Montgomery County School Math Vocabulary Secondary

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Montgomery County School Math Vocabulary Secondary


6th Grade – Goal 1 Additive inverse Common denominator Cube Opposites Least common denominator Cube Root Negation Multiple Operations with Exponents [x and ÷] Integers Least common multiple [LCM] Factor tree Number line Factor Divisibility rules Equal Greatest common factor Order of operations Less than or equal to ≤ Numerator Prime number Greater than or equal to ≥ Denominator Composite number Compound inequality [ex. a < b < c] Improper Fraction Place value Ascending order Mixed Number Standard form Descending order Simplify Fraction Powers of ten Rounding Like / Unlike Exponent Place value Sum Base Benchmark values Difference Guess and test Part / Whole Product Make a table/chart/graph Ratio Quotient Make a diagram Proportion Inverse operation Make an organized list Cross product Multiplicative inverse Solve a simpler problem Hundred grid Rounding Extraneous information Circle graph Exponent Find a pattern Fractions Base Work backwards Decimals Power Percents Square Square Root [Perfect Square] 6th Grade – Goal 2 Protractor Degree Vertex Acute angle Obtuse angle Right angle Complementary angle Supplementary angle Balance scale Metric system Meters Centimeters Kilometers Grams Kilograms Customary system Feet Inches Yards Miles Ounces Pounds Square units Parallelogram Triangle Trapezoid Height Altitude Pi Radius Diameter Circle Polygon Triangle Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon Octagon Nonagon Decagon 6th Grade – Goal 3 Interior region Exterior region Interior angle Exterior angle Parallel Perpendicular Reflection Translation Rotation Center of rotation Angle of rotation Pre-image Image Clockwise Counterclockwise x-axis y-axis Quadrants Mirrors Patty paper MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL – MATH VOCABULARY [SECONDARY]

6th Grade – Goal 4 Sample space Favorable outcome Possible outcome Geometric probability Experimental results Organized lists Fundamental counting principle Outcome Tree diagrams With replacement Theoretical probability Representative sample Experimental sample 6th Grade – Goal 5 Term Like terms Combining like terms Equivalent expressions Coefficient Variable Exponents Brackets Multiplicative identity Additive identity Additive inverse Grouping symbols Parenthesis Braces Symbols of Multiplication [● , x , ()] MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL – MATH VOCABULARY [SECONDARY]

7th Goal 1 Equivalence Equivalent ratios Ratio table Rate Unit rate Best buy Part-to-part relationship Part-to-whole relationship Taxes Commission Wholesale Interest Discount Mark-up Percent change Percent of increase Percent of decrease Retail Mark up Selling price Sales tax Guess and test Make a table/chart/graph Make a diagram/picture Make an organized list Work backwards Find a pattern Work a simpler problem Extraneous information Similarity Circle graphs Integers Rational numbers Proper fraction Improper fraction Mixed number Terminating decimal Repeating decimal Inverses/opposites Reciprocal Inverse operations Prime factorization Factors Multiples Least common multiple Greatest common factor Prime number Composite number 7th Goal 2 Proportion Ratio Equivalence Similarity Dilation Scale factor Enlargement Reduction Projection point Polyhedron Triangle prism Rectangular prism Cube Pentagonal prism Hexagonal prism Length Width Height Base Face Lateral face Lateral area Radius Diameter Circumference Density 7th Goal 3 3-D figure Pyramid Cylinder Cone Sphere Polyhedron Net Isometric view Bird’s eye view Isometric dot paper Linking cubes Corresponding parts Corresponding sides Corresponding angles Cross product Symbol for congruence Symbol of similarity Indirect measurement Transformation 7th Goal 4 Box-and-whisker plot Quartile Lower quartile First quartile Middle quartile/median Second quartile Upper quartile Third quartile Minimum value Maximum value Outlier Range Inter-quartile range Measures of central tendency Frequency table Interval Histogram Stem-and-leaf plot Mean Median Mode Range Box plot Line plot Circle graph Line graph Bar graph MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL – MATH VOCABULARY [SECONDARY]

7th Goal 5 Variable Independent Dependent Evaluate Order of operations Simplify Like terms Domain Range Input Output Term Equivalent expressions Coefficient Exponents Rules of exponents Multiplicative identity Additive identity Multiplicative inverse Additive inverse Grouping symbols Order of operations Parentheses Brackets Braces Notations for multiplication Less than > Greater than < Less than or equal to ≤ Greater than or equal to ≥ Substitution Variable Evaluate Transform Investment Interest MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL – MATH VOCABULARY [SECONDARY]

8th Goal 1 Radical Terminating decimal Repeating decimal Non-terminating Non-repeating Pi, π Square root Radicand Perfect square Number line Equal = Less than > Greater than < Less than or equal to ≤ Greater than or equal to ≥ Compound inequality a < b < c Ascending order Descending order Estimation Place value Benchmark Values Guess and test Make a table/chart/graph Make a diagram/picture Make an organized list Work backwards Work a simpler problem Find a pattern Extraneous information 8th Goal 2 Length Width Base Height Radius Diameter Circumference Polygon Prism Cube Cylinder Similar figures Corresponding parts Ratio Proportion Scale drawing Pythagorean theorem 8th Goal 3 Geometric probability Area Volume Cylinder Cube Right triangle Hypotenuse Leg Pythagorean triple Complementary angle Supplementary angle Perimeter Area Square Square root Irrational number Transformation Enlargement Reduction Shrink Stretch Scaling Scale factor Image Pre-image Similarity Ratio Proportion Corresponding parts Coordinate plane 8th Goal 4 Dependent variable Independent variable Trend line Line of best fit Trend/correlation Positive correlation Positive relationship Negative correlation Negative relationship No correlation No relationship Constant relationship Y-intercept X-intercept Ordered pair Slope [rate of change] Measures of central tendency Mean Median Mode Range Outlier Sample Representative sample Biased sample Sample size scale MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL – MATH VOCABULARY [SECONDARY]

8th Goal 5 Input / Output Relation Function table Function rule Function notation Domain Properties of equality Commutative property Associative property Distributive property Identities Range Solution Variable Independent Dependent Coefficient Equation Graph Slope [rate of change] Intercepts y-intercepts / x-intercepts Slope intercept form Point slope form Standard form Vertical line test Linear function Non-linear function Increasing Decreasing Parallel lines Intersecting lines Collinear points Equation Use of formulas Coordinate plane Area Volume Radical expression MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL – MATH VOCABULARY [SECONDARY]

Algebra I Laws of exponents Slope Monomial Rate Binomial y = kx Trinomial Pythagorean theorem Polynomial Distance formula Operations with monomials Simplify irrational expressions Factor quadratic expressions Altitude Greatest common factor Ax + By = C Associative properties f[x] = ax + b

Commutative properties y – y1 = a[x – x1] Distributive properties Ordered array Equation Dimensions Model Row / column Formula Elements Evaluate Interpolation Sequence Extrapolation Arithmetic sequence Intercepts Geometric sequence Independent / dependent Explicit Domain / range

an + 1 = an + d Scatter plot

an + 1 = [r an ] Line of best fit Constant Correlation coefficient Coefficient Residuals Ratio Estimation Proportion Graph Increasing/decreasing Properties of equality Identities Commutative property Associative properties Distributive property Solution Parabola Vertex Solutions Zeros Roots f[x] = ax2 + bx + c Parallel Substitution Elimination Base Initial value MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL – MATH VOCABULARY [SECONDARY]

Geometry Right triangle Hypotenuse Legs Altitude Sin A Cos A Tan A Sin-1 A [Arcsine] Cos-1 A [Arccosine] Tan-1 A [Arctangent] 45-45-90 Triangle 30-60-90 Triangle Angle of elevation Angle of depression Simplify irrational Expressions Perimeter Circumference Lateral Area Surface Area Apothem Slant height Great circle Minor Arc Major Arc Height Altitude Composite Truncated Oblique Sector Arc Prism Cylinder Cone Sphere Cube Faces Vertices Bases Edge 3-D coordinates Distance formula [3-D] Midpoint [3-D] Theoretical Probability Experimental Probability Conditional Converse Inverse Negation Contrapositive Biconditional Logic Theorems Properties Postulates Definitions Adjacent angles Vertical angles Linear pair Complementary Supplementary Alternate interior Corresponding Same side interior Transversal Angle addition postulate Midpoint Segment bisector Angle bisector Perpendicular bisector Parallel Skew Collinear Slope length Interior angle Exterior angle Congruence Equality SAS / SSS / ASA / AAS HL CPCTC AA Scale factor Geometric mean Pythagorean theorem Opposite Adjacent Included angle Proportional Forms of proof Scalene Isosceles Equilateral Equiangular Right/Acute/Obtuse Altitude Median Perpendicular Bisector Rectangle Parallelogram Square Rhombus Kite Trapezoid Isosceles trapezoid Diagonals Consecutive angles Opposite angles Slope Parallel perpendicular Congruent Similar Convex / concave Apothem Inscribed / circumscribed Polygons Circumference Chord Pi Tangent / secant Major / Minor arc Sector Semicircle Internally / Externally tangent Truncated Platonic solids Pre image / image Mapping Center of Rotation / Center of Dilation Vertex / Standard Matrix Unit / Identity Matrix Row / Column MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL – MATH VOCABULARY [SECONDARY]

Algebra II Inverse relationship Laws of exponents Laws of algorithms Base Common logarithms Natural logarithms Radical Imaginary numbers [operations] a + bi Conjugate Polynomial Rational expression Complex fraction [operations] Synthetic division Division algorithm Factor Binomial theorem Ordered array Dimensions Element Identity / Inverse / Matrix Operations with Matrices Scalar multiplication Determinant Independent / Dependent f -1 [x] [f ● g][x] = f [g(x)] Identity function y = x Graph Factor Completing the square Quadratic formula Set notation Number line Maximum / minimum Increasing / decreasing Domain / range Independent / dependent f[x] = ax2 + bx + c y – k = a [x - h]2 Parabola Transformations Coefficients Vertex Intercepts Solutions Roots Zeros Properties of equality Laws of exponents Laws of logarithms Inverse relationship Initial value Scatter plot Residuals Scatter plot Regression Interpolation / Extrapolation Estimation / prediction Extraneous roots Set notation Asymptotes f[x] = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d Conjunction Disjunction f[x] = │ax + b│ Conics Radius Axis of symmetry Completing the square y – k = a[x - h]2 [x - h]2 + [y - k]2 = r2 x2 + y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 Matrix Equation Cubic Quadratic Exponential Rational Radical Absolute Value

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