Weeks 1-24 STUDY GUIDE (100 Points )
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1 Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______
Weeks 1-24 STUDY GUIDE (100 points!!!)
Directions: Write the correct word from the Word Bank on the appropriate line.
A. Acronym B. Ballad C. Blank Verse D. Allegory E. Analogy
1. ______: a song that tells a story, often a story about love, death, or betrayal.
2. ______: a comparison made between two things to show how they are alike in some respects. 3. ______: A word formed based on the initial letters or syllables of other words.
4. ______: A story with double meaning: a primary meaning or surface meaning (something obvious): and a secondary meaning or an under the surface meaning (something not obvious, but understood with more research).
5. ______: This consists of unrhymed five-stress lines; properly, iambic pentameters. It has become the most widely used of English verse forms and is the one closest to the rhythms of everyday English speech.
Directions: Please write True or False on the appropriate line.
6. ______Analysis: A type of novel where the protagonist is initiated into adulthood through knowledge, experience, or both, often by a process of disillusionment.
7. ______Characterization: The method used by a writer to develop a character.
8. ______Coming-of-age story: Its commonest use is as a title or explanation, usually in a brief paragraph, which is put above a picture, diagram, cartoon, or any kind of illustration.
9. ______Climax: A detailed splitting up and examination of a work for literature. A close study of the various elements and the relationship between them. An essential part of criticism.
10. ______Cliché: An over- used expression, which is life-less.
11. ______Caption: The part of a story or play, at which a crisis/debacle/problem is reached.
Directions: Write the correct word from the Word Bank on the appropriate line. A. Composition B. Comparative Literature C. Colloquy
D. Comic Relief E. Conflict
12. In my ______class, I noticed the Asian fables were close to the Native American ones.
13. I wrote a ______about today’s political issues and how I cannot see the nation’s economy improving in the next five years.
14. The play had an interesting ______between the antagonist and the protagonist.
15. In the tv show, the Simpsons there is always ______.
Created by Christine Shepherd ©2013 2
16. In drama class you will have ______in a play.
Directions: Match the correct word from the Word Bank on the appropriate line.
17.______: Strong prejudice against a particular A. Abstract group of people. B Bibliography C. Alliteration 18. ______: A list of books, essays, and D. Bigotry monographs on a subject; or a list of works of E. Allusion a particular author. This is usually found at the end of a paper.
19. ______: Not concrete. It does not specify one person and may not be entirely true. In a visual form maybe something like a Picasso. All the shapes and colors mix to look like a human, but very well could be something else.
20. ______: A reference to another work of literature, art, to a person, science, pop culture, music, locations, or a historical event.
21. ______: Consonants, at the beginning of the words, are repeated in a sentence. Example: Red Ribbon.
Directions: Please write True or False on the appropriate line.
22. ______: Atmosphere: The mood and feeling, the intangible quality which appeals to extra sensory perception. “Show, not tell” feeling.
23. ______: Annotation: Textual comment in a book. It may consist of a reader’s comment in the margin, or printed explanations done in note form, provided by the editor.
24. ______: Abridged Edition: A condensed version of a work. It may be done to save space or to cut out passages which are thought unsuitable for some sections of the reading public.
25. _____: Ambiguity: A nonfiction story about someone and told by another.
26_____ : Autobiography: where a word, term, notation, sign, symbol, phrase, sentence, or any other form used for communication.
27______: Biography: A nonfiction story about someone else and told by another.
28_____: Addendum: An addition or an appendix to a book.
29______:Assonance: In drama or fiction this type of character opposes the hero or protagonist.
30. ______:Antagonist: Repetition of similar vowel sounds, to achieve a particular effect in the same sentence.
Flip to the next page…. You’re not done yet!
Created by Christine Shepherd ©2013 3
Directions: Fill in the blank line with the correct word from the Word Bank. A. Contrast B. Couplet C. Connotation D. Critique E. Copyright
31.______: If you say “that girl is cool” and you mean she is nice.
32 ______.: The juxtapositions of disparate or opposed images, ideas, or both, to heighten or clarify a scene, theme or episode. To show a difference.
33.______: Until the middle of the 16th century authors had little or no protection against plagiarism, or downright filching and pirating. When this became a serious problem printers’ guilds were granted rights to protect their members. The first English copyright law dates from 1709. Under the 1956 Act the copyright covers an author’s life-time and 50 years thereafter.
34.______: A poetic term of two successive rhyming lines.
35.______: A detailed review and assessment of a literary work.
Directions: Fill in the blank line with the correct word from the Word Bank. A. Dialogue B. Denotation C. Description D. Dramatic Monologue E. Dialect
36. ______is the most literal and limited meaning of a word
37. ______is an effective way to show a character’s inside thoughts.
38. When two characters communicate to each other in a play or novel it is known as ______.
39. The author gave vivid ______to introduce his setting.
40. The phrase “ya’ll” is commonly used in the south and is considered a type of ______.
Directions: Write True or False if the word underlined is used correctly or incorrectly.
41.____ A Hyperbole has a compliment character that displays the other’s attributes by comparison.
42. ____ Nonfiction, fiction, poetry, drama, and myth are examples of genres in literature.
43. ____The novel gave away it’s ending too much with the additional foreshadowing that was not needed.
44. ____Robin is a classic foil to Batman.
45. ____When the audience knows what will happen, but a character does not it is dramatic irony.
46.____ A Haiku is a 17 line poem.
47. ____ Imagery is language that evokes the five senses.
48. ____ When two random objects move in parallel to stimulate creativity it is called Juxtaposition.
49. ____ “He ran like a hare down the street” is an example of figurative language.
50. ____ An exposition does not give information, define, or clarify an idea.
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Directions: Fill in the blank line with the correct word from the Word Bank.
A. Hubris B. Flat Character C. Ethos D Idiom E. Fable
51. A character is said to have ______if his pride leads to his downfall.
52. A ______is one who does not change or alter his or her personality over the course of a narrative
53. An ______uses personified animals or inanimate objects to send a message or moral.
54. ______Ethics!
55. “It’s raining cats and dogs” is an example of an ______.
Directions: Fill in the blank line with the correct word from the Word Bank.
A. Epilogue B. Epithet C. Flashback D. Epic E. Euphemism
56. If I have to go number two that’s a ______for needing to use the restroom.
57. I had a ______of my mother’s cooking.
58. An ______is a piece of writing at the end of a work of literature or drama, that usually brings closure to the work.
59 “America the Beautiful” is an example of an ______.
60. A Long story told in elevated language (usually poetry), which related the great deeds of a larger- than-life hero who embodies the values of a particular society is called an ______.
Directions: The examples should match the term. Pick the one that fits best!
61. A ______reveals a kind of truth, which at first seems contradictory. a. Prologue b. Tone c. Paradox d. Narrator
62. To use logic in order to justify a point of view is known as: a. Logos b. Lament c. Metaphor d. Point of view
63. The voice, or person who is telling a story. a. Point of View b. Motif c. Narrator d. Myth
64. “The bees drank the honey” is an example of a: a. Monologue b. Metaphor c. Flashback d. Ethos
65. If I write from an omniscient perspective and change to third person, it will really mess up the style of my writing. a. Point-of-view b. Round Character c. Narrator d. Flat Character
66. Organization is a recurrent thematic element in Shepherd’s class!
Created by Christine Shepherd ©2013 5 a. Mood b. Motif c. Narrator d. Myth
67. Describes an array of cultural movements rooted in the changes in Western society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. a. Modernism b. Epilogue c. Dialogue d. Blank Verse
68. The ninja sat around and began to ______over the loss of his friend. a. Allude b. Assonance c. Tone d. Lament
69. After reading the short story I determined that the ______was serious. a. Motif b. Myth c. Mood d. Narrator
70. A ______is a traditional story that usually serves to explain a belief, ritual, or mysterious natural phenomenon. a. Biography b. Analogy c. Tone d. Myth
71. Biographies and Autobiographies are examples of ______. a. Allegory b. Nonfiction c Anagram d. Allusion
72. “Buzz Buzz” is an example of: a. Onomatopoeia b. Narrator c. Hubris d. Anagram
73. Lots of television ads use ______to appeal to a person’s emotion. a. Paradox b. Pathos c. Logos d. Lament
74. That imitation of me was humorous for all involved. ______a. Parody b. Hubris c. Pun d. Connotation
75. “Living Dead” is an example of a ______. a. Tone b. Mood c. Metaphor d. Oxymoron
76. ______are punny! a. Puns b. Logos c. Haiku d. Pathos
77. There was much discussion, evaluation, and interpretation also known as ______in my English class. a. Literary Criticism b. Analogy c. Myth d. Mood
78. The ______is intended to introduce a drama. a. Prologue b. Conflict c. Plot d. Epilogue
79. To give human-like qualities to inanimate objects is called: a. Mood b. Personification c. Copyright d. Euphemism
80. The main character in a story is known as the ______. a. Flat Character b. Protagonist c. Parody d. Antagonist
Directions: Fill in the blank line with the correct word from the Word Bank. A. Prose B. Realism C. Rhyme D. Round Character E. Satire
81. ______: is a character who changes or evolves over the course of a narrative or appears to have the capacity for such change, the character is also dynamic.
82. ______: is writing that resembles everyday speech.
Created by Christine Shepherd ©2013 6 83. ______: a literary tone used to ridicule or make fun of human vice or weakness, often with the intent of correcting, or changing, the subject of the attack.
84. ______: in the visual arts and literature is the depiction of subjects as they appear in everyday life, without embellishment or interpretation.
85. ______: Repetition of accented vowel sounds, and all sounds following them, in words that are close together in a poem.
Directions: Fill in the blank line with the correct word from the Word Bank.
A. Setting B. Short Story C. Simile D. Soliloquy E. Sonnet
86. ______: fourteen-line lyrics poem that is usually written in iambic pentameter and that has one of several rhyme schemes.
87. ______: Long speech in which a character who is onstage alone expresses his or her thoughts aloud.
88. ______: is the comparison of two unlike things using like or as.
89. ______: The time and place of a story or play
90. ______: short, concentrated, fictional prose narrative.
Directions: Write True or False if the word underlined is used correctly or incorrectly.
91. ______A Stereotype is sometimes referred to as a "B story" or a "C story" and so on, is a secondary plot strand that is auxiliary to the main plot.
92. ______A symbol is a person, place, thing, or event that stands for itself and for something beyond itself as well.
93. ______The speaker is a voice that is talking to us in a poem.
94. ______The subplot is a simplified and/or standardized conception or image with specific meaning, often held in common by people about another group
96. ______A theme is a play that depicts serious and important events in which the main character comes to an unhappy end. Example: Romeo and Juliet.
97. ______The speaker’s tone is the attitude a writer takes towards a subject or character: serious, humorous, sarcastic, ironic, satirical, tongue-in-cheek, solemn, objective.
98. ______A Tragedy is a broad idea in a story, or a message or lesson conveyed by a work. This message is usually about life, society or human nature.
99. ______Wit is a form of intellectual humor.
100. ______Voice is the writer’s or speaker’s distinctive use of language in a text.
Created by Christine Shepherd ©2013