Program Coordinator S Annual Academic Year Report 2007-2008

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Program Coordinator S Annual Academic Year Report 2007-2008


I. General Information

Date: May 8, 2008

Lateral Entry – Non Degree Class A license

Program name: Initial Licensure Program Business and Marketing Education Curriculum code(s) ED UN

Program coordinator: Cheryl P. Caddell

Program(s) reviewed: Bachelor’s __ Master’s __ Doctor’s __ Other X

II. Enrollment

*This is a two semester/non-degree program. The following indicates enrollment by semester:

Fall 2007 64 Spring 2008 89

Other field placements: Our interns are enrolled in ECI 657 Internship in Business and Marketing Education. The enrollments for the past two semesters are as follows:

ECI 657 Fall 07 13 ECI 657 Spring 08 28

III. Total Degrees Awarded N/A

1 IV. Evaluation a. What changes in the program faculty were made during the year? We continued to contract with two adjunct professors to teach additional sections of ECI 561 and ECI 562. An Assistant Teaching Professor was contracted to teach an additional section of ECI 562, provide technical/web support and implement the program assessment system. b. List any course or curriculum proposals and/or revisions during the academic year. Minor content changes were made during the academic year to each of the courses. More licensure information was included in ECI 657. New teacher observation forms were distributed to the University Supervisors for teaching evaluations. Additional data was gathered from teachers in ECI 657 regarding diversity in their classrooms. A Praxis discussion forum was added to each of the classes

b. Describe program assessment activities. ClasEval is the University-wide evaluation survey * Business and Marketing Education Course Evaluation Survey* End of Course Reflection Forum required in each of the three courses (students are asked to reflect on course strengths and weakness) University Supervisor Evaluation for ECI 657 Interns

* Issued in all ILP courses. c. List key findings of assessment activities.

The ClasEval and the Business and Marketing Course surveys indicated that the students in the ILP Program were well satisfied with the main components of the program: course delivery, content and instructors. d. As a result of the program review, what strengths were identified?

Students consistently noted six primary strengths concerning the ILP: (1)the availability of a 12 credit hour licensure program, (2) the convenience of having the courses available online, (3) the one on one care of each of the lateral entry teachers given by the instructors and Janice Coats, (our administrative assistant), (4) the promptness of grading and instructor response,(5) the design of ECI 657 which allows open discussion among the interns each week and (6) the relevance of course content.

2 e. What areas of concern were identified?

The only recurring requests were: additional study help with the Praxis II subject area tests. a more “user friendly” version of the New Teacher Evaluation Form more time between observations was a concern expressed by 2-3 of our interns minor inconsistencies in grading among instructors in the same course. f. As a result of the program review, what changes are recommended?

A new methods textbook will be used in the Spring of 2009 that will include more subject area Praxis information. Students who have successfully completed the Praxis II will be assigned mentoring roles for students studying for the Praxis.

A revised Observation Form will be used starting in the Fall.

University Supervisors will receive additional training on scheduling observations.

Adjunct professors will meet to discuss ways to make grading more consistent across courses. g. What special accomplishments were made during the year?

All forty-one interns in ECI 657 were recommended for licensure.

Three of our lateral entry teachers had students who qualified as National DECA competitors.

Janice Coats, the administrative assistant for Business and Marketing Education was selected as the SPA Award of Excellence recipient for 2008.

IV. Report for Licensure Programs Only

 What service activities to schools were provided by program faculty and students other than student teaching and intern supervision?

Entered into a partnership with the Model Teacher Consortium to provide financial aid for lateral entry teachers accepted into the Initial Licensure Program in Business and Marketing Education (ECI 561, 562, and 657)

3 Increased marketing to the Gateway Technology Center in Rocky Mount in order to provide more licensing opportunities for lateral entry teachers in that area.

Made licensure presentation to local school administrators in the 15-20 northeastern North Carolina school systems at the PANC meeting in Williamston, NC in September.

Constructed and operated an exhibitor’s booth on the NCSU Initial Licensure and Master’s Program in the Koury Convention Center, Greensboro, NC in July 2008

Conducted an information session on licensure for lateral entry teachers in Business and Marketing Education at the Career and Technical Educators Summer Conference in Greensboro, July 2008

Designed new Initial Licensure Brochures in Business and Marketing Education to be distributed through the Regional Alternative Licensing Centers.

Met with Rebecca Swanson/DELTA in March, 2008 to develop a Memorandum of Understanding for Distance Education students who have been accepted in the Business and Marketing Education Initial Licensure Program to received financial assistance beginning in the Fall of 2008

 Identify LEAs/schools, if any, with whom there is a formal/approved collaboration for activities other than field placements for student teachers and interns. Include other service activities to schools and/or school districts.

Made licensure presentation to local school administrators in the 15-20 northeastern North Carolina school systems at the PANC meeting in Williamston, NC in September.

Participated in video-conference with Marilynn Anselmi, Director ECU/NCSU Rocky Mount Academic Programs to relay information concerning the ILP/BME

Held an annual Meet and Greet Reception for current, past and future candidates in the ILP in Greensboro, July 2008

4  Describe program indicators for valuing a diverse and inclusive society.

A weekly assignment and discussion forum were dedicated to teaching lateral entry teachers the Lead and Serve Philosophy at NCSU.

A survey was developed and implemented in ECI 657 for gathering demographic data on intern teaching assignments during the Spring semester of 2008.


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