Christian Mission Ministry

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Christian Mission Ministry

Christian Mission Ministry 200 Campbell St. Box 66 , Elmdale Kansas 66850, 620- 794- 3395 e-mail [email protected] Luke 19:10 The son of man came to seek and to save what was lost

Through Obedience Comes Kingdom Growth In early July a married couple from Climax Springs Missouri showed up at our Elmdale outreach in search of Hope. Both were struggling with drug addictions and on the verge of losing their children. Word of mouth traveled to where the two were living, regarding our ten steps program and one Thursday, they showed up at our door. They endured heat and ant infestation while sleeping in their tent prior to us getting their room ready. While they walked through, sometimes crawling through the ten steps recovered program, they assisted the ministry with some auditorium renovations. In the midst of all their bad decisions they still could hear the voice of God calling out to them, “There is hope” Their obedience to his voice rendered to them, the forgiveness they so desperately needed and the hope they had been looking for. They successfully completed the program and have moved on with their life in Christ. This family, husband wife and two children have been united in Christ. In November Janna Hancock visited this family in their Missouri home and spoke at their church. Janna shared the ministries vision of hope and reconciliation and observed the new ten steps program this couple along with their pastor, have begun. It is amazing to watch God work and it is through our obedience to his call that His kingdom will grow. CMM Mission VISITING MISSIONARY statement FROM KETCHIKAN ALASKA MICHEAL MULLEN The Banker, the lawyer, Our New Year was kicked off with a visit from the Rapist, the Teacher, Michael Mullen. Michael is a Missionary from the Murderer, the Pastor, Ketchikan Alaska who was traveling through with the Addict, the his Laser Tag equipment. Michael spent his days Accountant, the visiting with folks in Elmdale, Strong city and Alcoholic, the Doctor, the Cottonwood Falls. In the evening he played laser Thief, these are not who tag with area youth and parents at the Tri- county we are but what we do. outreach center. Sixty three children attended the We are Children of God Friday night laser tag session. We ate dinner and through the Mercy together, played laser tag and then Michael shared and Grace of our his testimony. Approximately 50 youth and heavenly father we can all parents attended Saturday’s laser tag which be forgiven for what we started at 1PM for the younger crowd, and ended at 10PM with the over 18 do. Go in peace so that crowd. Saturday evening ended with a bonfire and singing. We all look you might bring Hope to forward to Michael’s return. the hopeless and Joy to the broken hearted so that they might come to know His Love. Take the cross to the lost.

When challenges come, miracles happen. Two years ago our youth group started with just six young people. We now average 20 sometimes 30. With this exciting growth an interesting challenge presented itself, transportation. Many young people rely on CMM staff for transportation. By the time our staff would finish picking everyone up it was time to take them home again. Many of our out of town activities had to be canceled due to no transportation. Cedar Point Community church saw our challenge and assisted with a Miracle by donating a passenger bus. This bus blessing now makes it possible to assure all who need a ride will be given one and will make out of town activities possible. Thank you Cedar Point church for this enormous blessing.

Travis Fleshman of Elmdale Kansas will be assisting Tri-County Director Steve Brandt with Laser tag. Starting in February Tri-county outreach center will be offering Saturday laser tag games. This is a great game for your youth team, family and friends. It’s coming soon so look for more specific information as February draws close. Thanks Travis for joining our team. You can get updates by going to or call Steve at 785-285-2668 or Travis at 620-794-6210

*Alaska The only hick-up we had on our December trip to Kenai Alaska were some avalanches that crossed our path on the way to Anchorage airport. Traffic was at a standstill for miles until the highway crew could clear it. The avalanche took no lives but did knock out electricity for several hours in the Girdwood area. Fortunately we allowed time for delays and made our flight out of Alaska on time. Our mission team met the new Alaska regional board and spoke with the Kenai city council regarding our new proposed Kenai outreach center. Our hope is to finalize this project by March and have it up and running by June. More information regarding this project can be found on our web site; *Pahokee Florida One of our Ten steps planting teem visited Dick Witherow’s ministry “Matthew 25” at the Miracle Village in Pahokee Florida. This ministry provides re-entry services to men women and their family. Counseling, housing, and spiritual feeding are offered to area residences. Our ten steps are run by their ministry staff. Dick has written a book “Modern Day Leper” which discusses, in great detail, the challenges of re-entry while balancing the scales of justice and protecting the community. I strongly urge you to order a copy. You can get your copy by writing to him at: Matthew 25 Ministries *101 Pelican Lake Dr. *Pahokee Florida 33476 * OR e-mail Dick Witherow at [email protected] *Climax Springs Missouri- see front page for trip information *Camdenton Missouri – Janna Hancock assisted Helping Hands ministry with starting their CMM ten steps program *CRESENT CITY CALIFORNIA (Pelican Bay Super Max prison) CMM ten steps refresher class was cut short by a couple of days due to lock down but we were able to get one day of training completed with men

O In May CMM will begin their Backyard Missionary program in Elmdale. This program will offer the exciting missionary field experience while serving close to home. There is a desperate need for caring loving Christians to evangelize the truth right here in our own back yard, the USA. Come enjoy the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas while encountering a spiritual mountain top experience. Training, lodging and food are freely provided. This is an excellent opportunity for church youth teams or individuals of any age to experience mission work without the financial burden, as well as safety issues associated with out of country travel. All we ask is that you bring a servants heart. You may experience being a Backyard Missionary through our one, two or three week missions work or apply for a fulltime Missionary position. All fulltime missionary positions are for a minimum of two months. Take your next mission trip right here in the USA, Elmdale Kansas, nestled in the heart of the beautiful Kansas Flint Hills. Be a missionary in your own backyard. For more information go to you may also e-mail [email protected] for your packet of information or Call CMM 620-794-3395 AREAS OF SERVICE: Art, Music, Small construction projects, Sports, Medical, Youth Adults, Food Service, Animal husbandry

ONE TWO OR THREE WEEK MISSIONARY POSITIONS If you are coming with a group you will be housed according to your gender. All meals will be provided and prepared by CMM staff. We ask you choose two or three areas of service interest. You will be rotated in these areas as much as possible.

FULLTIME MISSIONARY POSITION All full time Missionary positions are for a minimum of two months. Each missionary will be expected to attend weekly staff meetings. All meals, private lodging and transportation will be provided. Being a fulltime missionary is very spirit-filling and at the same time very draining and it is for these reasons we require you take two days off a week. We want your time with us to be fruitful for all. There are many historical sites to see and community activities to enjoy.

Available Fulltime Missionary positions Ministry of Arts Missionary will be responsible for assisting in the development, implementation and building of the centers art studio. This position will require a lot of “thinking outside of the box” in order to address the needs of the community. You will also participate in one on one and group instructional classes with area youth and over see your volunteer staff. Lodging for this position is right off of the art studio, perfect if you like to work late in the studio.

Ministry of Music Missionary will be responsible for assisting in the development and implementation of the following but not limited to; Teaching; instrumental and vocal, Develop praise and worship team, Worship leader for weekly service, Assist in building recording studio, Assist with operating recording studio. Our 7,000 square foot auditorium is equipped with in house surround sound system, fully equipped stage with special effect lighting and overhead projector tied in with computer. Instructional age focus will be on area youth age 10 to 18.

Ministry of Sports Missionary will be responsible for assisting in the development and implementation of youth sports teams. Some sports are seasonal; Volleyball, Wrestling, Soccer, Softball, Baseball

Ministry of Animal Husbandry Missionary will be expected to maintain barn and tend to upkeep of all animals and educate others to purpose of each creation and to the proper care of animals.

GOAL $65,000


------Cut on line to detach and mail in with your Capitol campaign donation mail to CMM 200 Campbell St. Box 66: Elmdale Ks. 66850

12. kkk_ Help us make a difference

______Enclosed is my donation of $______Name ______Please use this donation for ______$1.95 will purchase one NIV soft bible□ address $12.95 will purchase one teen Bible□ ______Phone / e-mail $2.97 will purchase one CMM ten steps book □ .75 will purchase one Bible promise book □ $10.00 will sponsor one area youth for a month □ One time donation □

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