Early Dynastic

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Early Dynastic

EARLY DYNASTIC: The 1st Dynasty 3050-2890 BCE Pharaohs of the 1st dynasty include: Hor-Aha, Djer, Djet, Den, Anedjib and Semerkhet. This dynasty marks the first time that Upper and Lower Egypt were unified under one ruler. Hor-Aha (sometimes just called Aha) may have been the son of King Menes (aka Narmer), the king credited with united Upper and Lower Egypt, while others believe that Hor-Aha was Menes. During his reign, Hor-Aha declared Memphis to be the capital of Egypt, an idea which stuck for thousands of years. ********************************************************** EARLY DYNASTIC: The 2nd Dynasty 2890-2686 BCE

This Dynasty is part of the Old Kingdom. Little is known about this time, however, there is some indication that during the reign of Sekhemib there were conflicts between Upper and Lower Egypt. Sekhemib dropped his Horus name and was then referred to as Seth-Peribsen, showing his allegiance with the god Set.

Pharaohs of the 2nd Dynasty Hotepsekhemwy Raneb Nynetjer Seth-Peribsen Khasekhemwy *************************************************************** OLD KINGDOM The 3rd Dynasty 2686-2613 BCE Pharaohs of the this dynasty include: Sanakhte, Djoser, Sekhemkhet, Khaba and Huni. Djoser (aka Netjerikhet) was the second Pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty. His step pyramid at Saqqara was the first stone building ever erected. It was designed by his vizier Imhotep. Djoser's successor, Sekhemkhet, began constructing a pyramid at Saqqara, but it was never finished. Khaba built the Layer Pyramid at Zawiyet el-Aryan. Huni built a pyramid at Meydum. It was in his court that the famous statues of Nofret and Rahotep were found. ************************************************************ OLD KINGDOM The 4th Dynasty 2613-2498 BCE This period is also referred to as the Old Kingdom and the Pyramid Age. The first Pharaoh of this dynasty was Sneferu. He was responsible for building the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid, both at Dahshur. However, the greatest accomplishment of this dynasty was the construction of the pyramid complex at Giza. The Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaura oversaw this elaborate task

Menkaura (Mycerinus) was the builder of the 3rd pyramid at Giza. He ruled 2532-2504 BCE. Historians report that he was a fair and kind man. Earlier pharaohs had closed the temples to the common people. Menkaura felt that the beauty and power of the temples should be enjoyed by all, not just the nobility. As a result, he promptly reopened them to the public. This made him well loved by the common people. His parents were Khafra and Khamerenebty I. He had three queens, all of which he built small pyramids for. His chief queen was Khamerenebty II. He is known to have had at least three children. His oldest son, Khuenre, died before Menkaura left the throne. Thus his second son, Shepseskaf, became Pharaoh. He also had a daughter named Khentkawes. There has been much debate over why Menkaura's pyramid is so much smaller than Khafra's and Khufu's. Some believe that the economy was declining and a small pyramid was all that could be afforded. While others disagree, saying there is no proof of this. Some assert that it was intentionally small. It was, along with other pyramids built during this time, meant to reflect the shape of the constellation of Orion. The three pyramids at Giza are said to be the earthly belt of Orion. This not only explains the size of Menkaura's pyramid, but also the odd alignment.

1 *********************************************************** OLD KINGDOM The 5th Dynasty 2498-2345 BCE Pharaohs of this dynasty include: Userkaf, Sahure, Shepseskare, Niuserre and Unas. During the 5th dynasty it is said that the pharaohs became less powerful than earlier pharaohs and the cult of Ra gained much strength. This is shown by the fact that the dynasty's first pharaoh, Userkaf, adopted a new form of name: Son of the sun. Every pharaoh of Egypt afterwards also held this name. Another sign of Ra's increasing popularity was the construction of solar temples at every pyramid complex of this dynasty. They were built as shrines for Ra. The pyramid of Unas at Saqqara is probably the most significant monument of the 5th dynasty. The reason being is that it contained what is now referred to as The Pyramid Texts. These texts cover the walls of Unas' pyramid with spells, formulae and much information about the Egyptian religion.

2 MIDDLE KINGDOM The 11th Dynasty 2134-1991 BCE It is during the 11th Dynasty that the First Intermediate Period ends and The Middle Kingdom begins. Egypt is once again reunified under the reign of Mentuhotep I around the year 2040, this marks the beginning of The Middle Kingdom. The territory of the first 3 Pharaohs of this dynasty does not appear to exceed far beyond the city of Thebes.

Pharaohs of the 11th Dynasty Intef I - 2134-2117 Intef II - 2117-2069 Intef III - 2069-2060 Mentuhotep I - 2060-2010 Mentuhotep II - 2010-1998 Mentuhotep III - 1997-1991

****************************************************************** The Middle Kingdom The 12th Dynasty 1991-1782 BCE

The 12th dynasty was a time of reunification for Egypt. Her borders were expanded and trade was established (or re- established) with neighboring countries. This dynasty also saw the beginning of co-regency. The Co-Regent was selected by Pharaoh, usually late in his reign, and was typically his son.

Two of the greatest Egyptian literary works were written during this time: "The Instructions of Amenemhet" and "The Story of Sinuhe". The former was written by Amenemhet I to his successor son Senusret I. The deceased Pharaoh told his son in a dream that he was murdered by a guard. He also warned Senusret not to become to close to anybody. Being Pharaoh was indeed a lonely job.

The Middle Class came of age. They realized that Pharaoh was not a god and that they were entitled to the same rights in the afterlife. As a result, burial customs changed to reflect this. Osiris had been a god of the deceased Pharaoh, now he was the god of all the deceased. Wealth had become more distributed and the middle class could afford more.

Pharaohs of the 12th Dynasty Amenemhet I - 1991-1962 Senusret I - 1971-1926 Amenemhet II - 1929-1895 Senusret II - 1897-1878 Senusret III - 1878-1841 Amenemhet III - 1842-1797 Amenemhet IV - 1798-1786 Queen Sobeknefru - 1785-1782 ********************************************************************* The Second Intermediate Period Dynasties XIII - XVII During this period Egypt is once again divided. The eastern Delta region is ruled by foreigners called 'Hyksos'. Nobody is certain who these people were or where they came from. However, many Egyptologists believe they were most likely Asian in orgin. They appear to have denounced the worship of Ra, but thought highly of Set and other gods with a warrior type of nature. The horse and chariot were brought to Egypt by the Hyksos. Poor inundations occurred during this period. This lead to famine and economic decline. Very few monuments and works of art have been found from this time. Probably the most famous piece is a wooden Ka statue of King Hor, the 14th king of the 13th dynasty. It was found at Dahshur

3 NEW KINGDOM The 18th Dynasty 1570-1293 BCE

This Dynasty, along with Dynasties XIX and XX, is referred to as the New Kingdom. This was a time of great prosperity for Egypt, as is demonstrated by the lavish works of art and architecture of this period. This was also a time of great change. Both Akhenaten and Hatshepsut challenged the accepted norms of the time. For more information about them, see their pages linked below.

Pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty Ahmose I 1570-1546 Amenhotep I 1551-1524 Tuthmosis I 1524-1518 Tuthmosis II 1518-1504 Queen Hatshepsut 1498-1483 Tuthmosis III 1504-1450 Amenhotep II 1453-1419 Tuthmosis IV 1419-1386 Amenhotep III 1386-1349 Amenhotep IV(Akhenaten) 1350-1334 Smenkhkare 1336-1334 Tutankhamen 1334-1325 Ay 1325-1321 Horemheb 1321-1293


The 20th Dynasty 1185-1070 BCE

This Dynasty, along with Dynasties XVIII and XIX, is referred to as the New Kingdom. The prosperity of the previous dynasties continues, however, with the end of this dynasty we see a steady decline in the Egyptian civilization. Never again would She know triumphs and joys of earlier eras. During the 20th Dynasty, 9 Pharaohs took the name Ramses. It should be noted that none of them were related to Ramses II of the 18th Dynasty. Ramses III is often called 'the last great pharaoh of Egypt'. It is after his reign that fragmentation and trouble occurs. The priest of Amen take control of Upper Egypt.

Pharaohs of the 20th Dynasty Setnakhte 1185-1182 Ramses III 1182-1151 Ramses IV 1151-1145 Ramses V 1145-1141 Ramses VI 1141-1133 Ramses VII 1133-1126 Ramses VIII 1133-1126 Ramses IX 1126-1108 Ramses X 1108-1098 Ramses XI 1098-1070

4 The Late and Graeco-Roman Periods Dynasties XXVI - XXXI The 26th dynasty is also referred to as the Saite period. This dynasty was founded by invading Assyrians. The first pharaoh was Psammetichus I (Psamtik I). Persia conquered Egypt in 525 BCE during the reign of Psammetichus III. This conquest began the 27th dynasty (First Persian Period) under the pharaoh Cambyses II. Other kings of this period include: Darius I, Xerxes, and Artaxerxes. The 28th dynasty lasts only 5 years and had one known pharaoh, Amyrtacus. Nepherites I is the founder of the 29th dynasty. He moves the capital of Egypt from Sais to Mendes. Achoris was the second and last pharaoh of this dynasty. The 30th dynasty began with the reign of Nakhtnebef (Nectanebo) of Sebennytos. He is said to have ruled for 18 years. His son Teos was the next pharaoh, followed by Nakhtnebef II, the last Egyptian pharaoh. Nakhtnebef II was defeated by Persian forces, thus began the 31st dynasty or the Second Persian Period. Pharaohs of this dynasty include: Artaxerxes III, Arses and Darius III. The Graeco-Roman period begins when Alexander the Great (Alexander III) defeats Darius III. His half-brother Philip Arrhidaeus was the succeeding pharaoh, followed by Alexander IV. The Ptolemaic Dynasty begins around 305 BCE. Pharaohs include: Ptolemy I-XV, Queen Berenice IV and Cleopatra. Egypt was conquered by Rome on August 1, 30 BCE. ************************************************************ Tutankhamen (aka Tutankhaten, Tutankhamun, King Tut) Tutankhamen became King at the age of 9. He died somewhere between the ages of 17 and 19. His parental lineage has been a matter of much debate. Many Egyptologists think that he was the son of Ahkenaten and Kiya. Others contest that Ahkenaten and Tut were brothers. His cause of death is unknown. His mummy shows evidence of a severe head injury. This could have been the result of an accident or perhaps even murder. Some suspect his successor, Ay, of foul play. His tomb, located in The Valley of the Kings,

Pharaoh Hatshepsut Queen Hatshepsut was the daughter of Tuthmosis I and wife of Tuthmosis II. When her husband died she named herself pharaoh instead of obeying her husband's wish for Tuthmosis III, her stepson, to rule. Needless to say, Tuthmosis III was very upset about this. When he did finally become pharaoh, after Hatshepsut's death, he put forth a great deal of effort to erase evidence of her rule. Fortunately, he was not too successful. Artists of the time had a hard time depicting her. Hatshepsut's feminine features were often diminished in order to represent the conventional pharaonic portrait.

5 Tuthmosis III (aka Thutmose III, Thutmosis III, Djehutymes III) Tuthmosis III was the son of Tuthmosis II and Isis, allegedly a harem girl. When his father died, his step-mother, Hatshepsut, took charge. She was in fact Tuthmosis' co-regent. For 20 years he was pushed into the background while his step-mother ruled Egypt. Upon her death he finally assumed the throne. As an act of revenge or retribution, he attempted to destroy as many of Hatshepsut's statues, monuments and inscriptions as possible. He was at most only partially successful since many of her achievments still remain. This seemed to be an idea that future Pharaohs agreed with. Both Seti I and Ramses II omitted Hatshepsut from their lists of kings. He was called the Napoleon of Ancient Egypt due to his numerous military campaigns and victorious attacks on Syria, Libya and Nubia. He married a number of foreign princesses, apparently for diplomatic reasons. His chief queen was Hatshepsut-Merytre. She was the mother of his successor Amenhotep II. He was originally buried in the Valley of the Kings (KV 34), however during the 22nd dynasty his mummy was moved to Deir el-Bahari.

Seti I

Seti I (aka Sethos I) was the second pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty. He ruled 1291 - 1278 BCE. He was the son of Ramses I and Sitre. His wife was Tuya and he had 4 children. His oldest son died young and his name is unknown. He had two daughters, Tia and Henutmire. His other son was the legendary Ramses II.

Seti I attempted to popularize the cult of Set. The name Seti means He of the god Set. He tried to 'repair the religious damage' made by Ahkenaten in the previous dynasty by bringing back the older gods. As a result, Seti I erected a temple to Osiris and a Hypostyle Hall in the Temple of Amen at Karnak.

Seti I was buried in Tomb KV 17, Valley of the Kings, Thebes.


(aka Ramesses II, Ramses the Great) Third King of the 19th Dynasty. One of Egypt's most prolific rulers; He ruled for 67 years, lived to be over 90 years old, had many wives and somewhere between 100 and 200 children. He was the son of Seti I and Tuyu. He was a great builder and a famed warrior. He built many temples and monuments in Karnak, Luxor and Nubia. His Chief queen was Nefertari. He had a beautiful temple constructed for her in Nubia. Ramses, like his father Seti I, had red hair and therefore was associated with the god Set. Set had been scorned by most Egyptians throughout their history. However, Ramses II was quite proud to be a man of Set and made a point to uplift his name. War and expanding borders were a big part of Ramses' rule and Set was the perfect god to have on his side. The Battle of Qadesh was Ramses' most famous fight. It began during the 5th year of his reign. Ramses and four army divisions, the Amun, Ra, Ptah and Set units, moved north towards their enemy. While on the way, they captured two men who claimed to be on the Pharaoh's side. They told the Egyptians that the Hittite forces were still far north, but they were lying. Shortly after, two Hittites were captured and under duress confessed that their forces were actually much closer and planning a surprise attack. When the enemy appeared, Ramses boarded his chariot and fought the Hittites. According to some accounts, the two divisions that were there with Ramses fled, leaving Pharaoh to fight alone. War continued between these two nations for another 15 years until a peace treaty was signed. The treaty was written by the Hittite king, Hattusilis III, in the Akkadian language on a silver tablet. The promise of peace was further encouraged when Ramses married Hattusilis' daughter Manefrure. 6

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