Curriculum Map of Topics for Year 5 - 2017/2018
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Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 7 weeks 8.5CURRICULUM weeks MAP 5OF weeks TOPICS FOR YEAR5 weeks 5 - 2017/2018 7 weeks 6 weeks Reading Myths and legends Novels/stories/poems by significant children’s Longer established stories & novels from a Comprehen writers (3) range of genres sion COMPREHENSION: 2 x 45 min sessions (whole class) RECIPROCAL READING x 3 per week (reading a wider range of stories, poetry, plays & non-fiction, classic & modern, using level appropriate books of interest with a focus on accuracy, speed, intonation & understanding). Summarise & present a story in own words. Read & compare books that are structured in different ways & for purposes. Predict. Summarise. Question. Fact/opinion. CLASS BOOK: To hear, share & discuss a wide range of literature (including reference & text books), hearing new vocabulary/grammatical structures & discussing/debating/justifying views - at least x 2 per week INDEPENDENT READING: x 3 per week Read silently & then discuss/review what read Writing Historical stories Persuasive writing Myths Legends and Adventure stories Persuasive Writing Formal/informal letters Interviews (poster/advert) fables Diary Simple Newspaper Report Narrative linked to Recount Playscript Poetry Poetry class novel Poetry Instructions Biography Point of View Non-chron Report
Science week (Wk 4) Science week (Wk 5) Science Week (Wk 3) Science Week (Wk 1) Science Week (Wk 4) Science Week (Wk 1) Procedural text Procedural text Non-chron Simple explanation of Non-chron Simple explanation of RE Week (Wk 1) process process
RE Week (Wk 5) RE Week (Wk 5)
A range of fiction writing linked to skills/topic G & P See Appendix 2: Formal speech & writing. Introduce passive voice. Expanded noun phrases. Modal verbs. Clauses beginning with who, which, why, whose, that. Bullet points Grammar of word structure & grammatical terminology Spelling See Appendix 1 of new framework: further prefixes/suffixes. Silent letters (knight). Homophones. Use of dictionary/thesaurus Handwriting Writing legibly with increasing speed & style Maths Numbers up to Numbers up to Numbers up to Numbers up to Revision (2 weeks) Maths linked to 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 science/geography Place value Place value Comparing, Place value Place value SATs test week topic Comparing, ordering ordering Comparing, ordering Comparing, ordering rounding rounding rounding rounding Problem solving/ Recall & use all tables Recall & use all tables Recall & use all Recall & use all tables using & applying/ & ÷ facts up to 12 x 12 Written methods for the tables Written methods for open-ended maths Written methods for 4 rules + column Written methods for the 4 rules + column investigations the 4 rules + column method, long division the 4 rules + column method, long division method, long division Mental methods method, long division Mental methods Mental methods Multiples/factors/ Mental methods Shape: Co-ordinates, The mean average prime/square/cube no Algebra translating a shape Decimals to 3 dp Add, subtract, divide & Ratio & proportion around a point Simplifying fractions multiply fractions Fraction, decimals, % Data Handling: CURRICULUM MAP OF TOPICS FOR YEAR 5 - 2017/2018