Results Heuristic Evaluation

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Results Heuristic Evaluation

Results heuristic evaluation for Skattekort mobile application:

Heuristics: (H1-H10)

H1 Visibility of system status i. Are users kept informed about what is going on? ii. Is appropriate feedback provided within reasonable time about a user’s action? H2 Match between system and the real world iii. Is the language used at the interface simple? iv. Are the words, phrases and concepts used familiar to the user? H3 User control and freedom v. Are there ways of allowing users to easily escape from places they unexpectedly find them self in? H4 Consistency and standards vi. Are the ways of performing similar actions consistent? H5 Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover form errors vii. Are errors messages helpful? viii. Do they use plain language to describe the nature of the problem and suggest a way of solving it? H6 Error prevention ix. Is it easy to make errors? x. If this is so why? H7 Recognition rather than recall xi. Are objects, actions and options always visible? H8 Flexibility and efficient of use xii. Have accelerators been provided that allow more experienced users to carry out task more quickly? H9 Aesthetic and minimalist design xiii. Is any unnecessary or irrelevant information provided? H10 Help and documentation xiv. Is help information provided that can be easily searched and easily followed?

Where Heuristic/problem Sv Kr Ha Ol Øi Possible solution

H2 H2 H2 Technical language.

What is the SELECT tast (SELECT button) There is no select button in the menu.

Does the user know what “nedtrekksliste”

Very cumbersome to H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 select and fetch the form

What is BSU,? Not everybody is familiar H2 H2 H2 H2 with this terminology

“Beskriv grunn” is this the reason for desired change, or has it anything to do with changing one parameter to another (like grunnbeløp)

“Gjenlevende partner” Is misleading

Where Heuristic/problem Sv Kr Ha Ol Øi Possible solution The use of H1 H3 This interaction “nedtrekksliste”/ form is best suited drop down menu for direct may be misleading. manipulation such How do you press as mouse or pen. the arrow to the You cannot right? It is not manipulate the obvious that you scrollbar directly. have to press the Show buttons select button.

Hjelp brukergrensesnitt Text using the words H5 H5 H5 “opp/ned piler”. Not all telephones have arrows, confusing when the phone only has a joystick

Where Heuristic/problem Sv Kr Ha Ol Øi Possible solution Users will not H7 H7 Positive that you necessarily find this can get help for submenu. Not each field. intuitive to go from When you first the menu to the know about this submenu. sub-menu it is easy to use.

More investigations into icons are required.

Need for explanation H7 H7 Use something of the icons, and similar to tool-tips. possible better icons. Eg. it is not easy to recognize the last icon. Green icon looks like a play button 90 degrees tilted. The delete icon looks like backspace, ie deletion of one single character, but it deletes all the characters in the field Overall consistency OK Not possible to see Make the active tab which of the two red larger than the other tabs that is active. tabs.

Arrow showing progression could be useful.

Make use of more colors.

BSU Not active/relevant H8 Change the text. The text does not H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 Select evaluate from inform you that you the menu, and then have to evaluate and send form. send. You have to go through the whole Velg evaluer skjema setup before you i menyen og deretter discover that it is not send skjema. evaluated.

Since evaluate and The form should be send form is only H4 automatically used in this screen it evaluated without would be better to the need for only show this in the selecting this from a last screen. menu.

There is no heading H4 on this page. After sending, last The program is H3 Some way of page. finished, but there is terminating the no way to end the application, program. confirming the user that she has changed her skattekort.

General problems When pushing the H6 H6 Some kind of exit button on the message/choice. telephone, the program is immediately terminated without asking if the user really wants to do so. “Hent skjema”, H4 H4 Implement these ”Evaluer skjema” features as buttons and ”Send skjema” is on the pages they located under the are to be used. Menu, even though they are only to be used at one place in the program. Confusing and inconsequent. The redo-button H6 H3 H6 restarts the whole application instead of the last ting changed (as expected). Not intuitive to see H6 Use of arrows or that one is finished similar showing with one phase and progression phases need to move to the next Not helpful error H5 Implement messages. Not more/better explaining words, information expressions etc.

Conclusions Hani Sven

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