Latvijas Universitātes Akadēmiskā Amata Pretendenta Zandas Penēzes Dzīves Un Darba Gājums (Cv)

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Latvijas Universitātes Akadēmiskā Amata Pretendenta Zandas Penēzes Dzīves Un Darba Gājums (Cv)

Curriculum Vitae

1. Juris Paiders Date of birth: 28.08.1963. E-mail address: [email protected] 2. Education and qualification Izglītība:

2005.-2008. University of Latvia, Faculty of - obtained the diploma of the Geography and Earth Sciences, PhD doctor of sciences in geography studies

1993. University of Latvia, Faculty of - obtained the diploma of the Geography and Earth Sciences, PhD master in geography studies

1981.-1986. University of Latvia, Faculty of - geographer Geography

Kursi: 1994. Voice of America programme of economic journalism

British council training programme „Science 2006. communications” Edinburg (UK)

Present position:

2009.- University of Latvia, Faculty of - assistant professor Geography and Earth Sciences,

Teaching experience: Latvian settlement and economic geography (BSc study program in Geography). Transport Geography (BSc study program in Geography). Logistics and Transport Geography (Mc study program in Geography). Territorial systems (Mc study program in Geography). Economic geography (Mc study program in Geography). Environmental and Earth Science Communication (Mc study program in Geography). Public Relations of Geography and Earth Sciences(Mc study program in Geography).

Research experience Research directions: Transport Geography Geography of religions Economic geography and mathematical methods in geography Commercial geography Participation in research projects: European Development Fund financed project "Baltic Sea - Asia Agenda for Regions in a Globalising World '(project acronym - BASAAR) 2010 (Expert)

1 Supervision of 1 Master Thesis (for the last 3 years) Supervision of 10 Bachelor Thesis (for the last 3 years) 4. Publications

Monographs and textbooks: Paiders J. (2010) Latvijas iedzīvotāju skatījums uz ilgtspēju kā dzīvesveidu undzīves ritma elementu. Grām. Vide un ilgtspējīga attīstība /Māra Kļaviņa un Jāņa Zaļokšņa redakcijā Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2010.- 317.-319. lpp.

Most important publications 1. Paiders J., Paiders J. (2012) Quantitative Measurement of Cross-Border Interactions (Example Of Africa) Regional Formation and Development Studies (Homan Resources – the Main Factorof Regional Development).- Journal of Social Sciences 1 (6).- Kaipeda: Faculty of Social Sciences Klaipėda University.- 74-82 pp. EBSCO coverage. 2. Paiders J., Paiders J. (2010) Measuring Influence of Neighbour Effect on Sustainable Development of Countries. Homan Resources – the Main Factorof Regional Development.- Journal of Social Sciences No3.- Kaipeda: Faculty of Social Sciences Klaipėda University.- 29-35 pp. 3. Paiders J. (2009) EU Cohesion Policy Crisis in Latvia. Journal of Nordregio 9(1) 20.-21. 4. Paiders J. (2008) Status of environmental protection as a source of finance for regional economic development: measurement of environmental and regional policy with the Fisher function. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 16(1) 45-55.

Other publications (reports, popular science publications etc) 1. Paiders J. (2008) Relationship Between Corruption Level Changes and Economic Growth in the World and Europe/ Research for Rural Development 2008: Annual 14-th International Scientific Conference Proceedings Jelgava, Latvia. Jelgava, Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 2008.- 39-46.lpp. 2. Paiders J. (2008) How nature protection restrictions affect economic development? An example of municipalities from the North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve, Latvia. Economic, social and cultural aspects in biodiversity conservation: Proceedings of 1st North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve scientific conference of 23 November, 2006, Valmiera ,Latvia (ed. Opermanis, O., Whitelaw. G.). Pres of the University of Latvia, 73-82 p. 3. Paiders J.(2008) IKP uz vienu iedzīvotāju aizvietošana ar citu parametru reģionālās attīstības līmeņa mērījumos Latvijā / The replacement of GDP per capita with a different parameter in regional development level measurements in Latvia. Latvijas Universitātes Raksti. Vadības zinātne. Sērija 717. Rīga Latvijas Universitātes izdevniecība. 94.-118. lpp. 4. Paiders J., Stūre I. (2007) Relation between spread of cultural heritage and indicators of regional development: case of Latgale region (Latvia). Research for Rural Development 2007: International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Jelgava, Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 2007.- 271-278.lpp. 5. Paiders J. (2007) Status of Environmental Protection as a Source of Finance for Regional Economic Development: Measurement of Environmental and Regional Policy with the Fisher Function. Aplinkos apsaugos inžinerija/ Environment Protection Engineering. Vilnius: Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos Universitetas, 216.-222. p. 6. Paiders J. (2007) Geographical locations and EU Structural funds distribution: Do locations have an impact on funding? The Recent Development of the European Union: Challenges and Experience: The 3fd scientific volume. Klaipeda University Facilty of Social Sciences Regional Policy and Planning Institute, Baltic Sea Region University Network, Institute of Political Sciences and International Relation (Vilnius University)/ ed. Stasys Vaitekunas, Ligita Simanskiene, Tadeusz Palmowski. Klaipeda, Klaipedos universiteto leidykla, 2007.- 88.-94.lpp. 2 Awards: Awarded to 1991. the Participant of Barricades, the participation of Latvian independence in defending the 1991st January - August

Additional information on professional activities: From 1981 member of the Latvian Geographical Society 1995 Latvian Press Publishers and Editors Association President 1995 - 2001. European Busines Press, (EBP) Latvian representative. From 2007 President of the Latvian Union of Journalists

11.10.2012. /J. Paiders/


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