Water & Sanitation Agency (WASA)
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Water & Sanitation Agency (WASA)
Contents Organization Functions About WASA Water Supply and Sewerage Complaint Centers Water Supply, Sewerage and drainage stations
Procedure of obtaining new water connection Water and Sewer Billing System Major Development Projects How to contact WASA
The Organization of WASA is headed by a Managing Director and includes three Deputy Managing Directors i.e. DMD (Engineering), DMD (Finance, Admin & Revenue) and DMD (Operation & Maintenance). There are 4226 WASA employees in various categories. WASA gets revenue from sale of water, sewerage and acquifer charges. The Provincial Government allocates share of property tax. The budget and increase in user charges is approved by the Government of Punjab. The sanction of expenditure and procurement is carried under financial rules of Government.
WATER & SANITATION AGENCY ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE CHAIRMAN LDA DIRECTOR GENERAL LDA MANAGING DIRECTOR WASA Deputy Managing Director Deputy Managing Director Deputy Managing Director (Engineering) (Finance, Admin, Revenue) (Operation & Maintenance)
A. Forecasting of demand for services of Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage, preparation of plans and design for their extension, rehabiliation and replacement. B. Construction, Improvement, Maintenance and Operation of Water Works, Sewerage Works and Main Storm Water Drainage Channels, and Pumping Stations. C. Billing and collection of all rates, fees and charges, for the services so provided to the consumers.
With Lahore Muncipal Corporation Before 1967
Water Wing, Lahore Improvement Trust 1966-1976
Water And Sanitation Agency 1976 Created as Agency of LDA under LDA Act-1975
WASA is Water & Sanitation Agency is a water and waste water utility providing drinking water and a waste water system in the city of Lahore except the following areas: 1. Cantt 2. Model Town 3. GORs 4. Railway Colonies 5. PWD Colonies 6. Private Housing Schemes
NAME OF SUB PHONE NUMBER DIVISION Misri Shah 092-42-7280410 Data Nagar 092-42-7280363 Baghban pura 092-42-6844103 Ravi Road 092-42-7726803 City 092-42-7664420 Shahdara 092-42-7932853 Shimla Hill 092-42-6306653 Mustafabad 092-42-6831904 Mughal pura 092-42-6826876 Ichhra 092-42-7577363 Gulberg 092-42-5714289 Garden Town 092-42-5162344 Mozang 092-42-7932853 Krishan Nagar 092-42-7244155 Allama Iqbal Town 092-42-7320437 Green Town 092-42-5152158 Town Ship 092-42-5152435 Industrial Area 092-42-5120408 Samanabad 092-42-7578971 Contents
DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF TUBEWELLS 316 PIPE LINES LENGTH 3,200 (3"-20" dia in Km) POPULATION SERVED 4.11 (million) PER CAPITA PER DAY 80 (Gallons) WATER PRODUCTION 329 (mgd) WATER CONNECTIONS 426 (Thousands) POPULATION COVERAGE 90% Cantonment, Defence Society, Model Town, Railway Colonies and GORs not included.)
If you are intended to get a new water connection in Lahore you will have to contact the office of Sub Divisional Officer, WASA located in your area. On simple application, the Sub Divisional Clerk will issue the New Connection form which may be read carefully and filled in. This new connection form also includes the connection agreement between the consumer and WASA. The following documents will have to attach the new connection form:-
1 Attested copy of NIC 2 Attested copy of the Sale Deed/Proof of owership 3 Copy of the assessment. 4 Site Plan to indicate location of property
The Sub Divisional Officer after site verification and arrears report send the new connection form to the concerned Revenue Division for computerization of data issuance of Demand Notice/challan for payment in consumer's account.The Deputy Director Revenue after getting data entered will return the new connection form alongwith security challan.The SDO,after recovery of security will get installation of new water connection and will return the new connection form by inserting installation date alongwith security paid challan for billing purpose.Estimated advance bill for 6 moths is included in the challan which is subject to adjustment in the normal bills. The following type of connections are sanctioned:-
1. Domestic(Metered) 2. Commercial(Metered) 3. Construction(Metered) 4. Charitable
The following revenue divisions are functioning computerized billing independently and are responsible for collections against connections in their respective areas. WASA has more than 0.425 million connections under the administrative control of Director Revenue.(Ph:7567743)
Deputy Director Revenue Central Revenue Division 17-Katcha Ravi Road,Bagh Munshi Ladha, Lahore-Phone Office Location 7729985 Jurisdiction: 1. City Subdivision 2. Ravi road Subdivision 3. Shahdara Subdivision 4. Shimla Hill Subdivision
5. Mustafa Abad Subdivision Deputy Director Revenue South Revenue Division Office Location Shahjamal,Water Reservoir Lahore. Phone 7596442 Jurisdiction:
1. Ichhra Subdivision 2. Gulberg Subdivision 3. Gardentown Subdivision
4. Quaid-e-Azam Subdivision Deputy Director Revenue West Revenue Division Chaudhary Colony,LDA Sport Complex Doongi Ground, Office Location Samnabad, Lahore. Phone 7588626 Jurisdiction: 1. Samnabad Subdivision 2. Krishannagar Subdivision 3. Mozang Subdivision
4. A.I.T Subdivision Deputy Director Revenue North Revenue Division Office Location Chowk Nakhuda, Misrishah, Lahore. Phone 7280287 Jurisdiction:
1. Misrishah Subdivision 2. Baghbanpura Subdivision 3. Mughalpura Subdivision
4. Datanagar Subdivision
WASA has launched his own Computer network in its each revenue division the bimonthly is made by each of the above revenue divisions.Similarly,the complaints pertaining to billing are also dealt with by the concerned revenue divisions.The following complaints are finalized on the spot at WASA Customer Service Center of revenue divisions without written application:
1. Duplicate Bills 2. Parts/installments 3. One term Surcharge Adjustment 4. Billing History 5. Other information about Billing All other complaints are required to be submitted in writting alongwith a copy if NIC as well as necessary supporting documents.The general complaints are alphabetically listed as under:
a. Adjustment of Wrong debit b. Adjustment of Wrong Payment c. Adjustment of more than one Surcharge d. Adjustment of unmeter payment account on conversion e. Adjustment of security f. Adjustment of meter cost g. Bill not issued/no received regularly h. Correction of bill i. Correction of area j. Correction of property number k. Correction of address l. Confirmation of payment m. Construction to domestic n. Construction to commercial o. Commercial to domestic p. Conversion to meter A/C q. Change of name r. Change of tariff s. Disconnection on request t. Domestic to commercial u. Domestic to charitable v. Domestic to construction w. Duplicate billing x. Excess reading y. Installation of meter z. Installation of testmeter aa. No,sewer at site bb. Property locked cc. Wrong reading dd. Without reading ee. Division of bill on actual reading ff. Revision of average as per area
For change of name, the applicant will have to submit the following documents:
1. Attested photo copy of sale deed in favour of applicant 2. Attested photo copy of NIC 3. Photo copy of the last paid bill 4. Incase the sale deed is registered in favour of more than one person,attested affidavit from the others in favour of the applicant must be given alongwith their N.I.C copy 5. If the property involves 3 parties since the installation of water connection,then the third sale deed copy will also to include otherwise an affidavit from the applicant as an under taking must be obtained in the best intereset of WASA
Please pay your bills at the cash counter of the following banks personally
a. National bank of Pakistan b. Allied bank of Pakistan c. Bank of Punjab
1. The WASA staff is not authorized to receive cash for payment of bill on behalf of the consumer. Therefore, WASA will not be responsible for any claim of cash payment to WASA employee. 2. Complaints of receiving cash payments fraudulently by some irrelevant persons on the pretext of meter change etc.have been received in certain areas. The consumers are therefore requested to avoid cash payment to any person. 3. The dead meter is changed on specific indent/advice by the field staff. the Pipe Fitter who is authorized to change the meter is given specific indent/advice which is got signed from the consumer and reported back to the office.The consumer must satisfy himself in respect of identification of the pipe fitter before allowing the changing of meter. 4. Installation of un-authorized water connection without sanction is offence and liable for challan proceeding in the court of Additional Commissioner(J&R) bedides 3 years penal charges. 5. Are you intended to purchase a property in Lahore?Please ensure that no water utility bill/arrears are outstanding against the property which you are going to purchase. 6. Have you rented out your property in Lahore?If your answer is yes, please be alert and cautious about the utility bills including water/sewer bills against your said property.Similarly, the tenants before getting possession of a property on rent must ensure that the payment of water bills is uptodate.
TARIFF STRUCTURE The All new connections are sanctioned in metered account.The ummeter billing on ARV basis has been seized with effect from 1-7-97.The old un-meter connections sanctioned before 1-7-97 will however remain in operation as usual.
The current slab rates of both domestic and commercial in meter account is as under: a)METERED CONNECTIONS (DOMESTIC)
Consumption Slab Water rate Sewer/Drainage (In gallons) Per 1000 GPM per 1000 GPM Upto 5000 GPM Rs.9.20 Rs.6.44 5001 to 20000 GPM Rs.14.90 Rs.10.43 20001 to above Rs.19.50 Rs.13.65
Monthly average Total 2 m 2 monthly S.No Formula Consumption consumption bill Domestic 1 5000 Gallonsx2 10000 186.00 2 6000 Gallons 12000 186+51 237.00 3 7000 Gallons 14000 86+101 287.00 4 8000 Gallons 16000 186+152 338.00 5 9000 Gallons 18000 186+203 289.00 6 10000 Gallons 20000 186+253 439.00 7 11000 Gallons 22000 186+304 490.00 8 12000 Gallons 24000 186+355 541.00 9 13000 Gallons 26000 186+405 591.00 10 14000 Gallons 28000 186+456 642.00 11 15000 Gallons 30000 186+504 693.00 12 16000 Gallons 32000 186+557 743.00 13 17000 Gallons 34000 186+608 794.00 14 18000 Gallons 36000 186+659 845.00 15 19000 Gallons 38000 186+709 895.00 16 20000 Gallons 40000 186+760 946.00 17 21000 Gallons 42000 186+760+66 1,012.00 18 22000 Gallons 44000 186+760+133 1,079.00 19 23000 Gallons 46000 186+760+199 1,145.00 20 24000 Gallons 48000 186+760+265 1,211.00 21 25000 Gallons 50000 186+760+332 1,278.00
1. The above calculation is based on 30 days of month, therefore, variation in computer billing and manual billing to increase or decrease of days is expected. 2. The above bill is included meter rate @ Rs. 12/- and fixed charges Rs. 3/- per month. 3. The above bill is for 1/2" meter connection. 4. Consumption will be calculated subject to minimum of 5000 Gallons per month for 1/2" meter
1. Where a meter is not installed or found missing after installation, the average consumption for domestic connection will be fixed as under:-
S.No Plot size Average Per Month 1. 1.0 to 5 Marla 10,000 Gallons 2. 5.1 to 10 Marla 15,000 Gallons 3. 10.1 to 20 Marla 20,000 Gallons 4. 20.1 to 02 Kanal 25,000 Gallons 5. 2.1 and above 30,000 Gallons b)METERED CONNECTIONS (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL)
Water Rate Sewer/Drain Consumption Slab (per 1000 GPM) (per 1000 GPM) upto 5000 Gallons Rs.19.53 13.67 5001 to 20000 Gallons Rs.34.89 24.42 20001 and above Rs.50.48 35.34
Monthly Total 2 months 2 monthly bill Sr.No Average T Formula Consumption Commerical Consumption 1 5000 Gallons 10,000 Gallons 362.00 2 6000 Gallons 12,000 Gallons 362+119 481.00 3 7000 Gallons 14,000 Gallons 362+237 599.00 4 8000 Gallons 16,000 Gallons 362+356 718.00 5 9000 Gallons 18,000 Gallons 362+474 836.00 6 10000 Gallons 20,000 Gallons 362+593 955.00 7 11000 Gallons 22,000 Gallons 362+712 1,074.00 8 12000 Gallons 24,000 Gallons 362+830 1,192.00 9 13000 Gallons 26,000 Gallons 362+949 1,311.00 10 14000 Gallons 28,000 Gallons 362+1068 1,430.00 11 15000 Gallons 30,000 Gallons 362+1186 1,548.00 12 16000 Gallons 32,000 Gallons 362+1186+172 1,720.00 13 17000 Gallons 34,000 Gallons 362+1186+343 1,891.00 14 18000 Gallons 36,000 Gallons 362+1186+515 2,063.00 15 19000 Gallons 38,000 Gallons 362+1186+687 2,235.00 16 20000 Gallons 40,000 Gallons 362+1186+858 2,406.00
a. The calculation is based on 30 days of month. Variation in computer billing is due to increase or decrease in the billing period of days of the month. b. The above bill is for 1/2" meter size. c. The above bill includes fixed charges Rs.3/- per month and meter rent Rs.12/- per month.
All commercial, industrial and non-residential metered connections are subject to minimum of :-
5000 G.P.M. for 1/2" size, 20000 G.P.M.for 3/4" and 33334 G.P.M. for 1" size.
For above 1" size, minimum consumption to increase in proportion of 1" size.
For all industrial units including Service Stations,carpet washing addas,commercial,government semi government organizations, corporate bodies etc., sewerage per 1000 Gallons per month...... 21.30
capacity of T/Well Acquifer charges Sewer Charges 1 Cusec Rs.5,000 p/month Rs.5,500 p/month
Rate to increase or decrease in proportion to the rate of 1 cusec. The sewerage and acquifer charges are approved since February 1988 per Gazette Notification No.D/230 dated 25.02.88 5. DRAINAGE CHARGES
For all industrial, commerical, non-residential,Government and Semi Government organizations, corporate bodies and manufacturing units not directly connected with WASA water/sewerage system but disposing off sewerage through drainage system are liable to be charged Rs. 1188/-per acre per half year.
SULLAGE RATE Rs.75/-per acre per half year stands approved vide Punjab (Weekly) Gazette Notification dated 19.05.1993
a. wherever a domestic unmeter water connection is found using for the construction of upper storey,annexi or on the adjacent plot, or reconstruction is carried our after demolishing the old building,the construction charges on the basis of above criteria will be calculated and debited to consumer's account and separate bill of construction charges bearing the same account No. will be delivered to the consumer for payment alongwith covering letter. b. For construction, the water tariff applicable is that of commercial,however, the sewerage charges will not applicable during construction period.
CONSTRUCTION BILL 27-11-94 to 30-06-97 Area of Total Consumption Period Total Plot Consumption per month per storey per storey charges 1 to 3 marla 30,000 GPM 2 months 60,000 Glns. 1,581.00 3.1 to 5 30,000 GPM 3 months 90,000 Glns. 2,371.00 marla 5.1 to 10 30,000 GPM 6 months 180,000 Glns. 4,742.00 marla 10.1 to 20 30,000 GPM 9 months 270,000 Glns. 7,112.00 marla 20.1 to 40 30,000 GPM 12 months 360,000 Glns. 9,483.00 marla 40.1 and 30,000 GPM 16 months 480,000 Glns. 12,644.00 above with effect form 01-07-1997 1 to 3 marla 30,000 GPM 2 months 60,000 Glns. 1,738.00 3.1 to 5 30,000 GPM 3 months 90,000 Glns. 2,607.00 marla 5.1 to 10 30,000 GPM 6 months 180,000 Glns. 5,215.00 marla 10.1 to 20 30,000 GPM 3 months 270,000 Glns. 7,821.00 marla 20.1 to 40 30,000 GPM 12 months 360,000 Glns. 9,617.00 marla 40.1 and 30,000 GPM 16 months 480,000 Glns. 13,905.00 above with effect from 01-01-1998 1 to 3 marla 30,000 GPM 2 months 60,000 Glns. 2,258.00 3.1 to 5 30,000 GPM 3 months 90,000 Glns. 3,386.00 marla 5.1 to 10 30,000 GPM 6 months 180,000 Glns. 6,773.00 marla 10.1 to 20 30,000 GPM 9 months 270,000 Glns. 10,159.00 marla 20.1 to 40 30,000 GPM 12 months 360,000 Glns. 13,546.00 marla 40.1 and 30,000 GPM 16 months 480,000 Glns. 18,061.00 above
ILLUSTRATION:- Additional construction of one room or two rooms,modification,alterations and other minor repair works are not accounted for construction charges.This is in accordance with the definition approved by the M.D vide No. MD/816-24 dated 09-08-1987. Action against concerned Field staff for dubious status reports and wrong interpretation of the definition will be taken.
1. CO The con stru ctio n of con duit ,sec ond ary and terti ary drai n cost ing Rs. 136 .37 mill ion ben efit ed the area s of G.T . Roa d Tez ab Aha ta,S wa mi Nag ar, Gor ey Sha h Roa d, Iqb al Roa d, Sult an Pur a, Bila l Roa d, Wa san Pur a Sch eme , No. 2, Cha h Mir an Bag hba n Pur a, She r Sha h Roa d, Sha h Noo r Par k Roa d, Imti az Roa d and adjo inin g area s. Tez ab Aha ta, Swa mi Nag ar and Cha h Mir an a pop ulat ion 4.5 Lac, hav e bee n serv ed. The com plet ed port ion of this wor k has resu lted in min imi zing the chr onic pro ble ms of ove rflo win g sew ers and stag nati on of rain wat er in the area . 2. CO
Dur ing the pres ent regi me, due atte ntio n has bee n paid to the negl ecte d area s suc h as D- Blo ck Taj pur a, Part of Dar goh awa la Are as, Mu ham mad pur a, Azi z Roa d to Cha hmi ran and Ich hra. Bes ides this 31 Nos . sma ll sew er wor ks hav e bee n com plet ed. The exp endi ture incu rred is app roxi mat ely Rs. 49. 5 mill ion and ben efit ed pop ulat ion mor e than 5.0 0 Lac 3. LA
WA SA LD A plan ned a com pre hen sive proj ect "La hor e Wal led City Circ ular Roa d Sew erag e & Dra inag e Imp rov eme nt Proj ect" to faci litat e safe disp osal of sew age and stor m wat er fro m Wal led City area . The proj ect has 5 com pon ents as und er:-
1 . C
2 . L
3 . S
4 . C
5 . C
4. IM
The Gov ern men t in Ma y 200 0 app rov ed a maj or proj ect cost ing Rs. 371 .00 0 mill ion for the imp rov eme nt of Sew erag e and Dra inag e in defi cien t area s of Lah ore City , whi ch is bein g imp lem ente d. On com plet ion of the Proj ect livi ng envi ron men ts and qual ity of serv ices will imp rov e sali ent feat ures .
Esti mat ed Cos t
Rs. 371 mill ion Imp rove men t of Sew 1. erag 70 e Syst em( 36k m.) Imp rove men t of Drai nag e Syst 2. 189 em( 36k m.a nd one P/St atio n) 3. Imp 95 rove men t/Au gme ntati on of Sew erag e and Drai nag e P/St atio n(A dd. 19 pum ps) Sub - 354 total Add 3% Con tige ncie s Add 2% Sup ervi 17 sion Cha rges Gra nd 371 Tota l
5. CL
Sew ers of Circ ular Roa d, Aut o Mar ket Bad ami Bag h, Mai n Ciru clar Roa d,Sh er Sha h Wal i Shri ne, Bad shah i Mos que opp osit e Iqba l Park , havi ng 180 km. leng th hav e bee n desi lted in orde r to give max imu m relie f to the resi dent s of Lah ore Wal led City area havi ng pop ulati on of 4.00 0 Lac.
OFF NAME ICE 092- 42- DMD (O&M) 5715 137 092- 42- Director Operation (N) 7727 317 092- 42- Director Operation (S) 5764 146 092- Director Operation 42- (SC) 7117 445 Director Maintenance 092- 42- 7246 155 092- 42- XEN Drainage (N) 7720 847 092- 42- XEN Drainage (S) 5764 146 092- 42- XEN (W) Samanabad 7595 304 092- 42- XEN (W) Gulberg 5757 425 092- 42- XEN (E) Upper Mall 5757 765 092- 42- XEN (N) Misri Shah 7283 864 092- 42- XEN (C) B/Bagh 7724 050 092- 42- XEN Town Ship 5115 939 Complaint Monitoring Cell 092- in WASA Head Office 42- 5752 at 4-A Gulberg - V, 483 Jail Road, Lahore.
Contents Contact: M.D. WASA Phone:(92) (042) (575 2483) Address:4-A Gulberg-V, Jail Road, Lahore, Pakistan
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We bsit e of LD A is und er Dev elop men t. Last upd ated on 20th Sept emb er, 200 2.