Nā Leo Kāko O O Maui, Inc
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N ä L e o K ä k o ‘ o o M a u i , I n c . P . O . B o x 1 9 1 3 W a i l u k u , H a w a i ‘ i 9 6 7 9 3
The nonprofit support group of Kula Kaiapuni O Maui
BOARD/GENERAL MEETING Okakopa 27, 2015 – 5:30 p.m. Punana Leo o Maui MINUTES
I. CALL TO ORDER/ PULE WEHE Meeting called to order at 5:37pm. See sign in sheet for attendance
II. MO’OLELO KĀKAU ‘ŌLELO A. Kepakemapa: Motion to accept (D.Nae’ole), 2nd (T. Ishikawa). All ‘Ae, 0 ‘a’ole, motion passed.
III. MO’OLELO PU’UKŪ – K. Nae’ole A. No report Pelekikena shared plans about finding another bookkeeper and working with James & Associates to do both accounting and tax preparation services for NLK. Currently they have been doing our taxes as well as our previous audit. NLK has been exploring a new bookkeeping service for past year. More information forthcoming.
IV. MO‘OLELO NĀ KUMU A. King Kekaulike: MIL VB team to states (1 immersion student), Kumu Pulama honored at KK 20th anniversary E. Kalama: 1) I. Pā‘ia
V. MO‘OLELO KŌMIKE A. Friends of Pā‘ia: deferred E. Website update: still working on updating information and FB page I. ‘Aha Kauleo `Aha Ho`okō (Executive Board) for 2015-2016 was elected. Same board members as 2014-2015 re-elected to serve: Luna Ho`omalu – Kalehua Krug Hope Luna Ho`omalu – Kamoa`e Walk Kākau `Ōlelo Leka - Kahele Dukelow Kākau `Ōlelo – Trinette Furtado
PR campaign roll-out included short commercial spots that aired in conjunction with inclusion at Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awards show (around the same time period). Same audio from those spots were aired on O`ahu stations. Spots can be viewed and shared from: http://ahakauleo.org (new website constantly updated with the most current information/news regarding Ka Papahana Kaiapuni across the state).
Continuing revision of Ka Papahana Kaiapuni (KPK) Strategic Plan with focuses on teacher recruitment/training/retention; stronger advocacy; clearly defined pipelines for teacher evaluation/compensation/etc; adapting and creating more curriculum to be shared and utilized throughout Kula Kaiapuni as kumu need.
Continuing work on state assessments. The next modules being introduced for field testing will be administered to the same kula kaiapuni that were field tested last year. Data looks good and ongoing editing of modules tested will further refine this first-ever computer-driven assessment created entirely ma ka `ōlelo Hawai`i AND with mana`o Kānaka.
Creation of the Office of Hawaiian Education (OHE) and its installation of former HLIP Program Coordinator Kau`i Sang as the first Director for this historic office. OHE now allows Ka Papahana Kaiapuni the avenue to have a stronger voice and hopefully more advocacy and change. BUT, it also seeks to cultivate and maintain relationships with/in those schools that may not have kaiapuni or any kind of Kānaka component (curriculum, extracurricular activity, etc) to it.
He i‘a hohonu o ka ‘ike. N ä L e o K ä k o ‘ o o M a u i , I n c . P . O . B o x 1 9 1 3 W a i l u k u , H a w a i ‘ i 9 6 7 9 3
The nonprofit support group of Kula Kaiapuni O Maui
`Aha Kauleo received the William Demmert Cultural Freedom Award at NIEAʻs recent Annual Convention in Portland earlier this month. Members of the `Aha Ho`okō were there to accept the award which will be housed in the Office of Hawaiian Education. The William Demmert Cultural Freedom Award recognized the efforts of the `Aha Kauleo statewide council in language revitalization and continued advocacy for and outreach to, the community.
O. Kula Hou Next meeting with the DOE (Hawaiian studies office) will take place on Nov 5th. Creating a core group of individuals to sit on the committee to help move this forward. More information forthcoming.
IV. NA MEA KAHIKO A. Ho’omau (pull 11/16 mtg) Reminded reps that there will be pulling for Ho’omau booths at next meeting. Darryll shared about required booths for next year (shave ice and Hawaiian plate). Also classes should start having an idea of what they would be selling. Also PLOM shared the changes in Keiki Zone and pre-registration for the all-day pass ($20). Chair will attend Nov mtg to discuss signage for those classes with food booths. E. Pā‘ia event (Nov 14) Pā‘ia Ho’olaule’a will be happening on 11/14 from 9-3pm. Discussed food booth, keiki zone, entertainment, country store, vendors and rummage sale.
VII. NĀ MEA HOU A. Makahiki Shared that opening will be on 11/24 at Old Lahaina Luau and this year Na Leo Kalele (westside) will be providing the insurance coverage instead of NLK. NLK will still keep on that activity on the insurance if needed again for the closing event scheduled for Feb 2016 at UHMC. E. Holiday activities Christmas caroling papa 4 & 5 at Paia on 12/19 5pm. Paina Kalikimaka scheduled for 12/11 place TBD. I. Substitute Classes Classes are full for this current classes. However per VP at Maui School for Adults, if there are 18 interested and able to submit their paperwork, a class can be created. Might be able to do 2 Sat and 2 Sun schedule. Only no daytimes available per teachers schedule.
VIII. NEXT MEETING Novemapa 16, 6pm at Pā‘ia school cafe
IX. ADJOURN – meeting adjourned at 6:48pm
Submitted: ______Date:______
He i‘a hohonu o ka ‘ike.