The Meeting Was Called to Order Chairman Warmka
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The Faribault County Board of Commissioners met pursuant to the recess of February 6, 2007 at the Courthouse in the City of Blue Earth at 9:00 a.m. on February 20, 2007. The following members were present: Butch Erichsrud, Bill Groskreutz, Barb Steier, Tom Loveall, and Tom Warmka, Commissioners. County Auditor John Thompson and County Attorney Brian Roverud were also present.
The meeting was called to order Chairman Warmka.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
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Loveall/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve the synopsis and official proceedings of the February 6, 2007 regular meeting.
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Groskreutz/Loveall motion carried unanimously to approve agenda of February 20, 2007.
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The calendar was updated. Committee reports were presented.
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No member of the public appeared during public comment.
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Groskreutz/Loveall motion carried unanimously to close the meeting to discuss labor negotiations with the Law Enforcement Labor Services (LELS) union. Present for the closed meeting were the full board, Auditor John Thompson, Attorney Brian Roverud, and Central Services Director Brenda Ripley.
Meeting was re-opened.
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Public Works Director John McDonald met regarding office business.
02-20-07 -19- Loveall/Erichsrud motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 07-RB2-07 appointing the Commissioner of Transportation as agent of Faribault County to accept federal aid funds. Commissioners Erichsrud, Groskreutz, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.
BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minnesota Stat. Sec. 161.36, the Commissioner of Transportation be appointed as Agent of the Faribault County to accept as its agent, federal aid funds which may be made available for eligible transportation related projects.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the County Board Chairman and County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of Transportation prescribing the terms and conditions of said federal aid participation as set forth and contained in “Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Agreement No. 90752”, a copy of which said agreement was before the County Board and which is made a part hereof by reference.
Loveall/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to set the date for a bid opening on SP 22-621-19 for March 21, 2007 at 11:00 a.m.
Steier/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to accept a bid from Detke-Morbac of Blue Earth for a John Deere 5425 tractor of $35,006.74 net of trade. One other bid was received from Erlandson’s for $35,658.97.
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Groskreutz/Erichsrud motion carried unanimously request of J. McDonald, J. Franzen, M. Durkee and D. Hanson to attend a one day bridge safety inspection seminar in Owatonna; R. Perrizo to attend a three day Minnesota County highway accountant conference in St. Cloud.
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Loveall/Erichsrud motion carried unanimously to accept donation of $1,122.90 from Delavan Legion for computer equipment for the County Library Services.
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Loveall/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to appoint Commissioner Butch Erichsrud to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Water Quality Pollutant Trading group. 02-20-07 -20- * * * * *
Groskreutz/Loveall motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 07-CB-08 supporting the Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board. Commissioners Erichsrud, Groskreutz, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.
WHEREAS, the Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board was formed out of the Minnesota River Citizen Advisory Committee’s recommendations and implemented by the State of Minnesota under former Governor Arne Carlson July 12, 1995; and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board has a state statute 103F.378, Section 471.59 governing the joint powers board; and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board received state funding during the years 1995-2001 and our county continues to pay dues and raise funds; and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board was established to coordinate efforts to improve water quality; not to compete for the same monies as non-profit organizations, government agencies and watershed groups; and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board will continue to request dues from its member counties for the purpose of supplementing administration and coordination of projects; and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board has made great strides in promoting and coordinating CREP in the Minnesota River Basin, nutrient trading coordination, Clean Water Legacy Act funding, development of local and regional partnerships, integrated watershed model support, recommendations to the drainage task force, projects communications coordination through the Minnesota River Watershed Alliance and the Water Resources Center, and communications through a new website ( and newsletter; and
WHEREAS, with additional funding the Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board will expand programs on educating the public and watershed staff about water related issues and assist partners in obtaining additional funding for projects on the ground; and
WHEREAS, this County is a member in good standing of the Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board and contributes to the mission; and
02-20-07 -21- THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this County affirms our belief in the mission of the Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board, our desire to continue supporting the Board and its mission, and recognizes the value of this Board’s actions; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED we support legislative action to reinstate funding for the Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board, aka Minnesota River Board (MRB) to further enhance its mission and results.
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A drainage hearing was held on County Ditch #5.
Steier/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to re-bid the bridge project on County Ditch #5.
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Groskreutz/Loveall motion carried unanimously to close the meeting to discuss the Kerry Group tax court negotiations.
Meeting was reopened. County Attorney Roverud recapped the closed meeting.
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Loveall/Steier motion carried unanimously to set the price of Parcel No. 21.200.0641 at $100.00.
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Loveall/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to appoint Rob Nelson of Winnebago to a five year term on the Economic Development Agency board ending December 31, 2011.
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Commissioners Loveall and Steier reported on their meeting with Allan Brinkman on the Law Enforcement Center plan.
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Loveall/Warmka motion carried unanimously to pay bills totaling $590,892.06 as follows:
02-20-07 -22- PUBLIC WORKS FUND 323,344.21
DITCH FUNDS 43,892 .75
$ 590,892.06
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The meeting was adjourned for the month of February.
______Tom Warmka, Chairman John Thompson, Auditor/Coordinator
02-20-07 -23-