Senior Pastor, Dr. V. Scott Harris

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Senior Pastor, Dr. V. Scott Harris

Asbury United Methodist Church 220 W. Horatio Avenue, Maitland 407.644.5222 Senior Pastor, Dr. V. Scott Harris Associate Pastor, Rev. Daniel Ivey Retired Clergy, Dr. Barbara Riddle Next Generation Pastor, Keith Tusing Worship Pastor, Tom Pieper

September 27, 2015 SUNDAY SERVE One Combined Service 9:00am Welcome and Announcements Pastor Scott *Passing the Peace Please take a moment to greet the people around you with a warm smile and a handshake.


*Hymn #150 “God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens” vs. 1, 4 Prayer of Transformation

Worship with Tithes and Offerings Offertory Prayer

Offertory Anthem Arr. Duren “God So Loved the World” Worship Choir

Scripture Matthew 25:31-36 Pew Bible Page 1542

Message Dr. Barbara W. Riddle “Selfie Through the Eyes of the World”

*Hymn #413 “A Charge to Keep I Have” vs. 1, 2 *Those who are able, please stand. After the service, please stay for instructions for the “Feeding Children Everywhere” project. You may leave if you are helping at any of the other projects.

ASSISTING IN TODAY’S SERVICE Worship Leader Scott Harris Music Minister Ty Riddle Scripture Reader Patti Orlando Ushers Gary Zimmerman, Wayne Bates, Audrie Weissman, Mike Davis Greeters Anne Vatcher, Larry & Joan Bittle, Chris Gregory

Next Week October 5, 2015 WORLD WIDE COMMUNION SUNDAY Dr. V. Scott Harris 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00 AM “The Promise of Prayer”


PRAYER REQUESTS: Please keep the following beloved in your prayers: BJ Abbott, Wade Aldridge, Lou Allen, Robin Andre’, Randy Baird, Willow Bevin, Jane & Paul Bilyeu, Bill Bowmar, Grace Bridge, Edith Burt, Camille Bybee, Zachary & Amber Bybee, Hal Card, Sharon Case, Ben Celones, the family of Margie Charles, Joe Clark, Jack Cooper, Beth Daniels, Phil Dodds, Haven Ellis, Hetty Evans, Lori Faller, Charlie File, Evelyn Futch, Chuck Green, Midge Guest, Mary Hanley, Marian Heberling, Jack Hedgepeth, Ann Herzog, Susan Hoke, Janet Hunter, Gene Jackson, Cyndi Jaffe, Al Kanode, Nelson Kessler, George King, Anne Kirby, Betty Kirk, Sharon Kuritz, Tommie Lapole, Herman Long, Frank Marcey, Mac McCauslin, Kerry McDonald, John and Joyce McLeod, Gabby Moldin, Dave Morton, the Nichols family, Dick Pace, Helen Parker, Loretta Peters, Nancy Pilk, Linda Polonus, Lynn Quigley, Peggy Rester, Betty Richelieu, Evelyn Rupp, Cheryl Schiefen, Gerald Shelley, Terry Sneiderman, Hoke St. John, Ron Staehler, Wes Stouder, Janice Tilley, Allen Trovillion, the Van Epp family, Joan Wrenn.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE: Wednesday Night Live has begun. Dinner is served at 5:00 with Vespers starting at 6:00 and the classes starting at 6:30. Menu for September 30th is baked ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, fruit salad, sliced tomatoes, dessert. If you are not already a member of a class, please join Pastor Scott in the fellowship hall for the History of Christianity.

UMW SOUP AND PLANT SALE: Sunday, October 25th is the date for the UMW soup and plant sale. Location will be in the courtyard and lakeside patio. We are collecting quart size mason jars for the soup. Hannah Circle will purchase the fresh vegetables for the soup. Joan is asking for canned veggies, any kind (kidney beans, carrots, corn, green beans. etc but NO pinto beans) Please have the veggies in to the church office by Wednesday, Oct. 21st. Joan will be making the soup Friday, Oct. 23, if you would like to help. And if you have a green thumb and would like to share your talent, please talk to Ty Riddle, or you can bring your potted plants to the church on Friday, Oct. 23rd. Happy Gardening!!! There will also be a bake sale where all the proceeds will go to the No Kid Hungry project. Thank you for helping! SUNDAY SERVE: TODAY is Sunday Serve day. Please join us in the fellowship hall for the “Feeding Children Everywhere” project where we will be filling food bags to be sent to either Nepal or to help with the European crisis in Syria. Other projects are going to Chambrel and Savannah Ct. for hymn sings and communion.

USHERS NEEDED: Ushers are needed for several of the 11:00 A.M. Usher Teams. No experience is needed, just a desire to serve. If you have any questions about ushering or would like to serve as an usher, please contact Phil Kopman at 407 682 1733. See you in church.

ASBURY WORSHIP CHOIR: Do you love to praise the Lord in song? Then we need you. No experience necessary. You do not need to read music, just be able to carry a tune. The worship choir sings every Sunday at the 8:15 and 11:00 service. Our Christmas choir has begun their rehearsals, so times are: Christmas choir - 6:30 to 7:30 and worship choir – 7:30 to 8:30. Come and try us out. Do a test run for two or three weeks and be a part of a loving, caring group that loves to sing praises to our Lord.

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS: Bring your pet dog, cat, mouse, gerbil, hamster, etc. to the Asbury Blessing of the Animals service on Sunday, October 4th. The service will be held at our lakeside worship center beginning at 2:00 pm.

CHURCH WIDE FAMILY WORK DAY: ALL are invited to the church wide work day on Saturday, October 10th, from 9:00 to 12:30 with lunch provided. We need every one to come and help spruce up our church property for the upcoming holidays. Projects will include washing windows, pulling weeds, trimming, planting and general maintenance.

YES GROUP: YES Group will have their October luncheon on Tuesday, October 13. Gale Gaynor will present the program on "Laughter Is the Best Medicine". Since it is Halloween month, we ask that you come dressed in a costume, silly clothes, silly hat, etc. so we can all laugh at ourselves. Prizes will be given to the best silliness. The luncheon menu will be baked chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, fruit salad, homemade rolls and Jack O'Lantern cookies with ice cream. For those who cannot eat chicken, another meat will be available. PAUL CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: Our next blood drive will be Sunday, October 18th. The bus will be in our fellowship hall parking lot from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm. Please donate and help to save a life.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Calling all ladies!! Jeanne Farmer is facilitating a women’s Beth Moore Bible study in the Welcome Friends classroom. The title of the study is “James, Mercy Triumphs.” Day and time are Wednesday morning from 9:30 to 11:30 through November 18th. For more info please contact Jeanne at [email protected].

NAILS AND PAILS: Our newest mission project will focus on helping with repairs at the Leesburg Life Enrichment Center. We need all facets of help from repairs to refreshments and even adult/babysitting. There is a skill/talent card that you may fill out and put in the metal pail on the missions table in the narthex. For more info, please contact David Gallant at [email protected].

UMM ACTIVITIES: SATURDAY BREAKFAST: All men are invited to the Saturday breakfast on October 10th at 7:30 am in the fellowship hall. Bring a friend! UMM FOOTBALL OUTING: Save the date of October 24th!! The UMM will be sponsoring a football outing to the UCF Homecoming game. Start time to be determined at a later date and their opponent will be Houston. Tickets will be available at a later date. UMM FALL RETREAT: The men’s fall Leesburg retreat will be October 9-11 or October 23-25. For more info contact [email protected].

UMM GOLF OUTING: Asbury UMM is planning a golf outing at the Ventura Country Club, Saturday, October 3rd. Shotgun start is at 8:00 am with a scramble format. ALL ARE WELCOME! The cost is $79.00 per person or $316.00 for a team of four. If you just want to come for lunch, the cost is $25.00. Members of Ventura Country Club can play for $22.00. Lunch is BBQ chicken and spare ribs. There will be Golf! Food! and Fun!! If you would like to be a hole sponsor, the cost is $100.00. They also need door prize donations. Sign up forms are available in the church office or from the UMM. For more information, please contact Bill Bowmar at 407-260-9697.

OURM MINISTRY: The next visit by Asbury men to the Orlando Union Rescue Mission will be October 18th. David Brown will be the speaker and Rosemary Wright will play the piano. They meet in the fellowship hall parking lot and leave at 6:15 pm. Please place toiletries in the containers in the narthex for the men and women clients of the mission. Contact: Dick Rabner.

PRAYER MINISTRY: Our prayer ministry team is a vital ministry for our church. They meet once a month as a group and then someone prays over our prayer requests in the chapel every day. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 30th, at 1:00 pm in the Welcome Friends Class room. If you feel led to be a member of this ministry, please contact Mavis Treat at 407-699-8654.

NEW FRIENDS SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY: The New Friends class has begun the study “Soul Keeping” by John Ortberg We would like to open this study up for any who would like to join us. We realize that some may just want to do the study as we did with “Love Does” by Bob Goff. If any are interested in just this study, which would last about 6 weeks, they are welcome to do so and then return to their regular class. The class will not meet for the next two weeks. They will resume on October 11th.

RED BAG MINISTRY: You may bring items for the pantry at any time. Help us keep our children from going hungry. Remember to pick up a RED BAG on the third Sunday and return it on the fourth Sunday filled with the items requested on the attached list. Please remember…NO GLASS CONTAINERS, NO EXTRA LARGE BOXES. There has been a splitting bag problem and they have found that the bags that Aldi sells for 10 cents are very durable and last a lot longer. If anyone shops at Aldi and could buy some additional bags, that would be a true blessing. Just a few reminders as we get back to normal: Please check dates of expiration on cans and packages, we cannot give kids expired food. Since we do stockpile, we have to check each week. Remember that the 1st graders are small folks: small cans, packets of tuna, single serve fruit and vegetables are most desirable. Each bag has a suggested list of what we need but anything that you think kids would like is just fine. Asbury friends you are so generous in supplying food for these kids and hands to help pick-up and pack. Thanking you for your continued support.

ADDRESS UPDATES: We need your help! If you have moved at any time and the church office does not have your new address or you have changed phone numbers in any way, please call us and help us update our records. There are printed church directories in the workroom by the office that we update periodically. You are welcome to take one of those and check to see if we have your current information on file. If for some reason you are not on the listing, please let us know that also. Thank You.


 ALTAR GUILD: September: Kendra Roark, Bonnie Stout, Terry Celones

 FELLOWSHIP TIME CLEANUP: September – Welcome Friends Class

 PETAL PUSHERS: 1st Monday-Mel Frye, Von Hancock, 2nd Monday-Betty Kendall, Becky Black; 3rd Monday- Janna Fatic, Joy Row; 4th Monday-Faye Andrew, Lynne Bowles; 5th Monday-Lani Schumacher, Doris O’Hara. Flower Tags for each week by Maxine Bartz

 SANCTUARY ANGELS: Camille Piering, Betty Kendall, Molly Verbraeken, Ruth Sprous, Karen Jensen, Grace Southern, Pat Woodard  PRO PRESENTER: Steve Alsene, Sam Johnson, Greg Lee

 SOUND TECHNICIAN: Greg Lee, Steve Johnson, Sarah Fry  VAN DRIVERS: September – Scott Workman, Dave Gallant

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