Cnuhed Can Dla|mte A ground-up garbago ean Cloudy wHh ohoiKta of trrtn- flguroB in tho broach of tho tag rain tonight eti«fifa«g $0 peace anoot today of a Rock­ rate latar. Low 19 9o » . Ita- ville nMm. morrow cloudy, ocoosionol rate Ronald Oodftoy, S3, ol 150 LONDON (A P )-John Lennon Manchester A CUy of VUtsige Charm Ukoly. ngh about M. : St, w«a arrested on aald In an hotar vlow puMtalwd a w arrant laauod by clreuK *V0L. LXXXVIU, NO. »1 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES-TWd SECTnONB) by Sheriff Pmi a court 13. The allegod incident today that he and Idp fellow l^ C H E S T E R , CONN., FRIOAT. JANUARY 17, 1M9 PRICE TEN CENTV ■womsy arho araa a koy wltneas took place Jan. 4. lean heavily on the so-called will ho btolee In six Mancfiester Red CroM Blood officiAle *re pldMed to leave any oMsen in poverty.” today because ot the overwhelming reraonae by Mood In tha Roy Darwin mimdsr trial Thia, according to police, “New Boonomica.” months If thair otgatdmiioto— Cutting taxes and raising gov- M em han of Om OOiswil of donors at yeaterday’s Bloodmobile visit to the Con­ wUeh aadad yiatarday. was the way it haig>ensd. Apple goes on losing money aft Ntora of tho throat to Saroo- Oodfkoy put out a non-rsgu- ermnent spending In periods of Bconomic Adriaen, cord ia Lutheran Ohurch, Pitkin St. l4 lK . Om - noy*a UfO had boon wtthbeid lotlon trash can. An employe economic slowdown, the oppos­ port was sUbmUtod tho preetrt rate. U m 160-pint quota waa sbat- — ------^ W tm U i WM b> tai Wind- until after tha vordlot waa d«- of the A. J. Ryan Refuse Co., ite when booms threaten to got theft of tha Prasldant, andoraod Lonnonfe atatamooit immedl- terad as 197 pinta w an oollaot- | q ^ Oene CooBMUgb, Hartwrt Back JFK Shooting Claims, Kvaoad in the Tolland County threw tils can and its con­ out of hand; higher interest the scooamte tactlos follownd in stoly brought a denial that the ed. 'Mns. Btalne Sweet, bead of gpicer. H m m « n BO oaUnc Iw an. Superior Court room. tents into tho truck and rates in inilationsiy times, low­ hia budgsit and prodictad they (xsnpany was In deep finanotal th e R ed O nm Manchester of- George B. Wood, Harry Tho throatanlng note arhtoh ground them up. er ones in nisiek periods. ■houM a ct to hold prtoe in- trouble but an admtaaion that its f!loe aaid, “We are very pleas- ^n . Sblricy W iU , W»- U.S., North Viet Officials 'Mn. BuMok f. Dwrd waa recaivad on Monday waa ' Annoyed by Uda, Godfrey But the President salQ there creaaas to around 5 par oont In mannfoaieBft la undatgoing ed; wa never expected anythtog Haddan. Mia. Doris Soon, M n. Bomwh JoM Dowd, 77, hand wrifttan and abort and In is alleged to have started to also must >be other atepo. One of 1958„ oomparad with 5 per oent change. hke this.’’ Rslph Itaooarons, Mia.' Bvoiyn Garrison's Aides, Ordered swear and call the omjdoye in 1958. tt a Pooil flt., wMow o( Bd- affoot anid that "tlmo fo abort,” these, tw said, is steady Im­ Tha Irtervtew with Lsaxm At ttonsa during the day, BeH, C. Jamea Oamaratta, lira, B aO etln mants from the National Arc- were (xirraat as detallad te Qie word Dowd, died Uda momln* for Saraanoy. vile names and then struck provement in the producttvlty of The ecoHomisto aald they had denon bad to watt to be pro- Aim Kehl, Mtaa Omdaoe waa published by a pop music OABBnON ABBS DELAY hives tor the New Orleans trial Warran report snd prove he vraa ■ft • Mannlwtliir oomralMcent Aooording to Vernon Pottee him. He la acheduled to ap­ American industiiaa and work­ been graaftly aurpriaed at the weekly. Disc and Music Echo.' cesaSId and some bad to laava Damato, WUUam C. Andtnon, pear. In Rockville Circuit ______^ AUtm of tho hioomo surtax to next week of Dr. Clay Shaw on ttiot twtee from beUkid. bam*. Chiaf Bdmund Daryor, the m at­ ers. Another is voluntary agiee- In it tho 38-year-old Beatle waa beoauae of appolntmenia eiae- csiarlea IVanohi. 1 NEW OBLBANB (AP) — ^tergea of con^jiirteg to murder The paM report, dealing with Court 13, Jan. 31. inert by both burineaa th* economy more during where. M n. Sweet aaid (hat ax* Also, Dana Evans,' Roger Ite . Dowd.wM bom June S, ter la being InveoUgat ed by ttioiatox quoted as saying:^ Tba dtetrlet aitatiM|y*B oflloa autopsy photographs snd X rays, Okay Conference Tables IMll la Foctedown, County Ar- Major Samual Romo of the to restrain themaelrvea in raising the Mat faak of 1968, but asld tira nurses could have bean used Hence, Norman Hoimaa, 9^sd ^te a dtamailo last mlwiilii that the tax and ihe toderal “We haven’t got half the mon­ "You have aUeged you have was made public by the Justioe Irrtaad, and had lived ■tato poUeo. He baa tha original Maaa., aald Johnson had taken prices and demanding wage, ey people think we have. R’s yesterday to help with the venesia, Dr. Ricbard Dembo, -ntava today aokad far a oon- ■ubetantlal evldenee tailleta Department, IB Manchaatar tor about 50 letter which waa mallod fMwi ”a courageous course” in rec­ boosts. budget auipluB should toko bold donon. Mn. Louise Musriiho, Mrs. ^ttenaaca te ihe trial of OUy PMMB (AP) —Amarican and In the first nbc mentha of 1869 been pie-fn-the-aky from the vraro fired from two (Braotlata” The pbotognqihs and X rays yaara. A m waa a mambar at S t Rooky OU. ommending iiKuoaaed welfare Johnson said hn reoommnnd- start. Apple’s losl^ money ev­ Walk-In donors mmhered 107, Jahet Wright, M n. Conrtance "L. Bbasr, Boenied of ooaspir- H®ltookteW Nuna V. Bertel Jr., were placed In the case of the North Vlatnameae offirtala ta- while those with appointments Tomesuk, Mias Carolyn Griln- Mhfy*« Bpiaoopal Church. Darwin, who waa fowid guil­ ^lending, aitd *T hope that ed a ISJi hillloa budget aurphia * “rignlficart ery week beoauae it needs P*»- launsta of the 1960’a. Wo wiU not ment aayitig managerial The iMXt regular BloodRio- menta ttiat would ohanga tha X rays. ^ *w®tery (XHumandier te m nam branee at St. Mary*a the news for five years. must wait to see what Mk. Nbt- relax to count or oonaoUdafte our changes were being made. bile vioit will be Feb. 16 at 8t nMtbod of aleetl]« UA prsol- X. Ju d ^ Ohaxtoa Hallaok ot the Warren Oomml~ 8st(m said .. he Vieftmm, conferred today with ordar, hut It was ao vague and amMguoua aa to baoloud any Chardi. After the verdict was de­ on pnboses.” ^ addition to maintaining gahw. We wiM not rrtieaft from ”Wb have ow buain eawnan Mary*a Cburch from 1:46 to dents are pending in the Senate. Court of General Seattone tasued was shot from the rear only. Prealdenft Nguyen Van Ttatou on livered K was revealed that at prasporily with prion stahllUy, the unprecedented and wer are doing our stream- 6:90 p.m. One, tatnoduced Wednsaday .tha ordH' te firm tarma aa Oar- Thuraday, a panel of medioal U.S. troop wMhdrawata oixl a paitioipant’a (dolm to vlotory. mtnd J. Pepin leeud four aheiifto and aeven B^flhop Sheen Slip* Johnson said the Nfaoon admlnia- we have achieved. T h is ____ lining," tita atatemart said. Thssa donora naaobiJ gallon by gaiL Biroh Bayh, D>IBd., rStaon’a aldea attempted to get experts which met to eeoret last possible oease-ftes in light of ttw Tha vaguoneoa of the arraaga- m ifred Jbaeph Peptai, 88, plain (doftbea state tnxqrera trwllon would took three otbar will remain on the march.” “Our records ore hits. Our marks ysstaiday: would abottah tbs Blsotoral Ool- of the autopsy doou- year said the autopsy findtega break in the peace talks dead- ment aaamad diUbatwte. •mnecly of Mancheatar, died were guarding Sweeney. On Ice, Breaks Aim inajor probtams. He ^ economic mtaBM are magnified. Our fu­ Six gaUoos: Mna Vsnnloa toga and provlda tor teseiioB of look. Tba Franeh g ovanuuwnt yaataid ay a t an out-of'ftawtt BOCMBfiTBR, N.Y. (AP) — desesribed loom im s w ay. moiiinga to put in a last plug for ture ta mag.-Jficert.”' Avery. tba Prasidsrt and vloa priaidint qtdokiy produoad tba tshira The meeting took plaoe leoa the Mg round one and tha two eoBwalaacaHt homo. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of the ”We must more fully soouyo num nota proposalsb aub- A opokeaman added: “What Flva gallons: Wanen Coons, by popular vcita. than 34 iMun after an ao- Ha waa bom on Aprfl 18, Roman Oatbrtlc Dioceoe of the foundaifoai of th* wortd po- ndttod pcwriously, wMch he said John oakTin the interview was Four gallons: MM. Bdna The other, taftroduead by Ssn- tooaH onas^ aarti 5H foot long GOPs Complain nounoement from Paria that the by 8 feet wide. 1881 in Quebec, Canada. Be­ Rochester is In St. Mary’s Hos­ netary ayalem and of our own would mean a hotter Ufe tor true. What Apple aaya now ta caniatsnosn. Bam J. Brvta Jr., I>N.C, would United States,. North Vtatnam« Drawing from today’s edition of Russian newspa­ Sokolov. The ships docked in oibit yesterday and Itepreaentattvaa of the Antari- fore Ida rattmeMBt he worked LBJTs Budget pital today after breakltv his faalanoe of paymanta. Armrioans. trua. The times they are Three gallons: Bari Biaasll. reform tha Btoototal Ooiiags. Czech Student’s Note South Vietnam and the Viet per Pravda depicts rendezvous in earth orbit of So­ ■a a pataiter^at Hartford Hoa- left arm in a taU Wednesday ”W« must fulfill our msny un- Those iis4uit«d expanded a’changtag.” Two galkna, MIo. Mary H. To pass, elibsr amsndmsiit Cong’s Ntafional UbataMon they separated after the transfer of two crewmen, can and North Vtotoonuaa dala- pMad. night. His condition was good. met pubUe noeda such as good arufts and loans to bring a c(fi- After a meeting, aft Apple Palmsr, Mra. Martha Montany would have to win a ftwb'thlrds Frooft wHl begin four-way talks viet space ships Soyuz 4 and Soyuz Q. Drawing is who landed today. The other ship remained in or­ ftatlona arrivad oaporately at J^kwluces D eficit A hospital ^Mkoamon said the eduoaton, effictart tranapoita- tags sdueafthm in tha naidi tha farmer Hotri MaJeatio, now . Survlvora Inchide a daughter, headquarters Wadneoday n i|^ and Hsns L. Bonn. majority vote In hoib bousno of Saturday. by Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov and painter A- Mra. Mary Hl l-K ■*"».**■ 2: £ ss There are no calling houra. will produce a deficit Inatead of efita, land expandon of ihe food were losing money he was talk­ Viet Invosloa of OweftM^vakia. ^ demanded with- Nguyan Qu> Ity and Forrign ar the tabtea apaelfled hy tha stamp program. Three Cosmonauts The John F. Tierney Fun<*rsJ the surplus fiiat Johnaon ing about giving too much away Tha I-”— raid a wnam «ni ***** troops the gov- Minister Tran Chonh Thaidi. AaMTloaa-Noith Vtetnamaaa Home, 818 W. Center St., la (dalmed. Breakthrough Scored He said also that the gold to the wrong people. We have ^ «nunent could say it was lmp(M- The Mormant said the leadero agreament reached Thurofoty, in (huge of arrangrnnenta. Domiootata, meanwhile, indi­ price should stay at $85 an given too . much to (diarity. ria Moboney, Raymond Lorlvae, <■ • ^ demands fitacuased “a whole spectrum oT they found that the whole align­ cated they wfil wait to see Pros- ounos, that aa urban — ° t-* We’ve Jinft been too generous **• accomplished te flva-aitage” fwnearly twhoum . ‘Soft-land’ in Snow ment otretobed 29 feat, too kx« I^iiiaa Tnod ident-eleot Nixon’s leglalatlve On Talks Procedures tranqwrtiaiion trust fund should and that’s going to atop.” Roland Jones, Paul A. Boris, ^ esrsBdatas In diraot ^ minutes,” said one student lead- Topics included: to fit into the conforooco room Thomaa TUccl, 80, of 3044 program before they act to put (Oonttnoed Page One) be created out of auto eoGcIsetax Rumors circulated through •ROMC « . fTankim, ttoMna A. ^ ^ ^ 4IT ^ AU —Withdrawal of American MOSCOW (A P) — l^iree "How are you feeling, dear PoraBal to the walls. Mancheater Rd., Olaatonbury, revenues, and that Ccn^TcflB Beauoage, Weaiey MBea, MM. S j^ n o ta a Jolmaui’s proposals for fidl namese, Nguyen Phong the London’s pop music world that flirt tot^ S i troopB. how many and how soon, Soviet cosmonauts in the <**• asked them. died thla morning at Mapchea- fiswling of welfaie programa brtore 1ft finally gets down to ahoidd resist the efforts of pro- Harrison and Lennan bad a Dianne Btt), Andrew Mangano, oatvad. fitet lot, ^ letter added. “ ^ . -A truoe, whlcb oouU magn, SpacMilil) S qxuz 'Hiwilri tn , "H q words, ran expraas4L... WUhr th e a g raamont o t fii* talking albout how to arftikve South Vtatanmese sird Mrs. teotlcnirta to erect trade bar- Miss Margaret B. MUlkem. ,n» current Eteotoral College ViUttaUYOlbald B et^l^e a 4 ^ Ota*^**®<^ « tetel cease-fire, a ' ™ ter Memorial Hoapital after a into rtfect. Nguyen TM Blnh, the NLF. fierce quarrel that broke iq> re­ Amaridana and North Vlat- brief illneaa. He waa the hus­ Senate Minority Leader Bves> peace in Vtetrram. rtam. ' hearsals for a Beoftta talevialon Also, Mrs. Margaret MoFaU, ayrtem. In effect without tUsags oallad a ceaae-tlra or a. ‘’(wawdlie * nameai^ flia aaeratariat WHas. Obviously, the ftwo-slde, f

MOVIE AUDIE^NCE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1969 AP Strike Ended Senatm^ Blast SixA irii!E ie8 *•**•«• GUIDE •***•*« Sheinwold on Bridge Ciirrent A SERVICE OF RLM-MAKERS Carlson, Mr. and Mn. James M n. Alphono Rjale, Mr. arid U r. and Mrs. MltchaU A. Hodga. Chaney, Mr. mU Mrs. H.K. Lack of Action Get Tmtative AND THEATERS. AnliVar Croup T. Cunningham, Mrs. Sam Dla- COUNT nUOKS KAMLY Mn. Gotden G. Fbgg, John M^. and Mrs. AHan Aysrs, Mk. Kuhnay, Mr. and M n. Anthony Oene, Have Lsaeh P eop le in mwid, Mr. and Mrs. B. Jamas Th«M rating* apply IP Mm* F (» 8KNI1BLB FLAN Eck, Mr. and M n. Arthur War­ and Mri. Oscar Moberg, Mr. Baranowski, Mk. and M n. Mar W ith V at w.* ■’ " Guild Accepts On Trade Zone Quotes Fare IncreaiseB N ORTH Gets Tent for Harvey Jr., Dr. and M n. Fran­ ralaaaad attar Nov 1.1968 rington, Mr. and Mis. J. Her­ and Mks. Franela Oarvey, Mk. rill B. Sherman, U r. and M rs. Mora and more bMhMos- WASHmOTON (AP) — A W A0HINOTON (A T ) — TTie By ALFRED SHEINWOU) A 1042 cis Halfrick, Mr. and Mn. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS bert Finlay, Mr. and M n. Carl­ and Mks. Roger Hall, William Max Schubert, Mk. and Mrs. m «i and w6m«i SN dls- 2%-hour meeting Of the Foreign Civil Asronautlcs Board has ten- T H IS S E A L AJ 104 Protest Ball William . Hooker, Mn. John Ambassador W. Avereil Rar- You’ve often taken part in a ton Woodhouse, Mr. and Mn. Schallar, Mr. and Mrs. John Richard E. Scavay, Mr. and coverlng the charm and ’Trade Zones Board T)uir8day taUvdy agreed to a 8.8 per cent In ad* Indkata* the Mm was O J94 The News Jason, M n. Louise Lynch, Mr. Offer of 3-year Pact riman, retiring head of the U.S. C. W. Gay, Mr. and Mn. Faulds, Mr. and M n. Philip F. Mrs. Roy Keith, and Misses quaintneas of tha Oaailght. faUed to produce decisive action increase in domeetic airline pas- subniHtsd and approvad undsr ra ce a t m notrump contract: ♦ J33 WASHINGrrON (AP) — The and M n. AUan Schubert, Mr. Whj^ n ot you t o o t ; delegation to the Vietnam peace George E. Sandals. Bedard, Mr. and Mrs. Ekhrard Catherine and M uy Shea. raw TORK (AP) — 8trikli« had been sought by the unlqn on an application for a free cenger fares. Mia Motion Pietiiro Cods The defense tries to set up and WEST EAST government has finally agreed and M n. John TieTney, Mr. and talks in Paris, on the adoption Nixon*a Tuxedoa Also, M n. Bonnie Goathort, W. Broen, Mr. and Mrs. NeU Anyone wMiing^ to become a m w B b m o t the Wire Service was not included in the new of­ trade lone in Haine. The OAiB said final approval of Sslf-Regulalion. # 7 6 # 9 8 3 to allow antiwar demorwtrstors M n . Walt||ar B a cin u , it r . and Gaslighf of an Undivided round table for run a long suit before itartarer emCAOO (AB) — Richard Mr. and Mn. Donald E. And- Paterson, Mrs. WUlard M. subscriber of tlTU may do so fer. A top m inim um o f $264, The board adjourned to col­ of the increases, vriilch probably 8632 Q973 to erect a big, multioototed tent M n. John L. .Briggs, Mr. and b x s t a v £ i n t OoBd return today to work at the conference: “We will al­ i] Suggstled for GENERAL can set up and take the tricks M. Nbuti wm beTvpreaented by erton, Francis J. ^leoU , Mr. H aw kes, U r. and Mrs. Edson by oontaoting either Mrs. Wal­ maintenance of present union lect additional data, prompting would go Into effect March 1. 0 K 10 3 0 Q07 2 in downtown Wlsshington tor M n. Leslie A. Williamson, M n. 10 Oak St., Manchester Ttm Presa after vot- ways consider it a two-sided two tuxadM at hfo inaicural and Mrs. BTllam B. Lauder, Bailey, Mr. and Mks. Charles ter Miller of 61 Mm St. or Mks. membership and a requirement U. S. Sen. Thomas J. McIntyre, will be made after a "careful audlsncss. he needs for IMa oontraet. Boms- ,# K I0 8 4 4# Q9 their “oounterlnaugural’’ ball Herbert S. Rowley, Mr. and conference. ’The other side con­ ball In Waohlngton Monday—ttaa Mr. and M n. Robert A. Dixon, R. Baxter Jr., Mn. Austin Donald SehoCMd of 17 Park St ta|r *» aooapt a three year oon- that eight of 10 new employes D-N.H., to express dismay and analysis of torlffs” to be filed Suggsstsd for MATURE ttmss you have a similar race Sunday night siders It a four-sided confer­ SOUTH one he w«ar« himself and the traot offer. join the union were other de­ rtiock over "thiB action wiiidi I by the airlines. at a trump suM, with the trunq) The demonstrators, who plan ence. We did not give In and we audisnes* (parsntsl disers- # AKQJS on« an Sheriff Joseph L Woods The oRkn had been on etrlke m ands. suit as the canter of the track. a “countorinauguraT’ parade cohsider to be the worst form of did not expect them to give in. Six major airlines had applied Uon •dvised). 9 K lor efght days. Basic AP news South dealer d< Cook County. down Peraisylvanioi Avenue Sun­ Referring to the modified procrastination and abdication Meanwhile, we can get on and for fare increases of five to sev­ 0 A65 and photo services had oontln- RESTRICTED — Parsons Woods, ImAher of the Preri- Guild diop pix^xml, Wes Galla­ of responsibility I have ever ex­ do buslnees.” en per cent. A GAB spokesman Horth-South vulnerable #1 A762 day, the day before President­ nad uninterrupted. The decision gher, general manager of the perienced.” said Thursday Incrsases that under 16 not admlttsd, un- Opening lead — Seven of dont-aleot’a penmnal aecretary. elect Nixon’s Inaugural parade, , South West North Bait to return waa announced Thurs­ AP, had said: *"nte AP firmly U.S. Sen. Ekhvard W. Brook, large are “ not warranted at this gpades. Rose Mary Woods, has boasted will also use Uie tent as a stag­ President Johnson, awarding Isss accompanied by parent 1 # Pass 1 NT Pau d a y n ig h t believes that if It is to maintain R-Mass., accused the committee tim e .” Fearing Oiat declarer would for yeors that hs weans Nixon’s ing a rea. Medals of Honor to four U.S. or adult guardian. 3 # Pass 3 # Pest Onlld officials dkl not give ex­ Its Aandards of. objectivity in The sbe were American, Bran- ruff a (dub or two in dummy, ha»(|.m».aawns. Harry R. Van Cleve of toe of “perpetrating a hoax on the heroes for the fighting In Viet- 4 # All Pass act rsaults of the balloting the eyes of the reading public— Iff, Blaatem, Northeast, Trans Persons under 16 not sd- He inherited Nixon’a Inaugu­ PARKADE DAYS people of New Ehtgland.” nani: "Procedures toward Wiest opened a trump to cut \ General Services Administra­ ral ball tuxedo in 1968. It’e a 42 wldoh waa conducted for bu­ which la easenUaK-it cannot U.S. Sen. Edmund S. Muside, agreement on substantive talks World and United. . mlWsd. Tliit ags restriction down dummy’s ruffing power. tion, the government spokesrman reaus throughout the country. regu lar. force its news employes Into D-Malne, demanded a complete In the Paris negotiations . . . in­ ’The increase tentatively ap­ may be higher In certain South counted his tricks as ho Ss Hearts, ()-t-7-l; DUmooda, dealing wito the protestors, an­ center-wide event ends tomorrow .. . shop Ih x l o f the sbrHte w as a n ­ any organisation, including a explanation from alternates dicate thid we are a st^ nearer proved would have tola effect on arass. Check thsalar or won with the jack of mpeAtB. q.8-7-2; Ohabs, Q-g. Guest GaUer nounced Unueday after days of nounced before tabulating was union.” ticket-buyers: Celebration Scrubbed Chalrmfui Lawrence C. Mc- to peace. And if we are, and I advertising. He could surely win five trumps What do you say? haggling that the tent had the D&L tonight HU9 . , , SaU HI 6 completed, but unofficial The accepted contract in­ Quade. pray that we are, it would tie —Each first-dass fare for a two hearts, the ace of diamonds GARBALIANOI, Greece (AP) CMc Bentley of Meriden will government’s okay. ’The parade Printed M • pubtfc ••rvlc« Answer: Bid two hearts. This sources said that with a majori­ cludes a mimber of added bene­ U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy because of great and brave men trip of "any distance” would go and the ace o t dubs. He coidd — Hie weather’e lousy and be guest caller at a Manchester permit had ataeally been issued. & is a very poor hand, but it Is ty of the tally in, the vote was up $8 one way. by this n«w«paptr. Monday is a worldng day, so fits from the prastrike offer. said the board "owed us prompt Mke Gen. William C. Westmore­ get a tenth trtadc if the clubs juat barely good enough for a Square IXUice Chib open dance Rennie Davis, coordinator tor running about two-toone in fa­ The work week was reduced —Certain first-olass fares for Spiro T. Agnew’s anbestrsl a ction .” land and men like you who have broke favorably or if he could raise since you have good foiB'- the Nefionai MbblHzatton Com­ vor of acceptance. from 40 to 87% hours for em­ East-West trips of 800 miles or home town has scrubbed a tor aU area dance club mem­ Brooke questioned “the in­ offered their lives In the cause manage to ruff a club in dum­ card trump aiqipart with your bers tomorrow at B p .m . o,t mittee to End toe War in Vlet- ^IVI STORES o r FASHIOH Ifembers of the union’s bar­ ployes on nig^, overnight and more in specific markets where THEATER TIME scheduled ceisbratlon of Ms be- credibly Usarre series of events of peace for the entire world.” m y. three queens. Waddell School. Mr. and Mrs. lum, said she was “quite satis­ gaining committee had reoom- Sunday duty. fares heretofore have been low­ oonring vice prealdertt of the which nnrounded the prepara­ SCHEDULE Many a declarer would do his / Copyright iggg Russell White wUl cue the fied’’ with a compromise rite, naended rejection of the man­ An additional holiday brought er than intiuBtry norms would United States. tion of the examiners report. Vice President Hilbert H. thlnldng aftmr playing the first General Feature* Oorp* rounds. for toe tent on a grassy triangle agement proposal. The vote the total in the ctmtract to eight. Humphrey, In his final speech be increased by $1 to $7, de­ OrlglnaL plans included folk “ There was more than enough Burnside —I Love You, Alice three or four tricks. He 'would The guest coUer, a member bounded by Maine and Inde­ came less than 12 hours after A coet-of-living factor was before leaving office: “Pm not pending on the diaUmoe. Uanoiiig In ton atreetM and a time to gather all the informa­ B. ’Toklas, 7;06-g:00. draw a trump or two first, and of the OonneoUout GaHera Asso­ pendence Avenues and 16th St. membeis of the lifted Tele­ providisd, based on any rise in done yet . . . den’t count me —Coach fares for flights up to community barbecue. end$ tion the board could have possi­ East Windsor Diive-In — then an hi* thinking would do ciation, has been calling square The activlUes of toe demon­ graph Workers resmned work. the 1970 fed era l index a b ove 4.7 ou t.” 600 miles would be increased by Yale To Hold ^Bhwv’o father, odioee name bly needed to make a decision. The Heilfighters, 9:20. What’s him no good. He would make dances for eight years. He is strators will begin Saturday, UTW members, who operate te­ per cent FV>r each 1 per cent $2 one way. For OlgMs of 600 to was AnagnostopoukM, emigrat­ Tet they have waited until the So Bad About Feeling Good? only the nine obvious tricks. Alumni Parley dub caller for the Rip Snorters she said, with a series of work­ leprinters and maintain other rise in the index above that Secretary of Labor W. Willard 1,800 miles they would be in­ ed to the Unitod States more tomorrow, laM posriUe moment to decide 7:30. Begins wHh Chibs of West Hartford and the Roost shops on toe Vietnam War and equipment, had refused to cross point, employee on scale or re­ Wilts, urging a law fixing mini­ creased by $1 one "way. They NEW HAVEN (AP)—District than 60 yaara ago. that another delay Is necessary Manchester Drive-In —Night South cleared the king of Promenaders of Watetbury. He other subjects in area churches. Guild picket lines sinoe the ceiving a general Increase will mum wages at $2 an hour; would not be Increased for 1 of toe American Alumni Coun­ to gather more Information.” ’They Raided Minsky’s, 9:10. hearts out of Ids hand and then has called at New England con­ Demonstratora plan to picket strike began at 8 a.m., Jan. 9. receive a 1 per cent salary in­ f i^bts above 1,800 miles. cil wHl hold a three-day con­ Brooka said that, “It is very “ More than half of those living, Hang ’em High 6:60 and 10:48. led toe ace of dubs and a low IRS File* Claim ventions and guest oalled the Nixon inaugural parade Supervisory employee operat­ crea se in 1971. in poverty do so not because the —The lines would be permit­ ference at Yale Uni-veratty be­ clear to me that the Foreign U.A. ’Iheater — Impossible club to provide against the ex­ throughout New England. M onday a t tour points along ed transmission facilities until MonQily hospltallnttlon bene­ head of the family Is unem­ ted to establiah a seven-day ginning Jan. 20. Against Joseph Valachi Trade Zones Board has no inten­ Years 7;00«:46. pected 4-2 break in dubs. E>^ OommitteeB for tha dance are Pe.nnsylvanda Ave., but leaden entire stock Thursday mondng. UTW’s deci- fits were increased $2. ployed, but because he doesn’t minimum stay requirement and Subjects Including student un­ NEW YORK (AP) — Hie In­ tion of processing” the applica­ State Theater —^The Party, won with the queen of clubs and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson, said no disruption is planned. rioR to go back on the job fol- Vacation benefits were in­ get a deoent living wage for the a seven-day minimum ticket rest arid its effect on alunuil ternal Revenue Service lias filled tion lor the trade zone. 7:48. The ’Thomas Crown Affair, returned a se(x>nd round ot door duty;. Mr. and Mta. Gteorge hMred a federal mediator’s an- creased. with employes getting work he does.” pickup requirement for “Dis­ wiU be among the subjects dis- a $10,800 income tax riaim Maine seeks a foreign trade 6:00-9:20. trum ps. TTnu'ber, Mr. and Mrs. Freder­ aouncement that the Guild three weeks after four years, in- cover America” excursion ouaaed by more than 600 dele­ agalnrt Joeeph M. ValacM, the zone at Portland and eubsone at South won with the king of ick Towle and Mr. and Mrs. o f famous would vote on a revised contract stead of after five years as pr- Sen. Albert Gore, D-Tenn., on tOTOB. gates attending the conference Coea Nootra canary, with the Little Theater annual M achia^rt. Ooddental Petro­ Donald Trask,, refreshments. V offer by the AP. vlouaiy, and four weeks after plans by David M. Kennedy, The airlines, which had com­ spades (uid returned a third from New England and nrtgh- pubUshers of a book on liis Ufe leum Corp. wants to build a Freighter Sinks: The Mandiester Square The proposal approved by the nine years, instead of after 10. bined groBs ticket sales of $8.1 club. West won with toe ten of boiing Canadian piovinoes. and tim es. Patrons Named 300,000-barrel-a-day, $148 m il­ presldent-eleot Nixon's cboloe Dance dub conducts lessons Ghiild Induded the |2S0 weekly The previous top minimum of for secretary of the ’Treasury, to billion in 1968, asked the higher Six Missing clubs and couldn’t lead a third 'Hie court hen is for taxes al­ car coats lion oil refinery in thi Machlas- each Tuesday at 8 p.ih. at toe Additional patron aubscrib- top minimum in the third year $207 in crea ses du ring the first retain a large stock interest in fares “to cover increases in op­ qpade for a very good reason. le g e d ly , uixpeiid fro m 1980 to sale of port subsone. CAGLIARI, Sardinia (AP) — school. Earl Johnston is th e era have been named tor toe of the contract which was of­ year of the contract to $224, to mi nUnols bank: "A cleorcut erating costs and profit Ue- What’s more he couldn’t gat M E A D O W S N 1966. V alaclii: w as ImpirisKneid In A Panammvian-flag freighter iiwtructor. Little ’Theatre of Manchester’s fered at the Btart of the strike to $230. in the secon d year, and $280 co n flict o t interest appears, it clln e s .” the lead to Ills partner tor a ,; ■ .... Mir;> HI VI fiOHt'i 1909 or. a n a rootios ch a rg e and 1969 aeasen. with 21 men aboard sank today M .-.V n H , • J'Hif.. .nn I * ‘’v. i teportera, pbotogTaphera and in the Uiird. The top minimum seems to me, with respect to third round of trumps from that Mibsequently drew an additional They are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Faster Trains 40 miles south of SartUnla'a d irection . some other emirioyes. applies to workers with six large hoIdingB of stock in a bank Problems of Schools MataHa Wood, AB i Ufe sesAence tor beating a fel­ G uile, M r. €tnd M rs. J a co b A. hosiery southwest coast and six sailors A modlfted Guild dnp which years’ experiettce. whose profits are affected by West did his beat by leading B M J W low Inmate to death. Haroian, Judge and Mrs. Said Vital Need Stated for Review were reported missing. Deaths in the interest rate structure and a diamond, but this allowed «tgO) PABVr* In 1963 V alach i m ade head­ Charles House, Mrs. John In New England by rulings, guidelines, admlnls- HAR’TFORD (AP)—A hearing Italian naval authoritlea iden­ South to win the race. He lines by unveMing C om N ostra Jenny, Mr. and Mrs. John Airlift Termed ^Provocative^ tratlve poUcy cuid proceduree.” has been scheduled for next tified toe ship as the 2,862-ton stepped up with the ace of dla- ffwakizia secrets in a trievlsed Senate The Nation Kjellson, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ BOSTON (AP) — Improved Thursday by toe LegtslaUve Ed­ Rigel, and s^d the crewmen 'monds, discarded a diamond on committee hearing. fred C. Lange, jMr. . and Loul* M. Brown railroad servica is New Eng­ J. R. Wiggins, retiring chief ucation Committee "to review were Italians' and Yugoslavs. the ace of hearts and ruffed a" f4 5 f WINDSOR 8 Mrs. Herbert 8. Lelb, Mrs. land’s most pressing transporta­ U.S. delegate to the United Na­ the problemB relating to school First SOS signals were re­ heart. Then he ruffed his last NOW Named to Korean Post UX3HTHOUBE POINT, Fla. Blllen Lingord, Capt. and Mrs. Warsaw Pact Nations tion need, the New England Re­ discipline and school curricu­ ceived dvortly after dawn and (AP) — Louis M Brown, 72, for­ tions: “We have permitted pol­ club and claimed his contract. M m W a y m WASHINOTON (AP) — MaJ. George McOaughey, Mrs. John gional Oonuniasion said today. lu m .” the ship went down at mldmom- lution of our air, streams and Dally Questian “HsOflAten” [G] Gen. Jigmes B. Knapp of the Air mer president of the Eberhard-. F. Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Frank It recommended use of )tigh The announoement was made Ing. A Yugoedav ship rushed to Biabar Pencil Go., died Thurs­ Rap U.S. War Games earth to a point vtoere man’s Partner opens with o n e | ptamt " r a ^ s 8 s B ad Force has been appointed by the P. Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Waiting SKeer. Reg. 1.50 speed passenger trains between survival is threatened.” Thursday laitter the state Senate the sp ot an d p ick ed iq> 11 sa i­ About FssHag Good 7“ day. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Boston and New York. heart, and the next playerj Defense Department to succeed HEBDELBERG, G erm an y therefrom.” Other East bloc na­ axiopted a resolution urging toe lors. Italian vessels rescued Mrs. Oolorta Bridges Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1.90 3 pn>- 3.00 , commiaslon report said passes. You hold: Spades, g-8- Army Mhj. Gen. CWbert H. (AP) —Giant.Starllfter jets will tions had similar comments. The Legislative Education Commit­ four others. CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- Bllsh Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Walter also that stimulation of the com ­ -Woodward os senior member of Reinforced heel and toe. Gen. William C. Westmore­ Youth Held in Shooting tee “to review areas os they Port autooiitles here said the Mrs. Dolorls Bridges, 82, widow A. Morrissey, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ land 5,000 combat-equipped U.S. muter service into Boston, and the U.N. Military Armistice land, U.S. army chief of staff, relate to disclpUne and toe suit­ Rigel waa carrying a cargo of of Sen. Styles Bridges, R-N.H., bert Ciemisi, Miss EHalne Tlm- Reg. 1.60 troi^ in West Germany next in toe Connecticut-New York At Police ChiePs Home Commlseion in Korea. brushed aside the Soviet ability of currlcultim.’’ m inerals. and a U.S. Senate candidate for me, Mr. and Mrs. George De- area, is a vital need for New Woodward hae been reas­ 1.93 9 pra. 3.IM week for maneuvers near the charges, contending that Gra- EAST HAVEN (AP)—Richard Fri. • Sat - Suiu—1st Ron Riot Cormler, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. E ngland. signed to toe Office of the CMef nomination twice In tola decade, r. to 970 txmder of occupied Cieidioalova- fenwoelir was the only training Molster, 20, has been arrested Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. The report also called for ex­ Phis Top Action Hit of Staff tor Personnel in the died of cancer Thursday at Con­ Miero-Mcah. Reg. 1.60 - area suitable for sutto large and charged wUbi intent to kill Werkhelser, Dr. and Mrs. Amos Ida. East bloc nations have pansion of commuter rail serv­ P entagon. co rd hoapHtal. p r a . scale exercises in West Ger- in cotmectlon with a shooting ISO O ' Friend, Judge, and Mrs. John 1.99 3 3.90 dubbed the airlift "highly pro- ice north of Boston, to Nashua, Sir WUUnm George Holmes m oi^. Westmoreland visited the Sunday at the home of Police PCTBR GETS WITH IT! FUNNY! o w q J. Wallett, M i^ Eleanor Bllsh, V boattve." Manchester and Concord, N.H. Name^ To Head Office TUCSON, Aria. (AP) — One Sheer Heel, demi toe. U.S. officials say the mlUtary 90-aquare-mlle reservation this Chief Joseph Poscarella. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Urba- w eek. ’The conumissiatii, a federal- WASHINGTON (AP) — Brig. of Britain’s former prominent Reg. 1.75 maneuver, called Refotger 1, 'M olster ,yaB released on $10,- I suodesreo FOR netti, Mr. and Mrs. William 8. state agency, said that it is ur­ iMATURg AUPteNCeS Gen. Geo$ge A, Lln<;qhi, a pro­ generals, Sir William ttoorge has no connection with the So­ Although U.6. strategists hope C lark. . , 1 .8 | l 9 prs. 4 ^ gent that the Boston ajpd Maine 000 bond after his arrest Thurs­ P t m S u H B fessor at flie'U.S. MlMisry Acad­ Hotones, 76, dtod Tbufodayt^t viet-led invasion of Ccechoelova- Reforger I will become a blue­ day. He was also charged "with Also, Miss Marion S,.:'.Robert-’ Railroad be merged*'with the emy at West Point,'has been the lUoson Medical Center. ' son, Mr. and Mia. C. Edward 'Siq$port Shea*. Reg. 8.95 Choose a warm, wonderful car coat now, including our Eu­ kia last August. But it is the print for future military exer­ possession of a dangerous weap­ Norfolk and Westem-Chesapeake named by President-elect Nixon H am r R M kln ficit massive U.S. demonstra; cises in Europe, concern about on in a motor vehicle, wilful , , 9 M ^ 3 prs. 1 0 , ^ , . . and Ohio lines. to head thn Ottloa of Emergency DETROIT (AP) —; H skry ropean imports. Corduroys . . . meiton cloth wools. Some tlon of combined air and ground its implications is not limited to discharge of firearms, and wil­ IN “I I o u e Vo u , OOO ==sssB=aaBo=*=aw The impending consolidation 3 * 0 O p . Preparedness. Raskin, 87, a Michigan U^t- pow er In E urope sin ce 1963 and the Communist bloc. coupled wito toe New Haverv ful damage to private property. Custom Home Design hooded styles . . . stane fitted styles also in the group . . . the date of the exercise was Some Western pi^itlcians Unei p o s t to now heW b y fo r­ welght Doxer In the 1920's and M anchM tor Penn Central merger would Pascarella was uninjured mer Gov. Price Daniels of Tte- later a manager, died Thursday full length storm coats. All are great coats at great savings. moved up from later this year. have reasoned that if an emer­ give New England the benefit of when a bullet was fired through AiiCE BJoK ias’ Blue Print ft Supply Inc. Smashing, dashing hosiery in gency does arise and the airlift In Honolulu .where he was visit­ ago Hartford Bd. Six years ago propeller planes two strong competing systems, a window of his home early ing friends. great colors: South Pacific, Wear now and again next winter. Brown, navy, loden, camel, lifted the 18,000-man ftyl Ar­ tactic is used, it could trigger a the report said. Sunday morning. * Jo Van Fleet Manchester, Conn.. Mrs. Peterson Named 048-8008 Bali Rose, Gentle Brown, mored Division from Texas to w ar. ’The report said that New Eng­ Dr. Courtney Craig Smith tone on tones. Misses’ sizes. Proponents of toe “Big Lift” SWAiRTHMORE, Pa. (AP) — RockvU Ie E xoh . E n t. 1408 Barely Black, Town Taupe. Europe in little over 63 hours. land now appears to have an ad­ HIGHWAY LINK BET 2 S h ow s ACW Representative 8V4-10 short, 9-11 avg. 9^- Reforger 1 is not aimed at speed hope it will be used so frequent­ equate number of airports, but Dr. Courtney Craig Smith, 82, RIO D(B JANEIRO (AP) — A ABUOYORKIN- WASHING’TON (AP) — E s­ 11 tan. however, but on precision. ly that it will come to be regard­ that continued efforts should be at 7H)S-9H)0 preridmt of Swarthmore Col­ highway will Uiik Uruguay with BURNSIDE NORMAN LEAR PRODUCTION ther Peterson, who as assistant ”We will not race the clock,” ed as routine rather than pro­ made to insure quality of serv­ BURhSlDE AVE EAST HARTFORD lege, died Thiwsday of an ap­ v oca tiv e. all state capitals on toe Brazil­ Sun. from 2 U.B. secretary of labor was the said Gen. James H. Polk, com­ ice. FREE PARKING 528 -3333 NORMAN parent heart attack shortly aft­ ian coast, it was announced highest ranking women official er arriving at his office. mander of the U.S. Army Eu­ ’The Interstate Highway Sys­ h ere. ^ of toe Johnson admiiristrotlon FUEL OIL NEW TUG IN OPERATION rope and the 7th Army. "The tem now in use or under con­ E KLAND' WISDOM will become legislattve repre­ emphasis will be on the orderly RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Ellzou Resende, head of Bra­ COLOR by OeUne ^ j j ] struction appears adequate for sentative tor toe Amalgamated dlspoaKion of forces, procedures ’Die first of two BrazUlan-bullt zil’s National Hlgtiway Depant- Hong Kong Flu Cases 15.4 the foreseeable future, the re­ Ctothlng Woikers of America, and techniques of deployment.” tugboats ordered by the govern­ m'ent, eaid too highway wiU 200 O al. M in. O.O.D. port said, but with two excep­ the union announced Thursday. Spreading in Soviet The exercise involves 12,000 ment-owned Petrobras odl refi­ have its starting point in For- One Day Notloe for tions—toe traffic congestion be­ .CUNTUISflliOOD Mrs. Peterson, a former or- Army troops, most of them nery from EMAC slhlpbullding tleza, state of Ceara, in north­ GENIEVA (AP) —The Hong D eliv ery tween New York and Boston ganissr for tbs unhm was ap­ Men’s famous brands cozy savings on from the 24th Infantry Division, company has been launched and the difficulty of access to eastern Brazil, and its com­ Kong flu is spreading quickly in pointed to the Labor Depart­ Around The Clock and 3,800 Air Itorce personnel. here. the two cities. p letion is expected b y 1070. PIZZA KING % 'HANO iMHIGH" toe Soviet Union, U.N. World COLOR *>d.u m - - u m P .*wn*T« ment post by President John F. Burner Service Most of the main body of troops The ” Apollo,” with 2,390 Health Organization reported to- will be flown to Nuernberg from 423 M A IN O T .. MANCHESTER K ennedy in 1901, Vlay. b.h.p., has two diesel motors, After Hours Emergency outerwear warm sleepwear Forbes Air Ftorce Base, Kan., Below Friendly’s It gave tH> figures but said the controlling propellers, radar Box office open -_____ OU Deliveries Made at arriving Monday and Tuesday. PLANTA'nON HOME and equipment to combat fire. DaUy 11 A.M. to iCBaM STRAND I Hartford incidence of flu has doubled in 18.4c per Gal. MAHTIOHD ACPOSS NEW ORLEANS (AP) — From there they will head to 9o PJH.i> M Ip S S S || Premiere Moscow. A four-to-five .'old in­ a test-firing and maneuver site . ’ HOMO lOX *, 22-4SI Louisiana abounds with planta­ Suns. 12:80 to 9 P.M. rnif PABHING IVIS A AUM Wed., Jan 22nd NOW OPEN UNDER crease was reported In parts of Automatio or Call at toe Grafenwoehr training tion homes, many open to the Central Asia. S pecial D eliv ery area, 28 miles from Soviet occu­ NEW MANAGEMENT! pubHc. One of the oldest to San In Wertern Ehupe, the Illness Vs off $ 2 * 9 9 pation troops guarding toe A tten tloa Francisco. A gem of the Steam­ given Benefit Tickets JACK PARSOjNS* Owner and MianBger continued to spread in Iceland Ask About Our B-Day reg. $30 to $65 Czechoslovak-West German bor­ Groups. Call boat Ootolc era, tola River and Britaii\, particularly in toe DIscoimt Payment Plan Fri. "T. C. Affair” 6:00-9:20 now at box-office der. The maneuvers will take o r w rite Specializing In Road monterpiece waa built In West M idland, WHO said. Only Sat.-Sun. 1:30-5:15-9:00 place Jan. 29-Peb. 4. th eatre or by mail. 1849. The 22 room liouae, all sporadic cases were reported MANCHESTER ’Ihe American troops returned The Minsfh Corporsiion Presents nZZAS - CRMDERS - SPAfiHETTI done in IBth century antique fur­ from Sweden, and there was OIL HEAT, INC. a from Germafiy to the United Steve McQueen nishings, teems with scrolls, only one outbreak in Ireland, a States last spring and summer Elat H trs flu ted piUoTB and ca rv e d grtll- family in Dublin, since mid-De­ 649^906 under a dual-basing system Faye Dunaway,„ w ork. cem ber. drawn up by former Secretary or Taks^Out A Norman Jewison Film BUCKBOARD of Defense Robert S. Mc­ Orders 647-1456 Namara. Under this concept, Hie Bast Since 38,000 troops were withdrawn "H ie. “ Sound of Music’’ Hours: Tues. thru Sat. llK)0a.m . to lltoO p.m. from Europe to save about $75 C 'W iV H / for the entire family Sunday 4K)0 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.—Oloaed Mon. Choose from rag. $5 to $8 million a year in foreign ex­ change. suedes, wools, COtisaascFRED ASTAIRE-PETULA CLARK STEAK HOUSE But these troops remain com­ corduroys, A wide selecrtioR o f COLOR by DcLuxt* mitted to the North Atlantic United Rflistt DDNFRANCKS'KEHWYNN ^ nytons! Dressy, Treaty Organization defense Fri. “Party” 7:45 CALL 633-5225 FOR RESERVATIONS gowns and pajamas system. ’Their heavy equipment Sait.-Sun. 3:15-7:00 AL FREEMAN, JR- BARMRA HANCOCK, .TOMMY STEELE ski and casual is stored in Germany, they re­ GLASTONBURY in warm, washable Vt'SCH One of the most fabulous styles. Wool turn regularly for training and A n E N T I O N ! TECHNICOLOR* PANAVISION* From WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS lined, quilt lined fabrics. Prints and they are to fly to Germany in .BLAKE lounges in New England Specialiiing In: the event of cm, emergency. EDWARDS or pile lined .. . solids. An exceHent "We’re not putting on a dra­ wouciio* THE MANeHESTER PROPERTY OWNERS’ superb cold matic maneuver to impress visi­ coiMiDiuin pmnsior selection of styles tors,” said Polk. “We’re testing PROTECTS ASSOCIATION, INCl Will Hold weather outer­ a concept . .. to see if an airlift­ Carriage House ★ CHAItBliWLED STEAKS wear. S, M, L. and odors. P, S, ed unit, married up with its Its ANNUAL MEETHtQ this Sunday, Jan. 19th, in the 86 to 46. equipment, can accomplish'■the M, L and 82-40. standard mission of a unit in •a t h e ^ e a s t BOLTON LAKE RESTAURANT ★ DELICIOUS ROAST BEEF Waddell School on Broad Stroet at 2:00 PJii . I . E urope.” Final Week - Ends Tuesday The Kremlin and its Warsaw 10 E. Center St., Manchester H m t Important Roportf on riio 'Activitios of tho Association, Which a sm , •["usKUmm.umirnm^ Pact allies see it differently. The official Soviet news agency U.DAVID NIVEN. ★ ITALIAIt FAVOKITES Is Dodicafod to MAKING MANCHESTER A PLACE WHERE T aos s a id ; ‘ "The NA’TO rulers HOTEL Banquet Facilities Available PeOPLE CAN AFFORD TO LIVE! are deliberately aggravating in­ ROUTE 44A — ' BOLTON. CONN. jewelry clearance ternational tension with ail the Phone 646-1074 Members will be asked t o make a number of bylaw changes; plus changing the Annual ladie^ famous make wallets ' daiRerous consequences flowing Meeting date to March or April. DUSmeSSMEN'S LUNCH MON. - FM. ______“COME AND BRING A FRIEND’’ SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER Complete Dinners Bu8ine8emen^B ng. to95 99*^ reg. 95 to 910 l/g Q f £ Served Daiiy ■ Luncheon From iHmirhp{itrr — Special — ’’Ih Unity Thereto Strength"—CLIP and MAIL TODAY... 4 P.M.-10 P.M. 11:80 a.m.-2:80 p.m. r T A large selection of tailored and dress OPEN SUNDAYS jewelry in pins, earrings, bracelets and Genuine leather wallets, clutches and Manchester Property Ownera’ Proteotlve AasoclAtlon, Inc. H French purses. Complete from Fruit Cup to STARTING JAN. 19 I hetwby contribute $8.00, o r ...... I necklaces. Many matching sets. Published Dally Ifixcept Sunday* Buddy Carlyle - - - at the organ uid Holidays at IS Biassll Blrse-. Ice Cream Dessert . ■ Manohestsr, Conn. (06040i “ Itowan and Martin Snd piano nightly in our lounge N am e ralophune MS-3711 at the Movies’’ — CHOICE OF — O raN 11 A jM. t o 1 A.M. sale of handbags \ ladies’ umbrellas — Ssoonu Class Postai« Paid ai. Mon. thru Fri. 7:00-8:48 Tempting Roast Chicken Dinner with Italian Macaroni, Addreoa ...... Phone ...... ■ Manehssivr. Conn Bat. - Sun. 2:80-3:88-8:25- or Our Famous Sliced Top Sirloin of Beef with Italian 4 M acaroni. “DIXIE HEADLINERS” ■ lU k gdU P T lO N SUfrES 7 :U -t:g 5 EANQ1IET FA0IIJT1ES AYAIUBLE I Make checks'payable to the organtoatlon, or send your moiMy ordgr to; I Payable In Advance l^ ^ bel Sheridan, Treoaimr, Box 428, Manchester, Conn. (08040) ^|| rgg. to $25 Vz o ff OOanNG NEXT! Servedj'Family Style $2.60 Children under 12 $1.26 SAT. N I G H T -9 P.M. to lAJW. Uue y wr ISO la ____ John Wayne Prepared by JIM MINICUCCl NOW OPEN 7 0AY5 A WEEK a u MoMha U.I0 "THE HEIXiFIOHTEBS’’ Fine leather in satchel, pouch, swagger Nylon and acetate, 10-rib, mostly solid Ib rss Slcntna 7.IP FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL 648-9781. SpooMied by Manobeater Propetry Owners’ Protective Association, and shoulder styles. Some alligator and one Month 3.8q Wilber Little,' Chairman colors. Save now im these fine fashion cobra leathers in Uie group. umbrellas. < 7 . - ' m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTE2R, CONN.. intTn^ y JANUARY 17 1909 MANCHESTER EVJJNING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 19i69

Coventry Coventry reo director doea art apppar MR __a a A Y Y a**y fraduate, la married, and I Fire Calls | Imminent and the Job maK he l-f O h a a four chMdwei Police Log ______C d b lo r Heralding Politics re-advertiaed. Wetoa may ask -I- C1.01.VFA IVF -T l.ilL lA C O O Bdward Beargeon (Burton’s),' Town firemen reported a false Arguments on Airstrip ThM «f Tlw My WN, ■ . CNMnai the directors to approve a Ugh- «-a -■- x • ' chairman of the RetaU Division Kvl I UVtx V ^'^rincipals Outline or aslary scale tor the poat. to ■ 1^*1. a of the Mancheaber Chamber of alarm sounded this mominr at a b b e s t b JwSto AUea, dss%htor 8:11 at Manchester Memorial Parkhill-Joyce attract qualified appHcanbs. iV C A ctJJI V jX U l O A U C T U C A Commerce, announced that toe Heard hy State Board Philip C. Redding, 21, of 816 M«1 Mra. Gordon V. Al­ ogress in Schools HoepiUl. Fire Chief W. aifford Porter St., was charged yestor. len o< 68 Morte Rd., win repra- Of 16 edio applied racenUy retaU promotional calendar for How To Give The Successful Party Mason said, “a malfunction in The State Aeronautlos Ocm and turned tt Into a “deokoUe day with failure to obey a traf­ ■erti four radio atattoiw a t Mon- Lo»**8 H. Pastore Jr. will speak on “Retail Lemsla- VT ^ **'® Flower Shop sccGptBibl®. Tn6 Joo WM ottoTGQ iBm Alien, a 1988 graduate the three soutowrn New En^and of Bait Catoottc High School, ’The Washington School PTA tall MerchanU Association Inc. ***■ *•"** before the board last *I^***<> on the road after an ac- Mi-. MetenoOky, and poseiMy by *'*“*■ ***** “P- Oantner suggested allcKedlv found Ivlnw on th! l l f l ...... - - .* wlU aponsor a book fair ’Tues- of Hartford to January 1967. The ■taites ’nm rsday to review pUbUc ppeered e e ^ befbre.b s t ^ tim the board tor lau. when the boesd,board, under ®*<*®**t **at Manchester Green. Green friends!^^i«h j?**that «»®toe M rtenoeky.^^ le a arnlor at Skidmore CMlege, friends, akhough this would Oourt day and Wednesday In the associaUon Is a statewide mer- — assistanee programs for raDroed ^ annual yseehtotl^ PA 627. voted to send the child only be occasional. their attorney tor toe proper appearance is Jan. 27. Dm t Oi Mtlii, BMHb Awrt^tm CkkVM AwtthsB BipM Sariftoga Springs, N.Y. She le passenger service. .BsteVtesi. Takedown Sarvles and Stonge. B eafC nvM edttor of the Skidmore Nows, school library. Oo-chalrmen of chants’ trade organization es- ttU i^ eppearrt to be going woU to Keeney School in Manchester. Almost 80 residento turned procedures. toe library committee are Mrs. tabUshed to 1910. William H. ’Tucker met wtth In both adnols. this art. the board David Mylchreeat, chief air­ palnd er Mede New Te Tev PeMen. dillitrtt CM la aMnerater of the Skidmore Andover ort for toe hearing, although AOCIDENTg ■ eie. Oteonoets — lljpeleti — Ito atn en . Stena FomIi Frank M. Clark and Mra. BJarl _ _ . , ______offtoials from Rhode Island, Oraiw had aet up a dis|te.y must provide eduoatlan tor port engineer for toe State, said Prtltloal Chib and la on th e McGeown. ^ ® cousin of U.S. Sen. Hassachusetts and Connecticut many were Just observing. Ask­ Stanley 8. OiU, 60, of 40 Mc- CMte. Walotfneling Otmaend >br dean's Mot. tor board members in the high "soeclal" cases; in this In- Nurses Provide ed to aign a sheet Indlcattog that the state could still ap- eeven M i Oemrw. We Be B e e e te e S g rt Alntei ’Tuesday, the fair will .be open ^®**** J**®tore of Rhode la- Tucker said the meeting, the tchool cafeteria, and ao hia stance the child le both cere- their feeUngs, five resMento prove the appUcati^. toit tort ^ 4 « n y D rty Mppen. Vewdhn BBade. AIoiM m b BOSS Aidifli Anea from 9:80 a.m. to 2:« p.m., '*****’ *"® keynote speaker spent first since the Penn Central took pofhon of die meettog convened bral palsted- and mentally re- Also going to Washii^ton tor 118 Hours Care were^ tom favor and 14 against.against, the Metenoskys would have to lane, and given a written worn and from 7 to 8 p.m. preceding ®** y«^rs as executive director over toe New Haven Railroad there. He eocplalned, by indloat- tarded. solve anv local loninir a written wam- toe fciauguratlon pararto are replacement or raplaoements toe monthly PTA meeting. °f the Rhode Island Retail As- Jan. 1, was designed "to ac­ lag pilea of text booka how mudi _ ^ ^^***« opposed were mostly ® themselves ^ *“*■ *******^ “ttor v*aea#tesa4te|drinking MANCHESIER AWNING CO. THE NEW SPACIOUS But toe parents apparently The Ooiumhia • Hebron - An- oonoemed aft>out property val- nmvAi yesterday fhUowinff an two ‘ Mancherter Herald em- for Harkins town port. Wednesday, the hours will te soctatlon. ’Die Rhode Island as- quaint toe states with toe Penn material is used in earti grade. *P* yesterday tollowtog an accident ■BT. Bid p - u f w. o m m a i g n u n —tiM M ployea -—Harold E. ’Turktogton did not accept the board’s de­ pear to court „ . other would handle ptibUo re- eluded In the book display. .purposes: ’To reprosent the re- group tosuranoe plans for mem- OOMPABE AND SAVE emphaaised tort "not all these tn this case ended whm the ta ry school. m steiisls are eoqpendahle." Bo on Feb. 8. “ ^**« <^*' Shepherd Reale, lattons. Proceeds wlU be used to en- taU Industry to legislative and ber stores as weU as provide parentr made their own de­ Vialto to paUents totaled 29 ^ of Mr. and Mrs. Louis ------large and improve the school 11- governmental matters, and pro- antl-shopUfttog clinics. AimiuRimua toe prices menfioned are mere­ cision concerning (be rttUd. ly liidiGative of toe doHar worto T»w i_ r __ _ _ *^*** ® those for health guld- Mayor Restores Tricarico Valerie A. Larson, 17, of 86 Reale of 142 Cooper HIU St., 'The appointment of a new *>rary colleotlon. vide Information service and Pastore Is a Brown Unlver- Read Herfild Advertisements V also voted to auto- anoe and 24 therapeutic. T v ^ o Porter St. was charged with Is scheduled to participate In ' of mstmials each cfalkl is ex­ 'MancktetBlt LPMBHb the Presldeintlal Inaugural Pa­ posed to each year. rt o* «*« vlslta wore under modi, failure to yield right of way As Head of Public Works while turning left a t an toteiv rade Monday os a member of Next Orane displayed a table the Quantico Marine Band. about 680 more than Is now Mtb. Phyllis Jones, R.N., who Andrew ’Tricarico, removed tog to plan as dictated by toe section yesterday, after a of “leamtog gam ^’ whkh Reinforced with contingents January Merchandise are used as siqiplementary ma 1,-,. servee Anikrver. said *«>n» Ws sojpervlsory poet to toe cimrter.” mishap at E. Oerrter and Wood- bridge Sts. from the Second Marine Di­ tarials. These'*imiude late last year from DlroctOT”. RAGS the presidentlrt escort. lertniirg difBeuities." report Pressman^^toted ^ ^ w ,^>* **^ *** “**®«P » wary but benevolent Complete with re* Oasaeshk Crane's Sdrool are out that much more stabeUcal hto hro t/ “**** government in . reported. Court Mayor Nathan Agostinam said tractable 'cord* Only 6 groined heterogeneously, toon information can be readUy oh- S e ^ ^ c>U>Janrtion of yesterday’s aU of its phases." ^ *' away* attachments today 'that he is dismayed at and snap-on tool per storal rspouped tor reading and num- tataed concerning breakdowns Grant said it Asked if toe stateiuent by the A written warning fOr follow­ the many petitions being cir­ pack. Whips up a - . 5 ^ c - culated for increased funds for cyclone of cleaning two srtMola are well coordtoat' ing too closely was issued to powcrMH711XR many other areas. He felt the Leon amitfa, 62, of Chaplin after pet programs to the school ed, Chans sold, end they do total benefit wortd be consid­ system. "wrap materials” finm tone to an accident on E. Wddle Tpke. erable, and urged the boaid to He rominded the signers to Ume. re«rt- favorably. yesterday. Details of the cux;i- 97 ChatfieU to his repMt not­ dent were not complete but the necognize the fact that the many EUREKA Vacuum Cleaner requests, if honored, will add ed tort heftteogeneous group­ Blancheetoratencheeter Evening Herald one*^one* rt^e^»*’^3o"c^u^rort t o e r r o r o e n .*“*“*’noted, ’’so *"**®**much -Z”*® The stotemet*statement from the b^RltTRo^ISttrrt & ings ere edso used in his school considerably to the tow n’s with Fan Jet IkTA with srtf contained cilonsrooms. ^quested t o e ^ ^ e , * 'If®®*’ ^ ^ ® ® «**^ miH rate. The signers, he sug­ Sunbeam General Electric Oantner. teL 742-OT9B. but does not go to some of these ^ *®'*®*^ ^ **'® *'*‘**°*’*‘y both cars were driveable. gested, should Indicate that Motor View Master Then, as the children move — ------countries where medical per- *t belongs, to the hands of, ------IN 25 and 1004.b. BAGS through the tour grades, there they approve a hike In the mUl Alarm Clock Heating Pad Stereo Viewer sonnet la minimal and the ab­ In Ms written memo of Dec. ^^e director ot public werka.'* rate. Is some exchange of etoswooms Vernon sence of a medical____ school *’ °™**^ »**d Borden « continued, "We are mre tor some subjects. Duke*» Game Kepi; EUREKA Easy Glide Scenes come to life would producee dUMous results. **®’**‘* supei'vlse the department this wUl result to the following Town Manager Robert Welra 0 . . 0 9 9 in full color, 3 dt* 17 Chatfield also explained the until surti time as he felt, -t| SISS « Ecto Dr. or tD. h„pM board budget," Wales had said, Scope Mouth Wash a t the public works buUdtog Rag. S2.99 stated, “As of tMs date, t am “makes It appear that a sub­ File Box ' wb^iJ^Bin^u^ mwjtlnp, .m te teld ax Ira iite ^aXex dM loo Mmutey ------^ 7 . ------' ‘ stantially larger Increase will * Of members: Ortiservation Mrs '*'** Board of Admissions of removing Mr. Richard Borden Oral hygienic Perfect for home or Statement from an te requested than In previous office, with 8 in­ ^ also exuressed his beUef Antonio Oaruolo, 638 Brttcn Rd.; Bloctoro wlH hold its monthly Jr., dlroctor of administration, mouthwash Can Opener or 0 3 9 years.” gargle, 17- oz. dexed file folders. lat i^ddr^’ u ^ld te Tteced M®"*®* Health, Safety and “ ®**^ Monday at the Town Of- hte supervtawy position The Indicators to which he re­ IO”xl2'/4"x5'/4". Veterans, Mrs. Frank Bugnackl, fioe building from 6 to 8 p.m. of the public works depcirtment family size. in school according to toelr de- Electric Heating Expert ferred are reports that Superin­ Steam & Dry vel<^>ment and readtoess, rath­ Wilshlne Rd.; Educablon, Mrs. tor the purpose of making new and retundng it to toe status voters. As the biennial town quo as existed prior to his tendent ot achools Donald Hen- er than by chronrtoglcal age. Jrtu> Mackey, 23 Patricia Dr. nigan Is ready to ask for an In­ All Steel Cash Box and Community Senrioes, Mte. elecUan in May is only a few baking over as supervisor." Ban Deodorant Meet to Private crease In excess of 61.8 mll- Iron Rag. $6.99 James Earle, 40 Irene Dr. months away the board expects Referring to this memo. May­ Frtlowing Ws portion of the . Hons over tods year — the The Report Meeting will be a sizeable niunber of eligible or Grant said it merely means 9 presentation, Chatfield request­ equivalent of approximately Heavy gauge steel ed an executive session with the held a t toe home of Mrs. Rob- persons to become voters at this that the normal eiipMvision by with removable tray. time. admlnistratitm will be resumed eight mlUs. 4 oz. size anil- board. Tlie reason was not ert Hatch, 91 Norton La., Wap- Weiss has scheduled his own Your Choice I 2 ’’x 9'/4’’x 4 1/8” . known, but last week Chatfield ptog at 8 p.m. on Wednesday Garden dob to Meet as it exisbed prior bo November perspirant. fURJWli:, VUV J***<*®" The manager’s suggestion for fc-f cans. . . even aluminum, auto­ sets to proper temperature for Fire resistant lab­ Also ^ night, the board is providing eqtopment for the ^ tetwe« himself and Mr. Trica- a Joint meeting of the two Regular or matically! Extra power, extra each any fabric. HS03 oratory tested - boards next Tuesday was an un­ Super convenience. #HC0l cylinder luck with 2 g88 voted foroiaHy not to transport TalcottvUle School for retarded shown. The public is invited, rloo, that was his Job and keys. toe Brennan child to his baby children. Wldst Srtieduled think he should be congratu- usual one. The town - charter sitter’s home. This aoUon came ------To raise funds for use to lated for an excellent reaolu- speclMm that toe two boards on the advice of Town Abbomey carrytog out Its program of as- tlon to a touchy administrative must meet to Joint session with­ David C. Rappe, who is prepar­ distance’to the Andover Volun- problem,’’ the Mayor said, in 18 days following the sub­ ing toe appeal the board has Play Scheduled teer Fire Department, the Wo- When questioned about mittal of the srtiool budget. The Save Extra voted to make following a State men’s Auxiliary of that group whether any “presstire group” school budget is not completed Board of Education ruling that By South WSCS will hold a miUbary whist party was responsible tor his move in and has not been submitted. the Covmtry board must pro­ at the Town Hall on Rt. 6 on reinstating "Tricarico, the Ma­ vide this service. xi ***??^’ "^^®***'®*'®^®*** January 3iat.’Ihe play will start yor quipped, "You can give Mayor AgostlnaUl, treasurer 3 0 % The child is to ktodergaixen, uby Moves Uptown,” will be at 8 p.m. ’There will be prizes credit for my action to the of the Oapltol Region Council of 2 0 % and the parents had asked las': refreshments. “Great Pumpkin, Chariie Brown Elected Otficials (CROEO), will te a delegate to the Starch 9- tall this accommodation be OFF HAMILTON OFF made, since the mother is em­ KMl National Oonference of the our reg. low prices OFF rvlcc of South United Metho- Andover correspondent. Law- but the fart of the matter 1s that U.8. CkmncUa of (3ovarnments. BEACH ployed as a teacher to the Cov­ dlst Church Monday at 7 ;J > p.m. our reg. low prices on our reg. low prices on entry school system and can­ i^ce Moe, tel. 742-6796. everything' worked out accord- It will ibe to San Francisco. at the church. The OROEO has postponed not be home when toe child ’The play, written by the Rev. Rechargeable arrives there. again a vote on changing its Richard Waters, pastor of the name to Capitol . Region CkMincIl i All H.O. and The board voted not to make Wellfl.eet (Mass.) United of Governments (CX)0). Knifette All 14 Kt. the accommodation, noting that YOUR SPACB AGX ------. ------„ -----Methodist Church, reportedly Some of Its 'memters ore “ N” Gaufie Westlngltouse Automatic the baby sitter did not live on’ lets one view the church from arguing that the new name 599 Locomotives Gold Charms the bus route, and it would a different angle and is a pres FUTURE would hide the original purpose mean a round trip each day 1.2 entation of real life situations. Rolling Stork in our stock Stereo Phonograph THROUGH DAY OR EVENING STUDY of the council — to be a Winterweighl Blankets miles out of the way. 'The child Members of the cast are Mrs. voluptary organization of elect­ Docs all an ordinary knife now walks .4 of a nille to reach Stanley Weinberg, Mrs. Herbert ed officials only, such as docs only better, quicker, Buildings - Tracks Choose From A changing world smIii naw akilla made available through Clearunce u|l must go! Choose from a wide color ussorlmcnl und the baby sitter’s home, on what McKinney, Mrs. Earl Ely, and mayors, selectmen anti borough easier. Cordless design. #281 Our large cullcctiun of Solid state chassis. Deluxe pull-down 4 speed toe State Board Judged bo be a Mrs. Calvin Hewey. further Mucation. Opportunity for advancement awaits fiber blend in Thermul und convenlionul styles. Solids, plaids and and Accessories charms representing hobbies, changer with 9" turntable. June control, - 4 9 T 0 you in either degrn or certificate programs. heads. They fear -that, under the stripes - all nylon bound, machine washable, flame resistant automatic slfut-oll. Changer automatically "hazardous" road. The Reynolds Circle is in new- name, the., council would Rechargeable anniversaries, children, etc. • ’Ihe board felt, however, jthat ' proof. r 9 9 in our inventory. intermixes equal speed 10" and 12" records. cha^e of fellowship land the ELECTRONIC ENOINEERING TECHNOLOGY Include town managers and Tooth.brush f 243 O set It was providtog "reasonable Hollis CTircle, hospitality. other app^nted administrators, ‘ Course Grants Tuition Ever Technical Writing and that if would lose Its volun­ 3 90 Wed. tary staitus. Mathematics II 3 90 Thurs. "ELECTRIC HEAT IS TERRIFIC. Graphics I 3 90 Mon.-Wed. Soaal Science W6StinghOUS6 Refrigerator Westinghouse Automatic 3 90 ■Tues. That’s what the John Grondas of Loomis Road, Manchester, say. The Manchester Property Physical Science, Heat, Liglil 4 120 Mon.-Wed. Owners Protective AssociaUon and Atomic Physics j A 2 Speed Electronics I (22 wteks) Is holdings its annual' meeUng Frost 8 240 Mon.-Wed. • I on 8unday,. at 2 p.m., to the n - Political Science 3 90 Thurs. Basic Dectronics 7 210 Tues.-Thurs. "We have six children and had to add onto the house. The Waddall School, Broad S t Electricity and The memtepshlp 'wUl elect Free W asher . t 210 Tuos.-Thurs. Magnetism * old heating system wasn’t big enough so we converted the five persons (one holdover and whole house to electric heat,” explains Mrs. Gronda. four new) to the iB-memiber 16 cu. ft. JAZZ ELECTRONIC MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY executive board, will consfiler a “We would do it again and recommend it to others. Basic Electricity ign Tuer.-Thurs. bylaws amendment for holding wV:' Basic Electronics jgo Mon.-Wed. annual meerUngs to March or m k95l 189’“ Radio Servicing 12O Tues.-Thurs. April, and will discuss plans tor m 4 Senricing Industrial Controls 120 Mon.-Wed. ”We find electric heat is a more comfortable, complete, even CONCERT heat, and we like the individual room temperature controls. Its position on the 1969-70 town Easy Oedit F e a tu rin g All evening classes start at 6:30 b u d ^ . Electric heat is quiet. The five* being propoaed tor i f f l - j U Two speed selections, four PAUL BROWN QUINTET NEXT SEMESTER BEGINS the executive board are: Wal­ Never u sign of frost wash-tinse temperatures. WEEK OF FEBRUARY 3rti Mrs. Gronda sums up her satisfaction with electric heat ter Relchaid, toe holdover; ill rcfrigorjtor or Ready to Finish Unpainted Furniture 3-positlon water saver. ____ and I much as many other women do: Miss Teri Ivaniokl, Barney f r e e / e r . I 3 7 -1 b . Waslies everything from Ihe “My husband loves It. Prterman, Jacob Sutter and most delicate fabrics lo heavy All proveme RMMy far Veterans benefits. He thinks it's terrific!” freezer with ice truy 9 Drawer Dbl. Dresser shag rugs. Porcelain enamel FRED PRESTON & CO. Dr. Frederick Spauldliig. compurtnieiil. slim- 4 Drawer Desk Book ease \ tub lot long, trouble free life. Tfie bylaws provide tor elec­ wull design. 7-dqy ' Piice include full guarantee, WARD TECHNICAL tion of offioeia by the exMutlve #9.36 ,36" IH 3M 7 36" There are many different types of electric heating systems. tneut keeper, und vog- w iilc \ 15*' deep R»g. wkle \*\T' deep “ •Q* 1 9 9 0 Size. 36 " hieh \ DoQ. |98 waiiaiilv and local delivery. January 18, 1969^:00 PM, board, wtthto 10 days of die \ 36“ $37.50 2 9 ’" \ .HI" hi)!h $26.50 j INSTITUTE Check with your electrical heating or plumbing contractor or annual meeting. etuble crisper. 3 0 " wide $ 1 2 .9 8 „ BAILEY AUDITORIUM 315 Hudson Street Hartford, Connecticut HELCO for the one to fit your home. , Tel. 246-7431 Eveninii by Appointmenl Town Manager Wetea, because Manchester High School hla aoatotant, John Harktos, is Tickets At The Door—$ 1 . 0 0 ' TIm Technical Institute RMiiM being mconunended tor the poat MANCHESTER —*1145 TOliAND" SALE: FRIDAY and SATURDAY NRm University NHmMinI of dlrectM' of CDAP (Com- EXIT 93, WILBUR CROSS PARKWAY OPEN LATE EVERY NIGHT TNI HANTYONO' L CLCCTMC g C UQHTCOMMNV O muntty Develrtunant AoUon Plan), alraady la looking tor a A NOfTTHEAtT UTIUTItt COMMNY eBHHFpK- -r,

AtANCHESTER EIVEKlNQ HEfcAlJ), MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1909 MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. JANUARY 17, PAC»E 8BVKN STAR 0A*ElC*O Stewardess Gets Montessori Oass P) CLAY R. POLLAN------^ Anxioiis Queries TV-Radio Tonight J K ro w Daffy AtHrffy Ovfdt } 4 U8RA SfPT. II 'Afi. •» » Attordfng fa th» Stan. * About America To develop mettoge for Soturdoy ocf. Children Free to Learn By VIVIAN mOWN ) ;" '? <<*1^ reod words corresporxling to number* T elevision (Oenttnwd ftose Page 8) ed If they ean choose the of your Zodtoc birth sign. 7-13dA AP Hiwrsieslwst Writer BO lytRg dospB ter ttwra 8:00 Feny Mmdo 1 (in News arorito,’’ Mrs. lehiek said, "hot AMLM SCORPIO A modtriP trip to Burope waa pounding day with a tool EaridMhasboan 1 Popm 31 Pocsossor 61 Or OCT. IJo Merv Orifllo I (8 ). DM th VoUmr Deys (C) not so If eomeono otsa ehoeaee." working wUh ooni- [•tr lots of arodof ques- B i News, Sports, that was ndther a gaval nor a 62 Corofully Faith rw pOonted moot of the — >,12-2l-23-M 3T>wo't 33 Diiputo 63Con ffor. If* ttons frotn woidd4M tnavelen to 13) WM. Wild Weri (O ( dividing hto d a y into pi# gUoM. "OhOdrsn do not hiBoms tired 10 Should 40 In 70OW- DBC. If sort of an amboaieitreoe to in­ SIS Vn Tlieatar 80 Or.maybe be wao eroattnga ■he termed It "tentastle to eoe n Bo - 41 Bo 71 Chormirtg 8) I L o re Lu cy whM* they are doing sonwfhlng ■>70.73-77 19-27-35-47^ vite a fM from eaMi alrline to (ICkM M n High Chuma gaometrle patlem. the ehaagea that oeour In Indl. 12 You 42 By 72 Progrou S4-60a3a9C (80) F TYoop ( 8-40) Operatlnn S dI m they are faderaried In. They be­ CANCn l3And 43 Othors 73 Foshlonod visit the United States, ahe (18) ^ernoon Report ment sun another gM was atrstoh- aldnal ehlldran over a patlod l4 Don’t 44 If 74 Misintorprot CAPRICORN (40) Truth or Consequences M erv OrlKhi (Ch come tired when they are not JUHt 15A found that Europeans were wor­ (34) What’s NewT Oanoert lYanoals ing rubber bante over pine in of sovoral montha. You can’t 45 Attontion 75 Wisdom DtC. ried atXNit ponditioiiB h* Ameti- tadaraoted,” Mm. ■ehkdi phflon- JULY 2> 16 Bo 46 Rood 76Solf 1) Oomer Pyle a shallow boot to form what bund ooneentrstlon In a Short ophlaad. 17A 47 Could 77 Notions JAM. ca. I r < " ^ e r " * " (1O3M340) Mune of Uie 2-1^22-33 IBGivo 48Tho (W ) Navy aam o aeemed to me a nevar-faillBg time If children haven’t boA op­ Whan one obssrras ttw ekd- 78 It'll 114-17-3640^ "They wanted to know about (34) Book Beat il-83 19Conildor 49 Your 79Nudgos 49-5547 S •uoeeaaion of paraUalocnuna portunities to do so before start­ d m In thte Mctdiagnti otaan) M l 20 Bo 50 Your hlppieo and wbetiier they reaBy Hlfhlirhts (C) 40) Felony Sguod uo 80 Somothlng AQUARIUS (18) Voyact to the Bottom of 9:00 , . -13) FMdoy ■Mght Movie And ebe eaUed them by name, ing school. Concentratloa Just the currant vemeradar sasnw 21 May 51 You 81 You • act like they ore shown pictured 8-40) D o n ^ U d flS MY II 22 Domottic 52 You JAN. 70 the Sea (C) gleefiiUy sounding out the nunu doesn’t happen because a child 82Poy in newa photographs seen (30) Bpotts Show M) NET Ftoyhouse epropoa; "You’d better ksIHvi ^AU8. II 23 Bocomo 53 To 83 To H$. ft , 6:(» (40) CMnhni ;i8) Suhecilpthm TV bars of oonflgwatlono aa they becomes 6 years old on a ear- d ." 24 Wotch 54 Bo 84 Your abroad." 9:30 ^ »4n Ouns of WIB Sonnett ff*": I- 8- 9-10 25 Productivo 55 Various 25-38-52-57fT . -a increoaed. tain day." Mfrd BSAAoll A grave concern, *he says 8:16 (30) IXKdnip (C) Di 2 26Tho 56 Thrift 86 Voluoblo 5945-72 10:00( M m Judd F or Ute DefeoM Another youagater, hardly Wlthfai the freedom and oboloe 27 Innovations 57 Con was "are thiggs reaUy aa bad in 8:36 ( 8) Wonderful Wortd of VIROO 87 Rocolvod PISCIS (lOdOOMn Star TYek bigger than the alphabet oarda permitted there is otdar and II 28 Inhibitod 5BNOWS 68 Moods America tm newspapers teQ (S ) Bhl Beports U:00 ( S-1O-U4MIM0) News, 29 Your 59 Moko 89 You SporU, Weather of his 1 BOB no in stamda, was diaelpllne, she potaitod out 30Poy 60 Advontogoous 90 Oividonds usT" <• ■ 6:80 (34) Whet’s NewT * (10) Film NAA. JUl anowen honestly, she ( 8-in Walter Oonkite (C) U ;S I s) Friday Bpectacaflar handed a card with " M " on it When the elaaa Is set up aa it Homemade JGood I Advene Neutral 24-29-37-43/ ( 8) Frtiik Reynolda (O 11:80 h o t o iB W Tonight «7 ) Alter Mra. Richmond repeated is on individual Inteceats, It wfll j^6-7M2-9fl IbV 44-744448^ sals, that tMngs ars tMfl tai (104340) HunUey-BrInUey (13) LeUe M ^ e aotne areas but not so dangei> (C) ( 8-4n Joey Thehop (C ) the sound, aba asked him to go on even If the teadier laavw ous aa they wouM seem from SEE SATURDAY'S TV WEEK FOB OOMPUETK USnHGS place the card under something the room. reading the stories.. The United in the room begkaiing with the The last hour of each day te letter. spent In group 4Mttvlttes. On RAVIOLI Steites is a Mg pteoe, ahe tells Soviet Space Achievement them. R adio Alter only a few moments’ one day Mne. Alan Kiupp teach- "Basloally, everywhere you (TMs Usting Inolodee only thoee aewa brood casta of 18 or 16 thought and aeardUng, he set ea modem dance. The period He PASQUALINI Lauded in Europeati Press go, peopte are interested In die mfauite length. Some etathmo oarry M ier ahori newsoaeta.) It under a box of toy money. Is also devoted to slngliig and SM Avery St., Wapplag United States. They want to tha evplanatlon of new mafer- WBOH-aie 6:30 WeaUier With the letter " L ” he arent to LiONDON (AlP) — Europe earth, and added: "The crew of know bow the people Uve, bow 6:00 Hartford Hlghllghu 6:36 Strictly Sports another azaa.of the room and 8:86 Afternoon Edition hailed today the Soviet ^Woe this apabe station could under­ they work, about our modern 7:00 News placed it under a toy Uon. Weather permitting, the final T E L 6 4 M IM 8:00 Ctaslight 6:46 SU Report porilon of the hour la qient out­ station achievement and some take numerous sdentlflc experi- oonvenlencee,” rite sRptelns. 13:00 Quiet Houia 7:00 Accent 88 Mrs. Schlok explained taro 7:16 Now doors. Otherwise gym mats and newupapera aald it put the Rua- mente, but It oouW also be used JUl wao born in Syracuse and WFOP—lU * 7:30 David Brinkley atepo taken In preparation for aiana bade neck end neck or for military intelllgenoe.” Uved in Fort Lauderdele before 5:00 Danny Clayton 7:30 News ot the world cNmbfng apparatus are used in 8:00 Dick Heatherton 8:06 Pop Oonoert reiuUng readlneaa. "Whan a the hafl. In either plaoo freedom even ahead of the United Statee Chinese Oommimlst newspa­ she became a stewardess with 9:00 Steve Morgan 9:06 Nlghtbeot child flnlabes a painting, he In the space race. pers in Hong Kong ignored the Amerioan Airlines several years 1:00 Gary Olrard 11:00 Newa. Weather rial reignn, wttb the organlaa- WANTED U:16 Sports Final must tdl a story about arhat ho Air oorresporidents pointed Russian feat, though they gave ago. She has Uved in New York WIMF—UlS Uon of games being left to the 6:00 News U:30 Othw Side of the Day has created. This Is arrittan ohlldren’a tmaginathina. out ttw m llita ^ advantages o f a front-page treatment to the City and now lives k* OaUfbrnia 5:16 Speak Up down, bad grammar and all, Claan, Late MoM which she prefers because riie 8:00 1News__ Whore, oh where, lo ttw rest manned Soviet space station or­ Am eiicai* Apcdlo 8 when it re- and road back to the class. TUs biting the eaxih. can run around In shorts and 6:16S:l6 SpeakSpe^ Dp 1Hartlurd Hartford Marine perlodT It Is nonexiatent. Thera chimed to earth altar orbiting 6:46 Dowell lliomaa U also done U a obUd merely USED C A R S Sir Bernard Lovell, director of the moon in December. bare feet, if she wishes. Ste pre­ 8:66 Pbll Rlsiuto 7:00 The World Tonight Killed in Vietnam wants to talk about oomathlng V ■ Britain’s radio astronomy ata> fers American men to Ekwo- Top PrioM PdM 7:30 Frank Oifford that interaats Um .” tton, oonunented: "In a short peans, but she doesMt like men 7:30 apeak Up Sports WASHINGTON (AP) — The ALL FHM ROLLS For AQ ISmkml time we can expect to witness In New York City. 8:00 I^wa Defense Department araioimced ChUdren form arords from Tolland County 3:10 Speak Dp Sports hloek lettere before they learn Fast levviee the build-ig> o f a permanent “ But I’m gted that I Uved in 8:80 Speak Up Hartforo Thursday that Marine Oorpe Dteeewrt Prleee OAmMCHmOlIT 11:30 Barry Farher Lance dpi. Roberto Ramos, son to Write. Here again the fraa- space station in earth orbit. New York for awhUe. I coulte't 113:16 Sign Off IfOVMOpM MM JrnBIM CO., m e. This would determine the trend Houley Pleased get along anywhere if I hadn't of Mr. and Mrs. Domingo Ra­ dom permitted and the indiald- w nc—118 6 l 2 2 9 M d t t S t L -1 of Russian space aoUvlties for a lived in New York. It taught me 6:00 Afternoon Edltton ms of Hartfrd, was Idlled In ualiam encouraged come into ARTHUR DRIIB By Assignments 6:00 News action in Vietnam. the picture. "They are interest­ Phttw 649-5288 'Tardon me for dippiiv over your shoulder, but I just must do so before the inspiration for this creation fwapps me.” long time ahead. how to get sdong with people. 6:16 Market R e p o t " R w ill oertolidy be used flor You don’t have to iiurii with the Oommentlng on his appoint­ rest of them -to stand up for impoctant aatronomtoal and ments in the etate Senate, Tol­ what is rigbt and' not be pushed geophorslcal InvestlgatloM and land County’s n w gtate Senator around. I now know whei* I ’m probabV with a ahutUe service Robert Houley expressed "par­ baMg taken." This could be the start of sometArin^r ocrforful. The engrossed young of Ruaaiiui sdenUata horn ticular pleasure’’ with his ap- JUl competed with stewar­ lady is about to expel the first of three primary colors in her color­ earth. pohilment as chairman of the desses of IS airilnes of North • Story By "Though it stHI seems unlike­ committee on Agriculture. mixing project. The second should j)e the “proof of the pudding” and South Amertoa In a contest John Johnston ly that thO Russiana can be in "As chainman," Houley stat­ held in Uruguay. competition wMfa the Apollo pro­ ed, "R is my hiq>e to organize Permanex "Its Qie second year a Monde gram for a lunar tending, tt wUl .all leglelatlon by subject mat­ Photos By from our airlines has been cho­ undoubtedly give them gredt ter, schedule jnSiIIc hearings sen,” says JUl, vriio deduqee Reginald Pinto flexibility for lunar and plane­ early on these bills, and jiro- diet "Latin men Uto blondes.” tary exploration In 4tw ISTOe." vide the General Asaembly with He oontendfU (he Ruasian an early committee reixirt on achievement gives them a four- HOP^VACS each MU.” State/’a Senaton Vote Montessori Oass year lead over the United States Houley also announced h i s In techniques of assembling intention “ to q>end considerable To Cut Off Debate space equipment in otbdt. time and effort" as a "team IsTveS said (hat if an went WASHINGTON (AP) - 7 - Oon- member o f the Ekhx»tlon and necti'cut’e senators voted with Children Free to Learn well with the Soviet program, the Public Welfare Oommlt- "my gueas' is that the Ameri­ the majMTlty Thursday In an teea" He explained ttiese com­ unauoceeafid attempt to cut off QUICKLY Individuality, activity, enjoy­ This is part at the Mbnteasori cans wiU he looking rather mittees “loom teige in the area ment —these really strike a told what to pgiH or how to do smaU fry by (he middle 70s.” debate in a battle over ttie antl- thesis, as Mrs. Schick put It, o f Bbata expBndlhveB-” flllburier nde. , peuMn visiting the Mtontassoii a palnUng hwl^idertakes. Chapman Plnober, defense ex­ Commenting on the newly that "before the age of 6 there There are two other "ground Senators Thomas J. Dodd and School of M aacbeiter. The la a gheet deal of leanilng to pert "of the Liondan DoUy.^Bx- created Human Rights and Op­ •'de®” in classroom behavior. presa, said (ba Soviet space Abraham Riblcoff, both Detno- school, conducted by Mrs. Bar-' be done, not necessarily aca­ portunities Committee, on which Clean Any Area Whatever a child takes from Ilnk-up suggests that while the crate, were in the 61-67 major­ bara Schick, aaedsted by Mrs. demic, such as leamliig to get he will serve, HoiSey stated ‘T the shelves for his project, he United States Is concentrating ity that voted to end debate. fiaieen Richmond, is In the Fel­ along with oHhecis aid to react feel this oommittee will IndeaU lowship HaH at Oonrnumity Bap­ must replace. I f a <*ild Is in- on a moon landing, the Ruaatane The result of that vote was ntUl- hi complex ettuatlocus." be cl^englng, primarily be- tfled, however, by a later vote tist Church, B85 E. Center St teve^ed in something another are giving priority to mastering cause'ef its newness and th e The school’s prim ary purposes that overturned a ruling by "Vice Mrs. Schick attended Brai> is doing, he may invite hinuself flights in eaith orbit. lank of clear out precldents to are to provide children with an President Hubert H. Humphrey. deis University and is a grad­ to Join, but may not take ma­ "BritUh defense chiefs have refer to. WET or DRY environment tri which they can When the first vote was chal­ uate of Brooklyn College. Last terials from another. lon g' suspected this. Oihltal In addition to these commit­ leanit fo r the most part, on The free activity period stalls , flight otters the quickest mili­ lenged, Humphrey had ruled it summer she attended an eight- their own, and to InsOU confl- tees, Houley has alro been ap­ week Montessori training at 8:30, which is also the be­ tary pay-off," Fincher said. pointed to the committees on was adequate, even though it dence through that learning pqro- ginning of the school day, and lacked the two-thirds majority oourse at Fairlelgh Dickinson cesB. "Ttw Russians have an H- (daims, and Military and Vet­ R« 9 u la r CoUege, and did her graduate lasts until 10:80. If help is le- bomb rocket which has world­ erans Affairs. specified in the rules. The Sen­ Freedom o f diodioe Is the key- quested diutng these two hours, wide range because It almost ate overturned Humphrey’s rul­ $M.99 teaching at the Montessori ^one of the school day. The School in ToIIiand. it is given. Otherwise each child goes Into orblL They could now ing In a 68-46 vote. approach to learning is definite­ is free to choose whatever be put up multtple satellites car­ Rve Day 'Foiwart In the later vote, Dodd and Ri- SAVE Mrs. Richmond is a graduate ly , low-key. No one la pushed. WINDSOR LOCMB, Oonn. (A P ) of Beaver College and has is interested in. In a class this rying large number of ‘Jump- blcoff were on the losing side Materials o f all sizes, shapes, size it Is not unusual for 16 says Oonnectlcut temperatures taught in Manchester Head Start down’ bombs If these offer mili­ when they voted to sustain $15.11 and uses are on low, open or 20 different activities to be tary advantagfa," Fincher add­ SatuRtey through Wednesday Humphrey’s ruHng. and kindergarten programs for shelves, easily accessible to going on at once, Mrs. Schick are expected to average above three years. Next summer she ed. children In the age spaii. said. In Oermany, the Frankfurter normal. Daytime highs wilt be ' 7 will t^ e the Montessori course. The room is spacious enough ’This writer witnessed whcU Neue 'Press said: "Nearly three averaging from the mid to up­ Ih this, the first year of the • Um vac cmywhsrs — Hpstairt. downSMin, is to permit freedom of movement could probably be called a years after the Americans, the per 80s. Nighttime lows aver- FOR RINT school’s exJBtWice, 28 chUdren and accommodate a wide var­ typical hour. ’Two girls were RuoBtens have now drawn even aging moOtly in ttw 20s. There 16 mm. M ovie Pro- yViWi DQ^VHIVIIT o« Miop are enrolled, ranging In age iety of aotlvtties. Table and floor creating a work of ait, and in one sector of space navlga- wUl be little day-today change. id o r silent, niao from two years 9 months to five work areas are available so another two were uncorking U

_____I Sears Compact Heme-n-Shop Vacs

t t U U iS Regular' 0 ^ 8 8 834.99 ^ § ofCen SEW-MUCH! HoM 1% bo. of dirt and diiUt With 1-HP motor and rugged • IM FA B IH G S fiber drum. DoHy extra. Fbr dry • ALL SEWHIQ NOTIONS idck-ttp. • GOURTIOUS, CAPABLE SALESCIflLS S A U PEICEO SATURDAY ONLYI NO MONEY DOWN on Snors Eosy Paymnnt Plan KM6 New Britafai Ave. M enrhwtor Ehepphig Terringtea PuknSe SHOP AT SEAR& SAVE • OUSTOII.HADe DMPERI^C West BaitfeiU ParksSe ‘ WtaeteS m*. West Middle Tpke. (OH Bt. S) “May 1 join you?” The approach is informal, blit the re­ HARTFORD RD. Satisfaction Guaranteed or _ m-7761 888-1881 4884eU quest formal. A Montessori classroom rule is that any child Mrs. Eileen Richmond is as amused as her listeners during a story­ Open 10 AJd. to 9 Open Dally 18 to 3UN Open Drily 18 to 8'48 Open Men. tkni Snt. must iflvite himself to participate in another’s woA. / telling period. Maybe it’s because the boy at lower left knows that jpUflrfnllUIbi Sat. 6 Your Money Back 88418, aOtBUCK AND CO Saturday 8:88 t o t S rin idoy 8188 to 8 8:86 AJi. to tt PJC R stands for rocket as well as rose. — ^ V I IfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JAl^ARY 17, 1960 llANGHESTTS EVENING HERALD, IfANCHESTEB, 00NN„ FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1960 ------PACn NDfE H u Ooph Girl were ndvfsed to look Into sew- StotC) Local Liaison 12th Qrenit Bolton ags before ptooeedlng. For Setliinjg Auto Qaftma IMn la indeed an ana of chaftfe, R-S Is m w foetsl aone around and notMngr repreaertta a greatar or more _ G>iirt Cases Bolton Lain, where lees than llrrald ■trihliig change than tha aimouneamaat •ore lote were In existanoe be­ State Insurance Chief Asks by Um management of the Oopneiteaa Assigned to Agnew 1969 May Become fore aoning regulations. MANOHESTER SM8ION that the little aquara etoge down In the ______Pago tea) hilcnim of that New York night club Wayne R. Bastis, 18, of 88 ‘No-faMdC Liability System ed at akJrk daily on the speech clriiVB of the White Houee tour 2 « ' wM no longer bounoe and away 'to the Manchester Area HARTFORD, Omn. (A ^ — Rsrt of HSrtfori! Obiady _____ 5n ho wlR dsUver fro m tho ate|« of t>»vlee traveled wMh Wx- HUHavd SL, d ia ig w l with Year of Apartments flounoy JoatUi«| of the "Oigia OMa.” on during three polMcea cem- "A change is needed in the IU9.36 ($13A8) |;^f »wnia»ro§3£r 1. i m ___ _ tho am O a amtkmfm iTlh breach of peace, being found ®y CMMEWHU, YOUNG disposal fMd and weU ars not One does not know whether to tear, prattotnie- - -S »- -a pelgna \oa ooennuinloatlane a ^ intoodoated, and tampering Two Men Hurt whole auto tlabiUty ayatem.” ^^ren gUB.OO ($SA») Fnjjrtit* ■▼wy Bv«nb« BsM|)t teadayi riatent. The pass word for Bolton In approved, no apartments can be or to welcome, the poealblUty that the Nixon annauneed Tburaday with a motor vehlole on Oot 18, In im d iSliw Port Offlc* ■< 1969 may bs apartment ocun- en-risloned. Oonnectlcut In m n a n eo Ctenmls- it«r. OoBB.. u Bioob J a u s Man end of the "Oope Oirta” may lead to a his aelooUon of 0«arg« A. tin- -Kenneth » . dole Jr., 80, o f breaking and entering without In Accident Fanwood, K j ., dtreetor o f oom- permlsaton on Oot Si, and be­ There m ^ also be a neoee- s i^ r WUliam R. Cotter aald Rest of Nsw Havsn OOtafly loaa of the parUcular art in which they coin, a raiirail brigadlar genoral Thuraday aa be announced plana $188.19 (fU J U ) r a t e s pelgn advance work, to beoome At Rockville a oB w a ti r a tHT * spectaltaed. and prof saaor a t tho U A . 10U- ing found intoodoated on Nov. W, H arry England oem e to mlsrion, if a aubdlvlsloD to In- F iy id ils IB Adraaoe White Houee etaft eecreteoy. 11, all last year, received fftuH'* ftystnn o€ Yirsfiii_■ _ , ~temh» ...... 16.60 •—Dele R. Grubb, 43, a Beoret poaltion on all hit oases in Cir­ A RockvtUe man and a To! IfoaUa ...... 7.80 appearing an de-eptritad, de-taHoanlaed tor of (ho Oflice o t Shnatgency a propoaal tor an apartment problem. Planning. Bervloe agent ooelgned to Nixon cuit Court 13 yesterday. land man were taken to Rock- 8.00 bodiee, wUdi whirled and hinged end He haa alnce served peiiodl- <®Hlng his vice pneldenttal The first three ohatges stem complex on property be acqulF Bngland was unsure lost night Cteneial Hoepital last night Cotter____ ™ m m-T Brf<>f«Port $170.90 ($39.70) ^ BIBR O F ~ pointed and twittered aa^f they were ed recently between Rts. 6 and vdiether the Howard Rd. exten- aiiruin.Cotter qx>ke out after (be In- atamtord $139.97 ($M.48) T t a ipKlCIATBD PRB8B oaHy oa an adviser to the Penta­ yw*a. to work in the WMte from an incident on Oot. 18 ttm AaBooMtad P rs n Is axctaalTaly aatttled 80 many ornate mechanical (toko, with gon and the White Houaa on m il­ Houm coBgreaetotiol relatione when Baatle climhed into a bus 44A. His pnqioaal showsd ao- shm should be road or drive- ^ <•****•> to Um 0*0 of repuUlcatioo at pdl oewa dls- eese by way of Howard Rd., way. If road. It would have to London. Norwich A Tor- polrlm ortdltod to tt or not otherviM credtt- v n t a apotSt o t real life or a twinge of itary aoelatanoe^ defense equip­ office. He ie ;'rom Arlington, Va. owned by Ifae Parkade Bowling Lanes and set off the emergen­ which dips south from Rt. 6 go before the planning oommis- - -ate. ta a t dnirw ^ M la thio papor and also the local news pub- feeling inside. I f there are auch thfeigs ment Ind manpowor and relat­ —Lamar Alexander, 28, of IMiad hara. cy alarm. He was given 60 days just before the Bolton Lake slon. Wbatport $33.40 ($13.96) All niiits at refwMIoaUon o l special dle- as disembodied aplrtta, what danced on ed topliM. Washington, planning dtreotor for breach of the peace, execu­ patchea Boreln are also raserrad. the Oopa stage wan what was left when of Untted aiUena tor Nixon-Ag- Unootn, 6B, served as a logis- »F v , aleo aeelgnad to the tion suspeiiled fined $10 for TBa Barald PrIntiBf Ooinnany Inc., as- the spirits had been separated from the somas no ttatanclal rasponsioillty for typo- tka, policy and atnitegy ptenner «ongreaaloriBl rektiona staff. tampering with a motor vehlole, ~ " 7 . w . (m - n , gnuilileal afron appaartng In advertlaements bodiea. Capping it aB off there was the during Worid Wlar n and ainoe each. Aooording to aoning reg- the Kreyalg property. ___ -v '______• t l — ______<___ Falrflrtd-fltratford $146.48 ($6.- —Daniel W. Hotgren, 82, of and had the charge o f intoodcar Martin was charged with Cotter aaid tile requeot far a aad olbar raalUna matter In TTie Kandiester Oopa smile, the moat artUlcial, nwan- becoming a profeeeor at Weet ulations, these can be no more ■renlBK Herald. New York, e oempoign finance Uon noUed. He was jdaced on Nrtther piece of property wlU recUeae driving. Feiioe eald Us 18 per cent booat, coming after ^ Fairfield OUinty $13E- Point SI years ago has served than two stories high. inglesB, and unfriendly arrangement ot aide, to beoome a deputy aoalst- probation tor a year. , need a zone change, however, car eUdded ooroas the road and a seven per cent Increase was m /m a m \ aaBaeriber to Los Angelea Tlines-Waalitnr- pertodleiuly as an advloer to the ton Peat News Seirioa. facial muaolea ever rttualUed by relent- ent to the Preeldent ' The charge of breaking and A few wertBs ago Ralph Gas- England’s —some 60 acres — Into the path of the Bates’ car. granted a year ago, indfoates t, m i . m ftu a a t Fttn lertlciu client or N. B. A. Service, Inc Pentagon and White House on entering without pormiodon leas drlUmaater. —The m m named WMte tov a Vernon developer, rep- is all aoned indusMal except to r Both car* were heavUy dam- the need for changing ttw an- t m — m in «mraethn P uMMtera R epresentativee — The Julius dMenee equipment, manpower was brought against him when Katfesws Special i^ n cy — New York. Chi- Somewhere, nomehow , after the pe^ otaff woM resented by Atty. Francis Shea, a 300 f t burineaa aone along aged. M artto is scheduled to tire system. 'w ith Um rate ixxwt eaco. Detroit and Boston. and related toptoe. he was found in the basement formance, the girls must have managed John R Brown ni, 26, of Pltta- appeared beftm the Zoning Rg. 44A. He would eventually appear In RockvlDe (Circuit Another footer behind Cotter’s at mld-l988 it ooetanx^ aneiniiiiR a d d i t b o r b a p o f c ir c d l a . On Thursday the Proeldent- teugh; Stephen B. Bufl, 27, of of a vacant house' at 60 'Apel Board with a similar propoaal aet aside some 30 acres of the Court 12,- Feb. 4. Officer John proposal was action by the Ju- nr t m to a a ilt e ______«- iTOwa______to reunite body and soul, flesh and heart, elect aleo named 13 men, many St with two other youttie on musete and feeling, and thus have be­ Henipntead, N .T .; WUUem Gav­ —eight buUdlr^ ^ total tor apartments. Shea made the furest. dietary Committee of the log- inturv and for Dtapiay advertlainf dosinc hours: of them aides during Ow cam­ in, 88, of Abington, Pa.; Law- Oct. 31. He was given a OO^lay tonti atadting th e amount o l nagar talk atiout tbeiw tioie. Like air horns for trucks end boot­ And Court Drops Charges Other oases: Daniel Brahm, Hospital Notes ies for doge. But »m e is as ill-conceived I n s i d e % Rowland Evans Jr. apartmMite each, phis a fewKreyslg, a charter member of meadow. Mass., was charged for the damages suffered by the belnff "balance” in the fedenl budget, 18, of Glenwood Rd., charged scattered apartments. Zoning Board, reslgDed tart with failure to obey a stop sign motorists they insure, regard- Visltiag hears ore UiM to 9 as the enowmobile. Charges o f foreaMng and en­ When Shaw took the stand, with sale of marijuana, plead­ euid no amoimt o t bland pretenoe tfaait Open Foru] But about this time last year sone-change hot- and is scheduled to rppoar in leas of blame. to an aieM exeefl 1 That, at any rate, Is the unhappy con­ tering with criminal Intent and Atty. Charies MUHer, Me ed not guilty, waived a hear­ some a t the proponata made a i« about Liirrv Ftano apav. before the tie. He did not agree wttfa tiie Stafford Springs Circuit Court The American Insurance M- Itywhere they^ ie 3 tod clusion being reeich^ by more and more Robert D. Novak theft of a motor veMele brought ing on probable cause, and had to CGOtribute to the Increased wdlare taia^rer, opjeoted, saying Shaw VAniAir Board with a sketch tor members, and thodgbt the 12, Feb. 26. stltute (AIA) caUed tor a no- 6 i l i ^8 ^m- Puftog the rural homeowners, hunters, fishermen, Report agalnat John Scott, 17, of 148 might Incriminato htans^ as his case bound over to the next of the American people can hide the Melton Dr., East Hartford, were anoMitment oomnlex on South <*«*«• aboidd have been grant- Wynne, police said come out fault system last October, say- rent flu epidemie v ^ m wk oonservationlBts and sheriffs. They aay Good Education Pays centive for centinuaHy dtanging he was charged as an ao- session ot Tolland Superior M Tt^v M «>• of n stop sign at the IntersocUon tag that such a plan would save strictod to U mixotes aad to moat single important fact now involved the noisy vehicles are being so widely dropped after no probable cause Court WASmNOTON—An exchange ble tor drafting legislation and and improving the curricuhi of oeaeory to the crime. Judge Irate arm sud- by the now regulo- of Rt 1« and 80 and Struck a drivers from 19 to 48 per oeiit members o l the in the economic Mfe of this country. mlsued that they are ruining life in the net, whldi often are forgotten as To the Editor, was found in a hearing in CSr- Barry Gaffney, 26, o f Hudson, programs to carry out the Nix­ the schools. The tea^jars need WUUam 6. Ewing Jr. over­ countryaiide. “ A ll we do weekends is between Richard M. Nixon end quickly cm the President’s cam­ Incredibly, man’s fund of oult Cburt 12 yesterday. N.H.*, formerly of Manchester, denlv discovered ♦>««*■ a targe tbxis on distance between com- *7ven by Thomas Chmura in premiums. The AIA mem- famny. on irnllcy. Staff men in the your encouragement and your ruled objection end allowed Noitoy^ THa is the fact that we are in a atate answer the phone" and listen to com­ his new chief advisor fo r na- paign iqieeches. Moreover, P re a - knowledge and Information The chargee atom from a charged -with the sale o f nar­ Dortten of Bolton north of ^ T l idexes ta Leonard Gigllo of Cov- Ixmgmeadow. here handle about 68 per cent AdmltM Wetoeayy; support. queettonkig by Prosecutor Jo­ Locks; where we haive to keep running faster plaints about snowmobilers, says the Nixon White House are also un­ ident Johnson’s .aides are pri­ doubled from 1900 to 1960. From break into Morlarty’s Chevnm cotic drug amd non-support, S r^ d ir^ iS led ^ - ^ own. land along „ „ tUmal securiity affairs. Dr. Hen­ Give the children of the Town seph Paradiao. BUlngton; and faster m erely in order to make aure sheriff o f CSare County, kDch. der strict orders from the Pres­ vately skeptical, predicting 1980 to 1960 it doubled again. Service at 270 Hartford Rd. and waived a hearing on the firat tags. They tile d unsucceoafully South Rd. He appeared before buMiesa. ^*J2.***®’ ry Kissinger, at the Preoldent- of Manchester a good education Paradiao ashed Shaw whether or the board last to ascer- “ Prospect St., Rockville was The rates requested by the Casimir Champ, Vernon that we stand aUU. Michigan residents are especially irate ident and his chief Congression­ that Nixon aides will refrain And in three short years from the eubaequent theft of a Volks­ charge and had the case botmd eleot’s first meeting with his al lobbyist, Bryce Harlow, who from intervening in executive 1960 to 1963 it again doubled! and it will pay for Itself. Give wagen from the parking lot or not Soott told him he stole ^ ’Me nano taln^ ^ c S ? ^ buUd ^ about snowmobiles, probably because the car, whereupon more otijec- ovqr to Hartford Superior ™ : * 1 _ sseaMo^wmsMeA, sm. nn^nii. sxsms-L^ ftttiifir withoift ft Ifcefise, eoTlv ftt ft pubUc hearing the hftven Reet Home; VlrgM ii* The factor in our economic life vriiich Cabinet tails much about^the had 'the same job under Gen. departments and offering hard Indeed, there is so much knotvl- them a chmp education and there in Oototoer. Court, cuid had the second about 100,000 of the nation’s 280,000 or tlons irare lodged by Shaw's at- a p o ^ t complex ta nearing ^ tW* «« Lake St., Bol- state Ins^i^ D ecent dean. Crest Dr.; Lswis Ktag, defeats and nullifies our exertion and so snowmobiles are located in that state. Ehsenhower, never to Intervene recommendations to the Presi­ edge being uncovered today that they will be paying for it (h% The key witneee for the proe- charge noUed. coming riiaipe o f thingB at the rest of their lives. tontey and a abort recess was completion. ^c^hep^ them tar Feb. 8, Cotter said. EUtagton; Aimrtte Zeis, RFD 9; progress, and udiioh holds us to a stand- Not all of these are being driven about White House. with Cabinet depaitments or the dent for about one day. it would be forgotten as quick­ ecutlon, Wayne 9iaw, 16, of Rt. Joseph L. Gcnnan, 48, of 88 Yours truly, 81, Coventry, ohargeU as an ac- oalled. .^though the Zoning Board the car. wh'ch The propoeed rate schedule John Burke, Strong Av#., and atm no matter how furiously we flail recklesety, of course, but many are. Briefing his entire Cabinet on regulatory agencies without spe- But Mr. Nixon has made ly as it Is learned, if it were Ehlridge St, pleaded not guilty did not grant the sene change, «*yron t/ee ^ suss and struck a utility polo tor motorists Insurftt for MabH- Paul Early, Paxton, Mass, clfic Presidential approval—ob­ George A. Potterton ceasory to the theft, teatifled After the recess, Paradiso our lega and arms, ia inflation. One ended up recently at the back door Dec. 12, the day after he im- heavy impact on hie staff with not tor the fact that as murii as to four counts of obtaining it did make changes ta Its regu- ^ * 7 ^ ™ . wn« demoKMied. Stenhnns was ity up to $20,000 tor personal Dlschaigad Wednesday; Bllaa vious protection aga4^ another these Nixon guidelines. It sug­ is possibls of this information that he lied in a written state­ noUed the chargee o f aoceaeory money under false pretenses It is Tidiculoua for a Prealdent to pre­ of the Demde Bever home in rural Lake v^led it over nationwide tele­ tations to Umlt apartment com- mg «> ask aboM the po—mlllty treated at Manchester Memo- injuries in an accident and $6,- Stafford, Mgh St.; Mary Lasso, City. It was 3 :S0 a.m. when the snowmo­ Sherman Adams scandal. gests that Mr. Nixon really in­ is being recorded on microfilm Flagpole For ’Tolland ment he gave to state poUce brought agaJnst Shaw and and one count o t tasuing a tend that Inflation la under control when vision, Mr. Nixon suddenly turn­ To the Editor, on the night of the incident in Soott’e attorney, PubUc De­ irfex density. These were work- a sene change tor seven hospital for facial lacera- 000 ta property damage ta- Center At; Ruth Ooldsinlth, bile came crariiiig; into the Bever’s back ed to Kissinger In the midst of E very President starts out tends to run the government and stored In places for safe fraudulent check. He wiU have ed out during closed sesstans acres along R t 6 which Is son- Hons. eludes, with the amount o f to- Blbndy H U R d.; Paul B aity, be officially proposes- to Oongress that with new guidelines to govern keeping. I wish to eongratulato Mr. wtilah he named Soott and Adal­ fends George Royster, object­ steps. "That nut also {dowed up our a discussion on Vietnam. He through his Cabinet asAio Presi­ on Bast Hartford jury trial In tart year, and ware presented R-8. Their intention waa also ------crease ta parentheses: Paxton, Moss.; Anna Baovtaka, social security benefits be increased by the conduct of staff and Cabi­ Today’s schoolchildren must Roger Landry on Ma patriotic bert Longley Jr., 17, of Ireland ed, saytaig tiiat the noHee were lawn, but he did more damage to our asked Kissinger to give his ad­ d e since Harry Truman. February. at a public hearing ta the apparently apartments. They There are about 4'.200 miles of Hartford $162.57 ($4.52) EUtagton; Ctaiolyn Bach, Tol- 10 per cent and that social security learn much, much more than kitereat in >tbe town of Tolland. Dr., Ooventiy, eaytnjg that they "meneuveraend oontrlvanoee to nerves,” says Mrs. Bevu’. "Imagine be­ vice on a controversial Vietnam George B. Hanfca o f WUlimen- qirtag. were dlsoouraged because of tile navbraUe tatand waterway in Hartford...... suburbs* $146.51 - ...... ($16.- land; Anthony ’Dreat;^ TMlaad, those of yesteryear. Yes, and May I take tMs opportunity to told him they oommitted th e drop Art charge of aoocoeory to taxing be increased by 10 per cent. ing awakened by that horrible noise." problem. ' Uc, arrested In Coventry, The new regulations contain ^ ayment scales. moUiera doing just about anything. "The Council of Churches Y esterd ay s ed, not only in background in- of all wars in cooperation wltii sign $10, and failure to change select from. Obviously pleased, patohed to Steel Crooalng Rd., diso, Shaw said, "He (Scott) any buUdtag ta one omnplex to first rule these guya break ia using epm------1------(ormation but also in methods VPW Post 241? oditoesB on Uoense $6. 985 MAIN ST. IN DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER - TEL. 648-6171 - OPEN 9 AJI. TO SriO It merely joins file race nobody ever mjon smse,” be says. Mr. Nixon chuckled but insisted of teachb^. Teachers and The monument wlU have in- Bottoo, where • Volkswagen trad never told me he stole the car.” Mark Moody, 1 7 ,^ Etast Store any buUdtag in another com­ "Ttlie reward for humility and 25 Years Ago PJd.:/r (HOSED MONDAY - OPEN THURS. AND FRI. UNTO. 9 P.M. - MUSIC STORES; wins. Not all of the Irksome snowmobilers inat on this one occasion Kis­ BchootchUdren alike need stailed 'In its base a 22-foot spun turned over near the reflroad Paradiao asked him why be Rd., Crystal Lake, pleaded not plex runs from 1,000 to 2,000 fear of the Lord is riches and 17 OAK ST., MANCHESTER - ’TEL 848-6171 - 241 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD - TEL. are just unthinking pranksters. Some are singer could break his rule and Emanuel Lutheran church modem and good equipment to aluminum flagpole from wMch > tmoks. gave a written statement to (he guilty to the sale of marijuana, feet, depending on the total 622-7201 - WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE - 142 EAST CENTER ST. - TBU 849-7198 Nor would It be very appropriate ahrewd-thinlcing criminals. Law-enforoe- say what he really thought honor and life.” i (Proverbs At the soene, the tnoper eald, pohee saying that Scott told number of buildings in aaob 22:4) debt is liquidated. teach and to Icam from. the fla g wUl proudly be flown. •waived a probable cause hear­ for an aihnlniatration to claim it has ment offieials in Miriilgan’s Upper Pen­ ought to be done. Reluctantly, I’m sure that the Town of he met a constable who told him him he did steal the oar, and ing and had his case bound over complex. On the surface it appears like This monument wtil be. ton insula say a new breed ot thieves ise Kissinger obliged. The Rev. Dr. Watson Wood­ that he aaw a group of rix boys Shaw said, " I just made up a Therefore, comidexes pro­ been controlling, or foresees the control a mistake to read about rewards Manchester wants to provide its mally dedicated M ay SI, 1969. to the next seaslan of ToUend snowmobiles for get-away cars. They The Incident reveals how the ruff, minister of Center Con­ around the oar leave In a Chev­ statement. Tve done that be­ Superior Court. posed on adjacent properties of, Inflalion, when, before the nation has for being humble. What could be children with the best education At this time I would Iflce to break Into well-fumiahed resort cabins, Ntxon team hopes to change the gregational Church since 1921, ro le t fore.” Richard Palegrino, 21, of New may pose a problem, and Uio even begim eidiausting its supply of five further from Iho truth than to possible. It always has. To do InvUe Mr. Landry and anyone pile the loot Into trailers hitched to snow­ whole character of the White resigns. this we must maintain a com­ interested in this project to vtalt Soon after, a Chevrolet oame Shaw then testified that only Britain, arrested in Mancheeter Zoning Board began to mull cent envelopes made ohscdete by the new read that a sense of awe in the over this problem last night. mobiles and then count on fresh snows House staff onerartlotv. What Mr. petent staff of teachers and the Post Home where any ques­ by the scene where the trooper Longley told him he stole the fo r maktaig unnecessary noise six cent letter rate, it proposes that the Ntxon is drvlng for has eluded presence of God is the way to and the constable were still In- oar. Longley ia already charg­ I t was the oonaensus that the to literally cover their tracks. get rich! 10 Years Ago ^rive for its contintml improve­ tions will gladly be answered.* with a motor vdtlrio, noUed. first class mail rate be increased again A Michigan c<«iservation officer says many Presidents before him: veatigelttng, and the tnxqier ed with the theft, according to WUliam B. 'Robertson, 81, o f (Utag of intention could not be The humble person is the last ment. We must supply our The Post is open daily from 4 to seven cents. to use his own staff strictly as David J. Marks becomes pres­ stopped the oar. Shaw and Soott prosecutor Paradleo. North Haven, arrested in Man­ the deriding factor ta which de­ fthat law breakers on snowmobiles "think one to know of this quality of teachers with th e' tools and p.m. until 1 a.m. and Is tocated an inform atkm-gathe ring device ident of the 8th ScIkioI and Util­ were amotg; those In the oer, he Judge Ewing found no chester for operating a motor veloper ta aUowed to build, and behave just like the outlaw motor- his life, if ever! The true wor­ modem equipment necessary on Route 74, Tolland. It can be said for such measures that ities District. said. probable cause and MA Paradi­ •vehicle while license Is under should there be a contest (as cyele gangs,” ripping up anything in and leave to his Cabinet all the ship of the One Who mode us is tor the job of modem educa­ Mrs. Muriel E. Adams, they face the fact ot inflation. But they their path. The Vofleawagen was report­ so, "Apparently you’ve been suspension, $100. there may be ta the case of OF A\ANCHESTER major poUey advice. to ho "lost in wander, love and tion. We must provide the tearii- 87 Talcott Ave.,.> do so only in order to join it, not to ed stolen by Timolhy Moriarty short otrculted by a witness who Robert Caasasanta, 2% of 44 the Engtand-Kreysig proposals). Police and conservation officials are In Kissinger’s case, for exam­ praise.” Now, we are discover­ ers with the time and the in­ Rockville, Conn. halt it. the next morning when he dis- may be lying on the stand, I Deepwood Dr., (dtoiged with Board members discussed the using airplanes, helicopters and even ple, M r. Nixon and the succes­ ing clues as to what is meant by THEIR OWN WAY snowmobiles to try to oatch culprits, but sor to tile job held the last eight covered a break into hie sta­ don’ t know. Scott, has not hem sale of controUed drugs, bound poastbUlty of setting a time “ riches, honor and life.” CAIRO (AP) — Without any Congress is also facing the fact o f in- the criminals —who often are In souped- years by freewheelers Mc- tion. The keya were also report­ tied in with the theft of this ever to Hartford Superior Court. Umlt, once the devekq;>er has fil­ Obviously, we are not being champagne toast, the Cairo Air­ flatiMi, wifiKUt doing anything but join­ up models —often gat away. George Bundy and Walt Whit­ ed mtaatag. motor viehicito.” Oases continued included: ed an tateiA, but decided against asked to think here about dol­ port witnessed recently the In­ ing it end giving it new stimulation, when One result of all this is a crackdown man Rostow have agreed on ex­ Today in History Bernard OosteUo, 20, o f Stone- this because, they asked, at lars, promotions, and longevity. auguration of a newly pur­ W atkins is it doubles the salary of the President on snowmobUere in some Northern tremely tight g^lidelines: Klsshi- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ry—$98.8 billion tor the flscal house Rd., Coventry, charged what point ta the intent filed? These are all hanpy additions to chased Boeing 707 jet tor the Today Is Friday, Jan. 17, the Over the telephone to the semtag from 1100,000 to |200,000, and prepares Efates. On Jan. 1, Michigan put into ef­ ger wUl never propose or advo­ life, as we all acknowledge. But year ending June 30, 1064. Soyuz 5 Still Orhitinff with breaking and entering United Arab Airlines. Cham­ 17th day o f 1969. There are 348 agenlt? With a pencil-drawn to accept increases slightly more modest, fect a new rule that requires snowmo­ cate a particular polixiy, but w ill In 198B, the atomic submarine wMh criminal Intent and lar- there is something far more pagne, Uke aU other alcoholic nvap Uke Gaston’s? With a bhie- biles to be registered, Uke cais a n d only present ’’options” —choices. days left in the year. Nautilus began first sea tests in oeny unHer $280, Jan. 80. percentage-wise, for its own membership. profound Involved here. There ,1s beverages, is forbidden by the prtat showing contours like Ekig- boats, with the regtatration number In ordinary language—to his a richness of life, an honor Today’s HIglillglit In History Long Island Sound. Guy K. Ooddliig, 18, o f 200 Moslem religion. Redwood Rd., charged with land’s? celebrating Everybody who can run fast enough printed In thiee-tnch-high letters so of­ boss. which accrues to a man, and an On this date in 1949 the trial of Ten Yean Ago Three Cosmonauts A turbened sheikh with flow­ procuring Uquor by false state­ They finally derided that the has a chance of managing to keep even. ficers can spot troublemakers from a exalted tyne of living, wWch be­ 11 top ranking Communists in British and Egyptian negotia­ Thus, having agrqed to this ing robes ascended the swank ment, Jan. 28. only fair way to decide is on And for the really swift runners, like the distance. So far, only 25,000 snowmobiles come the truly hiunbic. the pure the United States, charged with tors in Cairo reached agnament process with Mr. Nixon before American-made plane to redte Em ery E. GUdden, 26, of Fine the basis of who completes aU smartest boom-tiime investors and enter- have l>een registered; and state officials In heart before God. When you plotting the overthrow of the on a pact to end financial dif- his appointment was announced, some verses from the Koran, Lake Dr., Coventry, ohatged requirements first. The require­ are concerned at the low number. Min­ think about It, you know what federal government, began in (erences from Egyptian ‘Softland’ in Snow preneurs, inflation is finh even carrying Kissinger naturally attempted to the Moslem holy book. with failure to grant right ments are: A sanitary permit, La-Z-Boy's nesota ia considering a aimBar law. Is meant here don’t you? New York. seizure < Sues. Canal in 40th the illusion that one can, if fast enough follow It out at that first pre- The plane, one o f three such " (OonUnned from P age One) way, Jan. 38. a driveway permit, and a plan Northern states also are designating “ The reward for humility and R) 1917, the Uhlted States 1960. and smart enough, get far enough ahead inauguration Cabinet meeting. jets Egypt purchased in the showing location on the lot of more land as official snowmobile routes fear of the Lord in riches and bought the Virgin Islands from Five Yean Ago paraMon tor their landing, had oould survive Indepmdently in of the game to be safe no matter what Kissinger has agreed, in addi­ , TOURIST BAIT SET in an attempt to keep the drivers from honor and life .” United States, is decorated on Denmark. France moved to recognize space. all buUdtaga and systems drawn tion, to highly significant o strapped themselves into their MASSESIU, Lesotho (AP) — to scale by a registered land happens eventually. wandering onto private land, where some Contributed by: the inside with Pharaonic in­ In 1960, nine mep, wearing Communist China, despite ef­ The Soyuz mtaslon has been changes Mr. Nixon wants to scriptions. ' seats. Then commander Shata- A luxury hotel with an elaborato surveyor. show an uncanny knack for causing dam­ The Rev. John E. Post, Halloween masks, held up a forts of the United States to described as a step toward con­ Anniversary! But there are, of course, some whose make in his National Security The othef two are expected to gambling casino ta to be bultt Because of Bolton drainage age. Michigan already has 800 miles of The United Methodist Blink’s armored oar in Boston dissuade her. *' lov made manual adjustments struction of an orbiting space legs are too old for running, and some snowmobile Itrails and it hopes to open Council (NSC) as contrasted to arrive within a year. here to devekq^i Lesoibo’B nonex­ patterns, the first step advised Church and, escaped with |1 million in One Y ear Ago in the craft’s poaltion and flred platform. A Sovielt wiglneer whose resources can’t be whe^ed out up cuwther 1,300 milea o f trails by 1073. Its form under Gen. Eisenhow­ The plane made its first trip wrote to today’s Pravda that So­ istent tourist Industry. is the sanitary permit. I t the cash and $600,00(1 in checks, the In his State of the union mes­ a re-entry blaat from the ship’s into the freeway. Such don't even have In New York’s Adirondacks region, er. (During the Kennedy-John- reoenUy, to Jsdda, Saudi A ra­ largest cash robbery in the na­ viet :Q)ace soienttate consider it son years, ithe NSC fell into dis­ sage President Johnson propos­ r o ^ e t the hope of staying even, of achieving where about 10,000 snowmobilers con­ On This Dote bia, carrying 18 ministers and tion’s history. ed extending the war against "much more eensiUe’’ tor cos­ enough speed to stand stlU. * verge every weekend on Lake Placid use.) other tourists and information In 1963, President John P, ^ "The ship then made a con­ monauts to operate from an or­ In the Eisenhower adminis­ In 1706, Benjamin Franklin, crime and Wg city' problems; and Mirror Lake, the state has just built officers to make a "small pil­ Kennedy sent to Congress a pro­ a $186 billion budget and a tax trolled descent through the at- biting ptattonn instead of mak­ Your Choice In a just and provident economic so­ 200 miles of trails. trations, the goal of NSC policy American statesman, inventor grimage" to Mecca and return posed budget calling for the big­ Increase were among the Pres­ " moephere,” the oimounoer said. ing an earth launch every time. ciety, the, main effort would not be to papers was a decision agreed and philosopher, was bom. Even so, conservaitlon: officials doubt the same day. gest spending program in histo- ident’s proposals. .After the rocket was swMxdied Orbiting rtatlone would be of S N’t WOODLAND QardMis S keep those who can run fast running fast­ fiiait the new trails will end their prob­ on by all members of the Coun­ off, he added, Soyuz 4’s crew "great help” in training cosmo­ er, but to balance conditions down so lems. They say some snowmobUers de­ cil—the Secretaries of State, De­ oapaule was eeparated from the nauts tor flights to other pfanets S for your SOoding Noods! S. that the competition for comfort and sur­ light in using their machines .to abuse fense, and Treasiuy, the Vice working quarters, and the two that might take years, Pravda animals. Wisconsin conservation of­ President, and the head of Of­ ■eoUons plunged eeporately into said. vival is more nearly equal between s v h fVnXvftf ■ v f*i n off«t %#viffiwiiiVB*f the fast and the slow, the young and the ficials for instance, talk of a new "sport” fice of Emergency Planning, the atmosphere. Looking tar into the future, dreamed up by snowmobilers. They Fischetti old. the rich and the poor. with the President as chalnmen. Recovery crews, "friends and the newspaper asserted it is # Liquid rurtOhwfi cmd Much Moru! # efake a sheep or calf In the middle of a * . This harmonization of strongly- opposed views often produced aona'to greet the returning cqs- tion o f ouch things as hall bear­ * " ft ' * ^ other way to improve the fortunes of by. When coyot'es swoop down on the flabby decisions that pleased no monauta,” he said. ings oould be carried out in those on social security, to balance pos­ animal, the enowmobllers converge on one and avoided the issue. Taos r^HMted the cosmonauts space. The advantage would be • Fbr DIFTS, Wo Suggoob— tal expenses, or to help make Congres­ the ice and chase ithe coyotes until they Under Mr. Nixon, Kissinger had stowed all soientifle Instru­ that the ball bearings oould be die of exhaustion. sional salaries adequate for Congres- won’t try to compromise con- ments, films and oameras in the made with ’’ideally spherical Within the past 40 yean, LarZ-Boy has acquiiM a Hunters also complain that the snow­ landing oapeule, then It was sep- form” 'beoause of the vacuum. .sional living expenses. That is to make fUtsts within the NSC. Mr. Nixon <' '' ' 'i' ' • Azaleas c reputati<« for extreme comfort Wril comf<»t is mobiles, which race through flel& and wants conflicting opinions to , ' ft a$tited from the ship’s working Tass reported that by 2 p^m. >0.881 the dollar more of a dollar; to try to woods at up to 38 miles an hour, make Moscow time (6 ajn. EST), Vo- La-Z-Boy’a major appeal I f you ownwme, we’re come to him, sharpened and quarters. aure you agree. I f you don’t own 8474 f dependable eeourity for all Americans. oonneoted to the ship’s air sup­ total domestic exports ore de­ WALL STREET JOURNAL. White House,,, Will be responsi­ BRm ^ m TS^&nfm c&nutv inon£imum m/iw* ply. It did not say how long hs rived from this sector.

V ' ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FBH)AY, JANUARY 17, 1969 Mi^CHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1969 SM. PAGE ELEVEN Coiuntbia Hebron Tottand County LBJaBitSad; Italy ShoTvingg ceived at toe Vatican by the Last Few Davs Pops. Hzr husband w u ro- Ramm Named T A € T o H o M Start TVo-Week Events in World oslved by the Pontiff in 1964. 64th Anniversary A Long Farewell Catholic To Preach should not have involved him­ 500 Manila Teacher $ Zbook board. In town, he Topic of Lutz Film you have a problem cutting out ing keeping the fashion crowd toUowIng an apartment hearing. door. Caron's building permit chester Hfgfi School, ^ s wife, has been active in his church rrn. j • ii- » j , ed to the archbirtiop in their lights, you Just better not look wide awake until midnight. The petttian requested that the was issued under old regulaUons The third in the Audubqn wildlife films co-sponsored fight to retain coeducaition at Patricia, Uves In DeSota, Mo. and played U'ttle league and -MANCHESTER ____ at the U3J ranch cdter sun­ Veteran menswear designer oonunlsoian take all land In- which required the one front by the Lutz Junior Museum and Manchester Jaycees h>e Roman OathoUc school, pony league baseiball. down,” he quli^ied. Brioni, showing this s'vening, MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES eluded tn the ^lartment sme door. Since he is seeking a "Trusting that the archbishop announces , the line. V P Planners Act on Requests will 'be presented Sunday afternoon, Jan, 26, at 3 in r H COMMUNITY COLLEGE___ The ranch down near Johnson VP and place It in a new one acre change to the now regulations, stands for vertical personality YOUR QUALITY OLDSMOBILE DEALER The Planning and Zoning Bailey Auditorium, Manchester High ^hool. indeed tte true, lawful and City, Tex., is where ttte John­ Parents Night NEW 1969 aone tor one and two family the commlsalon deemed that he Treasured names and fa r - o ff______of power, we now tor- or how to make a man look tall­ Oonvmlssion has approved the sons are going Monday after homea only. must come before a public hear- molly and publicly ask, petition er without haiv;ing him up by subdl'vlsion lots on Hunt Rd. places provide a storied setting SPRING SGMBS1ER REGISIIIAITiON — 1969 Richard M. Nixon takes toe Set at lUi'ng O t the 80 persons present at Ing which was set for Feb. 11. and demand that he, and he the ears. called Columbia Estates Sec- for the colored film, "Scandin­ Tolland County oath em Preaident. CHRYSLERS Wedneoday*s bearing, only six Oaron, rperesentlng Caron A Pairents' Night for parents tlon 1 owned by Martom Miller. avian Saga,” by Dr. John Doug- alone, consider our request and for At another reception, given by Brioni descrlbea his oollsction qxike out in opposition to the Brothers, submitted a subdlvi- , *Ihe plan consists of six -lots on Bulger of Pulaski, N.Y, Superior Court grant the fulfillment of our State Department empbyes to of ath grade students' at lUing as an e'valuation of toe changes praposal to eliminate the apart- sion request for 12 lots and the Rt. 66 and one on Hunt Rd. and From the antique pastoral pleai,” said the teachers Thurs­ honor Dean Rusk, Johnson Junior High School wiU bo held tot' the better that have been SPECIAL CARS at meat aone. remainder entitled Salmon d o d g e s day to an open letter. ” No oth­ l made in men’s fashion over the 6 River Park. The hearing on this objected to by any of charm of Denmark’s enchanted pinned the highest civilian Monday at 7:30. Notices of as­ Two cases Involving a chaise er alternative will he accept- past 16 years. Fashion histo­ nearby resldetiits and land ibles to the breath-taking beau- award he can give, toe Presi­ signed rooms have been dls- the grmm favoring the change siibdlvtslon will be on Jan. S6. of plea were heard Tuesday In able, Special Students rians please take note. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! ty of Norway’s craggy fiords; dent’s Medal of Freedom with trUbuted to students. an early court session preced­ Tbe lay teachers have protest­ About to turn the tables on aU to oS^ stahS^ The commission turned down from the fabulous forests of Distinction, on his secretary of the group w«a ocnoenied with Jfeyn^, submitted an ap- ing the Roy Darwin trial. ed plans by Monslgnor James The meeting ■wUl be in the those women’s wear designers the request by Botte Advertls- Finland to the fairy tale castles , Eugene F. Riddick, 17, o f 57 Thursday, January 23 state. form of a workshop to acquaint SNOW FIGHTERS the buOding o f apartments In pUcaU®" which was accepted for Ing Oo., to raise a billboard on A. Connelly, the archdiocesan Granrdeon Lyn Nugent, IH who recently have become so SPECIAL PRICES HehroTwittiout regu- of Sweden, "Saga” brings to North Park St., Ellington chang- school superintendent, to moke parents with the program of busy trying their hand at de­ W« Hava 2 1969 Dedga Rt. 6 at toe town line in WUU- the screen a variety of scenic ■ed his i>loa of guilty made last years old, sat on the floor at the Grade 9 studies. Topics to be tadlom to control thTWpula- mantlc. Sacred Heart an all-girl school. HOURS: 1-4 p.m. & 6:30-8 p.m. signing modes tor men is SieJ- Snow Fightar Trucks beauty. week to Innocent on a charge of Senate reception and playied discussed are courses offered, tton density, health, safety w d T The oommdaslon found that The lay teachers aid they had with a telephone. llan-bom Angelo Lltrico. He will '68 PONTIAC '68 O L D S breaking and entering with requirements lor each, and their '65 O L D S Priead To Mova itolfsro of the rosldeiitor and OoU^bla town Une The the billboard is already npn- More than fifty species of "reportedly borne the burden But at toe State Department p r e ^ t "Lltrico for her,” his criminal Intent. Riddick was ar­ 146 Har+ford Road, Manchester relation to future educational vo­ Grand Prix 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, F-86 Coupe. 6 cyl., automatic, without provision tor adequate ^ “ contorming and any change birds and other animals .are ot nls (Monadgnor Cornieliys) he got restless during all toe ■thoughts on - what the weH- automatic, power steering, pow­ ______I t was reported that ICurl rested Nov. 24 in connection cational planning. W-100 Vi ton W-2Q ton open qwees. would Increase the degree of featured. Gaily costumed puf- eirbitrary decisions” and added speeches and toddled to his dressed woman sho^d wear. er brakes, factory air. No. power Bteering. No. 7178A. */4 with a house break in ElHi^fton. Courses available to part-time Special Stu­ Leaders will be A. Hyatt Sut- AH tooee who sooke in favor non-conformlty. The firm had tawny darting skuas, that "toe declsIcHi to divest grandfather to offer a half- When tt comes to menswear, 7161A. 6 V2 box with V-8 Engino . AH moee wno spoxe m lavor ^he commission vot­ He asked for trial by a jury Mffe, prlncipad; Andrew Vlnoens, V Enjino of rescinding the apartment protested an earlier decision of brightly colored oyster-catchers, Sacred Heart High School of Its dents on a space-available basis in all curricu­ chewed cookie. Johnson Lltrico says his concept is the * 1 2 9 5 -8 4-Sp*ed Trans. ed to authorize Robert Links to of 12 and his case was continued sane wanted stricker regulationB toe same nature and the com- and captivating lynx kittens trie male students Is not, we claim, swapped a nail d ip to Lyn for vice principal; Mrs. Alice Ham- tall, thin, youthful man. There’s 3 Spood Tran*. « 8 Foot Box 750x16 issue building i>ermits while his for future assignment. A request lar areas. Dynamic 88 Convertible. V-8, mlssloii, had referred the mat- tor attention with strikingly a popular one.” toe cookie, end promptly ate It. mar, head guidance counselor; nothing new in that. Fatty is no­ 700x16 Mud fr Snow Mud And Snow Tim on buUding, a building code, two father is unable to Bo so. to reduce his bond of 61.000 so automatic, power steering, pow­ ter to town counsel, Robert Hag- beautiful red-breasted and bar- Monslgnor Connelly has ex­ But toe President couldn’t and Nathan Koppel and James body's favorite ■when It comes to Tiros-Loek Out Hubz types of peroulation tests tor The commission received a toat he ooum return to school er brakes. No. 6066A. Lock Out Hubs pressed surprise at toe stand give much attention to Lyn dui^ Camarata, guidance counselors. designing doihes. ^ 3 0 9 5 drainsge, and generally felt that nacle geese, storks In neck- Tuition: $50 plus fees ’ 2 0 5 0 O’ Snow Flow & Snow Plow ■letter from Arthur Barrows, was denied 'because of a prior taken by toe lay teachers, say­ ing the speedies, and Lud Nu­ Several group sessions have Wan'v^ will odd a topical note lawyer, stating that to Haggerty said the present reg- breaking greeting at their roof- record. ing that plans to phase out the gent, the child's mother, took been held ■with each 8th grade wUh his "space line” that wlU single family dwellings. his opinion, since Hebron Is an ulaUons would not permit rols- top nests, multi-colored ruffs in James M. Petock, 19, of 119 ★ RECENT TRADE-INS^ male students were made known CONTACT: Director of Admissions him outside before toe Presi­ homeroom to discuss toe ■vari­ feature suits equipped wUh lots A. Harry WIrtfa, chairman of undeveloped rural town, with­ tog toe sign without Increasing courting display, and many Cooper Hill St., Manchester, over two years ago. dent spoke. ous materials, and to assist stu­ of seams shooting upwards to '67 O L D S '67 Plymouth '67 PONTIAC the Board of Finance, akmg with out either public water or sew­ the bulk, thus increasing t h e other creatures ranging in size changed his plea to guilty to eSCH'RQER *2995 67 OLDS. *2195 Telephone 647-9951, Ext. 51 At the outset Johnson said he dents In m'Oldng a realistic give an elongated line. ^Dr. HtrZttr, V-t mttiM, vinyl Z4I fvH'nmn 4-Dntr H.rnttr, others stated that apartments erage, the commission could ^n-conformlty. The Bolte from toe tiny wagtaU to the charges connected ■with breaks The teachers are urging Delta 88 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, au­ Fury. 2-Dr. Sedan. V-8, auto­ Bonneville 4-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, was going to speak a little long­ choice of program in terms of Oapuccl, Just returned to rwf, vinyl kneknt Miti, cniiMit, avl«m*lk tr*in., nnwnr ftttrinf, would not yield toe tax revenues exclu^ apartments. Oc^pany ^ 1 be "oJRled and immense European bison, Into Bolton schools. He is charg­ Catholics to protest toe plan to tomatic, power ateering, power . zulMiMtlc, rnwnr ntnnrlnt, rnnin, N «w krikM, rtfy anf kwttr, further questions will bo re- , er "than I ought to." their albllity, interests, and fu­ brave toe Italian critios after a matic. No. 6128A. automatic, power steering, pow­ MiIImmIH, Mw mllMtt, mruln. iKItry (ir cMfllinnInf. that a single family dwelling The commission has been in­ ed with two counts of breaking the Most Rev. Hetuy J. O’Brien, Inf (ictarr WMrrtnty tf f-yrj (erred to Haggerty. aspects of state of Conneottcut ” I ’m on m y way out . . . I ture goals. sevMi-year stint with his own brakes. No. 8017A. would. During the hearing. vited to toe next regular meet- and entering with criminal In­ retiring archbishop of Hartford, er brakes. No. 7080A. IMN mllM. Two lots on Hennequta Rd. Scandinavian life add their own don't known when I ’U have a EvaluatlcR forms ■with test women's coutiAe house In Paris, 67 CHRYS. *2895 reference ■was made to a study ing of toe Conservaticxi Oommis- tent and two counts of larceny. or to his successor, the Most Board of ’Trustees tor Regional Community Colleges H.Y. 1-Or. Harflnr, vinyl rtti, owned by Adelaide OOhen and On Lumberlack Day — captive audience again.” scores on the differential apti­ reveals that he also ■will be 68 MONACO *3195 by Matroixditan Life Oo. show alon of Feb. 6. The Oonserva- His case ■was cotimied to Feb. Rev. John tyhealon, who will bo aZH, rt, rz, liOnnr Leo Oohen whlrti were bought ®y'van version of a country fair Gently needling Rusk, toe showing some pretty B (^ y out­ aonnr HnrZM»> tnUmMlc, pnwtr ■Ir CMflllOTlnt. ing that apartments were a tion Commission invitation also 4. installed as archbistop this yesu*. tude, mental ablUties, and Iowa finnrinz. pnonr Znk«, rtdin 4 before present zoning regula- — muscular Finns display un- President observed that his sec­ Achievement Teste have been fits for the boys. (nctary nir CMnilloaliz, nntrn Inw benefit to a community. Wirto stated that a q>eclal meeting mlMfn. 67 DODGE *1895 tions and therefore do not con- nanny agility and balance as retary had contributed as m'uch ^ 2 2 9 5 CtraM 4-ottr, Vo, iHtanMlIk,' given to the students to be taken ^ 1 0 9 5 ^ 2 0 9 5 will be held on Jan. 22 to pre­ KILLERS felt that this was quite true in form, may have residences built they ride huge logs through to the cause of peace as a Medal 650HRYS. >1895 rifln, tlirttZ .I.U , fttinry air pare the presentation for Feb. PREFER SUNDAYS home for study. Class perform­ nnfHlMlnt, nmUnlnf ftcMry urban areas where services and on toemi if all other require- white water rapids, and take a or Honor winner, and had given Former AP Writer Dies 'w r' tOMT Mnrziw, vMyi rnM, «r.rr.nly. shopping areas were available 6. NEW DELHI (AP) — Sunday ance or grades, cmd an ap­ ZvtnmMk, rt, rt, B4H. ments are met, the cemmis- lew unscheduled dunklngs along is toe favorite day for would-be even "m ore of his blood and hLs praisal of the student's own ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — 67D0D0E *1995 and these apartments catered to slon ruled. the way. sweat and his tears to his Prel- *67 O L D S '64 CADILLAC 65 DODGE ~~ Mandiester Evening Her­ killers, according to an official work habits and attitudes, will Art Edson, former Waehiiqiton '66 PONTIAC rnliw M)Mr H.rfM*, rtfln, a large number of single per­ Ctranm fWlM WH«n, Zcylinfnr, Iwtiw, Minnallc, nmrtr Un n ald Hebron correspondent, Viewers will also ■visit Bted- of the omtral bureau of Investl- dent and toe Senate Foreign Re­ be stressed in toe workshop as reporter for The Associated nknly nzvIfMZ. bif. sons and newly married couples. Manchester Evening Her­ Marjorie Porter, tel. 228-9116. nore Castle, the setting (or gatlon. lations Oommittee.” important factors to consider In Press, died Thursday night at He felt that Hebron’s experience ald Columbia correspondent, "H e haa brushed up against Many Other* k Low Bank Rate* "Hamlet,” Tivoli Gardena, Gel- He said a study of murders In selecting their programs. hia home in this Washington so far, did not b eu out this re­ Virginia Carlson, tel. 228-9224. rangerflord, the famed bird toe grindstone of International port. ‘ New Delhi also showed that Program offerings in voca­ sulxirb. *1595 ^ 6 9 5 rocks of Gland and Lofoten Is­ Jaivuary and February are for affairs and gotten a pdlsh that ^ 1 4 9 5 tional agriculture, and the ex­ Cause of his death was not Wirto also stated toat he fdt you don’t get Just by going to F85 4-Dr. Sedan. 6 cyl., auto­ HEW Secretary lands, and watch top-h a 11 e d some reason preferred by mur­ panded program at the Howell Deville 4-Dr. Sedan. V-8, auto­ that all toe people present felt ivt i i» * '» l V V ' r • se///ng , |eas\ng • re n tin Immediately announced. He had matic, power steering, power Bonneville Convertible. V-8, au­ Bill Would Increase chimney sweeps to action on the derers. The largest number of 30 »9 Harvard or Yale,” said Jdm- matic, factory air, power steer­ CHORCHES Cheney Technical School will be been ill for several months, and that they did not want further J ^ 3 1 H .0 C l J V I.lC lll2 3 1 1 sMi. "H e la the decade’s man brakes. No. 6848A. tomatic, power steering, power ing, brakes, windows and seats. Legislators’ Salaries roof-tops of Copenhagen. murders are committed be­ 9 presented to the students on recently underwent major wr- building of apartments until a x t •i. f-v T ic k ^ may be obtained at (or toe ages.” brakes. No. 8088B. No. 1877A OF MANCHESTER building code could be enacted. U l u V C T S l X y 1./0H11 tween midnight and daybreak Wednesday, Jan. 29, at-8:18 a.m. gery. HARTFORD, Owm. (A P ) the Lutz Junior Museiun or toe and the fewest In the forenoon, Interested parents are invited to Edson, ■whose crisp and Hvely M $1., ManelMSl.r 643-2791 Richard Woodhouse, a la'wyer State le g l^ to rs ’ salaries would door, MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM he said. attend. writing graced ■ the pages at and stockholder in Boiton As- WASHTNG'TON (A P ) —Secre- be Increased to a total of $8,000 *A* for Ox Head Open Evai. Except Thuriday & Saturday Beginning Jan. 27, students American newspapers for more soclates who are apartment tary of Health Education and for biennial sessions and $6,000 CAIRO—The letter ” A” de­ ■will have IndlvlduEtl guidance than 20 years as one of toe top buUdiiers to Hebron, termed toe Welfare Wilbur J. Cohen an- per year for annual sessions un­ rives from the Egyptian conferences with parents pres­ writers In the Washington AP reaction of (he homeowners noiitw>«i ____ _ . der a bill filed Thursday In the present as an "emotional out- ^ appointment la iK hieroglyphic symbol to r an ent, if they wish, to fill out elec­ bureau, joined the staff of the state House of Representatives. MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES burst” . He proposed toat apart- School of Etluca- JOHNSON SEAHORSE eagle used in about the 40to tive cards indicating their final magaislne U.S. News & World The proposal was filed by SILVER LANE AT HARTFORD RD. 643-1511 MANCHESTER ments should not be banned al- University of Michl- century B.C. The Phoenicians choice of pn^iram. Parents Report in 1967. State Reps. Robert Oll'ver, D- borrowed It about SI centuries may call Illlng School to make together, but should, however, gan. New Haven, and Robert Orcutt, Nb one be constructed under Ughte'r later and named It "aleph” or a conference appointment or ask Oohen said he will siKceed R-GuUford. It carries out rec­ ”o«.” They ■wrote it as a pic­ questions. building regulations and a Willard C. Olson, serving as ommendations made In a report OUTBOARD MOTORS building code and with toe serv­ ture of on ox head. To toe dean-designate until Olson’s re­ on the Connecticut legislature Greeks it was "alpha.” It An a'verage summer stonn ices of a pert time professional tirement July . 1 by Rutgers University’s Eagle- V/2 HP. to 100 HP. passed Into the Latliv the An­ produces 60 times toe energy of engineer to review appMcatlons The outgoing secretary, a for­ but ton Institute. NO ONE glo-Saxon and finally our mod­ the first atomic bomlb, toe Na­ of not only apartments but all mer professor of •wel'fare admin, PRESS Lawmakers now get $3,250 per S A LE S — P A R T S — SERVICE bulldtoga. ern alphabet. tional Geographic Society says. istratlon tit Michigan, said toe two-year term, and $750 for EASY TERMS — USED MOTORS He then cited the fact finding university has promised him a expenses. sheet of Metn^xditain Life In- free hand to overhaul the School Open Daily 7:30 A.M.-5 P.M.— Thurs. to 9 can sell your home House and Senate clerks end i AUTO SALES surance Oo. He concluded his of Education and its techniques Seiected their assistants would also re­ Sat. to 4 P.M. USED statement with, "the function of social involvement, ceive a raise under toe bill. 478 CENTER ST. 647-9997 MANCHESTER the commission is to effect a "There are about 1,200 schools Another bill filed 'Thursday balance between the rights of ot education to' the United would bar organizations ad­ faster than we can! NO TROUBLE the homeowners present and the States,” he said, "and most are vocating strikes by public school M ai Rhines rights of the towm as a whole. in various stages of apathy.’ teachers from acting as repre­ — Please Nete — , That's what most people want put of a Specials at Richard Barrett, a real estate Oohen said he plans to work sentatives of the teachers (or formerly with Newberry’s 1967 Cadillac Sedan De ViMe. All white, maroon Marine is now associated Make arrangements with used car. appraiser, stated that he had for the abolition of the property two years after aidvooatlng the interior. A ll power Cadillac accessories. Clean, low been, to many communities In tax as the basis for financial with us In our Us now for the winter strike. storage of your nwtor . . . mileage ...... S 3 0 0 5 CARS the state and felt that apart­ support of public education. Marine Deportment . . . Go - Go Prices State Rep. Guy LaGrotta, R- When you’ve made the best deal you can on the 1966 Cadillac Sedan De Ville 4-Door. Blue with ment houses were not a detri­ In a statement. University of Warren, who filed toe bill, said, ment If controled and should Michigan President Rabben W. WE CAN GUARANTEE latest model you can afford, what you most want blue leather interior. A ll Cadillac power acces­ "The traumatic effects of these that car to do for you is to let you alone. sories including air-conditioning ...... S 3 4 9 5 Inlpala. V-8, auto., not be arbitrarily banned any­ Fleming saJH he was delighted strikes set us back 10 years. CAPITOL EQUIPMENT w BO w z p.S. low milease, more than they should be that Cohen had elected to return 1961 Cadillac Sedan De Ville 4-Door Hardtop. All PojijtiacA, His bill was the latest of a num­ balance of factory warranty. thrown anywhere to, the town. to Ann Arbor. "H e ■will bring a power accessories including air \ ber filed recently aimed at pro- 38 M A IN ST. — TE L. 643-7958 CASH FOR YOUR HOME Come in to MORIARTY BROTHERS LINCOLN- (Cutlass F-86, balance He felt diverolfication of pn^: national perspective and und^er- Si?tos' 1968 Bonneville Hardtop Coupe. Verdona green MERCURY. Look at and drive our late model conditioning ...... S 7 9 5 w ia S z of factory warranty. erty aided tax relief. standing of toe needs of educa- with black vinyl top. Automatic, power steering Fords, Chevrolets, Pontiacs, Dodges, Oldsmobiles, —a, Firebird. 4-speed, Barrett also cited several lion which will be of great value WITHIN 24 HOURS and brakes. Sold with factory warranty. 8 2 M 5 studies that had been made on lo the school,” Fleming said, Chryslers, even foreign cars and Lincolns and b UBI b balance of factory apartments and their effect on C6hen was HEW's assistant Mercury’s. Like most dealers, Moriarty Brothers 1968 T m p est CusttMn Hardtop Coupe. Mardbn warranty. Thew a community. He stated that secretary for legislation, and guarantees its used caris, BUT ISN’T 'IHE BEST Gid&jmhiJsidu with black vinyl interior. V-8, automatic, power B iz la lr L V-8, auto. zoned for businesis or industrial Kyodw, the National Christian Impalq Conv. Super. Uses. 'This does not mean that Council. CARPET WlIBwz Sport. V-8, auto. a request (or an Isolated apart Mainly, the church commit­ won/erton SCRANTON MOTORS, INC ment change ■would not be con­ tees handling toe task are vol- CRGSLAN ACRYLIC F l^ Get a Beautiful Deal at the Beautiful Worid of 62 Pont Grand Prtx sidered, however, noted t h e untoers from church women I iillinr i.i (I I hull I I III opmmisaion chairman. groups. The Kyodan has a com­ Choose from Celeste tipped sheared or MORARTY BROTHERS RocWvt\'c Ottier changes Include: The mittee in each district.' In toe CADILLAC - OLDSMOBILE - PONTIAC minimum lot area for a muKi- Rptscupal Churto. there are 8 - 9 5 LINCOLN — MERCURY Many more bargain specials to choose from, sta­ famlly dwelling wilt be five "Isaac and Rebecca” groups. Sylvan Plush in 12 colors. Installed with [mambar ML8’ 8 7 5 - ^ 5 ^ ^ tion wagons, compacts. A wide selection of good “ On The Level at Center and Broad’’ 166 UNION ST., ROCKVILLE, CONN. *^ ^ ^ -9 5 3 3 acres or one half acre p e r *Rie Ltttoeran GSiurch deals with 32-oz. padding. Sq. Yd. second car transportation. family, whloheyer is greater; toe matter through its social OPFN Reg. $11.95 SIS CEU4TER ST., MANOHESTEB ifS-SIM , Come In Soon! property oomlitg to a public welfare department. .172 EAST CENTER ST. « MANCHESTER. CONN. 06040 • 649-2B13 MANCHESTER EVENINQ HEBALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17„ 1969 Section Two raiDAY, JANUARY 17, 1969 iHatirlfpatpr Ettmitis ifpritU) FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1969 Pagee 13 to ^ Aide Obituary SOver Lane Bus Service Cut, ’ e m M n . Miaiy O. Swrell Mrs. Maty OMberlns SarraU, Hospital Notes L f ^ h i n ^ 8L ot Ibrasiw FaBa, Mbaa., Fares Raised With PUC Okiy V ltifan a n Iteteg Bmltod to BMtosr of Edward N. Sarrell taunedtafa rawbera ot the tom- (AP) Jr. ot Mlandiaator, died Wednes­ The State PubUc Utili- will be put up in ate buses eteit- Ft ifaioe itts, eoM toe tetaoto Ojt whs aro fires of Ihi «r flw- day at Farran MMnorlia Hos­ M t Om a lw«fa- ties CommissifHi yerterday Tu^ M f h« »Md. .MmIii^ to eM ta f echoed bus- Hks a y aptenra. Ns chOdfsh a n pital, Montagus Otty, Maas. Ahe hefag aUawed to vMtt paMaafa li« i» IMT Ot * was toe widow of BHward ■, N. ar to writt ta fas lobby whOs . OIhIl** flerrall. t lw w iftl fh« JFMM « ( t)M Survivore also include S otoer sons, 8 daugbten, 3 brotoers, a ttie fiWlver L a m bus route anre Juet wfaM j AmA toe ooo a week on toe SEver Ifa e Fatlsafa Todayi 886 Owpirtir hMMwwn oon* slater, 1$ grandchildren, smd a wnile raising fares. Mtanges Wiu have tnUl toey ei« route to Hertford'a OotwUMboB to am iMto M p riM Montwty great-gnuidchUd. Oeofge W. Abdl, i«oe pree- In etteet." he added. piam and back. He aalted in ADMrrrBD YEfrrERDAT: aad ataff AtoMtor tor Mk . The funeral will be held to­ gwMwJnmneger of The SUver I^as route bee September pemiaatea to aMI on Dazlens P arrowa, Box 101, Tol­ « m B. M b m iv morrow at 8:S0 a.m, from the toe Hertford dlvtaion of tbe undngooe dnetie chaagM Mooe righto to the luute, wito land; Thkvia Cbaoslia, CSork « T amm her d ij tor an McCarthy Funeral Home, 14 firm, said tote morning that all last June. Edward Royoe, who two rieeeengnr buMe. to The Rd., Bolten; Arthur Cbesnot, 22 Proapect St, Turners Falls, otoWM toVMKi to ttw Xattoml wlB be put hdo ef. owhed toe SUwer Isme Bob line OonnroUcirt^. fOTm,600. The Oraotwood D r.; Mte. Wanda OM s «ad hundrada at- with a Maas ot erquiem at St. fact Sunday, Jan. 28. ices efito main * ‘ garage on Bntowrd Croteau, Boat Hartfoiri;, Mhi. tawtod a loiieh tatoer bonor. John’s Church, Tumerj Falls, PUC gave ite okay eiiialn. LonwtaM n aollt, 80 Oolumbua •oma aaBqptoa o t bar npM - at ». Burial ■wUI be In 8 t Mary’s Abell than went before th e S t; Mrs. Mar^yn Bagfand, Baat Osmetery, Turners FaHs. PUC in a publio hearing Deo. Harifard; Mra. Gloria Franco, o -'T t e MV queatlan, tor in- Friends may call at toe fu­ About Town Judge Orders S to request toe routea dene 76 Damtaig St., Tffmpptag; Henry « * T * . to abat Sen. lloCbrthy neral home tonight from 7 to 9. The French dub of Manches­ Garrison Aides be raised to the leval of th e Gcaratt, 38 Doane S t; M r s . to ptonriav to do next. When re- ter will meet tonight at 8 at otoer company route tturem, that Bteanor Hard, GteatoMiury; p ort«a aak him, he doeen’t eay Mia. Joaeph VooMlo Orange Hall. After the meeting, T o Back Claims the number of tripe be out by Mra. EdUh Jaivia, 8M Main S t; aajtbtai; but be doea tot toetn WAPPINO — Mrs. Kathleen almoet a third end aB Sunday John Jeaaala, 4 Mtedan Lane, there will be entertainment and tripe Ite cut out Umi mu *’ Mary Fortier Ucoello, 44, of 44 refreshments. (Oondnned from Page One) RookvtUo; Brenda and Laurie —ObauoeeaMut In bar eMoct to Lewis Dr., wife of Joseph Uccel­ Five Mamdieator retedmte Kntoa, 80 CUsUe Rd. aeP he reelf tor laeaervetton aa a and a man from Bout Hart­ lo, died yesterday ait Manches­ On dteplay ^ month in toe ^ Alao, Mka. Nancy Logan, 8 ' tare MbBa Houae objeet, ahe ter Memorial Hospital. main haU of the Lute Junior’^"®* piiWlc for five ford queaUoned toe cute In rorv- ttawd to Secretary ot tbe IMe- Weat St.; Mra. tUola LuginbuM, Mrs. Uccello was bom March M^eum are two more hoMa» y««, and then only to govern- ““ ^ ^ BUtegbm; Kevin Maddtn, 106 ilnr toMinetn Walter J. fficfcd 6, 1024 in Hawkesbury, Ont., “ aad oMered nyweM aa a nation­ exhlbtte. n e y are origami, tfie ment investlgatora, to prevent "We ai no more changed Huntington Dr., Vernon; Alfred Can., and had lived in the Wap- Paekea, 30 Summer S t; Randy al btotortoal mamunent He took plng-HartfOrd area moat of her Japenese'art of paper foMteg,^ "undignified or senaaUonal uae nonow,” Ahelt aald. "But we re­ ena look at me and aald *1 don% a hobby of Dr. Harvey PasM ; of flvem view aU our routes every irear." Sbnonotf, 300 Dtene Dr., Wkp- They Are DAR Good Citizenship Girls life. Sbe was employad as a re> and the art of paln^ and ping;. Mfia. (Patricia Btooog, ST lidlinra In oonaervattoo Jua^tor ceptionlst A slngle-aane fare acDl go ooaaanatton’a aake.’ Survivors, besidas her hus­ decorating tinware (tole ware). ^ **^ ?*^ Chambero S t ; Janet Soanbclc, Mrs. Maurice Willey at Manchester, left, “Good a hobby of Mna David SutcUlfa. ------from 20 to 26 oente but th e 97 Oxford St.; Joaeph Wblte, School, daughter o f Dr. and Mrs. Winfield T. Moy­ —"Aetualiy there uiU be toro band, include two sons, Joseph Citizen” chairman of Orford Parish, Daughters of er, 98 'Princeton St.; EisteQe Lessard of Rockville Inaugural parartea, one to Uie Ateo featured toie monto wHl be *"** Court order tbe nattonal two-aone fare wl» remain Notch Rd., Bolton; MTa. Mary J. Uccello, at hmne, and a gown worn at Albraham tin - ®- W»o«M. to cente. Tokens wUl no longer be American Revolution (DAR), yesterday presented High School, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. White Houae tod by the m uttler CbazleB Davis of Forty Fort, Wbite, 88 Fine St; DavU WU- HMh Sebool band, toe otoer cobi’a Inaugural baB. *** material at aocepted. The special lB<«nt ttoma, 80 Robert Dr., Wliqiping; DAR ‘XJood Citizenship” pins to, left to right, Lessard, 66 Hillcrest Dr., 'Vemon; Gretd Cote of Pa.; a sister, Mia. Evelyn ____ Shaw’s trial Jan. n. Rboada Alrciaft fara wiS b® drafipad Kathleen Lynch of East Catholic High School, Bolton High School, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Hen­ toom toe ^Hilto Houae, led by Beardalee Jr. of Watertown; Mra. Marfa Wltkowakl, Baat autiMt Van Unea. I was told Ounrot CbuneU, Degree of t» a toow-cause and sdnol tiekete wlU no tong- Hazttord. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch, 42 Oohlidge ry L. Cote, Lynwo(>d Dr., Bolton, and OoUee^n Hev- four brothera, Kenneth Fortier Pooehcote.; wlU mwt^fanday to explain why he er be «M. afdob one I get to march in.*’ of East Hartford, OeiHge For­ shouM not. St.; Terry Skipper of Ellington High School daugh­ itson of Stafford High Sthod, daughter of Mr. and On tbe aectoua aide, ahe ex- at 7:S0 p jn . at Pythian Hall, The trip changes wfl! be: BIRTHS YB8TBRDAY; A ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Skipmr, Muddy B r^ tier of Nashua, N.H., Frederick He filed an appllcaflon in the Monday through Friday aon to M r, and Mra. Fred Kraig, Mrs. Charles Hevitson, Orcuttvllle Rd., Stafford pteaaad dtaaivruval of aa em- N. Mlaln Bt. After ^ m eetli^, Rd., Ellington; Susan Moym- of Manchester High Springs. (Herald photo by Buceivichis) Fortier of Lbs Angeles, Oallf., refreshments wlH be served. court Thursday listing eevoral runs from Hartford to Moncheo- Biasft Hartford; a daughter to !■»««■>■ by aome on Myle and and JaittM Fortier of Mexioo, Sbe aMwd tbe nenaa- reasons. FOr one thing, Rhoculs ter between 8:18 ajn. and Dr. and Mrs. Hugo KKals, 80 N.T. The Junior Choir of Nbrth said, violating restrlcU<»s un­ 9:18 a.m. reduced from nine to Haynes St; a son to MT. and their children off to go skiing than Ksensy St. and ntitber one mao: The funeral will be held to­ thiited Methodtet Church will re­ der which the Nattmial Artdiives five; between 9:16 a-m. and MTb. W om n Hlgglna, Btomr. Rec Board Likes Ski Slope insteod ot ha'ving to drive all has a sldswalk. How wide was "la eiiMtom* really ab eaaen- morrow at 8:16 a.m. from the Itol to a good pUblto aervautT hearse Mionday at 8:80 p.m. at received toe material "would 4:30 p.m. reduced from every toe way around to Keeney St.T Spring St and bow much traf­ Bmjamln J. CaUahan Funeral the church. completely destroy the public SO minutes to every 40 mlnutoe; Farewell Gilt for Powell DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Also, couldn’t neighborhood fic went down that road to X t "We dally pay homage to It In Wendy Burgess, 80 Vernwood prlnt-pMbape wltiKKd eaEtog If Home, 1602 Idaln St., East confidence in the fedeiul gov- between 4:30 p.m. and 8:80 p.m. Dr. Theodore Powell, former town diroetdr and fotmor executive officer ot the State Board But Wants More Stop Area children along S. Ma)n S t ju k Ntix> before they put in ahte- Hartford, with a Maas of re­ ______emment to honor Its oornmlt- reduced ______from____ nine__ to_____ eeven;_ _ of Tnisteea ot Regional Community Oollegce, thanks Mrs. Katherine Bourne, former chairman Dr., Vernon; Mark Bergren, ■walk through there?" Kurtz walksT" M raaWy atteoto toe nay a foir- Emanuel Lutheran (3mrch South Windsor; Mrs. Agnes The merlte and dsmerlte of quiem at St. Margaret Mary will have tts annua) b u sin g ' ^ P»P«rt> - at toe Hart Manutacturing Oo., oped over five yeara to prepare ~PerUnB. ’ ~ ment to make Hon; (Mrs. Bteanor slope,” be added. H O ^ E The family suggests that those The laboratory, which de­ business.” Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh of the The students told the poUtl- ,Jvho saw men leaving one of the state’s 20 offices. It had Davis Wlggla ot the commis­ er. FlcooU la one ot Rumor’s wbWng to do so make memor Front. ___ t/.S. Rule on PwWns. 88 Btiton S t ; Mra. scribes itself as the world’s But It seems clear that each dans that to avoid a crisis the ■the retidences In a "auspicious been 16to toe week before. sion said, “ From all reports I’ve doeeat ooUaboraton. ial contributions to the Library diologlcol sclencB ait Johns Hop- t TT t )ookln{( oar." Tbe unidentified Rosemarie Merrier and son. largest center for mammalian side had to surrender some- government must The statewide Increase lost Kiwanis Lists Warehouse Point; Mra. Joan gotten. It’s tremendous. ■But Mbro and toe party's left Fimd of 8 t Bridget Church. oaBer gave police the Ucense ■week was 4,123 claims or 11.4 wing have challenged this genetics research, said develop­ toing. I’sw sT to ex- “***^ Alaska lAinds Oboral and daughter, 76 Form Oonunlasten chairman Jostiih ment to identical animals, a rel­ 'number of toe car. per cent. The state figure tor dioice. They called it "a top- North Vietnam dropped 1^ In­ Aid Dispatched J ^S6."h'r'';nir J -o Western Reserve Unl- (Oonttnoed from Page One) Guest Speaker Dr.; Mrs. Mona Barresi and J. Sytvastor said, “Bmle (Tur- Thomas Tnccl atively simple achievement in Police said this morning that the week ending Jan. 11 was level agreement which does not sistence on .the drawing to lots versify in Oevdand. son. Bast Hartford. eok) did a terrific Job.” The funeral of Thomas Tuc- mice, has been sought In rabbits The government represente- Clevdand. for committee questioning prior three portable televltioo sefts, 40,136. It compares with 37,036 GUford Towle, a metnber of Cheater F. Bycbolsid added, reflect the vdll of party ranks." ci of 2044 Manchester Rd., Glas­ by the four parties for a speak­ To Disabled Ship for SO years and took toe labora­ ing order. As Hanoi envisioned ttves were expected_ _ to take _ the _ _ Their report said, “Examlna'- to Senate voting on oonfltming 'k sewing machine, a fur coat, for toe corresponding week lost the United Ohurch of Christ “ You and your park crew sboiM Moro recommended that Ru­ tonbury, who toed yester^y at Board of Worid Mintetries who tory 16 years. lit, this process would have Indi­ From State Port message back to the Oommunlat ctothlng and of the the appointments, m small amount of money, and year. be commended for this job.” HALB mor be confirmed aa secretary Manchester Memorial Hospital Dr. Chen L. Chat, director to cated equal status for the Liber­ party central committee, wUni above and be- tlona over private finances, aU tims were , called to the station with 4,788, Bridgeport with 4;- of Manchetier Tuesday noon at talent to finish the elope. We leader. St., with a Mass of requiem at Salon dropped Its inslstenoe Cherokee was dispatched Thurs­ toe Maitchester Country C9ttb. Two Manchester area ■women another were aocepted 100 per pleting a u»t had been which trav- 12 nominations are eiqpected to and Identifled toe merchandise, 663, New Haven ■with 8,931, and St. James’ Church at 10:30. Bur­ on a -vlslible mark amosa the ta­ day nlgtift to aid another coast HU Topic: “To The Top of We have been named tiiainnm for had good support behind this cent to the time. scheduled tor one day. Eighteen «” ®^ •>®»® «®®>‘ «“ receive speedy approval after according fto police. New Britain wtto 3,868. thing aU tbe -way. It ooiddn’ t ial will be in Sleepy Hollow ble to Indicate two sides, and guard vessel, tbe Escanaba, re­ World by Motorcycle.” toe annual series of atixdar- Oemetery, Nmth TlEiiTytown, Rabbits are used at toe labo­ pictured the table arrangement speeches have been deUveired, ^® ®*<*® without striking Nixon’s Inauguration Monday, The gueat epeaker has work- ship bridges sponsored by fit. have opened ao early if we Public Records N.Y. ratory for research on trans­ which emerged Thursday as ported to be disaUed 200 miles with 18 more on the agenda. ‘**® "•***■ whhh en- Senate Majority Leader Mike Joseph 0>Uege CSitb of Halt- didn’t ” Warrantee Deeds plants, renal cysts, kidney dis­ southeast of Horfolk. A troUey dispatcher who used ‘ ‘ i® *»®*^ Mansfield Indicated Thursdror Kehler said the crowds now Frtenda may call aft the fu­ “the nearest we cxmld get to toe exploded its right side. toat confirmations might fon t Stephen E. and Shlriey G. neral home tonight from 7 to 9 eases, glaucoma, and jaw and two side that we have been A coast guard spokesman tai his coat to smother flames on Mrs. Leroy P. Parker ot 60 enjoying! |the slope think tt Is Kbaki to Robert E. Samuelson, vertebral defects. the search and rescue center at Palaich’s body told the youth “The photographs and X rays exceUeot. > and tomorrow and Sunday from fighting for.” The questions about penonal WiifiamB St. Is the Manohss- parcel on Woodbridge St., con­ 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Having genetically Identical North Vietnam gave way on PortBmouth, Va., said the Es­ newspaper Mlada BYonta the discussed herein support the ™* ~ ' tor town dhairman. Mra. Fen- ■Sylvester said they parttaUy veyance tax $6.60. animals available makes it pos­ the matter of flags and em- canaba reported Its engines had boy was running "burning from above-quoted portion of the orig^ Involved Dh- on Futiner ot 888 Mato St., solved their parking problem Robert McOorkhiU Jr. and failed latB Thursday afternoon " yld M. Kennedy, a Chicago 1 ARTHURS I sible for researchers to deter­ head to toe and tixmtlng, ‘Put Inal autopsy and the above-quot­ ■with the Garden Grove bah fitid William .J. Baldwin bliems in the conference room. banker named treasury secre­ ti< South Windsor to the chairman Mary E. MoCorkhlU to James mine more effectively the value and that rite was drifting in your coat on me!’ ’’ ed medical conclustons of the dose to the atepe. VTto the 86 William J. Baldwin, 82, of 33 Display to the Viet Oong flag tary, and David Packaiti ot THE DBUO StrOBB THAT SAVES YOU MONET 00 tor tile towns east of the river. J. and Jean A. Mbriconl, prop­ of experiments by comparing moderate sees in fair weather. Warren Conimlsslon Report.’’ parking apocee at tbe town’s lot, Cornell St., husband of Mrs. could have been regarded as a ______, .___ iPah) Alto, Calif., chosen deputy The bridges wilt be held in erty on 'Ibayer Rd., conveyance Bessie Bartholomew Baldwin, animals whose only difference symbol to sovereignty. But the The Eecamba sailed this week 9U MAIN STBBBT BIANCHESTBB, CONN. ^ homes of local alumnae this another 100 along Hercules Dr. tax $41.80. from New London, Conn., on g, ^ ^ J . ^°r«^^.,««‘®Wvraaper^ gecrotaryof d^^ and the ball field’s 76 spots, toed yesterday at Manchester is whether or not they h^ve un­ North Vietnamese stlU consider Dates Appointed ® tW m an team^ The Senate Flnanoe Commit- month and next memth. Aiftyone Attechment Memorial Hospital. ^ dergone the treatment being tbe conference one to “ four an underway training mission He has recently traveled wishing ittformattioa may con­ there is now parking for 210 Mary K. GIU against Stanley for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. lnt®rvlewing Kennedy, Mr. Baldwin was born May 10, tested. equnls.” T Pri^^ P t James J. Humea, then com- ‘*®’told toy one of Its memberavras tact Mrs. Parker of llks. Futt- ca n . . 8. Gill, property on North St., 1886 In Manchester and had liv­ Choi said the number of In- The Escanaba, bas^ In New But not everything shout the $25,000. What It amounts to, then, is mander of ithe Navy Medical -niursday that Keimedy’s stook- ner. ed here all of his life. Before he bred rabbits available for re­ this: When the parties assemble Bedford, Mass., was on a train­ The Rev. Gordon Bates of 181 slope -won praise. Trade Names ing mission to Guantanamo Bay, Om^ the night Kennedy was trust proposal constitutes "a retired 13 years ago, he had search will not be as great as Saturday, the Americans and Woodside St., former pastor of otear confUeft of Interest.” Pre-Inventory ~ W-iggin told of a study he and Richard T. Harrison, Rock­ been employed as a painter at with other lines beimuse the av­ South Vietnamese will seat Cuba, under the command of the Eastmlnrter Presbyterian One of Its membera, Dr. J. ge„. Albert Cforo, D-Tsnn., Sylvester made recently of the ville, and Hugo W. Siewertsen, Cmdr. Philippe C. Gaucher. Pratt and Whitney Division of erage Utter size for inbred rab­ themselves as a unit—one side Fellowship, has been Appointed Thoiwton BoaweU, wrote Clark a m a letter to the committee bottom of the skqie where It Coventry, doing business as Gaucher, a natt've of WUU- United Aircraft Corp., East bits Is two or three, compared of a two-sided war. The North case work agent ■with the Con­ year ago that he and Humes felt \ that under the trust Kennedy meets Herctilee Dr. He said, Architects 4 Builders Esti­ Hartford, and since then has to eight or nine for rabbits not mantlc, <3onn., has a son in the necticut Prison 'Aas(x;latlon. Don’t "We both felt there wae not mates Co. and as The House Vietnamese and the Front will that because of the controveny would not be actually divesting done similar work for the Green inbred. » Coast Guard. Philippe Jr. Is sta­ He will be In charge of the over the Warren Report "an im- hlntself of stock In the OonUnen- enough stopping euwa.” Doctor Company, both at 808 approach the table considering tioned at New London, Conn. Manor Construction Co. Volunteer Sponsors program for partial hoard of experts includ­ tal Illinois Bank, uhich he hae Clearance Sale [ The original plans for tbe Main St. Officials at Portsmouth said FIDDLE sle called for toe sbqipiiig Survl'vors, besides his wife, In­ prisoners released from jails ing pathologlsto and radlolcgiste headed. ✓ t Marriage Licenses the Escanaba was In serious and reformatories, and ■will al­ area at the bottom to be Her­ Mark Alan Sheptoff, 119 clude 2 sons, Norman E. Bald­ sixxtld examine Ithe material Gore said some of Ms objec­ win and Fred L. Baldwin, both Death of Swarthmore Head trouble but the Cherokee should so help permit and support cor­ a'vallable.’ ’ Clark appointed the culea Dr. The road was to be White St., and Andrea Chris­ be alongside her by late Friday tions appUed also to Packard’s ARDUND of Rockville: 6 daughters, Mrs. rectional procedures for the board a short time later. plan to place In a trust, from Uooked off at either tide of the tine Guaschino, Glastonbury. afternoon. prisoners. He Is affiliated with slope and from Lakewood CSrde John Thomas Terrenzi, Meri­ Philip Brault of Coventry, Mra Brings Peace to Campus Jfunes Alcock, Garrison’s which he would .not profit, the Clifford Thlbeault of Rockville, the Connecticut Probation and chief aasiatant, said Thtueday $800 miUlon ■worth of stock he and Nike Oteote on the east to den, and Elizabeth Jane Pal- Parole Association oirul the night fisuring berg, 71 Lockwood St. Mrs. William Burdick of East By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS for a Democratic Society had the panelists' report owns in the HewtelUPackattt toe slope. Hartford, and Mrs. Agnfis Goss, American Correctional Associa- "doesn’t sattefy our subp*^. Oo. Since 1947, top Peritegon of- 25% .« 25% •« But Lakewood arete residents Building Permits The death of its president caused $11,000 damage to furni­ Digpute Leadg Shell Oil Oo., sign at 276 Main Mrs. John Nechitllo and Mrs. brought peace to racially trou­ ture and records in an adminis­ tlon. It jurt seenis seems we’re w e're gettliig gettinB' the flclals fieiiiia have been required to your own asked the Town BotaA ot Di- WUliam Matushak, all of Man­ St., $400. bled Swarthmore College today tration building ■which they had T’o Drug Charge • The Rev. Mr. Bates, toe or- same old sllght-of-hand.” sell stock holdlivs. From our usual low, low rectors to keep Hercules Dr. chester; a sister, Mrs. Delia and officials of the University of ganlzing pastor of the Fellow. The report said: The Senate Arms 'Services blocked off at Nike Clrole for Oeorge E. Brlsson for Fran­ occupied Tuesday night end sMp, retired as its pastor on E i m R E prices on all cis Boland, additions to four- LaChappell of WllUmantlc; a Minnesota restored order in an Wednesday. Manchester police, investigat­ "One bullet struck the back of Committee acts on Packard’s fear of the traffic through their brother, Albert Baldwin of administration buUding dam­ ing a complaint of a domestic Jan. 1 but Is serving os In­ toe decedent’s head well above nomination today after p»«yh«g family dwelling at 58 Wells St., Moo-1 ii.Dpointed a fact-finding terim pastor. The BlellowsMp, $1,000 and to four-family dwell­ California; 25 grandchildren, aged by students in a 24-hour disturbance yesterday, uncov­ the occipital protuberance (base on Rep. Melvin R. Laird, R- committee to determine respon- which meets at the Oeorge E. RA'DI'OS INCOME TAX and 11 great-grandchildren. ered an unknown sunount of a COSTUME ing at 52 Wells St., $1,000. sit-in. £1 b.lilcy lor the damage is a first of thp BktSl). Based upon the ob- Wla., as secretary of Defetrie. TK«r»*i fafity faiia woy Pxmaiient Wave Leo Cloutier for Paul Tucker, The funeral will be held to­ Still in turmoil, however, were drug’ they believe to be hero­ Slye School in Bast Hartford, servaticn toot was leaning Otoer cabinet appotnteee el- Specials morrow at 9:16 a.m. from the step toward fixing possible pun- in. purchased land on Woodside St. kofadi# yowr. lo« probUiM . , . ■OTH alterations to dwelling at 457 E. San Francisco State Cc^ege,' ishmierft for the students. forward urito His head turned toer have, or are due to receive R E e O R D E R S OIT IT DONI NOWI i««l Hair Cut Included Holmes Funeral Home, 400 James 'V. Demalo Jr., 82, of last spring to build a church. obliquely to Ithe left when this shortly, advance approval of the JEWELRY F fO IIA l Oenter St., $2,000. where bomba came into play, At San Francisco State, where woy to got it dono ii to |8A0 - $10.00 - $12.60 Coca Cola Oo. for Paul W. Main St., with a Mass of re­ and Brandels University, where 40 Olcott St. was charged With bullet struck, the photographs various Senate commtttees. AND $ quiem at the Church of the As­ part of the faculty went on possession of a nar(x>tlc drug, C M W E R i l S TAM IT TO tlOCK. WoMI ZeplM, sign at 6M Hartford the campus comnumlcattora strike 10 days ago and the Black and X rays indicate that it came The procedure is unofficial, STA n Hair Rd., $250. sumption at 10. Burial will be center remained in the hands of appeared In CJlrcult (tourt 12 GOP Committee from a site above and slightly to Nixon will submit toe nonflna- ghfO *yoo fr *, qcewroto, in St. James' Oemetery. Students Union has been staging yesterday, and had lUa case con­ DEPT. goorowtood lofvico ot • cott RtuMlng Signs for Supreme 65 Negroes tor the 10th day. demonstraltions for months, an Hyr ^ x v r Ji_ J Ms light. This bullet fragment- non*Uons lormaijy formally Monaay Monday axia and me the PROJECTORS Ctdoring Foods, algn at 465 Hartford Rd. Friends may call at the fu­ tinued untU Jan. 23. Bond was ItICOIS W CClj!10SCl& y ^ after entering the cranium, advance hear^ procedure wlU •o low Wt fooliih to pow Dr. <3ourtney Craig Smith, 52. unexplo(ied time bomb was LIFE From a wsll-known mokar. Sava $4,600. neral home tonight fron\ 7 to 9. died of a heart attack in hla of­ set at $600, It was posted, and V one nnA majormn-ifTA* pieceniAfUk ofn# It npaarifig n permit prompt action. OVBT $25. ep. Soo Of todoyl UP With found Thursday near the office he was released. The Manchester Republican forward and laftersUy to pro- 8.90 over regular pries. Superb­ fice at Swarthmore Thursday, a of President B.I. Hayalcawa. In commenting on the oon- aUAAANTII Style Set ly dstignsd and tailored all-wsa- Anniversary Mass According to the* Manchester Town Committee hae scheduled duos and explosive fracture of fllot-of-lnterest Issue that has Wa ovorantss accurals prsparallon of svsry lax rtiurn. day after naming a faculty com- A smoke bomb forced tbe If ws make any srron thal coil you any penally or tnsr coats that give you Ideal An Anniversary Mass foir Car- Detective Bureau, patrolmen a meeting for next Wednesday, the right tide of the skull as it been raised In the Kennedy and foul weather prolsclion. Tradi­ roll J. CSiartler will be cele­ mitft'ee to deal ■with Negro stu­ evacuation of two campus bulKl- Intsreit, we will poy the penolty or Intersil.______$6.60 Pertonal Notices dent demands for special racial went to the Olcott St. address to reriew the Nov. 6 election re- emerged from the head, Packard nonunaUons, Senate tional split shoulder styling and brated tomorrow morning at Inga and police detained a coed to Investigate a domestic dis­ pri-vlleges. for question'ing. suits and fto discuaa plaiu for a "The other bullet,’’ the report Minority Leader Everett M. Wigs Gleaned hocking pockets. Zip-out Orion 7':46 at the Church of the Aq-, turbance. No other details were Lfnooln Day Dimer. continued, "strucl^ the deoe- 25% •« pile acrylic liners. Chooss from Becaiise of his death 40 mem­ Dlrksen said, “We seem to Mb In Memoriam .X sumption. At Brandels, 24 rtudents who given. • T & r

‘ I

' , • ,• ‘ • »■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY. JANUARY 17, 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTEE. (X)NN., FRIDAY. JANUARY 17, I960 PAGE FlFnSBW ^ ToUand and roared, the 14-year-oM liner vary serious," be saM In a riiip- bean oruise of the Carmania goio ashed to sail on tho alMer LIMETT DROi Cruise Ship slipped looM from a reef Just off to-shore ooorversabon from the ttarted at Fort Lauderdale last ship, Franconia, which loavos House Eduoatfon and Labor much anmuiiltlon dropped and the leland of San Salvador. Csrm ania. Saturday and ended 18 hours Saturdby on a six-day San P A iK A M OommlttM, but not Ms chair­ dumped m this spot,’’ the admi­ Juan-St. Thomas oruise. Events in Capital man. He’ll be a freshman. Navy Practices Bombing The.Oarmauila la adteduled to The P e eeer^ sra -and crewm en later when the ship ran'Into the o m ^ ral satd. Off Sandbar go to Newport Newe, Va., for le- were transferred to the Italian reef Sunday. The captain said the leaks did Pow^, expelled foom the This is the primary raaoon Vote Delayed, Mansfield of Mbntana aiyl M l fitm palra. cruise ship Flavia Thursday aft­ Cunard officials said passen­ not necessarily mean that the r:4BA.lKl.f I0PJ1 Woge 'Hike Proponed House in 1667, won a special On SmaU Hawaiian Island why Kahoolawe is off limts. To "far MIAMI, na. (AP) — Light­ TIm al^p started taklhg on we- coral had punched a bole in Bie WASHmOTON (AP) — W. George Aiken, the Senate Re­ election that year, and was re­ save first Mne ammunition, the er three tugs tried but failed to gers would got tiielr money By HARRY MOSK08 it under the Jurisdlotlon of the ter Thursday but Staff Oapt. Pe­ huU. He said the pulling to get publican dean from Vermont. elected last year. Navy uses outdated ammunttlon are ofNH laiiHa ened by the departure of her *71 drag the 21,S70-ton Oarmanla back. Wlrts, out^teiW Mcre- Associated Press Writer secretary of the Navy. FAIRWAY Timetable Announced ter Jackson of the Cunard Lines the ship off may have looaened 1**y of tabor, aaye the fedeiul They would: In the bom bing raMs on Kahoo­ passengers and 303 of her crew, from the rook and sand reef. Another Cunard ofdelsl said One cotvlitlon set by the The last previous tenants of Action on >cccptltn Hi* final School n«xt week are: Mon- vessel said little water was some of the rivets. Read Herald Adg Abolish the Bleotoral OoHege House for his return Was ttiat he SMUOGLBJR’S COVE, Kahoo- law e and m any o f die old ahalta FIRST the British cruise ship Germa­ I AH of'the Oarmania’s passen- 100 of the 471 Qarmania passen- wage requlmnent the istand were Angus 'Jftac- seeping into the huQ. He eaid in tavM' of a popular-vote meth­ relinquish his seniority. Another lawe Island, Hawaii (AP) — fall to expiods, leaving don^r- m 9i w m Mbc dranMaca for the new day—Mrs. Jack McCarthy, Mra. gars, plus tiie IW who sailed on ha incraaaed from $1.60 Phee, a cattle rancher foom Wy­ mUffle Mhoot baa been de- Jamea Murphy; Wednesday — nia wes hauled off a sandbar In 38S crewmen remained aboard ^ hour to 82, end, "Notxxly od of riwosing Presidents; Iqw- was that he pay a $26,(W0 fine as Barren Kahoolawe Island, a des­ oua Hve rouiMle on the surface the Flavta last Monday, were er the minimum voting age*to olate land of red dirt and scat­ oming, and Harry A. Baldwin, a layad tor a waak. Iba. Dmald McVay, Mrs. Wil- the Bahamas today, live days the 008-footrlong Uner. vrio woiica riwuld be left out." reimbursement for government or burled near the autface. tonight and Mturdoy only! scheduled to reach Miami to- 18; limit the Prestdent to a sin­ tered klawe trees, has little eco­ territorial senator from Maul Th* plana arin now be pre- liam Wetherell; Friday — Mra after ahe ran aground. expense money wMdi sn inves- Waters surrounding Kahoo- "We don’t conaider, at the day. Wlrta, In hta final report to gle, alx-yeeo' tenm, and establlah nomic value to the state be­ They operated the Kahootawe aMited to a Joint maetlnc of Carl Pattovlna, and Mrs. Dan- As three rescue tugs strained tlf^ on commMteo. said he im- taiwe Island are opened to flab- moment, that tbeee leaks are The scheduled 12-day Carib­ OoBgreer ’Ilnireday, eald cover­ cause there is no water, but the Ranch Go. until World War n the BuUdlnc Committee and lel Batty. a dbeot prealdeeittal peimeuy propeiriy used. ing boate on designated week­ fur ear warmers age iBMfor the Fair Labor Stand­ system. Instead of using conven- Navy feels the tiny isle is essen­ when the mUttary took over the m ends, but the ialitnd Hsdf la a in nil colon ■ Board of Education lliurs- School isairhfa ards Aot "Miouid be extanded to tiona. TTie Democratic Committee tial to its training program. leland for a bombiiig range. It day nixht at the MUi achool. school luncbea In all locai Your old car too every Job within the roaoh of on Committees ’nmrsday re­ restricted area. No boats are EScutlar In the day. Sen. Karl The uninhabited Island, a pe­ has been used as such since, end thejr*re adJaetaUe to fit overym e! Aflw thla meetinff, at which schools next week: Monday — ntz< INC. portedly agreed to put the Har­ permitted to land on Kahootawe federal authority and provlnioM Mundt, R-SJD., Introduced a nal c(dony for prisoners nearly tonight and the iJaim are achduled for ap- chicken stew, biscuit, tossed ahould be be made for encour­ lem congressman bock on Edu­ like Real Bombs and viotatora, the Navy said, proposed constitutional ameevd- a century ago, has been used as "Kahoolawe la extremely can be fined $600 anti sentenced ant. only. reg. 69c. 4 /C Sm *!!*’ applesauce with straw- aging full Bupplememtary cover­ ment to eatabtah a direct plan of cation and Labor but official ac­ a bombing target by planes and bid tyaitidtecta, Rinsell, berries; Tuesday —hot dog, po- fa r gone ? tion sUH will have to be taken helpful," Bakutis said. "If we to six months In JaH. both stores open Umn. ta fri. ntghto UO • aib- age, at the same levti, throixh chooalng preeldMitlal electMS. sMps for alm ost 30 years. son Md ywJ3ohlen._ tato cWpe, biktered wax beans, atate leglatatlon.” by the Democratic caucus. didn’t have thla place the pUota — two Goavenlent locaOoRs — Two proposed amendments “There always will be a need wouMn’t get the full effect of downtown mandieater o east middle turnpike ,, *^'‘***?!^ Murray Oibaon hdd piokle slaw (Mgh school), but- LErS FACE IT ■n*e secretary propoaed that were already before the Senate. for tWe range *> long as we ^ m ittee last terscotdi pudding; Wednesday Capital Footnotes what a real bomb feels Uke aU Jobe covered by the tabor aot One, by Democmt Sam J. Ervin have to keep people ready for when H is dropped." CHAINHE YOUR night diat he bu five ^>pli- —spaghetti with meat sauce, prior to 1666 b e raised to $1.80 A spokeman for Walter Reed Top "Buys" create word of mouth Jr. of North Carolina, would al­ Army Hospital, yifM n Dwight com bat," R ear AUm. EYed E. The targeta, ranglrg; from euito to bid alrea^. buttered frocen spinach, cheese D on’t try hourly starting in 1070 and to $3 low for Electoral College votea Bakutis, commarMtant o f the The medianical bids will be slice, homemade roll, le llo in m i. D. Eisenhower Has been a pa­ painted white automobile three P n E S G R im O N In a state to be dlztrtbuted In tient stivoe M ay because o f heart l*th Naval District, said during outlined in the form of cui air­ maUed out now, for opening on with fruit; Thursday — ham- advertising, the best there is. And The AFXrOIO announced ear­ proportion to the popular votes attacks, said TlMiradey, the 78- an inspection visit to the istand. plane to old trucks and cars 1 ^ . 18. The bids tor the school hurg pottle, buttered peas and lier It would seek $2 minimum these values will make you a drawn by each candidates. The year-okt ftmner Prestdent con­ ’The Island is off limits to the lined up In m ilitary convoy now are expected to be re- celery, parsley potatoes, home- to save it: In the Slat Oongreoa. Ita preel- other, propoaed by Sen. Birch general public but the restricted near the end of Feb- made roll, fruit cup. Friday _ DiOK B osano tinues to show steady but slow style, are spread over the east­ dent, George Meany, said Wilts Bayh, D-Ind., oaBed for popu- waters around Kahoolawe now niapr tor acceptance. toasted cheese sandwich, soup. booster, tool progress. ern two-lhlrds of the Island. “pinpointed a major oauae of tar-vote riectima of PrealdentB, are being opened to flehlrtg Town Meeting to ap- half hard boiled egg (Hicks and New targets ore added and SECONDS ANYONE? poverty In Amerloa and his pre- as Mansfield and Aiken pro­ Capital quote boats during designated periods. old ones are repaired and re­ prove construction and the high school), fruit cobbler, cripUon for Ma sohiUon la Juat, pelce wlU be held on March The Bulletin Board posed. "I’d put emphasis on riiorac- Kahoolawe, the eighth In size placed. A special "bridge" tar­ Welcome Hero sensible and achievable." A Judiciary auheommittee ter and not stodk hoidlngs. of the Hawaiian Islands, lies six Evorybody noods 6, according bo the schedule an- Hie Tax Orilector will be at UP get was aUded recently for the wiU study the proposals and ’There might be a slight conflict miles southwestward of. Maui. nigtt. the Town Hall bamoirow mom- TO battleship New Jersey to llie at a second ear now­ trade ' Additional Proponaln make recomimendatlone. of interest where, beccuise of the ’The islartd is 10 rniles long and before heading for diMy in Viet­ By A ^ B , the conatrucUon ing from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. tor 1 character o f a -man, you know six miles wide. Its area meas­ nam. adays, but it's shack ahould be on the site, the payment of town taxes. SAVE For Election Reform that he wouldn’t take advantage ures 28,776 acres. During World War n , Kahoo­ PINE PHAmiAGY according to Gibson, with con- -nie Gtrl-s Basketball pro- W A S H nw roN (a p ) — ’n»e Powell May Get Seat of It."—Senate RepubUoon ’The islartd cam e under the lawe earned a reputation as always hard to * t "I**' soon after, gram will feature a wbrkflhop If you can drive it in, we’ll lake it! You’ll save a bundle senate continues to get new, 66* CENTER 8T. 1968 EXECUTIVE CAR SALE Leader Ehrerett M. Dirksen, re­ Navy’s JurlMlIictlon in 1808 as beirg; the mort 'bombed island in find clean, aeo- meeting of the for players, coaches, and other and conflicting, proposals tor But Not Chairnuainhip marking on perscmal holdings of the result of cut order signed by B uU ^ Committee agreed to interested persons tomorrow eleotlon reform. the Pacific. ’Ihie dtaUnction MANCHESTER, CONN. nomieal ca r s in Rcnainder of N«w Oar W am ti^ on one of our late model used cars! WASmNGTON (AP) — Rep. high government officials that President Elisenhower. ’Ifie or­ probably still holds true today. at the high sch ool, ®hur were offered ’Ihursday Adam Ctaytm PmneU, D-N.Y., might appear to cause oonfllot der turned the island over to the mttoning the school at a later The workshop will be presented hy Democratic Leader MUr« "I don’t know of any oltMr TEL M 9 ^ 4 the compact and might get back hta seat on the of Interest. territory of Hawaii, but placed place where there has been as Wh(M^ no equipment by Mrs. Joan Simmons of the intermedia te ^ ^ Wgh school physical dducaUon 1968 T-BlflD 1968 FASTBACK provisions will make It possible depaibment 64 Falcon $995 68 Chevrolet $2615 64 T-Bird $1595 Landau. *29 4-V eng., bucket aectts and Sport Ooupe. V-8, auto., sizes. Weil, here's ^ to Games to be played In tomor- oonside, black vinyl roof, limited sl^i F u t u r a 2-Door. 6-cyI., Im pala Sport Ooiq>e. V-8, Oalaxie (MX) 2-Door Hardtop. 802 V-8, Hydramatlc, power steer­ power steering-bndne- a group of just <^lng years row's Bo^ Basketball league differential, power antenna, convenience standard, radio, heater, windows, radio, heater, without ripping out ceilings, t („ the Wgh sdtool gym a7e: group, stereo tape system, W-8-W, tint­ all vinyl trim, auto., W-S-W, body side vriiitewalls. ing, radio, heater, vinyl roof, whltewalla. whitewalls. such cars. So The decision was based on 1:30 p.m., CUnton Press vs. Tol- ed glass, power wtoidovra, power seat molding, power steering, AM racUo, de­ the realisation that the town land, Baihershop; 2:80 p.m.. (6-wny), oomerlng lights, speed control, don't wait. Visit climate control air oondltloning, HD su- 66 Chevrolet $1695 67 Chevrolet $2195 will be hWdlng school on a Wanats vs. ‘^>ort Mart; and at pension, power deck Hd rdeaae, wheel luxe belts, wberi covers. 65 Olds. $1375 Impala *-Door Hardtop. our show room ttaggered basis ail year round 3:80 Krechko Brothers vs. Up- Bel Air Station Wagon. What covers, rear defogger, tUt-away wheel. Deluxe F-8S *-Door. V-8, V-8, auto., power steer­ These Four before many years pass. man Ohorohes. V-8, auto., power steering, auto., power steering, ra­ ing, air condltloninf, ra­ now! Ihts pMiosophy Is gaining The VFW Post 2*1 will hold SAVE 365166 radio, heftter, whitewalls. dio, heater, aiiitewalls. dio, heater, whitewalls. Geoige Da Oomder more cmoeptance as many be- an Old FasMoned Hsim Supper SAYG$140(MI0 gin to realise the town’s unltm- at the Post Home tomorrow 66 Ford $1395 stock H a W stock No. 76 64 Corvair $945 67 Mustang $2|45^ Fairlane SOO Sport Cotq>e. Med growth rate and the diffi- night from 7. to 9 foUowed by 1967 PONTIAC "LEMANS" 4-Door Hardtop. cutUea of continually building dancipg to the music of the Monza Ck>upe. 6-cyl., auto., Faatback Coupe. V-8, au­ 6-cyl., standard, beater, to., power abeerlng, radio, whitewalls. Salesmen Have In Common? Fuily equipped including 826 V-8 engine, auto­ new sclmofo, which stand emp- Nightcaps from 9 to 1. radio, heater, wliitewalls. heater, wMtewaHs. ty tor over two monttis a year. ------1968 FA V R U N E 1968 FALCON matic tnuis., radk)^ heater, luxury decw interior, Also dtncussed were the vari- AdverUsement — 67 Chevrolet $2345 black padded top, tool See this local one owner 500 2-Door Hai'dtop. 286 V-8, rinyl trim, Impala Station Wagon. ous types of incineratom and Applications are being taken Futura *-Door Sedan. Vln^ trim, auto., 67 Valiant $1495 68 Chevy II $2095 beauty today. auto., vta* group, W-S-W, power steering, 6-cyl., power steering, AM radio. Unted Nova *-Door. 6-cyl., auto., V-8, auto., power stoer- precipitators to purify the substitute or part-time work rear window defogger, AM radio, wheel VIOO *-Door. 6-cyl., stand­ Positraction, radio, heat­ ing, radio, heater, white­ Blue mist/matching interior. •2495 smoke. Alternative methodto of ToUantd school lunch pro- 007WB. glaee, wheel coven, W-S-W tlrfo. ard, radio, heater, white­ er, whitewalls. walls. dliBpoeing o f the rubbish a n d Anyone Interested please walls. ' FRIDAY and gaihage were weighed indud- otmtaot Mrs. Evelyn Ottlen at S 65 Rambler $1325 1967 REBEL 770 Model 2-Door Haidtop. 282 cu. Ing a machine described as an ToUand High School, tel. SAVE 647123 SAVE $403.70 66 Chevrolet $1595 66 Chevelle $1795 Classic 660 Station Wag­ in. 6 cyl.' engine, column shift automatic trans., "overalsed dieposaJ” . This ma- 870-988*. Malibu Sport Ooiq>e. V-8, on. 6-cyl., auto., power Stook No. 11* Stock No. US Impala *-Door. V-8, auto., auto., power steering, ra­ steering and brakes, ra­ AM-FM Mdio, power steering, ail Q 9 A O C cUne would grindrand pulver­ radio, heater, whitewaJls. dio, heater, wMtewaUa. dio, heater, whltewalla vinylseatmihftetery.Bed/whitetop. A w # 9 ise the waste into a murii of Msndiester Evening Her- varying______consistency. aid ’TiRIand correspondent, SATURDAY G lb b ^ wiU give'th e com m it- ®®**® **'• 875-284B. FITZGERALD FORD, INC. 1966 RAMBLER AMERICAN 440 4-Door Star tee more detailed information on tiie vaiious types of cU^>09- UeS# Flag Tram pled; ‘‘ Tolland OooRty’s OHiBst FVird D ealer” USEB CHEVROLET tion Wagon. A real hard model to Hhd and is it al methods at next week’s meet- Swedes Send Resrets MARK BEST TONY TIRONE LEO MORRIS DICK GIORDANO JAN. 17 and 18 beautiful. One owner and serviced by us. Auto­ ing. Windsor Avenne, Rockville Open EreninsB n aD e CO.'•9 INC. matic transmission, radio, heater, roof rack, Tile incinerator or dtspoeal S’TfXJKHOLM (AP) — The Td. 648-2485 875-3369 v A llS CARTER 1229 MAIN ST. OPEN EVENINGS ’I1U. 9—XHUBS. H U . « MANGHE8TBR big six engine. GIAOR wim be designed to serve both Foreign Ministry has expressed Blue/aH vinyl matching interior. 1 0 7 9 the new middle school and Hicks "rincere regrets’’ because an I S C R V I d ^ H i THAT SAVES Memorial SriiooL ’Ibis will American lilag being trampled alleviate the need of replacing was shown on Swedish televi- 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC 770 2-Door Hardtop. the undependable one at Hicks. '*«!<»'• U.S. Embassy dlsclos- ’Ibe iaige daaaroom next to today, Loaded with extras, like: 287 cu. in. regular gM the kitchen facilities on the sec- TTie embassy delivered a note V-8 engine^ dual range autflOiatte, reclining ond floor has been switxhed Jan. 9 protiesUng the incident at They Win Be Sellig USED CARS backet seats, power steering, radio, tilfc-a-way from a future Home Ec room a pro-Bed Chinese meeting at Steering column, deluxe decor trim. to a language lab. Pravislcms Goteborg earlier this month. A Cocoa brown Hnish/ QV COC for Home Elconomlcs will be television reporter admitted he matching vinyl interior. 19 7 9 moved to the second phase of trod on the flag “to got a good the sriiool’s construction. picture’^ but sadd it had been YOU PROBABLY WON’T APPRECIATE THIS Minor changes in the traffic used as a doormat at the head- 1965' RAMBLER CLASSIC 660 4-Door Station flow pattern of the kitchen were quarters of the pro-Peking Wagon. This ia the mode! everybody wants a ^ also incorporated Into the plans group- after discuasions wUh school ad- The state radio-telievlsion Over Wholesale! is this one ever sharpi Low original mileage. ministration. service reprimanded the report­ ADVT. UNTIL YOU READ ALL THE OTHERS 282 6 cyl. engine, 8-apeed coiumn shift, nuUo, Bloodmobtle Successful er and judici€d authorities be­ waBdiabOe vinyl interior, luggage rack phis all ’The Red Cross Bloodmobile gan an investigation. ’The televi­ 67 MUSTANG 66 COUNTRY SEDAN standard Rambler features. S 1 0 9 C at St. Matthew’s church was sion program brought com­ Buff finJsh/matching interior. I * C 7 9 plaints from many viewers. $■ termed an outstanding success 2-Door Hardtop. 6-cyl., standard, MilDM STATION WAGON by Red Cross officials. ON THESE PAGES radio, W-B-W, air conditioning. standard Shift, 8C:yl., Radio, A total of 122 persons out of 209S W-B-W Tlree. 1964 RAMBLER “CLASSIC 770” 4-Door Cus­ IS* offering donors were accept­ RANGE \M) tom Sedan. A truly bemitiful family sepdan. ed, including donors from West Equipped perfectly for your wife with features Hartford, Wapping, Storrs, Cov­ 67 E 100 VAN 67 PLYMOUTH like automatic trans., OHV 6 cyl. engine, i^ io, entry and Ellington. 1S67 FOmi 1966 CHEVROLET 1967 VOLKSWAGEN Richard St. Louis of Rockville FUEL OIL Galaxie 500 2-Door Hardtop Bel Air Sedan. 6, auto, trans. Squarebeck. White. Radio. Standard 6-C^ *-Door Sedan. Excellent CondMlon. heater. Absolutely spotless throughout. 1985 VOLKSWAGEN We Will Sell Burgundy finish/ started on his seventh gallon GASOLINE Auto, V-8, PS., Radio Sedan. Radio. donation; Howard Horsman of matching interior. •1295 Tolland gave his fourth gallon; •1195 •1895 and Atty. Robert C aldw ^ his •1895 •1195 fifth. Raymond Blanchottc of BANTLY OIL 67 CADILUC 65 MUSTANG 1964 FORD FALCON-DELUXE 4-Door Station ’Tolland would have received his COMI ANT INC 1966 VOLKSWAOEN Wagem. A real handy little wagon. 6 cvl., auto­ : M MAIN ^TR( F r 1962 VOLKSWAGEN COUPE DE VILLE 30 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, Standard. six gallon pin but was rejected 1983 CHEVY Sunroof. Blue. Radio matic trans., radio, heavy duty in- QV 1 A C Full Power, Air Conditioning because he was four days early TH ^ IV ISVS V^-Ton Pickup. Very clean. 1500 model. Radio. Yellow terlor. Black/red leatherette interior. I 17 9 Rcch.iltr h;s <^7I 4095 01 Om for the time allotted between 1967 GLDS Toronado donations. * •1495 2-Door Hardtop. Full power. •895 ’The nursery supervised by •995 65 FALCON 65 COMET CALIENIE 1964 RAMBLER “AMERICAN” 4-Door Station Mrs. Donna Gallichant, Mrs. 1968 PORSCHE WAGON. 6 cyl. standard shift. An economy Lodia Bertrand and Mrs. Mau­ 2-Dr. Radio, 6-cyl., automatic, USED CARS 2-br. Hardtop, 8-cyl., champ, ready to run q A q c reen MeWay was reported busy Septic Tanks 1965 FORO •3195 912. 5-speed trans. W-8-W. Power Steering your errands. > «I79 all day. AND Mustang 2-Door Hardtop. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN - \T - Fire Drill Deluxe Sedan. Radio Plugged Sewers 6, auto, trans. •4895 66 FORD Grant .Hill Rd. between Geh- 67 CHEVELLE 1964 OLDS F-85 4-Door Sedan. V-8 engine, au- ring and New Rd. will be clos­ Machine Cleaned •1095 GALAXIE 500 $■ tmnatic transmission, radio, heater. A real Hne ed to traffic Sunday between 9 Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, •1095 1996 VW SEDAN 1967 VOLKSWHGEN 2-Door HardUm. 886 engine, Wholesale a.m. and 1 p.m. to permit the *-Door Sedan. V-8, automatic, value in the family sedan style. Sewer Lines Instiled—Cel­ Radio. Beige Fastback. Black. Radio. Four-Speed Maroon/black interior. Tolland Volunteer Fire Depart­ lar Waterproofing Done. power steering •1295 ment to conduct a drill, In the 1965 VALIANT 1966 VOLKSWAGEN Auction Prices area. McK i n n e y b r o s . 200 4-Dr. Sedan. Auto. •1795 Niirserj- School AssIstantH •1395 Deluxe Sedan. Red 64 TEMPEST 1964 FORD FAIRLANE 4-Door Sedan. 6 cylin­ 118 Pearl St. — 648-5308 65 FORD LTD Assisting mothers at the Tol­ der, autfxnatic transmissi| ( umc — I ii "! ( Iioiic 65 GALAXIE 500 1963 OLDS F-86 2-Door Sport Coupe. V-8, en­ 1967 VOLKSWAGEN CAPRICE gine, automatic, trans, radio, heater. ft'V A C PAUL DODGE Cutlass Conv. PS., auto., radio. Deluxe Sedan. Radio. Extra clean 3-Door Hardtop Gold finish/matching interior. #79 •1695 1965 VOLKSWAGEN *-Door Hardtop. P.8., P.B., ISxceUent Condition. Air (Tondltloninf, Vinyl Top. •1195 •1695 Sedan. White. Very clean. 2095 PONTIAC REPRESENTATIVE LISTING OVER 60 USED CARS ON SALE REPRESENTATIVE LISTING 1963 MERCURY COMET 2-Door Sedan. 6 cyl. 373 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER autixnatic transmission, radio, heater. ------Just the second car you’ve S7A C 1963 FORD 1963 VOLKSWAGEN been looking for. ^#79 1962 VOLKSWAGEN No Stock Quick Financing! ^ PRICES BASED ON Winter Special Galaxie 500 4-Door Sedan. Sunroof. Green. Radio. 1965 VW SEDAN WE WILL ACCEPT 241 Deluxe Wagon Blue. Radio NADA AUTO AUCTION YOUR TRADE EVEN 1956 VOLKS BUG. •595 •995 •895 Added No Fixed 4 cyl., radio, heater. FRONT-END •1250 TRUE VALUES GUIDE IF YOU OWE MONEY •295 NO SET DOWN PAYMENT MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM For This Sole Down Payment DEC. 23, 1968 ON IT! ALIGNMENT SHOP TONITE TILL 9iW PJL at Reg. 12.^ A/C 15.95 Open till 9 P.M. Thursday— 6 P.M. Friday—5 P.M. Soturidoy Special 9^95 Special 12.95 TED TRUDON, Inc. ROUTE fr-COUIMBIA RD. FREE MUFFLER and WILlJh«ANTIC, CONN. © VOLKSWAGEN—PORSCHE MOTOR SAU5, INC. BRAKE INSPECTION '' TOLUND TURNPIKE TALGOTTVHIE IM9.2838 - 8754502 C & S FORD TEL 423-1634 285 8ROAO S n S E t MANCHESreR It MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTE2R, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1969' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17; 1969 PAGE SEVENTEEN BUGG8 BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB iYAICE~rS«T7 OKKt, CXJR FEAIHEREP COME MO GET HERE'S VER CHANGE,) E LM C R i FWIENDS CAHT n> BIRDIES i DOC* _ VOU DID Y HOW Y F A P / David Okrant FIND MUCH TO Jasdea Obudwamld A fiADEOUT I ABOUT / A PERSON AHtWVf VP rrWVIMB nHaQI^ ■dUor Banior Editor EAT IN WINTERi t h a n k s FOR THE WHEN VOUR / RAVIN'A^E Y g ETG AHEAD < Many Jaraa Feature Editor Hobart Blailar announcement, TEA M < R5R / IN THE RACE California 4x«ti lldttor a m jd r /n o w r u n COUAPSB?) DRIVIN' \ OF UFEANP A \MBT THUMB IN TH E J VOU J JACICALS , 2 E i^ t (prefix) he igh chool orld ACBOSS T H S W eVEH TOUR DIARV BOWl. Y TO THE NIP AT HIS 3Songbiid VOL. x n i, No. 16 a n d s e e w hat to u G A M E/y OWLS ) HEELS.* 1---- 0«te, 4 Ugly (dial.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 COMpikd by Stndants of Manchester High Sehsol Mn. Joyce Den, IWoHy b o r r o w e d o n CONVENTION? Bridg* 5 Musical itudy 10IRO 7------picture SNotabewhere MARTHA'S KRTHCAY/ industry Wood ■peclSed (ab.) 13 Card pun* 7 Hebrew letter 14G**eoua SOftheUmei hydrocarbon (LaUn) ISFatharof .9 Gullet Agamemnon 10 Shakespear­ ±g-> , 16CoaI«*cea ean character edibk tubar 430faBtrv*a A L L E Y OOP ITScra^ 11 Heavy blow 28 Alwaya 44 Small* BY V. T. HAMUN toeether 12 Headland 29 Obligation children UHaatha 31 He presides 46 Japansaa CP COURSE! UKE GOOD SOSH, OOP, IF 20Fenca 1 THINK W TrvE HIT ISInergy 21 Listed for at roulette gMlabox BRINS BACK SHOTS OF A PEAP-ENP, KACtHOI (liana) 37 Quickly (Sp.) SOME STUrrCD DKIESi* ( NEFERTm LOOKIN8 LET« EASE OUTA appointment 47Aftatioan iMeritE PEuoous! UKE T)W , TNEVU LMUHl THIS PLACE... z i m ^ i 22 Gloved 38WeaselUke aocialevanta ME RICHT o u t o f nrlng 23 Voided animal 480aalio THE BUSINESS , 22^rp«of escutcheon 41PubUc SO^KJtfjUvm rowboat 24 Rodents storehouse .(phaita.) I 2S'A»lgned 28 Meadows 42 Wagnerian SlCl^eaBof aaaahar* 27 Hawaiian character dawn ' >s*V 1 ‘ SOEkioch S bttun^ M l 31uniullicd r 2 r T~ 1 r r” r 1“ r rr r lOLOA^OUNTSsI 32HaUI jSa 33 High in nr u pUu (muaie) 34LarUt II • II SSRevolter i't i OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WILLIAMS IT 23 (ab.) 36Aniwer r H *? OK. BREAK IT u A; 38 ------Sutter II DO YOU REAUZE 39 Floor 8 U u ar a ■ IT r HT |0^m» MtA, Ibb. tja. atiaA WHAT ALL THIS covering J i J. DAVY JONES g a w k in g is 40 EngUih river sr BY LEFT and McWlLLIAMft COSTING THE 42 Impede (law) ■ T | F COMPANY? 45 Hackneyed. HT K r * HE WON'T AN- 49 Shooting atar IT W . _ . 9 WER T o '‘WOODY" SI Workar for ■ WOOOy. WOODY, WS|fCf vr IT PLEASI, COME .. . AND HE WON'T S2Mcdlum-iized L / TELL ME HIS fofa 12 U u If r B-BACK* S REAL NAME. SSMuaical draihai II S4Claaaify H SSBriiUeiike 12 ^ . down l4 U 1 Machine part JI ta^X' (Htwipope, faterpriss Am.) o , -f k 1 Si. / V CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER' WAYOUT WBBBfNJOT BY KEN MUSE % ■*' ■l(NnilK«pi«at.,lK. HT GIVE OK...NOW TMAT ME WHATB THE YOUR WAS FIRST LADY OF THB CRM& IDEAS CASH IDEA? A ^ I D E A .' IT INC FIRST.' ^'<1 I SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL stCTOR E.TNOMAS Y .BNJ fF iiT S W A t Ken Tedford, (21), teape for shot wiiile teannnotea Doug Hansen, (24), Brian Steve Dunlap, *70, and Doug Pastel, ’69, (beside Ruth Ohatel, 70, (8) waits for the ball aa her teammate and members of the iVENOC- Maher and . John Quaglia (in background) awdit reauHs. board) prepare to strike off for MHS in last Fri­ Rwdty Hfll squad vie for It. (Herald photos by Pinto) day’s meet with Maloney. Indian Five Girl Hoopsters’ Season BUZZ SAWYER Looking for BY ROY CRANE MffS Ducks SUPPOSE THE BUREAU \C/^Smu^ 60 OFF 50MEWHERE...TRV10 V E I^ .G O BACK HOME AND MAKE A FRESH START. OFNARCDnCSMENGET START 0VER...1 GUESS. Win Tonight TNE GOODS ON DUPE >ll THERES A KID WORKS IN THE FIlLING STATION BACK i-n Begins on Winning Note AND SEND HIM UP? 5 H O W . SORIA FRECKLED WRH A REAL OITESMIIe I Now at the halt-way point of HE USED ID HAVE A CRUSH ON ME. what is proving to be a long sea­ WHAT WOULD NDU i i Going Strong The Hoopsters racked up good on rebounds while Carol Judy PoqilaU, and Rodeon Mc­ DO, LOLA? son, C ^ ch Jim Mlriarty’s hoop- wins In bofii camps ogalnM Utke, and Audrey Smith (69) Cann, aB '70. MV KNISMfs MUST HAVE THEV KEEP sters will be lookhig lor a need­ STAG6£RiN6 Looking good! Against Mahmey, Heihert con­ Rooky HiU this Tuesday to were good on defense. Varsity BSBN on a WILD FARTV/ INTO BACH OTHER. Junior VarMty begins the ed win tonight, against Wefiiers- Hie MHS Swimming Team is tinued his record breaking per­ make :a second straight vie- played an excellent game, both year with Carol I&ause, Bev flsld ill CHarke Arena. in good shape sTter having formances, beating (he clock tory ta r the varsity team and on defense and offense. JV ChaiSder, Debby Corbin, Barb The Indians, 3-6 in the league swamped New London (64-41), In the 200-yard InAvkhial med­ the first win a t the season tor tried hard but lost to Rock­ Davidson, Enes Gclanges, and S-6 over-all, will be trying Platt (60-36), and Maloney (63> ley and also aurposafaig the rec­ J.V . V anity pulled (hrough ville in a 26-12 defeat. Kathy Lence, Kathy Lindsay, J to smell out the sweet success 32). ord in the 400-yard free style with a 86-11 vlotory, and J.V . The 1968-60 varsity team Cindy Pabst; aU ‘71, and Pam of victory after having suffered nils afternoon the Strokere which he had set In the first played to a 29 lio 1 flnlsb. Sue llMs: Pat Poll, '70; Donna Car­ Cooper, and Sue DMelinaki, two straight losses to Maloney place their winning reoo^ oo meet of (he sesson. Stackpole, ‘69, worked well on penter, '69; Mary Hickey, '70; both '70. Juniors Karen Ware (68-42) and Ckinard (63-37). the line against Wethersfield, In the pro-season Alumni offense and proved high scor­ Ckdhy Kooclol, '70! Jean LesUe, and Bhlriey Roglis are man­ ^ i c no hr NU, Cold shooting from the floor a t 3:80 in (he home pool. Meet, the swimmers suffered er in the vanity game. Junlar Carol titk e, Jean McAdam, agers of the team. Miss Lind *Th*y ntarly had ma atumpad for a minuta. Aa paranta and too many team fouls prov­ Ill (he New London meet, an unregistered 67-26 swamp­ varsity and varsRy await to­ Sue Stackpole, Audrey Smith, coaches for JV while Miss Ben- ing. With the experience be­ MICKEY FINN with two kida in oollaga thay olaiin thay ara ed to be the downfall as the In­ Rusty Herbert, '60 eetabUshed night's showdown with Rhom, and Chris Roberts, all '69; net is In charge of Vanttty. BY LANK LEONARD dians never took the lead from two new pool records as he. hind them, the Alumni, consist­ of Hebron^ in hopes of a douMs Ruth Cbatri, Unda Wrobel, Sub DziriinsU, '70 a non profit organiaatlon!" finished the 160 yard IndivldF ing of such names tus Bpiasth victory. VES,A\A! UNCLE I WONDER IF HE CALLED MICHAEL — t ^ Baloney. Hitting on only six of PHIL IS ON HIS WAV MINERVA BEFORE WANT TO SHOW 34 shots in the first half, the ual medley in 1:68.6, clipping '68, Moyer, '68, lUUer '68, Oak- The varsity team came up TDAfllAMI-IN FACT, the old time by five seconds. man, '66, Kiederilng '68, &lnd- with a close 80 to 28 win in r;-. HE SHOULD BE y ou SON^THINGJ STEVE CANYON smaller Manchester five slowly BY MILTON CANIPP Legion of Honor dropped by the wayside. Heiheit edso erased the 4:41 amour '67, and Frost '88, bn^te Rockville, Jan. 10. The laM ARRIVING SOON.' mark in the 400 yard free style three sch^ records. FootbaU aeeaon may ba over Defensively, the hoopsters minutes of the game were To Sue EmmerUnff It Is a with a time of 4:83.0 Coach Richard SoUanek, in particidarly tense as Rock­ as far aa the actual Saturday were touj^, with number 84, beautiful feeling to be owooah- By gaining first place in all hla 20th year as head swim ville repeatedly brought the ball ganvee are concerned, but for Ing throu^ the snow, deacend- John (hiaglia '69- stealing the but three events, diving, 60 mentor, had said prior to the down court only to be called Ing from a mountain t<^ in Ver­ Ernie Tupper, every neossxa is ball four time and Dave Ware yard tree style, and the 100 season, that “The team riiould for a foul or violation. Mary mont, where her skl-nilnded football season. '69 and Bob Kleman '69 pulling yard breaststrolce, the taidiers do as well as last year (7-6).” Hickey, '70, was especially family has a vacation home. "Tuppy,” aa be is better down ten and nine rebounds assured themselves of a win And with a 8-0 start th ^ Just Her hitereat carries Into her known, has played guard (or Offensively, the team was over Platt and their second vic­ might go ell the way. school activlttea where ahe en- the MHS footbaU team lor paced by Ware with 19 points. tory. Jerry Katona '70 thusiastioally performs her du­ three years and has raoelvsd High scorer for Maloney was Qass Writes ties aji aecretary of the Ski Us leitter. Grodslcki with 18 points. Club. In the earlier game, (he Om- Alert, attractive Sue can of­ No. 68 la vigorously studying ‘W orld' Cx»py in the fields of Current Issues, ard Chleftaina downed the In- ten be found In the Somantils tUans by displaying tine baR Original Settings Does file “Wotld” seem some­ MR. ABERNATHY Office * palnatatdngly working ISuslnsss Law, DMiibutlve Ed­ how different this week? Is there BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY ucation and Psychology. control and by controlling file out the 1069 edition, of which boards throughout the game. some diange In writing style, or she tn co-editor. If an under- Blmle’s Ufe la not aU just do you notice some new names NONSENSE— ...IVE NEVER SHOTA BETTER Oonard olImbed up one more Highlight ^Crucihle’ I THIS IS A cktseman should wander Id look- football and books. Ho can ba notch In their quest for the COIL at the bottom of the stories? b r r r . . . ) ?, SCORE IN/Vy LIFE/ Ing for advice, she would tell found walking In or out of M n . Joyce Don’s Joumaliam THE ^ PERFECT DAY baskeitball title. Sock and Buekln is hard at school, as well as on some ^rO. WFORGOLF. him to become involved (n ac­ another showing of "The Orad- Mlanchester rallied early In SaturdiayB. ' (does hopes that you have taken WEATHER tivities and to appreciate all of work on their production of note of the change In staff os WINTHROP uabs,” curled In a comer the second quarter and out (he Five students in Hiss Van IS “TTie Crucible.” Rehearsals they are reaponatUe tor this is­ BY DICK CAVALU the opportunltiee offered to stu­ reafUng Oil Thoir or B.C., or 'ead to 14-11 but jpe Chleftaina Lemte’s Art II class, as well FRSZINGJ dents at a large achwl. take place every day after sue. WHAT DID VCCJ Dkj.. Ustesilng to the moods of "TIm went on (o pile up a 30-16 baU- sui membera of the cast, are And Suaan follows her own Hie first semester class In S A Y ? I CANIT* Temptations” o r ‘"ITie Cream:** tlme score. Bonard maintained working dUlgently on a fireplaoe advice; Her classmates have Journalism is producing as a H EAC YC D '•TYy td be yourself”^ la their adroit ball handling and for the stage setting. Michele elected her to both the Stu­ way of practicing the skUls Bm la's philosophy. "It's moK buUt the lead to 46-26 by t h e Twerdy, ‘00, Jton Reuter, ‘71, dent Council and the Sen­ which they have learned and at easily said tiian done, though. end of the third quarter. Jane Malek, ‘70, Irene Vlrkutls, THATVO dJR ior Oommenoement Committee. the same time Miarlng them with Too many people are trying to Bob Kleman i^yed a fine ‘70’ and Larry Elkin, *70, are She participates In the (hirrent others. Class activities have giv­ I € A ID DIO ® ' I BALLOON game, throwing in 7-hoops and using their recently learned be too different, and It’s caus­ en the wendd be Journalists a « L E A k lN O - Affairs dub, where she worked 6 free throws (Or 19.points for skills in 'perspective in achiev- \OOKNCW... ing a big mess." clearer Insight Into the hard hard during the recent Mock the locals. He was the only Man­ li« a three dimensional figure Elections, the AF8 dub cuid booking bsMk on his years at work Involved In producing a chester player to reach the on a two dimensional base. Sock and Buskin. MHS, Bm le has decided that newspaper. Techniques In page PRISCILLA’S POP double figures as the next man Other portions of the setting BY AL VERMEER T with college Just around Uie thqy'va been great; fUU of fun. layout, Interviewing, and news was Ken TeUford '70 with five are being constructed by mem­ NOW. PRlSCILl-A, comer. Sue, who 1s a serious But he is quite oeitain that points. Bob Nelson and Bob MU- and feature writing were studied C A R R O T S T H E Y c a r r o t s I'V E B E E N they won't be the best yaara, bers of the club and cast with and practiced. TMs Issue is a WHAT DID WE LEARN ARE RICH IN CONTAIN .A R E A student, has been working very ler paced Oonard with 19 points V.ABOUT CARROTS^ BRAINWASHED!' hard on her courses. She Is and hopea that Mgger and bet­ the help of Mr. Thomas Donlon. test of those techniques. S U G A R A M D VITAM IN S V IT A L and 11 points respectively. ‘"Ihe Crucible,” by Arthur IRON... carrying English 12, Modem ter thliigs are on the way. Pat Kittle ‘70 A AND B'.S H E A L T H tn ' Jerry Katona '70 Miller will be presented Friday, B * AND C .. .FOOD. ■ -Ocv European History, Crafts II, "H m only way to get the moat Chris Cooper '70 Jan. 24, at 8 p.m. and Oym. out of your high adnol Is to The opportunity of working Get your tickets now from any Guidance Notes CAPTAIN EASY participated in the athletic Book and Buskin member, and (1 ) BY LESLp; 'TURNER behind the sceires In the MH8 programs and Study." Representatives from the f « ., " * Tlda experience has broad­ aides football? Hot apple oriap view the Salem Witch trials. For Runners Passes may be obtained from t o (> o'- \ HIMK0P TH' ened her understanding of the with lots of whipped cream and MIX) ‘69 0 KALLIKAKB reapoinsibilitles involved in co­ a scoop of vanilla Ice cream " I would like them to score in the Guidance Office. ? ordinating the activities of a just malting over It, girts with the Staite Meet,” Is thq goal of FOB BEITEB Tuesday—Hartford College lor large school. short hair, watching a football Mr. Paul Phlnney, coach of the UNDEB8TAND1NO Women, 3rd period; The CoUege game on a color televlolon set, Indoor Track Squad. While thi ELLENDALE, NX>. (AP) — of Emporia, Kansas, at 12:16. I-IT Sue's admiration for people who respect others for their aiMl people with a good sense first official meet is in Febru­ The EUendsle school board Wednesday — Franklin Plerc« good characteristics shines In of humor. ary, fits squad has had several DAR W inner moved Its meetings Into the College, Rlndge, N. H., 2nd pe­ ROBIN MALONE her own personality and she Ernie says he'll remember "practice meets” since starting Susan Moyer, a member of hallway after voters recently re­ riod; Qulnnlplac Oedtege, Ham­ MacDonald Locket ______BY BOB LUBBERS wUli be remembered for the the looker room gossip, the their season three weeks ago. the senior class, has been se­ jected a ‘proposal to InciWse den, Ctonn., 6fii period. Praoticss are hrid In the 1 MAKE TOAST To \ THATS AKJDTOP«7VeLASTIfJ0 \ PAROOW Uilnga she most likes in her lundi waves, looker 9097, and lected to receive the annual school mlU levy taxation 26 per Juniors are reminded that the AMeRyMo&ouTsipe Y J might school halls, which has cawiod AMiTy oFTwo (Si?eAr FWeNDSHIP, IS IV E IMTEBPOPTDN, PALACE d^ awd/ws XX) J— < AS wet-L frisiids. the school store when he looks Daughters of the American Re­ cent deadline for registering for the some problems in recent years. c-(?uNT)?igs,..youRS m c m s , .VOU...... LAHO FOR SFNCB /f/^pmHen, Claiming not to be cut out to the past volution Award tor Good Citi- In an attempt to improve College Board, BAT and In Art Competition norem&ASBTo / \ pbTou Since the estabtlshmont of ^ AND MINE.? ypOSHiEU for a computerised future, she senshlp. communlcaUona between school Achievement Tests, be held on Ttm AMERICA OF UNITED / WHAT) HN6POB IBs future? EootbaU, hopeful­ M.C.C., M r.' Phlnney fits had V ETATEE.r P? j >ND does have a fairly definite idea Given each year to the senior officials and the public, the March 1, 1069, Is FM>. 1. The National Scholastic Art spent in creating this art work. ly, what elae? I In tlie mean­ some trouble In arranging tor school board moved Its meeting SCf?AM! of what ahe wants In Ufe after time, when not on the football girl who displays the highest Award contest is the Immediate Clinton MacDonald, a senior, ------oollegei A long life of happiness hts squad to use the halls. But location Into the lobby of the el-' LITTLE SPORTS field, he may b« fouqd at 76 standards tn leadership, depend­ BOOK IT TO ‘EM destination of Clinton MacDon­ is presently taking Crafts IV, and contentment s)M>uld be that Is all straightened out now, ementary school. ald's silver and ‘enamri locket. and plans to work in jewelry B Y ROUSON Ashworth St. with his parents, and. he Is looking forward to a ability, service aiid patriotism, . AT SOeXTER GAME > easily acquired by Sue through "We hope that by meeting In If the neclclace wins In the state designing after graduation. The Mr. and Mrs. Blon Tupper. fine year. the award Is made by a faculty plain sight with the lights on, BELO HORIZONTE (AP) — her hard work, her optimistic contest, sponsored by the Hart­ locket is to be ette of many Batssy, *70 Mr. Phlnney has especially vote! ' people m&y be iemlnded that a Ekiterpriaing health offlclala set outlook, and her pretty smile. Sue IS an active member of ford Oourant, it will be sent creative entiiea. Smne otiiera Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. high hopes for Ed Nixon, '70, boaiU meeting Is In peogrsss up a smallpox vaccination stand Aquaettee and Ski Club and is during a soccer game here re­ to New York to compete on the are a silver box. pewter box, George Blmmerllng of 118 In the mile; Greg Nolin, '71, in and that they’ll Mop Iik listen, Natlom^ lewel. Monday will begin the sale of membership chairman of the cently, and found 30,000 vcljun- a. goblet, and pendants, made Henry Bt. the mile and the throe mile; ask questions or oomptain If (kimputer Danoe tickets. The Bob'Dboon, '69, in the 1000 yd. Student Council. She Is now teers willing to be vacckinated. The locket contains eight by studenU In MHS craft Robin N ^ b er, '60 they want to,” said school supt. round stones set Into both the price Is $1.00 with: BAA and $1.76 sprint; Hal BvsreM, *89, In the eligible to compete for the state classes. Portfolios a t picturea Gene Hahrorson. silver and enamel. The locket, without. Computer Cards may 60 yaiu hurdles; and Angelo award of DAR Good Cltlxenship In (his way, the achool offlr from art classes as well as Sophomores will be given which opens from either side, American Legion Auxiliary be turned In In front of the Cafe­ IntogBata, *71, In the high Jump and will represent MHS In all cials hope to better Inform the photographic entries will also copies of the Program. o( Studies is suspended from a forged ^ tM Wa>U lifkis ttwa gcboUrshlps ore now avallohle teria before Jan. 27. The dance and long Jump. DAR oompMtions. public of ecbool problems and be sent to represent MHS in the for 1969-70 during the next Tues­ silver lecklace. Approximately competition. In the Ouldanoo Office. will be Feb. 7. Richaixl Nolan, *70 Jerry Katona, '70 needs. day X period. 130 hours of hard work were Nancy Macomber, '70 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1909 MANCHESTEB EVENING HEHALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 19«a tAQ E NINirrBBN East Out to Clinch Tourney Bid, T H l Herald Angle Buffalo Gets Head Coach From Oakland

EARL YOST John Rausch^ /2 Indians Hosting Wethersfield Five ■poila Editor

an eotttsr msoUag, WUaon man­ S ig n s Four By DEAN YOST to Bast Hartford 1-8 and sam e CXHL opponents plus a demy, the home team In to­ aged only a s l x - p ^ win o««r Skiers Delight at Herenles Hill pretenUy in the CXX3 cellar. gEune with New Britain lOgh. night’s encounter, poets a sea­ the Rama. RotdnrlUa holding Basketball,'^moving iBto Bast enters the game seeking Still uiilefeated in the NOOC, son record of 6-4 and la second Skiers ddight has the word from Hercules Hill, Year Pact in the 000 standings. Bill down a last plaos In Um CVC, ita second stage, finds most two Important goals, (1) to re­ and lotting only once in nine 5** Attendance has more than BUFFALO, N. Y. (AP) main unbeaten and (2) gain an starts, South Windsor, rolling Chappell continues to pace the has a asaaon rsoovd of M and schools in action tonight. doubled^h m ^ t over a year ago when the town-own­ —The Bu'ffalo Bills of the,, Only Cheney Tech is idle. early berth In tourament play. along with the greatest of ease, scoring attack for the Patriots. 2 4 . Tonigfat’a prsdtoUona: Bast a ed facility was m operation at Mt. Nebo. The latter be­ American Football League The first hsJf saw (uily one A Vito will Insure post-season hasn’t had much trouble in dis­ R ock y HHI, holding down sec­ qualiflcatlon. posing opponents. Coach ond place In the Charter Oak tavorlts over ths Homsta of came a casualty due to relocated Rt. 6. The Hercules announced today they had local or area team going Manchester High, 8-5 and 8-6, Conference with a 4-2 and a Baat Hartfaed winning 1^ undefeated. Beat OathoUc poat- Charlie Sharoe and his out­ hired John Rausch, coach welcomes winless Wetherefield, season mark of 5-4, ventures to Mancheatsr over Wathanfleld ed an exo^tent 10-0 record and standing crew of performers of the OMcland Raiders for 0-8 and 0-9 at the Clarke Arena Bolton. The Bulldogs, $-8 and by 10 polnfta; South Wtodaor South Windsor High la next with meets BHington High on the ******** « * . courae superintendents in Mi­ three years, as thedr head In a O dL contest at 8:15. The Knights’ home court. BlUngton 5-4, had a Ane tsam pertonn- adding lailngtah to Ito aMng an 8-1 mark. The Boboeta only am i B each Jan. 10-24 . coach. Indiana, having troubte In scoy- (S-6) had been getting a steady an ce against Elaat Hanq|)ton of vlctorlea by U i.Baixm gets defeat came aft the hands of *n There Among the speakers at the G-’rv. Palmer of KMurooiga, N.R. be­ geri drawback for toe Bay a« . The student support has meeting In ’Troplcal’e history Pamell pitched 10 years for came a stroftg candidate fo r Stolen.. Jto^ord Worid ^ries been good untU Johnson, 'who took over the Bills’ ooecMng Job when Joe Dayln^ Out o f Court ended ’H niraday aa Mtr. B ro- the Red Sox, compiling a best the U.S. ski team loot orsekand expect^a tolg turnout for time and the cagera Mim to auto (telller was fired after Buffalo gann, a 25-1 long shot, raced e ffo rt o f 26-7 in 1966. H e w as a as he raced to victory to the ’Tuesday night’s dhmer-meefting piay t»*ter when toey have through a Jam-packed field of 17 member of the Red' Sox ’radio locft to the Raiders sept. 16. 1 two-day coveted Louloe Orris which will feature the Cole- vocal support «ind some of the Johnson has said repeatedly be horsee to win the 170,000 T’ropl^ and television team as a sporta- ’Trophy Slalom D erb y oft B ig mans, Joe Sr. and Joe Jr., both youngsters have been most en- wonted to return to his job as cal Park Handicap. coBter (he last four years. Bromley, to Itoncheotte, Vt. pitchera. Joe Sr. spent 15 years thuaiastic. BeoauM many of the director of player persmnel. During a 52-day aeaaon, in­ In the American League while boys are bus pupils, plus com- For Cager Hudson . . .Palmer aiied throtvh (he Wfison, oft Ms winter home In cluding 12 days nm for charity. Joe Jr. Is now the star with the mittmenta for outside after- 05 gate cou rse In 88 seconds Florida, sold Rausch telephoned Tropical hosted 469,220 bettors Washington Senators. flat for the two runs Saturday, ®c*K)ol jo b s, to e non-players him Jan. 1 to say he would be ruling. "I’ve been {laying with who put $52,918,102 fhrough the Sports Viewing * • * NEW YORK (AP) — Jeff Mulhns scored 15 of his 29 and was ctecked at ’17.6 Sunday. leave the school as soon after avatlable If the Bills wanted the same guys for three years pari-mutuel windows. TTiursday was Lou Hud- points in the third period as 9an SATURDAY Rob B el of the U.S. old team O ff the Cuff 8 o’clock as possible, leaving M m. and adjusting to them on and off For the regular 40 days, at­ 8-. Mancherier, Conn., seems to um court in CWumbta, S.C., and Ws services” to the Hawks, "in­ Super Bowl. Jan. 17 — East Oathollc at Seekohk, Maas., has been nine consecutive points to open and $9. Sports ing tltidat, is in Europe with hart OoUege. Tlie iteoal young- gri on toe map every January, •cored 28 points as the Hawks duced him to repudiate Ms ofali- In Buffalo, he hopes to have East Hartford, Wethersfield at named the nation’s top woman the fourth qtnrter andi give the Tropic IQng n, making Ida 11:80 ( 8) Baaketball: the U.S. Atpine ski teem. TMa ster is a graduate of Peddle usually for toe same reason. beat the Phoenix Su m U2-10T. ga tlon .” O. J. Simpson, Southern Califor­ Mancliester, South Windsor at amateur for 1968 by Golf Digest R oyals a 101-96 lead. J erry Lu­ North American debut under his UeXA vs. Hous­ is the oUeat race o t (to kind in School . . . Major test tor East Several years ago, Gerry Ode- m agazine. But Chicago Hawks Suffered EUewtiere, San Francisco nia’s Helaman Trophy winner, Ellington, Coventry at Bacon Zelmo Beaty ted the Atlanta cas, Oscar Robertson and Van regular iMer William Oarrtaa, ton the nation. Tills moifcad th e Catholic High’s cagera wUl be man. New York Yankee an- nealiaped Chicago 112-99 and in his backfield. Buffalo, which Academy, RockvUle at Wood- Mrs. (terner, 29, ■won aU five scoring with 28 points as the Arsdate sparked the Royals returned $11.80 to show. SUNDAY 22nd year. The Orris was es- Jan. 26 when (hey travel to nouncer got lost en route to Cincinnati turned back San Die­ won only one game whUe losing tournaments, incUudlng the Na­ NEW YORK (AP)—fRie In otter action, Boston who shut out toe Flyers for tte Hawks climbed to within two with 27, 28 and 24 points respec­ lOaleeh opened with the 89th 8:00 (86) AFL AU-8tar row WUson, Rocky HUl at Bol­ tabliehed b y ” MT., SMtaig*', BYed Fairfield Prep. Tlie Eagles Manchester, N.H., and wound 12 and tying one last season, has tional, Eastern and Rhode Is­ trounced Mbmesefta 5-1, Mdnft- tUM time iUs seaaon, each g o 120-109. games of first-place Los An­ tively while EBvin Hayes, the G am e ton Loe Angeles Kings had too running of the $25,000 added Pabst Jr. to 1948, who Is also knocked Prep out of .toe Class up in town. Laet year, Joe Foy to e No. 1 d ra ft p l ^ . land amateurs, she entered last real Uaaked ItoUadelpMa 4-0 time with a different goote. ‘Tm relieved,” Hudson said geles in the NBA’s Western Dl- league’s leading scorer, netted ( 8) NBA: Warriors Jan. 18 —Housatonic C.C. at Royal Poyciana, a six-furlocig preehtent of Bromley, and Jock A Tournament lest March in of the Boston Red Sox come to In three years at Oakland, year. many men onfthe ice in the and Detroit nipped Pittsburgh Detroit stretched tte wtoalng after heating the federal court visUm. 38 for the Rockets. feature for older horses. FATHER AND SON—sJihi Ray and son, Jeff, of v s. 76ers the title game . . . Mike Ovlan town for a baseball dinner Manchester C.C. OrtUeb, to memory of the kiie Rausch compiled a 844-1 second period of Thursday 8-2. streak to six gomes by edging 3:80 (8 ) NFL: Pro Bowl W R E 8T U N O H ighest w eigh ts o f 124 pounds Manchester, enjoyed the excellent facilities at the Mars. Louise Orria The next of the EUipgton Ridge Coun- scheduled that night in Mon- record, the betit in the AFL. He night’s National Hockey Ken WbBirram’s first-period ETttsburgh on Pete Stemkow- were asslgi^ to More Cents try aub, Dick Whalen of the Chester, NH. ’Two weeks ago, Jan. 17 — Etest CathoUc at Co-Captains Nanied Powder Hill skiing area in Middlefield last weekend. Ug event is die Corcoran Oup, took over the Raiders when DURHAM, N.H. (AP) — The Leagrue game veith Chicago, goal had given tte Hawks a 1-0 skl’s tie-breaking goal early in Logan Breaks Tie with Lay-up Manchester Country aub and WlUle Horton of toe Detroit H artford $ASKETBMJ.i and Pappa Steve. Bold Ruler men and women in the SL, OS, Davis became AFL commis­ Unlversifty of New Hampshire but tbe Black Hawks were lead, but MacDonald knotted it the second period. Alex.pelveo- ca rried 128 pounds. R oy a l E x ­ Roger Barrett of Glaatonbury Tlgere drove to MbnCherier, Vt. Holiday Lanes at WatervlUe Vabiey, N.H. Jan. sioner. SWIMMINO football team wiUl have co-cap- at 14:18 of the second and Howie Chte and Cterdie Howe were the change 120, and American Na­ wUl attend the 40th In- instead of Manchester, N.H. tor the ones who suffered. s c o n e s Calvin Murphy Nets 47 Points 17-19.” 'f'- ■ ^ Daris has since returned to Jon. 17 — Wethersfield at talna for the first time in four Hu^ies put the Kings ahead at ether Red Wing iiiiMlaiiuiii tive 116. Offers B Event ternatlonal ’Turf Grass (ten- Leo Cloutier’s annual baseball Hie pesialty ogalmt tiie Oakland Oaks Win Again, T JV N IO B 8 I Ux* a tide over to the new Oakland as managing general M anchester years next foU. Kings, served by Howie Mie>- 16:09, just 18 seconds after Mo- while Paul Andrea and Vsl Fbn- The 40-day Hialeah program ferenoe and Show for golf show. Last night’s action saw Nas- ski slope at the Herc\des Dr. partner. Lettermen this week electod na^, backfired when LA’s Low­ natd came out of the penalty teyne tolUed for toe Penguins. concludes March 4 with ' the Holiday Lanes will be buzzing slff Arms swamp the Commu- rite and was Impraued with the Rausch was on outstanding Eric Alten, Michigan State center Dan Drewniak, of box. It was Howe’s 20th goal, the Keep String of 24 Intact $100,000 Ftemingo Stakes. with activity tomorrow when a ell Mac Donald scored 26 sec­ unity Y, 68-12. Phil Stoneman Santa Clara Remains freshman halfback, carried toe Manriiester and Ilnebadcer Har­ Menard then clinched it by Class B Handicap Duckpin area In general. A weH lighted quurtoihack at Georgia and onds later to tie the aeon at 1-1. 20(h consecutive year tte 40- led Nassiff Arms with 25 points The $25,000 added Jasmine, a toot baa 71 times in his team’s ry Kouloheras of Lowell, Maas., scoring from In close with 11 Hie Oaldand Oaks had to idl- join in g the AB A, 136-106, and Bowling ’Toumament will be ■tept^ ptoper superrioien and a play^ proteeslonal football with And it was a third-period goal yearKild wonder has reached and teammate Barry Cook hit slx-furUng test for S-yearK>ld Al­ tw o 1968 g om es w ith N otre were elected to lead toe Rflld- minutes left, offsetting a late ly from a 24 point deficit, but fi­ the New York Nets cohUnued staged. ski patrol crew on duty. Speed May Be Key the PhUodelphia Eagles. by Menard that proved to be the that tevel, and Ms 708ih regito 12. lies is the Saturday feature. Dame’s yearlings. cata this season. goal by Oricogo’s Dennis HuB. nally kept their 14 game Ameri­ their losing ways by bowing to Conference Leader The townspeople should be He coached at toe UMverslty winner in the Ktogs’ 3-2 victory. season go^. In the nightcap. Peck Lumber The top race on the naAonal Amy Pirkey, assistant man­ T h e lO n E i pou red 89 shots aft can BadcetbaU Association vic­ Indiana 96-94. proud of Ithis site, a well choeen of Florida, Tulane, Georgia and defeated the Lancers, 33-22, in card is the $60,000 San Fernando NEW YORK (AP)—Five of the nation’s leading col­ ager at the lanes, reported a Chicago goalie Denis DeJordy tory string intact. epot. Many skteni were out to West Point before joining Oak­ ^ WilUe Somerset’s two free a fine defensive game. High for Stakes at Santa Anlfta. The 1)4 lege basketball scorers were in action Thursday night total of 211 women had en­ For West All-Stars Henry Logan broke through enjoy this inrigorathv eport and land. while the Hawks managed 16 at Mets Signed Richer throws and a basket by Leary Peck were Jon Wollenberg and miles feature is the last major 'but the quintet the Santa Clara Broncos put on the tered. Entries are still being ac­ for a lay-up with two seconds re­ with a Wt more snow coverage LOS ANGEILE8 (AP)—Speed may be the key if the Lentz moved Houston ahead of Charlie Feder each .scoring 10 race for 4-yeajvOlds before Sie cepted and post-entries will al­ Hextall, Rarity in NHL, maining tor the basket that court had much better results. Minnesota tor good in the sec­ points.^ Mike Benscho led the $100,000 added Charles H. Strub so be eligible. the hill should be (axed to West is to outscore the East, in Sunday’s National broke a tte and gave the Oaks a Niagara’s Calvin H juifihy,------ca p a city. St. Mike’s Threat 20th goals and Phfl E^xwlto got * ond overtime. The Pipers ripped losers w ith 10. Stakes two weeks away. OelgtatOD’s Bob Portman, Char- ^ ‘’"t Pete MaravUdt of, First place will be worth Football Leasrue All-Star game in Memorial Coliseum. 181-129 v icto ry ov er M iam i on Ms ^ in leading ^ a 15-point Houston lead in the Nodoubte, one of the nation’s ley Powell ot New Orleans Loy- Louisiana State leads wdth 45.6. $125. Watbhed the Manchester Ski West Coach George Allen of. “ the West Coast ’Ihursday night. To Central Witi BnitoB past hapless MInnesoto. fourth quarter to send the game T SENIOR LEAGUE better 3-year-olds In 1068, will ola and Furman’s Dick Ealeeck Despite the 47 points. It was Women with averages up to Club racing team workout under the Loe Angelee Rams worked the Balttmore (telts, were ticked vut k. “8ted a oontrocft with tte Now The Floridians led 41-20 at the into extra periods. Standings m ake his debut In the San F er­ the direction of Fred and Rcnide Boasts College Education . York Mets. The dub couldn’t lead their teams to vie- Mlurphy’s second poorest riioot- 124 are eligible. with Ms several swift pertor- off by the coach, Streak Saturday also scored for the Bruins, beet- quarter, 68-57 at the half and ^ W. L. Knits. Steve MCntany, Paul In their one-sided Victory nando and is a possible favorite. tory, but the unbeaten and night of the season. The Shift openings are at 10 a.m., mere Briday aa workouts fased Also mentioned with frank ad- en only once in todr lost 1 6 ------100-92 at the end o f the third p e­ Center Billiards 4 1 Dodge and Paul Kurts were at MONTREAL — (NEA) — In­ over Denver, New Orleans The other major races are third-ranked Broncos kept buck- flaahy 6-10 junior made o.Tiy 18 12:30, 3, 6:30 and 10:30. off for both his squad and toe miration was Baltimore’s John Until last Tuesday night, it games, while Ray CuUen, recov­ riod. Dcsi Freeman of Miami led Moriarty Bros. 4 1 a fourday racing comp at KW- side the dork bue Horry HoweO made ihree quick baskets to $22,000 E. Palmer Heagerty ing along, whipping the Unlver- ^ floor shots but added 21 of East, piloted by ’Tom Landry Mackey, who for this 224-pound was 'pretty generally concluded ered from a broken ankle, got an scorers with 39 points, while W est Sides 4 1 hVton. The first Tri-State open the game and was never In Strikes at seven furlongs at slty of CEilifomia at Santa Bar- ^ throws as Bruce Metz, of toe Dallas Cowboys. size is astonlshly fast and once that St. Mlchaiel’s 'would be streaked the froety window with the Mlraieaota goal. Warren Armstrong had 35 for J ets 2 3 qualifiers were held oit (kita- trouble. Jimmy Jones was high Bowie, and the $12,500 Black bara 80-69 for their 16th BUlolt Wolfe and Heyward Dot- ”We have great speed in the in motion, aa difficult to haul just another ■victim of Ctentral a long finger, and peered out. The North Stars, outabot 17-1 ITREHmOSErtiol Oakland. Ansaldi’s Const. 1 4 mount, with Steve and Eugene The nodding Ughto ot the night for the Buccaneers with 26 Gold Handicap over six furlongs straight. guaadlng him. SkimohUes Out receiring positions, more so down as a runaway steer, (tennecticut’a steaming hot bas­ in the first period and 40-14 for In other action Houston beat Saints 0 5 at New Orleans’ Fair Grounds. Montany and Foul Dodge por- highwny blinked on m s I oM in TMKSEIIVIOE points. Larry Jones led Denver Dennis Awterv Santa Ciara’s McMiman, Roger Walaszek than last year, and nothing is Allen confirmed that Balti­ ketball team. the game, have lost seven M inneeota 128-121 in double The Manchester Country tlolpattag to the giant slalom. his lined, strong face. w ith 19. BUSINESSMEN LEAGUE Club finds Its necessary to more Important toon that in an more’s Earl Morrall 'wiU start But, then, the Phirple Knights straight and are wlMesft ill 13 overtime. New Orleans handed weekend the team wlU Howell eat In tte rear Ot the _ T EL 74r-»770 Standings ^tots ^ d the O^en brerthers, ^ reapecUvely tor Oolum- ban the use of Sklmobiles on allstor game,” Allen observed, at quarterback. moved Into St. Anselm’s where gam es. Denver its worst defeat since A basket at the buzzer Indi­ have Its work cut out os it will chartered bus which was taking ■ W. L . Its S. Main St. property ef­ He- singled out for particular ’"There are two reasons why they dropped a tough 74-72 de­ Montreal remained two points ana’s by Steve Chubin sealed Luim Sets Pace Bud and Ralph, had 18 apiece as be eft Jlnmey Peak Saturday and the New York Bangera from nenAM f Army & Navy 6 0 Utah Statei's Marv Roberts, fective Immediately. attention Clifton McNeil of the i want Earl in there,” he said. cision . bdiind Boston in the East Divi­ the Nets’ f ^ as they suffered the Broncos ran their West m .. , j - Sunday will be at Brodle.. ,’Ihe the airport to their Montreal K lock 3 2 In First Round, Extensive work was done San Francisco 4Bers, the ’’Firirt, he's the Player of the ’’That was the tip-off,” ex­ sion as Bobby Rousseau scored their fourth loss In a row. Fred­ Coast athletic Conference rec- ^ ^ toam conststs of Ronnie Kbits, hotel. A defenseman for 11 Sportmsm Tavern 3 2 27 points as the Aggies downed on the golf course and was League’s leading pass receiver. Year In the National Football plains Coach Bill Detrick of two goals and an assist and die Lewis topped the Peeers ord to 44). Paul Kurts, Eugene MCntany, years In the National Hookey T elso 3 2 Jack Cupit Next D enver 102-87. completed in the tall. The ac­ The slender iellow, a Cleveland League. You don’t get an honor Central. ’’The way St. An­ goalie Rogation Vachon kicked with 26 points. WaR Simon ted The only Other team in ’The Steve Mbntony, Paul Dodge, Joe League, HowdI is In the eve­ UAC Barons 2 2 Arizona held Portman to 17 tion Is taken to prevent fur­ castoff, caught 71 passes for 005 like that without earning it. selm’s Is moving now, it has out 28 Philadelphia shots. Yvan the Net scorin g with 24. Swansson and Keith Bagley. ning of his career. WesTown 1 8 NAPA, Calif., (AP) — The Associated Press’ Top TWenty poi„ts as the Wildcats won their ther damage being done. yards euvd scored seven touch- ’’Second, of all the quarter- to be ^ pretty good ballclub Oournoyer and John Ferguson Why not g o to th e a re a ■wd Howell, 36, turned profes- Buzzards 1 4 second day of action in the to see action was 20ih-ranked seventh consecuUve game, beat- Signs concerning the re­ downs.' backs I’ve defensed, nobody that drops a two-point de­ alao soared for the Ctenadtem, cheer the boys onT aional when he was 18 years Pizza House 0 6 $135,000 Kaiser International Oolora^ State U., which Creighton 72-63. The natton's strictions are being posted Allen has only to go back does a better job of mixing up cision.. Particularly In St. An­ OF MANCHESTEai Last Night’s Fights The races wlU be the rialom selm’s lion’s den!” old. He never went to college. Open Golf Tournament was crushed the Air Force 88-66. eighth leading scorer saw his and It Is asked that vehicle to the 49er - Ram exhibition play. Earl has a very good and glanft slalom in both areas. On the season, St. Mich-tel’s He is staying on In the NHL be­ BUDGET TERMS TAMPA, Fla. — Bobby ’’Song­ launched at SUverado Country Lloyd Kerr hit seven consecu- average drop from 27.6 to 26.6. owners please respect these. game last season when McNeil sense for the mix—by wMch I Good luck team. Is only 4-7. But, two wins post­ NATIONWIDE b ird ” W illiam s, 156, M em phis. Los Angeles Club today with expectations Uve points late In the first half Powell had the poorest night early in the evening shocked mean runs passes, drawn and cause he knows he will never Tip to aU skiers, do not leave ed by Coach EM Markey’s club again make the kind ot money GUARANTEED SERVICE Tenn., and Sal Martinez, issii that the $27,000 first prize was to put the Rams ahead €ind they cf the five Individuals, manag- his team with a 94-yard touch- screens. He also throws the ball Outfielder Jim Northrup hit your skis any oU place; too are particularly noteworthy, a (over $86,669 n year) be Is earn­ Loaner Cars ' Free Towing E l Paso, Ttex., drew , 10. still very much up tor grabs. poured It on after the Intermls- ing o.nly seven points in Loyola’s ■•down run on a flip from John w e ll.” OKHS TOMOBRM! Track Meet five grand slam home runs dur­ many already have been mles- 59-54 rictory over Rhode Island ing now. (And, besides, his Tel. 643-2«7 LOS ANGELES—’Tetey Gon- And many were trying to grab slon for their 10th win to 12 74-64 loss to Memphis State, Brodle. The Ram’s Roman Gabriel in g 1968. One o f them cam e In Some area# provide look and a smashing 62-43 wrin over skUls ore still ooneldeimble.) Thoroughbred I Manchester, »' zalea, 132, San D iego, C a lif., It. games, d lff Shegogg took ecor- Furman’s Edteeck was held to 'Hie names of Carroll Dale will alternate with Miorrall. the Worid Series. atolls for them while you ore Steubenville In the Lemoyne Like most other NHL players, Vernon Town Line stopped B obby R odriguez, 132, Out o f 156 g o lfe rs in the firet ing honors with 21 points and 16 as the Paladins bowed to of the Green Bay Packers, a Allen noted that Gabriel haa Hosts Stars haring lunch or better yet, buy Holiday Tournament. Mean­ hookey has been his whole life. Rte. 83, Talcoittvllle, Conn. Minneapolis, 6. rounds of action Thursday, no K err ad ded 14. C lem son 91-70. former Ram before Allen came had two fine back-to-back sea- LOS ANGELEJS (AP) — An yourself a ski look and lock while, the Knights have bowed He haa had no training In any leas than 64 scored under par Niagara’s Murphy, the coun- In other major games, Utah hera, who oddly enough Is play- sone. Not too many quarter- international cast of track and them to the ski etond. to a pair of powerhouses, HARRY HOWELL and 82 of the total field had par try’s second leading scorer, ex- shaded New 77-76, Brig- other field. He ha# little idea DENNI8 HfeXTALL field performers, including Aus­ - Ing In hlB frist Pro Bowl con- .backs achieve this, he conolud- Philadelphia Textile and AIC. o r better. ploded for 47 points but the Pur- bam Young downed Wyoming you on the mountain. what he will do upon retlre- tralia’s Ron Clarke and Ameri­ teot, and WllHe Richardson of ed. ”We respect St. Michael’s no rnent. da play twice that many. Third, sider going to one of the hand­ Leading going Into today’s ac­ pie Eagles fell to once-beaten 89-78, San Jose State walloped competition Isn’t that good In ca’s -world record breaking long matter what the record,” de­ "It’s not something 1 sit and ful of American colleges which tion with a 66, seven under par, Columbia 107-84. The outburst,,^San Francisco 71-58 and ’Tulane coUc^. The belief was that I ROCKVILLE jumper, Bob Beamon, go on dis­ clares Detrick, adding, ’’every worry about," said Howell, do offer hockey scholarships. was 23-year-old Bob Lunn of raised Muridiy’s season average topped Miami of Florida 90-79. could be getting more valuable play in the Los Angeles Invita­ AFL Stars in Gator Bowl time we meet its some ball- tooklng Into the night. “ I mean, And these sch^s would not Sacramento. Calif., who seem­ tional Indoor track meet tonight. g a m e !” I think about It. I have to, 1 experience playing In Canada. consider Tiim. ingly could do no wrong ’Thurs­ SCRAP CO.. Inc. Clarke, who admits with a In the series, Central has have a wife and two children, "Looking back '‘on It," said b . America, the nnlvenity is day. He attributed his good i i , smile that this is ’’another fare­ forged a 4-1 lead. Including last 14 and 10 years old. But I’m Howell, running a hand through the minor league for pro bas­ showing to , his work on the well” appearance here, is en­ Bill Veeck to Speak Wide-Opeii Point year’s 78-68 rictory. Previous not too worried. 1 know I’U get his graying hair, "I know ketball and football and, In- greens, but then he really didn’t TOP PRICES PAID! tered in the 2-mlle. His chief **®R0HANT8 —Reggie ’Tom- results had the Blue Derila something, when the time fast four years can go. I would creosingiy, for haseban, too. have much problem otherwise. V opposition is expected to come llnaon U5 -490, Tony Salvatore w inning 88-81 during the 1965- oomee. 1 don’t know, maybe I’ll have done things differently." Players most- pick up some­ Playing on the North course, he from another veteran distance 186-187 —408, O ia r lle OUbert 66 seaaon, with the two clubs bo a aaleenian of some sort." HextaU like most rooUes, thing academic In four years ot runner, George Young of Casa had 34 tor 'the first nine and 31 At Gold Key Banquet splitting the next year, St. Mi­ 148 —460, E a rl E v erett 191 — Seated noroea the aisle was treads softly now. If Inconspicn- campus life, If only from osmo­ *** Aw . 4,-^ • Grande, Ariz. tor the second. Battle Expected chael’s taking the first game. 361, Runs T om lin son U 8, N orm Dennis Hextall, 25, recently NMly. His boyish face Is usually sis. They are better prepared Beamon, whose 20-2)4 long Jacky Cupit was close on his 84-83 In the final of the Holi­ HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Bill Veeck, one of the K loter 188 —869, J im A ceto 186 railed up from the Eastern sertoos. He Is trying to make for post-athletic careers than COPPER jump outdoors in the 1968 Olym­ heels with a 66, with U.S, Open most colorful management figures in 'baseball history, —386, E a rl C oy 862, W ee Van- day Toumament, with the Det- JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (A P )—A wide open scoring League. Hextall is a rarity in ih e clu b . ar« hockey ptojrers. pic Games astonished ithe world, champion Lee Trevino, MUler will be the chief speaker at the 28th annual Gold Key oour 869, A1 H elm 864. rlckmen taking the rematch. the NHL. He is a college gradu­ P O S T 1P.M. affair with footballs filling the air was the forecast to­ 108-96. "1 wanted the college educa­ "Hockey players," super-star is slalted to engage an old rival, B arber and D ave HIU ending ate, having received a bach­ Dinner of the 'Connecticut Sports Writers Alliance. day for Sunday’s American Football League All-Star tion," he said. "1 also felt that Gordie Howe has said In this Ralph Boston, who holite the the first day of pllay with 68. The dtoner will be held at the GARDEN GROVE —VI Chap­ The Saturday night encounter, elor's degree In natural science game matching the best of the East against the elite If someone has the desire ana oontost, ’’are a whole dUforont 10 Races Sals. meet and Sports Arena record, Tw elve o f the p la y ers had 69 Haiitford HUton Hotel Jan. 27. man 141-188 ‘-48B, Ona Oorisan expected to draw another fine from North Dakota. site o f toidght’ s show, at 26-6. —John McMullin, Arnold Palm­ of the West in the Gator Bowl. turnout to Kaiser Hall, wUl the ability—and I think I have breed.” Howe, otter 88 years BRASS Veeck, former owner of both manager Ralph Houk, Pitts­ 129—854, F ran Jam alU s 182 — Hextall received several Another Australian star, er, Johnny Stevens, Orville With (he exception of Mott ------rrT— ;—ir" have greet bearing on the race both—then jhat person could with the Detroit Red Wings— 9 Races Mon. Thru FrI. the St. Louis Browns end Cleve­ burgh Pirate pitidier Steve Blass 848, Helene Dey 186, Jeon Mafth- hockey scholarship offers after Ralph Doubell, gold medal win­ Moody, Jack Montgomery, Bob Snell, New Yortt Jet#’ running ^ “ ** in the North-East (tenferwioe. make It In the NHL. Sure, and with only an eighth-grade land Indians, has long been a and a trio of Boston Red Sox lason 846, B io Johiw on 860. graduating from high school In ner in the O lym pic 800, w ho McCalUster, Gene Littler, Tony star In last Sunday's Super Bowl „ .. . ^ With a 8^1 record, Central trails those four years In rougher education, recently got Into (he critic of baseball. With baseball p la y ers—Sparky L yle, BIU Land­ Scoring Machine Winnipeg. Old-timers told him is- entered in the 1,000-yard run. JackHn, Geotge Knudson, Dow riotory. coaches Honk Strom of who direct^ toe Stonehlll’s 84 club In the North­ rompetltlon would have helped. Insaranoo bostneso tor socur- searching for a candidate to is and Jerry Moees. PARKADE DUSTY — K en what old-timeis hod told Horry A Wade Bell from the Oregon ern Division, and must wtn to But I felt the so-called risk of 4 ' 2 PERFECTAS 2 LEAD Flnsterwald, Bruce Devlin and replace retired Gen. WUllom Ec­ Getting the Grid Keys this Tail Jim Reynolds Thomas 206 —664, A1 BoriUo Kanoe# aty and WaUy Lenun of “*^u?“‘***‘ Howell two decades before: Houeton have at their command ’Track Club is expected to offer Harold Henning. kert as commiasloner, Veeck is year wlU be Olympic equestrian helped Stonehill Col- 202, R olan d S m ith 8911-218 -6 0 1 , keep on the heels of the pace- "College la the kiss of death college was worth It, and that When this was menttoned to ul f the biggest test to Doubell. Bell the Hading ground golnera of setting Chieftains who W 7>U Two of the disappointed parti­ expected to comment on Issues Bill Steinkraus of Noroton, re­ lege upset the Holy Joe Oollingwood 804 —666, tor a hockey player with pro 1 could overcome anything I HoweU, he said, ’T’d like to was rated a leading contender cipants were Kermit Zarley and toe seamii!! For some rairaon. show a 7-2 over-all moili. m isse d ." NEWSPAPER whlth which bcteeball is stnig- tired high school cocw:h Jimmy Cross frosh, 73-72, Jamea Abert 801, Akte D'Appol- omUtloas." So Howell, who know w hat I ’ U b e doing In 9nro REGULAR DAILY DOUBLE tor top honors at Mexico City’s Charles Slfford. Zarley is de­ Lee of Waterbury and former lonio 218 —601, J o e L a V oe 804 Snell didn’t receive a single vote ^1?*“"".:. Central, with Ito 11-2 record could have gone to Michigan Most professional hocks) or throe years, when I retire. (WE HANDLE PAPER DRIVES FOR CHURCHES g ltog . with a 21-point per­ Olympics but became ill and fending his 1066 title a fte r tak­ At- present Veeck is president Eastern League baseball pitcher -604, Walt Surawteo 060. for the AU-Stor toam. - j" •*»- and 10 wins in a row, dooen't State, turned pro. players come from Canada. If you see Gordie, ask him if BOY SCOUTS, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS) didn’t make the first heat. formance. Eariier the _ . ^ note you can bet that his two fa- have to be told the impMtance ing the $26,000 top prize in the of Stdfolk Downs Race T ^ k Sam Hyman of Hartford. Twen^-two players, U. often- vorlte receivers, Don Maynard "I waa told," sold Howell, Yet hockey scholarshlpo aye he's got a Job tor me,” HoweU EASY TO REACH! Rte. 146, UNCOIN.R.I. SCRAP IRON — OTHER METALS World record holder Bob Sea- of tomorrow night’s game, par­ BA’rTEBlES — RADIATORS — PAPERS — RAGS Kaiser toumament first time near Boeton. However, he has 6-5 former East Catho­ . SAPUNOB — Ellen Oflora live Md 11 defensive, were se- be "that the pro# would not even virtually nonexistent In Canadi­ sm iled . , gren is the favorite in the pole Also Buyers of INDUSTRIAL SCRAP arouix]. Slffoid, after winning been suggested by some os a lic High flash dropped 183 — 867, G all M orrissey tM, lected by the league’s 10 on the field ticularly with the mld-yeor consider me a prospect If I went an colleges. Also, many of the Across toe aisle Hextall also Dining Res. Phone 725-5648 Seat Rat. Phons 723-3200 vault. Other American stars eiv- the $20,000 first prize in the Los break coming up. TELEPH ON E 872-6587 poarible oandidefte tor the post Off-Season Broker in 22 ,points against Dot Gagraxi 186. coaches. The other 11 players ikaynard smashed pro foot- to college. First, college rules players are of French descent. has worries about the future. tered deoafthlon champion Bill ’’Being 12-2 at that point (Area Coda; 401) MO H AR TFOR D TU R N PIK E ROCKVILLE. CONN. 06066 Angeles Open last weekend, had of baseball commisrimier. DALLAS (AP) — Dallaa quar­ Massasoit Community ore different. There Is no con­ And, as Jean Ratelle of the But ot a different natete. "I* Toomey, entered in a relay on each squad were picked by liaH records duriiM (he regular H ours: been hoping to get a strong start Veeck will be joined at the terback Don Meredith is jotolng e a r l y b i r o b —irto Vaoo» would be a tremendous lift,” tact allowed In college, oa com­ Rangers - said, ’’In the little DIBBOT BUSES Lv. Mancteoter (Travel Agetey) event,- sprinter Charlie Greene, College. Reynolds help­ Strain and Lemm. . season when he gained 1,297 want to oltck with the Bangers, 1 A.M.-4:80 P.M. Mon. thru Fri, — 7 A.M.-8:80 P,M. Sat. toward the $27.00 first prize In dinner by such sports personali­ a Houston brokerage linn aa a ti 131 -4 4 0 , S ylvia O tg o o i 130 notes Detrlck. ”It would mean pared to the rough checking (Quebec town wheFe I grew up, at U:69 AJfi. hurdler Willie Davenport and ed East Catholic win But one need only look at the yards tor an average of 22.8 but If I don’t I’U go back to this tourney. Both are wetl back ties as Itew York Yankees’ pres­ broker trainee, die firm an­ —844,. Sophie WWply 136, Joan we’d be In the thick of the con­ game of the proa. Seeond, col­ 1 spoke almost no English." shotputter Geoige Wooda the State ClasaA Tbur- quarterbocka and pass reoeiv- yards a play. He dhhi't catch a Winnipeg and teach school," he DfSIGNEO FOR PEKffCI .ISIBIIITY - RAIN OR SHINE (OMiOPi in the pack. ident Michael Burke, Ttuikee nounced today. DeDomtoiola 138, Bridget MAiv ference race, and certsliUy leges only play 89 games a So, of course, French-Cknadl- noment last March. era to raaUse that the story of pass lr> the Super Bowl .-game. would halp our overall Image.” said aa the bus oontlaned Into oeou 844. ■eason. Junior leagues In Osna- aas like Ratelle would not con- the n igh t. k'l".-.

BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1960 Sh im MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, FRIDAY,- JANUARY 17, i960 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW PAGE TWENTY-ONI BT 8HOR1EN end WHIPPLE Help Help Wanted— Male 36 Help Wanted Male 36 ■ HoIp W aiata d Malt 34 ^ flfo o i IT TO ME 41 HooMkoM •eeds SI ■osiimE Proofty 'lOnA yoice!^ AM.SUECARRK 9NE ^1NEVS/W SUE 3B _ JAMnORZAL hatpi imit-tlnM - ______72 [^VVAMfeAV-Bff^ . «rieoouLDN per hour, tJMBlD Oak dbdng room set, 8 _____ For 70 CLASSIFIED SPECIALIZES SINGS CN TM aVW PART-TIME HEUA>, ovw 21, " ';||^*W *««taf»atoly 8 hours. WKW - 8 ^ k a , AKC GARRISON Colonial la one of CASIWA1IME SUE SURE BEBRrS WORLD 1-D IN S A O R X R , four evenlnge par waak and pieces, 175. Large kltelrin ^ EAR! 700 BAD washing floors, 4-10 p.m., five *” ^**'^**’______Aota, healthy. MAIN mtUDHT corner prop­ Manohsster’s most dsoirable KANCRBOnBIt VMMIV IF rr UAo STAfiGERS SONGS'. ANp IMe ' 1HATS HOUMER Saturday. Four fiffl-tkne op*t>- $70. CaU 6464638. HANDLE'S OU UNDER lUE KEYPUNCH OPERATOR 5*“ ^ erty. OaU BUI Brifiore for tie- neighborhoods. K bdan lOtch- Lovely ttrss bsdkoom ftoMb WMStlE>SMGS AUDIENCE NAS Inga avaUable. CaU 389-7406, 4 . wltii bullMia, Fun sellar. B m* it; l o a d ; 8 ROOMS OF tails. Belflore Agency, 647-1413. en, formal dining room, family ADVERTISING 'EM IS PmaiL'/ TOUSTTEN! to 8 p.m. room, large living room with already In for rec roomi. Opmlng for experienced ADMINISTRATIVE FURNITURE * THREB good incomas In a bust- fireplace, three large bed­ lo«. Belflore Agency, 647-1416. CLASSmSD ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS alj^anumeric IBM key- EXPERIENCED MASONS — Apply on Job ready AKC, 4 montfas,'’riiots, ONLY 8169 to work, see superintendent at ^ TRAINEE neas tone. Bttflore Agency, rooms, two ear garage. FhU- 8 AM. toU:S0 PJL puncher to work fuU-time food with children, 647-1416. briek Agency, Realtors, 6I0- b r a n d new Ralssd Raiieli wMh days. Company offers ex­ BRIDGEPORT trailer on Brooklyn Street, V JtOO. Phone 64941796. Used But AU Xa Good Shape — Includes — 6847. ewsaping vtow of Haftfonfi cellent wages and working OPERATORS R ock^e, Conn. Top college graduate with PACKAGE STORE on over two OaU Joe Lombardo for dobdte. COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. HOUSBJS newly Bedroom Suite 4:M P.M. DAT BEFORE PPBUOATION conditions, convenient Tree OD GRINDERS — leadenhlp ability required Llvhig Room Suite acres of prime real estate. Both BLOCK from Parkade. . .cus­ BeMoN Agency, 647-MIS, parking, in-plant cafeteria, by leading area company. ■"i*oted. Medium $12, lanre buslneaa ai«l real estate ftr Diifllaij IM- M ofdajr and MooMy ta 4iN p.m. Friday. TOOL AND GAGE 016. CaU 648-0642. ^ 5 Pc. Dinette Sat tom built cape with full ibed and above average bene­ MAKERS MACHINISTS Extensive training program Lnnqw. Tables, Ruga, Ptoturas ■ale. OaU Mr. Lombardo, Bri- dormer. Quality conatruction. $44,690, Brand new SpHt LsraL OaU Frank FlUoramo for d»> fits. Apply, with exceptional opportu­ 4 months old female wid a few other Items. fiore Agency, 647-1413. One room to be flntthed up. PLEASE READ YOUR AD FuU or part-Oma nity for Individual on the tells. Belflors Agsney, 617-1416. Top wages, overthne, for machinery building, Vappy, part PoUngese and PLUS! BARBER SHOP kog eatab- One ear garage. Owners are some related experience or move. Salary to $8,000. Fee cocker, loves chUdron, house- RsMgaimtor or Range anxious to stU. T.J. Crockett, r "Waat Ads” sm taksn over tke plume as a FIRST NATIONAL fringe beneflta paid. Uriied with large clientele, “SELD ttoeF^lrnyw^awrariowa Bsassalsaiai]. n e advertiser shoold read Ms ad tke FIRST Apply In person. trade school background. broken; $10. 649-9606. TOimS ONLY AT Wolverton Agency Realtors, , Realtor, 648-1677. owner. Immaculate six room DAT n r APPEARS aad REPORT ERRORS la ttme fer Um STORES INC. Must be atrie to read Mue- Oape with formal nitewig room. asat Msertlsa . TM Herald Is respoasIMe far only ONE taioei^ A“lr-B*E-R-T-*-S 649-2818. MANCHESTJuR — Seven yean >ARX A OAKLAND AVENUES prints, mics, and schemat­ Phone: “John” Ouida Clean throughout Open oMr- rent er emitted lasertkm fer aay advertisement aad then only E&S GAGE CO. ics. Good wages, excellent Richard P. HOME AND BIZ —Bolton, 6)4 young, three bedroom Ranch, Is tfte ealent a( a “make goojr* lasertlon. Brrsrs wMoh do EAST HARTFORD ArtielM For Sola 45 TcSl Free 1-800-993-8647 rec room, two delightful batin, wmy. OaU Joe L om bard Bet- aat lessen the value of the adverttsement wfll not be oorrcted oppoitunity for the right RITA acre business zoned property flore Agency. 647-1418. Mitchell Dr., Manchester man with fast growing com­ alum inum BHBBTS - Used Albert’s Furniture Co. with 160’ frontage on Route 85. garage, an encloaed rear patio. by ”make good” lasertlsn. Personnel System 268 S. Main S t, Whterbury Located in Preotige area. (Rookvme. Ton Free) pany. Some overtime avaU- M printing plates, .009 thick. 1000 square foot shop or re­ LGOKINa tor a fine now borne able. Evening or Saturday 800 SUvsr Lane, Bast Hartford 26 oenu each or 8 for Open Mon.-Frt. 0-9—Sat. 9-8 tail store on front. Neat as a $27,600. CaU J. D. Real Estate In tile twentiee? We believe DIVERSIFIED LABORATORY interviews arranged. 528-9416 n . CaU 643-3711. pin, 5 room atone dweUing set Assn. Inc. 646-5120, and 649- we have Om boat4te only W men tm e f iv e o 'c lo c k 1638. M 3-2711 POSITION OAS RANGE In good condition to the rear of the property. values In town in this price 875-3136 a u B tackles t h e la t e s t TECHNICIAN b r a c e yourself fmr a thrill the $26. OaU 648-3880. House oonalate of 2 bedrooms, range. CaU Rlok MonHtt for N. P. HALLENBECK INC. first ttme you use Blue Lustre TWO F.AMILY, large 6 * 6 Du- FOLK SINGERSNE WINDS UP MANCHESTER AREA Hving room with fireplace, plex, bath and half on owner's details. Belflore Agency, 647- RATON NERA^GGK).' Challenging fuU-fIme op­ Bunker HU Rd., Andover to clean rujga. Rent electric 9x12’ OOU> braided rug, nvsrs- kitchen, bath, and large stu­ 1416. 743-8061 ■*»«l>ooer $1. Oloott Variety side separate furnaoea, one portunity for a high school TOOL MAKER Ible. Excellent condltton. 649- dio. I d ^ for home and busl- minute from Mgln EM. Very T m b U Reaching Our Adverflser? SNOBTEN If you possess good book­ graduate preferably with Store. 4791. neea iooatlon. Details? Land TWO FAMILY at 89-91 Lmntt keeping skllto and type weU, post study, avall- To buUd special marking nice condition, WiSverton Agen­ Street CaU Carl 7insa«r for SPOTS before your eyes — on Planning Assoc. MY. Lindsay, cy, Realtors, 649-2818. we have a chaUenging poei- lUile m expanding labora­ ElXPEUUENCiCD OIL burner ' machinery and tooling,tooling. Bx- d in in g r o o m set, walnut 643-1111. dstails. BeMone Agenoy, 647- M-Honr Answering Service tlon available with diver­ tory. serviceman. Ebccellent poeltlon, perienoapsrienoe m amaU riiop - pr»- your new carpet-remove them DanWi modern, table and pafls, 1418. Garage— Service— Buliding— Help Wanted— ferrsd. GhMd wages,-----' ai with Blue Lustre. Rent riectric eight chairs, two captains, MANCHESTER — Five room sified assignments and re- good pay, paid vacation, paid axcel- BOLTON —On Route 85. ’Ihe Cape, 2 car garage. Immacu­ Storage 10 ContraeHng 14 sponsihUlty. Salary to $120 Thla is truly a ground floor lent opportunity tor- the ■fiampooer $i. Paul’s Paint A huttti and buffet. Excellent former Rosemont Restaurant TO SBnrrLE estate. Unique snd\ Free to Heraid Readers Female 35 hoUdaye, good working oondl;- " right man with a growing late throughout. $21,900. OaU per week. Fee paid. opportuntty with a grow­ tlona. Whiting Corporation, 204 WaUpdper Stgiply. condition. Must be seen to be is for sale. Approximately ten lovely Oape secluded in a fins COMMERCIAL apace available. NEWTON H. SMITH A SON— ing company being a lead­ oompany. Smne overtime. appreciated. Complete $878. J.D. Real Estate Associatej residential area. OaU CUl Zine- Want lafomiatton on one of our ciaaallled advertUementsT Central. Two areaa, 1,000 Broad Street, Mancheeter, CaU Brtning or Saturday Inters IT’S Inexpensive to clean rugs acres, exceUent potential, Hb- Inc., 048-6129. No answer at.the Mepbone Ilstedr Simply oaU the RemodeUng, repairing, addl- CLERK TYPIST to handte ac­ er in the specialty paper- CaU 648-4815. eral finaiKing. T.J. Crockett, ear for details. Bttflore square feet each. One with UoiM, rec rooms, garages, counts payaUe and general of­ industry.dustry. PositionF 649-1166. vlewB arranged. and uph^stery with Blue Lus- ______One thing's for sun, if being much abused has any­ Agency, 647-14U. 10x10 overhead door. Call 643- RITA GIRL Is wltT ‘ “ tro. Rent electric shampooer, — r ; ------— -— — Realtor, 648-1677. LARGE, clean, attractive 18- porches and roofing. No Job fice work. Diversified reepon- thing to do with being a 'great Pnsident,' room house Inieluding 4-room EDWARDS 8758. too amaU; CaU 649-3144. slbiUtles. Local distributor of A Professional Placement aeeuch and Development ■ N. P. HALLENBECK, Inc. $1. W.H. England Hardware, Mocilinary and Toob 52 we've got H MADE!" NEAT AND clean Cape at 34 Technical Laboratory.atory. ’The MOLD MAKERS Bunker HUI Rd., Andover Bolton. ------—------rental plus excellent born, 882’ Hartland Street Drive by, ttiea national corporation In new in­ Service LINCOLN welders, full Une Invostmont Proparty frontage, $28,600, Hutchins ANSWERiND SERVICE HOMES, GARAGES, porches, dustrial park in Ekutt Hartford. primary work activity will 743-8051 call for details. Bdftors Business Services rec rooms, room additions, 800 Silver Lane, Blast Hartford be In the area of physloal TOOL MAKERS HAND MADE, 100 per cent from handyman, special 335 For Solo 70-A Agency, Realtors, 649-5824. Agenoy, 64Trl41S. Nine paid holidays, two weeks testing and products qual­ human hair wig. Light brown amp. priced at $96. Also heavy Apartmoiiti riuti Buslnon Locatiom MiMiSOO 875-2519 ______Offered 13 kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ paid vacatioa, after first year. 528-9416 FOUR family and 4 Mres, ex­ NEW TWO tamUy duplex, five eral repair work. Financing ity evaluation. Interviews Monday to Fri­ with auburn hi$^iUghts. Origi­ industrial AC-DC welders. Chll Tanamanfs , 63 For Kant 64 WANT A hmne • short way For Interview contact W. F. day, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat­ TOOL A GAUGE nally $126. Best offer. Call 649-8407. cellent condition, 4 furnaces, rooms each side. Separate out? See our ads in the "Out ■ad leave your message. TooHl hear from onr advertlaer In CARPENTER — experienced, available. No down payment. Corcoran at Westinghouse, 289- Sg time without spendtaig aU evening at the telephime. all types of work. Reasonable. Economy Builders, Inc., 648- Send resume and salary urday by appointment. MAKERS 843-4620 'between 8 a.m. and 8 FOR RENT or Bale-461 Main aluminum storms and screens, furnaces, quiet location, Uve of Town” for solo oolunm. Bel­ Coll anytime, 646-1787. 6159. 7931. An Equal Opportunity requirements to, or oaU p^n. MANCHESTER — One bed­ Street BuUdlng and lot next fireplace in each apartment, economlcaUy, caH now. Wol­ flore Agency, 647-1418. EJmi>!oyer. CLERICAL POSITIONS 648-4257 Top rates, overtime, Mwicai Imtnimants 53 room, Garden type apculment, to Post (Mtice EbcceUent Iocs- stove and refrigerator in each, verton Agency,. Realtors, 649- aU benefits. ALWAYS a fine selection of available immediately, $145. 2818. ^ TWO famUy one year young. Automobiles For Sale 4 SNOW PLOWING done reason­ ALL types framing and re­ ARTHUR TOURNAS 875-7927 ANTIQUE organ. fsTO Ham- tlcm for any use. 646-2426 from modern baths, 7 miles to able. 24 hour service. CaU 646- modeling, additions, carports, DENTAL assistant, RockvlUe reconditioned TV sets, at your per month, heat and appli­ 9 to 0 p.m Storrs, 4 miles to WUUmantlc. CaU for detaUa. Balflote 1966 OHRYSLER 800, 2-door office, mature woman. Salary Positions with pubUc con­ Technical Director Long range programs. mond atop works. Beautiful. $18,900 —Very attractive three HERALD 1850. garages and rec rooms. EYee tact assignments avedlable VERNON MOLD & TOOL, Zenith Authoiixed . dealer — ances induded. CkJl Paul W. Good return. Keiih Agency 646- Agency, 647-1418. hardtop, automatic, power open. Write Box MM, Manches­ Modem TV Servloe, 885 Cen­ $270. CaU 875-0666 evenlngB. Dougan Realtor, 649-4586. FURNISHED office for rent or bedroom Ranch, cellar, ISO’ steering, power brakes, air- estimates by B A C OBupentry, for high school graduates. INC. MANCHESTER TOOL 4126, 649-1922. TREE removal-Trimmlng. Rea­ 282-4298, 528-2690. ter Herald. 916 Hartford Tpke., RockvlHe ter St. 648-2206. Open daUy lease, approximately 400 lot. Nice trees. Hurry! Hutch­ NEW LTSTINO! Simply Im- conditioning. No money down, sonable rates. Covered for Typing experience with COLONIAL BOARD CO. A DESIGN INC. PIANOS — New riiipment MANCHESTER — ImmaciSate ins Agency Res’.tors, 64941824. maculato Green Manor Roadi DOX LETTERS t and Thursday evenings. Just received. List price $724. MANCHESTER — Park Chest­ square feet, ground floor, aU assume balance. Gall 233-8715. property damage. Got a tree R-N’s — openings on second math aptitudes desirable. 180 Hartford Rood nut Garden ’ Apartments, bn- utiUUes tnduded. Main Street, Four Family. Five garages. with wall to wall In Uvtag Top area company with ex­ 610 Parker Street 6494368 WalH’s price $686. FYee bench MANCHESTER — 2-famUy, 0-6 For Tom- problem? Call Dana’s Tree and third shift, fuU-tlme or Manchester, Coon. OARPETB and life too can be mediate occupancy, 4% rooms near Center. Security deposit Central location. Operating room, dMng room, oU three .1967 PONTIAC Firebird convert­ Service, 522-8429. Special Services 15 part-time. For i^ormation con­ ceptional benefits. Salary JUNIOR Accountant. Diverel- and delivery. Celebrating 40 In a residential area, good bedroonu! Recently redone la- Information ible, automatic, power steer­ Telephone 649-4567 fied accounting department, beautiful if you use Blue Lus­ at $160; heat, hot water, oven reqidred. $125. numthly. CaU Beauty Salon. Possible $6,000. tact the Personnel Department, to $80 weekly. Fee paid. . DRTVSIRS for school buses, tre. Rent electric shampooer, years in the music business. gross. Low 40’s. Meyer Agency, floor plan, with 2 bedrooms, foie and out Has hod tender, ing, like new. Take over pay­ SNOW PLOWING — R ^ AAMCO TransmlBsions of Man­ targe AP work. Minimum 2 Ward Music Oo., 840 Main St. range, refrigerator, parking 643-9678. living room, dining room, sad THE HHRAU) will not chester, nationwide, guaran­ MancheMer Memorial Hos­ ^ 7:80-8:46 a.m., 2:16-3:46 p.m. $1. PinewDod Furniture Shop. and storage, no pets. CaU 527- Realtors, 648-0609. loving, care and shows H. dlacloae the Identity of ments. No money down. Call tdenUal, commercial, 24-hour pital, 643-1141, Ext. 248. years college. WUl consider SMALL, WORK SHOP or stor- large Utoben, oil hot water TTsed lot. Belflore Agenoy, 047- 238-8715. teed service. Budget terms. RITA GIRL PART-TIME help wanted — night student. Good opportun­ Y Exoellent part-time for third 9288 between 0-6 p.m. After 6 heat, aluminum storms' a n d ■ny advertiser using box aervloe, new equipment. 643- shift workers or retired per- GRUMBACHER Finest soft age room, approximately 250 HAMPTON — Step right Into a 1418. letters. Readers ansarer- 9142. Loaner cars. Bi-ee towing. Call young man, preferably major­ ity for advancement, excellent pastels for curtiats; laige Anco- BASS GUITAR and amplifier. p.m. 647-1871. screens, extra 57 x 148’ treed 1968 MEUtCURY Cougar hard­ WOMAN wanted to Uve-ln, help A Professional Plaoement sons. Premium wage scale. B ^ offer. CaU 649-8088 after 6. square feet, near Main St, CaU going orcMd buatness. Ing blind box ads who 648-2467, Manchester - Vernon Service ing in Business Administration working conditions. CaU 649- bilt easri. Both exceUent con­ 643-9078. Equipped, modern green- buUdlng lot, A-soned. WeSver- TWELVE ROOMS with inlaw top, radio, heater, automatic, ANYTHING taken to the dump, care for children and do light ' CaU 648-2414. NEW ONE and two-bedroom de­ desire to protect their town Une, Rt. 83. TalcottvlUe. housework. Board, room and In local college who has morn­ 5361, Mr. QreUa for Interview. • »■ ___ dition. OaU after 8:30 p.m., 043- SILVER’FONE amplifier with luxe garden type apartments housea, over 6,000 plants, 10 ton Agency, Realtme, 049-2818. eidto. 8)4 battw, three cor goi^ Identity can follow this powsr ateering, buohet seats, appliances, bulky furniture, at­ 800 Silver Lane, East Hartford ings and early afternoons free 19M. 268 MAIN Street, offices f o r age. The very best. BeUtore white with black vinyl top, smaU salary. CaU 649-8588. twin 12” speakers, i^verb. avaUable now. Call Paul acres, pond, 5-room home. procedure; tics cleaned. Light trucking. 528-9416 for both office and delivery CARPENTER’S helper wanted. rent, $40. monItiUy. AsK f o r Management and InstrucUons BEAUTIFUL five room Oape, Agency, 647-1416. balance of factory guarantee. Cheap. 289-5860. ^ DEAN MACHINE Chrome stand microphone. W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4B85. cuatom buUt, fireplace, ga­ Enclose your reply to the Roofing—Siding 16 SHORT OF CASH? Avon Prod- work about 5-6 hours per day. No exp^enoe necessary. Must PRODUCTS MANUAL adding machine, and Electric guitar. CaU 742-6187. Mr. Frechette, 6^-9993. avaUable. lU health forces sale, box in an envelope — Paul Dodge PonUac, Main St., uots has territory opening Should be at least 21 years old have car. 742-8064, after 4. manual cash leglstor adding MANCHESTER —Large five \ $86,000. Kiss Realty, 1-429-3784, rage, excellent condition. Cen­ b r a n d n^ and mojeef^l address to the dassi- Manchester. 648-2881. YOU ARE A-1, truck is A-1. ROOBTNQ, aluminum aiding, MOTHERS, work 3 nights week­ . 102 COLONIAL ROAD machine. Cteod working condi­ 474 MAIN ST. dflee for rent. tral location. Gerald Agency, Kight room Ooiontel on tteo ) Cellars, atUca, yards, drive- uddch ccui give you the cash In good health, and no Immed­ MAN wanted as truck driver room flat, first floor, two bed­ ] 1-429-1023. feid Manager, Manchester gutters, carpenter work, 80 you need to pay hills and sup­ ly, earn $60., no Investments, iate miUtary obUgationa. CaU tion. 047-1946 after 5. AntlqiMS 56 rooms, convenient location. 'Center of town, plenty of park­ 648-0885, 649-0688. ■haded lot In prestige area. Bhrening Herald, together 1964 COUNTRY Squire Wagon, vrays sealed and small truck­ years’ experience. Connecticut i^Ung fashion frocks direct and yard man. Apply in per­ Has Immediate Openings ing, 646-2426. 9-5. CHAPLIN BORDERINO 2)4 baths, two ear gorago. srith a memo listing the 9 paasenger, automatic, power ing done A-1 right. CaU 'Tre- plement your income. CaU now Manchester, Conn. 643-1565 for son, at the W. H. England .WELL KBIPT carpets show the Adults. AvaUable now, 872-0602. SOUTH MAIN STM ET — An Valley Conatruction Co., 648- for private Interview, 289-4922. from dur factory. Mary appointment and Interview. .... DAYS TWO spinning wheele. Old sap Natchaug River fod state for­ Birch kMcben cabfneto, natural companies you do NOT ateering, power brakes. Low mano Trucking Service toll- Lumber Co., Route 44-A, Bol­ reaults of regular Blue Lustre buckets at $2.00 each. CaU 644- older seven room bouse that 7180. EVee estimate. Sewell, 742-7562. Draftsman to draw up proc­ LOOKINO for anything in red STORE, 20’^x 70’, 846 Main est, acres with large new­ woodwork. Come by-oom# buy. •rant to see your letter. weekly payment. No money free, 742-9487. POSITION open at Case Bros. ton Notch, Conn. spot oleantng. Rent electric.. 0248. estate rentals — apartments, has become too big tor pres­ BeUtore Agency. 647-1416. Tour letter will be de­ down. Call 233-8715. Ass’t Sales Manager ess sheets. Turret Lathe op- shampooer $1. Manohester Street OaU 522-3114. er Oape, 8 rented apartments. ent owner. Three bedrooms, dlvlsltMt of Bodse Cascade Corp. APPLICA-nONS homes, multiple dwellings, no Can bo used as single borne. stroyed if the advertiser ELECTRICAL work —Imperial AUTOMOBILE mechanlo, fuU- erators. Inspectors—Final Hardware A Supply, 877 Main 1)4 baths, aU In exceUent con- $84,900 IN AN AREA of $46,000 is one you’ve mentioned, 1967 RAMBLER American, 2- Electric, Inc. RealdenUal, Roofing and in our IBM room. TabulaiUng Are now being taken for fuU For boy’s department In local time. Sunset Service Station, ... Inspection for air-craft- fees. Call j . D. Real Estate SMALL STORE near 100 per Phis 8-room Ranch, plus large experience desirable. Should be brand) of retail children’s cloth­ Street, 648-4420. W antod— To Buy 58 (BUon. Lots of Uvtng space. homes! Big four bedroom Ob- tf not it win be handled door sedan, automatic trans­ commercial, induatrial, 24 Chimneys 16-A and part-time sales people. 6(16 E. Middle Tpke., Manches­ parte. Assodatea, Ino., 648-6139.- cent Main Street location. Ap­ modern building for club or Priced in tow twenties. T.J. In the usual manner. a good typM. CaU Mr. Swan­ ing chain. EhcceUent opportim- WANTED — Restaurant equip­ ply Mariow’s, 867 Main Street. commercial. Asking $82,000. tonlal with 2)4 baths, two car mission, radb>, heater, low hours day service. Free esU- ROOFING — Specializing re­ Contact Manager. ter. MUST SAGRIFKJE — Leaving FOUR ROOM apartment, sec­ Crockett Realtor, 648-1677. garage, kitchen with buOt-hte, mileage. Original owner. Can mates, 646-1112. 649-2579, 649- son for Interview. 649-2851. ity for ambitious person. Kig h t s state, good oonditlpn, 1962 ment, store, tavern and bank­ Must seU. Kiss Realty, 1-429- pairing roofs of all kinds, new YOUTH CENTRE ond floor, heat, hot water, ap­ TWO ROOM office, 100 percent 2784, 1-429-1023. natural woodworti throughout after 4 p.m., 649-1744. 7125. For appdntment caU Mr. Solo­ 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. Volkswagen, $600. new, ruptcy equipment. CaU Fon­ pliances, cellar, parking, $185. THE ORIGINAL (and proud) Move right In. QuaUty buUt by roofs, gutter work, chimneys Manchester Parkade, MECHANICS taine Restauraht Equipment, Main St. location. Inquire Mar­ owners have outgrown their cleaned and repaired. 80 years’ mon, 522-8173. KUchen-alde dishwasher, -port- monthly. Adults. AvaUable low’s, 867 Msdn St. S and J BuUdsrs. BeMoce Lott 1962 JEEIP, 4.wheel drive, hy­ TREE SERVICE (Soucler) — Manchester SHEET METAL, Turret Lathe Operators alUe, super model, cutting 478 Windsor Street, Corner HARTFORD — Great income home In the desirous Rook- draulic plow, Warren hubs, Trees cut, building lots clear­ experience. Free estimates. KITCHEN AIDES ..,. Broiyn A Sharp production February 1st. CaU after 4 p.m. from this Sergant St. 8-family. Agenoy, 647-1416. DOST—^Pair of boy’s eyeglasses PART-’ITME service station at­ board top, $200. 30 QaUon gas Canton Street, Hartford, 537- MANCHESTER —Throe new ledge area and ore putting It radio, heater, hardtop cab, ex- ed, trees topped. Got a tree CaU Howley 648-5861. 644- CLEIANINO woman wanted, two tendant wanted, 1-5. Apply at MACHINE ASSEMBLERS '' miUer set-up operators. DriU 6771. 649-1864. House is in exceUent structual in brown oeoe, vicinity Bolton 8388. days weekly. $2 per hour. Call water heater, $20; de- stores for lease. 600x100 square on the market. House Is in ex- TOUGH FZNANOINGr Bifildsr ceUent aonditian. Paid Dodge problem? Well worth phone F\iU-time days and part- Cantone’a Esso Service, 308 W. Must be able to read blue­ Press set-up operators. humidifier, $20; oouciv and arm condition. Owners wUl con­ orilent condition, has 5)4 Lake. Call 649-2068. 649-8686. WANTED — Antique funiltiire, LOVELY 3 room eqiartment feet. Busy location. Reasonable. sider holding mortgage with adU help ‘with some! Brand PcmiUac, Mhin St., Mancheuter, call, 742-8252. time evenings. ExceUent Middle Tpke., MancheMer. prints. First class exper­ chair, $30; guitar and boy’s with refrigerator, range, dis­ Hayes Agency, 6464)181. rooms, 1)4 baths, two fir^ new and beautiful, 7 room beneflta and top wages. All Benefits. glass, pewter, oU paintings or only $5,000. down. Don’t miss 649-2881. WOMAN to care for 2 small ienced men only for quad- 1 figure skates, size 10. Or best posal and parking. $140. month­ places, com plete finished Ralowl Ranch In prestige BVir- SHARPENING Service — Saws, Milllmry, Rapidly expanding convales­ Ity shop. afters. 644-2110. other antique items. Any quan- PRIME office for lecuse. Excep­ tills one. Asking $27,900. basement, garage choice lot, P*nonab 1969 JEEJP with full metal cajb, knives, aces, shears, skates, children, Monday through Fri­ TOOL DESIGNERS An Equal Opportunity EmjUoyer ttty. 643-8709, 165 Oakland St. ly, handy to Main St. Call 644- JacqueUne - Roberts Agency, est mUs for only $88,600. ’Two Drossmaking 19 cent home. Pleasant work­ day, your home, vicinity of 2437. tional location. Medical Phar­ etc. Sensibly jurioed In the high car garage, two fuU ballM, Warren hubs, plow. Good In­ rotary blades. Quick service. ing conditlona. PRESSURE BLAST MFG. macy Building, Haynes and 646-8389. twenties. T.J. Crockett; Real­ INOOME TAX service, call Dan vestment to right party. Good Capitol Equipment Co., 38 Mamdiester or Bolton. Write DETAILERS ' BOOKKEEPER to $6,800. Basic WANTED TO BUY — antiques, automatic Utefaen, etc. Bel­ DREjSSMAKING and altera­ Box "O," Manchester Herald. INC. steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ THREE room heated apart­ Main Street. Paneled, aii>con- VERNON — This is a hot one. tor, 648-1677. flore Agency. 647-1416. Mosler, 649-3329, or 625-8263. cbndition. 647-9638. Main St., Manchester. Hours tions, evening wear, suits boiAkeeiUng principles with FimI and Food 49-A ment, convenient k>catlon. CaU dltioned. OaU evenings, 649- dally 7:30-5, ’Thursday, 7:80-9, THE MEADOWS CHECKERS 41 CHAPEL STREET wpervlsory abiUty. New poet- - „ . ;------. . ed lamps, art glass, primitives Be sure and call today. 700’ made to order, 16 years experi­ WAITRESS for permanent poel- MANCHESTER, CONN. 643-2465. 5820, 648-0514, 248-1028. SEVEN ROOM older home, ss- OONVENnniTLY Located, she 1968 CAMARO super sport, 396 Saturday 7:80-4. 648-7958. Top rates, overtime, tionUon with definiterieMnIt. growth SEASONED fireplace wood, de- any quantity. Furniture re­ frontage on Rt. 80 plus 16 acres ceUent condition, bn bus line. with 876 h.p., 4-speed off the ence. Call 643-7042. 643-1174 tkm, experience not necessary, Uvered. CaU 849-1860 or 228- paired. 644-8962. more or less. Tremendous po­ room Capo. Oarage, aluminum INOOME TAXES prepared by all benefito Phone Mrs. Bnmettt, 648-2487. potential. No fee. Rita Person­ MANCHS2STER — New Ckrden HARTFORD t o ! 2,600 Property includes 2 extra buUd- riding, carpeting, $22,900. Pas­ Marvin Baker, 643-0267. floor, close ratio, diac brakes, pleasant iiubUc contact Oui- 9686. tential for motel site, apart­ DRESSMAKING and altera­ gendal co-workers, meals nel System, 800 SUver Lane, HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques, type two bedroom deluxe apart­ square feet. Ideal for manu­ Ing tots. Marion E. RobertsMi. ek Realtors, 289-7478, 742-S348. red line tires. 14,000 miles. Call SNOW PLOWING — 24 hour tions, zippers replaced etc. Long range programs. - East Hartford 528-9410. ment. Quiet locaUon, heat and facturing <» distribution, plat­ ments, gas station, etc. Owners Realtor. 64841966. WANTBH> — Ride to SouQi park- after 6, 649-1442. service. CaU 742-7849. fiuniiriied. No Sunday work. FIVE MEN, part-time evenings, bric-a-brac, docks, frames, wiU consider owning mortgage. 647-1188. CaU 6494811. DRIVERS for scbooil buses 7:80 OaU 643-9940. glassware. We buy estates. VU- appUancee funtlahed. $176 per form, exceUent location. 049- hig lot, Pratt A Whitney, first can earn $50 to $100 weeMy, ..START $2.60 per hour, In- HousahoM G oods 51 month. Cdl Paul W. Dougan, JacqueUne-Roberts Agency, EIGUn' ROOM Colonial re- 1967 PONTIAC Lemans hardtop LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also to 8:46 a.m., 2:15 to 3:46 p.m. MANCHESTER TOOL 16 to 20 houirs a week. Mar­ lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 7296. MANCHESTER —large Ranch, shift, from' Cottage Street. 649- .• speotors and mold men, three Realtor, 049-4535. 646-8889. production, 2)4 baths, 2 fire- nine rooms, two fireplaces, rec 5902. coupe, radio, heater, automa­ moving large appliances. Biim- ExceUent part-time for house­ WOMAN (for light housework, & DESIGN INC. ried men :wlth cars caU 640. aMfta avaUable, no lay off, fuU SEWING MACHINES — singer .Lake St., Bolton, 640-3247. Moving— rucking— wives and mothers. Premium Uve-ln. OaU after 4 p.m., 64Jk places, family room, recrea­ room, approximately 800 tic, power steering. A very' ing barrels delivered. $4. 644- 4880, 2 to 7 p.m. only. beneflte .and exceUent working automatic xlg-sag, excellent MANCHESTER — Good rised tion room, double garage, 2 1775. ^ Storage 20 wage scale. We train you. CaU 2220. ISO Hartford Road, Housos For Rant 65 square feet, buUt-ln vacuum WOULiD LilKE ride from Man­ popular model. Paul Dodge conditions. Opportunity for ad­ condition. Makes buttonholes, 149 OAKLAND St. 6 room tene­ pcuvel of land located in down­ patios, trees. Superb kuidscap- chester, West Middle Tpke. to 643-2414. 649-5263 LOOKING for used furniture. cleaner, two full baths, very Pontiac, Miain St., Mianchester, MANCHESTE3R DeUvery-Ught CLEANING woman wanted two vancement. CaU 289-4861, Fire­ hems, embroiders, etc. Oiig- ment, $100. 646-2426, 0-6. COVENTRY — Bight room town district. 50’ frontage on Ing, 200' fronts^. Hutriiins Biannington Ave., vicinity of 646-2881. Call 648-5646. Oape, two fuU baths. Oarage. good location. Everett Real trucking and package delivery. PILGRIM MILLS is expanding days a week, Wapplng. Call MAN stone Retread Shop, South InaUy over |80p., 6 monthly Main St. plus frontage cn side Agency ReaHors, 649-6824. Etotate Agency, 649-8888. Ctoerama arriving at 8 a.m. Household Services Refrigerators, washers and and needs experienced sales- JOURNEYMAN electrician and Windsor. payments of $8.50 each or pay- MANCHESO^ —Driuxe 2- WiU oonsiider rental with option street. AsUi« $45,000. Jac­ Cril 649-4754 alter 5. 1964 CHEVROLET Nova H, 4- 644-1947. bedroom duplex apartment. In­ stove moving, specialty. Fold­ ladiee to be trained for our helper, paid vacation and bene- For delivery and to brip In $51 cash. 522-0931 dealer. Rooms Without Board 59 to buy. $18,900. Pasek HeaMora, queUne-Roberts Agency, 646- door, automatic transmission, Offered 13-A ftta. Wilson Electrical Co., 649- ..WIANTE3D Journeyman Uoensed cludes i^ipUancee, beat, hot 369-7476, 7^-8243. 8389. ACCURATE income tax serv­ ing chairs for rent. 649-0752. new fabric store now under store dally from 9 a.m. to 8 radio, driven less than 39,000 VENE3TIAN blinds — repeUred, He'p Wanted—Male 36 4817. ’’ -plumber, good wages and over­ SINGER automatic zlg-xag sew­ 'THE 'THOMPSON House — Oot- water, many features. $180. ice, available evenings and miles. First $700 takes it. 649- construction oil Oakland St. p.m. CaU for Interview. time. A. B. Chick Plunubing A ing machine, with cabinet, ex­ tage J3t. centraUy located, large retaped and recorded. 646-0278, Apply Mias Oobum, PUgrlm CaU Superintendent, Mr. weofccndB. Tour home or mine. 6901. ' 649-2971. Painting— Papering 21 SHOP workers, outdoor work­ MATURE man for driving truck Heating, 040-2926. ceUent condlUon, hems, button­ pleasantly furnished rooms, Slade,, 049-0086. Out of Town Land For Sola 71 Ceil after 4 p.m., 289-8332. MUls, m Hartford Road, Man­ ers, concrete fabricators. Have and operating machine. Apply Manchester Drug holes, sews on buttons, em­ parking. Cali 049-2858 for over­ For Rant 66 1965 FXDRD LTD hardtop, pow­ REWEAVINQ of bums, moth- NAME YOUR own price. Paint­ chester, ‘ between 8-9 ^m . many openings for steady in person. Buckley Steel, Inc., broiders, Monograms, elt- night and permanent guest 22 LOCUST Street, six room du­ COVENTRY — Approximate­ HELP WANTED MALE er brakes, steering, automatic Saksnwn Wantod 36-A ly 20 acres, secluded, treed holes, zippers repaired. Win­ ing, paperhanging, paper re­ WOMEN show latest Lisa work. No experience required. 41 Caiai>el St., Manchester. 649-4541 Originally over $800., now only rates. plex, adults preferred. $140. VERNON — Mount Vernon transmission, low mileage, A-1 dow shades made to measure, moval. FYee estimates and dec­ Year ’round work with over­ IF $1,600 in a month Interosts $56. or $10. monthly. City Sew­ Lease and security required. Apartments. Now available long frontage. Only $11,500. AutomobllRs For Sale 4 Jewelry. Earn high commis- ROOM with Mtdien privUeges, H.M. Frechette Realtors, 647- condition. 742-7676. aU size Venetian bUnds. Keys orating service. Quality work­ ■ sions. Work with fuU kit and time. Union shop. Equal op­ PROOF operators: Openings for you. .you interest us. Opening ing Center, 623-0476. 646-2426, 9 to 6 p,m. new 3H rooms at $146. a n d ENERQETIG IIALt REjQIHRED 1966 PONTIAC GTO. hardtop,4- made while you wait. Tape re­ manship, neat, competent serv­ day riilft. Major medical Ufa OOMBINAHON clean-up man „..for man over 40 tei Manriiester centrally located. Mrs. Dorsey, $160. 4% rooms, at $166 and 9963. 1963 VOLKSWAGEN, sunroof, color catalog. No investment. portunity employer. Top pay FOUR ROOMS and both, in res­ speed. power steering, show corders for rent. Marlow’s 867 ice. CaU 647-9564. Managers needed. Write: E.A. rates. Allied BuUdlng Systems, insurance and weekly sick ben­ and kitchen helper, twura 8 o area. No ejqMrience required. BRAND NEW automatic zig­ 14 Arch Street. $170. Three room apartment at new engine and clutch, black, efits. CaU or write for inter­ idential area, heat, air-condi­ NORTH Ooventry — Four acre room condition. No money Main, St. 649-6221. BotU, Pres., 556 Main St., 260 ToUand Tpke., Manchester. a.m. to 5 p.m. Carriage House ^ bonuses. Air maU H. E. zag sewing machines, un­ $180. Heat, hot water, refrig­ lot, 450 rood frontage, 8)4 FOR JANITORIAL DUTIES $795. Can be seen at 67 Pine JOSEPH P. LEWIS, custom view, Mono Typesetting, 106 claimed lay-aways. Reduced to ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, tioning, garage for one car, down, take over payments. Call St. after 6 p.m. painting and paperhanging. In­ Orange, N.J. or oaU collect 201- Restaurant, lo Blast Center - Pate, Pres. Texas Refinery gentleman, private entrance, erator, oven-range, disposal, mUes to parkway, two mUes to 238-8715. UGHT TRUCKINa, bulk deliv­ Ann Street, Hartford, 627-2180. Street. Ooip., Box 711, Fort Worth, $44.50. Easy terms. Dealer 247- combination wtuher and dry­ dishwasher, wall to wall car­ ery, yards, attics, cellars clean­ terior and exterior. Dry waU 678-3377. shower bath, free parking. Ap­ er furnished, $156. per month. Route 44-A. Price, $10,000. 742- HOURS: B:00 A.M . to 4:30 1961 PONTIAC 2-door hard-top, work. Frilly insured. FYee esti­ Texas, 76101. 1065. ply 196 Spruce St. peting, air conditioning, swlm- 6065. * 1964 OLDSMOBILE CuUass ed and removed. Also odd Jobs, RECEPTIONIST — Secretary, CaU Warren Howland, Realtor Ing pool and tennis courts, Sport Coupe, $1,075. Call 643- automatic, very good 644-8962. mates. 649-9658. In no answer ACCOUNTANT G. E. refrlgeratoi-, good con­ 648-1108. mechanical condition, body in, 643-6362. for RockvlUe deirtal office. Ma­ HolpMMp Wontad ■ ROOM for rant, private . en­ parking and storage all mclud- ACREAGE in Manchester and CoB 8211 or 568-3983 after 5 p.m. ture woman, salary open. JUNIOR dition, $35 or best offer; Rop­ Elouth Windsor. ExceUent lo­ good shape. $400. 646-3399. TWO HANDYMEN want a va- •> 'Mow or Famola 37 er gas stove, 40” wide, $50 or trance, 119 Cooper HUI St. 649- mOHLAND OAK VUlage — 8 ed. No pets. 527-9288, 876-8721. 1966 MUSTANG convertible, riety of Jobs by the hour or EDWARD R. PRICE—Painting, Write Box HH, Manchester 0696. rooms, heat, hot water, stove, cations. Priced to seU. Keith MATT RAMSEY 1965 PONTIAC Catalina, 2-door exterior and interior. Paper­ Herald. Local area company seeks Experienced... best offer; Kitchen Aide dish­ COVENTRY — Small three Agency, 646-4128, 649-1923. aidomatic, beautiful condition. day. Reasonable rates. CaU for washer, portable, top loader, refrigerator, dishwaoher. $160. hardtop, V-8 automatic, power hanging. Ceilings, etc. Insured, aggressive individual with LIGHT housekeeping room for room furnished house. Clean. No money down, assume low information, 643-5305, 643-8292. COUNTER-WOMEN: A mature ailmost new, $150 or test offer; rent. 801 Main Street. CaU 648- AvaUable February 1st. 646- 643-2111 payments. Call 233-8715. steering, power brakes, red 649-1003. go power and some exper­ 2744 between 5-7. Nice view, gas furnace. Cou­ with matching interior. Paul person for part-time counter ience In general accounting Beara dassic gas stove, with 4074, Mrs. Albert DeVaux. ple or single. 246-0976. Housm For Scrio 72 1967 MERCURY Cougar, hard­ Dodge PonUac, Main St., Man- PAINTING — Interior and ex­ service in fast^food business. procedures. Diversified as­ cabinet base, $150 or best offer. MANCHB18TER — Two bed­ diester, 640-2881. B u ild in g- terior, very reasonable, free Housewives who can spare six LINOTYPE Has seen to be appreciat­ LADIES ONLY, nicely fur­ BOLTON — Four room apart­ MANCHESTER Green — Com­ top, power steering, power signments with promotion­ BANK nished rooms for t«nt, all util­ room Townhouse.' AppUancee brakes, very sporty. No money Contracting 14 estimates. Call Richard hours a day are welcome to al opportunity. Salary to ed. Must sen by January 30th. and utiUUes, parking, patio ment, quiet neighbortiood. $185. fortable 7-room family home, 1963 CHEVROLET, in excellent Martin, 649-9285, 649-4411. apply. Apply in own handwrit­ 648-6608 after 6. ities included, private bed­ References required. 643-5983. 8 or 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, form­ down, take over payments. Call $7,600. Fee paid. rooms- with oommuiilty kltch- and private cellar. $180. CaU 288-8716. condition, 4-dbor hardtop, V-8, CARPENTRY — concrete steps, ing, P.O. Box 2266, Bishops J.D. Real Estate Associates al dining room, Uvlng room THE IONA MFG. CO. INSIDE—outside painting. Spe­ OPERATOR HELP G. E. 80” , ohtxime, built-in oven, 'en, living room, and two batba. FOUR 9 OOH apartment, Bab­ with fireplace, enclose porch, power steering. CaU 649-3436. floors, hatchways, remodeling, Comer Branch, West Hart­ Inc., 648-6120, 043-8779. NEED CAR? Credit very bad? cial rates for people over 66. ford, Conn., 06117. An equal op­ excellent working condition, IdeaUy located to bus Une and cock HUI Rd., Ooventry. Heat, 2-car garage, .convenient to 1968 FORD Thunderblrd, 2-door porches, garages, closets, ceU- Richard P. $60. 649-9940. hot water, electric stove and REGENT ST. MANCHESTER Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ ings, attics finished, rec CaU my competitors, then call portunity employer. Immediafe Opening stores. Please cetll after 6 p.m. schools, shopping and Hart­ est Douglas accepts lowest Landau, 429 V-8 engine, heavy rooms formica, ceramic. Oth­ me. Estimates given. 649-7863, RITA ’ i CLERICAL rir.EAN, USED refrigerators, 844-0888. NICE 6 room apartment 649- refrigerate, $160 per month. ford bus. $28,900. CaU Warren down, smallest payments, any­ duty suspension. Call 742-9686. 876-8401. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK 2814. OaU 649-2865 before 5 p.m., E. Howland, Realtor, 648-1108. er related work. No Job too Personnel System APPLY IN PERSON AT THE raises, automatic waahera WANTED — Male, share apart­ 618-0708, evenings. where. Not small loan finance - small. Dan Moran, Builder. — Must be accurate typist, with guarantees. See them at 1960 CTIEVROLET, excellent prevlouB expoauie to A-P re­ ment with two others, $60. a FOUR ROOMS, first floor, stove NEW LISTTNO — Hurry, this company plan. Douglas Mo­ condition, candy paint, mag Evenings 649-8880. 800 Silver Lane, East Hartford Local institution. All re- B.D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 month, private room, furnish­ ELLINGTON — Pinney HUI tors, 846 Main. Floor Finishing 24 quired. Excellent working con­ . 528-9416 and reMgerator, aU utilities, won’t lari. Six ,room Ranch, wheels, 409 engine, competition ditions. Call 649-6361, Mr. Grel- Main St. CaU 648-2171. ed. 640-2370. Apartments. New 8H room gar­ dining room, flreidace, garage hydro transmission, $1000 firm. CERAMIC TILE — bathrooms, FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- ^ plies confidential. Write security deposit required. 289- den apartment, hirge rooms, 1966 CHEVROLET Impala, 4- counter tops, floors, vaniUes, ing (specializing In older la, for interview. It BI86ELL STRBEIHilANCHESnBIt, OOMN. CLEIAN furnished room for 4«eo. and carport; HteiutUuI land­ NOW RENTING door hardtop, good condition, CaU 649-8834 days, evenings, heat, hot water, Frtgldaire ap­ scaped yard. Only $33,900. 649-6852. etc. Free esUmates. AU work floors). Inside painting. Paper­ J Box P, Manchester Eve- CLEARANCE gentleman. Central. Apply 4 pliances, wall to waU carpet­ V-8, 283 cubic inch, power guaranteed. 649-8430. CAREER-MINDED Individual ONE ROOM apartment — new­ H.M. Frechette, Realtor, 647- hanging. No Job too small. PBX OPERATOR 1968 ZIO ZAO SEWING Pearl Street, Mrs. DeMute. ly renovated, parking avail- ing, parking for two cars, steurlng, power brakes, white- John Verfallle, 649-6750. wanted for management posi­ .^ing Herald. walla. Askkig $1,850. or best rex: ro o m s, kitchens^ room tion for growing (Hartford bas­ MACHINES NDCJE LARGE bedroom for able, Inunedlate occupancy, adults only, $140. monthly. CaU S u n m ^ /BhDoksL additions, dormers, complete Opening for an experienced ’walking distance to bus, shop­ 875-9407. HOME and income combina­ offer. 648-7268 after 6. Trucks— ^Troetors 5 switchboard operator for ed) fast food pervlce organisa­ Makes button holes, sews on gentleman with references, home remodding. Royal Cus­ tion, 21 or over, capable of as­ private home, near center. 31 ping, churches. References ro- tion with this Cape style two 1966 VOLKSWAGEN convert­ Bonds— Stocks— busy board In East Hart­ buttons, bUnd hems, does ROCKVILLE —Three room family 4-8. Ideal for two young tom BuUklers, 646-8434, 628- suming responsibilities. A per­ 5- Church Street. 649-4600. > qulr^. Ckul between 8-12, 2-6 partlaUy furnished, stove and ible, good oonAltlon, must sell. CASE tractor with backhoe and Mortgagos 27 ford, to wor(t part-time, fancy stitches, no attach­ p.m. Ask for Mr. Hamilton, famUies or an in-law situa­ 0324. afternoons, Monday through manent position with fringe ments needed. Our 3 year refrigerator, $100. 873-4763. 643-6666, 649-7295. bucket loader. Call 644-0248. SECOND MORTGAGE — Un- benefits. Experience not neces­ Z SItuafions W a n fd ■ Renting Manager, 643-5180. tion. Separate utiUtles, country ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ Friday. (tompany offers parts and service guaran­ Apartihants Fiats atmosphere. $21,500. WiUverton U illaqsL limited funds available for sec­ sary, we will train. Successful MEN and WOMEN 1962 BLACK FORD Falcon, BOLENS, tractor, with snow rage, rec rooms, bathrooms good wages, congenial co­ » S Famola 38 tee. Tanamants 63 3H ROOK apartment, oemi- Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. good cotwUUon. Sacrifice. $260. ond mortgages, payments to workers, excellent working applicant must have ambition, Do you want to work in Manohestor? U you are wUUng W - ...... ------,------Amlshed, first floor, heat and Wofitod To Rant 6B blower, rotary mower and plow tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ suit your budget. Expedient JJWANTBD — Pnrt-Ume typing, Call 872-0066. attachments, excellent condi­ ment work, cellar floors, pa­ conditions and convenient energy and enthusiasm. Apply to leam, we wlU train you as a machine operator, FULL PRICE $35.70 WE HAVE customers waiting hot wa^r^ 649-0641. WANTED—4 or 5 rooms, first % ftoniioiid F. B. Loub C. nawiMm service. J. D. Realty, 648-5129. In own handwriting, P.O. Box w slwrtliand and tMokkeepliv at tion, $500, 649-3023. tios, roofing. Call Leon Oles- free parking. Write P.O. repairman or material handler. We^ offer attriusttve wages, Terms available. No obliga­ for the rental of your apart­ floor, in good location, tor DdluEe AparteMutB front 1145 p«r BMBtk. 1962 VOi;iKSWAGEN oonyert- Box 1483, Hartford stating 2266, Bishops Comer Branch, 2 home or on premises, 10 years ment ' or home. J.D. Real Es­ FIVE ROOM apartment with Ubfa with 1965 rebuUt Volks­ synskl, BuUder. 649-4291. exceUent fringe beneflta Including pension plan, psoflt 5 office experience.*’ Manchester tion. \Call Capitol Credit actively retired woman. No CENTRALLY LOCATED education, experience and West Hartford, Conn. 06117. An tate Aaeoolates, Inc., 64S4U39. appliances, $186. Coll 648- fee. Mr. Frechette, Frechette wagen engine, new brakes, re­ Business Opportunity 28 sharing and opportunity for advanoement. 2 area only. OaU 043-8148 after 5 Manager 9 a.m.-9 p.m. If 6967. WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ salary requirements. equal opportunity employer. toll call ooUeot for frro de­ Realtors, 647-9998. RMifab Ry buUt frontend. 647-9726. Auto Accessorius- modeling specialist. Additions, w p.m. NEWLY redecorated 4 room Six room Orionial In the SALES Trainee to $7,200. Are Why not stop in today and dlaciM a future with nsT livery. apartment, exceUent location, PAUL W.U DOUGAN, Rm Hot Tiros 6 rec rooms, dormers, porches, -3AUTOMOTIVE repedr shop for SMIDDLE-AOED woman will do Manchester Green area, 3 IIOI C H E V R m ^ Impala super (.saJe. Grosses exceed $100,000 LOOKINQ for housekeeper who ywu a live wire? Sales orient­ cloee to school and shopping, 649^535 ■port, 2-door hardtop, very cabinets, formica, built - ins, enjoys caring for rtiUdren. 63-A ______For Sola 70 UU. erences. Write Box D, Man­ ing room, 1)4 baths, par­ 646-4747. DORMERS — Room-Additions, market. Great growth potential Personnel System, 800 Silver FOUR oak dining room chairs, and twenty of oabtnets, -toads INDUSTRIAL building on two tlaUy flnlahed basement, garages, kitchens, rec rooms, chester Herald. Lane, East Hartford, 528-9416. SI OOOPEB m iJ. STBEBT antique, $6. each; mahogany of closet space plus S' walk- tim BTA-nON wagon in TWO snow tires, 9r6xl6~whlte- and reputation for quaUty serv­ S Do5|»—Bird»—Fat* 41 TWO-ROOM funiiahed apart­ acres, suitable tor heavy manu­ aluminum aiding, only Conwr o f Nm t StalB Rood A W ord StioM hoiues, aiding, roofing. Seven ice. Selling .for personal dining room tsMe, $13; double up attic for storage, private ment. Private bathroom, stove, facturing. Complete with of­ ■ood rumiliie-condition. ‘649- walls, used one month, $20 8 TO 11 p.m., nurses aide, full­ m an — part-time, presently .____ MANOHB8TBB, CONN. $28,900. T. J. Crockett, year financing available. Add- reasons. Write Mianchester time aiM part-time. Laurel SGROOMma~ oU breeds. Bar- box apring and mattress and entrance arU garage, $160. a rofrigarator, heat, hot water. fice faculties. For furtber .in- Realtors, 648-1577. om i each. 649-3028, A-Level-Dormer, 289-0449. employed to work mornings In m many HlU. H.C. Chase,) Hebron steel frame, $20; bard cover month includes heat and elec­ Modab OpM froMO 2KM pjE. Ifl R I Herald, Box "Z.” Manor, 649-4619. local retaU store. CaU 643-2833. Apply Marlow’s, 867 Main formatimi, caU Mr. PbUbrlck **Rd., Bolton, 646-6467. books, 10 cents each.' 640-9600. tricity, OaU 048-2383. Btrast. at PbUbrlck Agency, 049-6M7. V ' If -TWO FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1969MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, CONN^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, .JA14UARY 17,' 1969 PAGE TWENTY-THBBS He For Sate 72 H o o m s For Sate 72 O ot o f Town Oot of Tewa Oot of Tooni Oot of Tomi Out of Town Out of Town Out of Town Out of Town D-Idsho, a cMsf sponsor of the TEN ROOM older home in the MANCHESTER, Immaculate 2- For Sate 75 For Sfrio 7B For Sate 75 For Sate 7B For Sate 75 three-fifths proposal, indicated famUy, completely modern, For Sate 75 For Sate 75 For Sate 75 Senate Fight Flu Activity CLASSIFIED heart of Manchester, 6 bed- TOLLAND—Ideal In-htw or ren­ he saw no hope of its adoption In Lotking fori HOUSE? close to school, bus and shop­ iboms, or 8 room apartment BOL’TON — 6H room Raised VERNON — &H room Ranch, EASTT HARTTXHID —^ R eload GLASTONBURY — ’ITtis maa- TOLLAND this Congress. ping, $83,900. LeonaM Agency, tal opportunity, 6 room Ranch, HARTFORD — Newly Mated, and 2 bedrooms, 3-car garage, Ranch, rec room, sun deck, carp^, half acre lot, fuU base- to $19,000 for quick sal^ 6H alve 4-bedroom OolMiial sets SOUTH WINDSOR, Birch Hill. Humphrey’s ruling, he said, In U.S. Said MO-0460. large rooms, full basement MODERN RAISED five room Colonial, $19,600. Call Over Cloture phis carport, additional 2 rooms with 'garage, plus small $ H i baths, firsplaoe, 3 acre lot. ment, bulU-ins, near scho garage, wooded lot. Char-Bon morrow. ,$29,900. Ray Hol­ time-saving assistant#. $27,900! Call John Sledeaky, EAST HARTTURD — large six way. two tuU bathraoma, oU, Philbiick Agency Realtors, 649- combe, R ectors, 644-1286. line-Roberts Agency, 646-3339. 649-5300. majoirty couM shut off debate Scoutmaster a y d e Miller mountain Division reported the Agency, 648-0688, 649-3426. COVENTRY — 6 year-young room Colonial ' with garage, the Andover Town Hall, Hebron hot wato- heat, walk-out base- 3847. in ^^the session-opening rules „ supervisor. ^atsrt decHne in In^nw ac------Logol Nofiea MEMBER OF MANCHESTER AND HARTFORD ‘TOLLAND large Cape only minutes from IH baths, country sized kitch­ Road, Andover, Connecticut. meat, with a one oar garage. MANCHESTER — $19,000, six SEVEN ROOM Split, three bed- BOARD OF REALTORS ANt) ML.S. lake, 3 or 4 bedrooms which­ B & W en. Lovely flagstone patio. Ex­ TOe 63-46 vote to override Pack 68 ®°“**Vp*"*™* ' The objects of the meeting 1700 square feet r Hillside Manor, Vernon, Conn. 0606^ rooms, living room with fire­ cellar, six finished rooms. Ex- alse kitchen, ^ y e a Agency, executor. 649-5306. $18,900. T.J. Crockett, Real­ ing came after the Senate voted Wllltaun McDowell, first year reported In the other divi- ^of December 1968. k>t centrally located, Keith further information, call R.F. ORDERED; That three months place and paneled wall, good tor, 648-1677. tra insulaUon resulU in very !fRrtdVemln XANCHESSTER — Seven room 6464H81. from ^ e 10th day of January, 1969 649-1922 low heatimr exnense! Alumi- M-fT to end debate on_ a moUon phi. and Robert Bridgeman, 2. ’The election of delegates Agency, 646-4126, 649-1922. DImock Co., 649-6246. sized dining “L”, a bright low heating expense! Alumi wolf bculge. center said most of the Colonial, wall to wall carpeting be and the same are llmltM and B (Sl W to take up the three-fifths pro. from the Town of Andover MANCHESTER — One year old allowed for the creditors within workable kitchen, 1V6 baths, ■VERNON —Custom built num storms, screens, doors. Assistant denner badges were rop®rtcd Increase in excess throughout. Ehccellent condi- CUSTOM BUILT oversize Cape, which to bring In their claim s to the Delegate Assembly immaculate 2-flamlly, 8 kurge MANCHESTER — Rockledge, BARROWS and WALLACE Co. wall to wall carpeting, 16 x 34’ Colonial Ranch, prime area, Oon, treed Mt. R J I. Frechette on oversize lot. 120’ wide, and AA zone, lot 132x178, $6,800. against said estate, and said execu­ ^ntUa ®' -Humphrey given to Wuluarii McDowell, **'® of the Caucus of Connecti­ bedrooms in each apartment, tor Is directed to give public no­ Manchester Parkade in the ground swimming pool, quality construction, three twenties and worth It. ^ simple majority Craig Ostrout, David' Vlgue “ naitor cltles^Many of the larg- Roaltora, 647-9903. exceptionally well landscaped, Meyer Agency, 648-0609. tice to the ^creditors to bring In cut LJemocrats, the first aluminum sidings, storms end Friendly Computerized Service Manchester 649-3306 concrete patio, over one acre large bedrooms, 2-car garage. Bowers School, 1their Vs claXns within Btasusold Limetime at-al- o X ’ 188°^®HaTOi e l e v e n wooded acres go with could cut off debate on a pro- and Richard Gauthier. Deiwr ®|! meeting of which wlU be $17,900 — 6 room Cape, 3 nice screens, all wall to wall car­ iw e d by publishing a copy of this EqiBpped aAth the latest in computer aervioe. Your of land with a view. Like new rage, barn. Oidy $86,900. Hayes constructed six P®sed rules change at the start badges were p r^ led to Her- •’"®g["°f $28,000. Phllbrick Agency Real­ BOLTON — Be a Btdton lend order In some newspaper navlnir a VERNON — Drive' by the cor­ held Feb. IS, 1969. bedrooms, remodeled Utdien, peting, buUMns. Good tawome neeos tocaAed ANYWHERE in mlnuteal throughout. $29,500. U ft R Agetscy, 646-0131. room Ranch TVo car gar«re of a new Congress. bert L’Heureux, Steven Oolbath, State surveillance systems tors, 049-3347. baron. 28 dcres more or less circulation In said probate district ner of Montauk Dr. and Phoe­ The Caucus of Connecticut firapOaoe, full basement, over­ or ecociomloal living. All this ^ th in ten days from the date of Realty Company Inc., 643-2692 localted of Rt. 6. More tlwn nix Streets and look at this 5H ROOM Ranch, large treed t X X j ' S s . ’ X d e r a S : The CfonsHtution pravides that Scott StevemKm and Paul Oiu- « > « - r a f s is an assodation or- used garage, large private lot, and more for $86,600. Jac- SIX ROOM RANCH, Immediate this order and return make to this R.D. Murdock, 643-6472. 700’ frontage^ $33,000. Jac- court of the noUce given. exceptional lot. Wouldn’t you lot, one oar garage, custom aloe oondMon. Call now. Wol- quellne-Roberts Agency, 646- occupancy, two baths, t w o queline-Roberts Agency,. 646- JOHN J. WALl ETT, Judge. vertoo Agency, Realtors, 649 8889. fireplaces, large lot, two car like to move Into your new 7- VERNON — Exquisitely custom buUt, immaculate. Kekh Agen­ 8389. cy, 646-4126, 640-1922. wall in lovely fireplaced living Humphrey said this right cannot to Scott Sweet, denner; a n d 1W9. the center said. ”An addl- 361S. garage. Low 80’s. Morrison room Raised Ranch with ev­ built 4-bedroom Colonial with * AWir.™ be ^nled by any previously Michael Colbath and Randall tlonnl 11 srtates may have by-laws ^ y be obtained from THREE Incomes, Center Street, Agency, 648-1016, 648-0044. erything Imaginable fdr only first floor family room, 2% X X . idZl Tires X,^ed rule BrK^an, asairtant deramrs. reached the epidemic peak dur- M Lake Road. KANCHESraiR Vlciidty — two family, 6-6 {dus separate $26,300. Jacqueline - Roberts baths, formal dining room, VERNON-TOILAND line, 3- bedroom Ranch, built-in range, aX?’ X n Spesaard Holland n. Pa'^OautWer. Clarence Kin- inS the week ending Jan. 11, A i^er. Connecticut. Member- TTrree capes, two Ranches five room house. Selling as PRIVACY — ParkUke 280x286’’ Out of Town Agency, 946-8330. huge fireplaced living room, ®®*”®*^® ^?®"' ^ ney. Jeffrey Hager and Wayne Despite the report that pneu- “hHi In the Caucus of Connecti- ftom $17J00. Ten percent -yard, spotless six room Ranch, attractive dinette area, metic­ a- package. Woiverton Agency For Solo 75 kitchen with all bullt-lns. All ^______Of a’ny change in me O-rout received toe athlete m^adnfluenza death, totaled ^ n v o «| a U ^ down, over 100 Sstlnffi. Meyer Realtors, 649-2818. plastered walls, sundeck, vfall to wall carpeting and sev­ ulous throughout, large lot, Agency, Realton, 618-0609. garage, trees. Don’t miss It. COVENTRY — We have tw o eral other features all situat­ $18,900. Jacqueline- Roberts UNIQUE and Rare! Eight room rule, appealed to toe floor. Thlr- badge. “ compared ^ home with two guest houses ty-two oX ocrats and 13 Repub------^ 1.823 for the previous week, are reglrtered ^m «K ^ COLONIAL —central entrance, Hutchins Agency Realtors, 649- custom Raised Ranchee which ed on a wooded lot for only Agency, 646-3830. MANCHESTER — $28,900. Soft Treading and swimming pool! Two full llcam. voted to sustain h X- TRU8T1NO . toe center said certain ”ln- from 10 tort^21 ^ modem kitchen, dining room, 3324. are to be built on riwlce lots $82,900. Jacqueline-Roberts Iswge 6-room Cape, IH baths, baths. Truly a ’ ’Must See” sit- phrey’s ruling, while 28 Demo- NEW DELHI (AP) - The dices” indicate ” a general de- *>>1^ to b e c ^ D e m e n ts ; large living room, mud room, located on Wrights Mill Rd. Agency, 640-3338. aaaumalde mot^gage at 6 ^ 4 bedrooms, central alr-eondi- EASY TO uatlon. 2V4 delightful acres, crats and 30 Republicans voted three school girls were pUying creaw In me extent and sever!- af«l ike, Manriiester, Oon- J. S. Lom bardo' H. J. McKinney G eorge A. M eyer Immaculate condition. Ask­ UmniENCE F. FIANO, teveloper nectlcut, as of January 1, 1969. ing $24,900. Wonted— Real Estate 77 Dated s t Mancheeter, Con­ E. A. Mitten C. J. M orrison R. D. Murdock necticut, this 2nd day of Janu­ ALih CASH for your property We're 6 4 9 ^ ary 1969. M. K. Ostrinsky R. C. Philhrick S. J. Ploufe Call today. wimin 24 hours. Avoid red tape. Podrove A ObUJns, Instant service. Hayes Agency, Attomeya M. E. Robertson Earle S. Rohan 646-0121. P. G. Scheinost Small NORTH COVENTRY — $21,800. Robert H Smith newer 5^ room Ranch. (Ga­ EPITAPH on me tombstone of Elva E. Tyler Alfred P. Werbner Medium rage, flreptace, bullt-lns, Pas­ a hypochondriac: ”I told you I was sick.” You’ll feel better Lsrge ek Realtors, 286-7473. 742-6921, Droppin Robert I. Woiverton 647-1183. when you see me ‘‘buys” at Keim Real EaUte, 646-1922, VERNON -^Brand new 7 room 646-4126. Colonial, 1^ baths, fireplace, garage, treed lot. Only $26,- SELLINO YOUR HOME? Ftor ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: 900. H.M. Frechette, 647-9993. prompt courteous service that gets results. Call Louis Dimock Stephen M. Amedy Anne Bartlett INEXPENSIVE and quick to crochet, these ROCKVILLE — two ft four Realty, 646-9828. Prices H. R. Braithwaite V. Charboneau Helen D. Cole lovely slippers are Ideal for lounging families available. Secondary ON LEFTOVER BRAND NEW ^ N. D. Convertino Elna Dimoek N. B.tJTmock time! Make a second pair with the 'in- 1450 financing. H. M. EYechette F. T. Filloramo fashion' buckle trim! Prepared to pay a Ford-Chevy-Plymouth price? Then pre­ G. A. Hagedom R. C. Harmon Edith Howland 8-18 Realtora, 647-9963. E. E. Huffman D. B. Lappen K. M. Lappen Pattern No. 5364 has crochet direc­ WITH THE NEW\ pare to own one of our beautiful cars. Prices plummet A. R. Martin tions—women's sizes small, medium and VERNON — 3H room 1930 downward as trade allowances soar higher day after day In E. T. McKinney R. E. Merritt Elsie L. Meyer large inclusive. PHOTO-GUIDE Ranch, seven acres, 977’ front- B. P. Millette SEND 354 In csini plus lap for iirit.ein> \V .1 1 '«S age 20 X 80’ recent outbuild- our beautiful world. See all the other dealers and then get Helen M. Palmer W . R. Rood Doris E. Smith moll OOP ipoc 0 bond lot for oach pittom. 7* ’ “ CaH A. Zinsser ing. Close to highway. Hutch- our beautiful deal . . . in black and white or zmy other B v e S W Herald, ' 1199 AVB. OF a Ptmeess Hne *ess to slot- ins Agency Realtors, 649-3824. beautiful car color. AMEBIOAS, iraw YOBK, N.T. seaming for a new and different look. UlOM The pleats add a tree-swing to the skirt. TOLLAND — 5H room Ranch, (Choose From Demonstrators and Used Cars) Print Homo, Addroio wllii ZIP CODE and NON-RESIDENT MEMRERS: Stylo Numbar. No. 1450 with PHOTO-GUIDE Is in New bullt-ins, fireplace, rec room, Only 50$ - the new '68 Fall ( Winter ?i?®? carpeting, wooded lot. $20,600. ALBUM! New CUSTOM COLLECTION de­ 10, bust 32V4, 3V4 yards of 45 inch. Owner, call 872-0960. SEND sop In-calm plui 19$ far flrat-claii ______Bernie Cantor Robert H. Anderson B. G. Kristofak Samuel M Lavitt signs, as well as our regular features man and ipocUl handllnt far aaab |iattam. OLASTTONBURY — Brand new and free directions in boon for 3 items I Ralph A. Pasek R. S. Hokom be Thomas G. Wells ManohMtsr ALL YEAR. Each month is a theme' 7-room 'Raised Ranch located for a quilt - Double Wedding, June; ____ II.Y. near grtf course. Q>mpletely Shamrock, March; Turkey Tracks, No­ Print Nnma, Addraii witb ZIP CODE, ttyla finished wim fam ily room Brand Naw Morcury Montclair 2>Dr. Hardtop Comot Sports Coupe (Demonstrator) vember; etc. Start now to make an Numbnr and Alia. and fireplace, 2M baths, 2-car heirloom! Pattern pieces, directions for THE NEW Fall & Winter '68 issue of garage and only $81,600. Jac- 390 Cubic Inch V-8 engine, dark green, all vinyl interior, Choice of 7. Big 6-cyllnder engine, automatic, deluxe AFFIUATE MEMBERS: automatic, (dock, whitewalls, power steering, power disc 1? nuilts. Send 50$ today for 0103. Basic FASHION Is here with many bright queline-Roberto Agency, 046- wheel covers, whitewalls, backup lights, padded dash, wardrobe ideas. Send 504 for your copy. brakes, tilt rteerlng wheel, rear window defo^er, radio, 3330. Read Herald Ads. rear speakers, tinted glass, remote control mirror. radio, power steering, plus remainder of factory war­ Noel J. Beleourt Jr. Robert J. Boyce ranty. List Price $2838. Lloyd A. Davidson M. O. Eiqenbrod ------— ...... - - - U st Price $4217. Oonn. Bank ft Trust Co. Mancheater Savings ft Loan Society for Savings Hfd. Natl. :^ank ft TTust Co. ■ - v r i / v . SALE PRICE *3293 SALE PRICE 82087 George G. Johnson D. Paul Lament William F. Legault Mechanica Savings Bank W. M. Marmoud Hfd. Natl. Bank ft TTust Co Savings Bank1 oi f Maniichestor Hfd. Natl. Bank ft ’Trust Co. S OTHER BRAND NEW IM S's TO CHOOSE FROM AT COMPARABLE SAVNHAS! Raymond L. Miller J. Gilbert Soucie James A. Ubertalli F. Hfd. Federal Sav. ft Loon Hfd. NaU. Bank ft Trust Co. Bruce-Termlnlx of N.B. We’re Drepping PricM sr "SAFE BUY USED CARS” Tbo! ~ t 1967 Chavalla 1966 Comot 1966 1966 Mercury Monterey Conv. \ / ■ 4-Door Stdon Station Wagon Volks vrogon HONORARY LIFE MEMBER: Tan, beige Interior, 6-cyl., 6-cyIinder, good economi­ Red, 4-speed, radio, heat­ V-8, turqqolse, white top, automatic, reuilo, $ 1 4 4 C cal transportation! Biur- er, excellent low cost oil vinyl interior, auto­ power steering. gundy with off transportation! M 2 9 S matic, power SIIQC MADELINE SMITH white Interior. Only '^ 9 9 9 steering. '^IIW When you have to leave your 1966 Chryslor 1968 Mercury T h ^ people emprise the Manchester Board of Realtors, You may, if you wish, employ their eervio^i Nowport 1967 Olds 1965 Ford Station Wagon “ • overwhelming margin , . . most ot the hoSS M n I t o S f 4-Door Sedan Ga'oxie 500 10-passenger, automatic, Medium green, matching F-85 W agon Dark blue, matching in­ 2-Door Hardtop. White, power steering, pow er because their multiple listingr system has proven to be the most effective interior, automatic, radio, efficient yet devised for merchandisinfir property. You may call them because the great—varv terior, V-8, S IQ Q C blue interior, V-8, $ 9 9 5 brakes, roof rack, wnite nest in a hurry... call Hayes! power steering. M545 power steering. ^ I Bww with blue vinyl interior. majority of classified ads for homes in this newspaper are by realtors. You may further utiliM Factory Installed C g g A C Hena ~ ^^eir State and^tSl liSiS air conditioning! tions with new sales techniques and equipment as soon as they b ^ m e available. 1966 Buiek 1968 Joop 1966 Lincoln If you've been suddenly transferred out of town — or have to sell your 1966 Comet home quickly tor other reasons — you usSra'iStor!*^ reasons—reasons above and belond your confidence in hii competence—for Riviera Model C J5 4'Door Sedan don't have to make any sacrifice. 2-D(x>r Hardtop. Burgundy V-6 engine, full metal cab, Dark green, matching In­ 2-Door Sedan Let Hayes come to the rescue. Be­ Your realtor is concerned with his community. He gives of himself unstintingly servinir on vnr)/.n. Neu) in Glwstofiburp with white vinyl interior, power angling plow, snow terior, full Continental V-8, red, red Interior, ra­ cause we not only work well, but THE full pow er equipment, tires, "Ready to go to equipment, plus fact'>ry dio, whitewalls, good eco­ ^ Itor ^m m itt^ to constantly upgrade his methods. Your realtor is active in local civic aervi

\- . i^FvT

r ‘y-M nODii^Y. JANUABY .17, 1M» iMawI|gHtgr Eopttfng l^rroUi Tbs Wei^btr T o w n Qdegard, Says Complainers Parents Leam 15,426 Of TransitSlon Nawefcefter- 4 City o f Vittogo Chmrm :T:M Not Getting Explanations To H i!^ School VOL. LXXXVIU, NO. 92 OOP TWn Director DavM a atop sign on Buah mu Rd., at (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 18» ItM m r a m U1 as N. Italn 1 - ...... i______TEN C EN fi |« tourth In Odegard aald today that th e Olendale Rd., as a protecUon Parmia of 8th gnado students people iwho appear at Board of for school children. ■c> «l^r of tte at Bennett and IBlng Junior Dlroctora’ aeml-monttaly com­ Another suggeetlon filed con­ High flehooHs a re Invited to at­ U, apanmor- ment aeaaiona are not being told Oonanu- cents recreation actlViUea. The w hether th eir suggestlona And person who appeared suggest­ tend a program, "Ihe Transi France Asks Big 4 Paricy complaints are or are not being ed that the town should diarge tion to tflgh School," to be hekl taken care of. to r use of iU faculties, Thursday evening at 8 in the 71m AlUr Guild e who appear Identification be provided for ___ and Influgnea Mn. laar Beott, m Bany Rd. town rnalitniita Speakers will be MHS Prlncl- Full Procedural Accord at the hearings are entitled to an explanation —whether some­ 1IW 1I. P«1 A. Raymond Rogers and Appatitgi . . . V h y>hmmfa C9afb of Man- thing was done by the town, ^ ^ JOSS Anne (Bm cU st, high school Arah’Israel Talks dMiiir u a naat Itoday at 8 P«j«w udio appeamd last ^ guldanc “ Watt and if not, utiy not." ■y IHB ASSOOA’FBD PBBSS announoamant Friday, quotad pJU. at tha iwina o( Itn . Elmar Odegard said he has been tel­ rsglstered a general com- KbppR, 9lh gtude counselor OMI. SU E. OHdar St. Itn. nihi: and Joel Chatoon, 91 fVanoe has called to r a quaiUtod aouroea an aajing Sac- ephoning ttMse a t o appeared retozy of Sfoto Oaon Ruak out­ J o ta natciM r arfB be oo- within the past yeatr. to And counselor at Bemtot, wUl MEATS mg Four conference ahned at settling the Middle Bast lined a fonn of two-tro«k nego- out whettwr^y^ informed aim be preeeht. tiationa in A note banded to So- of the disposition of their com------. ..?**** The discussion program wlU — ^. 7 I I Chargo (TAftolrM Yuri N. Ooma DouUaa Ghtb at Nbrtii plaints add suggestions. Chann, particularly re- includeinoludi these presmtedlpiis: "ot- States ia reported tiaddng Tywr^ov ^ Reached at Paris Talks Ground and Uhttad liattwiBat Churoh wlli He said that, in most in- sped to toe sdiod qnstem.’’ ferings at the Ugh school, Ih a peaioemaki^ plan which ha*a a pmc*am on narootica stancee, they never heard from He said that, in his opinion, seleoUon of levMs, and the Im- The Star naid Ruak’a note tto- would include provisions poaad talka batwaan toe United piaaMitad by one of Omnaot- town officials. Increased taxes ahoidd be ac- portance of toe h l^ school rec' Glorious for direct talks between ^ e hMfa poMoamen hum the “It Is fruftratlng tor the cepted more readily. Then he ord for emplojrmertt and further Stataa and toa Soviet Union, and added, "Tax Increases In Man- educstton. Arab states and Israd. aeparafo talks batwaen toraal fltata M lea Speotal Service Dl- board, and It is frustrating for th e Waablngton Bvonlng Star, 4th Soviet aWon tonwtwar at 8 p.m. at those who appear at our ses­ Chester should be kept to line An opooituntty wlH be provM Beef ranks firsts but our and toa Arab otatoa under a In a atory toUowlng toa French U.N. “untotalla.’’ Real N^otiations thaohUNh. Ibwe wiabeaiflhn sions," Odegard said. "We with those In area towns.” ed Iw questions and answers. 8 in 1 pork, beef and veal and ttiday. The event ia open promise them that something combo (a^ lamb pat­ The talks betareen the two big Spaeieman to mantoera and trlenda. will be done —and then It isn’t ” ties) are dose contend-1 powara, lha nhwapapar report­ Last night’s session was era. ed, wotSd be [to hrip U.N. ape- 2kn Evanrelioal. Luttieran manned only by Odegard. Al­ CHARUE JR. IS A RGALCUHE. AUNT KATHY ctol envoy Oumiar V. Jarring Lands Safely Begin Next Week Chureh wlB conduct youth in- though toe comment eessipps Orokard Weah Maea, Baldwtaw. CMden * Bed DeUdoaB, Protestors mark out "toe perimeton" for atmotion toananxnv at 8;80 a.m. are sponsored by the entire Bnaoeto, Oartouida, Wlweaapa, Booe Psara. detailed Aroh-IaraaU -negotia- MOSCOW (AP) — Cosmonaut PARIB (AP)—The four roproMiitAtiveg at the new Freoh Splaaeii, Peoa, CauiUlower, Bracooli, Green 4k Tetlow Budget B eef Wdlfam . ttons. JaxTing reportedly would a t tha ohurcliL Board of Directors, only th e Botte VcOynov tended safely In Vietnam peace talks reached fuH agreenaent toAnr on aV RepubUcans have been man­ Hmiash, Ihdtve 4k Eeearole, Leeks, Paratops, Belgian En­ ton, aiqple-gtesed PpA madlato toa talks bahiman the dive, Beaton Lettoce, CMneos Cabbage, O ni^ WUto Sweet Loaf and Hamboiyer See 10,000 procedural matters and real neffotiationg will begin early The Toulii Cboir of Oon ning them . tonba and laraalis. toe Soviet Union today, (moceaa- Potatoes, Yellow 4k Purple Tap Turnips, A com ft Bottonint Buffet are just 8 of tiie | The SVanefa proposal, iosued fufty oomptetteg a four-man next week, tiie U.8. delwatfon reported. Bvaacelknl Luthenn Chureb A repeat suggestion (actual­ Sqnaaii, Egg Plant, Braaoeb Sprooto, SheO Beaaa, Hone- After a fiva-hour sad Utenta------udB rehenrae tomomiiv at ll :S0 ly, It has appeared at three ladtoh. 46 lee^ in the ra>. a t toa United Miationa and In mlaaioa In wWksh tha Soviet Un­ mnsUiig At Inaugural Faria, auggootod that Franca, and anv. at the church. successive hearings) was filed Freak Strawberrlea, Tongerlnea, Tempieo, Spanlab Metona, issue of Esmilr Ciidel ion aiditevod toa worid’s Brat • ot teuto Vlehuun, North mattoea of on behalf ot the residents of Bed, White, Blue Ompea, Pink B White OrapeCralt, Bunklst magaiine which is sold WiASHINGnDN (AP) — la a d - toa Unltad States, Britain and Posthumous Citations for Bolton Soldier toe Bovlat -Union meat at toe crew tmnofer between ochtting Vtotnam and toe Vtet Cn«*s The Rev. Thomas Barry of th e Bush HIU Rd. area. It is for Navel Oraugee, Nuto, Figs, Dotoo. at Finehuist i era o f the no-oaHad oountar In­ National libecaUon Front—NLF Aa toe meettqg bagort The famUy of William Ursln, Oo. C, 20th Infantry, 3rd Bri­ School. (Herald photo >by Bu- Look at oar large varl^ of Haven of Boyel lee Greaml Uhitad Nations^ to dlscuos ways —Ambassador Cyme R. Venoe toM toe North VMnunni St. Jama^ Church wM conduct kUled in action in Vietnam last gade, 9th Infantry Division. He augural may tooy expect up to to and toe MbUla E artdiap^' ’Ito offkilal Soviet news agen- front delegaticeis It wa a aarvloe Sunday at 8:15 a.m. cehricius) oy ’Ihao said Volyaov’a Soyus 0 told reporters: “I am happy to Aug. 18, received a posthumous was inducted into the Army A' ¥liGKEND SIP0CIAI5 i r MKOOO protoototw to join in The nattona are among the Amailcan Aeabe, abarod by M - on radio station WINF. The pro­ citation and medals at a gath- For a IViday and Satuiv | croft matte a soft landiig' at 11 report tost we have raaebad foB last February and was sent to WHUam ' Howard T aft de­ paaoefuUy mockiiig RlebaiKd M. tone permanent mambata of toe a.m . Moscow tone, m miiiM agreement on oH pfooedusal gon, to “amuige aa early end to gram la aponaored jointly by the erlng at the home of Mr. and Vietnam July 16. POTATOES...... • 20 H». 80« day special to introduce lAmibon U.N. Security Council. toe flghUng nn HanchMliwr Clecgy Association scribed his 1906 campaign for yo\f Wtooonfn aolemn tontoUntten. aoutowest of toe cMy of Kuotan- quesUona for toe flxrt plenary Mrs. William Ursin, the st^dler's He was a graduate of Bolton l a r g e SUNKIST n a v e l o r a n g e s for to tiiese 46 gteioua Tha fifto, NattonaUst CUito, is Vietnam han sutferad." and the Mancheater Oouncil of parents, at the Ursin home on toe presidency as "one of toe wa^ to use ground Tlia Y^pla oontlngant ptaas to ay. Thte would put him m few aaarion wliicb wUI take place Elem entary School and a 1 9 6 4 ^ m o at imernmiinirhitA. flour O^LO CARROTS ...... R for not racognlaad by toe Soviet Un­ early naxt weto." Lau Iteted four OburolML South Rd., Bolton last night. meats, we oiffor this "ta-borurata" n plf as Frenl- ion. hundred mllaa northwest of tbs graduate of M anchester High m onths o t m y Hfe.'* Royal and Soaltest loe Cream...... Vi 8bL : of toa Utattad States. Wnoe center at UMkosIr, wbR« The UK. ambanmdor gave no _ — . ~ H . U.B. Army Ool. Ruben Shay e WE GABBY ICE CUBES e magazine FREE with The yrench atatamant avoid- Boyus 6 was launebed Wednes- Immniltefi AetaBs on toe ptoea- *T. The num bar of persona ^oonnr wwiiw Cnib wta inrtan pinned a toipnse star and a pur- We Cany The Mancheater Evening Herald each $6.00 meat older ^ impltoatlon that toa Big g dund format for toe peace nsgo- foam each driegatten to porttel- WIMard PlofcmiSMt as preMdent pie heart on Christopher, 7, and *^UB ENLABOED BTOBE NOW HAS EVEBYTHINO!” which includes 2 lbs. of '****“ attempt to impoaa a Volynov y< "feele good," Thsa Urttetw. But Us nald: "I am pnto in llie plnnffy anarions wm at Ita aonal meatlng tonight at Vincent, 18, ibrotbers of William, OOBiPLBTB LINB OF SUNDAY PAPBB8 fuoad bayonata bayonaan la to hahe ssat a t up aattlaiMaattlamant, nL buth u t IndteatadimUBatMi toemm ___ not aocceed 15. any kind of ground beef, along the route of the prateat- reported. "AH axpartm eols happy that vto are gettlag down Btaak Houae. The social who was 20 when he was killed. THINK SMALL $1884x90 ah n at toa meeting would be to to too serious bualnaa of mak­ "S. All prana m ate m rt tetevl- tMa dtaner at 7:80. Hie citation with the bronse pen-k or Iamb . . . Just an* oountar teoagurol panda were fuby ooayiteted.’’ Delivered in Manchester implamant toe Seoiqity Coun- Hte fotaUng oame one day aft­ ing peace In Vtotenm." slon <» be admitted tor If min­ Dr.^ Peter Oram wW ahow star praised Ursin for his "out- "t N e k i n ^ attic at checkout for your Bimday. cU’e Novambar 1887 IDikSa utes M ora toa start of toe first Equipped with leatowwitte interior, cr example, Nixon’s with spending reductions that Newington Ho^iMal for Crip­ Bbles, Spanish and Dan- steps; generally the tor»e a t Nix­ early report theft the adminto- the new White Houae team ^Some’ GIs To Withdraw pled Children will show a film ah a^le vegetaUea and on headquarters, in the expen­ tration would clear with Iftm would find troublesome, and q>eak about "Tomorrow's Japanese ^ le vagw. sive Hotel Pierre, has been one any long term foreign pokey As Prestdent-elect, Nixon Child.” Those attending the of quiet, sometimes bland com­ commitments prior to Inaugura- avoided anything that would From Vietnam This Year event ere reminded to bring petence. tion day. , seem an attempt to propel him- _ _ l(Ullpope to be used for chll- Sridom has there been even a Johnson quldcty declared that P®«t Jahnsen and Into the 8AIGON (A ^ President Abrams briisvaa toa Scuto ' (ken’s parties at the hospital. hint of drama. he, and no one else, would be In po*? of national spokemnan prk» Thleu announM Vleteamese ^ y wfll be More Matlaw Stuffed today some American oombat good enough to fU the gaps un- dams just arrived. Nixon associates rri>crt the charge of U.S. policy until he t® *>!• toaugumUon. * —■ - Cub Scout Pack 47 of South He decided at the outset, for troops win be withdrawn foom tU then. He also wants to keep United Methodist Church will exan^te, that there would be no South Vietnam this year and be the enemy "on tos run," .meet tonight at 7 at the church. general news conference wftU has dlreeted Ifts military chief sources aald, and would prsfer Saltines lb. after Jan. 20. Nixon felt Johnson of staff to draft « timetable with to await devetopments at toa “ *« 29c. Large family toe U.S. Oosnmand. Tomorrow between 8:80 a.m. Other 11 Nom inees Cleared would regard that as an attempt Parte peace talka before pastiig and 12:30 p.m. the entrance DuncM Hines Brownie to Mlae In advance the stage of Thieu did not say how manor down UK. strength. examination and prollmlnary ^ 49c, Carnation In- prMtdential pubUcity. He ra- of the 832,800 U.8. troops in the TMeu’s aimounoement oame a admissions preparations for In­ ★ All Suits in Sto^ on 69e Choco Bieak- nwriced iwivately that Johnson country would be wtthdrawn, few houra before the first sebisd- coming East Catholic High at 69c arc apecial was a bit ssnslUve on such mat­ and added "dstailed pfisns will uled meeting of the enlsigsd Srtiool freshmen will be ad- Sale Including New grocery features. Only Hickel Left ters. first have to be developed by Paris peace talka and followed a . ministered at the echool. Furthermore, Nixon was de­ the mlMtary staffs of the two two-hour meatlng Friday ba- Fall Styles! termined to avoid advance com­ countries before qpecifle timing tween Thieu, U.R Grace Group of Center Oon- Jew from Bounty mitments which might promise can be devrioped." BIteworth Bunker and Abrams. gregatlonai Church will meet C r^ ed Chicken Chuuk | more, at home or abroad, then But aourcea said toe IMUal Latest official figures put the Monday at 8 p.m .in the Rob­ On Firing Line he could deliver once In office. withdrawal might affect 20,(W0 strength of the South met- bins Room. Members are re­ 'A'Famous Brand Names Style and Creamed drip­ troops and 100,000 might be nameae armed forces at 800,000 ped Beef are here at 4«e He sewght to make sure that the minded to bring items for a Included — Nothing WABHINaTON (AP) — Alas­ chaiiitable trust Ms aubstanttel new presidency, if short on dra­ phased out by the end of the regulars and miiuiemew silent auction. Buy both iand g et 1 ka Gov. Walter J. Hickel re­ holdings hi a firm doing govern­ ma, wouM pledge only the poaai- year. ’IMeu aald American troops Withheld! ^ 'I f you return mains alone on the firing line ment business. We. An aide to Gen. Cao Van Vlen, could now be withdrawn . Technical Sgt. Lieonard J. and coupon (availaUa I with the other 11 Nixon Cabinet —'ITte Senate Finance Com- As a result there were no chief of South Vietnam’s armed "tosnks to too growth of the Rubacha, UBAF, husband of liere). nominees cleared InformaHy for mlttoe endorsed the appolnt- pledges at aU, except in the forces, sold Vlen conferred with ARVN—Army of toe Repubtio of the former Betsey Jacobson speedy Senate approval after m ents ot David Kennedy of CM- moat general terms. And Nixon the U.S. commander In Viet­ Vietnam—both In quantity am whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. R«g. W toe Inauguration Monday. cago as secretary of toe TYeas- set down a rule (or hlmaeU and nam, Gen. _ Oelghton W. wok aa quality.” Ha added that E. Jacobson, live at 92 Prince­ )hop Pinehurst tonight I Indloationa were toe Senate ury and Robert Ftnoh, lieuten­ hU appointees: Speak no poUoy week. A spokes- a gradual American withdrawal ton St., is stationed at Takhll Interior Oommlttoe, after re­ ant governor of aslifOinla, as until you take cheuge. *"*" Abrams a furiher “will in no way alter the mili­ Royal Thai AF8, Thailand. He R «g. W viewing Hlokel’a plans tor eecretary of health, education From the evidence compUsd discussions are scheduled be­ tary and ascurtty rituallon la ia an electronic equipment tech- avotdtng oonfttcta of Intereit, and weUars. at the Hotel Pierre, Nixon’s wlU tween the two. V ietnam ." ntotan of the Pacific Air Forces.. would endorse hte nomination After five hours of dtscuaslon, be a leas personalized presiden­ "As for as concrete figures “Tlila dectslon,’’ ba aald, by the time Richard Nixon toot oommlttoe end Kennedy cy toon those of Johnson and are eoheerned,” Abram s’ “waa taken on too baste of our Aviation Machlniat ^ te Air­ R « 9 . W -And remember our gal- takes toe oath Monday. spokesman said, “ft’s too soon oos of milk in gfauw are worked out aui agreement on his John F. Kennedy, exlrilng atrengto and tils atronc man William J. Lorentzen, UBN In developmanto Friday: plan to put Into a trust hte atook Nixon has put Ms empharia on to say because of so many In­ confidence la that real atrangto, of 812 Blroh Mt. Rd. was re- only 89c. Land 0* Lakes —The Senate Armed Servloee tangibles. It’s mihething that’s batter 80e, State Butter in Uio ContLiental Bank of 1111-*taff men and staff work. and not on the 'baste of any oantly awarded the Air Mbdal Reg. HS. Counterinaugural Activity Oonunfttsa„ ____ . _approved .... toe „ noml- , , . note. wMch he haa headed. ’Ihs Ns aasemMed a team of what ...going . to take time. A lot of political or other reason." ' during osrsmonlM aboard toe 78c. “ na^ns of Rep. ^Ivin trustee will be Instructed to dl- called generalists; In effect, *“''’® *® *>® considered.’’ aircraft carrier USS intrepid in ^ Antiwar demonstrators use a portion o f,the big tent as a table for a snack in Thieu’s atatement was tesus4 of Wteconsta to ^ versify Ms holdliffB. utlMty men equipped to flU a *“ “«>®«»*oo«1 t® »»*ve by Lt. COL ’Tran Van Lam, di- too South China Sea. The nward R e g . ^ defense and Ifovld Packard of chairman Henry M. Jackion variety of asslgnmn^ rehictaiftly accepted the tact rMogniaaa avlatora and aervlce- limply dettdouA LambI Washington yesterday. The government agreed to allow antiwar demonstra- OhBfonfta 10to be deputy secre­ — . - ' . nector for preaa affairs, who tary, of too Senate IMeitor Commit- N soon became evident that in American trotgia will .Kn,. orasldwftprasidwft aUll moA who have flown a t least I tors to erect the tent near the Washing' on Monument for their "counterinaug- tee said he was fUUy satirited the Nixon lineup, one man waa ^..^-T*^^****^ * !°°°.’ maintains the iiurfoiisi ho hod oombat or combat support mla- Wag Onstom Alteratiiam; , ural baH.” (A

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