Español II Uni 3 Etp 3 El Subjuntivo

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Español II Uni 3 Etp 3 El Subjuntivo

Español II Uni 3 Etp 3 El Subjuntivo

The subjunctive mood is used whenever the 4. It's evident that they like each other. (gustar) speaker feels uncertain about the action of the Es evidente que ellos se ______. sentence, or when the speaker is expressing a 5. It's important that the students read their subjective opinion. syllabi. (leer) Es importante que los estudiantes ______sus programas. In this lesson, you will simply practice another of 6. It's improbable that they have an argument. the many ways the subjunctive is used: after (tener) Es improbable que ellas ______una certain impersonal expressions. discusión. 7. It's incredible that Antonio doesn't live with his Here is a list of common impersonal expressions family. (vivir) Es increíble que Antonio no that introduce an aspect of uncertainty or ______con su familia. subjectivity, and therefore trigger the use of the 8. It's bad that it rains. (llover) Es malo que subjunctive. ______. 9. It's necessary that we all meet as soon as possible. (reunirse) Es necesario que nos es aconsejable que ... it is advisable that ... ______tan pronto como sea posible. es bueno que ... it's good that ... 10. It's possible that we buy a house soon. es malo que ... it's bad that ... (comprar) Es posible que ______una casa es difícil que ... it's unlikely that ... pronto. es fácil que ... it's likely that ... 11. It's preferible that they talk in private. es fantástico que ... it's fantastic that ... (hablar) Es preferible que ______en es importante que ... it's important that ... privado. es imposible que ... it's impossible that ... 12. It's ridiculous that he doesn't kiss his wife in es improbable que ... it's unlikely that ... public. (besar) Es ridículo que él no es increíble que ... it's incredible that ... ______a su esposa en público. es (una) lástima que ... it's a shame that ... 13. It's terrible that the children don't love their es mejor que ... it's better that ... parents. (amar) Es terrible que los niños no es necesario que ... it's necessary that ... ______a sus padres. es posible que ... it's possible that ... 14. It could be that he likes eating too much. es preciso que ... it's necessary that ... (gustar) Puede ser que le ______comer es preferible que ... it's preferable that ... demasiado. es probable que ... it's likely that ... 15. It's important that parents talk to their es raro que ... it's rare that ... children. (hablar) Es importante que los padres es ridículo que ... it's ridicuous that ... ______con sus hijos. es terrible que ... it's terrible that ... 16. It's improbable that your cousins come this weekend. (venir) Es improbable que tus primos ojalá que ... if only he would ... ______este fin de semana. 17. There's no doubt that she likes dancing. (gustar) No hay duda que le ______bailar. A. For each infinitive, write the correct 18. It's good that he eats lots of vegetables. present tense conjugation. (comer) Es bueno que él ______muchos vegetales. 1. It's preferable that you-all buy a cat. 19. It's bad that he doesn't communicate with his (comprar) Es preferible que ustedes family. (comunicarse) Es malo que él no se ______un gato. ______con su familia. 2. It's good that she runs at least three times a 20. It's not true that Gerardo is irresponsible. (ser) week. (correr) Es bueno que ella No es cierto que Gerardo ______un ______por lo menos tres veces a la semana. irresponsable. 3. It's doubtful that my niece doesn't want to comb her hair. (querer) Es dudoso que mi sobrina no ______peinarse.

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