Name Chapters 16-20

Chapter 16: A Forest Walk

1. Page #: ____ Where does Hester wish to meet the minister? Why?

2. Page #: ____ Describe the path through the forest.

3. Page #: ___ Discuss the conversation Hester and Pearl have about the sunshine.

4. Page #: ___ Discuss Hester and Pearl’s conversation about the Black Man.

5. Page #: ___ Explain the comparison of Pearl to the brook in the forest.

6. Page #: ____ What gesture does Pearl notice the minister making to himself? To what does she connect this gesture?

Chapter 17: The Pastor and His Parishioner

1. Page #: ____ Why do Hester and Arthur not recognize one another?

2. Page #: ____ Where do they stand to talk? Why?

3. Page #: ____ What does Arthur say about his life for the past seven years? How does he view her circumstance?

4. Page #: ____ What does Hester tell Roger? How does he react?

5. Page #: ____What is meant by the quotation, “That old man’s revenge has been blacker than my sin. He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart. Thou and I, Hester, never did so.”

6. Page #: ____ When Hester says, “What we did had a consecration of its own,” what is she confirming?

7. Page #: ____Why does Hawthorne use personification to describe the forest? 8. Page #: ____ What does he ask Hester to do for him? Who is the stronger of the two characters? Why?

9. Page #: ____ What does she suggest he do? Why?

10. Page #: ____ At this point in the story, what is your opinion of both Hester and Arthur?

Chapter 18: A Flood of Sunshine

1. Page #: ____ What has been Hester’s teachers? Compare/contrast her with a modern- day woman.

2. Page #: ____ What do the two decide to do? What happens to their mood?

3. Page #: ____ What does Hester do with the letter? Where does it land? Meaning?

4. Page #: ____ How does she her physical appearance suddenly change? Why?

5. Page #: ____While the two talk, where is Pearl?

Chapter 19: The Child at the Brookside

1. Page #: _____ How does Arthur feel about Pearl? What is his hope?

2. Page #: ____ Where is Pearl? Why important?

3. Page #: _____ What does the minister say about the brook? Meaning?

4. Page #: _____ What is Pearl’s reaction when her mother calls for her? Why?

5. Page #: ____ How does Hester respond to Pearl?

6. Page #: ____What is Pearl’s response? What does this event suggest about Hester and her sin? 7. Page #: ____ What does Pearl ask of the minister? What does Hester explain to her?

8. Page #: ____What does he do to her? Her response?

Chapter 20: The Minister in a Maze

1. Page #: ____ What arrangements had Hester and Arthur made? How many days until this departure? Why?

2. Page #: ____ What changes are seen in Reverend Dimmesdale? Why?

3. Page #: ___ Dimmesdale is tempted to sin three times on his way home. Please briefly explain each and its significance.

A. A Deacon-

B. Eldest female of the Church-

C. Youngest sister of the Church-

4. Page #: ___ After the three meetings, what else is he tempted to do?

5. Page #: ___ Who does he meet and what does she insist he do upon the next visit? Why?

6. Page #: ____ What, does he say, is the bargain he makes?

7. Page #: ___ What does Arthur tell Roger? What does Roger realize?

8. Page #: ____ What is he busy working on that evening?

9. Page #: ____ Discuss the meaning and importance of this quotation, “…morning came and peeped, blushing, through the curtains; and at last sunrise threw a golden beam into the study, and laid it right across the minister’s bedazzled eyes…”