Chapter 20: Strategies Of Life

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Chapter 20: Strategies Of Life

Chapter 20 Strategies of Life: What is life?

1. The scientific name of the white oak tree is Quercus alba. In this name, the term Quercus refers to the tree's a. family. b. breed. c. order. d. species. e. genus.

Ans: e Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

2. The Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus based his system of classification upon a. observation. b. DNA typing. c. experimentation. d. carbon dating. e. all of the above

Ans: a Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

3. How are fungi different from protista? a. number of leaves b. presence of a nucleus c. strategy of obtaining energy d. color and texture e. skeleton

Ans: c Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

71 Chapter 20

4. Which is true of algae? a. Algae can be single-celled or multi-cellular organisms. b. Algae carry out at least half of global photosynthesis. c. Algae include seaweed and kelp. d. Algae are found in symbiotic combination with fungi. e. all of the above

Ans: e Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

5. Which is an example of a bryophyte? a. apple tree b. lichen c. moss d. orchid e. penicillium

Ans: c Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

6. Vascular plants a. can live in dry environments. b. include ferns. c. overcome gravity with internal structure. d. can be seedless. e. all of the above

Ans: e Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Easy

7. Which of the following does not describe a way that living things acquire energy? a. directly from the Sun b. consuming other organisms c. absorbing materials in their environment d. creating their own energy from nothing e. Each of the above describes a way that living things acquire energy.

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Ans: d Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Easy

8. How long have flowering plants been the dominant plant life on Earth? a. 100 million years b. 200 million years c. 100 thousand years d. 65 million years e. Flowering plants do not dominate Earth's plant life.

Ans: d Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Easy

9. The current research frontier in biology is primarily a. taxonomy and monera classification. b. searching for tropical herbal medicines. c. at the molecular scale of biota. d. at the organism scale of biota. e. at the ecosystem scale of biota.

Ans: c Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

10. What is the correct order of the following, according to the Linnaean system of classification? a. genus, species, class, order, phyla, family, kingdom b. class, species, family, order, kingdom, genus, phyla c. kingdom, phyla, class, order, family, genus, species d. kingdom, order, phyla, species, class, family, genus e. genus, species, class, family, order, phyla, kingdom

Ans: c Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

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11. In the new view of classification, the three kingdoms are a. Monera, Archaea, and Eucaryea b. Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucaryea c. Eucaryea, Monera, and Protista d. Fungi, Bacteria, and Animals e. Archaea, Plants, and Animals

Ans: b Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

12. What do all primates have in common? a. the same order b. fingernails c. eyes in the front of the head d. large brain e. all of the above

Ans: c Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Easy

13. Which of the following is a legacy of Linneaus? a. DNA b. Archaea c. binomial nomenclature d. Monera e. Cyanobacteria

Ans: c Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

14. The main difference between the kingdoms Monera and Protista is a. the number of cells in the organism. b. the location of the internal chordate. c. the presence of a nucleus. d. a filamentous root system. e. the method of locomotion.

74 Chapter 20

Ans: c Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

15. Which of the following is not true about all living things? a. They are subject to the laws of thermodynamics. b. They are made from more than one cell. c. They respond to their environments. d. They need energy to live. e. They are dependent upon chemical reactions.

Ans: b Link To: What Is Life? Difficulty Level: Easy

16. "Cold-blooded" is a term that can refer to a. insects and spiders. b. snakes and crabs. c. frogs and turtles. d. turtles and lobsters. e. all of the above

Ans: c Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Easy

17. The Industrial Revolution was dependent upon the prehistoric dominance of a. seedless vascular plants. b. gymnosperms. c. angiosperms. d. arthropods. e. bryophytes.

Ans: a Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Easy

75 Chapter 20

18. On what part of a bacterium cell does penicillin act? a. nucleus b. chloroplast c. cytoplasm d. cell membrane e. protoplasm

Ans: d Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Easy

19. The filament structures of multi-celled fungi limit their ability to grow beyond a food source.

Ans: True Link To: Strategies of Fungi Difficulty Level: Easy

20. The most reliable estimates of number of species on Earth range between 3 million and 30 million.

Ans: True Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

21. A saturation curve is a graph that plots the number of new species discovered versus the number of known species.

Ans: False Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

22. Mosses alternate generations with sexual and asexual reproduction.

Ans: True Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Easy

76 Chapter 20

23. Modern life strategies for mosses demonstrate that life originated in the oceans and migrated to the land.

Ans: True Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Easy

24. Biologists are developing a precise definition for life.

Ans: False Link To: What Is Life? Difficulty Level: Easy

25. Based on diversity and numbers, primates are the most successful phylum in the animal kingdom.

Ans: False Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Easy

26. Corals can exist as independent organisms or as colonies.

Ans: True Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Easy

27. Taxonomy--the classification and naming of living things—is an exact science.

Ans: False Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

28. There is a different system of genetic codes for organisms in each of the five Linnaean kingdoms.

Ans: False

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Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

29. One-celled organisms were the dominant life form for most of Earth's history.

Ans: True Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

30. There is only one species of living creature in the genus Homo.

Ans: True Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Easy

31. Penicillin saved thousands of lives during the Civil War.

Ans: False Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Easy

32. In revised taxonomic schemes, examples of Eucaryea are a. birds b. trees c. lobsters d. frogs e. all of the above

Ans: e Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Medium

33. One possible ancestor to modern humans is named Homo erectus. Compared to modern human beings, Homo erectus was a member of a different a. species. b. genus.

78 Chapter 20 c. family. d. subgenus. e. order.

Ans: a Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Medium

34. An apple is to an angiosperm as _____ is to _____? a. a web, a spider b. a cone, a gymnosperm c. pollen, an angiosperm d. coral, a sponge e. a flower, a seed

Ans: b Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Medium

35. Why is it so difficult to estimate how many species of insects there are on the Earth? a. There is no central repository for information on new species on Earth b. New species continue to be discovered and other species go extinct. c. Different methods of estimating numbers yield widely varied results. d. All of the above are valid reasons. e. No estimate is necessary because a good approximation of the number of insect species is sufficient.

Ans: d Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Medium

36. If you discovered a new organism deep in oceanic hydrothermal vents and you were trying to discover to which kingdom it belonged, what is one of the first questions you might ask? a. What color is it? b. How many cells does it have? c. How does it acquire energy? d. How does it move? e. What temperature variations can it withstand?

Ans: b

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Link To: Survival: A New Look at the Life Around You Difficulty Level: Medium

37. Based upon the Linnaean system of classification, what do we know about three organisms with the scientific names Ursus horribilis, Ursus maritimus, and Cornus florida? a. Cornus florida is probably a corn plant. b. Cornus florida was first found in Florida. c. Ursus horribilis and Ursus maritimus are the most closely related of all three. d. Ursus horribilis was first identified by J. Horribilis. e. All of the above are true.

Ans: c Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Medium

38. Which of the following phyla is the most successful in the animal kingdom, based on numbers of species and total biomass? a. chordates b. vertebrates c. mollusks d. arthropods e. worms

Ans: d Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Medium

39. There are important tasks that all multi-cellular organisms have to perform. The skin is responsible for a. obtaining and distributing molecules it needs to supply the energy and to build the fabric of itself b. regulating its internal processes in response to changes in the environment c. eliminating its wastes d. supporting itself against the force of gravity e. b and c

Ans: e Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Medium

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40. There are important tasks that all multi-cellular organisms have to perform. The hair is responsible for a. obtaining and distributing molecules it needs to supply the energy and to build the fabric of itself b. regulating its internal processes in response to changes in the environment c. eliminating its wastes d. supporting itself against the force of gravity e. reproducing itself

Ans: b Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Medium

41. There are important tasks that all multi-cellular organisms have to perform. The lungs are responsible for a. obtaining and distributing molecules it needs to supply the energy and to build the fabric of itself b. regulating its internal processes in response to changes in the environment c. eliminating its wastes d. supporting itself against the force of gravity e. a, b, & c

Ans: e Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Medium

42. There are important tasks that all multi-cellular organisms have to perform. The skeleton is responsible for a. obtaining and distributing molecules it needs to supply the energy and to build the fabric of itself b. regulating its internal processes in response to changes in the environment c. eliminating its wastes d. supporting itself against the force of gravity e. reproducing itself

Ans: d Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Medium 43. There are important tasks that all multi-cellular organisms have to perform. The ovary is responsible for

81 Chapter 20 a. obtaining and distributing molecules it needs to supply the energy and to build the fabric of itself b. regulating its internal processes in response to changes in the environment c. eliminating its wastes d. supporting itself against the force of gravity e. reproducing itself

Ans: e Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Medium

44. There are important tasks that all multi-cellular organisms have to perform. The spore is responsible for a. obtaining and distributing molecules it needs to supply the energy and to build the fabric of itself b. regulating its internal processes in response to changes in the environment c. eliminating its wastes d. supporting itself against the force of gravity e. reproducing itself

Ans: e Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Medium

45. There are important tasks that all multi-cellular organisms have to perform. The cell wall is responsible for a. obtaining and distributing molecules it needs to supply the energy and to build the fabric of itself b. regulating its internal processes in response to changes in the environment c. eliminating its wastes d. supporting itself against the force of gravity e. b, c, &d

Ans: e Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Medium

46. There are important tasks that all multi-cellular organisms have to perform. The leaf is responsible for

82 Chapter 20 a. obtaining and distributing molecules it needs to supply the energy and to build the fabric of itself b. regulating its internal processes in response to changes in the environment c. eliminating its wastes d. supporting itself against the force of gravity e. a, b, & c

Ans: e Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Medium

47. There are important tasks that all multi-cellular organisms have to perform. The root is responsible for a. obtaining and distributing molecules it needs to supply the energy and to build the fabric of itself b. regulating its internal processes in response to changes in the environment c. eliminating its wastes d. supporting itself against the force of gravity e. a, b, & d

Ans: e Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Medium

48. There are important tasks that all multi-cellular organisms have to perform. The seed is responsible for a. obtaining and distributing molecules it needs to supply the energy and to build the fabric of itself b. regulating its internal processes in response to changes in the environment c. eliminating its wastes d. supporting itself against the force of gravity e. reproducing itself

Ans: e Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Medium

49. Lichens get most of the minerals they need for growth from rocks or tree bark.

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Ans: False Link To: Strategies of Fungi Difficulty Level: Medium

50. Even though living things are complex, they all operate according to the ordinary laws of nature.

Ans: True Link To: What Is Life? Difficulty Level: Medium

51. What is the difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms?

Ans: The gymnosperm is a class of plants that produces seeds without flowers. The angiosperm, on the other hand, is the class of flowering plants. Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Medium

52. What makes the seed a successful means of reproduction?

Ans: Seeds contain a fertilized egg and some nutrient, wrapped in a protective coating. Seeds can remain dormant until conditions are right for germination. Seeds can be carried to other areas by many different mechanisms. Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Medium

53. What did the biologist J.B.S. Haldane mean when he said "God has an inordinate fondness for beetles?"

Ans: There are more species of beetles than any other type of animal. They are in the phylum arthropod, which contains 70% of all known species on Earth. Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Medium

54. Compare thermal homeostasis in a chimpanzee (man's closest relative) and in a rattlesnake.

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Ans: Answers will vary but should include differences in cold-blooded and warm-blooded for thermal homeostasis. Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Medium

55. Life is defined by biologists in collective properties. For example, all life forms require water, grow, and process energy. What other properties describe life? List at least one nonliving thing that shares a property with a living organism. For example, a cloud requires water, grows, and processes energy.

Ans: Answers will vary, but could include have a genetic code, common ancestor, respond to the environment, chemical reaction inside cells, part of larger systems, maintain order and complexity. Fire needs oxygen, grows, reproduces, etc. Link To: What Is Life? Difficulty Level: Medium

56. Explain how the discovery of antibiotics could have only been a "botched experiment."

Ans: English bacteriologist Alexander Fleming noticed that one of his Staphylococcus bacteria samples would not grow in areas where it had been accidentally contaminated by the common mold Penicillium. Instead of throwing the sample dish away, he isolated the substance that was killing the bacteria. This substance eventually became the first of many life-saving antibiotics. Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Hard

57. How were prehistoric amphibians adapted to live at least part of their lives on land?

Ans: Most amphibians - then and now - spend part of their life cycle in water and part on land. In frogs, for example, the eggs are laid in water and the tadpoles hatch with gills and tails. The mature adult, however, has lungs and legs. The frog's heart, circulatory system, and skin are all adapted to maximizing oxygen absorption. Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Hard

58. What was Joannes Baptista Van Helmont trying to show in his experiment with a willow sapling?

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Ans: Van Helmont was attempting to show that plants do not get their nourishment ("eat") from the soil the same way animals eat meat or fruit. His potted willow tree gained biomass in the five-year experiment with very little decrease of soil within the pot. Van Helmont concluded (erroneously) that the biomass came from the water added to the pot. Link To: Strategies of Plants Difficulty Level: Hard

59. Use the concepts in this chapter to discuss the following statement: "The Gothic cathedral Notre Dame de Paris is to the lobster as a modern steel skyscraper is to the giraffe."

Ans: Form follows function. Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Hard

60. Design a day's diet that has all five kingdoms of the biota represented. Calculate the nutrient value of the day's diet. Compare these values with what you ate yesterday.

Ans: Answers will vary depending on what is chosen but should represent each of the kingdoms with organisms placed on appropriate trophic levels. Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Hard

61. Using the principle of "form follows function" explain the evolutionary advantage of the insect body parts to its success as an organism. What are some other reasons that arthropods are the most numerous organisms on Earth?

Ans: They can live in a wide variety of environments, withstanding great ranges of temp, pH, etc. The higher up on the animal taxona the more restrictive the range. Form allows for survival strategies. Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Hard

62. Design an organism with the best features of at least two of the five kingdoms. In what kind of environments could it thrive? How would it carry out its life strategies? What would be its limitations?

Ans: Answers will vary but should be accurate accounts of features, strategies and limitations.

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Link To: Strategies of Plants, Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Hard

63. Using the unifying characteristics linking all life forms, argue the point that an ant and an elephant are more alike than different.

Ans: Answers will vary but should include the eight characteristics of life. Link To: Strategies of Animals Difficulty Level: Hard

64. Compare the scientific accomplishments of each of the following: Carolus Linnaeus, Sir Alexander Fleming, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain, J.B.S. Haldane, Joannes Baptista Van Helmont.

Ans: Linneaus gave the classification to compare and contrast one species with another (structural format). The Haldane gave the details of biodiversity. Helmont has conservation of mass in a controlled experiment. Penicillian was serendipitous, yet needed the controlled experiment to make it useful. These all stepped through the scientific method. Link To: Classifying Living Things Difficulty Level: Hard


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