Guided Notes Chapter 1 Providing Safe Food Power Point

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Guided Notes Chapter 1 Providing Safe Food Power Point

Guided Notes – Chapter 2 Forms of Contamination – Power Point

What are the four types of microorganisms/pathogens that can cause foodborne illness?  ______ ______ ______ ______

What six conditions support the growth of bacteria? ______

What two FAT TOM conditions will you be able to control in your operation?  ______ ______

What is the temperature range of the temperature danger zone?  ______

What are some basic characteristics of bacteria?  They ______in and on our bodies  The ______be seen, smelled, or tasted  They can ______if FAT TOM conditions are correct  ______time and temperature can prevent them from causing illness

What are some basic characteristics of viruses?  They are ______by humans and animals  They do not grow in food but they can be ______food  People ______from food, water, or contaminated surfaces  Foodborne illnesses from viruses typically occur through ______-______routes  They are not destroyed by normal cooking temperatures  Practicing good personal ______can ______viruses from causing illness

______on a Chinese take out box can be a physical contaminant.

______from opening a can are a physical contaminant.

______from a fish or other meat are a physical contaminant.

______chemicals in an area around food is a chemical contaminant. ______chemicals near or above food is not a safe practice.

How Contamination Happens (p. 2.2)  ______we use for food  ______, contaminated water, and dirt  ______ Deliberately  Accidentally

People can contaminate food when:  They ______their ______after using the restroom  They are in ______with a person who is sick  They ______or vomit onto food or food-contact surfaces  They ______dirty food-contact surfaces and equipment and then touch food

Biological Contamination Common symptoms of foodborne illness:  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______(yellowing of skin and eyes)

Onset times:  ______on the type of foodborne illness  Can ______from 30 minutes to six weeks

Biological Toxins Origin:  ______in certain plants, mushrooms, and seafood Seafood toxins: Produced by pathogens found on ______fish  Tuna, bonito, mahimahi  ______produced when fish is time-temperature abused Occur in certain fish that _____ smaller fish that have consumed the ______ Barracuda, snapper, grouper, amberjack  Ciguatera toxin is an example Illness:  Symptoms and onset times ______with illness  People will experience ______within ______

General symptoms:  ______or vomiting  Neurological symptoms o ______in extremities o Reversal of hot and cold ______ ______of the face and/or ______ ______breathing  Heart ______

Deliberate Contamination of Food Groups who may ______to contaminate food:  ______or ______ ______current or former staff  Vendors  Competitors FDA defense tool:  ___.___.___.___.___.______A______- Make sure products received are from safe sources L______- Monitor the security of products in the facility E______- Know who is in your facility R______- Keep information related to food defense accessible T______- Develop a plan for responding to suspicious activity or a threat to the operation

Responding to a Foodborne Illness Outbreak  Gather ______o Ask the person for general contact information o Ask the person to identify the food eaten o Ask for a description of symptoms o Ask when the person first got sick  Notify ______o Contact the local regulatory authority if an outbreak is suspected  ______product o Set the suspected product aside if any remains o Include a label with “______” and “______” on it  ______the information o Log information about suspected product o Include a product description, product date, lot number, sell-by date, and pack size  ______staff o Keep a list of food handlers scheduled at time of incident o Interview staff immediately  ______with authorities o Provide appropriate documentation  Review ______o Determine if standards are being met o Identify if standards are not working FOOD ALLERGENS A food allergen is a ______in a food or ingredient that some people are sensitive to. SYMPTOMS OF A FOOD ALLERGY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. COMMON FOOD ALLERGENS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

PREVENTING ALLERGIC REACTIONS The service staff and kitchen staff have responsibility in helping customers avoid allergic reactions to food SERVICE STAFF Describe the dish=

Identifying ingredients=

Suggesting items=

Delivering food=

KITCHEN STAFF Guidelines for using oil to fry=

Avoid cross-contact which is:

Two examples of cross contact are:

Review: Who Am I? 1. ______ I can be transferred to food or equipment by food handlers with feces on their fingers  People become contagious within a few hours of eating me  I am often linked with ready-to-eat food  Excluding staff with diarrhea and vomiting can prevent me from causing further illness

Who Am I? 2. ______ I live in a person’s bloodstream and intestines  I am commonly linked with ready-to-eat food and beverages  I am in a person’s feces for weeks after symptoms have ended  Washing hands and cooking food to minimum internal temperatures can prevent me

Who Am I? 3. ______ I am found in the feces of people I have infected  Flies can transfer me  I am linked with food easily contaminated by hands  Washing hands and excluding food handlers with diarrhea can prevent me Who Am I? 4. ______ I am often linked with ready-to-eat food  I’m often transferred to food by food handlers who have feces on their fingers  Excluding staff with jaundice can prevent me from causing illness  Normal cooking temperatures do not destroy me Who Am I? 5. Enterohemorragic and Shiga-Toxin Producing or ______ I can be found in the intestines of cattle  I produce toxins in a person’s intestines which cause illness  I am found in ground beef and contaminated produce  Excluding food handlers with diarrhea can prevent me from causing an illness

Match the letter of the most important preventation measure for each pathogen in the space provided. Some letters may be used more than once.

1.Bacteria A. Control time and temperature 2. Viruses B. Practice correct personal hygiene 3. Parasites C. Purchase from an approved, reputable source 4. Fungi 5. Plant toxins 6. Mushroom toxins 7. Seafood toxins Put an X next to a food if it is a common food allergen

___lemonade ___twice baked potato ___grilled mushrooms

___Halibut ___diced tomatoes on salad ___tofu

___Bread Flour ___pecan pie ___Nutty Buddy ice cream cone

___Peanut Butter ___quiche ___flounder stuffed with crab

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