Minutes of Parish Council Meeting Held
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Present Mary Anne Donovan (Chair) Angela Fisher Carl Powell Colin Marlow Pat Fynn Melanie Davies Ros Freeman Gary Kirk (YourLocale)
Minutes taken by Kathryn Staley
31. Apologies were received from James Brown.
32. None were received.
33. Subject to the addition of Mel Davies to the attendance list, the minutes were unanimously agreed and adopted.
34. The minutes were unanimously agreed and adopted. It was agreed that all minutes would include dated action points.
35. GK chaired a discussion on the Vision Statement (VS) following the circulation of a ‘Visioning Exercise’ document. This highlights all of the areas that the NP can cover and links them to national and local policy, to show what the NP can do to influence these. RF offered her initial draft of a VS as a starting point:
“The Vision This Parish comprising the villages of Somerby, Pickwell, Borough on the Hill and Leesthorpe is a tranquil and sparsely populated area of High Leicestershire. It contains historical parklands and many mature trees and is surrounded by extensive and beautiful unspoilt views across South Leicestershire. Horses and equestrian pursuits and working village farms have a strong historical and present economic influence on the character and appearance of the village pattern and buildings. Visitors and tourists come to visit village centres, use the amenities, ride, walk and cycle on the many tracks, bridleways and footpaths that cross the villages.
We want to……….. Provide new housing appropriate to local needs and local demographic over the next 20 years and improve the infrastructure and access to and through the village of Somerby whilst also retaining and enhancing the character and village heritage assets and surrounding parklands, local green spaces and important views into and out of the villages. Grow tourism and Increase awareness of the attractions in the area
1 Thus providing increased opportunities for employment and economic growth and village retail. Retain and enhance current recreational facilities for children and young people Retain and enhance the strong socially inclusive community spirit of the Parish and improve amenities.
We will do this by……… Extending the Conservation areas to include important and historical built and natural assets currently outside the existing zone. Identifying open spaces and mature trees to be preserved Encouraging tourism through promoting in media and developing website Increasing the awareness of the history and local connection to the …Battalion Regiment Paratroopers in WW2 Identifying areas of land in Somerby that could be used for parking for residents of High Street and tourists. Identifying the most appropriate plots of land for the building of… new homes with % affordable in small, sustainable, clusters including green open spaces where possible. The style and location sympathetic to the overall character of the villages, whilst being compatible with local and national Policies. Ensuring that the play area and football area are retained or relocated if this improves the facility. Ensuring that village growth is sustainable and compatible with the ability to reasonably access essential facilities”
AF suggested that this was a very good description of the parish, together with objectives, but was not really a VS which is generally just a few sentences. The group were concerned that this would make the VS bland and generic.
PF felt that ongoing employment also needed to be included in the VS.
GK explained that the VS needs to reflect what we would like Somerby Parish to be like in the next 20 years. RF responded that it was important to describe the Parish as it is now for those people who don’t know the Parish and also to show what it is about the area which we value.
It was reiterated that the NP is about the whole Parish and not just Somerby, and that ‘community’ needs to be a key word.
MAD quoted a scholar’s description of this area: “a quintessential example of rural English villages”. She suggests that this is a ‘jewel’ which we own and should be at the centre of the vision for the next 20 years, with objectives built around it. The economy needs to be lined up with this vision - farming, tourism, homeworking, knowledge-based industries.
AF quoted a report she had read which talked about a “vibrant & cohesive community” which suggests a community which is still growing; one that is about living and working, and not static like some of the tourist villages elsewhere. RF suggested that the Parish possibly needs to regain some of the vibrancy which has been lost, e.g. with a café, craft centre, etc.
RF suggested that we need to bring together all of these key phrases and arrange them into a VS which everybody is happy with.
CP suggested that a starting point should be the Melton Local Plan’s vision because the NP has to comply with this. For example “Contributing to Borough and County priorities whilst preserving and enhancing…”
GK proposed that the VS should be a living, breathing thing which evolves and takes shape as the NP develops. The vision of Somerby Parish in 20 years time needs to reflect the views of a representative section of the community; the means to achieve it may ALL change through the process. GK suggested that the members go through the Visioning by 31/8/16 Exercise document and send their thoughts (i.e. elements of the VS) to MAD in the next week, to be collated by MAD, RF and AF by 5th September. The documents covers the MAD/AF/RF by 5/9/16 following areas:
2 1) Planning Policy Context – Somerby village is allocated 40 new houses over the next 20 years. The other villages also have a potential allocation of 6-7 houses each. There is also the problem of the rolling 5 year housing supply needed by MBC.
2) Employment – the NP gives the opportunity to protect existing employment sites and promote others. GK asked the members to consider what the appetite is for promoting employment opportunities in the Parish. Conditions can be set against these opportunities. PF feels it is important to identify the homeworkers in the community and what their needs are. GK added that other Parishes are looking at providing some kind of Business Hub. GK suggested that Farm Diversification should also be looked at.
3) Community Facilities – village halls, play areas, pubs, etc. Do we wish to preserve these? The NP can prevent a change of use of existing facilities, and promote additional facilities (developer contributions may help here).
MAD asked whether the NP can encourage local small builders. GK responded that it can, though must be careful of breaching European laws. Self-build is a good option, and this is in keeping with the preference for small, in-fill developments. This would mean foregoing developer contributions and community infrastructure levy (CIL).
4) Transport/Access – NP will look at issues of congestion, parking, speeding, public transport, etc.
5) Built environment – housing mix and what is needed in the Parish, design issues (which may vary across the Parish), etc. The recent housing survey showed that there is a need for starter homes and homes for the elderly. MAD asked how this can be reconciled with the need for larger houses for homeworkers. GK suggests there are opportunities to support the design of homes to promote homeworking, e.g. separate entrances, extensions to rear of properties, etc. CM asked whether there is scope to specify minimum number of parking spaces. GK responded that there are County Council standards which specify 2 spaces for houses of up to 2 beds, and 3 spaces for 3+ beds. In order to change this, we would need to provide evidence.
6) Natural environment – GK cited Thurcaston & Cropston’s NP as providing a very strong evidence base for this section. Very strong degree of protection offered there for open spaces, views, areas of separation, wildlife corridors, protection for trees and footpaths, etc.
36. Theme Groups
One of the purposes of the meeting on 27th September will be to encourage involvement of parishioners in the Theme Groups. MAD circulated a document listing potential theme groups which she has drawn up: 1. Housing 2. Environment – Historic landscapes and built environment 3. Environment – ecology 4. Economy 5. Community facilities 6. Transport/Infrastructure 7. Policy EN10 and the Parish – renewable energy
GK suggested that Built Environment, Natural Environment and Transport/Community Facilities/Employment were 3 useful categories to work with, and MAD’s list could be accommodated within these. This makes facilitation easier and streamlines the process. The Group agreed to use these categories. It was acknowledged that there will be overlap between the categories.
CP proposed that we adopt MAD’s document as a theme framework (subject to rearrangement into the 3 categories). The Group agreed this. MAD will make the amendments and circulate. The document will be called the Theme Group Remit. MAD
3 MAD asked for members to volunteer to help populate and structure 1 or more of these groups, with the assistance of Yourlocale. Members volunteered as follows: 1) Built Environment – JB & AF 2) Natural Environment – CM & MD 3) Employment/Transport/Community Facilities – CP & PF MAD is specifically interested in Heritage. RF had expressed interest in housing and economy, prior to leaving the meeting. GK suggests around 8 people per theme group.
MAD has a list of people who have expressed interest in getting involved. She will arrange their names according to the categories and distribute to the relevant members. MAD
37. Stakeholders
CM has circulated a list of the statutory stakeholders. MAD is compiling a list of local stakeholders…businesses, service providers, landowners, etc. GK suggested that anybody with an interest in the Parish should be invited to participate. This would include the Paratroopers Regiment.
38. Map of designated area
The Clerk has circulated a copy of the map to the Group. MD expressed concern about the boundary with Harborough District and the potential for development to take place just outside of the Somerby Parish boundary. MAD explained that the land in question is classified as ‘High Leicestershire’ and carries a ‘protected land’ designation. It was also part of the Inspectorate’s appeal decision against the wind turbine proposal and was categorised as very important in terms of heritage assets.
MAD suggested that the NP Group should speak with Harborough, Owston, Tilton-on-the- Hill parish councils and groups to discuss visions.
39. Budget Management
JB has agreed to work on this with PF and the Clerk. The Clerk confirmed that the Awards for All application was progressing.
40. Communication Strategy
It was agreed that leafleting would be the best way to publicise the open meeting on 27 th September.
CP suggested that the format of the Planning Portal on MBC’s website is very user-friendly. He proposed that we might adopt this for a NP website. The Clerk agreed to investigate KS whether this could be added to the Parish Council website. by 27/9/16
41. There was none
42. The next meeting will be an Open Meeting on 27th September at Somerby Methodist Hall.
43. The Theme Group Launch will take place on 4th October. Venue to be confirmed. Facilitators from Yourlocale will be present to begin the process of starting the Theme Groups.
Adopted and signed this …………… day of ……………………………………… 2016
Chair …………………………………………………………..