Dr. Laura Ismail
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Dr. Laura Ismail
MB BS January 2012
1 Table of Contents
Personal Details 3
Qualifications 3
Employment History 4
Prizes/ Achievements 5
Publications 6
Presentations 7
Audits 9
Courses Attended 11
Conferences Attended 12
Teaching Experience 13
Leadership and Management 15
Research 16
Electives and Special Study Modules 17
Information Technology Skills 17
Extracurricular Activities 18
Referees 19
2 Personal Details
Name: Laura Ismail Mobile No. 07912078408 Nationality: British Address: Queens Clinic Date of Birth: 20/07/1986 96 Harley Street London W1G 7HY GMC No. 7083879 (Full Registration) Driving Licence: ISMAI857206LR9KJ 23 Indemnity: MDU 481503G
2011 Part 1 MRCOG, March 2011 – Passed first attempt Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of England
2010 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery , MBBS (Distinction) Gold medallist runner up. Distinction in Medical Sciences, Distinction in Clinical Science and Distinction in Clinical Practice St. George’s Hospital, University of London
2007 Bachelor of Science in Medical Sciences with Pharmacology First class honours University College London
2004 A-levels Prize for Best A-Level Results More House School, UK
2002 General Certificate of Secondary Education, GSCE More House School, UK
3 Employment History Aug 2012 –onward Specialist Gynaecologist and Obstetrician (ST) St Marys Hospital, Imperial deanery, London.
April 2012 – Aug 2012 Foundation Year 2 Trainee Care of the Elderly St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College NHS Trust Supervisor: Dr. Diane Ames
Dec 2011 – April 2012 Foundation Year 2 Trainee General Practice Marylebone Health Centre Supervisor: Dr. Tom Mtundabari
Aug 2011 – Dec 2011 Foundation Year 2 Trainee Obstetrics and Gynaecology St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College NHS Trust Supervisor: Miss. Shahla Ahmed
April 2011 – Aug 2011 Foundation Year 1 Trainee Gastroenterology The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Supervisor: Dr. Bob Grover
Dec 2010 – April 2010 Foundation Year 1 Trainee Anaesthetics The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Supervisor: Dr. Rita Gupta
Aug 2010 – Dec 2010 Foundation Year 1 Trainee Trauma and Orthopaedics The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Supervisor: Mr. David Houlihan-Burne
4 Prizes/ Achievements
2010 Nominated for Professor Tim Northfield Medal for Medicine, top 4 students in St. George’s University who have received the highest distinctions every year of medical school chosen for a viva to determine the Gold Medal candidate for SGUL
2010 Distinction in Clinical Practice, top 7.5% for the final year of MBBS. St. George’s University of London (Awarded by the University of London)
2010 Distinction in Clinical Science, top 7.5% for the last 3 years of MBBS. St. George’s University of London (Awarded by the University of London)
2010 Distinction in Medical Sciences, top 7.5% for the first 2 years of MBBS. St. George’s University of London (Awarded by the University of London)
2010 Advanced Life Support Course, The Hillingdon NHS Trust, 25th -26th June 2011. I was sponsored to do it in FY1 by the ALS provider course members and was subsequently given “Instructor Potential.”
2010 Prize Certificate (Medical and Biomedical Management Skills)
2009 Nomination for Student Prize, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
2011 Local Teaching Hero Prize awarded by Imperial College London for outstanding contribution to undergraduate medical student teaching
2010 Nomination for the Andrew Cryer Paediatric Prize. For the best student in Paediatric practise and in the exam
2009 Silver Award for ‘outstanding contribution to Student Action for Refugees and the Klevis Kola Foundation’
2008 Audit Prize in Geriatrics, St. George’s University of London
2007 Prize for Best A-Level Results, More House School
5 Publications
Publications in peer reviewed journals:
Ismail L, Mittal M, Kalu E. IVF twins: Buy one get one free? Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. Submitted on 20/11/11. Manuscript ID: Jfprhc-2011-100263. Accepted with minor corrections.
Pastides P, Tokarczyk S, Ismail L, Ahearne D, Sarraf K. Preoperative blood tests: an expensive tick box exercise. Journal of perioperative practice. 2011 Dec;21(12):1467-1026.
Yuste J, Khandavilli S, Ansari N, Muttardi K, Ismail L, Hyams C, Weiser J, Mitchell T and Brown J. The effects of PspC on complement-mediated immunity to Streptococcus pneumoniae vary with strain background and capsular serotype. Infection and Immunity. 2010 Jan;78(1):283-92.
Book Chapters:
EMQs in Ophthalmology, Dermatology and ENT (Publishers Oxford Radcliffe, 2012). Awaiting publication.
Pastides P, Tokarczyk S, Ismail L, Ahearne D, Sarraf K. Preoperative blood tests: an expensive tick box exercise, British Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 2011 Dec.
I write patient information on common gynaecology and obstetric conditions on a Gynaecology Clinic Website (queensgynaecologyclinic.co.uk)
6 Presentations
Ismail L, Abughazza U, Cherfan E, Headington K, Nicholas N. Audit of LETTZ procedures performed under GA v LA. 9th International Scientific Meeting of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Athens, Greece, 29th -30th September 2011. Abstract number FC.3.16. [Oral presentation].
Ismail L, Shukur Z, Ameen Z. Management of women with a raised BMI in pregnancy. The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK, 11th Oct 2011. [Oral presentation].
Ismail L, Ghosh S, Pastides P, Houlihan-Burne D. Rate of infection in lower limb arthroplasties across both Hillingdon Hospital and Mount Vernon Hospital. The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 16th Dec 2010. [Oral presentation].
Ismail L, Nama V, Kalu E. Laparoscopic Sterilisation, Kingston Hospital, 12th June 2009. [Oral presentation].
Ismail L, Muhammad N H, Wicker J, Opare N S, Sandhu J, Afify E. What’s in The Name? St. George’s Hospital, 9th Dec 2008. (Won the Audit Competition.)
L Ismail. Ankylosing Spondylitis. St. Helier’s Hospital, 10th Dec 2007.
L Ismail. Does Cannabis Misuse Cause Schizophrenia? St. George’s Hospital, 6th June 2006.
Other Presentations:
Pastides P, Tokarczyk S, Ismail L, Ahearne D, Sarraf K. To Bleed or Not to Bleed. 13th EFORT international congress, Berlin, 23rd- 25th May 2012. [Poster presentation].
Akhtar K, Ismail L, Houlihan-Burne D. Clinical outcomes of single-stage bilateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasties. 5th International Arthroplasty Conference. Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 26th- 28th January 2012. [Oral presentation].
Houlihan-Burne D, Ismail L. Launching Rapid recovery in your Hospital. Role Quality Roadmap. Rapid Recovery Symposium, Berlin, 3rd- 4th November 2011. [Oral presentation].
7 Houlihan-Burne D, Ismail L. Biomet: Introducing Quality of Care while Reducing Costs: The Rapid Recovery Programme. Launching rapid recovery. Triennial World Congress, SICOT 2011. Prague, Czech Republic, 6th-9th September 2011. [Oral presentation].
Houlihan-Burne D, Ismail L. Implementing rapid recovery: the NHS perspective. Rapid Recovery. The pathway to a shorter length of stay. Glasgow, 14th September 2010. [Oral presentation].
Brown J, Yuste J, Khandavilli S, Ansari N, Muttardi K, Ismail L, Hyams C, Weiser J, Mitchell T. Inhibition of complement-mediated immunity to Streptococcus. 6th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD-6), Reykjavik, Iceland, 9th – 12th June 2008. [Oral presentation].
Houlihan-Burne D, Ismail L. Launching Rapid recovery in your Hospital. The pathway to a shorter length of stay; a rapid recovery symposium. Bloomsbury Street Hotel, UK, 10th-11th October 2011. [Oral presentation]
Houlihan-Burne D, Ismail L. Expectation setting for patients. The pathway to a shorter length of stay; a rapid recovery symposium. Bloomsbury Street Hotel, UK, 10th-11th October 2011. [Oral presentation]
Pastides P, Tokarczyk S, Ismail L, Ahearne D, Sarraf K. The Use of Routine Pre Operative Blood Tests: An Overused Request. British Orthopaedic Trainees Association (BOTA), Annual Meeting, Carden Park, UK, 10th-12th June 2011. [Poster presentation].
Pastides P, Ismail L, Sheeraz A. VTE prophylaxis for trauma patients in lower limb casts: should they all receive? Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 11th March 2011. [Oral presentation].
8 Title: Management of Women with a Raised BMI in Pregnancy Date: October 2011 Location: The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Role: Data collection (93 patients), data analysis, recommendations proposed and presented locally Outcome: Change implemented
Title: VTE Prophylaxis for Trauma Patients in Lower Limb Casts: Should they all receive? Date: March 2011 Location: The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Role: Data collection (84 patients), data analysis Outcome: Presented to department
Title: Audit of LETTZ Procedures Performed Under GA v LA Date: February 2011 Location: The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Role: Completed Audit Loop: re-audit, designed new proforma, data collection (195 patients), data analysis, new recommendations proposed, presented locally and at an international meeting Outcome: Change implemented, re-audit handed over (March 2012)
Title: The Use of Routine Pre Operative Blood Tests: An Overused Request? Date: January 2011 Location: The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Role: Data collection (64 patients), analysis, recommendations proposed Outcome: Change implemented, re-audit handed over, presented nationally and at an international meeting
Title: Rate of Infection in Lower Limb Arthroplasties Date: November 2010 Location: The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Role: Generation of idea, designed proforma, data collection (547 patients), data analysis, recommendations proposed, presented locally Outcome: Financial issue re: implementation of recommendations, presently being re- audited
Title: Hb Optimised Pre-operatively Date: August 2010 Location: The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
9 Role: designed proforma, data collection (547 patients), data analysis, recommendations proposed Outcome: Change implemented, presented at national and international meetings
Title: The Proportion of Patients on the Recommended Simvastatin 40mg Registered in Kings Road Medical Centre Date: May 2010 Location: The Kings Road Medical Centre Role: Designed proforma, data collection (143 patients), data analysis, presented locally, recommendations proposed Outcome: Change implemented, re-audit handed over
Title: Laparoscopic Sterilisation Audit Date: February 2009 Location: Kingston Hospital Role: Designed proforma, data collection (43 patients), data analysis, presented locally, recommendations proposed Outcome: re-audit handed over
Title: What’s in The Name? Date: Dec 2008 Location: St. George’s Hospital Role: Designed proforma, data collection (52 patients), data analysis, presented locally, recommendations proposed, prize awarded Outcome: Change implemented
10 2012 Approaches to Teaching in Clinical Settings, Imperial College London, 29th Feb 2012
2012 Foundation Year 2 Simulation training day, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Simulation Centre, 30th Jan 2012
2012 Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, 25th Jan 2012
2012 K2/CTG: Fetal Monitoring Training System, 17th Jan 2012
2012 Interactive Large Group Teaching, Imperial College London, 16th Jan 2012
2011 Medical Communication Skills Course, Hammersmith Hospital, 9th Dec 2011
2011 Information Technology Bytes Course (Microsoft). St. Mary’s Hospital, 30th Nov 2011
2011 Teaching Skills Course. Hammersmith Hospital, 24th Nov 2011
2011 Basic Surgical Skills Course. Guy’s and St. Thomas' Hospital, SaIL Centre, 26th-28th Oct 2011
2011 Advance Life Support. The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 24th- 26th June 2011
2011 CPD Matrix Programme: Analgesia in Labour. The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 10th March 2011.
2011 MRCOG part 1 Revision Course. Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 10th- 14th Jan 2011
2010 Foundation year 1 Simulation training day. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Simulation Centre, 17th Dec 2010
2010 Mini Basic Surgical Skills Course. The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 15th Dec 2010
2010 Immediate Life Support Course. The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 13th Dec 2010
2010 ALERT Training Course. The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 2nd Aug 2010
2010 3D Ultrasound in Reproductive Medicine: Latest Accomplishments. GE Learning Center, Rome, Italy, 26th June 2010
2010 Immediate Life Support Course. St. George's Hospital, 4th June 2010
11 2010 5th year Medical Student: Simulation training day. St. George's Hospital, Advanced Patient Simulation and Clinical Skills Centre, 2nd June 2010
2010 Medical and Biomedical Management Skills course, St. George's University London, Jan - March, 2010; completed 30th March 2010
2010 3D VISUS. International Academy of Medical Ultrasound; Vienna International School of Ultrasound (VISUS). Vienna, Austria, 8th-11th Feb 2010
2011 9th Annual International Scientific Meeting RCOG, Athens, Greece, 27th-30th Sept 2011
2011 Update in the management of PCOS, Royal Society of Medicine, 21st Jan 2011
2011 Presidential Address: Stars can rise in the west (Peter Mason), Royal Society of Medicine, 21st Oct 2011
2010 ESHRE 26th Annual Meeting. European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Rome, Italy, 27th-30th June 2010
Teaching Experience
12 Extensive teaching experience, demonstrating a keen interest in teaching throughout my training.
In 2011, received 2 awards for my teaching contribution: ‘The Local Teaching Hero Award’ by Imperial College London and ‘Best Module Director’ by Meducators UK (base on student feedback on Obstetrics and Gynaecology revision).
Outlined below are the different methods of teaching I have been involved in:
One-to-one teaching
- 4 medical students – all successfully passed their exams.
Small group interactive tutorials
- Pre-planned, presentation arranged
- Spontaneous bedside clinical teaching and assessment
- Scenarios of teamwork and role-play
Establishing Revision Course:
- In November 2010 I worked with 2 colleagues establishing a national specialities revision course for medical schools, Meducators Uk.
- EMQ-based lectures on ENT, ophthalmology, dermatology, obstetrics and gynaecology, and Paediatrics over 4 days, and a specialities Mock OSCE.
- Committee included founding directors, module directors, lecturers, advertisers, website organisers, volunteers, OSCE directors, OSCE examiners and actors.
- I am the sub-director of the organisation. Responsibility includes:
1. Delegating tasks, overseeing the project and supervising those involved.
2. Negotiating the venue (Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Imperial College South Kensington)
3. Finding our course convener (Professor Saroj Das, Director of Clinical Studies, Imperial College London)
4. Organized discounted lunch and provided fliers with directions
13 5. Liaising with security and the AV technicians
6. Liaising with Imperial 4th-6th year representatives to send my emails to students and to distribute posters around different campuses.
7. Networking with MPS and obtaining their sponsorship.
- I am additionally the specified module director for O&G. Responsibility includes:
1. Supervising the O&G lecturers - providing support, target timeline and reviewing and edited their lectures.
2. Lecturing O&G to 210 students. Feedback was 85% “very good” or “excellent,”
This year I am also directing the novel Medicine revision course, March 2012.
Invited to lecture at other revision course:
- I was recommended to teach at a revision course (GMS OSCE revision) by one of the Clinical fellows of Hillingdon Hospital, Imperial College. I received such positive feedback that I have been re-invited to teach again this year.
Lecturing as a medical student:
- Lectured pre-clinical years as part of a series of revision sessions organised by the ISOC group. - Topics: autonomic function, neurology pathways, endocrinology, reproduction, and cellular and molecular biology. - I received gifts of gratitude from some students for my teaching
Other forms of teaching:
1. I have directed, edited, and performed in a DVD production about “Introduction into Clinical Practice.” This is available in SGUL and has been used by consultants in their introductory lectures, Aug 2007.
2. I have contributed to a medical question book, ‘EMQs in Ophthalmology, Dermatology and ENT’. Publishers Oxford Radcliffe, 2012.
3. I have been an examiner in The Hillingdon Hospital Mock OSCE Examinations, for Imperial College medical students, 23rd Feb 2011. I have also been an examiner in the Meducators Mock OSCE Examination for London Universities, 21st May 2011.
14 Teaching courses attended:
1. Approaches to Teaching in Clinical Settings, Imperial College, 29th Feb 2012
2. Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, 25th Jan 2012
3. Interactive Large Group Teaching, Imperial College University, 16th Jan 2012
4. Teaching skills Course, Hammersmith Hospital, 24th Nov 2011
Leadership and Management
2012 Sub Director of Meducators UK Medical Organisation (national medical student revision course). Also the designated Director for Medicine (March 2012) and Obstetrics and Gynaecology (May 2011/2012).
2011 Foundation Year 2 Representative, St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College NHS Trust Aug 2011 – Aug2012
2010 Queens Gynaecology Clinic Coordinator, UK. Involves administration, organising departmental meetings with staff, proof-reading reports, answering email enquiries from patients and liaising with inter-professional services
2009 Fundraiser and Financial Officer of Student Action for Refugees (StAR). Raised up to £178,000 through writing applications for 2 years, 2008/2009
2008 Financial Director of the Klevis Kola Charity Foundation (KKF), registered charity 2008/2009
2008 Financial Events Organiser of the Klevis Kola Charity Foundation (KKF). Organised 7 events raising £10,000 independently 2008/2009
2008 Musical Conductor of the Tooting Show, (SGUL medical students), 2008
15 Research
Project: Prospective observational study: do early pregnancy events and ultrasound features represent an impact on the long term health of a pregnancy? Institution: Imperial College NHS Trust Dates: December 2011 – Present Outcome: Ongoing
Project: Clinical outcomes of single-stage bilateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasties Institution: The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Dates: October 2010 Outcome: Accepted as poster presentation in international conference
Project: Transfusion requirement post arthroplasty in patients with Hb optimised pre- op compared to Hb not optimised pre-op (226 patients) Institution: The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Dates: August 2010 Outcome: Changed practice at Hillingdon Hospital and other UK hospitals by integrating the results as part of the Rapid Response Programme, recommendations are now set as evidence-based guidelines. Presented at several national and international conferences
Project: The incidence of hyperkalaemia in patients post parathyroidectomy Institution: OSF Saint Francis Medical Centre, Peoria, Illinois Dates: December 2009 Outcome: Incidence similar to general population
Project: The Interaction Between Streptococcus Pneumoniae Surface Protein CpbA
16 and Complement Institution: University College London – Professor Jeremy Brown Research group Dates: January - April 2007 Outcome: Results used for larger study- published in Infection and Immunity and presented at international conference. 1st class honours for this project.
Electives and Special Study Modules
Penultimate Year Elective (March- April 2009): 5 weeks in Assisted Conception Unit, University College Hospital, London with Mr. Paul Serhal
Final Year Elective (Nov – Dec 2009): 6 weeks in the University of Illinois, College of Medicine, USA. Rotation in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with Dr. Ali, Dr. Leonardi and Dr. LoCoco.
2009: SSM 4; 4 weeks in the Assisted Conception Unit, Queens Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton with Mr. Kalu. Project: IVF twins: Buy one get one free? Graded excellent
2008: SSM 3; Frontotemporal Lobe Dementia as a Central Comparator to Named Disorders within the Boundaries of Genetics and Pathology. Graded excellent
2006: SSM 2; Does Cannabis Misuse Cause Schizophrenia? Graded excellent
2006: SSM 1; Contraction and Relaxation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Controlled by Calcium Ions
Information Technology Skills
Formal training in the use of requesting/reporting (ICE/PACS/Pi), record keeping (Vision) and discharging (EDC/Epro).
I completed a formal IT Bytes skills course (Nov 2011).
Proficient in Microsoft office programs; Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Excel.
Touch-typing skills (60-70 words/ minute)
I use Pubmed, Medline and Athens for literature searches.
17 Extracurricular Activities
Charity Work:
Member of Student Action for Refugees (StAR)
- Serve over 86 children offering support with the aim of helping children and their families engage in positive activities, provide them with academic classes, encourage their talents and make new relationships, to help them become less isolated and integrate confidently into the local community.
2009, we registered as a Charity: The Klevis Kola Foundation (KKF)
- I was the financial director and independent fundraiser for both StAR and KKF during 2008 and 2009. I raised £178,000 through writing applications for 2 years
- I organised 7 events raising £10,000 independently
2006, I organised an Art Auction: Raising Awareness for Ulcerative Colitis and Screening for Cancer
- I accumulated numerous art pieces for the auction
- I did a painting myself; it was sold and subsequently donated to a patient suffering from bowel cancer.
- For 7 years I have been in a music band called “Rouge”
- We have toured around the world experiencing USA, Norway, Holland, Denmark, Gulf, India
- We performed at the MTV Music Awards in Asia in 2007
18 - I have made 2 albums
I paint in my spare time and have sold some of my painting in aid of charity.
2004 – My A-level exam painting was auctioned and has attracted buyers for more than £10,000; now is standing in the main hall of the Leighton House Museum, Kensington, London.
I am an active participant in the sports field.
At school I was captain of the netball, soccer and hockey teams. We played netball in national tournaments. I won the cricket trophy and baseball prize.
Name: Miss. Shahla Ahmed Role: Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Institution: St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College NHS Trust Relation: Educational Supervisor August 2011 – December 2011 Email Address: [email protected] Telephone No. 0203 313 1111
Name: Mr. Tarek Miskry Role: Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Institution: St. Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College NHS Trust Relation: Consultant Supervisor August 2011 – December 2011 Email Address: [email protected] Telephone No. 0203 313 1111
Name: Dr. David Houlihan-Burne Role: Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics Institution: Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust and Mount Vernon Hospital Relation: Educational Supervisor August 2010 –December 2010 Email Address: [email protected] Telephone No. 01923 835 814