Rideshare Emergency Taxi Home Scheme

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Rideshare Emergency Taxi Home Scheme

TAG 10th Feb 2006 Paper 4

Transport Advisory Group 10th February 2006

Travel Plan Coordinator’s Report

Brief description of the paper The paper reports on the submission made through the Planning & Budgeting process for support for Travel Plan - related projects to be funded from Small Works budget. The paper contains the proposed guidelines for introducing an Emergency Ride Home Scheme for Edinburgh RideShare users. It also contains the proposed guidelines for use of University of Edinburgh Pool Bikes. The University currently has two pool bikes used by Works Division staff. The Travel Plan Coordinator plans to increase this number across all the University sites, for business journeys. Lastly the University’s response to two Consultations is mentioned – on Parking and a Revised Local Transport Strategy.

Action requested TAG is invited to note the Small Works bid list, approve the introduction of the Emergency Ride Home Scheme and approve the guidelines for use of pool bikes.

Resource implications The introduction of the Emergency Ride Home in other large organisations has led to increased participation in car share schemes with very little actual take-up of claims for reimbursement of taxi or other expenses where a rideshare has broken down due to an emergency. Expenditure will be closely monitored and reviewed annually.

Risk Assessment Does the paper include a risk analysis? No.

Equality and Diversity Does the paper have equality and diversity implications? No

Any other relevant information? None

Freedom of information Can this paper be included in open business? Yes

Originator of the paper Fiona Simon, Travel Plan Coordinator February 2006

Page 1 of 7 A. Small Works Project Proposals for 2006/07 Total Bid for 2006/07 - £123,530.50

College of Science and Engineering Secure Cycle Store at Ashworth Labs Including galvanised steel coated frame siding and roof with self closing gate and independent power for swipe card lock and presence detection lighting Secure Cycle Store at Swann Building Including galvanised steel coated frame siding and roof with self closing gate and independent power for swipe card lock and presence detection lighting Secure Cycle Store at Multi-storey Car Park Including galvanised steel cage band roof with self closing gate and independent power for swipe card lock and presence detection lighting Secure Cycle Store at Weir Building Including galvanised steel coated frame siding and roof with self closing gate and independent power for swipe card lock and presence detection lighting Sub-Total £55,600

College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Cycle parking provision at Chancellors Building in partnership with LUHT Including galvanised steel coated frame siding and roof with self closing gate and independent power for swipe card lock and presence detection lighting Kennedy Tower Shower cubicle, Shower unit, Plumbing and Drainage, Ventilation, new floor and floor coverings, Wall cladding and ceiling, Electrical installation light and vent, Decoration and Sundry furniture. Sub-Total £22,724

College of Humanities and Social Sciences Secure cycle store at Holyrood Campus Including galvanised steel coated fram siding and roof with self closing gate and independent power for swipe card lock and presence detection lighting Shower at Medical School, Teviot Place Shower cubicle, Shower unit, Plumbing and Drainage, Ventilation, new floor and floor coverings, Wall cladding and ceiling, Electrical installation light and vent, Decoration and Sundry furniture. Cycle parking provision in Alison House/Hill Place/Richmond Place area Cycle racks/secure rail Sub-Total £31,496.50

Multi-site projects Signage to public transport and cycle facilities Provision for solo motorcycles Sub-Total £13,710 Total Bid for 2006/07 £123,530.50

Page 2 of 7 B. Edinburgh Rideshare Emergency Ride Home Scheme Proposals

The Edinburgh RideShare scheme was introduced in September 2004 and now has 192 users. Many other organisations that run such as scheme also provide staff with the facility of an Emergency Ride Home.

One of the biggest barriers to using RideSharing is if a RideShare partner that is relied on for a lift has to leave early or rush home unexpectedly. The Emergency Ride Home Scheme would offer reimbursement of a public transport or taxi journey from work to home.

TAG should also note that the most recent guidance from Inland Revenue (Nov 2005) states: ‘If an employee who normally shares a car has to go home early because of a domestic emergency, the employer can pay the cost of the journey home. There will be no tax or NICs to pay if the circumstances could not have been anticipated or planned for’.

Funding has already been identified for this in the Travel Plan Budget for the remainder of 2005/06 and a bid made for 2006/07. Examples of costs for running schemes:

Organisation Cost per year Derriford Hospital, Plymouth £5 Derbyshire County Council £24 Npower, Worcestershire £23

The Terms and Conditions of the Emergency Ride Home Scheme 1. The Emergency Ride Home is for emergency use only. 2. The Emergency Ride Home shall not be available if you have been notified in advance before the end of the previous day that you will not be able to car share home or overtime has been scheduled in advance. 3. The Travel Plan Coordinator shall monitor the use of the Emergency Ride Home. High levels of use could result in the availability of the Emergency Ride Home being withdrawn for individual users. 4. Before being eligible for the Emergency Ride Home Scheme users should first attempt to contact the Travel Plan Coordinator to see if another registered RideShare driver can assist. 5. Failing an alternative RideShare arrangement being available the user should investigate: i. A Public transport option i.e. bus or train ii. A taxi ride 6. Details for public transport and taxi companies will be made available on the Transport web site at www.transport.ed.ac.uk/RideShare. 7. The attached form will then be completed along with the receipt to claim any expenses incurred. 8. If they are confirmed as being a RideShare member i.e. registered on the system payment of expenses will be made.

Page 3 of 7 Edinburgh University

Edinburgh Rideshare Emergency Ride Home Scheme Claim Form

Personal details

Name (Block Capitals):

Personnel/Student Number:

Address (Block Capitals):


Date and time of journey



Cost of fare £

How often do you RideShare to work?


I certify that the above emergency journey was necessitated due to my RideShare journey failing.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Please ensure that you attach the relevant receipt with this form and return to:

Transport Office Charles Stewart House 9 Chambers St, EH1 1HT

The RideShare member will be liable for the fare if this form and a valid receipt are not produced.

Page 4 of 7 C. University of Edinburgh Pool Bike Scheme

Pool Bike Guidance Notes All employees who wish to use a Pool Bike on University business must sign the Declaration below confirming that they are fit and able to ride a bicycle and have read these Guidance Notes.

Health and Safety It is a contractual requirement of the University that its employees comply with both Health and Safety legislation and the Road Traffic Act at all times. Please also familiarise yourself with the Cycling section of the Highway Code http://www.highwaycode.gov.uk/cyclists.htm e.g. Obey traffic signs and traffic light signals at all times. If an employee is prescribed lenses to correct their distance vision, these should be worn at all times when using the bicycle. Inform your manager of any medical condition which may affect your ability to perform your work, or if you are pregnant. All employees should consider their personal safety at all times when cycling, please refer to the insurance information if you are in a collision

Maintenance and Use Users should ensure that any maintenance, repairs, concerns or defects to the cycle are reported to the Travel Plan Coordinator as soon as is practicable on 651 4288 or to [email protected] . The Transport Office will then ensure that the affected cycle remains out of action until such a time that the repairs, maintenance, concerns or defects have been dealt with. This will be done by clearly placing an 'out of action' notice on the cycle and a lock to prevent unauthorised use. Cycles will be subjected to quarterly checks by a contracted qualified bike mechanic. Users should carry out a series of daily maintenance checks before using the bicycle. Further advice can be found at http://www.sustrans.org.uk/webfiles/travelsmart/maintenance.pdf The University advises that a helmet be worn at all times whilst using the pool bike as detailed in the highway code http://www.highwaycode.gov.uk/03.htm. A helmet is supplied, alternatively you may use your own helmet. Please refer to the following guidance for advice on the correct adjustment of the helmet. http://www.lcc.org.uk/index.asp?PageID=122. The user should also wear appropriate clothing for cycling, including a high visibility tabard. This has also been supplied by the University. Front and rear lights MUST be used whenever light or visibility is poor. Employees are reminded to check that both FRONT and REAR lights are working, even if they set off in conditions of good visibility. Employees will be provided, if necessary, with instructions on how to alter the bike to meet their own requirements, e.g. Saddle & handlebar adjustments, and gear use. Before use check the following:  · the bell works  · there are no loose parts (carrier, handlebars, mudguards)  · the tyres are in good condition  · the brakes are working  · the frame and forks are not worn or damaged  · the chain is well lubricated and at the correct tension with guard in place (if present).  · the saddle is secure and at the correct height (you should be able to reach the ground when seated in the saddle)  · both front and rear lights are fitted during the hours of darkness or in poor visibility, and that they are clean and working correctly  · Any rear panniers, if fitted, are secure in place and not interfering with rear wheel, brakes or gears.  · Your clothing is tucked away and cannot catch in the wheels you can use the provided reflective ankle bands stored in pannier.  · Important: any defects which cannot be rectified by you should be reported to Transport Office, and the bicycle MUST NOT be taken out. Page 5 of 7 When riding:  Always use the appropriate gear for the terrain or when moving off.  Look well ahead for drains, potholes, parked cars and obstructions. Where a significant hazard exists, eg a large pothole, contact Clarence by e mail, phoning 0800 232323 or online to report to City of Edinburgh Council  Keep both hands on the handlebars except when signalling or changing gear.  When braking apply both brakes together.  Keep both feet on the pedals.  Do not continue to cycle if you have a puncture - if necessary call for a taxi.  Do Not cycle on the pavement unless on a dedicated cycle path.  Do Not ride too close behind another vehicle or cyclist.  Do Not carry anything that will affect your balance or may get tangled up with your chain or spokes.  Do Not use a personal audio player or use a mobile phone when riding a bicycle.  Do Not leave your cycle where it would endanger or obstruct other road users or pedestrians.

Security Please lock the frame and the front wheel (it is quick release) to a solid object – preferably a bike rack in an area of high visibility. Staff should never resist someone attempting theft.

Health Advice Staff should be fit to ride a cycle. An employee with concerns over their fitness to ride a bike should seek their doctor’s advice before first using the pool bike. Any employee who experiences chest pains and / or breathing difficulties whilst using a University bike should stop and seek medical advice immediately.

Insurance The University has a duty of care to members of the public and their property / premises. There is a Public Liability Policy in force, which covers that legal liability. If an employee is injured as a result of an incident where there is a third party, then they are free to seek legal advice in order to pursue their own claim. Damage to the bike, if caused by a third party, may be recoverable by the Insurance Section.

University of Edinburgh Pool Bike Scheme

Declaration I confirm that I have read and understood the Pool Bike Guidance Notes. I confirm that to the best of my knowledge I am fit and competent to safely ride a bicycle. I confirm that I will report any concerns or defects relevant to the cycle to the Travel Plan Coordinator immediately on its return. If such defect is such as to render the cycle unsafe or unroadworthy the Travel Plan Coordinator should be informed immediately the defect arises and the cycle taken out of use.

Signed: Date:

Print name:

Job title:


Work Phone no: Home Phone no:

Please Return to: Fiona Simon, Travel Plan Coordinator, Energy and Sustainability Office, 9 Chambers St, EH1 1HT

Page 6 of 7 D. Consultation Responses

Parking Consultation The University responded to the City of Edinburgh Council Parking Strategy Review 2006 in January and, in line with the University’s proactive approach set out in the Integrated Transport Policy 2000, offered support for the Parking Strategy’s objectives and supported the Parking Strategy overall.

Local Transport Strategy All local authorities in Scotland have been asked to prepare a further revision to their “Local Transport Strategy” setting out their spending plans for the next 3-5 years, and their approach to improving transport over the longer term. The City of Edinburgh Council intends to publish its Strategy in November 2006 and is asking stakeholders for their comments by 24th February. Members of TAG are invited to review the Draft Strategy mounted at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/transportedinburgh/lts.html and feed comments in to the Travel Plan Coordinator.

Fiona Simon, Travel Plan Coordinator February 2006


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