Immune System Questions from the Learning Game 1) Name at least two types of barriers involved with non-specific defense that protect the body from foreign invading microbes. 2) What are interferons and why are they significant? 3) Mast cells produce histamines and heparin. What is the role of histamine in the inflammatory response? 4) What chemical stimulate the secretion of mucus during an inflammatory response? 5) Perforins blast holes into invading cells such as a bacterial infection such as mononucleosis. What cells secrete perforins? 6) Name 3 symptoms that are characteristic of inflammation. 7) What is the specialized name for white blood cells that “eat” cell debris that may accumulate after an infection has occurred? 8) What is the name of any chemical that generates an immune response by the immune system. Hint this could be a microbe or an allergen. 9) What is the name of cells that are formed and mature in the bone marrow, that form part of the cell-mediated immune response? 10) Which cells make antibodies? 11) What do we call molecules that are made by white blood cells that circulate through the fluids of the body, marking invading particles for elimination? 12) What chemical is secreted by B cells that act like “searching” missiles that mark a virus for later destruction? 13) What type of cells are made in the bone marrow but mature in the thymus gland? 14) What cells of the immune system are destroyed by the HIV virus? 15) How does the body know if a transplanted cell is considered “of the self” or foreign? 16) Which cells destroy foreign cells including transplanted cells? 17) Which group of cells of the immune system are involved with secondary immune response, thus allowing a faster reaction to an invading microbe the second time a body encounters it? 18) Which group of cells are involved with an overstimulation or hypersensitivity of the immune response. 19) When you get a vaccination against the flu is this a form of passive immunity or active immunity? 20) Name at least one autoimmune disease wherein the body launches an attack against its own cells. 21) What are interleukins? 22) Where can antibodies be found? 23) What category of immune cells make clones of themselves? 24) What is contained in the antivenin shots given to fight the poisonous effect of a snake bite?