Students can pack his/her lunch or they can purchase a lunch in the cafeteria. Students who qualify for a free/reduced lunch are provided the same lunch as other students. For information regarding our free/reduced lunch program, please contact our school office. Our school lunch prices are as follows: Student: $3.00 (Includes entrée, fruit, vegetable, and a drink) Adult: $3.75 Additional Entrée: $ 1.00 Vegetables, Fruits: $ .50 All packaged snacks: $.50 Cookies: $.25 Milk: $.50 100% Orange Juice: $.50 Our cafeteria uses a computerized accounting system and we highly encourage all parents to pre-pay for their child’s lunch. Parents can pay online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or send in a check for any amount made out to the “Johnson Cafeteria”. Please write your child’s name on the check and deliver to the cafeteria manager. Parents will receive weekly emails with current balances. If your account has a negative balance, please make a payment.

Parents play a vital part in serving lunch at our school. Parents volunteer to serve on a select day of the month. Lunch hours are from 10:45 - 12:30. For more information regarding volunteering in our cafeteria, please contact our PTO. Cafeteria Expectations 1. Each class will enter the cafeteria quietly and go through the line single file. 2. Be polite to all people working in the cafeteria. Remember to say “please” and “thank you.” 3. Do not handle food unless you plan on eating it. 4. Get all your food and everything you need the first time you go through the line. You cannot go through the line again, or go back to the food counter to purchase food. 5. Choose one dessert and take one serving only. For example: one piece of pie or one piece of cake or cookies. 6. Pick up anything you drop. 7. Empty tray and return to the same seat. 8. Stay on your chair with your knees under the table until signaled to leave.

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 6

9. Leave only when directed by the lunchroom monitor. 10. Never take food out of the cafeteria. 11. All paper and food must be removed from the table before dismissal. 12. WALK—do not run in the cafeteria. 13. Balls or play equipment brought into the cafeteria must be placed in the barrel for equipment. 14. Talk softly at all times in the cafeteria. 15. Each teacher, teacher assistant and person working in the cafeteria has the authority and responsibility for correcting misbehavior in the cafeteria. 16. Soft drinks and commercial/fast food lunches are not allowed to be “packed” by students or brought in by parents. Thank you for your cooperation!

CHARACTER PROGRAM Johnson’s Superhero Character Program – Johnson teachers, staff and administrators teach, support and promote a program that develops specific character traits in Johnson students. Each year the guidance counselor surveys Johnson staff and faculty members to determine the traits that JES students most need in order to be happy and successful in school and in life. The character traits for the 2015-2016 school year are as follows:

August: Introduce the concept of “character” September: Caring October: Respect November: Responsibility December: Self-control January: Cooperation February: Trustworthy March: Manners April: Hard Work May: Citizenship

This program teaches and promotes character development in many ways. First, when staff or faculty members witness good character in action, they reward students immediately with a Character Card. Character Cards specify a student’s name, the character trait that was witnessed, as well as a description of the behavior. Character Cards are placed in grade level boxes that are located in the annex. Once a week the principal or guidance counselor draws two names from each grade level to receive a small prize in the front office. Second, once a month each classroom teacher chooses a specific student who best embodies that month’s character trait. That students recieves a “Superhero Award” which is then displayed on the Johnson Character Board outside the principal’s office. Finally, the guidance counselor consults with teachers to align their and her curriculum to best promote the character trait that month. She also sends monthly emails to the faculty and to families to help them better support that character trait.

EMERGENCY DRILLS Emergency drills are held regularly to develop safety practices that will help students to move quickly and in an orderly manner to pre-designated safety areas. We, therefore, would expect all students to remain at school during a severe weather alert. Students will not be permitted to leave the building unless they are released directly to the parent.

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 7

FIELD TRIPS Throughout the year our classes will make visits to regional sites of interest. These trips are wonderful opportunities to extend learning beyond our classroom walls and incorporate real-life experiences in our teaching. Children will need a signed permission slip and the appropriate fee paid prior to participating in the field trip. Any child who creates an unsafe condition or fails to follow directions or is otherwise uncooperative with the teachers or adult chaperones may be restricted in participating in future field trips.

Parent and family chaperones are often used to help us manage such trips. For the safety of our students all adult chaperones must have a Youth Leader Request form (criminal background check) on file in the school office and sign the Chaperone Agreement Form which will be provided by the homeroom teacher. All chaperones must also complete the district Chaperone Training.


Johnson participates in several fund raising activities over the course of the year. The continued success of Hullabaloo and our other initiatives depends greatly on the scores of volunteer hours donated by our parents. Without this support, there is no way we could raise the funding we need to continue the wonderful traditions of Robert D. Johnson Elementary. Our school participates in the following fund raising programs: o Campbell’s Labels for Education. Over 1,000 Campbell products are eligible for redemption in this program. See o Hullabaloo – In the fall of each year, the Johnson PTO puts on the Hullabaloo, our major fund-raiser of the year. On the Saturday of Hullabaloo, the gym and other parts of the campus are filled with scores of games and activities for children and adults (mostly for children). All the activities of this day combine to raise thousands of dollars to be spent on our students. Past proceeds have been used to purchase playground equipment, provide classroom grants, equip all classrooms with SmartBoards, and to install a new sound system in our gym. The proceeds are also used to fund the many programs and learning enrichment opportunities available to our students on a regular basis. o Box Tops for Education Program. The box tops are worth ten cents each. You will find the box tops on General Mills and Betty Crocker products. See o Tyson Project A+. The labels are worth twenty-four cents each. Clip the labels from various Tyson products. See o Market Day – A popular fund raiser where parents can order groceries that are delivered to Johnson and at least 10% of the purchase price comes back to our PTO. o Kroger Cards – When used by our families, a portion of the money spent at Kroger is given to our PTO. o Skyline Chili Nights – Johnson receives 10% of the bill when families visit the Newport Skyline Chili on the first Wednesday of each month during the school year from 5:00-9:00 pm.

GENERAL RULES It is the responsibility of every teacher to discipline or correct misbehavior in every child, at any time. Students must understand that the same respect should be given to all staff members. Bicycle Riders 1. Use hand signals. 2. Ride single – one person to a bike. 3. Carry books and articles in baskets, back-packs, and saddle bags. Do not overload. 4. Once you are in front of the school, “Walk” your bike to one of the bicycle racks. No riding on

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 8

the school grounds or on the sidewalk in front of the school. Car Riders 1. Load and unload children at curb only. Do not stop in the street and let students out of the car. 2. Cars should not park in front of the school during drop-off or pick-up times so other cars have space to drop off their children at the curb. If you are walking into school with your child, please park on the other side of N. Fort Thomas Ave. 3. Please observe the handicapped drop off area in front of the gym.

Walkers 1. Cross N. Fort Thomas Avenue ONLY at the crosswalk in front of school. 2. Remain on the sidewalk at all times and respect the property of homeowners along the way. 3. Cross streets only at corners and stay within crosswalks.

Crossing Guard A crossing guard will be out front to ensure the safety of those students who must cross N. Fort Thomas Avenue. It is imperative that students cross only at the crosswalk under the crossing guard’s supervision Detention Students may be kept after school for a period of ten (10) minutes without parent notification. If there is a conflict, alternative scheduling can be arranged. Students may be kept after school for extended periods of time. Parents must be notified prior to extended detention. Dress Code Policy Students may wear shorts and skirts provided they are at least as long as the finger tips of the person wearing them and are not too tight. Students are not permitted to wear heelys, crocs, flip-flops, open toe shoes, sandals, halter tops, spaghetti straps, bike shorts, clothes with holes in them and clothes with designs that refer to alcohol or drugs. Parents of students who do not comply with the dress code will be called to bring a change of clothing to school for the student. Hall Rules 1. Both classes and individuals walk to the right side of the hall. 2. Groups should walk single file in the halls. 3. All students should return immediately to room without loitering in the halls. 4. When on an errand to another room, do not knock at the door; enter the room quietly and talk with the teacher. 5. No running in the halls. Running in the halls or on the stairs is forbidden at all times. 6. Meet all friends outside after school, and leave the school promptly. 7. Exit by door designated for your class. Playground Rules 1. Demonstrate manners, respect, good sportsmanship, and cooperation at all times. 2. Keep hands and feet to yourself. 3. No walking or running up, climbing, or jumping off slides. 4. Ask permission to retrieve balls when they go out of the playground area. 5. Play on the blacktop when it is muddy. 6. Do not dig in the dirt or throw sticks and stones or any other object. 7. Keep both hands on the bars. Do not jump from bar to bar or from one piece of equipment to another. 8. No tag games on the gym equipment.

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 9

Restroom Rules 1. Walk quietly to and from the restroom. 2. Students should use the restroom, wash their hands and leave immediately without loitering or waiting for others. Safety Procedures 1. At 8:00 a.m., the front doors of the Cliffview Building will open for students to enter the building. 2. All adults who need to enter the building will enter by the front doors and register in the office annex. No one will be admitted to the building without being a part of a regular volunteer program or having a scheduled appointment. There will be no exceptions to this practice; all adults are expected to register as they enter. 3. Students will be dismissed at 3:00 and should be picked up by their parents in front of the school. 4. Kindergarten will have special arrangements for arrival and dismissal during the first few days of school. 5. Anytime that a child needs to leave the school early, a parent or designated adult must sign the child out through the school office. Designated adults may be indicated on the family data sheet at the time of registration, on the family data sheet update that is sent home soon after the start of school, or by a parent stopping in the school office and reporting in writing any new additions to the school secretary. These procedures have been enacted to help insure the safety of your child during the time with us. We ask that you and your child follow all procedures without exception. Student/Parent Concerns Regarding Discipline Issues Every effort should be made to resolve concerns directly with the teacher involved. This should be done through a telephone call or a scheduled conference. If a resolution is not achieved, the issue can be pursued further by scheduling an appointment with the principal, assistant superintendent, and then the superintendent in progressive order.

GIFTED AND TALENTED The Gifted and Talented Program in the Fort Thomas Independent Schools is called QUEST. What is QUEST?

Questioning QUEST has been part of the Fort Thomas Independent Schools for over twenty years. Originally limited to academic areas, QUEST has grown in recent years to Understanding meet the needs of students gifted or talented in leadership, creativity, the visual and Evaluating performing arts, as well as academic and intellectual areas. Studying Please visit the QUEST program's website at this link for more information. Together

GUIDANCE PROGRAM The goal of the elementary guidance program is to promote the development of interpersonal relationship skills, provide awareness of the dynamics of human behavior, and to assist in the development of strong character as well as healthy coping skills. The guidance counselor provides classroom guidance lessons to all students in each grade, as well as small groups on a variety of topics. Students can meet with the guidance counselor individually if they have a strong need that interferes with their education. Students are referred to the guidance counselor in three ways: 1) self-referral 2) parent referral 3) teacher or staff referral.

In addition to the above services, the guidance counselor can refer a family to services available in the Greater Cincinnati area.


Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 10

The Fort Thomas Independent District provides health services through a school nurse who travels to all of the schools in the district. Students are provided vision and hearing screenings. The nurse also handles referrals from teachers for students who are ill or injured. In addition, the school nurse works in cooperation with school personnel and other professionals concerning students who have learning difficulties, psychological problems and attendance problems. Parents are notified if their child is injured, has a temperature above 99.8, or is experiencing continued discomfort or pain. It is very important that the school office has a phone number where parents may be reached during school hours.

INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT The Fort Thomas Board of Education has implemented a program of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in order to control pests in a way that minimizes economic, health and environmental risks. All individuals applying pesticides will be properly certified in keeping with applicable legal requirements. If you wish to be notified 24 hours in advance of a planned pesticide application or as soon as possible when an emergency application is necessary, please register by phone by calling Jerry Wissman at 781-3333, Ext. 2018.

KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT An annual Kindergarten Registration is held each year in mid February. All children who will be five (5) before October 1, should register on this day for the upcoming kindergarten classes. An original birth certificate (not a hospital certificate), the social security number of the child, and proof of address (utility bill, mortgage statement) will be needed for registration. A reminder will be posted in the newspaper, the district website, on the school marquee, and in the district calendar. Call the school for further information.

LICE If a child is found to have lice in school, he/she will be sent home for treatment and may return to school the day after the treatment. When the child returns to school, the child will be examined by office staff. A parent must be present during the exam and the child must be NIT (egg) free to re-enter.

If you suspect your child may have lice, please notify the school immediately. If your child is found to have lice, contact your family doctor for treatment advice. The school, parents, and the community must communicate openly about head lice to maintain control and prevent increasing numbers of head lice.

LOST AND FOUND Students are expected to assume responsibility for their own belongings. A box is maintained in a prominent place in the 4th Grade Foyer for all lost items (except money and jewelry). Students are expected to check there for lost or misplaced items. We strongly recommend that all personal belongings be labeled. Money or jewelry may be reclaimed at the office.

MEDICATION POLICY The following are recommendations based from the Kentucky Department of Education. Please keep in mind that school is not the best place to administer medication—doses can be forgotten by children during a busy school day. If your child’s medication dosage can be altered to avoid school hours, please do so. If it is impossible to avoid the administration of medication during the school day, the following procedures will be implemented: 1. All medication, prescription or non-prescription, must be given to the secretary or nurse upon the student’s arrival at school. 2. An Administration of Medication Form must be completed and signed by you and your child’s

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 11

physician. This form is available from the school office and is necessary to administer any medication at school. 3. Medication must be in the original container and if it is a prescription medication, it must have the child’s name on the label. If the label is altered in any way, it will not be accepted. 4. Non-prescription medication will be administered no more than three consecutive days without a physician’s order. The medication must be in the original container with a signed note from the parent/guardian stating the name of the medication, the dosage to be given, the time your child should receive it and the length of time your child will be receiving the medication.

Example: Mary Smith has my permission to take Tylenol one 200mg tablet for complaints of ear pain at noon today and tomorrow. -- Mrs. Sally Smith 5. Telephone permission to administer medications will not be accepted. 6. Medications containing narcotics or sedation for pain relief will not be administered at school. For their own safety, children requiring this type of medication should remain at home until this medication is no longer required during school hours. 7. If your child needs to carry his or her inhaler or EPI-PEN, an ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION form must be completed and signed by you and your physician. 8. Students are not permitted to carry any medication with exception of #7. Any medication found in your child’s possession may result in disciplinary action. 9. Medication must be sent in the form that it is to be given. School staff will not divide tablets. 10. If the medication dosage is discontinued at school prior to the stop date on the Administration of Medication Form, a doctor’s note is required. If the dosage is changed, a new Administration of Medication Form will be required. 11. No medication will be sent home with a student under age 18. The parent/guardian must pick the medication up from school. If the above procedures are not followed, we will not administer medications to your child. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. We hope you understand that this is for the safety of all of our students.

NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICIES As required by federal law, the District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, genetic information, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to its facilities to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Assistant Superintendent Jon Stratton, 28 North Fort Thomas Ave., Fort Thomas, Kentucky, 781-3333 will coordinate efforts to comply with Title IX and Section 504. Persons having questions concerning this Act should direct them to Mr. Stratton at the address and telephone number herein listed.

OFFICE HOURS Our school office hours are 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM on all school days.

PARTIES Each classroom may have two planned parties per year plus an end-of-the-year picnic. Parties in grades 1-5 may be held to celebrate Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Kindergarten will have a party for Halloween and Christmas. Room mothers are usually asked to organize the parties with the assistance of other parents. These arrangements are worked out between the teacher and the room mothers. Room parents may collect money from each student to help with the teacher gift. Birthday parties are not permitted - birthday treats may be shared with classmates if appropriate arrangements are made with the teacher beforehand. Only non-food treats may be shared (all grades).

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 12

Deliveries of flowers, balloons, and other such items to students at school are prohibited.

PTO Johnson PTO is the Parent Teacher Organization of our elementary school. It is a nonprofit volunteer organization formed by parents and is independent of the school and the district administration. The purpose of the group is to provide valuable communication between the teachers, administration, and parents. It also funds a wide variety of projects and necessities that the school is unable to finance. The PTO is a tremendous source of manpower used to fuel the projects and events that directly benefit our students. The PTO at Johnson is composed of an executive board, committee chair people, and individual members. The group needs everyone's participation in order to meet its goal of providing the very best for our students. Parents, grandparents, and friends are invited to join our quest. We have small jobs as well as huge ones. Volunteer sign up sheets are sent out in the spring and again in the fall. However, you may contact any of the board members throughout the year if you are interested in helping in some way. The executive board meets once a month. Anyone who has business that needs to be discussed should contact the president prior to the next scheduled meeting. There is a PTO meeting for the general membership at the beginning of the school year (Parent Orientation Night) and updates are sent out by the PTO Board on a monthly basis. The PTO at Johnson has a long history of being a strong, effective organization. The PTO plans and carries out most of the special programs presented to our children during the school year. Numerous cultural arts programs are presented each year in addition to programs and celebrations such as Kentucky Kids Day, COSI, Red Ribbon Week, and the Fifth Grade Dinner. The PTO also provides individual teacher grants each year. Some examples of our worthwhile projects are: playground equipment, sound system for the gym, landscaping, wall mats and physical education equipment, art supplies, library and classroom books, library books and DVDs, Accelerated Reader updates and prizes, calculators, computer software, classroom printers, Smart Boards, projectors, ipads for classrooms, snacks for KPREP testing, and the list goes on and on. We are very proud of our accomplishments for our kids. For those of you who have been active members in the PTO, we thank you. For others, we look forward to your participation in the near future!!

SCHOOL BASED DECISION MAKING (SBDM) COUNCIL Robert D. Johnson Elementary is governed by a policy making council that includes two parents, three teachers, and the school principal. Both parents and teachers are elected to one year terms of office. The council meets once a month to review policy, develop the school improvement plan, review test scores, set a budget, establish committees, and deal with any possible hiring opportunities. The council does not deal with the daily managing of the school day or individual teacher or student concerns. The responsibiliy of the council is to set policy for the school.

SCHOOL FEES School fees are approved by the Fort Thomas Board of Education. School fees can be paid in the school office starting in August. Checks should be made out to “Johnson Elementary School.” Kindergarten student fees are $125.00, which includes consumable books, snacks, and field trips. 1st through 5th grade fees are $60.00 which includes consumable books and magazines. Field trip money for grades 1-5 is collected throughout the school year.

SPECIAL EDUCATION Special Education is a federally funded program available to all children with disabilities, grades preschool through fifth grade at Johnson Elementary. We ensure that all children with disabilities (including speech and

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 13

language) have available to them a variety of educational programs, services and curriculum as described in the Kentucky Program of Studies, 704 KAR 3:303, that is available to children without disabilities, including art, music, physical education and other educational services. The special education teacher’s work is specific to the needs of the individual child. These needs as well as educational goals are spelled out in an Individual Education Plan (IEP). This plan is written by the Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) which includes parents, teachers, and other appropriate/required members for each child. Children may be referred by a parent or a teacher; however, it is usually a joint effort of both parties. Once a child is referred, the ARC will meet to determine if testing is necessary. When the testing is complete, the ARC will again meet to determine eligibility. Finally if a student qualifies for services, they will be delivered in a variety of environments and monitored through specially designed instruction to meet the needs of a child with a disability. More detailed information is available on our district website under “Fort Thomas Special Education Procedures”.

TEACHER REQUESTS We cannot honor requests for a specific teacher for your child or for a friend to be placed in the same room with your child. We make every effort to see that our classes are balanced in terms of enrollment numbers, boy/girl composition, learning needs, special needs, personalities, and learning styles. Teachers who have worked with your child for the current school year help make placement recommendations for the student groups based upon your child’s performance, personality, academic and social needs. Once the groups are made the principal will assign a teacher to each group. Special scheduling circumstances may also be a factor in student assignment.


 KINDERGARTEN Brigance given before school. A skills screening is done during the first quarter of school.  GRADE 1 The Test of Cognitive Abilities is administered in the winter.  GRADE 2 The Iowa Test of Basic Skills is administered in the spring.  GRADE 3 The Test of Cognitive Abilities and Iowa Test are in the fall. The KPREP Assessment is administered in the spring.  GRADE 4 The KPREP Assessment is administered in the spring.  GRADE 5 The KPREP Assessment is administered in the spring.

**All student in grades 1-5 will take the STAR Enterprise assessments at least 3 times throughout the year. Kindergarten students take the STAR Early Literacy Assessment. The STAR Assessments are computer based and are done in the areas of math and reading.

VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are essential to Johnson. Most of the classroom teachers use parent volunteers on a regular basis and report that they contribute a great deal to the success of their students. Volunteers in the classrroom may read aloud to students, listen as students read, conference with students on their writing, do clerical work, work with students who may need additional attention, lead center activities, and much, much more. The PTO Volunteer Committee and the clasroom teachers offer training to volunteers. A background check is also required.

Volunteers are also utilized in the library, the cafeteria, and for the many special programs offered by the PTO such as Red Ribbon Week, COSI on Wheels, Everybody Counts, the AR Store, Market Day, and of course

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 14

Hullabaloo. If you are willing to serve as a volunteer, see anyone on the PTO Board or contact the school office. It takes every one of us to provide the educational experiences that our children deserve.

Parents who wish to volunteer as a chaperone for field trips must have a background check and attend one of the district chaperone training sessions.

WAYS TO HELP YOUR CHILDREN DO WELL IN SCHOOL 1. Show your children that their education is important to you. Set aside at least fifteen minutes a day to talk about assignments and school activities. 2. Monitor their homework, helping them if they need it, but don’t do it for them. 3. Read to or with your children and let them see you reading everyday. 4. Turn off the TV except for special shows or at agreed-upon times. Serve as a good role model - don’t spend all of your time watching TV. 5. Get to know their teachers and obtain any special help that your child may need. 6. Attend all PTO meetings, parent-teacher conferences and as many school events as possible. Learn about school rules, budgets and curriculum and make your opinions known. 7. Be sure that your children are properly supervised before and after school hours. Teachers say the number one cause of students’ difficulties in school is that too many are left alone before and after school. 8. Help your children feel good about themselves. Children with good self-esteem are better students and grow up to be happier and healthier adults.

WEATHER EMERGENCY CLOSINGS There are times in the event of snow or other severe weather that consideration will be given to closing or delay opening of school. When school is closed or delayed for bad weather, all stakeholders will be notified through the district phone messaging system. If there is any doubt, you should listen to the radio and TV. The information will be identified as “Fort Thomas Independent Schools.” School closings and delays will be announced over stations: WCKY; WKRC; WLW; WSAI; WUBE; WCIN; WCPO-TV; WKRC-TV, and WLW-TV. Please do not call the school or Board of Education. The telephone lines will be needed to inform personnel of the situation. Should it be necessary to close school early, you will be properly notified. You should make emergency plans with your child in order that he/she knows what to do in case school should close early.

Students are encouraged to wear clothing appropriate for the existing weather conditions.

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 15


Code of Conduct Philosophy Johnson Elementary School is committed to providing all students with an environment that fosters a love of learning, enhances student achievement, cultivates respect for individual diversity and prepares students for making sound personal choices. Discipline is the creation of a learning environment which fosters a sense of fairness and respect for people and property. Discipline encourages children to make positive choices based on an awareness of consequences and feelings (theirs as well as the feelings of others). Discipline is the cooperative effort and responsibility of students, parents/guardians, teachers and administration. If followed by all parties, this will create an environment for all students to learn to their fullest potential. The following code of conduct provides grievance procedures to provide an atmosphere of open communication and fairness as required by constitutional due process.

Effective Discipline Strategies Students who violate policies and rules are subject to the following disciplinary alternatives:  Choices and consequences  Redirection  Reinforcement plan/rewards  Change of seating assignment  Student conference  Communication with parents (by teacher/student)  Sending student to the office  Cooling off or timeout period  Behavior contracts  Counseling sessions  Loss of privileges  Detention  Suspension of extra-curricular activities  Suspension  In school suspension  Removal to alternative education program  Referral to civil authorities

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 16

 Expulsion

Class I Offenses The inappropriate behaviors listed should apply while students are on school property or off school property at school sponsored activities; this includes going to school or sponsored trips and activities (KRS 161.180 and KRS 158.150 Kentucky Statutes and Laws). The examples listed below of inappropriate behaviors are for reference use and are not the only forms of the inappropriate behavior, which could occur. 1.1 Disruption on School Property is the intentional act, behavior, or conduct in the school building or upon the school grounds which disrupts the educational process. I. CLASSROOM A. Excessive or loud talking B. Inappropriate noise making C. Disruptive conflict between students D. Leaving seat without permission E. Emotional outburst F. Note writing G. Throwing of objects in classroom H. Possession of toys or non-school items II. HALLWAYS A. Excessive or loud talking B. Inappropriate noise making C. Disruptive conflict between students D. Running III. LUNCHROOM A. Loud Talking B. Inappropriate noise making C. Disruptive conflict between students D. Inappropriate lunchroom manners IV. RESTROOM A. Excessive or loud talking B. Inappropriate noise making C. Disruptive conflict between students D. Inappropriate use of restroom facilities V. OUTDOOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION A. Disruptive conflict between students B. Intentional disruption of other classrooms which are engaged in the educational process C. Rough play 1.2 Disrespect to Another Student is an intentional or willful maligning or gross insult including the use of any language, act, expression, or remark which is offensive to modesty or decency. (KRS 158.150 Kentucky Statutes and Laws) A. Foul language B. Intentional rudeness C. Intentional harassment D. Inappropriate gestures E. Name calling F. Bullying

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1.3 Failure to Complete Assignment is the failure to turn in assignments, or failure to do assignment within a specified time. I. CLASSROOM A. Inattentive B. Not working on task C. Not having necessary materials to complete assignment II. HOMEWORK A. Inattentive to classroom examples B. Failure to know classroom assignment C. Not having necessary materials to complete assignment D. Refusal to complete assignment E. Incomplete assignment book 1.4 Academic Cheating is the use of unauthorized notes or other aids, or the copying or using of the work of other students without permission of the teacher. Academic cheating will result in a “0” for that assignment. 1.5 Lying is to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive or create a false or misleading impression. 1.6 Excessive Tardiness is the repeated failure (3 or more times) to report to assigned classroom or other instructional areas on time without an acceptable excuse. 1.7 Gambling is the act of wagering, betting, or taking risks for monetary or other gain. 1.8 Non-Permanent Defacing of School Property is the willful marking or defacing of school property that does not cause permanent damage. 1.9 Littering is the act, intentional or otherwise, of scattering debris on school grounds or property. 1.10 Gum Chewing or Eating Candy is prohibited. Gum chewing is always prohibited; eating treats may take place on special occasions. 1.11 Dangerous Physical Activities is engaging in activities that could cause physical damage to oneself or others. 1.12 Use of Profane language is the use of language, act, expression, or remark, which is offensive to modesty or decency. 1.13 Skipping Class is the failure of a student to report to a scheduled class without first obtaining consent of the proper school authority.

Disciplinary Procedures for Class I Offenses First Offense: In-school conference with student and/or parent. Parent may be notified depending on the nature of the offense. Second Offense and Subsequent Offenses: Parent notification and/or conference along with any of the following disciplinary actions, not necessarily in this order:  Extra academic assignment/Alternative assignment  Detention  Assignment to homework room  Referral to in-school alternate placement

Class II Offenses

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The inappropriate behaviors listed should apply while students are on school property or off school property at school sponsored activities; this includes going to school or sponsored trips and activities. (KRS 161.180 and KRS 158.150 Kentucky Statutes and Laws) The examples listed below are for reference use and are not the only forms of the inappropriate behavior which could occur. NOTE: Violation of these rules is so extremely serious that such behavior may warrant suspension or expulsion of the violator even for a first offense.

2.1 Fighting is any physical conflict between two or more students arising from anger or sudden passion. 2.1 Physical Attack on Another Student or School Board Employee is the intentional striking or touching of another student or school board employee or attempt to do so against his or her will. 2.2 Teacher Abuse is any act that upbraids, insults or abuses any teacher of the public schools in the presence of the school or in the presence of a pupil of the school (KRS 161.190). 2.3 Vandalism is the willful or malicious destruction or defacement of any property (KRS 512.020 sub-section (1) Kentucky Statutes and Laws). SCHOOL PROPERTY A. Breaking windows B. Use of paint or like materials to deface C. Destroying restroom fixtures D. Destroying school issued materials 2.4 Stealing/Theft is the unlawful taking of property of another with intent to deprive him/her of the property. Receiving or possession of stolen property is included in this offense. 2.5 The Use, Possession or Distribution of Drugs, Alcohol, or Tobacco Products is PROHIBITED (KRS 438.050) (Ch 218.A) 2.6 Possession or use of weapons is PROHIBITED. NOTE: This includes the possession or use of knives, guns, brass knuckles, etc., and the use of all other objects such as pencils, baseball bats, and rocks with intent to be used as a weapon. 2.7 Leaving School Grounds Without Permission is the leaving of school grounds during the school day without obtaining permission of the principal or other authorized personnel. No student is permitted to leave the school grounds once on school property. (Parents must meet their children in the school office if their child is to leave school ground for a just cause.) 2.8 Trespassing is entering of , or remaining in, any structure, means of conveyance, or property without being authorized, licensed, or invited, and/or refusing to depart from there after being warned, or directed to do so, by proper authority. 2.9 Arson is the intentional damage of a building by starting a fire therein. (KRS 438.030) 2.10 Dangerous Instrument- Possession, handling, transmitting or use of items determined by the principal to be dangerous instruments but falls short of the KRS.527.070 definition of weapons. 2.11 Possession, Use or Distribution of Fireworks is prohibited. NOTE: Any combustible substance which produces a visible or audible effect is considered a firework. 2.12 Harassment/Discrimination is intimidation by threats of or actual physical violence; the creation, by whatever means, language, conduct, or symbols in such manner as to be commonly understood to convey hatred, contempt, or prejudice or to have the effect of insulting or stigmatizing an individual. It is prohibited to harass or discriminate due to an individual’s race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, political beliefs, sex, or disability. 2.13 Verbal abuse of Another Student is an intentional or willful maligning or gross insult of another

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 19

student. (KRS 158.150 Kentucky Statues and Laws. 2.14 Distribution of Unauthorized Material is the distribution of pamphlets, leaflets, buttons, insignia, or the posting of signs or slogans without the permission of proper school authority. 2.15 Inappropriate behavior- Unacceptable behavior towards a student, teacher, or staff member that disrupts the learning environment. 2.16 Terroristic Threatening is the intentional, unlawful threat by word or act to do violence to the person or property of another or any act which creates a well-rounded fear within the other person. 2.17 Terroristic Threatening of School Personnel is the intentional, unlawful threat by word or act to do violence to the person or property of a school employee or any act which creates a well-founded fear with the school employee. 2.18 Extortion is the solicitation, either verbally, in writing or by printed communication, of money or anything of value from another person (regardless of amount) in return for protection or in connection with a threat to inflect harm. 2.19 Activation of a Fire Alarm is the intentional, unjustified activation of a fire alarm or like warning devices. (KRS 438.200 Kentucky Statutes and Laws.) 2.20 Possession Display or Distribution of Obscene Materials or Objects is the possession or circulation of obscene materials or objects. 2.21 Illegal use of School Facilities is the secreting or hiding of controlled substances (drugs) alcohol, weapons, or any other items detrimental to the welfare of students and the educational process. 2.22 Skipping School (Entire Day) is the unexcused and/or unauthorized absence from school for the entire designated school day. 2.23 Defiance of Authority is any verbal or non-verbal refusal to comply with a lawful directive or order of a school employee. (KRS 158.150 sub-section (1) Kentucky Statutes and Laws) 2.25 Incorrigible Bad Conduct Persistent violators of the Code of Conduct or persistent violations of the criminal laws of Kentucky constitute “Incorrigible Bad Conduct.” Ten class I offenses during the school year can be considered as “persistent”. (KRS 158.150 sub-section (1) Kentucky Statutes and Laws)

Disciplinary Procedures for Class I Offenses Parent notification and/or conference along with any of the following disciplinary actions, not necessarily in this order:  Detention  Referral to in-school alternative setting/time-out room  Alternative Placement  Out of school suspension  Expulsion by the Fort Thomas Board of Education  Referral to civil authorities

Bullying: As stated in Board Policy 9.422

Bullying refers to any intentional act by a student or groups of students directed against another student to ridicule, humiliate, or intimidate the other student while on school grounds, or at a school sponsored activity, which acts are repeated against the same student over time.

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075 Handbook School Year 2015 – 2016 Page 20

Students who believe they have been a victim of bullying or who have observed other students being bullied shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, report it.

Employees are expected to take reasonable and prudent action in situations involving student welfare and safety, including following District policy requirements for intervening and reporting to the Principal or to their immediate supervisor those situations that threaten, harass, or endanger the safety of students, other staff members, or visitors to the school or District. Such instances shall include, but are not limited to, bullying or hazing of students and harassment/discrimination of staff, students or visitors by any party.

JOHNSON ELEMENTARY 2015-16 Phone: 441-2444 Fax: 572-4948 PLEASE NOTE THE ATTENDANCE HOTLINE IS 815-2299

Name PHONE # Name PHONE # OFFICE NUMBERS FLAGHERTY, JAMEE 815.2200 ATTENDANCE HOTLINE 815.2299 TEKULVE, ANDI – main office 815.2201 STEPHENS, KAREN – annex 815.2202 YMCA After School Care Program 815.2255


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MAHANEY, RAEGINIA- preschool 815.2223 McCLAMROCK, SILVIA 815.2221 McKAY, WHITNEY 815.2212 MUELLER, PATTY NELTNER, HEIDI - librarian 815.2213 *Calls made to individual classrooms will go directly to voicemail

Robert D. Johnson Elementary School Phone: (859) 441-2444 1180 North Fort Thomas Avenue Fax: (859) 572-4948 Fort Thomas, KY 41075

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