Choose the Correct Form of the Verb to Be

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Choose the Correct Form of the Verb to Be

***** Choose the correct form of the verb “to be” I … a student. A) are B) is C)& am D) isn't E) – ***** She … 20. A) am B)& is C) are D) ___ E) aren't ***** They … young teachers. A) ___ B) is C) am D)& are E) aren't ***** Choose the correct form of the possessive pronoun This is Kate. It's … bag. A) your B) his C) our D) my E)& her ***** These are pupils. These textbooks are … . A)& theirs B) ours C) our D) yours E) hers ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison Tall - taller - … A) most tallest B) more taller C)& the tallest D) taller E) tallerest ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison Interesting - … - the most interesting A) the more interesting B)& more interesting C) interestinger D) the interesting E) interesting ***** Choose the correct translation Быть дома A)& To be at home B) To be in the home C) To be in home D) To be at the home E) To be out ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison Little - less - … A) less B)& the least C) the lessest D) most little E) the most little ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison Good - … - the best A) bester B) gooder C) more gooder D) more bester E)& better ***** Complete the question He is busy, … ? A) aren't he B)& isn’t he C) he is D) is he E) are he ***** Complete the question They aren't absent,… ? A) aren't they B) they are not C) are they not D)& are they E) they are ***** Insert the correct preposition He is fond … hockey A) in B)& of C) off D) on E) at ***** Choose the correct variant The flat of my sister A) My sisters flat B) My sisters's flat C) My sister flat D) Flat of my sister's E)& My sister's flat ***** The toys of children A) The childrens' toys B)& The children's toys C) The childrens's toys D) The toys of children's E) The toys of childrens's ***** Choose the correct variant 3654 A) three thousands six hundred and fifty-four B) three thousand six hundred and fivty four C) three thousand six hundred fifty-four D)& three thousand six hundred and fifty-four E) three thousand six hundred and fivety-four ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb She … … a big family. A) have got B)& has got C) have no D) don't have E) doesn't has ***** Choose the correct variant My brother's son is my … . A) niece B) brother C)& nephew D) cousin E) stepson ***** There is … butter on the plate. A)& some B) not C) a D) any E) no any ***** There are … children in the yard. A)& no B) not much C) no any D) any not E) a ***** There is … in the room. A) no anybody B)& nobody C) anything D) some E) not nobody ***** There is … on the shelf. A) not something B)& not anything C) anything D) anybody E) nobody ***** There is …snow in the yard. A) many B) not many C) few D) a few E)& much ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb There … a breadbasket, some plates, two spoons and two forks on the table. A) are B)& is C) were D) aren't E) isn't ***** Choose the correct translation На стене картина. A) A picture is on the wall. B) On the wall there is a picture. C)& There is a picture on the wall. D) A picture there is on the wall. E) A picture on the wall. ***** Лампа на столе. A)& There is a lamp on the table. B) On the table there is a lamp. C) A lamp on the table. D) On the table is a lamp. E) A lamp is on the table. ***** Запишите домашнее задание. A) Write in your home-task. B) Write out your home-task. C) Write on your home-task. D)& Write down your home-task. E) Write at your home-task. ***** Choose the correct modal verb Я умею кататься на лыжах. A) must B) may C) needn't D)& can E) should ***** Choose the correct translation Не открывай окно. Холодно A) Don't open the window. Cold. B)& Don't open the window. It is cold. C) Not open the window. It is cold. D) Don't to open the window. Cold. E) Don't open the window. This is cold. ***** В 2 часа. A) In two o'clock. B) On two o'clock. C)& At two o'clock. D) At the two o'clock. E) Two o'clock. ***** Я никак не могу запомнить его имя. A) I never can remember his name. B)& I can never remember his name. C) His name I never can remember. D) His name I can remember never. E) I can't never remember his name. ***** Paraphrase the sentence into Indirect speech Betty says,'' I am writer.'' A) Betty says that I am a writer. B) Betty tells she is a writer C) Betty say she is a writer. D)& Betty says she is a writer. E) Betty says she a writer. ***** Choose the correct translation Первого мая A) In the first of May B)& On the first of May C) On the first off May D) On first May E) On first of the May ***** Утром A) Morning B)& In the morning C) In morning D) On morning E) At the morning ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb I … our city. A) likes B) doesn't like C) doesn't likes D) don't likes E)& like ***** She … golf well. A)& plays B) play C) doesn't plays D) don't play E) is play ***** Choose the correct negative form of the verb We … … at nine. A)& don't get up B) doesn't get up C) didn't got up D) not get up E) gets up ***** He … … Chinese. A) don't learn B)& doesn't learn C) learn doesn't D) doesn't learns E) hasn't learn ***** Choose the correct preposition Introduce me … your friend. A) with B)& to C) about D) of E) for ***** Complete the question My friend leaves at 7, … …? A) does he B) do he C) did he D) isn't he E)& doesn't he ***** Complete the question Helen doesn't work , … …? A) doesn't she B) do she C) hasn't she D) isn't she E)& does she ***** Complete the question My parents come late, … … ? A) are they B) do they C)& don't they D) haven't they E) have they ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb He … fond of music . A) are B) has C)& is D) don't E) doesn't ***** Who usually …lunch in your family? A)& cooks B) does cook C) have cooked D) are cooking E) cook ***** Choose the correct translation of the word in brackets I am hungry. - ( Я тоже. ) A) So I am B) So I do C)& So am I D) So did I E) Neither am I ***** I can't translate this text.- ( Я тоже.) A) So can't I B)& Neither can I C) Neither I am D) So can I E) Neither I can ***** Что вы скажете насчет сока ? A)& What do you say about some juice? B) What do you say for some juice? C) What do you say of some juice? D) What do you say to some juice? E) What do you say off some juice? ***** Choose the correct translation of the underlined word Дайте мне еще молока. A) still B)& more C) another D) other E) much more ***** Сейчас я завтракаю. A) I have breakfast now. B) I has breakfast now. C) I having breakfast now. D) I had breakfast now. E)& I am having breakfast now. ***** Choose the correct variant of the verb We often … summer at the seaside. A) spending B) spends C)& spend D) had spent E) are spending ***** Возьмите еще чашку кофе. A)& Take another cup of coffee. B) Take more cup of coffee. C) Take any more cup of coffee. D) Take other cup of coffee. E) Take much more cup of coffee. ***** Choose the correct variant of the verb She seldom … home. A) write B)& writes C) is writing D) has written E) will write ***** Choose the correct translation of the underlined word Завтра мы сдаем экзамены. A) would take B) take C)& are taking D) will have been taken E) should take ***** Choose the correct translation of the underlined words Она спрашивает ,где я покупаю продукты. A) where do I buy food. B) where I am buying food. C) where I have bought food. D)& where I buy food E) where am I buying food. ***** Choose the correct translation of the underlined words Она спрашивает, чья это сумка. A) whose bag is those B) whose bag is that C) whose is this bag D)& whose bag this is E) whose bag does it ***** Choose the correct translation Если погода будет солнечная, мы поедем за город. A) If the weather will be sunny, we will go out of town. B) If the weather sunny, we will go out of town. C)& If the weather is sunny, we will go out of town. D) If the weather would be sunny, we would go out of town. E) If the weather is sunny, we are going to go out of town. ***** Choose the correct translation of the underlined word Bob takes after his father. A)& Боб похож на отца. B) Боб наследник своего отца. C) Боб берет вещи своего отца. D) Боб подвозит отца. E) Боб выходит из дома после отца. ***** Paraphrase the sentence into Indirect speech He said,'' when I come home my children are sleeping''. A) He said when he comes home his children are sleeping. B) He said when he came home his children are sleeping. C) He said when he comes home his children were sleeping. D)& He said when he came home his children were sleeping. E) He said when I come home my children are sleeping. ***** She said.'' Yesterday we did all shopping''. A) She said they did all shopping. B) She said they were doing all shopping. C) She said they done all shopping. D)& She said they had done all shopping. E) She said they do all shopping. ***** Choose the correct translation of the underlined words Учитель спрашивает Тома , занимается ли он спортом (постоянно) . A)& If he goes in for sport B) Does he go in for sport C) If he go in for sport D) If he is going E) If does he go in for sport. ***** Paraphrase the sentence into Indirect speech Mother says to her son,'' Don't forget your thing.'' A)& Mother tells his son not to forget his things. B) Mother tells his son don't forget your things. C) Mother tells his son he must not forget his things. D) Mother tells his son if he must not forget his things. E) Mother told his son not to forget things. ***** Paraphrase the sentence into Indirect speech Mother says to her daughter,'' Wash your hands.'' A) Mother told her daughter to wash her hands. B)& Mother tells her daughter to wash her hands. C) Mother asks her daughter wash your hand. D) Mother said to her daughter to wash her hands. E) Mother asked her daughter to wash her hands. ***** Insert the correct preposition I entered … this University last year. A) in B) to C) into D)& - E) for ***** Paraphrase the sentence into Indirect speech We are waiting … a taxi. A) to B)& for C) of D) off E) - ***** Fill in the missing word Let's have some juice. I am … . A) hungry B)& thirsty C) want to drink. D) not thirsty. E) wanting to drink. ***** Choose the correct variant Chops, beefsteak, chicken are … . A) dessert B) the first course C)& the second course D) salads E) spice ***** Insert the correct preposition I prefer cake … pudding. A) out B) for C) - D)& to E) into ***** Choose the correct translation Она сможет танцевать. A)& She will be able to dance. B) She could dance. C) She will can dance. D) She would dance. E) She is to dance. ***** Choose the correct translation of the question Можно войти? A) Will I enter? B)& May I enter? C) Must I enter? D) Have I to enter? E) Will I have to enter? ***** Choose the correct answer Must I come early? - ( Нет, не надо) A) No, you mustn't B) No, you can't C) No, you may not D)& No, you needn't E) No, you haven't to ***** Choose the correct answer May I take your pen?- ( Нет не можете. Она мне нужна самой) A)& No, you may not. B) No, you can C) No, you can't D) No, you mustn't E) No, you will not ***** Insert the correct preposition Have you ever been … Astana? A)& to B) in C) at D) into E) - ***** Insert the correct article Don't pass me … salt. A) a B) an C)& the D) some E) - ***** Insert the correct preposition I get up … 5 o’clock. A)& at B) in C) on D) to E) - ***** Insert the correct preposition It is dark in the room. Turn the light … . A) of B) off C) in D)& on E) out ***** Insert the correct preposition She plays …the piano well. A) in B) on C) out D) off E)& - ***** Choose the correct question of the underlined word I had to go there on Sunday. A)& When I had to go there? B) When had I gone there? C) When did I have to go there? D) When must I go there? E) When I must go there? ***** Choose the correct translation Я вынуждена буду остаться дома. A)& I will have to stay at home. B) I will be to stay at home. C) I must be to stay at home. D) I will must stay at home. E) I will stay at home. ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb His brother has two children, … … ? A) has he B) hasn't she C) does he D)& doesn't he E) don't he ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb Who … makes bed ? A) do B) does C) did D) is E)& - ***** Insert the correct preposition They have invited me … dinner. A)& to B) on C) in D) for E) - ***** Fill in the missing word We wash the linen in the … . A)& laundry B) hairdresser's C) barber's D) supermarket E) butcher's ***** Insert the correct preposition I am looking forward … a party. A)& to B) for C) on D) about E) - ***** Insert the correct article … honey is health-giving. A) The B) A C) An D)& - E) not ***** Paraphrase the sentence into Indirect speech Lena says, ''Where does your brother work?'' A) Lena asks where my brother work. B) ------where does my brother work. C)& ------where my brother works D) ------where works my brother E) ------where is he work. ***** Insert the correct preposition I go to the university… bus. A)& by B) on C) at D) into E) - ***** Choose the third form of the verb Begin - began -… A) begin B) beginning C)& begun D) begunn E) began ***** Choose the correct answer ( Mary speaks French very well.) Mary doesn't know French, does she? - … A)& Yes, she does B) Yes, she doesn't C) No, she doesn't D) No, she does E) Yes, does she ***** Choose the correct answer August isn't a winter month, is it ?- … A) Yes, it is B) Yes, it isn't C)& No, it isn't D) No, it is E) Yes, is it ***** Choose the second form of the verb Write- … - written A) write B) writing C) written D)& wrote E) writen ***** Choose the first form of the verb (infinitive) … - rang - rung A) Rong B) Ringing C) Run D) Wrong E)& Ring ***** Choose the correct translation Он сдал экзамен на прошлой неделе. A) was passing B)& passed C) had passed D) has passed E) pass ***** Choose the correct translation Дождь льет уже два часа. A) It has rained for two hours already. B)& It has been raining for two hours already. C) It is raining for two hours already. D) It rained for two hours already. E) It was raining for two hours already. ***** Choose the correct translation Я знаю ее 6 лет. A) I know her for 6 years. B) I knew her for 6 years. C) I am knowing her for 6 years. D)& I have known her for 6 years. E) I have been known her for 6 years. ***** Choose the correct question of the underlined word They left school last year. A)& Who left B) Who did leave C) Who had left D) Who has left E) Who was left ***** Insert the correct preposition I was good … History A) in B) on C)& at D) for E) about ***** Insert the correct preposition Her children made good progress … grammar. A) with B) about C) at D) on E)& in ***** Paraphrase the sentence into Indirect speech He said ,'' I want to have a rest.'' A) He said I want to have a rest. B) He said I wanted to have a rest. C)& He said he wanted to have a rest. D) He said he wants to have a rest. E) He said he had wanted to have a rest. ***** Paraphrase the sentence into Indirect speech She said,'' I am finishing college this year.'' A) She said she is finishing college this year. B) She said she was finishing college this year. C)& She said she was finishing college that year. D) She said she had been finishing college the last year. E) She said she finished college that year. ***** Paraphrase the sentence into Indirect speech Betty said ,'' I have laid the table.'' A)& Betty said she had laid the table. B) Betty said she has laid the table. C) Betty said she laid the table. D) Betty said she would lay the table. E) Betty said she was laying the table. ***** Paraphrase the sentence into Indirect speech A student said ,''I will master Spanish soon.'' A)& A student said he would master Spanish soon. B) A student said he will master Spanish soon. C) A student said I will master Spanish soon. D) A student said I would master Spanish soon. E) A student said will he be mastering Spanish soon. ***** Paraphrase the sentence into Indirect speech Nick said.'' What is there in the box?'' A) Nick asked what is there in the box. B) Nick asked what was there in the box. C)& Nick asked what there was in the box. D) Nick asked what in the box was. E) Nick asked what in the box there was. ***** Choose the correct variant Lift, central heating, running water, rubbish chute are…. A) furniture B) equipment C) industry D) agriculture E)& conveniences ***** Choose the correct variant Kitchen, bedroom, nursery, living-room are… A) dishes B) linen C) furniture D)& house E) stadium ***** Complete the sentence When I met them they … . A) will be discussing something. B) discussed something. C)& were discussing something. D) have discussed something. E) would be discussing something. ***** Complete the sentence Yesterday she… at home from 2 to 4. A)& was staying B) were staying C) will be staying D) would be staying E) is staying ***** Choose the correct translation Моросит. A) It is pouring. B) It is raining hard. C)& It is drizzling. D) It is raining cats and dogs. E) Drizzling. ***** Choose the correct translation Пасмурный день. A) Foggy B) Shining C) Bright D)& Dull E) Fine ***** Choose the correct translation Ветрено. A) It is chilly. B) It is overcast. C) It is thundering. D)& It is windy. E) It is frosty. ***** Choose the correct variant Seaside, beach, country-house, travelling-agency A) daily-routine B) working day C)& leisure D) occupation E) cuisine ***** Choose the correct variant It's raining hard. I get wet … . A) over B) at C) on D)& through E) - ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb Yesterday by 6 o'clock I… … all shopping. A) have done B)& had done C) was doing D) had been doing E) would ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb I can't return you a book. I … … it. A) had lost B)& have lost C) will lose D) had been lost E) am loosing ***** Complete the question We had built the house before winter, … ? A)& hadn't we B) didn't we C) didn't we have D) had we E) did we had ***** Choose the correct translation Иногда я прихожу позже. A) Sometimes I came later. B)& Sometimes I come later. C) I some time later come. D) Later I come sometimes. E) I am sometimes come later. ***** Choose the correct translation What does she look like? A) Куда она смотрит? B) Что ей нравится ? C)& Как она выглядит? D) Она ей нравится? E) Как она смотрит? ***** Choose the correct variant Complexion A) Фигура B) Строение C) Комплекс D)& Цвет лица E) Трудности ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb Every year a new shop … in our town. A)& is opened B) are opened C) have been opened D) is being opened E) was being built ***** Complete the sentence When I came the situation … . A) is discussed B) were discussed C) will be discussed D)& was discussed E) discussed ***** Choose the correct variant Figure, face, complexion, hair… A) hairdresser B)& appearance C) cosmetics D) sports E) culture ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb She has invited Tom. Tom … … . A) is invited B) was invited C) have been invited D) is being invited E)& has been invited ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb You must do this work. The work… … . A) will be done B) is done C) have been done D)& must be done E) will must be ***** Insert the suitable preposition Have you ever been … London ? A)& to B) in C) at D) through E) - ***** Insert the suitable preposition A bag is made … leather. A) from B)& of C) in D) out of E) off ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb I sent her the documents. The documents … … to her. A) are sent B) had been sent C)& were sent D) will be sent E) were being sent ***** Complete the sentence Every year she is presented with rare flowers on her birthday. Her husband….. A)& presents her rare flowers B) present her rare flowers C) is presented her rare flowers D) is presenting E) was presenting ***** Insert the suitable preposition They aren’t … home. A) off B) in C)& at D) - E) out ***** Insert the suitable preposition Go … the direction … the gallery. A) in, to B) to, to C)& in, of D) to, in E) from, round ***** Insert the suitable preposition She made an impression … him. A)& on B) at C) to D) of E) - ***** Choose the correct variant Величественное (здание) A) Large B) Immense C) Beautiful D) Great E)& Magnificent ***** Choose the correct variant To go sightseeing A) Ходить пешком B) Наблюдать C) Достопримечательности D)& Осматривать достопримечательности E) Путешествовать ***** Choose the correct variant The baker's A) Овощной магазин B)& Булочная C) Универсальный магазин D) Мясной магазин E) Кондитерская ***** Choose the correct variant Fishmonger's A) Рыбак B) Рыба C) Рыбалка D) Удочки E)& Рыбный магазин ***** Choose the correct variant He suggested … a new museum. A)& to visit B) visiting C) to look at D) to look in E) to me to visit ***** Choose the correct variant The butcher's A)& Мясной B) Молочный C) Продуктовый D) Аптека E) Цветочный ***** Insert the suitable preposition A play by Shakespeare is … program. A) in B) at C)& on D) about E) of ***** Choose the correct variant Applause, stage, actor , scenery… A) stadium B)& theatre C) cinema D) circus E) shop ***** Choose the correct variant We've run out of vegetables. A) У нас нет овощей. B) У нас мало овощей. C) Давай сбегаем на рынок за овощами. D)& У нас кончились овощи. E) Мы овощи не покупаем. ***** Choose the correct variant At a ready-made clothes department you can buy… A) shoes B) leather goods C) textile D)& costumes E) dairy products ***** Choose the correct translation of the underlined word The blouse is loose on you. A) Тебе к лицу B)& Сидит свободно C) Соответствует твоему стилю D) Твоего размера E) Подходит по цвету ***** Complete the sentence At the confectionery you can buy… A)& biscuits B) cotton C) fruit D) rice E) clothes ***** Choose the synonyms Sights A) pictures B)& places of interest C) dishes D) classes E) photos ***** Choose the synonym if the underlined word The trip gave us a good impression of the city's immense size. A) cosy B) small C) loose D) convenient E)& great ***** Complete the sentence I saw Nick … the book. A) to take the book B) took C)& take D) has taken E) had taken ***** Complete the sentence I want Nelly… a report. A) make B)& to make C) making D) will make E) has made ***** Choose the synonym Industrial area A) Shops B)& Factories C) Museums D) Theatres E) Schools ***** Choose the correct translation I can't help sewing. A) Я не могу тебе помочь шить B) Я не могу не помочь тебе шить. C)& Я не могу удержаться чтобы не шить. D) Я не умею шить. E) Я никому не помогаю шить. ***** Choose the correct translation Я жду уже 20 минут. A) I was waiting for twenty min. B)& I have been waiting for twenty min. C) I wait for twenty min. D) I waited for twenty min. E) I am waiting for twenty min. ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb Neither you nor he … right. A)& is B) are C) isn't D) aren't E) were ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb Neither me nor my parents … at home now. A)& are B) are not C) is D) isn't E) wasn't ***** Insert the suitable article This is … book. … book is interesting. A) a, a B) the, a C)& a, the D) a, - E) -, the ***** Insert the suitable article I have … two sisters and … brother. A) a, a B) the, the C)& -, a D) a, - E) the, a ***** Insert the suitable article There is no … shop over here. A) the B) a C) an D)& - E) some ***** Insert the suitable article Let's go … home. A)& - B) a C) an D) the E) some ***** Insert the suitable article … London is situated on …Thames. A)& -, the B) The, the C) A, the D) The, a E) The, - ***** Insert the suitable article …Europe and … Asia are separated by … Atlantic Ocean. A) -, -, an B) The, the, the C)& -, -, the D) A, an, the E) The, the, - ***** Insert the suitable article …Alps are covered with … snow. A) -, the B)& The, - C) -, - D) The, a E) A, the ***** Insert the suitable article She works from … morning till … night. A) the, the B) the, - C)& -, - D) the, a E) a, the ***** Choose the synonym of the underlined word Can you repair the TV set? A) switch on B) switch off C) dust D) remove E)& put right ***** Choose the synonym of the underlined word It's time to have a bite. A) to have a rest B) to pay for dinner C) to leave D)& to eat E) to go shopping. ***** Choose the correct variant It is out of the question. A) Это трудный вопрос. B) На этот вопрос нет ответа. C) Это очень легкий вопрос. D) Надо обсудить этот вопрос. E)& Об этом не может быть и речи. ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison Easy - … - … A)& easier - the easiest B) easyer - the easyest C) easier - the easyest D) easyer - the easiest E) more easy - the most easy ***** Complete the sentence I decorated the room … . A) myselves B)& myself C) yourself D) oneself E) ourselves ***** Complete the sentence The last time I … Jack was in 1998. A) meet B)& met C) had met D) was meeting. E) have met. ***** Choose the correct pronoun This isn't your bag, … is on the shelf. A) you B) my C)& yours D) our E) yours ***** Complete the sentences Go on … . A) the writing B) write C)& writing D) written E) to be written ***** Choose the correct variant 21.11.1986 A) The twenty-first of the October, nineteen eighty-six B) Twenty-first of October, nineteen eighty-six C) October the twenty-first of nineteen-eighty six D)& The twenty-first of October, nineteen eighty-six E) Nineteen eighty-six of the October twenty first ***** Choose the correct answer I can speak French very well. - Неужели? A) Are you ? B) Don't you? C) Do you? D)& Can you? E) Can't you? ***** Choose the correct answer She doesn't travel much. - Неужели? A)& Doesn't she? B) Does she? C) Is she? D) Isn't she? E) Does she not? ***** Choose the correct answer He left for Italy. - Неужели? A) Didn't he? B)& Did he? C) Had he? D) Does he? E) Doesn't he? ***** Choose the correct variant Relation by marriage A) Nephew B) Aunt C) Niece D) Mother E)& Father-in law ***** Choose the correct variant Domestic animals A) Wolf B)& Sheep C) Fox D) Bear E) Tiger ***** Choose the correct variant Occupation or position A)& Shop assistant B) Shop C) Shopocholic D) Shopping -centre E) Shopping ***** Choose the correct variant Countable A) Sugar B) Water C) Grass D)& Apple E) Salt ***** Choose the correct variant Uncountable A) Stool B) Shelf C)& Furniture D) Wardrobe E) Chair ***** Choose the correct variant What's the matter? A) What's this? B) What's at? C) What's on? D) What's that? E)& What's up? ***** Choose the correct variant of the underlined word I introduced him to my friend. A) I took him to my friend. B) I gave him the address of my friend. C)& I acquainted him with my friend. D) I invited him to my friend. E) They are pen-friends. ***** Choose the correct translation Отметка по Истории A) A mark on History B)& A mark in History C) A History mark D) A mark for History E) A mark about History ***** Choose the correct variant To dial, to call, the line is engaged, a receiver… A) computer B) post-office C) radio D) vacuum-cleaner E)& telephone ***** Choose the correct translation I made up my mind to move to another flat. A) Я поменял решение B) Я убедился C) Я сделал правильный выбор D)& Я решил E) Я догадался ***** Complete the sentence The event … … … before they arrived. A) reported B)& had been reported C) was being reported D) has been reported E) was reported ***** Choose the correct variant She said she … help me. A) can't be able B)& couldn't C) will not be able D) isn't able E) didn't can ***** Complete the sentence I don't know ………. . A) where is the keys B) the key where is C)& where the key is D) the key is where E) where does the key ***** Complete the sentence He ………… . A)& isn't staying there in March B) doesn't staying in March there C) there isn't staying in March D) is staying not there in March E) is staying there not March in ***** Choose the correct modal verb … she speak English when she went to live in the USA ? A) Ought B) Must C) Can D)& Could E) Would ***** Complete the sentence You live … from the centre than me. A) more far B) furtherst C)& further D) far E) farthest ***** Complete the sentence Last winter it was very cold and … was a lot of snow. A) it B) that C) this D)& there E) - ***** Insert the suitable article … Smiths have … son and … daughter. A) -, a, a B)& The, a, a C) A, a, the D) A, the, a E) A, a, a ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb When I was I young … … , but now I don't smoke at all. A) am used to smoking B) did use to smoking C) was used to smoke D) had used to be smoking E)& used to smoke ***** Choose the correct tense form of the verb If you … to Paris, you will see the Eiffel Tower. A)& go B) will go C) went D) had gone E) would be going ***** Complete the sentence She wants to be a doctor ….. . A) when she will leave school B) when she is leaving school C)& when she leaves school D) when she left school E) when will she leave school ***** Complete the sentence The person … looked after the garden was our neighbour. A) what B) which C)& who D) - E) whom ***** Complete the sentence There was only one fact in the book … interested me. A) what B) who C) whose D) _ E)& which ***** Choose the correct variant What time is it now? - 6.20 A) Six o'clock and twenty min. B)& Twenty min. past six C) Twenty min. to six D) Half past six E) Twenty min. and six ***** Complete the sentence Nobody … … to the dentist. A) enjoy going B) don't enjoy going C) enjoys go D)& enjoys going E) doesn't enjoy going ***** Complete the sentence You had better … it at once. A)& do B) done C) to do D) doing E) does ***** Complete the sentence Now I … you very well. A) seeing B)& see C) am seeing D) will be see you E) had seen ***** Complete the sentence How long …… to university by tram? A) it takes to go B) to go does it take C)& does it take to go D) does taking E) it take to go ***** Choose the correct translation Я бы предпочла остаться дома. A) I will stay at home B) I am staying at home C) I should stay at home D) I had better stay at home E)& I would rather stay at home ***** Complete the sentence I don't have enough money to buy this book. - Don't worry. ……… A)& I will lend you some B) I am going to lend you some C) I lend you some D) I lent you some E) I am lending you some ***** Give plural form of the noun box . A) boxs B) boxies C) boxen D)& boxes E) box ***** Give plural form of the noun car . A) two car B) two cares C) two caries D) carrys E)& two cars ***** Give plural form of the noun book . A) two book B) book C)& two books D) three book E) two books ***** Give plural form of the noun country. A)& two countries B) two countrys C) two countryes D) two country E) five country ***** Give plural form of the noun a watch . A) watch B)& watches C) two watchs D) two watchys E) two watchen ***** Give plural form of the noun a child . A) childs B) childes C) childies D) childrens E)& children ***** Give plural form of the noun photo . A) two photoes B) two photo C)& two photos D) two fotos E) two fotoes ***** Give plural form of the noun woman . A) womans B) womens C) woman D) womanes E)& women ***** Give plural form of the noun sandwich. A) two sandwichs B)& two sandwiches C) two sandwich D) two sandwichies E) two sandwichys ***** Give plural form of the noun house . A)& houses B) housies C) housen D) housess E) houseses ***** Choose the correct variant A) I a student. B) I do student. C)& I’m a student. D) I be a student. E) I been a student. ***** Choose the correct variant A) What your name? B) What am your name? C) What are your name? D) What be your name? E)& What’s your name? ***** Choose the correct variant A)& Are they American? B) They are American? C) Is they American? D) They is American? E) Be they American? ***** Choose the correct variant A) She do not a student. B)& She isn’t a student. C) She aren’t a student. D) She are not a student. E) She am not a student. ***** Choose the correct variant A) We is Spanish. B) We be Spanish. C) We am Spanish. D) We been Spanish. E)& We are Spanish. ***** Choose the correct variant A) They not are teachers. B) They not teachers. C) They be not teachers. D)& They are not teachers. E) They is not teachers. ***** Choose the correct variant A)& Are your parents Polish? B) Your parents are they Polish? C) Your parents Polish? D) Is your parents Polish? E) Parents your are Polish? ***** Choose the correct variant A) I in room 7? B) I am in room 7? C) Are I in room 7? D)& Am I in room 7? E) Is I in room 7? ***** Choose the correct variant A) He be from Germany. B) He from Germany. C) He are from Germany. D) He be Germany. E)& He is from Germany. ***** Choose the correct variant A)& Are you Alexander? B) You are Alexander? C) Be you Alexander? D) You Alexander? E) Alexander are you? ***** Choose the correct sentence in negative form A) I think it don’t work. B) Doesn’t play with a book. C) She doesn’t fond of the classical music. D) Tom don’t like reading a book. E)& I don’t have much money. ***** Choose the correct sentence in negative form A) I help my mother about the house. B)& Don’t count your chickens. C) My father not to want to think about it. D) Go and buy a newspaper. E) I doesn’t want to do it. ***** Choose the correct sentence in negative form A) I am not stay at home on Sundays. B)& Mag and her sister don’t live in Rome. C) They enjoy themselves. D) Mag and her brother doesn’t live in Rome. E) She don’t work at the factory. ***** Choose the correct answer for Do you like German food? A) No, I do. B) No, don’t. C) No, not. D)& No, I don’t. E) No, we don’t. ***** Choose the correct sentence in negative form A) I speak French but my sister don’t. B) You are not speak French but I do. C)& They work but he doesn’t. D) Ally goes to the cinema every Sunday. E) John don’t like animals. ***** Choose the correct sentence. A) He swims well? B) He swim well? C) Do he swim well? D)& Does he swim well? E) He doesn’t swim well? ***** Choose the correct sentence A) Do Anna like reading books? B) Does they study at university? C) Do she read a lot? D) Anna like reading a book? E)& Do they study at university? ***** Choose the correct sentence A) Are you smoke? B) Have you smoke? C) Does you smoke? D)& Do you smoke? E) Is you smoke? ***** Choose the correct variant of the verb Excuse me, … you speak English? A)& do B) does C) did D) are E) is. ***** Choose the correct sentence A)& Do you agree with me? B) Are you agree with me? C) Is you agree with me? D) Does you agree with me? E) You agree with me? ***** Insert the correct pronoun Are you French? Yes, __ am. A)& I B) you C) he D) she E) it ***** Insert the correct pronoun Are __ Laura? Yes, I am. A) we B) they C) I D) she E)& you ***** Insert the correct pronoun Is that car Japanese? Yes, __ is. A) he B) she C) they D)& it E) I ***** Insert the correct pronoun Are you Nick and Julia? Yes, __ are. A) they B)& we C) she D) he E) you ***** Insert the correct pronoun Are Helen and Mark from Australia? No, __ aren’t. A)& they B) we C) you D) I E) it ***** Insert the correct pronoun Is Nurgul English? No, __ isn’t. A) it B) you C) he D)& she E) they ***** Insert the correct pronoun Is Arman from Kazakhstan? Yes, __ is. A)& he B) it C) she D) I E) we ***** Insert the correct pronoun I like this book, __ is very interesting. A) you B) she C) he D) we E)& it ***** Insert the correct pronoun There are many cats. __ are everywhere. A) it B)& they C) we D) you E) he ***** Insert the correct pronoun Let’s go to the cinema. __ have much time. A)& we B) Mary C) it D) she E) he ***** Insert the correct pronoun __ name’s David. A) you B) her C) their D) our E)& my ***** Insert the correct pronoun He’s from Almaty. __ name’s Temirlan. A)& his B) her C) its D) their E) our ***** Insert the correct pronoun I’m Irish. __ family is from Dublin. A) you B) our C) their D)& my E) his ***** Insert the correct pronoun Anna is American. __ surname’s Kelly. A) his B) our C)& her D) your E) its ***** Insert the correct pronoun My parents are very rich. That’s __ new Mercedes. A)& their B) his C) her D) its E) you ***** Insert the correct pronoun What’s __ address? I live at 159 Gogol street. A) his B) my C) her D) their E)& your ***** Insert the correct pronoun We are doctors. __ patients are in hospital. A)& our B) his C) her D) its E) you ***** Insert the correct pronoun The dog hurts __ paw. A) their B) you C) your D)& its E) our ***** Insert the correct pronoun My name’s Frank. I am __ teacher. A) its B) my C) you D) our E)& your ***** Insert the correct pronoun __ dear girl, you are wrong! A)& my B) its C) he D) you E) your ***** Insert the correct pronoun Can you help __? I can’t do my homework. A) him B) her C) them D) yours E)& me ***** He likes Elizabeth, but he doesn’t love __. A) him B) his C) yours D) mine E)& her ***** It isn’t a good book. I don’t like __. A) you B)& it C) her D) his E) me ***** Are they French? Can you ask __? A) me B) you C) us D) it E)& them ***** It is Mark’s lighter. Give it to __. A)& him B) her C) you D) it E) your ***** We don’t speak Italian. They don’t understand __. A) him B) her C) them D)& us E) his ***** I help __, when you need. A) me B) your C)& you D) it E) us ***** Can you tell __ the time, please? A) him B) her C)& me D) you E) them ***** Tom is here! When do you see __? A) me B) her C)& him D) them E) us ***** Julia will be free soon. You can wait for __ here. A) him B) you C) it D)& her E) them ***** Aiman is….English teacher. A) the B)& an C) a D) – E) on. ***** Insert the correct article He is….good worker. A)& a B) the C) - D) an E) at. ***** It is not….easy language. A) a B) - C)& an D) the E) or. ***** … is fine. A)& the B) an C) - D) a E) at. ***** Trafalgar square is the geographical centre of….London. A) an B) the C) a D)& – E) are. ***** This is….beautiful painting. A) - B) an C)& a D) the E) at. ***** That is….nice car. A) an B) - C)& a D) the E) on. ***** I usually have …. egg for breakfast. A) - B) a C) the D)& an E) at. ***** I have … lot of English books. A)& a B) the C) - D) an E) on. ***** His father is … old. A) a B) the C)& - D) an E) or. ***** He gave me… and…..cassette. A)& a/a B) the/a C) -/a D) an/the E) the/the. ***** She is … architect. A) a B) the C) - D)& an E) of. ***** My brothers are … doctors. A) a B) the C)& - D) an E) as. ***** I am … artist. A) a B) the C) - D)& an E) of. ***** That is … good plan. A)& a B) the C) - D) an E) on. ***** The plans are on … table. A) a B)& the C) - D) an E) on. ***** … my plates are clean. A) a B) the C)& - D) an E) on. ***** I have __ dinner. A) a B) an C) the D) so E)& – ***** Can you play __ piano? A)& the B) a C) an D) -- E) some ***** __ New York is in __ USA. A) the/the B) a/an C)& --/the D) the/-- E) --/-- ***** Choose the correct variant Are there __ onions? A) an B)& any C) some D) much E) little ***** There’s __ butter in the fridge. A)& some B) any C) a D) many E) a few ***** We don’t need __ bread. A) many B) few C) a D)& any E) some ***** There is_ in the street A) many B) any C)& much D) some E) few ***** “How __ chocolate do you eat?” “ __.” A) many/a lot of B) many/a lot C) much/a lot of D) many/many E)& much/a lot ***** She doesn’t drink __ water. A) many B) a C) few D) a few E)& much ***** There isn’t __ milk in the fridge. A) some B) many C)& any D) a E) few ***** The woman drinks __ coffee. A) many B) any C) a D) a few E)& a lot of ***** We don’t eat __ bananas in our house. A) much B) no C) some D)& many E) few ***** I don’t have __ free time. A) many B)& much C) a D) some E) few ***** Bill is _husband. A)& Bill is Carla’s husband. B) Bill is husband’s Carla. C) Bill’s is Carla husband. D) Bill is Carlas’ husband. E) Bill is Carlases’ husband. ***** Choose the correct possessive form of the noun A) This is my parents’s house. B) This is my parents house. C) This is my parentses’ house. D) This is my parent’s house. E)& This is my parents’ house. ***** Choose the correct possessive form of the noun A) That’s my childrens school. B) That’s my schools’ children. C) That is my school’s children. D)& That is my children’s school. E) That’s my childrens’ school. ***** Choose the correct possessive form of the noun A) Do you like cat’s Jane? B) Do you like cats’ Jane? C)& Do you like Jane’s cat? D) Do you like Janes’ cat? E) Do you like Janes cat? ***** Choose the correct possessive form of the noun A)& I drive my mother’s car. B) I drive my mothers car. C) I drive my car’s mother. D) I drive my cars’ mother. E) I drive my mother car. ***** Choose the correct possessive form of the noun A) Amelia is my sister’s wife. B) Amelia is my sisters’ wife. C)& Amelia is my wife’s sister. D) Amelia is my wifes sister. E) Amelia is my wife sister. ***** Choose the correct possessive form of the noun A) This is my flat’s friend. B) This is my flats friend. C) This is my friends flat. D)& This is my friend’s flat. E) This is my friend’ flat. ***** Choose the correct possessive form of the noun. A)& Boys’ toys. B) Toys’ boys. C) Boy’ toys. D) Boys toys. E) Boy’es toys. ***** Choose the correct possessive form of the noun. A)& He works for his father’s company. B) He works for his company’s father. C) He works for his father company. D) He works for his fathers company. E) He works for father’ company. ***** Choose the correct possessive form of the noun. A) She’s the wife’s policemen. B) She’s the wife’s policeman. C) She’s the policeman’ wife. D) She’s the policemans’ wife. E)& She’s the policeman’s wife. ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison White cars are __ than yellow cars. A) safe B) safest C) the safest D) more safe E)& safer ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison Mosquitoes are __ than bees. A) most dangerous B) the dangerousts C) dangerouser D)& more dangerous E) dangerous ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison Tiggers are __ swimmers than cats. A) good B) best C) gooder D) well E)& better ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison It’s the __ country in the world. A) hot B)& hottest C) hotter D) hotiest E) hottest ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison The __ time is the spring. A) dangerouser B) more dangerous C)& most dangerous D) dangerousest E) dangeroust ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison It is __ house in the street. A) older B)& the oldest C) the most oldest D) more older E) the old ***** The Scots make __ whisky in the world. A) better B) well C) goodest D)& the best E) worse ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison He’s __ student in the class. A)& the worst B) worse C) the baddest D) badder E) worst ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison Today is __ than yesterday. A) cold B) the coldest C)& colder D) coldiest E) the cold ***** Choose the correct degree of comparison What’s __ river in the world. A)& the longest B) long C) longer D) longest E) very long ***** Choose the sentence in Future Simple A) I played football yesterday. B) I have played football. C) I am playing football now. D) I have been playing football for two hours. E)& I shall play football tomorrow. ***** Choose the correct variant How many sisters and brothers …? A) do you got B)& have you got C) are you D) you have got E) are you having ***** Choose the sentence in Future Simple tense A) Aigul always helps her mother. B) Aigul helped her mother. C) Aigul is helping her mother. D)& Aigul will help her mother next month. E) Aigul has helped her mother. ***** Choose the sentence in Future Simple tense A) They are glad to see you. B) They were glad to see you last year. C)& They will be glad to see you. D) They aren’t glad to see you. E) They were not glad to see you. ***** Choose the sentence in Future Simple tense A)& We shall come in time. B) We will came in time. C) We come in time. D) We have come in time. E) We are going come in time. ***** Choose the correct variant Our friends __ come tomorrow. A) didn’t B) not C) will be D)& won’t E) – ***** Put the negative form of the Future Simple tense. Our tests __ take long. A) no B) not C) don’t D) didn’t E)& won’t ***** Put the negative form of the Future Simple tense We __ book the tickets in advance. A) didn’t B) not C)& shan’t D) no E) don’t ***** Choose the correct variant __ you go to the cinema tomorrow? A) Shall B)& Will C) Did D) Does E) Have ***** Choose the correct variant . __ Jane be busy in an hour? A) Did B) Has C)& Will D) Do E) Should ***** Choose the correct variant. __ they play tennis next month? A) Did B) Does C) -- D) Do E)& Will ***** Choose the correct variant I __ the Internet yesterday. A)& used B) am used C) will use D) use E) uses ***** Choose the right translation of the sentence I want you to come and dine with me. A)& Я хочу, чтобы вы пришли пообедать со мной B) Прийти пообедать со мной – это ваше желание. C) Я хочу, чтобы вы всегда обедали со мной. D) Я хочу, чтобы вы обедали не только со мной. E) Вы должны прийти пообедать со мной. ***** Choose the correct variant I did not enjoy A) play football B)& playing football C) played football D) plays football E) having played football ***** Choose the correct variant I am not as old … A) that my brother B) my brother as my brother C) than my brother D) like my brother E)& as my brother ***** Complete the sentence They are … A) the nicer people I’ve ever met B)& the nicest people I’ve ever met C) nicest people I’ve ever met D) most nice people I’ve ever met E) nicer ***** Choose the correct answer Whose bag is this? A) It’s my B) It’s me C)& It’s mine D) It’s he E) It’s you ***** Complete the sentence Why don’t we..? A) to go to the disco B) going to the disco C)& go to the disco D) are going to the disco E) goes to the disco ***** Complete the sentence I have had this watch since _____ A) 2 years B) Years C) tomorrow D) a long time E)& 1912 ***** Complete the sentence I was waiting for the bus when ______A) I was seeing Harry B) I have seen Harry C) I see Harry D)& I saw Harry E) I seeing Harry ***** Complete the sentence When did you ……………….? A) start learn English B)& start learning English C) started learning English D) starting learning English E) starts learning English ***** Complete the sentence There isn’t … water in the bottle A) some B) many C) a D) few E)& much ***** Put the correct preposition England and Scotland have been united …1707 A) during B) for C) since D)& in E) – ***** Choose the correct answer Architect is… A) a person who reads the news on radio or television B) a swimmer employed to help swimmers in danger C) a specially trained person who performs religious duties and ceremonies for a group of worshippers D)& a person who plans new buildings and sees that they are built properly E) a person who trains sportsmen and sportswomen for games, competitions, etc. ***** Choose the right degree of comparison They are the ……… gardens in the world. A) beautiful B) more beautiful C) beautifulest D)& most beautiful E) beauty ***** Choose the right variant John works for a company … makes refrigerators and ovens. A) who B)& which C) whose D) when E) where ***** Choose the right variant Peter lives in flat … A)& fourty B) forthi C) fortieth D) forty E) the fortieth ***** Complete the sentence If I had more money ____ A) I will buy a flat B) I bought a flat C)& I would buy a flat D) I buy a flat E) I had bought a flat ***** Complete the sentence If your plane is late _____ A)& I won`t wait B) I don`t wait C) I didn`t wait D) I couldn`t wait E) I wouldn`t wait ***** Put the right preposition They have been married…7 years A) at B) in C)& for D) before E) since ***** Put the right preposition It`s our 25-th anniversary next month. We were married …1966, … a cold winter day. A) at, in B)& in, on C) in, at D) on, in E) on, at ***** Choose the right variant There was a table …by a clean white cloth. A) covers B)& covered C) covering D) cover E) is covered ***** Put the right preposition Russia has been a republic …over 70 years A) ago B) for C) since D) during E)& – ***** Choose the right variant Have you started your new job …or are you …working in London? A) any longer, - B) still, yet C)& yet, still D) already, any more E) yet, already ***** Choose the right variant Jenny was older than…of the girls. A)& any B) every C) much D) a few E) another ***** Choose the right variant If I saw someone .. in my neighbor’s window, I would call the police. A)& climbing B) climbs C) climb D) is climbing E) climbed ***** Choose the right variant I took plenty of sugar and … milk. A) a B) any C) a few D)& little E) many ***** Choose the right variant The doctor told me to …the medicine 3 times a day A) have B) drink C) eat D) chew E)& take ***** Put the right preposition Sue got married …her boyfriend last weekend A) with B) – C) at D)& to E) by ***** Choose the right variant Harry lives near ____. A) we B) I C)& us D) their E) my ***** Choose the Past Indefinite Passive form of the verb A) Is published B) Is publishing C)& Was published D) Was publishing E) Will be published ***** Choose the right variant He is still trying to make me … my mind. A)& change B) to change C) changed D) changing E) to be changed ***** Put the right preposition They sell meat …that department. A)& at B) for C) to D) in E) of ***** Choose the right variant I ______shopping yesterday A) have gone B)& went C) was D) go E) am going ***** Choose the right variant There are ____ cars in the city centre at rush hour, but very ____ late at night A) much, many B) a lot of, -- C) any, more D) more, much E)& lots of, few ***** Choose the right variant Whose bag is this? A) It`s my B) It`s me C)& It`s mine D) It`s he E) It`s you ***** Choose the right variant Why don`t we ..? A) to go to the disco B) going to the disco C)& go to the disco D) are going to the disco E) goes to the disco ***** Choose the right variant I have had this watch since A) 12 years B) years C) tomorrow D) a long time E)& 1912 ***** Choose the right variant A)& Could you tell me where the market is ? B) Could you tell me where is the market ? C) Where is the market could you tell me ? D) Where could you tell me the market is? E) Could you tell me the market where is? ***** Choose the right variant ______he’s good- looking, he hasn’t got a girlfriend. A) However B) Because C) But D)& Although E) And ***** Choose the right modal verb Tell Mike he ___ clean his room at once. A) should be B) might be C) ought D)& must E) could ***** Complete the sentence using «to be going to do» Her birthday is next week. We __ a present A)& are going to buy her B) is going to sell her C) are going to eat her D) is going to take her E) are going to play her ***** Translate the sentence Мы послали им вторую телеграмму A) We have sent them the second of telegram. B) We have sent them two telegrams. C)& We have sent them the second telegram. D) We have sent them second telegram. E) We have sent them a second telegram. ***** Choose the right question She gets up early every day. A)& What time does she usually get up? B) What time does she usually gets up? C) What time did she usually got up? D) What time does she usually gets up? E) What time are she usually get up? ***** Choose the right variant That is the woman ___ son works as a researcher at the university. A) who B) whom C) which D)& whose E) that ***** Choose the right variant The exercises ___ done well. A) was B)& are C) is D) were E) been ***** Choose the right variant We go to school at a quarter to eight A) 8.15 B)& 7.45 C) 7.30 D) 8.45 E) 8.10 ***** Choose the right variant How many states does the USA consist of? A) 53 B) 52 C) 51 D)& 50 E) 40 ***** This box is ___ than that one. A) more heavy B)& heavier C) heavuer D) heavy E) the heaviest ***** Choose the right translation I would like to join the party A) Нам бы хотелось прийти на вечер B)& Мне бы хотелось прийти на вечер C) Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы пришли на вечер D) Нам бы хотелось, чтобы вы пришли на вечер E) Мне нравится приходить на вечер ***** I’d like to buy… A)& jeans B) jeanes C) the jeanses D) jeanses E) a jeans ***** Opposite form of the word “tidy” A) clean B)& dirty C) smart D) elegance E) careful ***** The right variant of the verb «забывать» A) foget B) forgot C)& forget D) foreget E) forgotten ***** Choose the right translation Занесите стулья, пока не начался дождь. A) Come in with your chairs. B) Be seated please. C) We need more chairs here. D)& Get the chairs in before it rains. E) The rain starts soon. ***** Translate the sentence using gerund Он уехал не оставив своего адреса A) He went away and didn’t leave his address. B) He went away and wasn’t leaving his address. C)& He went away without leaving his address. D) He went away without his address. E) He went away not having leaving his address. ***** Choose the right variant ____ wants to translate the text from English to Russian? A) How B) Which C)& Who D) When E) What ***** Choose the right variant A) I don’t drink strong usually coffee. B)& I don’t usually drink strong coffee. C) I don’t drink strong coffee usually. D) I don’t drink usually strong tea. E) Usually strong tea I drink. ***** Choose countable noun A)& piece B) money C) grass D) wind E) water ***** Choose the right variant - How many presents did you receive? - I received __ presents. A) no many B) much C)& many D) anything E) no one ***** Choose the right preposition How sweet ___ you to come to see me. A)& of B) from C) about D) with E) on ***** Choose the right variant “ I like this book”, he said. A)& He said that he liked that book. B) He said that I liked that book C) He said that he liked this book D) He said that he like that book E) He says that he liked that book ***** Choose the right variant ____ is a student of Oxford University A) I B)& He C) You D) They E) We ***** Complete the sentence The capital of Canada is ______. A) Montreal B) Toronto C) Quebec D) Vancouver E)& Ottawa ***** Choose the right variant Он в пятом классе. A) He is in the fiveth form. B)& He is in the fifth form. C) He is in the fifeth form. D) He is in the fifthe form. E) He is in the fievth form. ***** Choose the plural form of the noun “leaf” A) leafs B) leafes C) leavs D)& leaves E) leafvs ***** Choose the right variant We __ English last year. A) studyed B) study C)& studied D) studies E) studys ***** Choose the right variant. He __ an apple and went to bed. A) eat B)& ate C) eated D) eaten E) eats ***** Choose the right variant Tom __ his hand the day before yesterday. A) hurts B) hurted C) has hurt D)& hurt E) was hurt ***** Choose the right variant I __ TV in the evening. A) don’t watch B) didn’t watched C) not watch D) won’t watch E)& didn’t’t watch ***** Choose the right variant You __ him yesterday. A) didn’t saw B)& didn’t see C) not see D) don’t see E) won’t see ***** Choose the right variant Mary ___ this book. A) didn’t readed B) didn’t reads C)& didn’t read D) doesn’t read E) read didn’t ***** Choose the right variant __ you __ a dictation yesterday? A)& did/write B) did/wrote C) did/written D) did/writes E) do/write ***** Choose the right variant __ your brother __ a car when he was young. A) does/drive B) did/drove C) did/drives D) do/drives E)& did/drive ***** Choose the right variant I __ tired last week. A) were B) be C) am D)& was E) is ***** My grandfather __ born in London. A) is B) are C) were D) be E)& was ***** Choose the right variant __ you and Susan at the party last night? A) is B) are C)& were D) be E) was ***** Choose the right variant She __ a bad student at the university. A) weren’t B)& wasn’t C) been D) aren’t E) were ***** Choose the right variant Where __ you born? A)& were B) was C) are D) is E) am ***** Choose the right variant …four Korean students in my class. A) There isn’t B)& There are C) There is D) Is there E) Are there ***** Choose the right variant … butter in the fridge. A)& There’s some B) There’s any C) There’s many D) There are some E) There are any ***** Choose the right variant There … apples on the table. A) isn’t many B)& aren’t many C) aren’t much D) isn’t some E) isn’t any ***** Choose the right variant … three guests. A) There was not B) There isn’t C) There was D)& There were E) There is ***** Choose the right variant There … glasses. A) isn’t some B) isn’t any C) isn’t D) aren’t some E)& aren’t any ***** Choose the right preposition The “tomato battle” starts __ 11 o’clock __ the morning. A) in/on B) to/in C) --/at D) at/-- E)& at/in ***** Choose the right preposition __ January you can go to the Carnival. A) at B) -- C) on D) of E)& in ***** Choose the right preposition The Thai Water Festival starts __ April the 13th. A) in B) at C)& on D) -- E) to ***** Choose the right preposition People throw water at each other all day and also __ night. A) in B)& at C) on D) -- E) to ***** Choose the right preposition I go to class __ Tuesdays. A)& on B) at C) in D) -- E) of ***** Choose the right preposition In the UK people usually start work __ 9 o’clock. A) in B) on C) -- D) of E)& at ***** Choose the right preposition On December 31st many people drink champagne __ midnight. A) in B)& at C) on D) -- E) of ***** Choose the right preposition In Italy it’s usually very hot __ summer. A)& in B) at C) on D) -- E) of ***** Choose the right preposition In many countries shops are closed __ Sundays. A) in B) at C)& on D) -- E) of ***** Choose the right preposition Traditionally, British people have a cup of tea __ 5 o’clock. A) -- B) in C) on D) of E)& at ***** Choose the right preposition If I go….local train it takes me more than an hour. A)& by B) with C) without D) to E) at. ***** Choose the right preposition The policeman said….us, “Where are you going?” A)& to B) with C) of D) by E) behind. ***** Choose the right preposition We’ll go to Rome…..bus. A)& by B) on C) in D) with E) to ***** Choose the right preposition She is very proud….her work. A) with B) in C) at D) by E)& of ***** Choose the right preposition What time did they arrive ….the hotel? A) to B)& at C) -- D) on E) for ***** Choose the right preposition Sometimes he goes….a walk after supper. A) on B) at C)& for D) on E) in ***** Choose the right preposition Chris is getting married…this year. A) to B) on C)& -- D) in E) at. ***** Choose the right preposition Rose’s cat likes sleeping ….a red carpet. A) to B) in C)& on D) of E) at. ***** Choose the right preposition Lily is a director …..our firm. She is a very responsible person. A) in B) at C)& of D) to E) by. ***** Choose the right preposition You study __the University. A) in B) -- C) of D) on E)& at ***** Choose the right variant Sveta ….customers now at her new office. A) meets B)& is meeting C) meet D) has met E) are meeting. ***** Choose the right variant It is 12 o’clock now. Abzal and Kuat …..lunch. A) have B) had C) is having D)& are having E) has ***** Choose the right modal verb The children have finished their homework. I think they....have a rest now. A)& may B) had to C) ought to D) can’t E) to be to ***** Choose the right modal verb You will __ speak Spanish in another few month. A) can B) have C)& be able to D) ought E) need ***** Choose the right modal verb To my mind, the government...take care of old people. A) may B) could C)& must D) can E) might. ***** Choose the right modal verb You ....go skiing today. It’s very cold outside. A) can’t B)& mustn’t C) may D) should E) can. ***** Choose the right modal verb ...I invite you to my place on Saturday? A)& can B) mustn’t C) am to D) should E) had to ***** Choose the right modal verb __you run very fast? A) mustn’t B)& can C) must D) can’t E) to be to. ***** Choose the right modal verb Nobody answers the phone. They __ be out. A) should B) would C) can D)& must E) was able to. ***** Choose the right modal verb count the days of the week? A) must B)& can C) need D) have to E) to be to. ***** Choose the right variant … is it from here to St. Peterburg? A)& How far? B) How long? C) How is? D) How many? E) How much? ***** Choose the right variant … would you like to drink? A) Which? B)& What? C) Who? D) When? E) Where? ***** Choose the right variant … birthday is it today? It’s Janet’s birthday today. She is 19. A) Which? B) Whom? C) What? D)& Whose? E) Why? ***** Choose the right variant … does it cost to stay at the Hilton Hotel? A) How many? B)& How much? C) What? D) What is? E) What cost? ***** Choose the right variant Our car is ten years old. We ___ a new one. A) are going to dance B) are going to beat C)& are going to buy D) is going to dance E) is going to buy ***** Choose the right variant My mother’s at work so my father ___ the lunch. A) are going to make B) was going to eat C) was going to ask D) are going to cook E)& is going to cook ***** Choose the right sentence The theater – go – often- very- we - to A)& We go to the theater very often. B) Very often we go to the theater C) We very often go to the theater. D) The theater we to go very often. E) Very often to the theater we go. ***** Choose the right variant The news - yesterday – saw – television – I -on A) On television I saw the news yesterday. B) I saw the news television on yesterday. C) I yesterday saw the news on television. D) I saw on television the news yesterday. E)& Yesterday I saw the news on television. ***** Choose the right variant The table – and – on – is – there – two – a book - pens A) A book and two pens is there on the table. B) On the table there is two pens and a book. C) On the table there is a book and two pens. D) There is two pens and a book on the table. E)& There is a book and two pens on the table. ***** Choose the right variant Tell – didn’t – me – you – the truth – why? A) Why you didn’t tell me the truth? B)& Why didn’t you tell me the truth? C) Why didn’t you tell the truth me? D) Why the truth didn’t you tell me? E) Why tell me didn’t the truth you? ***** What is the opposite form of the word expensive. A) beautiful B) famous C) cool D) old E)& cheap ***** What is the opposite form of the word empty. A)& full B) cheap C) good D) nice E) beautiful ***** What is the opposite form of the word difficult. A) full B) good C)& easy D) bad E) nice ***** The synonym of the word beautiful is ______. A) soft B) hard C) strong D) weak E)& good-looking ***** The synonym of the word clever. A) stupid B) good C)& intelligent D) hard E) slow ***** Complete the sentence My brother’s daughter is my __. A) granddaughter B) sister C)& niece D) mother E) father ***** Complete the sentence I work for a newspaper. I’m a __. A)& journalist B) politician C) lawyer D) policeman E) doctor ***** Паспорт Номер Вид Вид Правильный Раздел Курс Семестр вопроса занятия сложности ответ 1 Грамматика 2 2 Практ 2 С 2 Лексика 2 2 Сем 1 B 3 1 2 2 СРСП 2 D 4 1 2 2 Сем 2 Е 5 1 2 2 Сем 1 А 6 1 2 2 Сем 2 С 7 1 2 2 Сем 1 В 8 1 2 2 Сем 2 В 9 1 2 2 СРСП 1 А 10 1 2 2 Сем 1 В 11 1 2 2 Сем 2 Е 12 1 2 2 СРСП 2 B 13 1 2 2 СРСП 3 D 14 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 15 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 16 1 2 2 СРСП 1 B 17 1 2 2 СРСП 1 D 18 1 2 2 СРСП 1 B 19 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 20 2 2 2 СРСП 1 A 21 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 22 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B 23 2 2 2 СРСП 1 B 24 2 2 2 СРСП 2 E 25 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B 26 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 27 2 2 2 СРСП 2 A 28 2 2 2 Сем 2 D 29 2 2 2 Сем 2 D 30 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 31 2 2 2 СРСП 2 С 32 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 33 2 2 2 Сем 2 D 34 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B 35 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B 36 2 2 2 СРСП 2 E 37 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 38 1 2 2 СРСП 3 А 39 1 2 2 СРСП 3 B 40 1 2 2 СРСП 3 B 41 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 42 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 43 2 2 2 СРСП 3 C 44 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C 45 2 2 2 Сем 3 А 46 2 2 2 СРСП 3 C 47 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B Номер Тип Уровень Правильный Раздел Курс Семестр вопроса вопроса сложности ответ 48 2 2 2 СРСП 2 A 49 2 2 2 СРСП 3 B 50 2 2 2 СРСП 3 E 51 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C 52 СРСП 3 A

53 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 54 1 2 2 Сем 3 C 55 1 2 2 Сем 1 D 56 1 2 2 Сем 1 D 57 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 58 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 59 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 60 1 2 2 Сем 2 A

Номер Вид Вид Правильный Раздел Курс Семестр вопроса занятия сложности ответ 61 Грамматика 2 2 СРСП 2 B 62 Лексика 2 2 Сем 1 D 63 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 64 1 2 2 СРСП 2 C 65 1 2 2 Сем 1 D 66 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 67 1 2 2 Сем 1 В 68 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 69 1 2 2 СРСП 1 А 70 1 2 2 Сем 1 C 71 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 72 1 2 2 СРСП 2 D 73 1 2 2 СРСП 3 E 74 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 75 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 76 1 2 2 СРСП 1 D 77 1 2 2 СРСП 1 E 78 1 2 2 СРСП 1 A 79 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 80 2 2 2 СРСП 1 A 81 2 2 2 Сем 2 D 82 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C 83 2 2 2 СРСП 1 A 84 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C 85 2 2 2 СРСП 2 A 86 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 87 2 2 2 СРСП 2 D 88 2 2 2 Сем 2 E 89 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 90 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 100 2 2 2 СРСП 2 D 101 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 102 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 103 2 2 2 СРСП 2 E 104 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C 105 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C 106 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 107 1 2 2 СРСП 3 А 108 1 2 2 СРСП 3 C 109 1 2 2 СРСП 3 E 110 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 111 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 112 2 2 2 СРСП 3 A 113 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C 114 2 2 2 Сем 3 D 115 2 2 2 СРСП 3 D 116 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C Номер Тип Уровень Правильный Раздел Курс Семестр вопроса вопроса сложности ответ 117 2 2 2 СРСП 2 D 118 2 2 2 СРСП 3 B 119 2 2 2 СРСП 3 B 120 2 2 2 СРСП 2 A 121 2 2 СРСП 3 B 122 2 2 C

123 2 2 2 Сем 2 D 124 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 125 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 126 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 127 1 2 2 Сем 1 E 128 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 129 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 130 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 131 1 2 2 СРСП 1 C 132 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 133 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 134 1 2 2 СРСП 2 C 135 1 2 2 СРСП 3 A 136 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 137 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 138 1 2 2 СРСП 1 B 139 1 2 2 СРСП 1 E 140 1 2 2 СРСП 1 A 141 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 142 2 2 2 СРСП 1 C 143 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 144 2 2 2 СРСП 2 D 145 2 2 2 СРСП 1 D 146 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B 147 2 2 2 СРСП 2 A 148 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 149 2 2 2 СРСП 2 E 150 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 151 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 152 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 153 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B 154 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 155 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 156 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C 157 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C 158 2 2 2 СРСП 2 D 159 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 160 1 2 2 СРСП 3 A 161 1 2 2 СРСП 3 C 162 1 2 2 СРСП 3 B 163 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 164 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 165 2 2 2 СРСП 3 D 166 2 2 2 СРСП 2 E 167 2 2 2 Сем 3 А 168 2 2 2 СРСП 3 B 169 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B Номер Тип Уровень Правильный Раздел Курс Семестр вопроса вопроса сложности ответ 170 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C 171 2 2 2 СРСП 3 D 172 2 2 2 Сем 3 D 173 2 2 2 СРСП 2 A 174 2 2 2 СРСП 3 B 175 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 176 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 177 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 178 1 2 2 Сем 1 D 179 1 2 2 СРСП 2 C 180 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 181 1 2 2 Сем 3 C 182 1 2 2 Сем 2 B

183 2 2 2 Сем 3 E 184 2 2 2 СРСП 3 D 185 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B Номер Тип Уровень Правильный Раздел Курс Семестр вопроса вопроса сложности ответ 186 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B 187 2 2 2 СРСП 3 C 188 2 2 2 СРСП 3 A 189 2 2 2 СРСП 2 D 190 СРСП 3 C

191 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 192 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 193 1 2 2 Сем 1 E 194 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 195 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 196 1 2 2 СРСП 3 C 197 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 198 1 2 2 Сем 2 B

199 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 200 1 2 2 Сем 3 A 201 1 2 2 Сем 1 B 202 1 2 2 СРСП 1 C 203 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 204 1 2 2 Сем 3 A 205 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 206 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 207 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 208 1 2 2 СРСП 3 A 209 1 2 2 Сем 1 B 210 1 2 2 Сем 1 E 211 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 212 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 213 1 2 2 СРСП 3 B 214 1 2 2 Сем 2 A

215 1 2 2 Сем 1 C 216 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 217 1 2 2 Сем 3 A 218 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 219 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 220 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 221 1 2 2 СРСП 3 A 222 1 2 2 Сем 1 D 223 1 2 2 Сем 1 E 224 1 2 2 СРСП 2 A 225 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 226 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 227 1 2 2 Сем 2 B

228 1 2 2 Сем 1 D 229 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 230 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 231 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 232 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 233 1 2 2 СРСП 2 A 234 1 2 2 Сем 3 A 235 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 236 1 2 2 Сем 1 E 237 1 2 2 СРСП 2 D 238 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 239 1 2 2 Сем 3 A 240 1 2 2 Сем 2 D

241 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 242 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 243 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 244 1 2 2 Сем 3 A 245 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 246 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 247 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 248 1 2 2 Сем 1 C 249 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 250 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 251 1 2 2 Сем 3 A 252 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 253 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 254 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 255 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 256 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 257 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 258 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 259 1 2 2 СРСП 3 A 260 1 2 2 Сем 1 D 261 1 2 2 Сем 1 C 262 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 263 1 2 2 Сем 3 C 264 1 2 2 СРСП 3 D 265 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 266 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 267 1 2 2 Сем 2 B

268 1 2 2 Сем 3 A 269 1 2 2 Сем 2 C

270 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 271 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 272 1 2 2 Сем 3 C 273 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 274 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 275 1 2 2 СРСП 3 A 276 1 2 2 Сем 1 C 277 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 278 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 279 1 2 2 Сем 3 C 280 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 281 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 282 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 283 1 2 2 Сем 2 C

284 СРСП 3 E 285 Сем 1 A

286 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 287 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 288 1 2 2 Сем 3 A 289 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 290 1 2 2 СРСП 2 C 291 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 292 1 2 2 Сем 1 E 293 1 2 2 Сем 1 C 294 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 295 1 2 2 СРСП 3 D 296 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 297 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 298 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 299 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 300 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 301 1 2 2 Сем 3 C 302 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 303 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 304 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 305 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 306 1 2 2 СРСП 1 E 307 1 2 2 Сем 1 D 308 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 309 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 310 1 2 2 Сем 3 C 311 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 312 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 313 1 2 2 Сем 2 A

314 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 315 1 2 2 Сем 3 A 316 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 317 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 318 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 319 1 2 2 Сем 3 C 320 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 321 1 2 2 Сем 1 D 322 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 323 1 2 2 Сем 3 C 324 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 325 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 326 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 327 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 328 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 329 1 2 2 Сем 3 B 330 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 331 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 332 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 333 1 2 2 Сем 3 C 334 1 2 2 Сем 1 E 335 1 2 2 Сем 1 D 336 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 337 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 338 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 339 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 340 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 341 1 2 2 Сем 2 B

342 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 343 1 2 2 Сем 1 C 344 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 345 1 2 2 Сем 3 C 346 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 347 1 2 2 Сем 2 B 348 1 2 2 Сем 3 E 349 1 2 2 Сем 2 C 350 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 351 1 2 2 Сем 3 A 352 1 2 2 Сем 3 D 353 1 2 2 Сем 2 E 354 1 2 2 Сем 2 D 355 1 2 2 СРСП 2 C 356 1 2 2 СРСП 3 C 357 1 2 2 Сем 2 A 358 1 2 2 Сем 1 A 359 1 2 2 СРСП 2 B 360 1 2 2 СРСП 3 E 361 2 2 2 СРСП 3 C 362 2 2 2 Сем 2 E 363 2 2 2 Сем 3 A 364 2 2 2 Сем 3 D 365 2 2 2 Сем 2 D 366 2 2 2 Сем 3 A 367 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 368 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 369 2 2 2 Сем 3 D 370 2 2 2 Сем 3 B 371 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 372 2 2 2 Сем 2 D 373 2 2 2 СРСП 1 B 374 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B 375 2 2 2 Сем 1 A 376 2 2 2 СРСП 3 B 377 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C 378 2 2 2 Сем 1 D 379 2 2 2 СРСП 2 C

380 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 381 2 2 2 Сем 3 B 382 2 2 2 Сем 3 A 383 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 384 2 2 2 Сем 3 B 385 2 2 2 Сем 2 E 386 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 387 2 2 2 Сем 3 D 388 2 2 2 Сем 3 C 389 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 390 2 2 2 Сем 2 D 391 2 2 2 Сем 2 E 392 2 2 2 Сем 3 B 393 2 2 2 Сем 3 C 394 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 395 2 2 2 Сем 3 E 396 2 2 2 Сем 2 D 397 2 2 2 Сем 2 E 398 2 2 2 Сем 3 C 399 2 2 2 Сем 3 B 400 2 2 2 СРСП 2 A 401 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B

402 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 403 2 2 2 Сем 3 B 405 2 2 2 Сем 2 D 406 2 2 2 Сем 2 E 407 2 2 2 Сем 3 E 408 2 2 2 Сем 3 E 409 2 2 2 СРСП 1 C 410 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B

411 2 2 2 СРСП 2 A 412 2 2 2 Сем 3 E 413 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 414 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 415 2 2 2 Сем 3 C 416 2 2 2 Сем 3 E 417 2 2 2 СРСП 2 A 418 2 2 2 СРСП 3 A 420 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 421 2 2 2 Сем 3 E 422 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 423 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 424 2 2 2 Сем 3 C 425 2 2 2 СРСП 3 C 426 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 427 2 2 2 Сем 2 E 428 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 429 2 2 2 Сем 3 A 430 2 2 2 СРСП 3 C 431 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 432 2 2 2 Сем 3 B 433 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 434 2 2 2 Сем 2 B 435 2 2 2 Сем 3 D 436 2 2 2 Сем 3 B 437 2 2 2 СРСП 1 A 438 2 2 2 СРСП 2 B

439 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 440 2 2 2 Сем 3 E 441 2 2 2 Сем 2 A 442 2 2 2 Сем 2 E 443 2 2 2 Сем 3 E 444 2 2 2 Сем 3 B 445 2 2 2 СРСП 1 E 446 2 2 2 СРСП 2 A

447 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 448 2 2 2 Сем 3 E 449 2 2 2 Сем 2 C 450 2 2 2 Сем 2 C

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