Reduce Misbehavior Without Using Gimmicks Or Bribing Students. Win Back More Time to Do

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Reduce Misbehavior Without Using Gimmicks Or Bribing Students. Win Back More Time to Do

29 Words:

Reduce misbehavior without using gimmicks or bribing students. Win back more time to do what you love – teach – while empowering your students to make better choices and achieve success.

68 Words:

Imagine a classroom where the noncompliant student learns to self-correct inappropriate behavior. Where you could spend more time doing what you love…teaching. Eliminate the repeated warnings and requests without using trendy gimmicks or paying a student to behave. The techniques provided will increase the time you spend on academics while at the same time empowering your students to take responsibility for their actions and achieve success.

124 Words:

Imagine a classroom where students respond to your request the first time. Where the noncompliant student learns to self-correct inappropriate behavior. Wouldn’t it be great if you could stop spending so much time on correcting low-level behaviors and more time doing what you love….teaching? There is a simple solution, and it’s not one that involves trendy gimmicks or paying a student to behave. It simply involves clear communication and expectations. Eliminate the repeated warnings and requests. The techniques provided will increase the time you spend on academics while at the same time empowering your students to take responsibility for their actions and achieve success. Learn the secret to creating a smooth operating classroom where the teacher teaches and the students learn.

28 Words:

Are you running your classroom or is your classroom running you? In one hour, walk away with effective management techniques, not gimmicks, that you can use on Monday!

53 Words:

Are you running your classroom or in your classroom running you? In one short hour you will learn simple strategies to diffuse and amuse not confuse and abuse! Alleviate up to 70% of classroom discipline problems and walk away with simple yet effective techniques that you can use in your classroom on Monday!

109 Words:

Are you running your classroom or is your classroom running you? Are you tired of “The Dance?” has your school’s AYP fallen and I can’t get up? Time, is has been said, is the coin of learning. It’s no surprise, teachers are spending more and more time with pesky everyday discipline problems and less time teaching tie curriculum. Restore the “class” in your classroom and alleviate up to 70% of classroom discipline problems. In one short hour you will learn simple effective strategies to diffuse and amuse not confuse and abuse. Walk away refreshed and renewed with timeless techniques that you can use in your classroom on Monday! Exhausted and frustrated with never-ending classroom behavior problems? Get back you enthusiasm with these proven strategies and techniques for classroom management that really work and make you feel re-energized! (29 words)

Exhausted and frustrated with never-ending classroom behavior problems? This presentation will help you get back you initial enthusiasm for working with kids and make you feel the excitement you had when you first started out. These proven classroom management strategies and techniques will make a real difference in your life so you can make a real difference in the lives of your students. (65 Words)

Exhausted and frustrated with never-ending classroom behavior problems? Worn out with the drip-drip- drip of small-medium-and large trials of managing todays kids and their seemingly constant challenges to your authority or interruptions of you efforts to teach? Take a deep breath and take heart! You’ve found the right presentation! This presentation will help you get back the excitement you had when you first started out working with kids. You’ll learn proven classroom management strategies and techniques that can truly change your life and re-energize you. No Gimmicks! Did we say: No Gimmicks! You Want to make a real difference in the lives of your students, but you don’t want it to leave you ragged. This is what you’ve been looking for. Breathe deeply and get ready to feel back in charge! (135 Words)

Tired of classroom management gimmicks? Learn strategies to cut down on low-level discipline problems in the classroom. Enjoy calmer, more productive teaching environment.

Tired of classroom management gimmicks and cumbersome discipline bookkeeping systems? Learn strategies to cut down as much as 70% of low lever discipline problems in the classroom. Enjoy a calmer teaching environment that helps you regain 5-9 hours of lost instruction time per week. Find ways to cover up to 30% more content in your classroom this year!

Tired of classroom management gimmicks and cumbersome discipline bookkeeping systems? Learn strategies to become and effective classroom manager. Find new ways to document classroom discipline problems in the minimum amount of time. Discover techniques that can cut down on as much as 70% of low-level discipline problems in the classroom. Learn to teach classroom rules and procedures just as you would teach course content. Enjoy a calmer teaching environment that helps you regain 5-9 hours of lost instruction time per week. Find ways to cover up to 30% more content in your classroom this year!

(25-30 words) how Many chances are you giving your students to misbehave everyday? Are you using gimmicks that encourage your students to make poor choices? Gain control, stop misbehavior from the onset.

(50-75 words) Are you getting caught up in power struggles with your students? Have you realized hwo much time this takes away from your instruction? Do you feel that some students may be taking control of your class? You need the SMARTR approach. Learn how to remain calm even with the most difficult student in your class. Discover the extraordinary power that silence can give you. Don’t allow your students to push your buttons ever again!

Do you remember the time when you could not wait to transform children’s lives, when your dreams were about making a difference in the world through teaching? Whatever happened to those dreams? Right now, you may be feeling burnt out as a teacher. You are probable ready to quit because you can’t seem to take control of discipline in your classroom, and you are just “fed up” with this profession. Please; Don’t quit just yet! Let me share with you a research based system that can cut out 50-70% of your discipline problems or behavior challenges. Give yourself the opportunity of accomplishing what you chose as a profession. I assure you that if you choose to follow the easy steps I will teach you, you will regain your enthusiasm and love for teaching again.

Are you losing your bearings in a sea of students who just don’t know how to behave? Before we can teach – and our students can learn – they must behave. Teach them to! (32 words)

25-30 words

In this jam-packed session, you will learn time-tested research-based strategies and techniques designed to:

 Improve student focus

 Drastically reduce problem behavior

 Increase instruction time

50-75 words

Every year it is more challenging to keep student on-task. As teachers, we want to do our best to help our students to succeed. However, we often lack the tools to accomplish this daunting task!

In this jam-packed session, you will learn time-tested, research based strategies and techniques designed to:

 Decrease teacher and student frustration

 Improve student focus

 Systematically teach appropriate, on-task behavior

 Drastically reduce problem behavior

 Increase instruction time The Teacher sets the rules and routine of the classroom and implements it the very first day. Positive and negative behavior of the students will be dealt with the Ccnsequences with unconditional positive regard.

Most of the time the tough kids come in early. There are multiple variations in behavior. However take the help of a tough kid to set the class rules and own them. Be consistent in teaching good behavior like you teach math, science, and English. When the students are given a right to develop rules, they not only follow the rules but also are likely to take the consequences of the rule broken.

Be consistent when you teach good behavior. Teach your behavior expectation up front and done let them ride over you. Discussing the rules with context and sequence everyday for at least 2 weeks will see in to their minds and will become their second nature. It is very important to be authoritative. Remind yourself “it is my classroom”. Though the perfect behavior patter takes a lot of time, yet will save you time down the lane. Never let the students practice negative behavior. Ignoring such behaviors you are indirectly encouraging them. You cannot change a student and definitely can change their behavior. The tough kids teach this behavior to new students because they have been corrected and redirected and could be your best helpers. The more you pick your kids to help you the more opportunity you are giving them to shine!

25-30 Word Description

“Classroom management techniques that will get my kids to listen to the directions the first time? You can’t be serious!” We’re Serious

50-75 Word Description

What if I told you that with a few techniques your children would listen the first time? Would you believe me? What if I told you one school went from 2300 office referrals in one year to 23 the next, would you believe it? Believe it.

100-150 Word Description

You are a teacher. You began with your ideals and a heart full of compassion for your kids. What happened? If you are like most teachers, you haven’t lost your love for teaching; you just don’t get to do it very often. Instead you find yourself redirecting, refereeing, cajoling, soothing, begging, and after a really long day….crying. What if I told you there is a better way? Learn how to implement classroom techniques that reduce 90% of the day-to-day interruptions and has children listening the first time. Too good to be try? Can’t be done? Come learn about the classroom management techniques that impressed administrators in Denver so much they implemented then in every school in the city.

26 words Teachers lose an average of 5-9 hours a week dealing with minor misbehavior. Imagine how much more instruction could be accomplished with those hours available.

49 words

Teachers lose an average of 5-9 hours a week dealing with minor misbehavior. Imagine how much more instruction could be accomplished with those hours available. Lear how to manage your classroom in a way that eliminates gimmicks, reduces teacher stress, and works for students. It can be done!

112 words

Teachers lose an average of 5-9 hours a week dealing with minor misbehavior. It doesn’t have to be that way! Imagine how much more instruction would be accomplished with those hours available. Positive, appropriate, productive classroom behavior can be taught systematically. It’s worth the time and effort to show students, teachers, and administrators a better way to interact in the classroom. Learn strategies for effective classroom management that will end the student-teacher power struggles, improve academic performance, and greatly reduce the need for discipline referrals. Forget the gimmicks. Forget the paperwork overload for teachers and administrators. Discover a way to have a positive productive classroom. Take back your teaching time.

Teachers Lose five to nine hours a week dealing with behavior problems. Take back instructional time by using simple proven and effective solutions. Take back your time to teach.

Teachers lose fine to nine hours a week dealing with classroom behavior problems. The most unchallenged assumption in school settings today is that kids come to school ready and willing to learn. Generations of kids are come to school raised by Homer Simpson, American Dad, The Family Guy, and having out with kids from South Park. Using Teach – To’s today’s teachers can teach their expectations to all students.

Finally – the techniques and strategies you need to have a productive, healthy and happy classroom without spending your day dealing with discipline problems and bad behaviors.

Are your students running your classroom? Do you spend 50% or more of your classroom teaching time dealing with discipline issues? Learn the strategies that will give you back the time you need to teach your students without having to deal with those distracting low-level discipline problems on a daily basis. Learn the techniques to have a productive, happy, and healthy classroom.

Are your students ruling the roost? Do you spending 50% or more of your teaching time dealing with discipline issues? Did you assume your students would be coming to your classroom knowing how to behave? Rest assured, there are techniques and strategies you can use to teach your students acceptable behavior in a relatively short period of time so you can spend valuable classroom time doing what you do best…Teaching!

Are your students running your classroom? Are you exhausted at the end of each day due to the stress of having to deal with your classroom discipline issues? Are you shocked that your students behave like Homer Simpson or the Southpark kids when they come to school? Learn how to have a safe, productive, and happy classroom by empowering your students with proper behavior techniques and strategies. Teach students in a relatively short period of time at the beginning of the school year, and your school year will be much less stressful for you and your students and you will gain back approximately 30% of lost teaching time.

It seems that intolerant language and disrespect are rampant in our elementary schools today. Corporal punishment is long gone. These proven practices will help you like none other you’ve seen.

Why can’t kids behave today? You’ve seen it on television, you’ve heard your neighbor complain, and you’re wondered yourself. Don’t take for granted that kids know how to behave before they come to your class. These techniques and applications will help you answer your question and give you the plan to ask “Why haven’t I done this before?”

How many discipline programs have you tried? How many have failed? If those two answers are the same, then you are not enjoying your job as you should. Its okay, we’ve all been there. Our core beliefs will help you gain control of your class again. Research shows that when your kids know how much you care, it’s a great start. Handling conflict, show by self-control, and timing with discipline are others. Time to teach provides theory and techniques that will have you skipping to class again….well at least walking briskly.

Every teacher knows the frustrations, stress, and eventual burnout associated with dealing with numerous classroom behavior disruptions. And yet every teacher enters the profession with a set of core beliefs! Hopefully these include caring, understanding that conflict is an essential part of growing up, good behaviors must be systematically taught, that behavior can be changed and that good discipline is only a matter of good timing. (30) Classroom organization strategies and the thorough teaching of classroom expectations combined with unconditional positive regard can and should be taught by the teacher at all times with clever self-control strategies. (75) When students do disrupt a powerful tool entitled REFOCUS is utilized overtime repeatedly to eliminate all off task behaviors and increase learning thus creating more Time To Teach!

Would you like to spend more time teaching and less time dealing with disrespectful, unmotivated students? Come and learn highly successful strategies for your classroom. Finally you’ll have time to teach. Are discipline problems devouring your precious teaching time? Do you find yourself reacting instead of responding to problem students? Then this seminar is for you. You will be given practical concrete strategies that will turn difficult students into allies and will reduce your time spent on discipline so you can focus on tasks important to you! You will reduce your stress and have more time to teach.

The role of the classroom teacher has changed in today’s world. More is expected yet adequate tools aren’t provided to meet these expectations. This seminar will provide the tools and will teach powerful, effective strategies to be used immediately in the classroom. You will become a proactive, self- controlled teacher who can learn to see and take the right course of action when challenged. This leading edge seminar demonstrates highly successful discipline strategies/tools that work! With these tools, you will be able to:

Teach disrespectful students to be respectful and unmotivated students to be motivated.

You’ll have time to teach because your classroom will be a safe, calm, productive environment. You’ll be able to spend time doing what you do best…teaching…and you tool box will be filled to overflowing.

We teach proven, practical, hands on, user friendly, instant benefit strategies that reduce low level discipline issues, thus freeing up that time to teach instead!

How to use diffusers, push asides, neutralizers, and sever other highly effective discipline strategies to handle low-level discipline issues and make 80-90% of them disappear forever. This turns frequent annoying misbehaviors into non-issues, which allows you, the teacher, to do what you do best: Teach!

Did you know that most low-level misbehavior patterns can be interrupted and changed forever, long before they become major discipline issues? Did you know that there are at least four diffusers (you’re probably right; I’m sorry; I appreciate that; probably so) that effectively take away immediately any potential for teacher-student escalation?

Would it surprise you to learn that by removing 80-90% of low-level negative behaviors permanently. You would free up a minimum of 5 to 9 hours a week that you could then use to pursue the lesson plan? This presentation distills a five – hour workshop on diffusing potential discipline issues into a 45 minute power packed training and education tool that can be used by any teacher (newbies and experiences) to down the classroom and direct the students to the lesson plan ahead.

You Can learn specific strategies that will improve the behavior of students. Yes you CAN have more time to teach in a caring atmosphere.

The strategies for improving your day, your energy, and your classroom have arrived. You will practice ways to teach good behaviors, way to diffuse conflict, and way to remain calm as you continue your instruction. You will be able to eliminate repeated warnings and place the responsibilities of behavior with the student. These strategies show respect for students and teachers.

Classroom management is something all teachers struggle with. This doesn’t have to be true! Learn a simple, effective, and logical way to deal with 80% of your pesky behaviors. Participants will learn strategies that change behaviors such as diffusers, self-control (for the teacher!), prompting techniques, teach – to’s and refocus. Find out how your beliefs, teaching style, and even your classroom arrangement could be causing behavior problems. The best part? You will learn techniques and strategies that work – and don’t cause extra work for the teacher! Teachers will find themselves with more time to teach, parents will hear more “good” things (and less “bad”) about their children, and administrators will see significant drop in discipline referrals.

Learn how to turn non-productive class time into additional instructional minutes using powerful behavior changing tools and techniques while building stronger relationships with your students.

With the Numerous low level interruptions teachers experience each day, precious instructional time is last. These strategies can enhance learning, reduce teacher stress, and dramatically decrease the number of student referrals.

These smart, proven, practical strategies can be effectively used at every grade level. They are supported by leading educational researchers and have been tested in classrooms across America for over 20 years. Don’t get lost in the chaos controlling far too many classrooms today. Restore order and effectiveness and experience the transitions all teachers want in their classrooms. You don’t want to miss this session.

In this jam-packed session, you will learn time-tested, research-based strategies and techniques designed to:

 Improve student focus

 Drastically reduce problem behavior

 Increase instruction time

Every year it is more challenging to keep students on-task. As teachers, we want to do our best to help our students to succeed. However, we often lack the tools to accomplish this daunting task!

In this jam-packed session, you will learn time-tested, research-based strategies and techniques designed to:

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