Chemistry/Biochemistry Review

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Chemistry/Biochemistry Review

Chemistry/Biochemistry Review - Honors

Test Format: What should I study?  2 notes and PPTS  Chemistry Worksheets - ALL  Organic Molecules Diagram WS and Chart  Enzyme Lab and pH lab

Chapter 2 – Chemistry Review Clue Answer 1. # of protons = 2. 3 parts of an atom 3. A reaction that releases energy 4. Process that changes one set of chemicals into another set of chemicals 5. An acid 6. A buffer 7. Anything that occupies space and has mass 8. Atoms of 2 or more elements that are joined by a chemical bond in definite proportions. 9. Atoms of the same element that differ in the # of neutrons 10. Basic unit of matter 11. Consists of only one type of atom 12. Electrons are given or taken away 13. Electrons are shared between atoms 14. Polar Molecule 15. Has gained an electron 16. Has lost an electron 17. Help determine the age of fossils, used to treat cancer and kill bacteria, used as tracers to follow substances 18. Negative charge 19. Neutral charge 20. Particles settle out over time 21. Positive charge 22. Type of bond holding a water molecule together 23. Protons + neutrons 24. Substance in which the solute is dissolved 25. Substance which is being dissolved 26. Substances uniformly distributed – evenly spread out 27. The quantity of matter an object has 28. Where electrons are found 29. Where neutrons are found 30. List and define the properties of water

Biochemistry Review Clue Answer 1. Property of carbon that makes it so versatile 2. 2 monosaccharides linked together 3. 3 parts of a nucleotide 4. 3 parts of an amino acid 5. Using water to break a polymer 6. Releasing water to make a polymer 7. A substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction 8. All the bonds between the carbon atoms are single bonds in this type of lipid 9. Amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction 10. Starch, glycogen and cellulose 11. Most common sterol, stored in your liver 12. Can also be referred to as fats, waxes, and oils 13. Contain carbon 14. Do NOT contain carbon 15. Give two examples of nucleic acids 16. Different base in RNA 17. Sugar in DNA 18. Helps support a plant by giving it strength and rigidity 19. How animals store excess sugar 20. How plants store excess sugar 21. Liquid at room temperature 22. Make up 50% of your dry weight 23. Makes up triglyceride 24. Many monomers joined together 25. Many sugars linked together 26. Monomer for carbohydrates 27. Monomer for lipids 28. Monomer for nucleic acids 29. Monomer for proteins 30. Reaction used to break polymers 31. Reaction used to build polymers 32. Single units/building blocks of polymers 33. Slight + charge on the H side & slight – charge on the O side 34. Solid at room temperature 35. Speed up the rate of chemical reactions 36. Supply main/primary source of energy for cells 37. The 4 compounds of life 38. Glucose, fructose and galactose (same formula, different structure) 39. The most abundant monosaccharide 40. The process of forming large compounds by joining together smaller compounds 41. The ratio of C:H:O in carbohydrates 42. The universal solvent 43. There are some double bonds between carbon atoms in this type of lipid 44. Two factors that can effect the rate of enzyme activity 45. Type of bond that forms when two amino acids are joined 46. Type of lipids that make up cellular membranes 47. Water molecules being attracted to each other 48. What is the purpose of nucleic acids 49. Where the substrate and the enzyme bind/join 50. End is ASE 51. End in OSE 52. Changing the 3-D shape of a protein (heat too much) 53. Lots of OH- ions pH 8-14 54. Role of lipids 55. Role of proteins 55. Identify the following as a fatty acid, amino acid or a sugar


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