M4994 Introduction to Programming Microsoft

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M4994 Introduction to Programming Microsoft


Web Services Development Using RAD7.0 (CDT1562) 4 days

This course will you teach you how to develop Web Service provider and consumer for the WebSphere Application Server v6.1 platform. It will also teach you the technologies that form the foundation of Web Service, such as XML schema, WSDL and SOAP. Java specifications for Web Services development (JSR 101 and 109) are covered. All the labs are done using RAD v7.0.

Course Topics:

 XML schema design  SOAP  WSDL  JAX/RPC  JSR 109  UDDI  WS-Security  Interoperability issues  Deployment in WebSphere

After completing this course, the student should be able to:

 Confidently design XML schema and WSDL.  Tell the difference between different SOAP styles (document literal, RPC literal etc.)  Implement a Web Service using RAD v7.0.  Write a Web Services client using standard Java specifications.  Register a service in a public or private UDDI registry.  Secure web services.  Learn the interoperability issues especially with the .NET platform.

Audience: J2EE developers who need to learn about how to build a Web Services based solution. This class covers many advanced topics that will help them build a solution appropriate for a large business.

Prerequisites: Java programming and beginner level knowledge of J2EE and XML.

Duration: 4 days

800/938-1222 Caliber Data Training www.caliberdt.com 1 NEW COURSE

Web Services Development Using RAD7.0 (CDT1562) 4 days

Course Outline:

1. Introduction to Rational Application Developer

 Objectives  The RAD 7 Product  Eclipse Platform  The WebSphere Studio Product Family  Rational Web Developer  Rational Application Developer  Key Features in RAD v6.0  New Features in RAD v7.0  WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition  WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer  Views, Perspective, and Editor Areas  Basic Operations with RAD Views and Perspectives  The Java Perspective  The Debug Perspective  Navigator View  Package Explorer  Outline View  Task and Problems View  Build and Validation  Import and Export Project  Templates and Code Completion  Searching  Setup Compiler Class Path  JRE Switching  Refactoring  Changing Class Name  Changing Method Name  Changing Variable Name  Moving a Class to a Different Package  Extracting Code to a Method  Pull-up Method  Migrating Workspace from RAD v6  Project Interchange Feature  Migrating J2EE Applications  J2EE Migration Wizard  Summary

800/938-1222 Caliber Data Training www.caliberdt.com 2 NEW COURSE

Web Services Development Using RAD7.0 (CDT1562) 4 days

2. Introduction to J2EE and the WebSphere Platform

 Objectives  Java Web Applications  Java Web Application Architecture  J2EE Architecture  J2EE Software Packaging  J2EE Module Structure  Enterprise Archive (EAR)  Web Modules and WAR  EJB Modules  Web Application Programming Model MVC  An MVC Example  The Infrastructure for Enterprise Web Applications  The IBM WebSphere Platform  Rational Application Developer (RAD)  Background of RAD  WebSphere Application Server  What s New in WebSphere Application Server v6.0  What s New in WebSphere Application Server v6.1  WebSphere Editions  Services Provided by WebSphere Application Server  WebSphere Application Server Architecture  WebSphere Administrative Topology  WebSphere Application Server Components  Server Profile  WAS Administration Tools  Administration Changes from v5  Administration Changes from v6  RAD J2EE Development  RAD Project Structure  Summary

3. Introduction to Web Services

 Objectives  A Conceptual Look at Services  Defining Services  SOA Runtime Implementation  SOA Runtime Implementation  What is a Web Service?  Enterprise Assets as Services 800/938-1222 Caliber Data Training www.caliberdt.com 3 NEW COURSE

Web Services Development Using RAD7.0 (CDT1562) 4 days

 Typical Development Workflow  Advantages of Web Services  Web Service Business Models  Case Study: Internal System Integration  Case Study: Business Process Externalization  SOAP Overview  SOAP in Protocol Stack  SOAP Structure  SOAP Message Architecture  Applying SOAP  WSDL Overview  WSDL Structure  Applying WSDL  UDDI Overview  UDDI Terminology  UDDI Structure  Locating a Service  Applying UDDI  WS-I Overview  WS-I Deliverables  Summary

4. XML Programming

 Objectives  XML Overview  Data and Document Structure  An Employee Document  Tags  First XML Document  Markup Languages  What is XML ?  Why XML?  An Example of XML Document  Well-Formed v. Valid XML Document  Enforcing Validity: DTDs  Presentation Style  Sections of an XML Document  XML Elements  Nesting and Hierarchy of XML Elements  Tag Attributes  Naming Rules 800/938-1222 Caliber Data Training www.caliberdt.com 4 NEW COURSE

Web Services Development Using RAD7.0 (CDT1562) 4 days

 Namespaces  Using Namespaces  Java API for XML  The XML Example  Example SAX Handler  Example: Begin Parsing  Once Again with Namespace  Using DOM to Parse  With Namespace Enabled  Example: Build DOM Document  Example: Save DOM Document in a File  Persisting XML  Summary

5. XML Schema Basics

 Objectives  What is an XML Schema?  Role of XML Schema in SOA  Creating a Schema File  Defining a Simple Element  Defining a Complex Element  Defining Element Attributes  Referring to an Element From Another Element  Defining Abstract Data Types  Adding Restrictions  Referring to a Schema from an XML Document  Validating the XML Against the Schema  Summary

6. Web services Description Language (WSDL)

 Objectives  WSDL Overview  WSDL Document Tags  WSDL Namespaces  Sample WSDL Document Structure  800/938-1222 Caliber Data Training www.caliberdt.com 5 NEW COURSE

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 One-way  Request-Response  Solicit-Response  Notification  Modeling Simple Operation  Modeling Complex Operation  Modeling Complex Message   More on Syntax  SOAP Binding Example  and  More on  WSDL SOAP Binding Extensions  soap:binding  soap:operation  RPC or Document Style?  WSDL API for Java  Summary

7. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

 Objectives  SOAP Overview  SOAP in Protocol Stack  SOAP Components  SOAP HTTP Request Example  SOAP HTTP Response Example  Message Envelope  The Header Element  Header Attributes  SOAP Body  SOAP Fault  Communication Style  RPC/Encoded Style  RPC/Literal Style  Enabling RPC Styles  Document/Literal Style  Document/Literal Wrapped Style  Details of the Wrapped Style  Enabling Document Literal Style 800/938-1222 Caliber Data Training www.caliberdt.com 6 NEW COURSE

Web Services Development Using RAD7.0 (CDT1562) 4 days

 Summary

8. JAX-RPC (JSR 101)

 Objectives  JAX-RPC Overview  JAX-RPC Framework  Java to XML Data Conversion  Main Goals of JAX-RPC  Supported Protocols  JAX-RPC Supported Types  JAX-RPC Server  Server Side Artifacts  Generating Server Artifacts  JAX-RPC and WS-I  JAX-RPC Clients  JAX-RPC Client Model  JAX-RPC Client: Static Stub  Generating Client Side Code  Client Programming Model  JAX-RPC Client: Dynamic Proxy  Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII)  Dynamic Invocation Interface  JAX-RPC Type Mapping  1. Mapping XML Types to Java Types: Simple Types  1. Mapping XML Types to Java Types: Complex Types  Complex Type Mapping: Example  1. Mapping XML Types to Java Types: Arrays  Mapping Arrays: Example  Schema Mapping Restrictions  2. Mapping Abstract WSDL Definitions to Java  Mapping concrete WSDL types to Java types 3. Mapping Concrete WSDL Types to Java Types  3. Mapping Concrete WSDL Types to Java Types  Java to WSDL/XML Mapping  Mapping Tools  Summary

9. Web Services for J2EE

 Objectives 800/938-1222 Caliber Data Training www.caliberdt.com 7 NEW COURSE

Web Services Development Using RAD7.0 (CDT1562) 4 days

 Introduction  JSR-109: Motivation  When Do You Use JSR 109?  JSR-109 Roles  The Server Programming Model  The Service Endpoint Interface  Web Module Service  Accessing the Service  The Mapping File  Implementation Class Details  Lifecycle Callback  EJB Module Service  The Client Programming Model  Developing a Client  The Service Interface  Writing a Client  Handlers  Handlers: Example (Server-Side)  Handlers: Example (Client-Side)  Summary

10. WebSphere V6.1 Support for Web Services

 Overview  Introduction  Web Service Runtimes  Service in a Web Container  Example Java Class  Generated Artifacts  How Does the Wizard Generate All That?  Web Services Deployment Descriptor  Example: webservices.xml  webservices.xml Editor  The Generated WSDL File  The WSDL Editor  Service in an EJB Container  Generated Artifacts  Web Services Deployment Descriptor  Client Development  Generated Artifacts  The Service Reference  The Proxy Class 800/938-1222 Caliber Data Training www.caliberdt.com 8 NEW COURSE

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 Summary

11. Error Handling

 Overview  Introduction  Fault  Designing Faults  System Problems  Business Rule Violation  Summary

12. Web Services Security

 Objectives  Traditional systems  Loosely-coupled systems  Risks of loosely-coupled services  SOA Security Concerns  Security Stack: Web services  Security Stack: Other services  Overview of WS-Security  Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)  Digital Signature  Digital Signature Process  Certificates  Authentication  Basic HTTP Authentication  Secure Socket Layer (SSL)  Basic Authentication Over HTTPS  Securing non-HTTP Traffic  WebSphere and Web Services Security  SOAP Message Security  Message Integrity  Message Confidentiality  Symmetric Encryption Example  Configuring Security in WebSphere  Configuring a Server Module  Configuring a Client Module  Summary

800/938-1222 Caliber Data Training www.caliberdt.com 9 NEW COURSE

Web Services Development Using RAD7.0 (CDT1562) 4 days

13. Introduction to UDDI

 Objectives  UDDI Overview  UDDI in Web Services Architecture  UDDI  Businesses and Services in UDDI  Static and Dynamic Web Services  UDDI Registry Structure  UDDI Registry Structure -tModel  UDDI Registry Structure  UDDI Interactions  UDDI in WebSphere  Summary

14. Web Services Interoperability (WS-I)

 Overview  Introduction  Goal  What Comes Out of WS-I?  Profiles  Basic Profile 1.1 Highlights  Simple SOAP Binding Profile 1.0 Highlights  Basic Security Profile 1.0  WebSphere v6.1 Support  .NET Interoperability  Summary

15. Introduction to Service Oriented Analysis & Design (SOAD)

 Objectives  Introduction to SOAD  Applying OOAD Principles  Abstraction  Abstraction in SOAD  Encapsulation  Encapsulation in SOAD  Modularity  Modularity in SOAD 800/938-1222 Caliber Data Training www.caliberdt.com 10 NEW COURSE

Web Services Development Using RAD7.0 (CDT1562) 4 days

 Hierarchy  Hierarchy in SOAD  Why OOAD Is Not Enough  Granularity  The Need for Loose Coupling  The SOAD Methodology  The SOAD Methodology Steps  Stage 1: Requirements Gathering & Process Modeling  Stage 2: Service Identification  Stage 3: Service Implementation  Stage 4: Process Implementation  SOAD Stages and SOA Lifecycle  Summary

16. Service Modeling and Implementation Techniques

 Objectives  Introduction  How Is a Service Developed?  The Service Model  Developing a service model  Service Model Example #1  Service Model Example #2  Service Model Example #3  Service model granularity  Service Contract Template  Service Contract Template Part 2  Service Contract Template Part 3  Top Down Development  Web Service Implementation Choices  Apply OOAD in New Service Development  Bottom-Up Development  Bottom-Up Technology Choices  Example: JCA-Based Service  Example: JAX-RPC Service  Top-down or Bottom-up?  Data Mapping  Interface Mapping  Best Practices  Summary

800/938-1222 Caliber Data Training www.caliberdt.com 11 NEW COURSE

Web Services Development Using RAD7.0 (CDT1562) 4 days

17. Best Practices

 Overview  Architecture Best Practices  Data Format Best Practices  Security Best Practices  Programming Model Best Practices  Summary


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