DSA Overnight Camping Checklist

Shelter  1 Trowel for digging a “Cathole”  Backpack* *  Tent*  Ground cloth  Sleeping pad*  Sleeping bag*  Emergency blanket Clothing Food**  Base Layer (e.g. t-shirt, shorts)*  Fork*  Insulating Layer (e.g., long  Knife* sleeve shirt, pants, sweatshirt)*  Spoon  Shell (e.g., windbreaker)  4 paper plates*  Rain jacket*  5 paper towels*  Rain pants  Water bottle*  Hat*  Insulated mug (for coffee or tea) Dog Items (to be carried by the dog)  2 one gallon Ziploc bags  Water*  Trail mix  Bowl*  Dog treats  Spare collar*  Dog food  Spare leash*  Clean-up bags* Toiletries  Flashlight*  Toothbrush and Toothpaste  First aid kit*  1 Quart Ziploc bag containing:  Matches* o Travel roll of toilet  Identification (owner’s)* paper*  Compass* o Travel bottle of Purell  Knife*  Signaling device (mirror, whistle, etc.)*

* These items are mandatory, the rest are highly recommended for your enjoyment ** Your instructor will bring an evening snack and coffee, tea, and pancake mix for breakfast. You will have dinner at the lodge prior to departure and will return the following morning in time for the full lodge breakfast.