FALL 2009 Flex Day August 20, 2009 Welcome back MPC! 8:00 am BREAKFAST SAM KARAS ROOM 8:30 am PRESIDENTS’ ADDRESSES LF 103 . Fred Hochstaedter(Academic Senate), Mark Clements (MPCTA), Brenda Kalina (CSEA) . Dr. Garrison, MPC President and Superintendent 9:45 GENERAL SESSION—ACCREDITATION KICKOFF “What to Expect” LF 103 In this session, members of the Academic Senate will participate in an “open forum” that could be requested by our accreditation visiting team. The goal is to communicate major themes of the accreditation standards to the MPC community and how the MPC self study responds to them. 10:15 BREAK 10:30 KEYNOTE SPEECH Dr. Todd Bernard Weber LF 103 Author of the paper Human Dignity, Dr. Weber earned his BA from California State University, Fullerton, and his MA, PhD from the University of California, Riverside. He has taught Philosophy at Monterey Peninsula College since 2000. 11:30 LUNCH (In the Carolyn Page Garden—Sam Karas Room if rain) Lunchtime activities: Visit your CTA and CSEA leaders. Information for prospective and current union members will be available. 12:30 AN OPEN DISCUSSION: ON THE ECONOMY ACCREDITATION BREAKOUT: TECH TUTORING: STEVE ALBERT STUDENT LEARNING MPC IT staff SAM KARAS ROOM OUTCOMES LTC 203-204 After hearing about the changes that MPC LF103 Drop in “Help” sessions for must make in response to the budget Accreditation standards MPCsites situation, you may be interested in Steve's require participation in the Need some help with MyMPC, bigger picture perspective on how we got SLO-assessment cycle. Does MySite, ClassSites, Moodle (iLearn) here in the first place. MPC meet these standards? …anything?? Please come see how the MPC Drop in with your questions and ask self study has responded to the experts! these standards. Tell us if the self study matches reality from your perspective. 1:30 LET’S TALK ABOUT TEACHING AND ACCREDITATION BREAKOUT: TECH TUTORING: LEARNING PROGRAM REVIEW AND MPC IT STAFF IMPROVING STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PLANNING LTC 203-204 WRITING LF 103 Drop in “Help” sessions for SAM KARAS ROOM Accreditation standards MPCsites Join this “greatest hit” roundtable originally require participation in clear Need some help with MyMPC, held during the Spring ‘09 ”Let’s Talk…” institutional processes for MySite, ClassSites, Moodle (iLearn) series, featuring Louann Baker, California program review and planning. …anything?? Writing Project Teacher Leader and Nancy Does MPC meet these Drop in with your questions and ask Harray, English instructor and reader of UC standards? Please come see the experts! system entrance essays. You won’t want to how the MPC self study has miss this candid and empowering discussion responded to these standards. —“they can do it, and you can help!” Tell us if the self study matches reality from your perspective. 2:30 BOOK DISCUSSION KARAS ROOM Join the Social Sciences faculty in discussing Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World through Islamic Eyes by Tamin Ansary. Copies of the book are on reserve at the MPC library thorough out the summer. CPR BY RESERVATION for 15-20 participants 12:30 – 4:30 pm in Nur 101 Chris Smith, Roger Reed To reserve a space for CPR, please Email Laura Loop: [email protected]