Rep. Michael Grimm (NY-11)

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Rep. Michael Grimm (NY-11)

Rep. Michael Grimm (NY-11)

Notable Headlines...... 2 Editorials...... 3 Budget Issues...... 3 Business and Consumer Issues...... 11 Campaign Finance Issues...... 12 Crime & Public Safety Issues...... 14 Economic and Financial Issues...... 16 Education Issues...... 19 Energy Issues...... 19 Environmental Issues...... 20 Ethics Issues...... 21 Extremist Issues...... 32 Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea...... 32 Gay and Lesbian Issues...... 33 Gun Issues...... 33 Health Care Issues...... 33 Immigration and Border Issues...... 37 Israel...... 37 Labor and Working Family Issues...... 39 Other Social Issues...... 41 Stem Cells...... 42 Tax Issues...... 42 Tea Party...... 45 Transportation Issues...... 46 Women’s Issues...... 48 Miscellaneous...... 49 2012 Campaign...... 61 Notable Headlines

Bay Ridge to Grimm: Hands Off Our Medicare! [Brooklyn Paper, 4/29/11]

A Rowdy Reception at Rep. Grimm’s Town Hall [Wall Street Journal, 4/28/11]

Ethics watchdog group named Michael Grimm among “most corrupt” [The Brooklyn Politics, 9/20/11]

Rep. Michael Grimm On The Perks Of Being A Congressman: Chicks Dig It [NY Daily News, 2/07/11]

Business associate of Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm is convicted felon Carlos Luquis [NY Daily News, 8/14/11]

How much did a convicted felon help Rep. Michael Grimm’s campaign? [Staten Island Sun, 8/23/11]

Questions surface over ex-FBI agent, Grimm [Staten Island Advance, 8/21/11]

Rabbi’s Followers Cast Doubts on Congressman’s Fund-Raising [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Michael Grimm Pushes Pipeline, Pulls Donations [NY Daily News, 2/09/12]

Michael Grimm Extolled Hospital Funding Increase From Health Care Bill He Voted to Repeal [Politicker, 2/15/12]

Michael Grimm’s Health Care Problem [MSNBC, 2/15/12]

Congressman’s Business Ties Are at Odds With Upright Image [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Michael Grimm’s ‘checkered business background,’ from scam-artist partner to mystery restaurant [Capital New York, 2/16/12]

A string of Grimm headlines [Politico, 2/16/12]

Staten Island Representative Michael Grimm Hid Shady Businesses, Poorly Named Companies [New York Magazine, 2/16/12]

Grimm Caught in Political Firestorm [National Journal, 2/16/12]

After Allegations, Michael Grimm No Longer a Romney Delegate [Politicker, 2/16/12]

Michael Grimm’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad month [MSNBC, 2/17/12]

SI Rep. Grimm’s big donor raising big trouble [NY Post, 2/21/12]

Grimm Hires Scandal-Scarred Aide [Brooklyn Daily, 2/22/12]

2 Editorials

Advance: Grimm’s Whistleblower Bill Would Hand Corporate Crooks The Keys To The Getaway Car

In May 2011, the Staten Island Advance blasted Grimm’s plan to force corporate whistleblowers to first report misbehavior to their superiors, not government regulators.

“It is bad enough that corporate thieves all too often escape punishment for their crimes. Now Rep. Michael Grimm wants to hand those crooks the keys to the getaway car,” the editorial board wrote. “Mr. Grimm suggests that any employees who are aware of corporate misbehavior should simply take that information to their superiors. […] If you see something, say something - but it matters whom you say it to. If you report a burglary to the police, that doesn't automatically ‘open the floodgates to frivolous claims and costly penalties.’ If you report the burglary to the burglar, you have tipped the crook, put yourself at risk and all but assured an undesirable outcome.” [Staten Island Advance, 5/16/11]

Advance Criticized Grimm for Sympathizing with Convicted Spy

In October 2011, the Staten Island Advance wrote an editorial criticizing Grimm for his support and advocacy on behalf of convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.

The editorial criticized Grimm for visiting Pollard in a North Carolina federal prison. While Grimm said that he was “working with many others in Washington to have justice prevail and have him released from prison,” only one other Republican in Congress shared Grimm’s views about Pollard. The editorial questioned Grimm’s interest in the case when it would matter little to his constituents. Grimm cited his lifelong interest in Pollard’s case and stated that it had nothing to do with politics. [Staten Island Advance, Editorial, 10/02/2011]

Budget Issues

Signed Letter Requesting Special Earmarks, Despite GOP Ban

In April 2012, Grimm joined 65 freshman House Republicans in signing a letter requesting that party leadership consider a miscellaneous tariff bill “jampacked with special provisions to suspend duties on various foreign goods, even though it runs counter to the earmark ban Republicans campaigned on in 2010 and instituted when they took power.” [House Ways and Means Committee, Letter, 4/20/12; Politico, 4/24/12]

Voted for REINS Act

In December 2011, Grimm voted for the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which would require Federal agencies to submit regulations with an annual economic impact of $100 million or greater to Congress for approval. The bill passed the House by a vote of 241-184.

3 Grimm said, “My vote for the REINS Act represents one of the very reasons I came to Congress: to fight for the return to small government. Our country has become over-burdened with Washington bureaucrats and ‘big-government’ regulations that have killed any opportunity for our economy and businesses to grow. In fact, these job-killing regulations have cost America’s employers roughly $1.75 trillion annually, and that’s unacceptable. The Obama Administration has proposed more than 200 new regulations this year alone, each of which cost our economy $100 million or more. The REINS Act targets these very rules, making them subject to Congressional approval before they can be implemented.” [Grimm E- Newsletter, 12/9/11]

Voted for REINS Act

In December 2011, Grimm voted for the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which would require Federal agencies to submit regulations with an annual economic impact of $100 million or greater to Congress for approval.

Grimm said, “More government does not create jobs, but by rolling back onerous regulations, we can create a friendly environment for jobs. I urge the Senate to act without delay on the REINS Act and on the 25 other House-passed jobs bills that it has yet to consider.” [Staten Island Advance, 12/10/11]

Expressed Support for Success of “Super Committee”

In November 2011, Grimm appeared with a bipartisan group of lawmakers expressing support for the work of the “Super Committee”.

Grimm said, “We’re all standing here because we want the ‘Super Committee’ to have the confidence that we are there to support them.” [The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, 11/16/11]

Voted For Bill To Provide $3.65B in Disaster Relief

In September 2011, Grimm voted for a continuing resolution that would provide $3.65 billion for disaster relief.

To partially offset the cost of relief, House leadership cut an auto-technology program. Rep. Eric Cantor’s call for dollar-to-dollar cuts put New York Republicans in the tough position of choosing between aid to their communities and party loyalty. Grimm said that spending cuts should be figured out later. The bill failed by a vote of 195-230. [, 09/22/2011]

Requested “Straight Aid” For Disaster

In 2011, Grimm called for “straight aid” for disaster relief, disassociating himself from Rep. Eric Cantor’s request to tie aid to budget cuts.

In a statement, Grim said, "There's no question that the government should play a much more limited role in our lives than it currently does. However, protecting life and property are the fundamental responsibilities of government and providing protection and relief from disaster is a large part of that." [, 09/02/2011]

4 Voted for Final Debt Ceiling Compromise Legislation

In August 2011, Grimm voted for the final debt ceiling compromise legislation, the Budget Control Act of 2011.

The framework would cut $917 billion in spending over a decade, raise the debt limit initially by $900 billion and assign a special congressional committee, with members from the House and the Senate and appointed by congressional leadership, to find another $1.5 trillion in deficit savings by late November.

If Congress met that deadline and deficit target, or voted to send a balanced budget amendment to the states, the debt ceiling would be raised an additional $1.5 trillion. The plan guaranteed a vote on the balanced budget amendment between October and the end of 2011.

If Congress failed to take either step, or debt savings of at least $1.2 trillion were not produced, the plan allows the president to obtain a $1.2 trillion debt ceiling increase. That would trigger automatic spending cuts across the government – including in defense and Medicare – to take effect starting in 2013. The Medicare cuts would only affect Provider reimbursements. The legislation included no revenue increases.

The bill was passed by the full House, 269-161. [Bloomberg, 8/01/11; S 356, 8/01/11]

Voted Against Reid’s Debt Ceiling Plan

In July 2011, Grimm voted against Sen. Harry Reid’s plan to raise the debt ceiling.

Reid’s plan called for raising the debt limit by $2.4 trillion, requiring no additional debt ceiling vote until after the 2012 election.

The plan included $1.2 trillion in discretionary spending cuts over 10 years, mandatory spending cuts of $100 billion, $1 trillion in savings from winding down combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and $400 billion in interest savings. The legislation included no revenue increases.

The CBO score of Reid’s plan said it would reduce the deficit by $2.2 trillion. The bill was rejected by the full House, 173-246. [New York Times, 7/25/11; HR 2693, 7/30/11]

Voted in Favor of Boehner’s Debt Ceiling Plan

In July 2011, Grimm voted in favor of Speaker John Boehner’s plan to raise the debt ceiling.

Boehner’s plan called for an immediate debt ceiling raise of $900 billion, spending cuts of $917 billion over 10 years, and an additional debt ceiling vote in six months. The legislation contained no revenue increases.

Under Boehner’s plan, the second debt ceiling raise was conditional on the passage of a balanced budget amendment by both Houses of Congress and the creation of a select joint committee on deficit reduction.

5 The CBO score of Boehner’s plan said it would reduce the deficit by $850 billion. The bill was approved by the full house, 218-210. [ABC News, 7/29/11; S 627, 7/29/11]

Grimm “Reluctantly” Supportive Boehner Debt Ceiling Plan

In July 2011, Grimm said that he would reluctantly go along with Boehner’s debt ceiling plan.

Grimm said, “We’ve got to make sure we’re playing chess here, not checkers…We’ve got to think long- term, and we’ve gotta make sure that this is viewed as a move towards a more ultimate goal.” [, 7/28/11]

Disappointed with Those Who Made Debt Ceiling Debate a Partisan Issue

In July 2011, Grimm commented on the debt ceiling debate and said he was “disappointed with the president for starting this class warfare, and disappointed with those outside my office who have made this a partisan issue.” [, 7/27/11]

Grimm: House Can’t Do Anything More than Cut, Cap and Balance

In July 2011, Grimm said he was unsure what more Republicans could offer in terms after the Senate rejection of Cut, Cap and Balance.

Grimm said, “At that point, honestly, I don’t think there’s any more the House can do. If you don’t use something that’s similar to the cut, cap and balance approach, I don’t think anything else exists. So we can’t do anything more.”

According to the Post, “Grimm said he hoped the Senate might take up the idea again and that he was open to some alterations, as long as it still promised caps on federal spending for the next few years.” [Washington Post, 7/25/11]

Voted in Favor of Cut, Cap and Balance Plan

In July 2011, Grimm voted in favor of the Cut, Cap and Balance Act, legislation requiring deep spending cuts, a federal spending cap and a balanced budget amendment in order to raise the federal debt ceiling.

Under Cut, Cap and Balance, discretionary spending in fiscal year 2012 would be reduced below fiscal year 2008 levels except for Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans affairs. The plan provided a universal spending cap after 2012. The legislation contained no revenue increases.

The bill was approved by the full House, 234-190. [New York Times, 7/21/11; HR 2560, 7/19/11]

Grimm: Failure to Raise Debt Ceiling Would Have “Detrimental Consequences,” But Would Be Irresponsible to Raise Ceiling Without Cuts and Balance Budget Amendment

In July 2011, Grimm said the GOP would propose $111 billion in cuts for fiscal year 2012, rolling back non-security discretionary spending to 2008 levels without cuts to veterans, Medicare or Social Security, while also seeking passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment.

6 Grimm said, “2008 wasn’t so long ago.” Referring to the balanced budget amendment, he said, “States do it…Why shouldn’t the federal government?”

Grimm said, “There’s no question that a failure to raise the debt limit and defaulting on our obligations could have detrimental consequences…However, it would be even more irresponsible to raise the limit on our nation’s maxed-out credit card without also putting an end to the reckless spending.” [Staten Island Advance, 7/16/11]

Said Special Allowances for Oil and Ethanol Industries Should Be Up for Negotiation

In July 2011, Grimm said he thought closing tax loopholes and getting rid of special allowances for industries like oil and ethanol should be open for negotiation in the debt ceiling debate. [Fox Business, 7/13/11]

Said He Could Not Raise Debt Ceiling Without Spending Cuts and Structural Changes

In July 2011, Grimm said that he could not raise the debt ceiling unless the debt plan carried substantial spending cuts and structural changes.

Grimm said, “I worked on Wall Street. I know what this will mean – interest rates rise, markets could potentially start to spiral. That’s why we have to get this right, and get a full package of meaningful savings and real structural change.” [NY Daily News, 7/13/11]

Said Couldn’t “In Good Conscience” Vote for Clean Debt Ceiling Increase

In July 2011, Grimm said he couldn’t “in good conscience” vote to raise the debt ceiling without “substantial cuts to wasteful spending,” as well as other reforms, including perhaps a balanced budged amendment and spending caps.[Staten Island Advance, 7/12/11]

Grimm: Won’t Blink on Debt Limit Crisis

In July 2011, Grimm said he was unshakeable in his position on the debt crisis. He said, “I’ve had a gun to my head, literally…Didn’t blink then, won’t blink now.” [Politico, 7/12/11]

Said Debt Limit Negotiations Not About Winning Political Favor

In July 2011, in response to a question that lengthening the debt limit negotiation was an opportunity for him as a “Tea Party darling,” Grimm said, “This isn’t about me winning favor with any group or organization…We have a serious problem here. We can talk about all these other esoteric ideas, but if we don’t get our fiscal house in order, raising the debt limit is going to be irrelevant 2, 3, 4 years down the road because we’re going to be in the same fiscal situation that Europe is in.” [CNBC, 7/11/11]

Voted Against Clean Debt Ceiling Raise

In May 2011, Grimmvoted against HR 1954, a clean federal debt ceiling raise of $2.4 trillion.

7 The bill was rejected by the full House, 97-318. [HR 1954, 5/31/11]

Grimm’s Staten Island Town Hall Was “A Spirited Give And Take”

“In a spirited give-and-take on issues ranging from the national debt to the environment last night held his first town hall meeting here, four months after he was seated in the Congress. Prior to the town hall meeting, about two dozen demonstrators, including Democrats and union members, protested out front on Manor Road. They carried “Grimm Reaper” signs that accused the congressman of gutting Medicare.” During the meeting, Grimm “came under attack from some present for his support of the budget blueprint of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), which would undo the current Medicare payout for those 54 and younger.” [Staten Island Advance, 4/29/11]

Grimm’s Got “Rowdy Reception” At Brooklyn Town Hall

On April 27, 2011, Grimm held a contentious town hall meeting in Brooklyn. Many constituents expressed their disapproval of his vote for Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal. “Congressman Grimm voted for the Republican budget that will cut Medicare for folks like my mom, me eventually, my wife,” said one constituent. “The cost of healthcare is skyrocketing and they are transferring the cost of it to regular citizens. Average folk, they can barely pay their rent in this area,” said another. Grimm indicated he would vote for the proposal again if given the chance. [Wall Street Journal, 4/28/11]

Grimm Said Raising Debt Limit “Simply Is Not An Option.”

In April 2011, The New York Post reported that House freshmen aren’t budging in their opposition to raising the federal debt limit. “It simply is not an option,” said Rep. Mike Grimm (R-SI), warning that crushing debt is just as big an economic threat as a federal credit default from not raising the $14 trillion limit. “I have to hold my ground because otherwise, I really believe…our economy will be destroyed,” Grimm said. “Everyone - every economist in the world -- everyone recognizes that our debt is unsustainable.” Grimm, Buerkle and their freshman colleagues vow not to raise the debt ceiling unless President Obama and the Democratic-led Senate agree to severe spending cuts and fundamental budget reforms. [The New York Post, 4/25/11]

Grimm: I will Vote For Debt Ceiling Increase If It Comes With Cuts And Reforms.

In an April 2011 interview on ABC Upclose, Michael Grimm said of raising the debt ceiling, “I will vote for it only if there is significant real cuts and reform so that we are not just kicking the can down the road for future generation.” [ABC Upclose, 4/17/11]

“Liberal Media” Would Make Shutdown Bad for Republicans

In 2011, Grimm said that politically, a government shutdown would be bad for Republicans because the media was liberal and would blame Republicans instead of Democrats for failure to pass a budget.

“I think the politics of [a shutdown] is bad for the Republican party because the media in general is liberal and is going to help the Democrats and use it to help the Obama administration. The headline will be ‘Republicans Shut the Government Down’ rather than the headline being ‘The President and the Government Have Failed to Put a Budget Together.’” [, 4/06/11]

8 Ryan Budget Puts America “On the Right Path”

In 2011, Grimm offered up his support for Paul Ryan’s budget plan saying that the bill was “real, tangible and it’s a way to get us on the right path.” [, 4/06/11]

Opposed Budget Cuts out of Concern That Cuts Hurt New York

In 2011, Grimm wrote to Speaker Boehner with concerns that proposed budget cuts would disproportionately hurt New York by making cuts to Amtrak, heating assistance to low-income families, as well as additional programs that could affect the New York Metro area. [Bloomberg, 4/05/11]

Local Health Clinic to Suffer Under House Budget Proposal

In 2011, the Community Health Center in State Island faced looming budget cuts under the House budget proposal. The clinic is one of six federally funded community health centers that could close under the proposed Republican budget.

In 2009, the clinic received $1.3 million in stimulus dollars to expand hours and services.

Additionally, the PPACA provided $11 billion dollars to support and expand the network of clinics across the country. [, 4/01/11]

Supported the Building of a Columbarium in Staten Island

In 2011, Grimm advocated for a columbarium to be built in Staten Island. A columbarium is an above- ground structure in which cremated remains are inured. Grimm encouraged the Department of Veterans Affairs to consider Staten Island when looking for land in which to build the memorial. [, 03/14/11]

Supported Funding Cuts to National Public Radio

In 2011, Grimm called for the elimination of all future government subsidies for National Public Radio in the wake of inflammatory comments made by Ron Schiller.

Schiller suggested NPR could do without government funding during a hidden-camera video exchange.

"As Mr. Schiller stated on video, NPR would be better off without federal funding…The least we can do is honor his request." [, 03/10/11]

Voted to Cut Funding for Mortgage Refinance Program

In 2011, Grimm supported legislation that would cut funding for a program designed to help seniors refinance their mortgages. [Grimm Floor Remarks on the Motion to Recommit HR 830, 3/10/11]

Vowed to Work for Hospital Funding

9 In July 2011, Grimm vowed to take a three-prong approach, including federal grants, other federal aid, and working city and state officials in a collaborative effort, to address deficiencies in hospital funding.

Grimm stated, “Quality care is something everyone on Staten Island should have access to…They can keep hospitals afloat with proper funding. It’s about being smart with the money. [Staten Island Advance, 2/23/2011]

Grimm Criticized by Local Tea Party Leader for Opposition to GOP Budget Cuts

In February 2011, Grimm was criticized by Staten Island Tea Party group organizer Frank Santarpia for his support of a bid that would restore more than $750 million in cuts to the GOP budget bill. Santarpia said Grimm was elected to go to Washington to cut spending, saying that to spare certain programs without identifying others that might be cut instead "is to simply place the burden once again on the backs of the taxpayers." [, 2/18/2011]

Grimm Expressed Displeasure With 2011 GOP House Budget Plan

In February 2011, Grimm and Rep. Peter King sent a letter to Speaker Boehner to express displeasure with the 2011 House GOP budget plan. Grimm and King took exception to cutting $400 million in heating assistance (LIHEAP), $150 million for Amtrak, and $200 million in transit security funding. They wrote, “Our region has been and continues to be the top terrorist target in the country and these deep cuts put the lives of our constituents at risk-especially since we know al-Qaeda's history of attacking trains in London and Madrid.” [New York Daily Times, 2/14/11]

Grimm Opposed Cutting Aid to Israel

In February 2011, Grimm wrote a letter to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor urging him to vote “no” on Continuing Resolution because it would cut foreign aid, thus directly cut aid to Israel. Grimm said, “Our shared commitment to Israel and its people requires us to support and promote strengthening the necessary bond between the two countries. It is because of this common goal that I ask you to join me and not support any proposed FY2011 Budget that would reduce foreign aid to Israel.” [, 2/13/11]

Grimm Voted Against Cuts to UN and NYPD Funding

In February 2011, Grimm voted against the GOP attempt to strip $179 million from the UN -- including $100 million in security cash for the NYPD. [The New York Daily News, 2/09/11]

Grimm Said He Will Likely Vote To Raise The Debt Ceiling

Grimm, meanwhile, says that he will likely vote to raise the debt ceiling when the question comes around the House again soon. “It’s a tough, tough vote, because everyone is saying don’t raise the debt ceiling,” Grimm said after the Rotary meeting. […] But Grimm said that now was the time for the GOP to put safeguards into the system, such as a balanced budget amendment, so the debt ceiling won’t have to be raised again in the future. “It’s an opportunity to once again attack the problem,” he said. [Staten Island Advance, 2/06/11]

10 Grimm Said Boehner Understands Gravity Of Debt Limit And Will Work With The Entire Congress To Change The Culture of Washington.

In a January interview with Diane Sawyer and nine other GOP freshmen, when asked, “Let's say the Senate, let's say the White House will not budge on what you think is adequate compromise on starting spending cuts. Go right up to the wire. They-- instead of playing chicken, but going right up to the wire. Will you let it all go down?” Grimm responded, “I-- it's well said. And I-- I think that-- Speaker Boehner and our leadership-- gets that. I think that they understand the gravity of the situation, and I do have faith-- that-- that Speaker Boehner-- and the leadership-- is going to work with us, the freshmen class, and-- and with-- with the entire Congress to finally put-- to really change the culture. It's about changing the culture of Washington. This borrow-and-spend mentality has to be changed. And that will not happen overnight. It's not going to happen overnight.” [ABC News World News, 1/05/11]

Grimm: “There’s No Way To Avoid” Raising The Debt Ceiling, American Could Lose It’s Triple A Rating

In a January interview with Diane Sawyer and nine other GOP freshmen, when asked about John Boehner’s comment that the debt ceiling vote “is going to be difficult, but serious problems would exist if we don’t raise the debt ceiling. That’s the bottom line.” Michael Grimm said, " There's no way to avoid that. I mean, that's absolutely true. If America defaults on its obligations-- loses our-- you know, triple A rating and so on. There are extreme consequences to that. But again, I think it's a process. This is-- this is not-- we can't just define it as a simple yes/no.” [ABC News World News, 1/05/11]

Business and Consumer Issues

Grimm: Health Department Grade System is Hurting Small Business

In a March 2012 opinion piece, Grimm denounced the New York Health Department’s letter-grade system as inconsistent, corrupt, and expensive. Grimm added that the system caused small businesses to close down.

“New York City needs to take a hard look at what the inspection system is doing to our restaurant industry and make some serious changes.” [NY Post, 3/09/12]

Grimm: NYC Health Department is ‘Extortion’

In January 2012, Grimm blamed the city Health Department for carrying out what he characterized as a policy of “extortion” against restaurants, bars, and other food establishments, and identified the letter- grade system as “a scheme to make money for the city.”

Grimm claimed that nine out of 10 times businesses were denied an “A” because of administrative problems, not for lack of cleanliness

“A friendly business environment matters if the goal is to keep and expand the number of jobs in the city and country,” said Grimm. “It's not friendly to do business in the U.S. right now.” [, 1/18/12]

11 Protested Postal Consolidation Plan

In 2011, Grimm and other Staten Island officials protested a plan that would have Staten Island mail processed off island and trucked back for delivery, citing a loss of jobs and reduction of quality service.

The Staten Island processing center has a 93.9 percent accuracy rating as opposed to Brooklyn’s 68.2% and Manhattan’s 41.2%. Grimm said, “It’s time to say enough. One million pieces of mail going to facilities with failing grades? Why would you close the best — the No. 1 — processing center in the Northeast?” [, 08/10/11]

Proposed Bill Criticized for Being “Redundant” and an “Effort to Weaken” Reform

In 2011, Grimm sponsored the Business Risk Mitigation and Price Stabilization Act . The legislation would exempt a business that uses derivatives for hedging risk from clearing requirements.

The bill was criticized by Barney Frank as either “redundant or an effort to weaken it.” The Dodd-Frank bill already made it clear that they do not intend to upend businesses that use derivatives as part of normal efforts to reduce risk. [National Journal, 03/14/11]

Campaign Finance Issues

Possessed $1 Million Cash on Hand

In January 2012, PolitickerNY reported that Grimm had at least $1 million in campaign funds on hand at the end of 2011. [, 1/19/12]

Received $1,000 From Citigroup

Grimm received $1,000 from Citigroup PAC on September 14, 2011. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11]

Received $3,000 From Goldman Sachs

Grimm received $3,000 from Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. PAC, in two separate contributions of $2,000 on July 25, 2011 and $1,000 on September 30, 2011. These contributions bring Grimm’s total from Goldman Sachs to $9,000 year-to-date. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11]

Received $1,000 From NRA

Grimm received $1,000 from the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund PAC on September 30, 2011. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11]

Received $14,000 From John Boehner

12 Grimm received $10,000 from Speaker John Boehner’s PAC, The Freedom Project, in two separate contributions of $5,000 on September 20, 2011. These contributions bring Grimm’s total from The Freedom Project to $15,000 year-to-date, in excess of legal limits. Grimm also received $4,000 from Friends of John Boehner, in two separate contributions of $2,000 each on September 20, 2011. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11]

Received $2,500 From Paul Ryan

Grimm received $2,500 from Rep. Paul Ryan’s Prosperity PAC on September 20, 2011. These contributions bring Grimm’s total from Prosperity PAC to $5,000 year-to-date. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11]

Received $8,983 From Patriot Day II

Grimm received $8,983 from Patriot Day II 2011 on September 30, 2011. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11]

Reimbursed Himself $4,000 for Meals, Painting Supplies

From July to September 2011, Grimm reimbursed himself $4,004 for meals, painting supplies and event catering. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11]

Carrying $31,000 in Debts to Individuals, Vendors, Self

As of October 2011, Grimm’s campaign is carrying $31,036 in debt to various vendors and individuals, including $1,193.61 to Grimm himself for “Event Site Rental/Travel.” [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11]

Received $219,850 in PAC Contributions

Grimm received $219,850 in contributions from PACs in its October 2011 quarterly filing. These contributions made up 75 percent of the committee’s total receipts. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11]

Nearly Half of Grimm’s Campaign Contributions Come From Financial Sector

In 2011, Grimm, a member of the House Financial Services Committee, raised $540,000 in the first half of the year, with 49 percent of the contributions coming from the financial sector, in particular insurance, commercial banks, and real estate. [American Banker, 08/30/2011]

Raised Money from Taylor Swift Concert

In August 2011, PolitickerNY reported that Grimm planned to raise money from the Taylor Swift concert in Washington, D.C. on August 2nd, according to a fund-raising invitation posted on Political Party Time. [PolitickerNY, 8/01/11]

Received Campaign Contributions from Cantor, Ryan and “President” of “Tanning Bed”

13 In July 2011, Grimm reported that he received $5,000 in campaign contributions from Rep. Eric Cantor’s ERIC PAC and $2,500 from Rep. Paul Ryan’s Prosperity PAC. Grimm also received $500 from Daniel Humiston, the “President” of “Tanning Bed.” [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 7/15/11]

Grimm Carried $65,000 of Debt into First Term

According to Federal Election Commission reports, Grimm was carrying $65,000 of debt into January 2011. At the beginning of the year, he had just $29,141 in the bank. [The Hill, 2/1/11]

Crime & Public Safety Issues

Said Entire Justice System At Risk

In December 2011, Grimm said that the entire justice system was at risk because of the lack of justice for slain border patrol agent Brian Terry killed with weapons from Operation Fast and Furious.

Grimm said, “his goes to the heart of whether we can have confidence in our government. I mean, attorney general is a very, very significant position — it’s basically your top law enforcement officer. This goes to the heart of our DOJ, our whole system of justice. There’s not many things to me that are more important than that. Obviously, we’re all worried about the massive debt. Absolutely we should be — that should be top priority. But our whole system of justice? To me, that’s just as important.” [Daily Caller, 12/15/11]

Linked Holder to Fast and Furious Despite Justice Department Claims

In December 2011, Grimm on Fox News said Fast and Furious was approved “all the way at the top of the food chain” by Eric Holder despite the fact that the Justice Department said Fast and Furious was a local operation that Holder and senior Justice Department officials were unaware of.

Grimm said he did not have confidence in Holder and said, “I think the attorney general has been misleading not only the Congress but the American people. Listen, you don't let guns and drugs walk. That's the general rule of thumb. So if you're going to do something like that, which is very rare, you have to have approvals at the highest level of DOJ… There's no question in my mind that you needed approval all the way to top of the food chain, which leads directly to the attorney general.” [, 12/13/11]

Voted for Synthetic Drug Control Act

In December 2011, Grimm voted for the Synthetic Drug Control Act that would control the sale of synthetic drugs that mimicked hallucinogenic or stimulant properties of marijuana, cocaine, crystal meth, LSD, and other drugs.

Grimm said, “The synthetic drug problem is of growing concern in Brooklyn and Staten Island, particularly as it grows in popularity among our youth. These substances are not only far too accessible in our communities, but are just as dangerous as the substances they mimic. I applaud the passage of the

14 Synthetic Drug Control Act and urge its swift passage in the Senate, so that we can put an end to the sale of these dangerous substances once and for all.” [Grimm E-Newsletter, 12/09/11]

Defended NYPD in Handling of Jose Pimentel Case

In November 2011, Grimm defended the NYPD’s handling of the case against terrorism suspect Jose Pimentel after the FBI expressed doubts.

The NYPD tracked Pimentel for over a year, but the FBI declined to join the case due to an informant who was a shaky trial witness. The FBI never believed that Pimentel posed a threat. Grimm defended the NYPD and said, “Sometimes, the NYPD is just in a better position to handle a case. Historically, I think they are working together much better now than before 9/11.'' [Wall Street Journal, 11/22/11]

Called for Holder’s Resignation Following Operation Fast and Furious

In October 2011, Grimm was one of 28 members of Congress calling for Attorney General Holder’s resignation following Operation Fast and Furious.

The Obama administration had recently released over 650 pages of documents to congressional investigators to defend Holder. [, 10/31/11]

Called for Holder’s Resignation Following Operation Fast and Furious

In November 2011, Grimm called for Holder’s resignation and said that he found it “unbelievable” that Holder was unaware of the details of Fast and Furious.

Grimm said, “Attorney General Holder has a repeated pattern of misleading members of Congress under oath and Fast and Furious appears to be no exception. In this case, his claims don’t add up. As a consequence, I believe he has lost all credibility with Congress and the American people, which is why I am calling for his resignation...As a former federal law enforcement agent, I take the rule of law very seriously, especially when it concerns the death of a federal agent,” said Grimm, who worked as an FBI agent for nine years.” [, 11/01/11]

Opposed Homeland Security Budget Cuts

In June 2011, Grimm opposed House Republican proposals to cut homeland security grants commenting, “The cost of another successful terrorist attack is exponentially greater than the cost of prevention.” [New York Daily News, 6/04/2011]

Grimm Hired NYPD Detective

In January 2011, Grimm hired an NYPD detective following the shooting of Rep. Giffords. In an interview with MSNBC, Grimm said, “I think there was some misinformation out there in the media. I never hired a bodyguard. I was hiring a retiring member of the NYPD to do a myriad of different things on the staff, including veterans’ affairs – he’ll be a case worker and he’ll also be the security officer so to speak for the entire office, and for the entire staff both here in D.C. and back in the district, so he’s not my bodyguard.” [MSNBC, 1/21/11]

15 Grimm Said Having Detective on Staff Was Always Part of his Plan

In January 2011, Grimm said he always planned to hire the detective for his office and for a safety net at public events. In an interview with MSNBC, Grimm said, “whenever we have an event where there’s going to be a large number of volunteers and the general public showing up, I think that you have to have some security because anything can happen in a crowd: someone can get ill, there could be a fire, there could be any type of emergency, so you have to have those there that can control a crowd, so that was always part of the plan prior to this devastating tragedy I was already hiring the NYPD detective that’s retiring.” [MSNBC, 1/21/11]

Grimm Hired Bodyguard After Arizona Shootings

In the beginning of his 2011 term, Grimm hired a former NYPD detective who would act like his bodyguard during public events. The man would act as a security guard at large events and would help local war vets get available benefits. All other members of Brooklyn’s Congressional delegation were going out sans bodyguard. Grimm also believed that congressmen who want to carry guns should be able to do so. [New York Post, 1/19/11]

Economic and Financial Issues

Voted Against Forcing Big Banks to Pay For Their Own Bailouts

On April 18, 2012, Grimm voted against an amendment that would have forced banks with over $50 billion in assets to pay for any future bank bailouts by the government. [Amendment #2, Record Vote No. FC- 70; Reuters, 4/18/12]

Opposed “Volcker Rule” to Regulate Banks’ Trading

In January 2012, Grimm voiced his discontent with an aspect of President Obama’s financial reform deemed as the “Volcker Rule,” which would restrict banks from trading for their own accounts.

Grimm said the regulators who endorsed the reform were “overzealous” bureaucrats who “found creative ways to make a terrible rule even worse.” [ Politico, 1/18/12 ]

Disapproved of Obama’s CFPA Appointment

In January 2012, Grimm voiced his disapproval of President Obama’s appointment of Richard Cordray to the Consumer Financial Protection Agency.

“President Obama’s announcement to make a sham recess appointment for Richard Cordray to head the controversial CFPB shows his complete disregard for the checks and balances established by the U.S. Constitution,” Grimm said. “Knowing he lacks the support from Senate Republicans to confirm Corday, he has changed the rules in his favor and sets a dangerous precedent that will give him carte blanche to appoint whomever he pleases, whenever he pleases.”

16 Grimm claimed that Obama’s appointment demonstrated his “refusal to work with Congress” and that it is a “product of his arrogance.” [ 1/04/2012]

Criticized Dodd-Frank for Vast Scope

In December 2011, Grimm criticized Dodd-Frank financial reform for being too vast in its scope.

Grimm said, “The worst part of Dodd-Frank was to try to eliminate systemic risk and I would say to you Dodd-Frank will CREATE systemic risk. A lot of the smaller banks who are trying to keep up with the regulations will go under and the big banks will buy them up making these big banks even bigger creating the systemic risk Congress was trying to avoid. We are working in committees now to dial back Dodd- Frank. This is the 800 pound gorilla on steroids and it will have a tremendous amount of unintended consequences.” [CNBC, 12/14/11]

Criticized by POGO for Whistleblower Bill

In December 2011, the Project On Government Oversight sent a letter strongly opposing Grimm’s bill, H.R. 2483, that would end protections for whistleblowers.

POGO investigator Michael Smallberg said, “Calling this bill a 'Whistleblower Improvement Act' is almost a cruel joke since it will only protect companies that rip off investors and retaliate against whistleblowers. If Congress is serious about giving regulators the tools they need to avert another financial crisis, they should leave this bill on the cutting room floor.” [Project on Government Oversight, 12/13/11]

SEC Chairman Criticized Changes to Whistleblower Program

In December 2011, SEC Chair Mary Schapiro criticized Grimm’s whistleblower bill and sad that the whistleblower program provided by Dodd-Frank was already providing “significant benefits”.

Schapiro said, “Making significant changes in the program before it has had an opportunity to demonstrate its full value seems premature, particularly in the absence of any evidence of problems with the current program.” She said that Grimm’s bill would have a chilling effect” on whistleblowers and would reduce the amount of tips the SEC received. [, 12/14/11]

Sponsored Bill to Amend Derivatives Provisions in Dodd-Frank

In November 2011, Grimm sponsored a bill that would make end users not subject to margin requirements that would force firms to set money aside to reduce risk.

Exemption from margin requirements would not apply to financial entities, including banks, a provision that drew criticism from the American Bankers Association. [, 11/30/11]

Bill Passed Through Financial Services Committee

17 In November 2011, Grimm’s bill to exempt “end users” from margin requirements passed through the Financial Services Committee.

Grimm said that the legislation would free up “capital to be used for job creation and to help our companies remain competitive in the global economy.” When Grimm ran for office in 2010, securities firms were his third biggest source of funding and he was working hard to increase the share. [, 12/01/11]

Warned Against More Regulation After MF Global Failure

In November 2011, Grimm warned against expanding financial regulations after the failure of broker- dealer MF Global Holdings Ltd.

Grimm said, “I’d like to caution my Democratic colleagues who may seek to use MF Global as an excuse to expand Dodd-Frank and impose further job-killing restrictions on the financial sector,” Grimm said in a statement. If MF Global did actually steal or illegally comingle funds, they committed a criminal act that all the regulations in the world wouldn’t have stopped.” [ Wall Street Journal, 11/03/11]

Highlighted Votes in Favor of Free-Trade Agreements

In October 2011, Grimm highlighted his votes in favor of the three free-trade agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea, saying that they were important for American job creation and leveling the playing field between the U.S. and its competitors.

Grimm said that the agreements would create 250,000 jobs, increase U.S. exports by $13 billion, and add $10 billion to the GDP. He said, “It's not enough to buy American, we have to sell American. While I understand some may have concerns with the nations with which we are trading, specifically Colombia, I believe the overall impact on our economy is crucial to creating jobs and turning our country around.” [Staten Island Advance, 10/17/2011]

Grimm Opposed Cutting Aid to Israel

In February 2011, Grimm wrote a letter to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor urging him to vote “no” on Continuing Resolution because it would cut foreign aid, thus directly cut aid to Israel. Grimm said, “Our shared commitment to Israel and its people requires us to support and promote strengthening the necessary bond between the two countries. It is because of this common goal that I ask you to join me and not support any proposed FY2011 Budget that would reduce foreign aid to Israel.” [, 2/13/11]

Sponsored Legislation Exempting “End Users” From Posting Cash Reserves on Swaps

In July 2011, Grimm sponsored legislation exempting commercial “end users,” such as utilities, manufacturers and airlines, from posting cash reserves on swaps that do not go through a clearinghouse.

Grimm said, “We have to remove the barriers to job creation imposed on businesses, such as the unnecessary margin posting requirements, if we want to improve the economy and create jobs.” [Reuters, 7/29/11]

18 Advance: Grimm’s Whistleblower Bill Would Hand Corporate Crooks The Keys To The Getaway Car

In May 2011, the Staten Island Advance blasted Grimm’s plan to force corporate whistleblowers to first report misbehavior to their superiors, not government regulators.

“It is bad enough that corporate thieves all too often escape punishment for their crimes. Now Rep. Michael Grimm wants to hand those crooks the keys to the getaway car,” the editorial board wrote. “Mr. Grimm suggests that any employees who are aware of corporate misbehavior should simply take that information to their superiors. […] If you see something, say something - but it matters whom you say it to. If you report a burglary to the police, that doesn't automatically ‘open the floodgates to frivolous claims and costly penalties.’ If you report the burglary to the burglar, you have tipped the crook, put yourself at risk and all but assured an undesirable outcome.” [Staten Island Advance, 5/16/11]

Grimm Said Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Changes Would “Open The Floodgates To Frivolous Claims”

In a May 2011 statement in support of his legislation to change whistleblower laws in the financial sector, Grimm said, “For decades, companies have maintained effective internal reporting mechanisms to catch criminal activity early, helping them protect shareholder and company interests. The changes in Dodd- Frank open the floodgates to frivolous claims and costly penalties by allowing whistleblowers to go directly to the SEC. Companies can't effectively address a problem if they don't know about it. The provisions in Dodd-Frank will certainly keep them in the dark.” [Office of Congressman Grimm, 5/11/11]

Defended Wall Street During a Meeting with Wall Street Executives

In 2011, Grimm, during a meeting with executive from ICAP Plc, the world’s largest interdealer broker, supported Wall Street from what he alleged was “demonization.”

“When we demonize Wall Street, it’s the people on Main Street who don’t have a job,” said Grimm. [Bloomberg, 4/05/11]

Education Issues

Energy Issues

Said Energy Department “Hasn’t Done Its Job” and Needs to Be “Re-Evaluated”

In July 2011, Grimm said the Energy Department needs to be “re-evaluated.” He said, “It hasn’t done its job…It’s failed miserably to get us to energy independence.” [Staten Island Advance, 7/12/11]

Voted to Stop Government Mandates on Light Bulb Efficiency

19 In July 2011, Grimm voted to kill government mandates on light bulb efficiency because “Americans don’t need a nanny state telling them what to put in their lamps.”

Grimm said, “The government should not be picking winners and losers on this issue, especially when it comes at the expense of the taxpayer. In this economy, mandating that consumers buy expensive light bulbs is absurd. We all want to move towards energy efficient options, but it shouldn’t be through a mandate that breaks the banks of America’s hard-working taxpayers.” [PolitickerNY, 7/12/11]

Environmental Issues

Natural Gas Pipeline Bill Passed House

In February 2012, a bipartisan bill introduced by Grimm that would permit construction and operation of a natural gas pipeline in Queens passed the House. Supporters of the bill boasted it would bring clean energy to the city, create 300 local construction jobs and generate millions in revenue.

“This bill is a perfect example of how government should work. It allows for the private sector to create local jobs, without any federal spending, while bringing clean, affordable energy to New York City's residents and businesses,” Grimm said. [, 2/08/12]

Criticized for Pipeline Support, Possible Pay-for-Play

In February 2012, Grimm received criticism for his support of the pipeline. Grimm was accused of representing private interests and accepting bribes, because he collected $3,000 in campaign contributions from supporters of the pipeline.

Grimm’s bill would allow the Williams Companies and National Grid to run a natural gas pipeline under Jacob Riis Park in the Rockaways. According to campaign finance records, Grimm received $2,000 from the Williams Companies, in September and December 2011, and $1,000 from National Grid in September 2011. [NY Daily News, 2/09/12 ]

Put Study of Great Kills Park Ballfields on Fast-Track After Radiation Detection

In August 2011, Grimm put a study on fast track for the Great Kills Park after radiation was detected 3 years ago.

A spokesman for Grimm said that, “Obviously, this is frustrating to the public, but the community can rest assured that we’ll be working closely with NPS to make sure that Great Kills Park is reopened as soon as possible and any threat to public health is eradicated.” The project will cost more than the $500,000 that former Congressman McMahon had secured for the study. [, 8/18/2011]

Said He Would “Massively Cut Back” on EPA

In July 2011, Grimm said that he would “massively cut back” the Environmental Protection Agency.

20 Grimm said, “They’ve overrun their mandate, and are often passing rules and regulations outside the scope of their authority…They need to rein it in.” [Staten Island Advance, 7/12/11]

Ethics Issues

Did Not Report Lawyers, Spokesman on FEC Filings

In April 2012, the Daily News noted that Grimm had not included disbursements to “a high-powered lawyer with Patton Boggs LLP and a new campaign media spokesman” on an April campaign finance disclosure. Both had been recently hired to help Grimm deal with the fallout of a pending FBI investigation into his fundraising practices. [NY Daily News, 4/20/12]

Used Taxpayer Money to Make Automated Calls Outside of District

In March 2012, individuals living outside of Grimm’s current congressional district received automated phone calls from his official office advertising an upcoming town hall meeting. A spokeswoman for Grimm said any calls outside the district were accidental, and that they had hired a firm that bought lists of addresses of registered voters and whatever phone number was attached.

“We are only targeting people within our district,” the spokeswoman said. “We are very aware these are paid for with taxpayer dollars.” [NY Daily News, 3/29/12]

Boehner Continued to Support Grimm Amid Allegations

In March 2012, Speaker John Boehner continued to support Grimm amid allegations of illicit campaign contributions.

“The Speaker has time and again made clear that he holds every Member to the highest standards of ethical conduct, and Rep. Grimm continues to have the Speaker’s confidence,” Boehner spokesman Kevin Smith said. [Roll Call, 3/06/12]

Grimm Accused of Extortion, FBI May Investigate

In March 2012, Roll Call reported that Pinto told former Rep. Anthony Weiner that Grimm attempted to extort campaign contributions from his congregation by leveraging his connections as a former federal agent. According to a Daily News report, Grimm allegedly told the rabbi that “he could help the congregation, or make life tougher for them, and that he was a good person to have as a friend, not an enemy.”

Weiner passed the information on to the FBI in October 2010, a law enforcement official confirmed. An Associated Press source also confirmed that the FBI is gathering information and considering opening a formal investigation of Grimm. [Roll Call, 3/02/12; New York Daily News, 3/02/12; Associated Press, 3/03/12]

Pinto Foundation: Investigation Will Uncover Extortion Scheme

21 In March 2012, Shuva Israel, Rabbi Pinto’s foundation, said that an FBI investigation into alleged illegal campaign contributions given to Grimm would reveal an extortion scheme he carried out against Pinto. [, 3/06/12]

Supported by GOP in Light of Campaign Allegations

In February 2012, Republicans continued to support Grimm, in light of allegations that he solicited illicit campaign funds.

“There’s a disconnect between what is being printed about Michael, and the Michael his constituents and I know,” said Grimm’s political mentor Guy Molinari. “The allegations against him are outrageous. They’ve been out there for a couple of weeks, and there has been not one scintilla of evidence that any of them are true.” [Politico, 2/28/12]

Grimm On Pay-to-Play Allegations: That’s How Government Works

In February 2012, Grimm came under fire from government watchdog groups that claimed Grimm received campaign contributions from natural gas companies shortly after he backed legislation that could earn the companies millions of dollars. Grimm, however, said that was how government was supposed to function.

Grimm sponsored a bill that would allow Williams Companies and National Grid to build a $265 million natural gas pipeline through Mill Basin. Afterwards, the two companies donated a total of $3,000 to Grimm’s re-election campaign.

“That’s the way it’s supposed to work,” Grimm said. “People are going to donate if they think I’m doing a good job.” [, 2/28/12]

Knew About New Hire’s Admitted Nepotism

In February 2012, Grimm hired Fran Vella-Marrone, a political activist, to run his Brooklyn office, despite possessing knowledge of her role in an ethics violation that resulted in the death of a teenage girl.

In 1998, Vella-Marrone lobbied former School Construction Authority Trustee Paul Atanasio to give her husband Gary a job overseeing rehab work on PS 131. Ultimately, this led to the death of 17-year-old girl, who was killed when a brick fell from the building and hit her head. Vella-Marrone admitted to lobbying Atanasio to give her husband the job, despite his lack of construction experience, and paid a $5,000 fine.

A spokeswoman for Grimm said he was aware of the past incidents when he hired Vella-Marrone.

“He was aware [of the incident], but Grimm was most concerned with her reputation in the community when hiring her — which is exceptional,” Carol Danko explained. “She is extremely well-qualified to effectively serve the people the congressman represents in Brooklyn, which is what he cares about the most.” [, 2/24/12]

Attacked by Supermarket Worker’s Union

22 In February 2012, UFCW Local 1500, New York’s largest supermarket worker’s union, called on Grimm to use $500,000 of questionable political contributions to pay former employees of the restaurant Grimm owned who alleged they were cheated out of pay.

“Congressman Grimm’s shady business practices and horrible treatment of workers is yet another example of his questionable, shady record. His despicable behavior toward his former employees is shameful and he should use his campaign funds to pay those employees the wages they’ve rightfully earned,” said Pat Purcell, UFCW Local 1500’s Special Projects Director. [, 2/24/12]

FBI: Grimm Left in “Good Standing”

In February 2012, the FBI released a statement citing that Grimm left the FBI in “good standing.”

“Mr. Grimm resigned his post in good standing with the FBI,” said Joseph McQueen of the bureau’s human resources division.

From Sept. 22, 1991 to Jan. 14, 1994, Grimm held the position titles of communications operator, police officer and paralegal specialist. From July 9, 1995 to May 19, 2006, Grimm held the position title of special agent. [, 2/22/12]

Defended Himself Against FBI Allegations

In February 2012, Grimm defended himself against allegations that he had participated in illicit activities during his career with the FBI.

“If you do something inappropriate, if you do something illegal, they don’t ask you to leave, they investigate you. I am a member of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI. I wouldn’t be allowed in that if I hadn’t left in good standing.” [, 2/22/12]

Observer: Grimm “Has A Lot of Explaining to Do”

In February 2012, the New York Observer criticized Grimm in an editorial over recent allegations of unethical and possibly illegal behavior. The paper called on Grimm to “go beyond flag-waving” to answer the allegations.

“Mr. Grimm has a lot of explaining to do, but unless he faces a vigorous challenge, he will be content to attack his critics and hide behind the flag,” the paper opined. “That would be a disservice to the district and to the city as a whole.” [New York Observer, Editorial, 2/21/12]

Dismissed Allegations as “Nonsense”

In February 2012, Grimm dismissed allegations of illegal campaign fundraising as “nonsense” and claimed they were only bolstering his support among Republicans in his district.

23 “When you’re effective and you’re doing good work, you’re going to get targeted,” Grimm said. “That’s what this is about. I will always be a Marine. When you pick a fight with a Marine, the only fight harder. So now we’re going to work harder. We’re going to campaign harder.” [, 2/21/12]

Defended Business Partnership with Convicted Felon

In February 2012, Grimm continued to defend his partnership with Carlos Luquis as “helping a friend in need.”

“That’s who Michael Grimm is,” he said. “When the times are down, that’s when you know who your friends are. And that’s who I am.” [, 2/21/12]

Staffer Arrested

In February 2012, a staffer in Grimm’s Brooklyn office was suspended after he was arrested outside a Brooklyn school during a physical altercation with his son.

Liam McCabe, a community relations director for Grimm’s office, was charged with assault, menacing, and endangering the welfare of a child, according to the Brooklyn district attorney’s office.

“These are serious charges that have not been taken lightly. Liam has been a hard-working member of my staff; however, I have suspended his employment in my office until the results of the official investigation become known,” Grimm said. [Staten Island Advance, 2/21/12]

New York Times: Grimm Questions Need to be Answered

In a February 2012 editorial, the Times called on the Office of Congressional Ethics and the Department of Justice to conduct “a thorough inquiry” into recent allegations that Grimm engaged in illegal fundraising activities. The paper also said Grimm had “shown decidedly poor judgment in his choice of backers and friends.”

“It is important to note the congressman’s insistence on his complete innocence, while declining to answer detailed questions. Those questions should be thoroughly pursued by proper authorities,” the paper opined. [New York Times, 2/20/12]

Grimm Claim of Being First Wall Street Undercover is Incorrect

In February 2012, the New Yorker reported that an FBI spokesperson had confirmed that a popular Grimm assertion – that he was “the first undercover agent on Wall Street” – was incorrect. [The New Yorker, 2/17/12]

Declined to Open FBI Records to Verify His Account of Nightclub Incident

In February 2012, the New Yorker reported that Grimm had previously refused to facilitate access to FBI records that could verify his account of an altercation that occurred in a Queens nightclub. [The New Yorker, 2/17/12]

24 Denied Illicit Business Dealings

In February 2012 the New York Times related Grimm’s past business dealings, before and after Grimm worked for the F.B.I.

The Times asked Grimm about his business activities and associates and he responded with an official statement.

“Like many small-business owners, I have experienced successes as well as setbacks,” he said. “But I have tried to face adversity the same way that I have met every challenge in my life: ethically and lawfully. I have relied as a businessman on the same principles of honesty that have guided my service as a Marine, an F.B.I. special agent and as a United States congressman. This attack is politically motivated, as my record as an effective congressman, fighting for Staten Island and Brooklyn, cannot be denied.” [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Worked with Indicted, Former F.B.I. Agent

In February 2012, the Times reported that shortly after leaving the F.B.I., Grimm worked in real estate, investing about $1 million of borrowed money in a luxury development in Texas.

Grimm chose to work with a former F.B.I. agent who had served with him in New York, even though the former agent was under indictment on state racketeering and fraud charges.

Shortly afterward, Carlos Luquis, was convicted for his role in skimming $2 million from Texans’ electric bills, and served 18 months in prison. Grimm, however, went on to do business with Luquis and his wife in two other companies. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Worked in Troubled Wall Street Firm Prior to F.B.I. Career

In February 2012, the Times reported that prior to working for the F.B.I, Grimm worked for a small firm on Wall Street that frequently ran into problems with regulators and customers. Official biographies of Grimm, however, did not mention the firm, Whale Securities. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Dishonest About Law Firm Employment

In February 2012, the Times reported that Grimm was dishonest about his employment at a firm called Harmonic Research. Several of Whale’s former managers said in interviews that Harmonic Research was not a licensed brokerage, but actually the name of a newsletter that a small group of brokers at Whale produced. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Grimm Opened Troubled Restaurant

In February 2012, the Times reported that after Grimm left the F.B.I, he opened a health food restaurant in Manhattan called Healthalicious. Grimm, his business partner, and the restaurant

25 were later accused, in a December 2011 lawsuit, of cheating employees. Healthalicious was also fined by the state for failing to carry workers’ compensation. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Company Connected to Biton

According to the Times, Grimm formed a company called Granny Sayz, L.L.C., which operated Healthalicious. The company was affiliated with a company connected to Ofer Biton. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Healthalicious Fined For Not Carrying Workers’ Compensation

According to the Times, the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board ordered Healthalicious to pay $88,000 for not carrying workers’ compensation insurance. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Deliverymen Hired Lawyer, Sued Healthalicious

In 2011, two former Healthalicious deliverymen retained a lawyer and, in December of that year, filed a lawsuit asserting that the restaurant had paid them less than minimum wage, did not pay for work beyond 40 hours per week, and paid in cash to avoid scrutiny. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Grimm Dissolved Company, Changed Restaurant Name

According to the Times, Grimm filed papers to dissolve Granny Sayz after being contacted by the plaintiffs’ lawyer.

Similarly, the restaurant also “engaged in maneuvers that make it more difficult to sue,” including changing its legal name. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Paid $965,000 to Indicted, Former F.B.I Agent to Build Texan Home

In February 2012, the Times reported that after Mr. Grimm left the F.B.I., he and a partner, Harold Rosenbaum, borrowed $1.34 million from a bank and agreed to pay $965,000 to Luquis’s company, Hill Castle Homes, to build a house near Austin, Texas.

Records indicated that they agreed to work with Luquis’s company even earlier, in March 2006, when Grimm was still in the F.B.I.

In May 2006, Luquis signed a contract on the deal. At the time, he was weeks away from trial, at which he was convicted and sentenced to 12 years in prison. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Cut Ties to Broken Land Deal

26 In February 2012, the Times reported that three years after the deal to build a house in Texas soured, Grimm sought to be released from a debt to a craftsman who worked on the house.

According to court records, Grimm’s lawyer advised the home builder’s lawyer that “the builder” had “misappropriated a large portion of the construction loan and subsequently filed for bankruptcy and disappeared.”

In actuality, Grimm remained in contact with Luquis. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Started Business with Luquis’ Wife

In February 2012, the Times reported In 2007, when Luquis was in prison, Grimm founded a company with Luquis’s wife, Monica, and Luquis’s partner from Hill Castle, Michael Kloc. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Started Business with Luquis

In February 2012, the Times reported that after Luquis was paroled, Grimm formed another Texas company, Austin Refuel, to turn grease into fuel. Luquis was Austin Refuel’s director of logistics.

In 2011, Grimm acknowledged that he helped Luquis get the job, calling him “a friend that needed a hand.”

Grimm, however, did not disclose that the two men were in business together far earlier, when Luquis was under indictment. [New York Times, 2/15/12]

Watchdog Group Asked OCE to Investigate Grimm

In February 2012, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington asked the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate whether Grimm exchanged illegal campaign contributions for his promise to assist a prominent fundraiser in procuring a green card.

“Campaign fundraising can sometimes be shady, but Rep. Grimm has sunk to a new low. A former FBI agent meeting in the shadow of the Manhattan FBI office to take an illegal campaign contribution in an unmarked envelope? Sounds like something out of a Grisham novel,” said CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan. “In addition to the illegal campaign contributions, it also appears Rep. Grimm may have promised to use the powers of Congress to assist a fundraiser in procuring a green card. In other words, Rep. Grimm may have engaged in bribery. These are serious allegations that demand an immediate investigation.” [, 2/09/12]

Murphy Deflected Questions About Grimm Campaign Accusations

In February 2012, Mark Murphy deflected questions about Grimm’s campaign fraud allegations, instead choosing to focus on his own campaign.

27 “You know, I read the New York Times. I’ve read many of the different articles and I’m focused on my campaign. I’m focused on protecting Social Security and Medicare,” he said. [, 2/03/12]

Defended by Ulrich

In February 2012, Eric Ulrich, New York City Councilmember and Mitt Romney’s NYC campaign chair, defended Grimm and urged that he continue to represent Romney on the campaign trail.

“These are just accusations. The last time I checked people are innocent until proven guilty,” Ulrich said. [, 2/01/12]

Grimm Accused of Illegal Fundraising Practices

In January 2012, the New York Times reported that Grimm had allegedly engaged in illegal fundraising practices during his 2010 campaign, including taking contributions in excess of federal limits, taking contributions from foreign nationals, and setting up “straw donors.”

The charges stem from Grimm’s efforts, with the assistance of an Israeli national named Ofer Biton, to raise money from the followers of prominent Orthodox rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto. The report was based on findings from more than 15 interviews with Pinto followers and close scrutiny of Grimm’s campaign finance records. [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Biton Helped Grimm Raise Money, Now Under Investigation by FBI

According to the Times’ report, Biton is an Israeli citizen and is currently under investigation by the FBI and federal prosecutors “over accusations that he embezzled millions of dollars from [Pinto’s] congregation.”

“Grimm and Biton were together all the time during the campaign,” said Yossi Zaga, a Pinto follower who donated $4,800 to Grimm at Biton’s urging. “They would drive around together to the homes and offices and ask for contributions.” [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Biton Wanted Green Card Help from Grimm

The Pinto followers interviewed by the Times indicated that Biton helped Grimm raise money in hopes that he would help Biton obtain a green card if he was elected. As of January 30, 2012, it had not yet been determined whether Grimm had done anything to benefit Biton’s immigration situation. [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Biton Denied Fundraising Allegations

Jeffery A. Udell, Biton’s lawyer, denied that Biton ever raised money for Grimm.

“You asked, Did he pick up checks for Grimm’s campaign, and the answer is categorically no,” Udell said. [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Grimm Asked for Proxy Donations

28 According to the Times, Grimm indicated that he was willing to set up “straw donors” through which to channel campaign contributions from individuals who could not give legally, including non-citizens.

One of Pinto’s followers claimed that Grimm came to his office to solicit a legal contribution. As the follower was handing over the check, Grimm informed him that there were “ways of working around the campaign rules.”

“Grimm wanted you to supply the money, and if someone wants to give and cannot give, you have to find a friend to give it through,” the follower said. “Let’s say someone is not legal to give because he’s not American. Grimm wants this guy, Joe A, to give the money to Joe B so Joe B can make the contribution to the campaign.” [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Grimm Received Illegal Cash Contributions

One follower claimed that Grimm instructed him to meet “near the F.B.I. building” in Lower Manhattan to make a contribution. The individual said he handed over $5,000 in cash in an envelope to Grimm while sitting in Grimm’s car.

Campaigns are barred from accepting cash contributions in excess of $100. [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Grimm Asked for $20,000 Contribution

The same follower claimed that Grimm had pressed him for a $20,000 contribution. The legal contribution limit for the 2010 cycle was $4,800 per individual. [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Grimm Raised $500K from Pinto Followers for 2010 Campaign

According to the Times, Grimm’s campaign collected more than $500,000 in contributions from Pinto followers, according numerous interviews and analysis of campaign finance records conducted by the paper. That amount is more than half of the total Grimm raised from individuals for the 2010 cycle. [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Received Few Donations from Pinto Followers for 2012 Campaign

As of January 31, 2012, Grimm had received very few donations from Pinto’s followers for his 2012 re-election campaign. Followers interviewed by the Times said they did not want to donate to the Grimm campaign after federal prosecutors began investigating the embezzlement accusations against Biton. [New York Times, 1/27/12]

PR Executive Tied to Grimm and Biton

In January 2012, the Times reported that while it was not clear how Biton and Grimm initially met, Ronn Torossian, a New York public relations executive, was often seen with Grimm and Biton during Grimm’s 2010 campaign.

29 Torossian was also the subject of federal inquiry over the embezzlement of money from members of Rabbi Pinto’s congregation. [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Torossian’s Lawyer Denied Fundraising Connections

Gerald L. Shargel, Torossian’s lawyer, said Torossian had “absolutely no role” in efforts to raise money from Pinto’s followers on Grimm’s behalf.

“He absolutely denies any wrongdoing, and sees himself as a victim in this case,” Shargel said. [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Grimm Denied Any Wrongdoing

Grimm denied all claims or allegations made in the Times’ report.

“Any suggestion that I was involved in any activities that may run afoul of the campaign finance laws is categorically false and belied by my life of public service protecting and enforcing the laws of this country,” Grimm said. [New York Times, 1/27/12]

Grimm claimed the story lacked evidence of wrongdoing.

“The unsubstantiated accusations made by the Times are completely false, and it's disappointing that such a story was allowed to go forward without evidence,” Grimm said. [Wall Street Journal, 1/30/12 ]

Whistleblower Group Denounced “Grimm Act”

In January 2012, the National Whistleblowers Center launched a campaign against the so-called “Grimm Act,” which would steer whistleblowers through companies’ internal systems rather than the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

The National Whistleblowers Center said the proposed legislation “systematically rolls back every whistleblower provision included in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act.”

“It undermines every major whistleblower protection achieved for corporate employees in the past 20 years. Employees witness fraud every single day, and they are going to stay silent if this bill is passed,” Stephen M. Kohn, executive director, said. “It stacks the deck in favor of those who are accused of waste, fraud, and abuse, and it removes the only incentive David has to fight Goliath. This is a green light for corporate fraud. It must be stopped.” [, 1/26/12]

Named One of Congress’ Most Corrupt Members

In September 2011, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Grimm to their list of the most corrupt members of Congress. CREW accused Grimm of improperly endorsing a friend’s security company. In an online video testimonial, Grimm praised Manny Gomez, founder of MG Security Services, LLC, as a close friend and reliable professional. “I would call him for advice or for help and I

30 have and would continue to do so,” he said. Grimm is twice identified as a congressman representing New York’s 13th District in the video, which was posted on the company’s website as recently as August 2011. [Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, accessed 9/22/11]

Pushed Back at Corruption Accusation

In September 2011, Grimm landed on the “Most Corrupt Members of Congress” list put out by CREW, after his video endorsement of MG Security, the security company of a friend and former colleague Manny Gomez, surfaced.

Gomez says that Grimm contacted him and asked him to take down the video for MG Security’s website. According to Gomez, Grimm was not paid for the video and the video was filmed “a long time” ago. Grimm supporters claimed that the video was filmed before Grimm took office, but only ran after he was elected. When Grimm found out the video could be problematic, he asked for it to be removed. [NY Daily News, 09/21/2011]

Received Contribution from Tanning Lobby President After Sponsoring Tanning Tax Repeal

In July 2011, the New York Daily News reported that, less than a month after sponsoring legislation to repeal a tanning tax, Grimm received a $500 contribution from the president of a tanning lobby.

Grimm said he was proud of his work for the tanning industry, and that he “made a campaign promise to help small businesses by repealing Obamacare, of which the tan tax was a part.” [New York Daily News, 7/20/11]

Leadership PAC “Received an Inordinate Amount of Contributions from Financial PACs”

In June 2011, The Huffington Post reported that Grimm had set up a leadership PAC that has “received an inordinate amount of contributions from financial PACs.”

The House Financial Services Committee of which he is a member is “the most represented committee among GOP freshman with PACs…Republicans, as well as Democrats, place vulnerable members on the committee so they can raise funds from the industry the panel oversees.” [Huffington Post, 6/20/2011]

De Blasio: Grimm Nightclub Allegations Were “Too Troubling To Be Ignored”

In April 2011, New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio said the Grimm nightclub allegations were “too troubling to be ignored.” De Blasio continued, “Congressman Grimm has an obligation to fully address the allegations by letting the whole truth come out. I urge the congressman to join me in calling on the New York City Police Department and the Justice Department to release all records surrounding this incident in order to provide a full accounting to the public.” [Staten Island Advance, 4/28/11]

Grimm On Biggest Perk of Congress: “It’s All the Ladies.”

After a February 2011 speech, an audience member asked Grimm about the “really cool perks” of being a congressman. Grimm answered, “I’m single. It’s all the ladies. I get little notes, so-and-so wants to go out to dinner. That’s it.” [New York Daily News, 2/06/11]

31 Grimm: House Ethics Rules Are “Restrictive” and “Ridiculous”

During a February 2011 discussion after a speech, Grimm said the House rules and regulations are “more restrictive than you could ever imagine.” “You can’t take a slice of pizza,” he said. “The rules have almost gotten ridiculous. If someone was once a lobbyist, they can’t buy you a cup of coffee. The ethical rules are so tight that there really are no perks.” [New York Daily News, 2/06/11]

Extremist Issues

Grimm Joins Moderate Caucus

In January 2011, Grimm joined the Republican Main Street Partnership, a moderate group dedicated to promoting and building a fiscally conservative majority. Grimm was supported by the Tea Party in his 2010 campaign but in January seemed to be trying to be more moderate for his reelection by joining the PAC. [The New York Observer, 1/28/11]

Foreign Policy Issues – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea

Criticized U.S. Mission in Afghanistan

In June 2011, Grimm criticized the US mission in Afghanistan and said, “We went into Afghanistan with a mission to combat terrorism and take down Al-Qaeda, yet during my visit a few months ago I saw a tremendous amount of nation-building…In our struggling economy, we have our own nation-building to do here on American soil.”

Grimm said that the President “absolutely must define our mission moving forward. Only then can we implement an effective withdrawal strategy that brings our troops home safely without threatening our national security.” [Staten Island Advance, 6/24/2011]

Questioned Decision to Remove U.S. Troops from Afghanistan

In June 2011, Grimm questioned Obama’s decision to remove US troops from Afghanistan by 2012. “Are we withdrawing our troops because we were successful and the mission is complete? Is that why we are withdrawing our troops? Or are we withdrawing out troops because we accept that we can’t build the nation of Afghanistan? And therefore, we’re going to cut our losses and come home?” [NY1,6/22/2011]

Grimm Opposed Cutting Aid to Israel

In February 2011, Grimm wrote a letter to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor urging him to vote “no” on Continuing Resolution because it would cut foreign aid, thus directly cut aid to Israel. Grimm said, “Our shared commitment to Israel and its people requires us to support and promote strengthening the necessary bond between the two countries. It is because of this common goal that I ask you to join me and

32 not support any proposed FY2011 Budget that would reduce foreign aid to Israel.” [, 2/13/11]

Gay and Lesbian Issues

Grimm: “I Don’t Support Gay Marriage”

In June 2011, Grimm stated opposition to New York’s legalization of gay marriage. “I don’t support gay marriage, but the people spoke…They had the votes. The votes speak for themselves.”[The Staten Island Advance, 6/27/2011]

Gun Issues

Grimm Called for Colleagues to Reflect on Tucson Tragedy Before Reacting

In January 2011, Grimm told MSNBC that he urged colleagues to reflect on Tucson tragedy before reacting. In an interview with Janney & Co., Grimm said, “From the very beginning I really called upon my colleagues to take a step back and reflect, and then there would be time to assess and evaluate. One of the things you learn when you go through a law enforcement academy, and I’ve been through two of them, both for a uniformed position and then as a special agent, they make it very clear that no matter what you do, you will never be fully 100 percent safe. When you avail yourself to the general public, and that’s not just members of Congress, that’s anyone that’s in the spotlight. Anyone that’s going to be involved in large groups, you are heightening the risk that you take in the danger because unfortunately in this world we have crazy people that want to do people harm. It’s a small number, but there are always those that are looking to do something crazy, and that’s what you had here. You had an individual that obviously had mental issues and for whatever reason his focus turned out to be the congresswoman, which ended in a heinous horrible crime with many people shot and killed and that’s just a horrible thing. But, again, I want to emphasize you’re never 100 percent safe when you’re out in the public no matter what you do.” [MSNBC, 1/21/11]

Grimm Urged Congress Not To Call For Reactionary Legislation Following Giffords’ Shooting

In January 2011, Rep. Michael Grimm criticized Rep. Carolyn McCarthy’s proposal to ban high-capacity gun clips. Grimm, the newest member of the New York delegation, told McCarthy and other Dems to back off. “I urge all of my colleagues not to call for reactionary legislation or extreme measures," said Grimm, a former FBI agent. [NY Daily News, 1/10/11]

Health Care Issues

Praised New Funding for Local Hospitals

33 In February 2012, Grimm announced that Richmond University Medical Center received 32 new medical residents because of increased federal funding.

“It’s a big victory for the hospital, and it’s a bigger victory for the people of Staten Island,” Grimm. “This means more doctors for the residents of Staten Island. Here on Staten Island, we don’t have a public hospital. The two hospital systems (RUMC and Staten Island University Hospital) are the safety net for Staten Island.” [, 2/14/12]

…That He Had Previously Voted to Repeal

The funding for the new resident slots, however, came from the health care reform bill Grimm opposed and voted to repeal.

“Whether Obamacare is repealed or not, I have always supported Graduated Medical Education,” Grimm said. “This is not a political issue; it’s about ensuring that Staten Islanders continue to have access to physicians and high quality health care.” [, 2/15/12]

Maddow Blog: “Grimm Should Steer Clear of Health Care Policy”

In February 2012, the official blog for MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show criticized Grimm for extolling funding for Richmond University Medical Center after previously voting to repeal the law that authorized it.

“He voted to take away health care coverage from millions of Americans. A year later, he celebrated hospital funding included in the law he’s eager to kill. Maybe Grimm should steer clear of health care policy for a while.” [MSNBC, 2/15/12]

Opposed Schumer’s Medicare Solution

In January 2012, Grimm voiced his opposition to Sen. Charles Schumer proposed legislation to help avoid Medicare cuts. Schumer proposed utilizing unused military funds.

Grimm called Schumer's solution “disingenuous,” saying the fund has already been scored as savings for debt reduction.

“I remain fully committed to ensuring that Staten Island's seniors have uninterrupted access to quality, affordable health care, which is why I will not gamble on 'funny-money' gimmicks or short-term Band- Aids,” Grimm said. “I remain committed to working with my colleagues to come up with a long-term, common-sense solution.” [, 1/26/12]

Grimm on Medicare: “I Don’t Have All the Answers” But Ryan Plan is a “Starting Point”

In July 2011, Grimm said the Medicare system “will be bankrupt” in 9-13 years in part because Americans are living longer than Medicare’s creators anticipated.

34 Grimm called the Ryan plan a “starting point” and said, “I don’t have all the answers to say exactly what specifics, what percentage of this, what percentage of that…What I’m saying is let’s bring in the experts with an overall plan.” [Staten Island Advance, 7/12/11]

Introduced Bill to Address “Looming Doctor Shortage”

In June 2011, Grimm introduced a “bill to address a looming doctor shortage and improve access to quality, affordable care’” with two Democratic members of New York City’s congressional delegation. “The Improving PATH Act would phase in 1,000 additional residency slots over the course of three years and create a business tax credit for physical practices.” [Staten Island Advance, 6/21/2011]

Grimm Introduced Legislation to “Prevent a Looming Doctor Shortage”

In June 2011, Grimm introduced the Improving Physician Access in Teaching Hospitals Act (PATH), which “phases in much-needed residency slots to participating teaching hospitals, as well as gives tax incentives to practicing physicians who provide opportunities for resident rotations in their practices.” [Office of Congressman Grimm, 6/16/2011]

NYT: “The Crowd Lay In Wait” For Grimm At Brooklyn Town Hall

In May 2011, New York Times editorial observer columnist David Firestone wrote of Grimm’s April town hall in Brooklyn, “The crowd lay in wait for him with sharpened reports from the Congressional Budget Office, incendiary printouts from liberal blogs, and even a few lethal rolled-up newspapers with articles about the House plan. Mr. Grimm was left standing, but only after 90 minutes of high-decibel debate, during which a school security guard had to threaten to remove several citizens vibrating with anger about Medicare.” [The New York Times, 5/02/11]

Grimm’s Staten Island Town Hall Was “A Spirited Give And Take”

“In a spirited give-and-take on issues ranging from the national debt to the environment last night held his first town hall meeting here, four months after he was seated in the Congress. Prior to the town hall meeting, about two dozen demonstrators, including Democrats and union members, protested out front on Manor Road. They carried “Grimm Reaper” signs that accused the congressman of gutting Medicare.” During the meeting, Grimm “came under attack from some present for his support of the budget blueprint of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), which would undo the current Medicare payout for those 54 and younger.” [Staten Island Advance, 4/29/11]

Grimm’s Got “Rowdy Reception” At Brooklyn Town Hall

On April 27, 2011, Grimm held a contentious town hall meeting in Brooklyn. Many constituents expressed their disapproval of his vote for Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal. “Congressman Grimm voted for the Republican budget that will cut Medicare for folks like my mom, me eventually, my wife,” said one constituent. “The cost of healthcare is skyrocketing and they are transferring the cost of it to regular citizens. Average folk, they can barely pay their rent in this area,” said another. Grimm indicated he would vote for the proposal again if given the chance. [Wall Street Journal, 4/28/11]

Sponsored Legislation to Create a Universal Prescription Drug Database

35 In 2011, Grimm sponsored legislation to create federal database aimed at stopping would-be prescription drug abusers from shopping for multiple doctors and pharmacies. Grimm’s bill would set up a real-time “Web portal” for physicians and pharmacists across the country to access, requiring them to report any prescriptions electronically.

The database, Grimm said, would be run through the Drug Enforcement Administration, and would let pharmacists know immediately if a patient has filled the same prescription from multiple doctors, or at several different pharmacies. [, 4/05/11]

Local Health Clinic to Suffer Under House Budget Proposal

In 2011, the Community Health Center in State Island faced looming budget cuts under the House budget proposal. The clinic is one of six federally funded community health centers that could close under the proposed Republican budget.

In 2009, the clinic received $1.3 million in stimulus dollars to expand hours and services.

Additionally, the PPACA provided $11 billion dollars to support and expand the network of clinics across the country. [, 4/01/11]

Proposed a Federal Prescription Drug Database

In 2011, Grimm proposed legislation that makes the federal Drug Enforcement Administration set up a "secure Web portal" for physicians and pharmacists across the country to access, requiring them to report any prescriptions electronically. [, 03/21/11]

Vowed to Work for Hospital Funding

In July 2011, Grimm vowed to take a three-prong approach, including federal grants, other federal aid, and working city and state officials in a collaborative effort, to address deficiencies in hospital funding.

Grimm stated, “Quality care is something everyone on Staten Island should have access to…They can keep hospitals afloat with proper funding. It’s about being smart with the money. [Staten Island Advance, 2/23/2011]

Grimm and GOP Wanted to Replace Obamacare

During a January 2011 speech, Grimm said the GOP is planning an overhall bill to “replace Obamacare.” He said that if that fails, they want to put forth a number of bills to address certain issues of the law. [, 2/2/11]

Grimm Said He Had Never Met A Doctor Who Liked The Health Care Plan

During a January 2011 health care debate, Grimm said, “I have yet to meet a doctor who thinks this is a good plan.” Grimm was one of the proponents of repealing the health care legislation early in 2011. [The Empire, 1/25/11]

36 Grimm Singled Out For Accepting Congressional Health Care

During the debate over the repeal of the health care law, Grimm was singled out for his acceptance of congressional health care. Cohen quoted Grimm by saying a newly-elected representative justified his acceptance by complaining, “I don’t have health care and, God forbid I get into an accident and I can’t afford the operation-that can happen to anyone.” Grimm made that statement in a January 2011 interview with the Daily News. [NY Daily News, 1/19/11]

Grimm Wanted Health Care For Himself, But Not 32 Million Uninsured

Despite supporting the repeal of health care reform that provides care for 32 million previously uninsured Americans, Grimm called rejecting his own government health care impractical. “What am I, not supposed to have health care?” he said. “It’s practicality. I’m not going to become a burden for the state because I don’t have health care, and God forbid I get into an accident and I can’t afford the operation… That can happen to anyone.” [New York Daily News, 1/06/11]

Immigration and Border Issues

Grimm: Deportation Exceptions Should Be Made In Some Cases

In January 2012, Grimm advocated on behalf of Ying Lin, an undocumented immigrant, to help her avoid deportation. He said exceptions should be made in some cases.

“This is one of those heartbreaking cases where we have to find a humane and just resolution,” Grimm said. “When someone is taken from her home, even for a better life, under those circumstances, we as Americans have to do all we can, while balancing our immigration policy.” [, 1/09/12] Israel

Churches in District Showed Support for DREAM Act

In October 2011, St. Mary of the Assumption and Our Lady of Mount Carmel-St. Benedicta R.C. churches delivered over 700 postcards to Grimm’s New Dorp office in support of the DREAM Act. [Staten Island Advance, 10/29/11]

Advance Criticized Grimm for Sympathizing with Convicted Spy

In October 2011, the Staten Island Advance wrote an editorial criticizing Grimm for his support and advocacy on behalf of convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.

The editorial criticized Grimm for visiting Pollard in a North Carolina federal prison. While Grimm said that he was “working with many others in Washington to have justice prevail and have him released from prison,” only one other Republican in Congress shared Grimm’s views about Pollard. The editorial questioned Grimm’s interest in the case when it would matter little to his constituents. Grimm cited his

37 lifelong interest in Pollard’s case and stated that it had nothing to do with politics. [Staten Island Advance, Editorial, 10/02/2011]

Advocated for Release of Israeli Spy

In September 2011, after meeting Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard in prison, Grimm called on Obama to commute his life sentence so Pollard can return to Israel.

Grimm and Rep. Allen West are the only two House Republicans advocating for Pollards release. Other Republicans were reluctant to support Pollard for fear of “being soft on crime and as being at odds with the defense establishment."

Regarding Pollard’s sentence, Grimm said, “ a former FBI agent, as someone who has fought for justice most of my life, we have to acknowledge the fact that the penalty does not necessarily meet the crime. Most would say it is excessive.” [, 09/28/2011]

Advocated For Former Israeli Spy’s Release

In August 2011, Grimm, a former FBI agent, advocated for the release of Jonathan Pollard, who is serving a lifetime sentence for spying on behalf of Israel.

Grimm stated that his advocacy for Pollard had nothing to do with politics, but with justice. He said that Pollard should be treated in the same way as anyone else who committed a similar crime. [Jerusalem Post, 08/17/2011]

Met with Israeli PM Netanyahu

In August 2011, Grimm, part of a two-dozen Republican member delegation in a weeklong trip to Israel, had an “intimate meeting” with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu, a former Israeli minister of finance, told [the delegation] he focused on "cuts, entitlement reform and lowering the tax rate" during his nation's financial crisis. Grimm said, "He did a lot of what we Republicans tried to do with cut, cap and balance. Of course, it was not apples to apples; the U.S. is much larger, with a much larger economy." [, 08/17/2011]

Took Trip to Israel Paid For By Special Interest Group

In August 2011, Grimm travelled to Israel as part of a group of House members as guests of the American Israel Education Foundation.

Regarding the trip, Grimm said, “It’s my responsibility to be able to advocate on pro-Israel issues. Coming here and being able to feel it and touch it to fully understand how daily life is for an Israeli is important. You have to actually see it and realize it is such a profound observation that everything is so close; everything is almost on top of each other.” [New York Times, 08/16/2011]

Grimm Criticized Obama’s Proposed Two-State Solution Plan

38 In a May 2011 statement issued after Obama proposed a two-state solution in Israel by returning to the 1967 borders, Grimm said, “Today, I was extremely disappointed that President Obama failed to take a stand for Israel in his speech. He failed to mention Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state, and failed to explain why the U.S. continues to give aid to a Palestinian Authority now aligned with Hamas. Instead, he called on Israel to jeopardize its safety and security by returning to the 1967 borders. At a time when we need a close ally like Israel to help us stabilize and bring peace to the Middle East, I find it reprehensible to suggest a plan that makes Israel more vulnerable. We all want to see to see a peaceful resolution to the conflict, but pressuring Israel to change its borders is certainly not the way to do it.” [Office of Congressman Grimm, 5/19/11]

Grimm Said Two State Solution Would Be “End Of Israel As We Know It”

In April 2011, Grimm told the Jewish Daily Forward that, “I think a two-state solution is the end of Israel as we know it. I think it is not even an option, it’s a nonstarter.” [Jewish Daily Forward, 4/29/11]

Grimm Opposed Cutting Aid to Israel

In February 2011, Grimm wrote a letter to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor urging him to vote “no” on Continuing Resolution because it would cut foreign aid, thus directly cut aid to Israel. Grimm said, “Our shared commitment to Israel and its people requires us to support and promote strengthening the necessary bond between the two countries. It is because of this common goal that I ask you to join me and not support any proposed FY2011 Budget that would reduce foreign aid to Israel.” [, 2/13/11]

Grimm Selected as Co-chair for GOP’s Israel Caucus

In January 2011, Grimm landed a spot on the GOP’s Israel Caucus as co-chair. During Grimm’s campaign, some of his greatest supporters came from the conservative Jewish community. [NY Daily News, 1/28/11]

First GOP Law Maker to Back Clemency for Convicted Spy

In March 2011, Grimm became the first Republican Congressman to back clemency for Jonathan Pollard, a convicted spy for Israel.

"As a former FBI agent, someone who has fought for justice most of my life, we have to acknowledge that the penalty does not necessarily meet the crime and most would say that it's excessive," Grimm said. [, 3/30/2011]

Labor and Working Family Issues

Grimm Defended Romney’s ‘Fire People’ Comment

In January 2012, Grimm defended Mitt Romney’s comments about enjoying having the ability to fire people.

39 "When the governor says he is glad he has the ability to fire someone, I wholeheartedly agree," Grimm said. “That doesn't mean that you want to fire people. It means that in a capitalist society, in a free-market enterprise… if someone is not able to do their job, if they're not performing, they should be replaced.” [, 1/10/12]

Grimm: Toll Hikes are ‘Bad News’ and Kill Jobs

In January 2012, Grimm wrote an op-ed in the New York Post discussing his disdain for the Port Authority’s toll hikes.

“The Port Authority’s massive toll hikes are bad news for just about everyone — but they’re a job-killing disaster for Staten Island. Changing this situation is my absolute No. 1 local priority. Staten Island has long been the ‘forgotten borough’ when it comes to things like public transportation, road repair, health care and even snow removal,” Grimm wrote. [ New York Post, 1/19/12 ]

Received $66,700 in Labor Campaign Contributions

In November 2011, Grimm received $66,700 in labor contributions.

The Sheet Metal Workers’ PAC gave $50,000 to Republicans in 2011, about 6 percent of total contributions. The PAC donated to Grimm after he cast pro-union votes. [Politico, 11/17/11]

Protestors Called on Grimm to Push for Vote on American Jobs Act

In October 2011, a group protested outside of Grimm’s Brooklyn office to get him to push for a vote on the American Jobs Act. The protestors believed an up-or-down vote on the bill should happen and said there were many Republican ideas in the Bill.

Grimm said, “They’re holding this rally in the wrong place. They should be rallying outside Senator [Harry] Reid’s office — since he’s the one who can’t pass President Obama’s bill through his own Democratic-led Senate. I believe that there are pieces of the jobs bill on which we can find common ground, and we should move forward on those, rather than try to push the full package that clearly lacks the support to pass.” [, 10/18/2011]

Grimm to OWS Protester: Government Not the Answer to Unemployment

In October 2011, Grimm visited Zuccotti Park, site of the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests, in order to get a firsthand look at the movement.

Grimm exchanged words with a welder who was having difficulty finding a job. Grimm told the man, “The government is not always the answer,” and said the government should be “creating an environment where a prosperous economy can grow.” [Staten Island Advance, 10/25/2011]

Grimm Silent on Infrastructure Spending That Could Benefit Staten Island

40 In October 2011, the Advance reported that new funding included in the American Jobs Act could result in several important infrastructure projects on Staten Island being “fast-tracked.” The bill includes nearly $3 billion for New York City infrastructure projects, and would add about 38,000 local jobs.

When asked about the legislation, Grimm praised certain provisions and criticized Democratic congressional leaders, but did not offer an opinion on the transportation funding that could benefit Staten Island. [Staten Island Advance, 10/06/11]

Not Convinced by American Jobs Act

In September 2011, Grimm was not convinced that the American Jobs Act would be successful, citing the last stimulus as a reason for his doubt.

Grimm said, “If you analyze the stimulus that failed miserably, it was $270,000, approximately, spent for every job that was created. Is that what they plan on doing here in New York City?" [, 09/16/2011]

Grimm Op-Ed: Why Fort Hamilton’s Worth Saving

In August 2011, Grimm wrote an op-ed opposing the move of Fort Hamilton personnel from Brooklyn to Manhattan.

Grimm wrote, “Looking ahead, I envision Fort Hamilton’s importance to our borough and city will continue to grow — bringing new jobs to Brooklyn and serving as a vital hub for the men and women who work every day to protect our great city and nation. There is still a lot of work ahead of us in this process, but rest assured I will keep fighting for Fort Hamilton and do everything in my power to make this plan a reality.” [The Brooklyn Paper, 8/26/2011]

Other Social Issues

Told OWS to “Pack Up, Buy a Bar of Soap, and Get Out of NYC”

In November 2011, Grimm criticized Occupy Wall Street protesters for “overstaying their welcome” and said that they had “cost the city and surrounding businesses millions of dollars”.

Grimm praised Mayor Bloomberg’s efforts to clean up Zuccotti Park and manage “a potentially violent and destructive situation.”

He accused protesters of making life difficult for his constituents, many who work on Wall Street. Grimm said, “The people I represent are the hard-working ‘99%’ who simply want to go to work, do their jobs, and get home to their families without being hassled along the way. They already face one of the longest commutes in the nation without having to deal with this mob. It is reprehensible for these lowlifes to overrun the Staten Island Ferry or the subways to Brooklyn and add further hours to the trip home.” [, 11/17/11;, 11/17/11; Politico, 11/17/11]

Grimm: OWS “Not Even a Legitimate Cause Anymore”

41 In November 2011, Grimm, who had recently visited Zuccotti Park, site of the Occupy Wall Street protests, criticized the movement and said that liberal groups like ACORN supported the protestors. Grimm said, “The mayor made a mistake by embracing them. It's a ticking time bomb, and it's only a matter of time before it gets violent…It’s not even a legitimate cause anymore.” [Staten Island Advance, 11/02/11 ]

Sponsored Bill to Provide Therapeutic Dogs to Vets

In October 2011, Grimm’s Veterans Dog Therapy Training Act passed the House, his first bill to do so. The legislation would provide therapeutic dog training and handling for veterans with PTSD.

“This type of program, that allows veterans to help veterans, could have a tremendous impact in New York,” Grimm said. “Ideally, I'd like to see [it] established at the Brooklyn VA Hospital, which provides care for many of the veterans in my district. It's a win-win. It’s common-sense legislation and it couldn't be for a better cause -- our veterans.” [Staten Island Advance, 10/12/2011]

Testified Before Subcommittee on the Veterans Dog Training Therapy Act

In July 2011, Grimm testified before the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Health in support of his Veterans Dog Training Therapy Act.

The legislation would create a program to place service dogs with veterans suffering from PTSD to help them with their daily activities and permit them to address their disabilities through therapeutic dog training and handling. The program would be piloted in three to five VA medical centers over a five-year period. [, 7/27/11]

Stem Cells

Tax Issues

Supported Raising Taxes on 47 Percent of Americans

In April 2012, Grimm supported changing the tax code so that the 47 percent of Americans who currently do not receive enough income to pay federal income taxes would “have skin in the game.”

“Forty-seven percent of Americans don’t pay any federal taxes. To me, that’s unfair,” Grimm said. “If we want a fair tax code, let’s simplify it, let’s get rid of the tax loopholes, and let’s let the 47 percent that don’t have any skin in the game at all, let’s get them to have skin in the game.” [NY1, 2:26, 4/11/12]

Opposed the “Buffett Rule”

42 In April 2012, Grimm opposed the “Buffett Rule” that would establish a minimum income tax percentage for people making over $1 million. He called the proposal “class warfare,” and said the rich were already paying their fair share in taxes.

“This is nothing more than class warfare,” Grimm said. “This is rhetoric, it’s political, just designed, really, to say that “the rich aren’t paying their share” when the top 1 percent already pay 40 percent of all federal taxes, the top 10 percent already pay two-thirds. That’s more than any industrialized nation in the world. So, to say that they’re not paying their fair share just isn’t true – the math doesn’t lie.” [NY1, 2:54, 4/11/12]

Grimm: Obama’s Wasn’t ‘Sincere’ on Payroll Tax Cuts

In December 2011, Grimm said he and his fellow House Republicans should have never put confidence in President Obama with regards to the payroll tax cut extension.

“Republicans made one big mistake in the payroll tax debate, and that was having any confidence that President Obama’s intentions were sincere,” Grimm said. “When the president told us that he too stood behind a responsible one-year extension of the payroll tax, we foolishly believed him. Why shouldn’t we? No one, including the president, thinks that a two-month band-aid is a better policy than a one-year fix. Sadly, he proved once again that he is incapable of putting partisan politics aside, and flip-flopped on his position.” [, 1/03/12]

Opposed 2-Month Payroll Tax Extension

In January 2012, Grimm reiterated his belief that the two-month extension on the payroll tax holiday was too short.

The only thing the new law did was to insure that the same fierce debate would be revived again in two short months, Grimm said. “Both parties know that the hardworking American people don’t want to see a tax hike on Jan. 1, but I know they don’t want to see one in two months either. No one, including the president, thinks that a two-month Band-aid is a better policy than a one-year fix.” [Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 1/05/12]

Grimm: Tax Code is ‘Broken’

In a January 2012 interview with MSNBC, Grimm said he believed the wealthy were being taxed enough. The real problem, according to Grimm, was a “broken” tax code.

“Actually, there’s two different questions,” Grimm said. “Number one, the wealthy pay the vast majority of taxes in this country, that we know. Now, is our tax code correct? Absolutely not. I’ve been on the Republicans beating the drum with many others saying ‘we need to change our tax code.’ It’s broken but that’s not because of the wealthy. That because we have a complicated, broken tax code that should be fixed; we should be closing the loopholes. But, that’s a completely different question than whether the wealthy should pay more. They’re already paying the vast majority of taxes in this country. We should fix the tax code so that it is fair.” [MSNBC, 1/24/12]

Voted Against Extending Payroll Tax Cuts and Unemployment Benefits

43 In December 2011, Grimm, along with the majority of Republicans in the House, voted against a bill that would have extended a payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits for two months.

“Two months is a political joke. It's unacceptable,” Grimm said. “They want to go home and have turkey and ham with their families."

Grimm also referred to the two month extension as a “band-aid” solution and claimed, “It won't have any effect on the economy. Let's just do it right.” [, 12/22/11]

Signed Letter to Encourage Leadership to Act on Repatriation

In December 2011, Grimm signed a letter to GOP leadership to act on repatriation of overseas capital.

The letter said, “Estimates have shown that at least $1.4 trillion in foreign earnings are kept overseas because of the uncompetitive tax policies here in the U.S. Unlocking this capital has the possibility of creating over 2.9 million new jobs, and increasing GDP by nearly $360 billion…As negotiations continue with the White House and Congressional Democrats on a number of expiring tax provisions, appropriation bills and comprehensive tax reform, we strongly urge you to consider repatriation tax policy, this session, to stimulate the economy and get Americans back to work.” [Frank Guinta Press Release, 12/06/11]

Signed Letter Saying He Was Open to Tax Increases

In November 2011, Grimm was one of 40 Republicans to join 60 Democrats in a letter to the Congressional “Super Committee” that said “all options” should be included in a deficit reduction package, including increasing revenues.

The letter stated, “To succeed, all options for mandatory and discretionary spending and revenues must be on the table. In addition, we know from other bipartisan frameworks that a target of some $4 trillion in deficit reduction is necessary to stabilize our debt as a share of the economy and assure America’s fiscal well-being.” [, 11/02/11]

Grimm: “Class Warfare” at OWS is Obama’s Fault

Grimm blamed Obama for the tone of “class warfare” seen at ‘Occupy Wall Street.’

“I think the president started with the class warfare,” he said. “Taxing the rich, and [saying] it's the Republicans who want to protect the rich. And that's not true.”

Grimm used to work on Wall Street, and said that the protest was “Americans pitting each other against Americans, and against capitalism.” [Staten Island Advance, 10/25/2011]

Opposed Toll Hikes in New York

In June 2011, Grimm criticized the NY/NJ Port Authority’s proposal to raise tolls at the bridges and tunnels. “The Port Authority’s proposal to raise bridge tolls by 25 percent, from $8 to $10, is completely

44 reprehensible at a time when we’re all tightening our belts in a recovering economy.” [Staten Island Advance, 6/08/2011]

Grimm Introduced Legislation Repealing Tan Tax

In June 2011, Grimm introduced legislation to “repeal the 10% tax on tanning services. The tax was enacted as part of President Obama’s healthcare reform in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.”

Grimm commented, “The healthcare law unfairly imposes onerous taxes, like the tan tax, on our nation’s business owners and consumers, slowing economic growth and costing jobs.” [Office of Congressman Grimm, 6/03/2011]

Tea Party

Tea Party Felt Betrayed By Grimm

In October 2011, Grimm expressed annoyance at Tea Party critics who said they felt betrayed by his votes.

Grimm said that his new found critics were not true Tea Partiers, but rather “libertarians or 9/11 Truthers who have taken extreme positions and have never shared my overall views. Now that they’ve become irrelevant, they’re trying to say they’re part of the Tea Party.”

Grimm’s critics stated that he was becoming another professional politician. Grimm, however, was confident that his Tea Party support would stay strong.

“We may have our disagreements on tactics, but overall we’re still on the same page,” he said. [NY Post, 10/16/2011]

Grimm Made Amends With Staten Island Tea Party Over “Extreme” Remark

In May 2011, the Staten Island Advance reported that Grimm angered members of the Staten Island Tea Party when he criticized the Tea Party as the “extreme right wing of the Republican Party” during a March battle over a continuing resolution to keep the government going. But Grimm and a number of Tea Party members met for a private town hall recently, at Wagner College's Spiro Hall, and Grimm said the two sides are on the same page. Frank Santarpia, a Staten Island Tea Party organizer said of Grimm after the meeting, “‘The SITP is not monolithic, and it has room in its tent for a wide variety of viewpoints. This was a great opportunity for the congressman to hear our opinions and concerns first-hand and we thank him for accepting our invitation.’” [Staten Island Advance, 5/01/11]

Said Listening to Tea Party Groups Would “Shortchange” America

In 2011, Grimm expressed his discontent with Tea Party organizations that would like to shutdown government by suggesting that “by listening to these groups we would be shortchanging America.”

45 Brian Darling, the director of government studies at the Heritage Foundation, said such actions would cause Tea Party organizations to “go after politicians” like Girmm. [Bloomberg, 4/05/11]

Called Tea Party the “Extreme Wing of the Republican Party"

In 2011, Grimm criticized Tea Party Republicans for preferring a government shut down over compromise.

“The extreme wing of the Republican Party is making a big mistake with their flat-out opposition to a short-term continuing resolution.”

Grimm went on to say that the Tea Party had “become like Nancy Pelosi in the last Congress, where it was ‘my way or the highway,’" accusing them of “not looking at the bigger picture.” [, 03/14/11]

Transportation Issues

Grimm: NYC Transit Funding “Not a Partisan Issue”

In February 2012, Grimm addressed issues concerning a five-year transportation bill that would reorganize how the federal government paid for improvements and repairs for mass transit.

“This is not a partisan issue, this a NYC issue. Too often, NYC gets the short end of the stick when it comes to funding. The economy is tough and we all have to make sacrifices, but the sacrifices must be fair, not targeted against the biggest transportation system in the U.S,” Grimm said.

Grimm authored an amendment to ditch another anti-city portion of the bill banning transit agencies that run rail service from applying for grants to improve bus lines. [New York Daily News, 2/14/12]

Slammed Port Authority for Toll Increase Flip-flop

In December 2011, Grimm slammed the Port Authority for its toll increase flip-flop after the agency said that the summer bridge and tunnel hikes would not go to pay for World Trade Center redevelopment as they had once said.

The money instead would go to the agency’s Interstate Transportation Network. Grimm said, “In its own press release, dated Aug. 5, the Port Authority cited the World Trade Center project three times as justification for the proposed increases…We perceive this as a clear attempt to dodge our argument that the Port Authority cannot increase tolls in order to fund non-essential activities. The Port Authority needs to provide clear evidence that motorists on Port Authority bridges and tunnels are not being forced to cover their numerous and expensive real estate ventures.” [Staten Island Advance, 12/02/11]

Said Cuomo “Sold Out” New York in Port Authority Toll-Hike

46 In December 2011, Grimm said that increased tolls on Port Authority bridges and tunnels would benefit New Jersey at New York’s expense.

Grimm said that the toll hike would benefit New Jersey by helping finance a plan to raise the Bayonne Bridge, which would increase the number of ships docked at New Jersey ports. The toll would make it more expensive for trucks to carry cargo from Staten Island’s Howland Hook container port to three Port Authority bridges in New Jersey. Grimm said, “Why our very own Governor Cuomo seems to be fighting harder for New Jersey than Staten Island and New York is a question that I ask daily, and one that he has yet to answer.”

Grimm also said, “If this port goes out of business - a fate that's almost certain with the toll hikes in place - that's a significant loss of NYC taxpayer dollars, not to mention the loss of hundreds of high-paying jobs.” [Staten Island Advance, 12/4/11;, 12/04/11]

Slammed Port Authority “Incompetence and Mismanagement”

In December 2011, Grimm slammed the Port Authority after reports that the organization had been billing tenants a reduced amount for utilities for years, which resulted in a $16.9 million loss at the JFK airport.

Grimm, whose constituents recently faced Port Authority tax hikes, said, “The Port Authority has been fraught with incompetence and mismanagement for as long as I can remember. I blame all of our former governors for allowing this to happen.” [New York Post, 12/13/11]

Blasted Port Authority for Toll Discount Ruling

In December 2011, the Port Authority put limited residential toll discounts into place on Staten Island bridges, and the funds would be going to finance non-transportation related capital projects and not World Trade Center redevelopment as initially stated.

Grimm filed an amicus brief and said that the Port Authority needed an “integrity check: for its “misleading” assertions. Grimm criticized Gov. Cuomo for “abandoning Staten Island” and for not ending toll hikes. Grimm said, “The governor of New York is at fault, period. He had the sole discretion not to agree to it. Gov. [Chris] Christie did a good job for his New Jersey constituents, but Gov. Cuomo abandoned us. Who is he fighting for? Not us.” [Staten Island Advance, 12/9/11]

Introduced Bill to Put Port Authority Under Federal Government Oversight

In December 2011, Grimm introduced a bill to return oversight of the Port Authority to the U.S. Department of Transportation to determine whether toll hikes were fair after he accused the organization for mismanagement and lack of accountability.

Grimm said, “This bi-partisan legislation brings oversight of toll rates on our nation's federally funded highway system back into the Department of Transportation where it belongs. The Port Authority has reaped the benefits from nearly unchecked control in deciding how much is 'just and reasonable' for commuters traveling on the federal highway system to pay. The taxpayers of New

47 York and New Jersey shouldn't have to face such a harsh economic burden simply to shovel billions of dollars in toll revenue into the debt-stricken and mismanaged PA. With almost no return on transportation infrastructure or mass transit for commuters, it is as clear as daylight that there is little to no oversight on how or where the money is spent.” [Staten Island Advance, 12/15/11]

Supported Commuter Tax Break for Staten Islanders

In November 2011, Grimm supported a federal program that saved Staten Island commuters one-third of mass transit costs that was set to be cut in half unless Congress took action.

The program allowed workers to use up to $230 a month of their salaries for mass transit, with that portion being exempt from federal, state, and city income taxes, and Social Security and Medicare taxes, and federal unemployment insurance. Grimm said, “I support anything that provides relief to the commuters of Staten Island. Whether someone drives or takes the train, the playing field should be even, so it only makes sense to continue this commuter benefit at its current level.” [Staten Island Advance, 11/07/11]

Pressed for Staten Island Residential Discount on New Jersey Crossings

In September 2011, Grimm submitted an amicus brief supporting AAA’s lawsuit against hikes for Port Authority bridge crossings.

Grimm said, “I will not stand by and allow residents of Staten Island to be used as the bailout for the Port Authority's debt, mismanagement and overspending." He planned to meet with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood regarding the issue. [, 09/28/2011]

Women’s Issues

Voiced Opposition to Contraceptive Mandate

In February 2012, Grimm expressed his opposition to a mandate in Obama’s health care legislation that would require employers (including those affiliated with religious organizations) that offer health insurance to their employees to cover the costs of contraceptives, sterilizations and abortifacients.

“As a Roman Catholic, I strongly believe in preserving the sanctity of human life, and this mandate completely violates that belief,” Grimm said. “As Americans, we are fortunate to have the right to exercise our religious beliefs, free of government intervention, and this case is no exception.” [, 2/07/12]

Blasted by Murphy on Contraceptive Coverage

In February 2012, Democratic challenger Mark Murphy slammed Grimm’s opposition to a mandate in President Obama’s health care legislation that required coverage for contraceptives.

“The fundamental issue here is whether women who work in hospitals, schools and other similar institutions that have some affiliation with religious institutions should simply have access to all

48 reasonable medical options,” Murphy said. “There is no requirement that individuals do anything with this coverage that contradicts their personal beliefs. I believe that option should be left to the individual, not her employer.” [, 2/07/12]

Grimm Labeled “Anti-Woman” by National Organization for Women

In 2011, the New York chapter for NOW railed against Grimm’s vote to cut funding for health clinics, and for his co-sponsorship of HR 3, a controversial bill that would further narrow existing federal restrictions on the use of public money to finance abortions. [The Brooklyn Paper, 03/17/11]

Believed Rape Must Be “Forcible” Before Victim Can Receive a Publicly Financed Abortion

Grimm also supported a provision in an earlier version of the bill that required rape to be “forcible” before a victim could get a publicly financed abortion. [The Brooklyn Paper, 03/17/11]

Voted to Defund Planned Parenthood

Grimm also voted in February in favor for the Pence Amendment, which would eliminate federal funding of Planned Parenthood and its 102 affiliates. [The Brooklyn Paper, 03/17/11]


Spent $3,495.97 in Key Largo

On January 23, 2012, the Grimm campaign spent $965.26 for a “meeting expense” at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo. One day later, it paid the club $482.63 for a “meeting expense.” On February 1, 2012, the campaign paid the club $2,048.08 for a “meeting expense.” [Michael Grimm for Congress’ April Quarterly FEC report, filed 4/15/12]

Wanted to Turn Empire State Building Red in Honor of Catholic Cardinal

In February 2012, Grimm voiced his desire to convert the Empire State Building in honor of Timothy Dolan, an archbishop who was recently elevated to the status of Cardinal.

Grimm tweeted, “I have requested that the Empire State Bldg be lit red to honor NY’s Cardinal Dolan. What an honor for an exceptional man of faith!” [The Hill, 2/23/12]

Mailbox Stolen

In February 2012, police in Staten Island launched a full-scale investigation at Grimm’s home after his mailbox was stolen. [ NY Post, 2/10/12 ]

DCCC: Boehner Should Familiarize Himself with Grimm Allegations

49 In February 2012, the DCCC released a statement criticizing Speaker John Boehner’s claim that he was “not familiar” with the details of Grimm’s fundraising allegations.

“Hopefully Speaker Boehner can familiarize himself with Congressman Michael Grimm, the latest scandal-plagued Member of the House Republican caucus,” said DCCC spokesperson Jesse Ferguson. “The silence from House Speaker John Boehner is deafening. All he would need to do is read the front page of the paper to learn about Grimm’s campaign finance schemes but maybe Speaker Boehner has too many scandals in his caucus to keep track.” [DCCC Press Release, 2/07/12]

Grimm: Obama Failed

In January 2012, Grimm said Obama was a failure.

“Our country is worse off as a result of the failed policies and onerous regulations enacted on his watch,” Grimm said. “President Obama has failed to lead our country in the right direction, and the hard-working residents of Staten Island and Brooklyn have paid the price.” [, 1/20/12]

Blamed Both Parties for ‘Broken’ System

In January 2012, Grimm spoke to constituents at the Midland Beach Civic Association's first meeting of 2012. Grimm claimed the system was “broken” and “both parties” were to blame.

“The rancor and the rhetoric is so bad – we have to get past it,” Grimm said. “The bureaucracy isn't working, it's almost impossible to get anything done, and we deserve better. At times, I'm embarrassed by what's going on.” [, 1/18/12]

Condemned Marine Viral Video

In January 2012, Grimm denounced a viral video of U.S. Marines urinating on Afghan corpses.

“This actually hurts me. This is painful,” Grimm said. “It’s unacceptable. There’s no excuse for this ever happening. I want to be respectful for the fact that maybe they had multiple tours and have been through hell and back, but I don't make excuses for Marines. They were trained, and they know better, and they disgraced their country.” [ NY Daily News, 1/12/12 ]

Defended Romney on Bain Attacks

In January 2012, Grimm said the GOP presidential candidates needed to cease their attacks on Mitt Romney’s business record at Bain Capital.

“When GOP candidates, especially those who identify themselves as conservatives, use phrases like ‘vulture capitalism’ or adopt leftist rhetoric, they are jeopardizing the strength and unity of the party,” Grimm said.

50 “Although these remarks can have short-term benefits to individual candidates in a primary, they are certain to have a negative effect on the party as a whole and a detrimental impact on the conservative movement,” he said. [ Washington Post, 1/12/12 ]

Traveled to New Hampshire for Romney Campaign

In January 2012, Grimm traveled to New Hampshire to campaign for Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney. [Times Union, 1/09/12 ]

Criticized for Romney Endorsement

Grimm took criticism from Tea Party supporters and other conservatives for endorsing Romney, but reaffirmed that Romney is the only Republican who can beat President Barack Obama.

"Electability should be at the top of everybody's list. I believe he is the right guy to get this country on track,” Grimm said.

“He can mobilize the conservative base, but the conservative base doesn't win elections," he said. “He can't get independent and swing votes,” Grimm said. [, 1/09/12]

Record Reviewed by DCCC

In January 2012, the DCCC sent out a release reviewing votes that Grimm cast over the last year.

“The first year of Representative Michael Grimm’s Republican Congress is marked by extreme partisanship and unbending protection of Big Oil and the ultra wealthy,” a DCCC press secretary said in two releases. “Grimm and House Republicans have spent this first year in chronic chaos — failing to protect the middle class or create jobs — and are now off on vacation rather than putting Americans back to work.”

The DCCC disapproved of Grimm’s vote against a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut, voting for the Medicare-impacting Ryan Plan, and voting to repeal health care reform. The DCCC also criticized both Representatives for being part of a caucus that “refused to introduce a comprehensive jobs agenda” for the past 365 days. [, 1/05/12]

Grimm: Iowa Win Will Grant Romney Some Momentum

In January 2012, Grimm stated that Romney’s “very strong showing” in Iowa would give Romney the push forward he needs.

“To tie with Santorum, who spent so much time on the ground, is a victory for Romney. That's [Iowa] where Romney will start to build the momentum he'll need to beat Barack Obama.” Grimm said. [, 1/04/12]

Criticized Cuomo’s ‘State of the State’ Address

51 In January 2012, Grimm expressed his disappointment at Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s oversight of Staten Island in his “State of the State” address.

“I was disappointed to hear that Governor Cuomo once again has snubbed the people I represent in his 'State of the State' address,” Grimm said. “In the governor's 33-page speech there was not a single mention of the Borough of Staten Island. Not a single word about the crushing toll burden Governor Cuomo and the Port Authority imposed on this community last year. Nor did he reference his refusal to meet with Staten Island elected officials and business leaders to discuss the devastation these tolls have inflicted on my constituents and local businesses.” [, 1/04/12]

Grimm: Romney Will Have a ‘Big Day’ in Iowa

In January 2012, Grimm said he believed Romney would garner a lot of votes in Iowa.

“I think it will be a very big day for Governor Mitt Romney. People are starting to accept the fact that he has the experience and he’s the only one who can beat Barack Obama. I’m hoping that this is the beginning of the wave,” Grimm said. [, 1/03/12]

Grimm: I Will Play Lead Role for Romney

In January 2012, Grimm said he would continue to support Mitt Romney following the Iowa Republican caucuses. Grimm was not sure where he would go with Romney after Iowa, but was assured that he “will be playing a lead role for Governor Romney.” [, 1/03/12]

Announced Plans to Take Part in “2012 Freshman Family & Fishing Weekend” Fundraiser

In December 2011, Grimm along with 11 other House GOP freshman announced plans to take part in the “2012 Freshman Family & Fishing Weekend” fundraiser as an exclusive club in Key Largo, Florida that had 2 18-hole golf courses, a private airport, and a marina with room for 175 boats. The fundraiser cost $20,000 per PAC or $10,000 for an individual. [Washington Post, 12/14/11]

Spent a Day Working as UPS Employee

In November 2011, Grimm donned a brown uniform and spent a day working as a UPS employee and said that the opportunity gave him a chance to talk one-on-one with locals in a casual setting.

When asked whether it was true if women liked men in brown, Grimm, who was single and was named to The Hill’s 50 Most Beautiful list, responded, “No, brown’s not my color. I don’t even own one brown suit…That really didn’t help me very much.” [The Hill, 11/29/11]

Announced K Street Fundraiser for Romney

In November 2011, Grimm was scheduled to appear at a pre-party reception for a K-Street fundraiser for Mitt Romney. [Politico, 11/28/11]

Sent Joint Letter Opposing Provocative Jesus Crucifix Exhibit

52 In November 2011, Grimm along with other Staten Island lawmakers sent a joint letter to the Brooklyn Museum asking them to pull an exhibit with a film depicting a bloodied, crucified Jesus Christ with ants crawling on his face and into his eyes.

The letter said, “This is not art, this is Christianity-bashing. This is an outrageous use of taxpayer money by the nation's second-largest art museum, and an obvious attempt to offend Christians on the eve of one of the holiest times of the Christian faith.” [Staten Island Advance, 11/15/11]

Called Ukraine’s Economy One of the Most Promising

In November 2011, Grimm called Ukraine one of the world’s five most promising economies when speaking at an investment conference in New York titles “Ukraine: The Best Investment Opportunities”.

Grimm said that the US should pay attention to Ukraine and said, “there are benefits to deepening our economic ties. With Europe poised to enact a historic Free Trade Agreement with Ukraine, we don't want to be left behind.” Grimm also talked about how Ukraine’s gas resources could be an opportunity to reduce global oil dependency. [, 11/09/11]

Called on Obama to Apologize Over Hot Mic Netanyahu Remarks

In November 2011, Grimm called on Obama to apologize after the French press reported that Sarkozy and Obama were caught criticizing PM Netanyahu over a microphone they didn’t realize was turned on.

Grimm said, “I find President Obama’s criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu highly offensive and call on him to issue a formal apology on behalf of the American people. Whether the microphones are on or off, the message to our allies in Israel should always remain the same: ‘We stand with you.’… President Obama’s comments are disgraceful and inappropriate coming from someone who holds the highest office in the United States. They provide a poor and inaccurate reflection of the American people he was elected to represent, and they must be rescinded.” [, 11/08/11; The Hill, 11/08/11]

Called on Obama to Apologize to Netanyahu

In November 2011, Grimm called on Obama to apologize to Netanyahu after criticizing him in a conversation with Sarkozy.

Grimm said, “As an American, I understand the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship to our own national security as well as to the peace and security of the Middle East. As a member of Congress, I will do all I can to ensure our alliance remains strong. President Obama’s comments are disgraceful and inappropriate coming from someone who holds the highest office in the United States. They provide a poor and inaccurate reflection of the American people he was elected to represent, and they must be rescinded.” [, 11/08/11]

Group Protested Colombian Trade Vote Outside New Dorp Office

In November 2011, the Occupy Wall Street Trade Justice group protested outside Grimm’s New Dorp office against his Colombia trade vote.

53 The group held a symbolic funeral to mourn victims of human rights abuses in Colombia. Grimm voted for the free trade agreement with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea, which he said would create 250,000 jobs. [Staten Island Advance, 11/02/11]

Endorsed Romney For 2012 Presidential Race

In October 2011, Grimm endorsed Mitt Romney for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination. Grimm was the first in New York’s Congressional delegation to endorse a candidate. [Politico, 10/10/2011]

Incurred Tea Party Wrath for Romney Endorsement

In October 2011, Tea Party supporters planned to protest the endorsement in front of Grimm’s Staten Island office. The protestors felt that Grimm sold out his tea party roots.

Protest organizers said, “When there are several authentic Tea Party candidates in the presidential race, including Michelle Bachmann, Ron Paul, Herman Cain, and Rick Perry, many Tea Partiers are asking, ‘Has Congressman Grimm sold us out for the GOP establishment? Has he already been co-opted by Washington?’” [Daily Caller, 10/11/2011]

Said Republicans Should Back Candidate With Best Chance to Beat Obama

In October 2011, Grimm encouraged Republicans to put aside ideological differences and back the candidate with the best chance of beating Obama, which was a major part of his decision to endorse Romney.

Grimm said, “Republicans need to understand this is about winning in 2012. Gov. Romney can do it and do it in New York because of this election cycle, because President Obama has failed to lead in so many respects and a lot of people are disgruntled. We can actually flip this state…I think it’s a problem for the Republican Party and I want to caution all Republicans if we splinter then President Obama wins. We need to get down to the basic question: do we or do we not want to beat President Obama in 2012? If the answer is no and we have a different agenda then that’s fine, but that’s bad for the Republican Party.” [ABC News, 10/11/2011]

Criticized by Rush Limbaugh For Saying Republicans Should Put Ideology Aside

In October 2011, Rush Limbaugh criticized Grimm for saying that Republicans should put aside ideological differences in the primary nomination process.

Limbaugh said, “Now we've got Michael Grimm, a New York congressman, saying let's stop the primary process, put aside our conservatism and pick Romney. That's what he's saying: You conservatives, drop it, check your conservatism at the ballot box when you go in there. I wonder if Michael Grimm is aware the last time a Republican won a landslide in New York. It was Reagan. What was Reagan? He ran as a proud conservative. The last Republican to win a landslide in New York was named Ronald Reagan. A very ideological guy and we were not told to check our ideological at the door there” [, 10/11/2011]

54 Joined NYC Parents’ Choice Coalition

In October 2011, Grimm joined the NYC Parents’ Choice Coalition and called for an abstinence-based curriculum as an alternative to New York City’s required sex-ed program. [NY Daily News, 10/24/2011]

Democrats Tell Grimm Challengers Not to Wait For Redistricting

In October 2011, the Democratic Party pushed for quicker action by former Rep. Michael McMahon as to his decision to run and encouraged other candidates not to wait for redistricting new before starting their fundraising efforts.

The 13th district is expected to grow into Brooklyn, possibly into Midwood, containing many Orthodox Jews, and Brighton Beach, containing many Russians. Bob Turner’s recent victory showed that support for Republicans from Orthodox Jewish voters may be beneficial to Grimm.

Democratic Councilman Gentile Could Be Possible Grimm Challenger

In October 2011, Democratic City Councilman Vincent Gentile was considering a run against Grimm in 2012.

During his time as a state senator, Gentile represented Brooklyn and part of Staten Island. Gentile said, “during those six years I became very familiar with the issues and concerns of Staten Islanders. I love Staten Island and was always honored that they considered me ‘one of them’ and not just someone from across the bridge.” [, 10/4/2011]

Called Occupy Wall Street Protests “Mob Rule”

In October 2011, Grimm spoke out against the “Occupy Wall Street” protests that included 700 arrests on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Grimm said, “To me it's very, very dangerous and counterproductive to be encouraging in any way what I consider to be counterproductive and what I consider to be mob rule." [, 10/7/2011]

Reimbursed Himself for $1,189.32 in Travel Expenses

From July-September 2011, Runyan was reimbursed for $3359.77 in private auto mileage and commercial transportation. [2011 3nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 10/5/11]

Spent $436.36 on Bottled Water

From July-September 2011, Grimm spent $436.36 on bottled water from Deer Park and Waterworks. [2011 3nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 10/5/11]

Snubbed By Mayor Bloomberg

55 In September 2011, at a breakfast meeting with new GOP Rep. Bob Turner, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said it will be useful to have another NYC Republican congressman in the delegation, in addition to Rep. Peter King, to liaise with House leadership. Bloomberg did not mention Grimm, also an NYC Republican, despite his close connections to Rep. Eric Cantor and Speaker John Boehner.

In response to the snub, Grimm said, “It wouldn’t be the first time the mayor forgot Staten Island is part of NYC. That’s why I continue to fight every day to make sure we don’t remain the forgotten borough.” [, 09/25/2011]

Introduced Bill to make WTC Cross a National Monument

In September 2011, Grimm planned to introduce a bill that would make the World Trade Center cross, two intersecting steel beams found in the Ground Zero rubble, a national monument after the group American Atheists sued to block its display.

Grimm responded to criticism by saying that the cross is “not about Christianity” and that it “as a symbol of comfort and hope for 9/11 first responders, for families, for all those that were part of this horrific, horrific terrorist attack. And it's part of the healing process. It's part of that closure, and it's part of the history of that situation." [NY Post, 09/05/2011]

Made Frequent TV Appearances

In 2011, Grimm made the rounds on the cable news circuit, talking about the economy, jobs, taxes, and the deficit.

Of his appearances, Grimm said, “I have a big bully pulpit, a platform,” He also said that the TV appearances are “hard work, not fluff” and that he “[does not] use talking points.” [, 09/03/2011]

Had Convicted Felon as Business Associate

In 2011, Michael Grimm had a business associate Carlos Luquis, a convicted felon who served jail time for his part in a $2 million scam.

In his campaign for office, Grimm touted his FBI record and was a big supporter of law enforcement. Luquis and Grimm worked together as FBI agents, but Luquis was later indicted on charges of setting up of fake companies to bill ERCOT, where he was head of security, $2 million for jobs never undertaken.

On the Luquis hiring, Grimm said, “I contracted Carlos because he was a friend that needed a hand in getting back on his feet and I am not a fair-weather friend: It's called loyalty and for a man that served this country honorably for approx 16 years, he earned a second chance.” [NY Daily News, 08/14/2011]

State Senator Lanza Was Main Ally for NY Redistricting

In 2011, State Senator Lanza became Grimm’s ally on redistricting even though Lanza provided little support to Grimm during his campaign.

56 In redistricting, Grimm will likely be picking up more territory in Brooklyn due to the carving of Weiner’s old seat. As a rising force in his party, the GOP wants to see Grimm protected in redistricting efforts. [, 08/14/2011]

Praised Effort to Get Staten Island Hospital Generator Upon Arrival of Hurricane Irene

In August 2011, Grimm praised outreach from Mayor Bloomberg’s office to secure a back-up generator for the only function hospital in Staten Island during Hurricane Irene.

Grimm said, “As Staten Island's only open hospital, this generator is essential to public safety, and I am pleased that it is currently en route and will be in place before the storm hits. This is a perfect example of the type of teamwork needed to put the safety of the public first, as we work together to prepare for the impact of the storm." [, 08/27/2011]

Grimm Spent $233,183 on Personnel Compensation

From April-June 2011, Grimm spent $233,183.34 on compensation for his congressional staff. This represented a sizable increase from the 212,000.01 that Grimm spent on personnel from January-March of the same year. [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11; 2011 1st Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 5/13/11]

Grimm Spent $13,206 on District Office Rent

From April-June 2011, Grimm spent $13,206 on rent for two separate district offices. The offices cost $3,950 and $2,653 per month, respectively. [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11]

Grimm Spent $252.28 on Bottled Water

From April-June 2011, Grimm spent $252.28 on bottled water from Waterworks and Deer Park. His disbursement statement includes $442.19 in actual disbursements, but also shows a refund on a purchase of $189.91 from Deer Park. [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11]

Grimm Spent $233,183 on Personnel Compensation

From April-June 2011, Grimm spent $233,183.34 on compensation for his congressional staff. This represented a sizable increase from the 212,000.01 that Grimm spent on personnel from January-March of the same year. [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11; 2011 1st Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 5/13/11]

Grimm Spent $544 on a “Habitation Expense”

From April 14-May 2, 2011, Grimm spent $544.38 on a single “habitation expense” from FastSigns – a sign shop that specializes in “banners, building signs, vehicle graphics, or signs for your windows, walls, doors or floors.” [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement,7/5/11; FastSigns website, accessed 8/31/11]

Received 44% Score From Heritage Action for America

57 Grimm received 44 percent score from Heritage Action for America in 2011. [Heritage Action for America, accessed 8/29/11]

Applauded FairPlayUSA Efforts to Legalize Online Gambling

In August 2011, Grimm released a statement endorsing the efforts of FairPlayUSA, an interest group that advocates for the legalization of online gambling.

Grimm said, “I applaud the efforts of FairPlayUSA for launching its coalition to combat illegal gambling. As a former FBI agent, I fully support the efforts to create a strong regulatory framework for legal online poker and to crack down on illegal sites, many of whom have ties to organized crime…Together we must fight for the return of quality, good paying jobs to the United States and a regulatory framework for legal poker will contribute to that goal.” [, 8/01/11]

Sponsored Legislation Condemning Norway Attacks

In July 2011, Grimm sponsored a resolution condemning the July 22, 2011 attacks in the Kingdom of Norway. [THOMAS, H.RES.380]

Said He Felt Backstabbed After Rangel Called for Donors to Cut Contributions as Retaliation for Hospital Funding Cuts

In July 2011, Grimm criticized Democrats after Rep. Charles Rangel’s office mistakenly sent out a memo on his House email calling for city hospitals to push Republican donors to cut off money to GOP candidates as payback for proposed budget cuts to health care.

Grimm said he felt back-stabbed because he had been trying to help Democrats to stop the proposed cuts to teaching hospitals. The city’s teaching hospitals produce one in seven of the nation’s doctors.

Grimm said, “It is a slap in the face…Rather than solve the problem – in a case where they have Republicans on their side, going against their own Republican leadership, all they want to do is hurt Republicans in 2012. It is what is wrong in Washington today.” [NY Daily News, 7/15/11]

Has Ownership Stake in Trucking Company Found to have Safety Violations

In July 2011, the Daily News reported that Grimm has an ownership stake in a trucking company that had been cited for safety violations. The company, Austin Refuel Transport, hauls crude oil across Texas and racked up 11 safety violations in its first two U.S. Department of Transportation inspections.

Grimm owns 28 percent of the trucking firm’s parent company, Austin Refuel, which was valued at as much as $250,000 on his financial disclosure forms. Grimm called the violations “minor basic stuff.” [Staten Island Advance, 7/19/11]

Sponsored Legislation to Help Former Soviet Union Pensioners Receive Payments from Russia

In July 2011, Grimm signed a Dear Colleague letter urging Congress members to cosponsor the Former Soviet Union State Pension Fairness Act, prioritizing work on an arrangement with Russia to pay

58 pensions to former Soviet Union employees now living in the United States. [Office of Congressman Grimm, 7/21/11]

Protested by Group against Entitlement Cuts, Said they were “Hard-Core Liberal” and “Part of the Problem”

In July 2011, a group of activist, labor union and Democratic protesters – including a man dressed as the “Grimm Reaper” and wearing a photo of Grimm – gathered to protest possible cuts to Medicare and Social Security.

In response to the protest, Grimm said, “It is very telling that I have such strong support from the people of my district that these left-wing protesters had to be imported from Manhattan.”

He said that the protesters were “a hard-core liberal group” that were “part of the problem” because, “They would rather engage in demagoguery and scare tactics than have a serious discussion about the crisis facing our nation.” [, 7/21/11]

Denied that Constituent Placed Protest Call Only to be Hung Up On

In July 2011, Grimm’s district office said they hadn’t received one negative call in response to a robo-call encouraging Democrats to call Grimm and voice opposition to any cuts to Social Security or Medicare.

Democratic constituent Pete Killen said he did make a protest call, but the call was terminated once he said why he was calling.

Grimm’s office said there was no record of the call Killen placed, but Killen said his cell-phone held a record of the call. [, 7/24/11]

Asked for Inquiry into Public School After Student Collapsed Due to Heat

In July 2011, Grimm sent a letter to Chancellor Dennis Walcott asking for an inquiry into the temperature in P.S. 37 after a special-needs student collapsed and was rushed to the hospital because the air conditioning wasn’t working.

Grimm sent a similar letter on June 17 about poor air conditioning at P.S. 37, urging that the system be updated, if not replaced. Grimm said the letter went unanswered. [, 7/26/11]

Criticized Obama for Vacation Plans

In July 2011, Grimm criticized Obama as “hypocritical” for planning a Martha’s Vineyard vacation next month when Obama has told lawmakers to stay in town until negotiations are done.

Grimm said, “for him to say that Congress shouldn’t be taking a vacation, while he’s planning his own, and while he’s campaigning all over the country, is about as hypocritical as you can get…I don’t need a vacation. I’m here to work.” [Staten Island Advance, 7/12/11]

Grimm: “The Corps will leave Fort Hamilton over My Dead Body”

59 In July 2011, Grimm had language inserted into the Energy and Water Appropriations Act prohibiting the Army Corps from using government funds to relocate. The North Atlantic Division of ACE is looking to move its headquarters from Fort Hamilton to a new office in Manhattan.

Grimm said, “I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: The corps will leave Fort Hamilton over my dead body…At a time when Americans are tightening their belts, the Army Corps should too, and moving to Manhattan for $1 million a year in rent is simply wasteful.” [Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 7/13/11]

Grimm Most Prolific GOP Freshman

In July 2011, The Hill reported that Grimm had been the most prolific House GOP freshman, with 14 bills, resolutions and amendments. [The Hill, 7/12/11]

Grimm: Federal Government Should Remove Weapons Cache Near Bridge

In June 2011, Grimm said the federal government should be responsible for removing the weapons cache lying near the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.

“Whether it’s the DOD, Coast Guard, the Army Corps of Engineers, or the Navy, I don’t care which one has to take the lead on this, but we need leadership that says, ‘Okay, we have a problem. We’ve identified the problem. Now let’s have a solution.’ It’s not rocket science.” [, 6/30/2011]

Held Fundraisers with Boehner and Cantor

In June 2011, “Two GOP powerhouses headlined back-to-back fund-raisers…to protect a congressional seat on Staten Island. House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor zipped through New York to raise big bucks for new Rep. Michael Grimm.”

Grimm responded to criticism the fund-raisers were a result of him being a reliable Republican vote and said, “The truth is there’s nothing at all extremist about my positions, and the irrefutable proof of that is my voting record, which speaks for itself.” [NY Daily News, 6/27/2011]

Press “Kept Far Away” from Boehner Fund-Raiser

In June 2011, The Staten Island Advance editorialized on Grimm’s fund-raiser with Boehner and commented “the press and anybody else who didn’t pony up the steep entrance free were kept far away…What about Republicans who, in these miserable times, can’t spare the $100 required to be in the same room with Mr. Boehner…The last time we checked, the Republican Party was a political party that wants to broaden it’s appeal, not some secret order…John Boehner’s visit to Staten Island was historic, but it says something that he and other planners of this event felt the need to keep it to themselves and keep the press – and by extension, the public at large – at bay.” [The Staten Island Advance, 6/29/2011]

Held Fundraiser with Cantor

60 In June 2011, Grimm held a fundraised with Eric Cantor. Tickets for the event ran from $2,500 and $5,000. [NY Daily News, 6/23/2011]

Grimm “Isn’t Afraid to Let His Sensitive Side Show”

In June 2011, Roll Call reported Grimm “may have been an undercover FBI agent for nine years but… isn’t afraid to let his sensitive side show.” While Grimm drank pinot grigio at a recent dinner, “He usually drinks red Italian wine: Chianti is his first choice…So we’ll go ahead and add Italian reds to our ‘whatever makes Grimm happy’ list, along with teacup yorkies named Sebastian and repealing the indoor tanning tax.” [Roll Call, 6/21/2011]

Grimm Spoke At A Nursing School Graduation

In May 2011, Grimm addressed graduates at the Wagner College School of Nursing. According to the Staten Island Advance, Grimm said, “You made the important decision to serve your community and society by helping those when they need it most: when they're ill, taking their last breath, or taking their first. Our nation would not be able to deliver the highest quality health services in the world without nurses' compassion, professionalism, and capability to address critical issues in high-stress environments.” [Staten Island Advance, 5/20/11]

2012 Campaign

DCCC Highlighted Grimm-Romney Split

In April 2012, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee highlighted the Romney campaign’s efforts to distance itself from Grimm in light of recent ethical allegations.

“Now that the campaign has entered Congressman Grimm’s backyard and is still not allowing him to represent Romney ahead of the April 24th primary, will Grimm finally admit that his party’s standard bearer wants nothing to do with him and his multitude of scandals?” asked DCCC spokesman Josh Schwerin. [Politicker, 4/09/12]

New York Times: Grimm is Vulnerable

In April 2012, the New York Times listed Grimm as one several New York representatives whose seat is vulnerable.

“Mr. Grimm, a Republican who captured his seat in 2010 with strong support from the Tea Party, has found himself enmeshed in a controversy that Democrats say makes him vulnerable.” [New York Times, 4/03/12]

DCCC Advertised on Staten Island Ferry Against Grimm

In March 2012, the DCCC launched advertising on the Staten Island Ferry to hold Grimm accountable for the allegations against him.

61 “Staten Island voters deserve to know that the FBI is looking into Congressman Grimm’s potentially illegal fundraising tactics,” said Josh Schwerin, Northeast Press Secretary at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “These ads are holding Congressman Grimm accountable for his on-going scandals, and highlight the fact that the more voters learn about Congressman Grimm’s checkered past, the less there is to like.” [, 3/27/12]

Grimm Decried DCCC Ads

In March 2012, Grimm denounced DCCC ads against him as “smear tactics,” “disgusting,” and “politics at its worst.”

“This brings credence to our call that this is political from the beginning,” Grimm said. “The people of Staten Island and Brooklyn know I have been fighting hard for them and I have the record to prove it, which is why the DCCC must resort to smear tactics.” [Politicker, 3/27/12]

NRCC Criticized Murphy on Health Care Reform

In March 2012, the NRCC attacked Murphy, connecting him to President Obama’s health care law.

“With the government takeover of healthcare having its day in court today, Mark Murphy should say whether he will join his fellow House Democrats who have been the biggest cheerleaders for their deeply unpopular law,” NRCC communications director Paul Lindsay said in a statement. “Murphy’s Washington Democrat allies this year are proudly advocating for the Democrats’ healthcare takeover in spite of its soaring price tag, rising premiums and numerous families being forced off their healthcare plans.” [Politicker, 3/26/12]

Endorsed by IUPAT

In February 2012, Grimm was endorsed by the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for his 2012 re-election bid.

“Congressman Grimm has proven to us since his election to the House of Representatives that he is willing and able to stand up for the members of this union,” Jack Kittle, the union’s political director, said in a statement. “Time and again he has voted to protect the rights of workers. In these times of fierce partisanship, he is a breath of fresh air … The members of the IUPAT stand unwaveringly with Congressman Grimm and are ready to do everything we can to make sure that he is sent back to Washington DC.” [, 2/27/12]

Backed by Staten Island GOP

In February 2012, Grimm was unanimously endorsed by the Staten Island GOP executive committee in his 2012 re-election bid.

Borough GOP chairman Robert Scamardella said Grimm was “enthusiastically and unanimously endorsed” by 34 executive committee members. [, 2/24/12]

62 Romney Campaign Distanced Itself from Grimm

In February 2012, Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign distance itself from Grimm, saying that he would no longer act as a surrogate for the campaign.

“I can’t speak to Mr. Grimm’s personal schedule, but he is not an official surrogate for the campaign,” Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in an e-mail. [New York Times, 2/17/12]

Replaced as Romney Delegate

In February 2012, Grimm was replaced as a presidential delegate for Mitt Romney by former Borough President Guy Molinari. Grimm said the move was unrelated to recent fundraising allegations.

A borough Republican suggested that Romney’s campaign was looking to distance itself from Grimm since being accused of soliciting and accepting illicit campaign contributions. Grimm denied the allegations. [Staten Island Advance, 2/16/12]

Grimm Claimed There Were No Problems with Romney Campaign

In February 2012, Grimm claimed that there were no issues with the Romney campaign and that he had not been contacted by them regarding his status as a surrogate.

“Let’s be clear about that Romney thing,” Grimm said. “It was a false story, period. The Romney camp never even contacted me. Not once. Me going off the ballot—what the reporter purposefully didn’t put in—is that Congresswoman Nan Hayworth was also removed because we don’t need to be delegates, we get full passes to the convention. So that was decided a week and a half or two weeks before the first New York Times article even hit.” [, 2/21/12]

Romney Campaign Confirmed Grimm was No Longer a Surrogate

In February 2012, NY1’s Errol Lewis said the news channel had been contacted by the Romney campaign and received confirmation that Grimm was no longer a surrogate for the campaign.

“They contacted us and said that you were no longer a surrogate for the campaign,” Lewis told Grimm in an interview. “When we have asked them in the past, ‘Who do you want to speak for you?’ they said ‘Michael Grimm.’ I guess from their contact with us today, that’s no longer going to be the case.” Grimm reiterated that he had not been contacted by the campaign, and claimed he had never been an “official surrogate.” [NY1, 2/21/12]

Grimm is “Persona Non Grata” with the Romney Campaign. In February 2012, ABC News reported that Grimm was considered “persona non grata” by the Romney campaign. [ABC News, 2/27/12]

Received $1,500 from American Bankers Association

63 On December 22, 2011, Grimm received $1,500 from the American Bankers Association. This contribution brings Grimm total from the American Bankers Association to $8,500 year-to-date. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Received $1,000 from the Bank of America

On December 30, 2011, Grimm received $1,000 from the Bank of America Corporation Federal PAC. This contribution brings Grimm’s total from the Bank of America to $4,500 year-to-date. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Received $1,000 from Exxon Mobile

On December 22, 2011, Grimm received $1,000 from the Exxon Mobile PAC. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Received $1,000 from Goldman Sachs

On December 22, 2011, Grimm received $1,000 from Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. PAC. This contribution brings Grimm’s total from Goldman Sachs to $10,000 year-to-date. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 Year- End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Received $3,000 from New York Life Insurance

On November 25, 2011, Grimm received $3,000 from New York Life Insurance PAC. This contribution brings Grimm’s total from New York Life Insurance to $10,000 year-to-date. [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Carrying $27,057 in Debt to Vendors and Individuals

As of January 2012, Grimm’s campaign is carrying $27,057.58 in debt to various vendors and individuals, including $1,899.29 to Grimm himself for “Event Site Rental/Travel.” [Michael Grimm for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/31/12]

Grimm: I Will Play Lead Role for Romney

In January 2012, Grimm said he would continue to support Mitt Romney following the Iowa Republican caucuses. Grimm was not sure where he would go with Romney after Iowa, but was assured that he “will be playing a lead role for Governor Romney.” [, 1/03/12]

Grimm: Iowa Win Will Grant Romney Some Momentum

In January 2012, Grimm stated that Romney’s “very strong showing” in Iowa would give Romney the push forward he needs.

“To tie with Santorum, who spent so much time on the ground, is a victory for Romney. That's [Iowa] where Romney will start to build the momentum he'll need to beat Barack Obama.” Grimm said. [, 1/04/2012]

64 Challenger Withdrew Against Grimm

In January 2012, Alex Borgognone announced that he was withdrawing from the Congressional race against Grimm.

“New and unexpected business opportunities have arisen, the timing of which has to be acted upon immediately. Consequently, I cannot pursue these opportunities and devote myself full time to the voters of Staten Island and Brooklyn,” Borgognone said. [, 1/04/12]

Challenger Announced Bid Against Grimm

In January 2012, Mark Murphy officially announced his intention to run against Grimm. Murphy alluded to Grimm’s vote against the extension of middle-class tax cuts and unemployment benefits and his defense of Mitt Romney's “I like to fire people” comment.

“My opponent might like to fire people,” he said. “I like hiring people and I want to put America back to work now,” he said. [, 1/19/12]

Attacked by DCCC Over Broadway Fundraisers

In December 2011, the DCCC poked fun at Grimm over two Broadway fundraisers he held by releasing fake playbills for “Anything Goes” and “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying”.

The playbill for “Anything Goes” featured disgraced former FBI friend Carlos Luquis, who Grimm employed at his Texas energy firm. In addition, the DCCC criticized Grimm for operating a trucking company with 11 safety violations and for operating a health food restaurant that went under. [, 12/10/11; NY Daily News, 12/10/11;, 12/10/11;, 12/12/11;, 12/10/11]

DCCC Launched Calling Campaign Against Grimm

In December 2011, the DCCC launched a calling campaign against Grimm for being a part of the “Super Committee” failure by demanding tax breaks for billionaires and insisting on eliminating the Medicare guarantee.

Grimm said, “I have no respect for the DCCC as an entity anymore. It’s resorting completely to utter, bald-faced lies. It hurts the DCCC more. They’ve lost credibility. They’re not even twisting [the truth]; they’re outright lying.”

Grimm also blamed Obama for the “Super Committee” failure and said, “This time, we don’t have a president who’s willing to lead. There’s enough blame to go around among Republicans and Democrats, but back then, leadership was able to transcend the bickering.” [Staten Island Advance, 12/5/11]

Targeted by DCCC Robocalls

65 In November 2011, Grimm was one of 30 vulnerable Republicans targeted by a DCCC robocall campaign. [New York Daily News, 11/30/11]

Potential Grimm Challenger, Diamond, E-mailed on Behalf of Obama Campaign

In November 2011, Robert Diamond, a veteran and investment banker who was considering a run against Grimm, sent out an e-mail on behalf of Obama’s re-election campaign telling people to urge Congress to support the veterans portion of the American Jobs Act. Diamond was listed as a representative of “Veterans and Military Families for Obama”. [, 11/10/11]


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