ESOL 31 Reading for Non-Native Speakers of English II

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ESOL 31 Reading for Non-Native Speakers of English II

ESOL 31 Reading for Non-Native Speakers of English II CITY COLLEGE Course Syllabus: SPRING 2011


77062 Tues/Thurs 1/25/11 5/19/11 C226 Statler, Stacy

Instructor’s email address: [email protected] If you wish to meet with the instructor individually, please send an email to set up an appointment.

Course Description:

This course prepares non-native English students to read at the high-intermediate level. Students will continue to develop reading skills needed for academic and workplace success. Students will read a variety of texts, apply appropriate reading strategies to facilitate comprehension, and engage in activities to build background knowledge as well as knowledge of text structure, grammar, and vocabulary. Furthermore, students will use information from class readings for discussion, critical thinking, and writing. Credit does not apply to the associate degree.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

1. Read a variety of texts of various lengths, some of which have been written for ESL students. 2. Apply appropriate reading strategies including pre-reading, while reading and post reading strategies to facilitate comprehension. 3. Improve reading comprehension and reading rate through knowledge of grammatical structure 4. Build vocabulary- learning strategies 5. Write and speak about information from class readings 6. Differentiate facts from opinions, judgments and conclusions.

Class Materials:

1. TEXTBOOK: Concepts & Comments Book 4 by Ackert and Lee (Third Edition) ISBN 1-4130-0417-2 * NOTE: New textbook only! I will ask you to buy another if I see marks in it already.

2. NOVEL: Five People You Meet In Heaven by Albom ISBN 1-4013-0858-9 * NOTE: Used novel ok!

3. An ENGLISH/ ENGLISH dictionary!!!! * NOTE: In order for you to really improve your vocabulary in a Reading class, you must use an English/English dictionary. Electronic dictionaries are not recommended; however, Longman Dictionary Of American English, ISBN 0-13-244980-3 would be GREAT (new or used ok!!!)

1 4. Loose leaf BINDER PAPER (standard size 8.5’’ by 11’’ and college rule)

5. One or two “Blue examination books” * NOTE: These will be used for “reading reports”. Please make sure to get full size ones.

6. PENCILS and ERASERS * NOTE: You can expect to write, erase and rewrite as you learn. Mechanical pencils are more convenient. Try them if you haven’t. 

7. A portable STAPLER and STAPLES * NOTE: You are responsible of stapling your own papers. Please do NOT expect me to do it for you. Thank you for understanding!

Check out the Community College bookstores’ website for all your classes

DIRECTIONS: Go to the website Find your school and click on it. Next, select “BUY”, “OK”, “CAMPUS TERM” and “GO”. After, choose the course: “ESOL”. You will find all ESOL classes in the next box. You can choose classes from that list and see all required and optional books and prices there.


Your final grade will be based on the following:

 Homework 35%  Tests and quizzes 35%  Reading reports (multiple) 15%  In-class effort/preparedness 15%

Your grade at the end of the semester will reflect all of the above. The key to a successful semester will strongly depend on your effort, participation and willingness to help yourself and your classmates.

To successfully pass the course, you will need to have a total average of at least 70% = C or better

The instructor has the option of making adjustments to the syllabus, the course and the weight given to various assignments as considered necessary for the best student learning opportunities.

**IMPORTANT: If you are having difficulty with this class, please see me EARLY (make an appointment with me), so that I can help you before it is too late.


Participation both in the large class and small groups increases your practice with the skill and consequently your learning. Therefore, students are expected to not only pay attention and answer questions when called upon but also volunteer ideas and ask questions when appropriate. All students are expected to participate in cooperative learning groups. If you are not comfortable with a partner or group you are working in, please discuss this with the instructor.

Collected Assignments:

2 A variety of assignments will be required during the semester. You are responsible for completing all of them whether or not they are collected by the instructor or discussed in class. Assignment collections will NOT be announced ahead of time. Please be prepared.


Homework and other daily assignments must be turned in on-time. Late assignments will receive less credit. Tests/quizzes may only be made up if the student has a reason deemed legitimate by the teacher.

If you miss class, check for homework assignments by calling a classmate/friend from the class. Please DO NOT EMAIL THE TEACHER FOR HOMEWORK first. Try a classmate!

Ask for the contact information of at least 2 other students who can let you know what you miss and can collect papers from class for you if you are absent (choose phone number or email- whichever is best!)

Name: ______Contact info: ______

Name: ______Contact info: ______

Remember: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for any material covered or announcements made while you were absent.


POLICY: Attendance is mandated by the state. Students who do not attend the first class may be dropped. It is the students’ responsibility to drop the class online by the deadline if they choose not to continue. If students miss the deadline, they will receive an “F” (fail). If you miss more than 4 classes, you will be dropped (and could receive an “F”) unless there are special circumstances AND you discuss them with me.

Remember: The work we do in the classroom provides you with essential information and opportunities to practice your English. In addition, the classroom is the place where you receive valuable feedback. Therefore: You are required to come to every class and must arrive ON-TIME. You may not leave early unless there is an emergency and the teacher is notified. If you arrive late three times, you will marked “absent” A student who arrives after attendance is taken is responsible for telling the instructor he or she is not absent (at the end of class).

Other Expectations:

o Please do not leave the classroom during class time. The bathroom should be used BEFORE or AFTER class. I do not leave to use the bathroom or my cell phone and I ask the same of you unless of course there is a medical or health reason. (If you have a special circumstance/situation, please let me know).

o Cellular Phones/Beepers: Please make sure phones are turned SILENT/OFF in class. Please let me know if there is an emergency that you have to deal with during class time.

o Appropriate Classroom Behavior: All students are expected to display respectful behavior towards the teacher and other students. This includes politely listening while someone else is speaking and waiting your turn to speak. DO NOT INTERRUPT or speak when the teacher is 3 teaching- it is rude! Absolutely no disruptive behavior of any kind will be tolerated. Students will be held to the Code of Conduct (3.0-3.15). See San Diego City College catalog for details.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

What is “CHEATING”? During a test, looking at another’s person’s work, talking to other people during a test/quiz or letting someone copy YOUR work is “CHEATING” in America. Copying another student’s homework is also “CHEATING”, What is “PLAGIARISM”? Plagiarism is the act of incorporating ideas, words, or specific substance of another, whether purchased, borrowed, or otherwise obtained, and submitting the same as one’s own work to fulfill academic requirements without giving credit to the appropriate sources.


* NOTE: At a U.S. school, copying someone’s work, answers, etc can cause you to receive a failing grade on the assignment and formal disciplinary action by the Dean of Student Affairs as described in section 3.1 of the Code of Student Conduct (as published in the catalog or online at

CONSEQUENCES for cheating:

1. If you are talking or looking at papers, notes, books or other material during a test/quiz you will be strongly warned. If you continue or do it again, you will receive ZERO credit (F) on that test/quiz. It is not fair for you to use materials the other students did not have.

2. If your homework assignment does not seem to be your own work, I will question both people and you both could receive ZERO credit since can not tell who copied from whom. You may be asked to do the assignment again IN CLASS or you will be given another assignment to show me that you can do the work- alone.

So… DO NOT COPY other student’s work and DO NOT LET others copy from you. You are all here to LEARN. Right?! You can do it, and I will help! If you have any questions or concerns about cheating, please see me. I am happy to discuss it with you!

Assignment format requirements:

All assignments must be neatly written or typed. If it is not clean and clear, I will NOT accept it. Turn in work you are proud of and use the following for ALL assignments:

 Double space/ skip lines with 1” margins  WRITE CLEARLY or type (12-point and standard font; Times New Roman, Georgia, or Arial) Typing assignments is preferred; it is easier to read and you can check spelling with “SPELLCHECK”  In the top left corner of the first page, put:

Your full name Assignment due date Title of the assignment

4  STAPLE all papers together!


PRIMARY 16-WEEK SESSION – January 24 – May 21, 2011

Spring Semester begins (16 weeks) ...... January 24 Last day to receive, process and pay for add codes ...... February 4 Deadline to drop classes with no "W" recorded ...... February 4 Lincoln Day ...... February 18 Washington Day ...... February 21 Withdrawal deadline – No drops accepted after this date** ...... April 1 Spring Break ...... April 18-23 Cesar Chavez Day ...... April 22 End of Spring 2011 Semester ...... May 21

Students, welcome to the class. Please do not hesitate to contact me by email. I look forward to a great semester with you. Thank you, Stacy Statler


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