Hatch Town Board Meeting s1

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Hatch Town Board Meeting s1

Hatch Town Board Meeting

June 17, 2015

Town Board Present: Ron Riggs, Tony Dinges & Merrill Burrows Staff Present: Jacie Torgersen, Kerri Justus & Ben Neilson Public Present: Dwayne Barnhurst, Chad Justus, Cheri Uno, Kelley Dix, Barry Huntington, Curtis Nielson, Cassie Mack & Jan Rudolph.

1. Meeting Called to Order Tony Dinges, acting Mayor called the meeting to order at 7pm with Councilor Burrows offering the opening prayer and Councilor Riggs leading those present in the pledge.

2. Approval of Previous Minutes Councilor Riggs motioned to approve the May 13, 2015 meeting minutes & the May 27, 2015 public hearing minutes and Councilor Burrows seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.

3.1 Review May Invoices, checks & financial report Councilor Burrows motioned to approve the expenses and Councilor Riggs seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.

5.1 Appoint Council Members & Mayor Councilor Burrows motioned to appoint the following individuals: Ronald K Riggs, Mayor Duane E Barnhurst, Councilor Chad Justus, Councilor Councilor Dinges seconded the motion. Jacie Torgersen swore in the new mayor and council and they took their places.

5.4 Barry Huntington – trailers The town presented a draft ordinance to Barry Huntington, who is the town’s legal counsel. The town asked if they fall under the county’s ordinances if there is not a specific ordinance in place and Mr. Huntington said no. The question was also asked how the county enforces their trailer ordinance. Mr. Huntington writes a letter to the individual to start the process letting them know they are out of compliance. Mr. Huntington suggested that the town either adopt the county’s ordinance or he can draft one up for them of their own that mirrors the county. The trailer needs to be self-contained and temporary to be used in the town limits. It cannot be a permanent residence or a health hazard. Once the town has this ordinance in place, then Mr. Huntington can draft letters to individuals who are out of compliance.

5.2 Council Member Assignments Mayor Ron Riggs – Parks Merrill Burrows – Roads Tony Dinges – Fire Department

1 Hatch Town Board Meeting

Chad Justus – Water Department Duane Barnhurst – Grants

5.4 Discussion on Fire Chief/Maintenance Position The Council has been discussing creating a position for a town maintenance/fire chief position. The fire chief is required to attend quite a few meetings and do a lot of reports and paperwork. Councilor Dinges explained that he thought if the town made it worth it to be the fire chief there may be someone interested in doing it. The town could have this person do road maintenance and run the snow plow. Councilor Dinges will come up with an idea for a salary to present at the next meeting.

5.6 Planning & Zoning Chairman The town asked Councilor Dinges if he would ask Nikki Dinges to be the Planning & Zoning Chairman. The town will still need to find one more person to serve on the planning & zoning commission.

5.7 Town Clean-up Town clean-up will be June 22 – 29th, which is a week later than discussed at the last meeting. There will be 6 dumpsters located around town to be used for town clean-up.

5.8 4th/24th celebrations The town will do the breakfast on the 4th of July. They will have a pancake breakfast like last year and the usual festivities with the potluck dinner being held at 6pm.

Cassie Mack suggested that the town put up flags on the highway and leave them up all summer. She thinks it would be very patriotic for the town to do that. The town council felt that the flags would get ruined by the wind if they were left up all summer. Miss Mack suggested the town use the money from the breakfast to buy some more flags. Kerri Justus looked up the revenue from the breakfast and it was only $100 last year so that would not be enough. Chad Justus said that there is more than just the wind ruining the flags, they need to be lighted and they need to be disposed of properly. Miss Mack had some Smokey Bear items that she got donated from the forest service to be used in the parade. She would like to town to send a thank you letter for those.

Miss Mack suggested having a float contest for the parade and the council said they would do that for the 24th, giving $25 for the first place winner. Ben Neilson would like to have some inflatable toys on the 24th of July. He will donate $100 to get some. He will check into it and see what he can find. The town decided to try ordering the food through Homer Dutton at Café Adobe this year instead of Sysco. The town does have some fireworks left over and they will plan on doing them on the 24th. Councilor Burrows will need to check with the new owners of the Levine property to see if the town can set them off there.

5.9 Financial Compilation by Kimball & Roberts

2 Hatch Town Board Meeting

The state has some new requirements. For an entity under $350,000 which is Hatch, they are no longer required to hire a firm to have a financial compilation or audit done. They just need to file an on-line report and they can do a self-evaluation by the mayor or a councilor. The council felt that it would be best to have a 3rd party come in and review the books. Councilor Burrows motioned to go ahead and have Kimball & Roberts do the financials for the town as long as it is cheaper than $2,400 and Councilor Dinges seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.

5.10 Paunsagant Cliffs Lease Paunsagant Cliffs uses the community center four times a year for their quarterly meetings. Last year they rented office space for a year for $600. Councilor Dinges motioned to change the rent to $650 a year since the power is going up this year and Councilor Justus seconded the motion. Councilor Burrows was against the motion, he didn’t feel that the amount needed to be changed from $600.

5.11 Street Lights The town would like to explore the possibility of getting two new street lights on the north end of town. Councilor Burrows will get some bids for Garkane for the lights.

5.12 HB 362 Discussion Mayor Riggs went to a meeting with the county commission and the other mayor’s in the county. There is a gas tax that will go into effect on July 1, 2015. The item that was discussed was the transportation bill. It would cost the county more money to do it than what they would receive back. The county is not going to do anything with it at this time and the communities all agreed. It could help with bike paths, trail systems etc., but it is not something that has to be done right now. There were some discussions on the Hole in the rock road, Burr trail road and the Daves Hollow road. Garfield County is the only county in the state that is not in debt.

5.13 Grant Update The CIB application has been pre-approved and given the #1 priority in Garfield County. There will be a meeting on August 6, 2015 at 8AM in Salt Lake City that the town will need to attend. Mayor Riggs & Councilor Barnhurst will plan on going to the meeting. The town needs to come up with 25,000 in matching funds. Curtis Neilson will check with the state to see if they can get some matching funds there and if not the town will need to find some. It was suggested to ask the county commission, South Central and Garkane.

The CDBG grant had to have the wording changed from town hall to community center. The town just received a new copy of the grants and needs to sign it and get it sent back in.

6.1 Resolution 2015-05 Adopting the 2016 budget Councilor Dinges motioned to approve Resolution 2015-05 with the general budget for $91,593 & the water enterprise fund for $58,750 and Councilor Burrows seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.

3 Hatch Town Board Meeting

7.1.a Water Usage Well #5 produced 1,040,000 gallons of water for May 2015.

7.1.b Cell Phone for Water Department Paunsagant Cliffs is getting a SCADA system and Ben Neilson is going to have it hooked up to the same cell phone that he has for the town. The bill is $70 a month for the phone that he has for the town. The council felt that Paunsagant Cliffs should pay for half of the bill. The town could bill them for a year and just have them pay for a year at a time. Kerri Justus will present it to the Paunsagant board at their meeting on Friday.

7.1.c Well #5 ground water level transmitter readings The transmitter was installed in the well in 2009-2010. The probe went bad in 3 years, destroyed by calcium. It will be approximately $1,000 to replace it. Ben Neilson presented 4 different proposals to the town. #1 Insert a 3/8 inch plastic tube into the well with a drip system that would add 1 drop of hydrochloric acid every 10 minutes into the well. A metering pump could be bought to do this, which would cost approximately $1,000. #2 Follow the same procedure as #1 except add sodium carbonate which is pretty much just a water softener. #3 Buy a new probe and then take the probe out and clean it approximately every 6 months. #4 Manually read the draw down. This would need to be checked every week.

If the town were to do option #1 or #2 they would need to get a permit for the drip system and go through the plan approval process, construction process and water source protection plan. Councilor Justus did not like the idea of adding chemicals to the water. Mr. Neilson preferred option #3. Councilor Dinges motioned to buy a new probe at the lowest possible bid, install it and start by cleaning it every 3 months. Councilor Barnhurst seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

8. Unfinished Business Gene Wilson approached Mayor Riggs to talk to him about moving his water meter. There are two meters on a private right of way. Mr. Wilson says he is going to cover them with a foot of gravel if they are left in their current location. The council said that if Mr. Wilson wants to have his meter moved he will have to pay for it. Another option would be to raise the box and leave it at its current location in the road. The town would put a raised meter box on and a cement apron at the cost of the town. This would be protecting the town’s meter. Mayor Riggs will take this information back to Mr. Wilson and see how he would like to proceed.

9. New Business Cassie Mack said there is a 4H group considering having a kids craft day once a week and she wondered if it would be possible to use the community center at no charge to do this. They would like to make some craft projects to put in the county fair. Councilor Burrows said that the town has to pay for the upkeep, maintenance and insurance for the building so it is hard to just let people use it for free. Miss

4 Hatch Town Board Meeting

Mack feels that a community center should be able to be used for community events and it is not being used that way right now. It would be $50/time for use of the building unless other arrangements could be made concerning the cleaning & maintaining on the building.

The next meeting will be held on July 15th.

10. Adjournment Councilor Dinges motioned to adjourn the meeting and Councilor Justus seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous. jjt


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