Name: Label & Color The Neuron

Use the following terms: Soma, Axon terminal, Axon, Dendrite, Nucleus, Node of Ranvier, Schwaan cell, Myelin sheath COLOR CODE THE FOLLOWING: Axon - red; Soma - blue; Dendrites - outline yellow; Schwaan cells - green; Myelin - orange; Axon terminals - purple Neuron Vocabulary

1. Synaptic Cleft (Synapse) –

2. Neuron -

3. Impulse (Nerve Impulse) -

4. Sensory Neuron -

5. Motor Neuron -

6. Interneuron -

7. Cell Body (Soma) -

8. Dendrite -

9. Axon -

10. Resting Potential -

11. Action Potential -

12. Myelin Sheath (Myelin) -

13. Active Transport -

14. Sodium-Potassium Pump -

15. Depolarized -

16. Repolarized -

17. Propagation -

18. Nodes -

19. Afferent Neuron -

20. Threshold -

21. Neurotransmitter -

22. Efferent Neurons - 23. Axon Terminal -

24. Stimulus -

25. Refractory Period -

26. Polarized -

27. Vesicle -

28. Potential -

28. Schwann Cells -

29. Nodes of Ranvier –

30. Acetylcholine -

The Synapse

Label the following: Pre-synaptic membrane, Post-synaptic membrane, Vesicle, Neurotransmitters, Synaptic cleft, Post-synaptic receptors

Color the axon terminal red; vesicles blue; neurotransmitters yellow; post-synaptic receptors green; and the synaptic cleft orange