I Wish the Association and This Newsletter a Grand Success
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Vol.7 No.1 Visit us on: www.aaebhu.com October 2010
I have seen the Association grow steadily and I take pride in its endeavors. It has been instrumental in bringing together the alumni of this Faculty, and has succeeded in maintaining contact with them through the organization of academic events on an annual basis. It not only provides a platform for the new workers of the area but it also rewards talent and honors the Alumni with luminary careers by conferring upon them the I am happy to learn that the Alumni 'Distinguished Alumni Awards'. This e- Association of Education, BHU is News letter, through its worldwide publishing its 2nd e-newsletter in the month circulation will further cement the bond of October 2010. These types of between the Alumni of this Faculty. newsletters help in maintaining regular I extend my best wishes to the communication with the alumni and Association and to this News Letter. keeping them abreast with the (Prof. P.N.Singh) developments and activities of their Alma From the President’s Desk Mater. The commendable work of the association, in the form of publications and organization of academic events on a regular basis, is appreciable. I hope that the association will continue its activities with the same zeal and enthusiasm, ever strengthening the ties between the institution and its alumni. I wish the association and this newsletter a grand success. (Prof. D.P. Singh) It is a matter of immense pride for me to hold the honor of the President of an organization such as the ‘Alumni Association of Education, B.H.U.’ I feel accountable to act as a bridge between the Faculty and its alumni. The Alumnus of this Faculty have been eminent personalities like Dr. K.L. Srimali, Dr. Harivansh Rai Bacchan, Shri. L.S. Jha,, Shri Jai Govind Rai, Prof. H.B. Malkani, Prof. P. Rajdan and many others. It is our joint responsibility that the I am glad that the Alumni ‘Association’ marches ahead bearing the Association of Education, B.H.U. is baton of their glory and scales new heights publishing its annual News Letter. 2 through its various activities and academic program. The resource lectures were by programs. Prof. R.P.Bhatanagar on “Application I am extremely confident that the of Statistical Model for Behavioural untiring efforts of our Alumni will shape Research”, Prof. Bhaskar Majumdar” the association into a profound conglomerate. on Research Proposal Formulation: Key (Prof. H.C.S.Rathore) to It”, Prof. H.C.S. Rathore on “Selecting Frontier Area Research On the organizational front the scenario of Problems” and by Dr. Meenakshi Singh events is as follows: and Dr. Madhu Kushwaha on “Qualitative And Mixed Method 1. A 3 day in-service program Approach to Research” in the four for school teachers called Academic sessions. The experts in the Educator’s Orientation Program Working sessions were Prof. was organized jointly by Alumni R.P.Bhatanagar and Prof. H.C.S. Association of Education, BHU and Rathore. the School Board, BHU at Central Prof. A.P.Singh, Department of Hindu Boys School, Kamachha, on Psychology, BHU was the chief guest in 3rd -5th October 2009. This was the the Valedictory session. First program of its kind and was highly appreciated. The Vice 3. A bilingual journal of the Chancellor, Prof. D. P. Singh Alumni Association of Education, inaugurated the program. Other BHU “Shaikshik Parisamvad: An dignitaries present included Prof. B. International Journal of Education” D. Singh, Rector Banaras Hindu SPIJE is in the process of University and Prof. A. P. Singh, publication. The seed money of Rs. Vice Chairman School Board. The 10,000/- to initiate this journal was Academic Coordinator of the donated by the President of the program was Dr. Sunil Kumar Association, Prof.H.C.S.Rathore. Singh. A separate new account (A/c No. 2. Training–cum-Workshop 31448679140) in the name of the on “Increasing Research Output” Alumni Association of Education has was jointly organized by the Alumni been opened to facilitate the financial Association of Education, BHU and aspects of this journal. Details of the the Faculty of Education BHU on the guidelines of the journal are available on th th 14 and 15 November 2009 at the the website www.aaebhu.com. Persons Faculty of Education (K) B.H.U. willing to make donations or monetary Nearly 300 delegates participated in contributions to this cause are welcome this event from different parts of the and may do so through the account of country. Prof. B.D. Singh, Rector, the Journal (A/c No. 31448679140). Banaras Hindu University Varanasi was the chief guest at the Inaugural 4. 7th General Body Meeting of the Function. association was held on 15th November There were four Academic sessions 2009 in the Seminar Hall, Faculty of and two Working Sessions in the Education,(K) B.H.U. 67 members were 3
present in the meeting. The General Mr.Jai Prakash Singh Body resolutions were finally approved by the Executive Body of the association (the issue to include General Secretary in its meeting held on 24.12.2009. of previous executive body as Ex- Officio member of executive body was Resolution 1: raised before the House by Dr. The resolutions of all previous Meenakshi Singh. Hence the following meetings of Executive councils and resolution was included after general body were approved. unanimous resolution of the house) (ii) Now onwards executive body of Resolution 2: AAE.BHU will consist of 13 members The progress report of the association and the General Secretary of the presented on 15th November 2009 was previous executive council will act as approved. the Ex-Officio member of the current executive council of the Association. Resolution 3: Accordingly, Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh The audited report of the Association will act as Ex-Officio member of the presented on 15th November 2009 was current executive body of the approved. Association effective from 27th April, Resolution 4: 2009. (i) The third executive council of the Association will be effective with Resolution 5: effect from 27th April 2010 to 26th It was resolved to execute more active April 2013 will consist of the participation by various chapters of the following office bearers and members: Association and to increase the number President: Prof. H.C.S. Rathore of life members as well as the donations for the Association. Vice President: Prof Geeta Rai (Academic) Resolution 6: Dr. Seema Singh (Adminstrative) (i) The fee for Seminar cum Workshop scheduled in November 2010 and other General Secretary: Dr. Meenakshi such events will be Singh Rs. 900/- for members of the Joint Secretary: Association and those getting no Dr. Alok Gardia (Academic) Fellowships, and Rs.1000/- for non- Dr. Sunita Singh (Adminstrative) members and Rs. 1500/- for on the spot registration for all. Treasurer: Dr. Madhu Kushwaha (ii) The journal of the Association (Shaikshik Parisamvad) will be Members: bilingual i.e., in Hindi and English; and Dr. Geeta Singh Journal Committee should act actively Dr. Poornima Varshneya for publication of the journal. Dr. surendra Ram. Dr. R.N.Sharma Resolution 7: Student representative: 4
The Jai Govind Rai Distinguished Reg.No. Name Contact No. Alumni Award be given to Dr. Shyama AAE/601 Varun Kumar. Dubey AAE/602 Alok Chandra Mishra Das Chatterjee, Dr. Rajeshwar AAE/603 Narendra Kumar. Singh AAE/604 Rajesh Kumar. Upadhyaya distinguished Alumni AAE/605 Neelam AAE/606 Sanjeev Kumar. Mishra Award be given to Dr. N. K. Shahi and AAE/607 Pradeep Singh Kushwaha AAE/608 Minakshi Mishra Dr. Daya Ram Vishwakarma Best AAE/609 Somu Singh AAE/610 Jay Prakash Singh Research paper Award be given to Mr. AAE/611 Jitendra Kumar. AAE/612 Namita Asthana Praveen Tiwari for the year 2009. AAE/613 Girish Kumar. Asthana AAE/614 Pradeep Kumar. Singh The members were also invited to send AAE/615 Kirti Dube AAE/616 Ajay Kumar. Singh st nominations for 2010 Awards by 31 AAE/617 Dr. Vinod Kumar Singh 9454219056 May 2010. AAE/618 Prakash Chandra Kasera 9198977655 AAE/619 Chandra Lekha Singh 3. Jai Govind Rai Distinguished Alumni 9453885431 AAE/620 Rajesh Kumar. Arya Award: Following the tradition of 9304306773 AAE/621 Sarves Kumar. Dixit previous years Dr. Shyama Das Chaterjee 9792380841 AAE/622 Shweta Gupta was felicitated as the Distinguished 9305045034 AAE/623 Shanu Himmat Singh Alumni for his contribution to the field of 9307007720 th AAE/624 Priyanka Singh Education on 15 November, 2009 by the 9532853367 President of the Association. AAE/625 Abhilasha Singh 9807570836 4. Rajeshwar Upadhyaya Distinguished AAE/626 Bineeta 9415525398 Alumni Award: Following the tradition AAE/627 Shamshad Ali 9935376554 of previous years Dr. N. K. Shahi was AAE/628 Saurabh Ray felicitated as the Distinguished Alumni for 9452027197 AAE/629 Anirudh Tiwari his contribution to the field of Education 9616692587 AAE/630 Ashish Rai on 15th November, 2009 by the President 9794419898 AAE/631 Sunita Singh of the Association. AAE/632 Mrs Vijaya Roy 9839479040 AAE/633 Ajay Kumar 9415989405
Till 30th October 2010, total numbers of life members is 633. (Continued from Achievements of our Alumni have made News Letter, Volume-06, September us proud. We have had great 2009). accomplishments to rejoice in addition to The List of members is as follows the placements and awards. Life Members 5
1. Mr. BrajendraYadav son of Shri 5. APURAVA SRIVASTAVA d/o DR N.K. SRIVASTAVA 2008 Devraj Yadav was selected in the 6. NEHA SINGH d/o SRI RAVINDRA SINGH IAS 2009 with the 464th rank. 2008 2. Mr. Mithilesh Mishra of the 2002 Placement in Government Polytechnique batch of B.Ed. was selected in the College Lecturer (English) IPS in 2009. 1. Mr. Gyaneshwar Pratap Singh I. Alumni Placement: (2007) 2. Mr. Santosh Kumar Singh (2009) Placement in Faculty of Education, posted 3. Mr. Vishal Ray (2009) at Rajeev Gandhi South Campus Barkachha)
1. Mr. Somu Singh Prof. Harikesh Singh has rejoined 2. Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh the Faculty as the senior most Placement in Schools: Professor after completion of a two Final Selection Result in KVS-(TGT) year long tenure at NUEPA, New 1. Murali Manohar Singh Delhi. 2. Kanchan Tiwari Dean, Faculty of Education, BHU, 3. Mukund kumar Prof. P. N. Singh was appointed as 4. Divya Verma the State Coordinator (U.P.) of 5. Anoop Kumar Ray Ministry of Human Resource 6. Shiv Kumar Halder Development, sponsored National 7. Ash Murari Nandan Mishra Project of the NCERT under Prof Selected in Ranveer Sanskrit Vidyalaya S. K. Yadav entitled: Teacher’s 1. Miss Neetu Singh (TGT- Social Training Under Sarva Shiksha Science) Abhiyan on Classroom 2. Miss Rashmi Singh (PRT) Transaction”. Placement in Special B.T.C. 2008 in Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh, Associate U.P. Professor, Faculty of Education, 1. MANSI SANGHMITRA d/o SRI S.P. B.H.U. delivered a resource lecture MAURYA 2008 2. GARMIA SINGH d/o AKHILESH KUMAR in the International Conference on SINGH 2008 "Environmental Education: A 3. SONI SHUKLA d/o SRI KAMESHWAR SHUKLA 2008 Pledge to save the Earth" held at 4. ANKITA SINGH d/o SRI N. P. SINGH 2008 Faculty of Education, DEI, Agra 6
from 2nd -4th July 2010. He also Information Science, recorded a Radio talk on Bharathidasan University, "Paryawaran Sanrakshan Kaise Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu on Kare" at Akashvani Varanasi, on 19-20 Feb, 2010. 7th Oct. 2010. She also chaired a session in the He has been appointed UGC Special Assistance member for University taskforce Programme (SAP) sponsored for promotion of Human Values National Seminar on “Quality and Ethics in June 2010. Improvement in Teacher Dr. Anjali Bajpai (Associate Education with special reference Professor, Faculty of Education, to Language teaching”, at faculty B.H.U.) and Dr. Rashmi of Education, Rashtriya Sanskrit Choudhury (Associate Professor, Vidyapeetha, Tirupati, Andhra Faculty of Education, B.H.U.) Pradesh, from 20th to 21st March conducted the Third UGC 2010. Sponsored Refresher Course In Dr. Gita Singh, Reader Department Education as course coordinators of Education, Harish Chandra on 10th to 30th April, 2010 at the Degree College, presented a Paper Academic Staff College B.H.U. entitled "Analytical Study of Dr. Meenakshi Singh, Associate Researches in Philosophy of Professor, Faculty of Education, Education" on 19th May 2010 at B.H.U. was invited to chair a the International Conference, session and deliver a lead paper on Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 “Development of an Information organised by Association for the Resource Portal for Researches Advancement of Computing in in Education” in the Education (AACE), Virginia, USA, International Conference on “E- held in Penang, Malaysia, 17-20 Resources in Higher Education: May, 2010. She also presided in a Issues, Developments, session on 19th May 2010 in the Opportunities and Challenges” conference. organised by Department of She has been appointed as Member Educational Technology and of Juvenile Justice Board from 16th Department of Library and August 2010, Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh. 7
Dr. Sanjay Sonkar, Assistant Dr. Madhu Kushwaha, submitted Professor, Faculty of Education, the Final report of the UGC B.H.U. was appointed as Sposored Minor Project entitled chairman of Kho Kho BHU, “Effects of Dichotomy of team (Men &Women) for the language on Primary years 2009-10 and 2010-11. Education”. He escorted the BHU Cross IV. Events in the area of Special Country team to Kottayam Education: University, Kerala in 2009. An Inspection Team from the He also escorted the BHU Kho Rehabilitation Council of India Kho (Mens) team as manager to visited the Faculty on 6-8 Sirsa (Haryana) in 2009 and the September, 2010 for renewal and BHU Kho-Kho (Women) team to approval of B.Ed. (Spl), V.I., H.I. Midnapur West Bengal. and M.R., and M.Ed. (Spl) V.I Three members joined the programs. The visiting team assessed Faculty at the Rajeev Gandhi South the progress regarding the courses in Campus Barkachha the Faculty and recommended the 1. Mr. Somu Singh extension of these courses to the 2. Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh R.C.I. 3. Dr. Vinod Kumar Singh The C.R.E. (Continuing II. Scholarship/ Fellowship: Rehabilitation Education) Program Rajeev Gandhi National was conducted on 15-19 Feb 2010 Fellowship, U.G.C. has been with focus on “training of Teaching awarded to Mr. Akhilesh Kumar, of Social Studies, Science, Mr. Bachchan Lal Bharti and Mr. Mathematics for V.I. children in the Arun Kumar. Faculty of Education, in III. Projects: collaboration with the Rehabilitation Dr. Sunita Singh submitted the Council of India, New Delhi. The final report of the State Sponsored convenor of the program was Dr. Minor Project related to Yogendra Pandey. Evaluation of Mid-Day Meal The Braille Council of India Programme, under SSA in 5 appointed the Faculty of Education, districts of U.P. B.H.U. for conducting a survey on 8
“Study of Status of Braille Teaching in The second edition of the book edited various Universities of India” on 23rd by Dr. Seema Singh and Dr. September 2010. Meenakshi Singh ‘Higher Education: V. U.G.C. NET/ JRF: Retrospect and Prospect’ was Junior Research Fellow (August 2010) brought out by the Alumni Association 1. Ajay Kumar Singh (2009) of education, BHU with ISBN: 97 8-8 2. Prabhat Kumar (2009) 1-909 935-2-1 3. Vandana (2009) VIII. Alumni participation in 4. Poonam Srivastava (2010) Academic events: 5. Pallavi Gupta (2010) Dr. Deepa Mehta and Dr. 6. Shabeena Qureshi (2010) Yogendra Pandey participated in the VI. Ph.D. in Education: Third UGC Sponsored Refresher Following Alumni have been awarded Course in Education from 10th to 30th Ph.D. in Education. April, 2010 at Academic Staff Dr. Lalta Prasad College, B.H.U. Dr. Ajeet Kumar Rai .Dr. Alok Gardia participated in the Dr. R.N.Sharma UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in Dr. Ramesh Kumar Education at Academic Staff College, th Dr. Pooja Singh Jamaia Milia Islamia, from 17 May to 6th June 2010. Dr. Praveen Kumar Tiwari Dr. Ajeet Kumar Rai, Dr. Lalta Prasad Dr. Surjodaya Bhattacharya and Dr. R.N.Sharma participated in Dr. Rinki the UGC Sponsored Refresher Course Dr. Vartika Srivastava in Environmental Science from 3rd- VII. Publications: 23rd July, 2010 at Academic Staff The Alumni Association of education College, B.H.U. brought out the second Edition of the Besides this, our alumni have book Society and Environmental participated in several local, national and Ethics edited by Prof. H.C.S. Rathore, international Seminars, Conferences, Prof. G.C. Bhattacharya, Dr. Sunil Congress, and Symposium etc. Kumar Singh, Dr. Meenakshi Singh and IX. Academic Developments at the Dr. Alok Gardia with ISBN : 97 8-8 I Faculty: -909935-3-1 The Faculty members were engaged in a rigorous exercise of 9
revising, reshaping and remodeling and Soft Skills the participants were the syllabi for various Academic given the experience of mock Personal programs for adopting the Semester interviews and group discussions system at the B.Ed. and B.Ed. (spl) along with exercise on preparation of levels based on the Choice Based CV’s, précis, enhancing one’s Credit system. The Semester system communication and soft skills and tips was launched in B.Ed. and B.Ed. (spl) on public speaking and email etiquette from 2010. etc. The Ph.D. Course Work was introduced in the Faculty from 8th September 2010. Dr. Meenakshi All alumni members are invited to Singh has been appointed the attend 8th General Body Meeting of the coordinator of the program. association scheduled on 15th November As a pioneer attempt two ‘Audit 2010 (9:00 A.M.) at Faculty of Education, Courses’ were launched in the faculty. Banaras Hindu University, Kamachha, o Educational Ethics by Dr. Varanasi. Sunil Kumar Singh, with a team All members are invited to attend the of faculty members consisting of National Seminar cum Workshop, of the Dr. Seema Singh, Dr. Meenakshi Alumni Association of Education, B.H.U. Singh, Dr. Alok Gardia. on 13-14 November, 2011. o Personal Development Theme: “Expansion of Teacher And Soft Skills by Dr. Education in India: Sustaining Quality”. Meenakshi Singh with a team of Sub themes:
faculty members consisting of Dr. 1. Socio- Philosophical-Psychological Seema Singh, Dr. Sunil Kumar basis of Teacher Education. Singh, Dr. Madhu Kushwaha and 2. History and present status of Teacher Dr. Alok Gardia. Education in India. There have been invited lectures by 3. Issues Challenges and Emerging trends Prof. I.L.Singh, Prof. A.N.Tripathi, in Teacher Education. Dr. N.K.Shahi and Prof. Kamalakar 4. Professionalism in Teacher Education. Mishra, and screening of films during (Professional bodies, statutory bodies of the Program on Educational Ethics. In Teacher Education etc.). the program on Personal Development 10
5. Quality Issues in Teacher Education at The members are invited to send different levels (Nursery Teacher training, their nominations for various 6. Elementary Teacher Education, alumni awards for the session Secondary Teacher Education) 2009-10, to the General Secretary 7. Evaluation of N.C.F.T.E. and R.T.E. of the association with full bio data and its implementation. and related details latest by 15th Language: English and Hindi May 2011. They are also requested Time: 10 A.M. on 13.11.2011 to send the details of their Registration Fee: achievements etc. Rs.1000/- (general), and Rs.1500/ (On the All alumni members are invited to spot i.e. on 13.11.2011 at 7:00 A.M) attend BHU Alumni Meet 2010 Accommodation Fee: 300/- for two days and Seminar on boarding and lodging of average class. "Higher Education and Organizing Secretaries: Sustainable Development: 1. Dr.Deepa Mehta ( 09453884285) Emerging Challenges and [email protected] Mahamana's Vision" (BHUAM – 2. Dr. Sunita Singh (09415522193) 2010) (24th to 25th December 2010) [email protected] organized by: Alumni Cell, Central Joint Secretary: Office, BHU Varanasi – 221005. Mr. Somu Singh (Assistant Professor) Contact: Prof. R. S. Dubey, Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh (Assistant Organizing Secretary Professor) Mb. No. 09415992028 Dr. Vinod kumar Singh (Assistant Emai: Professor) a [email protected] (Rajeev Gandhi South Campus Barkachha)
Venue: Faculty of Education(K) B.H.U.
For any other query members are free to contact the General Secretary of the Alumni Association of Education, BHU Dr. Meenakshi Singh or visit our website www.aaebhu.com