L1Quarter 1 Extra Credit Opportunity 13-14

** You may earn up to 10 points of extra credit to be added to the Daily Work Category

Remember to be eligible to do this assignment all of your quarter 1 work must be completed

Historical I-Pod

For this assignment you will pick one person that we have studied this quarter and create a five song long I-Pod playlist for him/her.

Requirements:  Songs should be no older than 50 years and be school appropriate  You will need to include a copy of the lyrics for all songs on the list  Each song will need a paragraph explanation as to why your person would want to listen to it (so 5 paragraphs total)

Format:  Entire project should be typed  Use the title of the song as a heading and then type your paragraph below

Please staple packet in the following order  1st song explanations  2nd song lyrics This is Due no later than Monday November 4th.