Question 1: How Are Sharepoint Sites Controlled?

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Question 1: How Are Sharepoint Sites Controlled?

City of Tacoma Insert Department and Division (e.g., Department of Public Utilities - Tacoma Power

Insert Specification Title Specification No. Insert Specification Number


All interested parties had the opportunity to submit questions in writing to Insert Contact and/or Department, by Insert time and date questions were due. The answers to the questions received are provided below and posted to the City’s website at This information IS NOT considered an addendum. Respondents should consider this information when submitting their proposals.

Question 1: Insert Question

Answer 1: The SharePoint top-level site is static. All other sites are maintained by the site owners.

Question 2: Insert Question

Answer 2: Six of the nineteen Departments are using Meridio. As of 3/24/15, Meridio includes the following: Total documents, records, and folders: 252,894 Additional volume by year (2015): 11,714 Average daily content addition rate (2015): 26 per hour Used Storage: 1.4TB

The Date for completion of Meridio migration should coincide with department deployment schedule.

Question 3: Insert Question

Answer 3: RM Services is records management services. An internal records management City team has begun and will continue interviews with the departments over the next year to develop each department’s records retention schedule and file plans, inclusive of content types and metadata mapping for the eventual SharePoint/RM taxonomy. The City needs review of the schedules, file plans and taxonomy by the vendor relative to implementing these business rules in the technology solution.

Question 4: Insert Question

Answer 4: Within Meridio, LiquidOffice was used to enable some workflows. As the City migrates out of Meridio, these workflows will need to be addressed and transitioned to another solution, SharePoint in most instances. Additionally, reference to workflow and embedded processes relate to the necessary workflows to enable life cycle management of documents within the technology solution. This may include workflows for declaring records, moving records, etc.

Question 5: Insert Question

Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 Answer 5: The existing policy is the records management policy. This policy will be displaced by the information governance policy, currently in draft form. Both are attached.

Question 6: Insert Question

Answer 6: All the Tacoma business processes are not documented. An internal records management City team has begun and will continue interviews with the departments over the next year to develop each department’s records retention schedule, file plans and workflows relative to life cycle management of documents. However, the City recognizes that the technology solution may drive additional documentation needs for implementation.

Question 7: Insert Question

Answer 7: The City’s retention schedules are based upon Washington State Guidelines for Local Government and DoD 5015.2 requirements. An internal records management City team has begun and will continue interviews with the departments over the next year to develop each department’s records retention schedule and file plans, inclusive of content types and metadata mapping for SharePoint/RM taxonomy. The City anticipates the first of the departments will be ready for deployment within the technology solution third to fourth quarter 2015. The concept is to build hybrid file plans identifying a ‘big bucket’ (e.g., accounting docs) and apply the maximum retention to the ‘big bucket’ (e.g. maximum of 7 years retention for a specific type of accounting document).

Question 8: Insert Question

Answer 8: Yes, the City has an administrator for the SharePoint server farm to manage enhancements and upgrades

Question 9: Insert Question

Answer 9: The City does not currently have a development, test, or QA environment.

Question 10: Insert Question

Answer 10: Microsoft SourceSafe

Question 11:

Answer 11: No, however there is recognition such a policy will be needed, as well as SharePoint roles and standards. The successful vendor may be asked to provide input into this policy, as there may be a relationship to how the SharePoint plug-in Records Management technology functions within SharePoint.

Question 12:

Answer 12: Currently there are approximately 500 active users of the City’s SharePoint sites in a collaborative space and intranet site spaces.

Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 Question 13:

Answer 13: A high level 2 to 3-year program plan is established which includes: Phase 1) Interviewing departmental staff and documenting their records retention schedule and file plans, inclusive of content types and metadata mapping for SharePoint/RM taxonomy (appx 3 departments every 3 month; began January 2015; spans 12-18 months) Phase 2) Readying the department for the change in business practices. As the department exists phase 1, they enter phase 2 to prepare for the technology with training and modified business practices (estimate 3 departments every 3 month beginning second quarter of 2015; spans 12-18 months); Phase 3) Implementing the technology for each department. As the department exists phase 2, they enter phase 3 to embrace the new technology to store and manage their documents in SharePoint/records management plug-in solution (estimate 3 departments every 3 month beginning third to fourth quarter of 2015; spans 12-18 months).

An internal City project team is established to support the program implementation and this engagement, and includes Records Management Team of 3 City staff, Organizational Change Management Team of 2 City staff, and Information Technology Team of 6 staff. It is anticipated that the vendor will augment each team.

Question 14:

Answer 14: See answer 13.

Question 15:

Answer 15: The desire is for onsite work primarily, with an understanding that offsite for desk work, such as drafting documentation may be acceptable.

Question 16:

Answer 16: Said systems are noted in the RFP.

Question 17:

Answer 17: VPN access may be provided as needed for the engagement.

Question 18:

Answer 18: The City of Tacoma is currently using the Standard version of SharePoint Server 2013, with a limited number (20) of enterprise licenses to allow for eventual use of SharePoint eDiscovery by public disclosure officers, records managers and attorneys.

Question 19:

Answer 19: There is currently no custom code or 3rd party components installed in the production SharePoint farm.

Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 Question 20:

Answer 20: There is currently 1.5TB of content in the Meridio system, 5TB of email (on Microsoft Exchange and in .PST files) and an existing SharePoint content of 250GB. These volumes increase daily. Additional content is stored on basic network filers; it is not anticipated the filer content will be migrated to the new SharePoint/RM plug-in solution. However, it is anticipated that the filer content will be a target for eDiscovery efforts.

Question 21:

Answer 21: The current production SharePoint environment is under review to determine scalability and analyze performance relative to the anticipated volumes that will result from using SharePoint as the document repository with a records management solution plug-in.

Question 22:

Answer 22: See answer 5. Additionally, it is anticipated as part of the program SharePoint policy, standards and procedures will be developed

Question 23:

Answer 23: Yes, specifically as this relate to the necessary workflows to enable life cycle management of documents within the technology solution. Additionally, given the platform is SharePoint, the City anticipates customer desire for additional workflow and automation to ease the burden and inefficiency of manual processes.

Question 24:

Answer 24: The security model and roles with SharePoint have not been defined. It is anticipated that as part of the program, security and roles will be defined. The parameters for the security model and roles will be reliant upon the DoD 5015.2 security requirements as noted in the RFP.

Question 25:

Answer 25: IE10 and IE 11. Other browsers are supported/used at the City of Tacoma.

Question 26:

Answer 26: No, it is anticipated that the successful vendor will review current information architecture and make recommendations necessary to support best practices for content/document/records management within the technology solution.

Question 27:

Answer 27: Yes, access to subject matter experts will be via the TIMS Team, which the vendor staff will be a part of, as noted in answer 13.

Question 28:

Answer 28: Yes. Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 Question 29:

Answer 29: Other SharePoint development is not anticipated. There will be sites added as a result of normal business continuation.

Question 30:

Answer 30: Currently, both web applications in use utilize Claims Authentication – NTLM. The City plans to move to Claims - Kerberos at some point in the future.

Question 31:

Answer 31: Cisco VPN. Most commonly used Remote Desktop is MS Remote Desktop.

Question 32:

Answer 32: Yes - there are a few individuals utilizing SharePoint Designer primarily for creating workflows.

Question 33:

Answer 33: Yes, see answer 2 and answer 20.

Question 34:

Answer 34: Yes, document based information in many forms such as MS Office, Exchange (email), PDF, etc.

Question 35:

Answer 35: The City has determined through an independent assessment that SharePoint with a records management plug-in is the solution for the future. The solution must include ArhiveLink integration with SAP to extract source data for case file management within SharePoint, e.g., employee number, contract number. The solution must include ArhiveLink integration with SAP for a future phase to migrate and manage attachments currently stored within SAP.

Question 36:

Answer 36: Yes.

Question 37:

Answer 37: Possibly, if relative to the environmental sustainability.

Question 38:

Answer 38: There are challenges with permitting offshore access to content governed by United States DoD 5015.2, in that other countries are not subject to United States Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 provisions. However, technical assistance to internal City staff, without access to content, has been accommodated in the past.

Question 39:

Answer 39: Meridio Server Application: Version Meridio DeskApps Clients: Version Meridio Outlook Clients: Version

Question 40:

Answer 40:

Question 41:

Answer 41: Yes.

Question 42:

Answer 42: See attached appendix D for depiction of the SAP installation.

Question 43:

Answer 43: See answer 2 and answer 20.

Question 44:

Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 Answer 44: Most of the content is word documents. The City will not be able to provide a sample, however see answer 2.

Question 45:

Answer 45: Currently the City has is one production SharePoint server farm at version 15.0.4641.1000. In the farm are two web servers, one application server and one database server. The only physical server is the database server with 2 processors, 16 cores, 64 GB RAM and approximately 4 TB of local attached storage. The City has also incorporated a separate web server for Office Web Apps (OWA) and one for Workflow Manager. All servers except the OWA server are using Windows Server 2012 R2 as their operating system. The OWA server is using Windows Server 2012. The database server is using SQL Server 2012 SP2 as the DBMS running on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise OS. There is currently no cloud service integration.

Question 46:

Answer 46: Case file management for records retention is required to group documents and implement event driven retention criteria, such as case settled, closed, employee separation, etc. In addition, the case file needs data from SAP as the source system of record to populate case file metadata. Also, see answer 35. Also reference the case file management requirements in the DoD 5015.2 requirements table of the RFP.

Question 47:

Answer 47: This specific scope of this engagement does not include capture devices. However, the City recognizes a potential future need to standardize on an imaging solution to digitize paper documents in which case the solution would need to interface with SharePoint as the repository.

Question 48:

Answer 48: This specific scope of this engagement is electronic documents and e- mail. However, the City recognizes a potential future need to capture and manage other sources of information, such as produced by social media tools, in which case the content would be stored in the SharePoint as the repository. The vendor may respond with opportunities for their solution to manage all types of content.

Question 49:

Answer 49: Separate out as optional costs.

Question 50:

Answer 50: See answer 47. Regarding SharePoint users, the City estimates 1500 visitors, 100 members, and 20 administrators.

Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 Question 51:

Answer 51: The City has determined through an independent assessment that SharePoint with a records management plug-in is the solution for the future. As a result, City staff are aware of the potential toolsets and have attended multi-vendor conferences and scanned webinar offerings to learn more about this market.

Question 52:

Answer 52: The SharePoint deployment will be on-premise.

Question 53: ?

Answer 53: SharePoint is hosted on-premise and run by the City of Tacoma.

Question 54:

Answer 54: The City is currently using SharePoint 2013 Workflow Manager. However, vendors may propose workflow products.

Question 55:

Answer 55: The cases the City wishes to implement require information from other systems – see answer 35 and answer 46.

Question 56:

Answer 56: The scope does not include a public facing component. However, the City recognizes a potential need in the future, and the vendor may respond with opportunities for their solution to manage mixed (public and private) environments on premise and in the cloud.

Question 57:

Answer 57: Currently there are approximately 500 - 1000 active users of Tacoma’s SharePoint sites in the collaborative and intranet site spaces. Future state expects 2500-3500 users.

Question 58:

Answer 58: The scope does not anticipate external users.

Question 59:

Answer 59: Initially, see answer 20. On a go-forward, growth will continue as the Sharepoint repository becomes the primary repository for all City content.

Question 60:

Answer 60: Yes, Emails which are declared records are anticipated to be stored in the SharePoint/records management solution.

Question 61: Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 Answer 61: No, multiple agencies will not be using the system.

Question 62:

Answer 62: Personal health information is stored by Human Resources and Fire EMS.

Question 63:

Answer 63: Records Managers and Attorneys can prove compliance with quantifiable measures  Qualification Rate. Percentage of files we should expect as declared records. Typically measured annually. Typically 5% (e-mail), 95% (office documents). This percentage will vary widely by department and by function, e.g., 5%-50%.  Declaration Rate. Of those we expected to be declared (qualification), what percentage was declared as records? Must be measured daily. A typically acceptable rate would be 75% or higher.  Classification Accuracy Rate. Of all the documents declared as records, what percentage are known to be correctly classified (i.e. they have the correct retention rule assigned)? Must be measured daily. Must be at least 85% at all times, or disposition is impossible.

Question 64:

Answer 64: The budget depends on the proposed solution (purchase vs lease).

Question 65:

Answer 65: Please refer to the table in section 4.17.

Question 66:

Answer 66: References of the direct service provider are required.

Question 67:

Answer 67: No, see Section 4.16, Subsection 12 and also the SBE Regulations (Appendix C).

Question 68:

Answer 68: Please see answer 37.

Question 69:

Answer 69: The scoring criteria included in the RFP offers objective evaluation.

Question 70:

Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 Answer 70: The scoring criteria included in the RFP offers objective evaluation.

Question 71:

Answer 71: The scoring criteria included in the RFP offers objective evaluation.

Question 72:

Answer 72: See answer 51.

Question 73:

Answer 73: See answer 13.

Question 74:

Answer 74: See answer 15. Yes.

Question 75:

Answer 75: No, AD is not currently configured completely with the necessary fields, users, groups, permissions, and/or roles anticipated to be used in the final solution.

Question 76:

Answer 76: See answer 45 for current SharePoint farm details. An effort is presently beginning to address the future environment configuration needs with regard to architecture.

Question 77:

Answer 77: Please see answer 3 and answer 7.

Question 78:

Answer 78: Please see answer 3 and answer 7.

Question 79:

Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 Answer 79: a. See answer 35 and answer 46. Please be responsive to all types of integration you listed. b. See answer 35 and answer 46. c. Requirement, see answer 35 and 46. d. Not specifically. See criteria within the RFP. e. The vendor may propose. f. The vendor may propose. g. SAP ArchiveLink certification is anticipated as a requirement.

Question 80:

Answer 80: Please refer to Appendix A, section 6.03 for the DoD grid and reference required vs. optional.

Question 81:

Answer 81: See answer 6 and answer 23.

Question 82:

Answer 82: No, it is not within scope.

Question 83:

Answer 83: This will be defined as part of the engagement.

Question 84:

Answer 84: This will be defined as part of the engagement.

Question 85:

Answer 85: This will be defined as part of the engagement.

Question 86:

Answer 86: This will be defined as part of the engagement.

Question 87:

Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 Answer 87: See answer 47.

Question 88:

Answer 88: It’s acceptable to provide estimates. See answer 2 and answer 20.

Question 89:

Answer 89: Yes, eventual implementation of the toolset will be needed.

Question 90:

Answer 90: For this engagement the solution needs to operate on-premise. However, the City recognizes a potential future need to capture and manage information created in cloud environments. The vendor may respond with opportunities for their solution to manage within cloud environments.

Question 91:

Answer 91: See answer 20.

Question 92:

Answer 92: The City participates in various audits which are essential to conduct of business.

Question 93:

Answer 93: Digital signatures are not in scope for this engagement. However, the City recognizes a potential future need for digital signatures. The vendor may respond with solution opportunities.

Question 94:

Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007 Answer 94: No external access is in scope for this RFP. However, the solution should be capable of handling mixed environments (internal and external access).

Question 95:

Answer 95: The solution should operate in the environment described in RFP Appendix A, section 6.02.06.

Question 96:

Answer 96: Post implementation support is desirable for a short time after go-live to ensure stability and functionality of the system.

Question 97:

Answer 97: Yes.

Question 98:

Answer 98: 2017

Question 99:

Answer 99: No, sealed submittals need to be received and time stamped as described on the Request for Proposals page (Page 2 of the RFP).

Form No. SPEC-230A Revised: 03/13/2007

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