Loudoun County School of Practical Nursing
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SYLLABUS: 2011-2012
Instructor: Laurie Sanders 703.443.3906 (beeper) [email protected] Office appointments welcome by contacting instructor in person or paging her at 703-443-3906
Prerequisite: PN I
Unit Description: Medical-Surgical Nursing B is a 155 –hour theory class and a 242-hour clinical rotation. The theory classes are held at MTC (Monroe Technology Center). The clinical site is Inova Loudoun Hospital. This unit is designed to assist the student in obtaining the knowledge and developing the understanding and skills necessary to provide effective nursing care to selected clients with medical and surgical conditions. This unit builds on the concepts taught in PN I. The learning experiences are to be selected, in so far as possible, to coincide with the current instruction in the classroom. This unit teaches the nursing care of the adult with an endocrine, neurological, musculoskeletal, urinary, and neurosensory disorder.
Concept Area: Applying the Nursing Process to the Adult Client
Unit Competencies: 8359.061 Apply the nursing process for a client with a disorder of the endocrine system. 8359.039 Perform procedures related to the endocrine system. 8359.065 Apply the nursing process for a client with a disorder of the nervous system. 8359.043 Perform procedures related to neurosensory systems. 8359.057 Apply the nursing process for a client with a disorder of the muscular and skeletal systems. 8359.035 Perform procedures related to the muscular and skeletal systems. 8359.063 Apply the nursing process for a client with a disorder of the urinary system. 8359.041 Perform procedures related to the urinary system. 8359.062 Apply the nursing process for a client with a disorder of the reproductive system. (male only) 8359.040 Perform procedures related to the reproductive system. (male) 8359.066 Apply the nursing process for a client with a disorder of the neuro-sensory (ENT) system. 8359.043 Perform procedures related to the neurosensory system. (ENT) 8357.077 Identify signs and symptoms of diseases and disorders. 8357.079 Identify common treatment modalities. 8359.050 Identify characteristics of major drugs.
C h r i s t e n s e n , B . ( 2 0 1 1 ) . A d u l t h e a l t h n u r s i n g . S t L o u i s , M O : M o s b y .
T i m b y , B . K . ( 2 0 0 9 ) . L i p p i n c o t t ' s r e v i e w f o r n c l e x - p n . P h i l a d e l p h i a , P A : W o l t e r s K l u w e r / L i p p i n c o t t W i l l i a m s & W i l k i n s .
Quia Website: www.quia.com/profiles/lsanders10 Textbooks and required reading:
C h r i s t e n s e n , B . ( 2 0 1 1 ) . A d u l t h e a l t h n u r s i n g . S t L o u i s , M O : M o s b y . Chapter 11 Care of the Client with an Endocrine Disorder Chapter 14 Care of the Client with a Neurological Disorder Chapter 4 Care of the Client with Musculoskeletal Disorder Chapter 10 Care of the Client with a Urinary Disorder Chapter 12 Care of the Client with a Reproductive Disorder p540-554 male only Chapter 13 Care of the Client with a Visual or Auditory Disorder
T i m b y , B . K . ( 2 0 0 9 ) . L i p p i n c o t t ' s r e v i e w f o r n c l e x - p n . P h i l a d e l p h i a , P A : W o l t e r s K l u w e r / L i p p i n c o t t W i l l i a m s & W i l k i n s . Test 4 The Nursing Care of Clients with Endocrine Disorders p83-92 due before Endocrine test Test 2 The Nursing Care of Clients with Neurologic System Disorders p31-41 due before Neuro test Test 1 The Nursing Care of Clients with Musculoskeletal Disorders p2-15 due before MS test Test 9 The Nursing Care of Clients with Urologic Disorders p227-261 due before Urinary test Test 10 The Nursing Care of Clients with Disorders of the Reproductive system p256-258 male only due before Urinary test Test 3 The Nursing Care of Clients with Disorders of Sensory Organs and the Integument p56-65 eye ear and nose only
Write out the numbers and answers on a separate sheet of paper with your name on it and if you got the question wrong the rationale for the correct answer. This counts towards 5% of your final grade along with class participation. NCLEX question answers are due before exam and power point presentation.
Konick-McMahan, Joanne. “Calcium Imbalances” Advance for Nurses June 2008.
Lackey, Linda. “Low Back Pain the Nurses Nemesis” Advance for Nurses July 2010
Moore, Anne. “State-of-the-Art Spine Surgery” Advance for Nurses. July 2010.
Ruoss, Lynn. “Insulin Pumps” Advance for Nurses. Aug 25, 2008.
Smeltzer, Michelle. “Stroke Alert” Advance for Nurses June 2, 2008.
Endocrine Test 20% Neuro Test 20% Musculoskeletal Test 20% Urinary Test 20% ENT power point presentation 15% Medical-Surgical Nursing B Surgical Case Study Satisfactory (80%) counts towards satisfactory clinical grade Classwork, Class Participation, Quiz, & NCLEX 5% book questions A grade of 80% in theory and a satisfactory in clinical is required to successfully complete the unit. An average of 80% on the four tests is required to pass the unit. Loudoun County Public School Grading Scale will be used for letter grades.
A+ 98-100 C 73-76 A 93-97 C - 70-72 A- 90-92 D + 67-69 B + 87-89 D 63-66 B 83-86 D- 60-62 B- 80-82 F 0-59 C + 77-79
Format and Expectations: A student in PN II is allowed to miss 31.5 hours without the requirement of makeup time or being placed on probation. Any time missed over 31.5 hours must be made up in the clinical area before graduation and consists of being placed on attendance probation. A maximum of 63 hours may be missed in PN II. Please refer to the student handbook for attendance policy. Classroom rules are posted. The Medical-Surgical Nursing B Surgical Nursing Case Study is presented in detail during and before the unit and is found in the Clinical Handbook. Classroom formats include: lecture, presentations, power point student presentations, brainstorming, group work, games, computer lab work, QUIA, guest lectures, audiovisuals etc. Classroom participation is expected. Clinical format involves the care of clients at Inova Loudoun Hospital Medical-Surgical-Tele units, Leesburg Sterling Family Practice, and NOVA Urgent Care.
Helpful Hints: Apply yourself and do the work. Show up to class on time. Study for tests. Get a good buddy if you miss class to help you catch up. Do NCLEX questions for practice and the QUIA review games on your own time before tests.
Outline of Unit: I. Care of the Client with an Endocrine Disorder Chapter 11 (Christensen, Adult Health, p484-532) (NCLEX Test 4 p83-92; due before exam) a. A&P Overview and Endocrine terminology b. Nursing Process for Clients with an Endocrine Disorder c. Diagnostic Tests for Disorders of the Endocrine System d. Disorders of the Pancreas, Diabetes e. Disorders of the Pituitary Gland f. Disorders of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands g. Disorders of the Adrenal Glands h. Test II. Care of the Client with a Neurological Disorder Chapter 14 (Christensen, Adult Health, p 650-718) (NCLEX Test 2 p 31; due before exam) a. A&P Overview and Neurological terminology b. Nursing Process for Clients with a Neurological Disorder c. Diagnostic Tests for Disorders of the Neurological Disorder d. Explain the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, nursing interventions, and treatment modalities of disorders such as Headaches, Increased Intracranial Pressure. e. Conduction Abnormalities (Epilepsy) f. Degenerative Diseases (MS, Parkinson, Alzheimers, Myasthenia Gravis etc) g. Vascular Problems (CVA) h. Infection and Inflammation i. Guillain-Barre, Meningitis j. Trauma Spinal Cord Injuries k. Test III. Care of the Client with a Musculoskeletal Disorder Chapter 4 (Christensen, Adult Health p109-174) (NCLEX Test 1 p 2; due before exam) a. A&P Overview and Musculoskeletal terminology b. Nursing Process for Clients with a Musculoskeletal Disorder c. Diagnostic Tests for Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System d. Inflammatory Disorders e. Other Disorders f. Traumatic Injuries g. Skeletal Fixation Devices h. Nonsurgical Interventions for Musculoskeletal Disorders i. Surgical Interventions for Musculoskeletal Disorders j. Test IV. Care of the Client with a Urinary Disorder Chapter 10 (Christensen, Adult Health p 434-483 and Chapter 12 male only p 533-600 (NCLEX Test 9 p 227 and Test 10 p256-260 male reproductive only; due before exam) a. A&P Overveiw and Urinary terminology b. Nursing Process for Clients with an Urinary Disorder c. Diagnostic Tests for Disorders of the Urinary System d Medication and Nutritional Considerations e Maintaining Adequate Urinary Drainage f Alterations in Voiding Patterns g Urinary Tract Infections h Obstructive Disorders of the Urinary Tract i Renal Tumors, Cysts, and Tumors of the Bladder j Conditions Affecting the Prostate Gland k. Urethral Strictures, and Urinary Tract Trauma l. Renal Failure m. Surgical Procedures for Urinary Dysfunction n. Test V Care of the Client with a Visual or Auditory Disorder Chapter 13 (Christensen, Adult Health p601-649) (NCLEX Test 3 p56-65 ENT only, no skin; due before power point presentations) a. A&P Overview and ENT terminology b. Nursing Process for Clients with an ENT Disorder c. Diagnostic Tests for ENT Disorders d. Care of the Client with an Eye Disorder e. Disorders of the Eye f. Surgeries of the Eye g. Care of the Client with an Ear Disorder h. Surgeries of the Ear i. Power Point Presentations for grade