Devon Local Nature Partnership

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Devon Local Nature Partnership

Devon Wildlife Strategy Group (meeting 1) 16th July 2013


Present: Deborah Elton (FC), Simon Bates (Tamar AONB), Norman Baldock (DNPA), Ian Egerton (DBRC), Cathy Fitzroy (NE), Mary Rush (TDV), Mary Rose Lane (EA), Peter Burgess (DWT), Roger English (South Devon AONB), Tracy Brookes (Torbay), Pete Youngman (East Devon AONB), Pippa Rayner (Blackdown Hills AONB), Rob Sekula (West Devon / South Hams), Janet Lister (National Trust), Gavin Bloomfield (RSPB), Sarah Jennings (DCC, Chair)

Apologies: Andy Bell / Tom Hynes (North Devon Biosphere), Elaine Hayes (North Devon AONB), Roland Stonex (FWAG, SW), Andrew Jones (NDDC), Justin Milward (Woodland Trust)

1. Function and role of group

LNP context: There are two LNPs covering Devon. Devon LNP covers all of Devon, other than Plymouth. Plymouth LNP covers the Plymouth Green Infrastructure area. There is therefore an overlap between the LNPs.

Both LNPs have now set up Boards. Devon LNP is developing a prospectus (setting out the role of the LNP and priorities) which will be out for consultation shortly. The purpose of LNPs is to maximise the social and economic benefits obtained from a healthy natural environment. They therefore have a much broader remit than just wildlife – with a strong focus on ecosystem services and the health / economic agendas. Various countryside partnerships such as the Devon Landscape Policy Group, Devon Maritime Forum and Devon Education for Sustainability Working Group form an important part of the Devon LNP in providing expertise on specific issues. With the demise of the Devon BAP Working Group there is currently no group providing a Devon strategic lead on the more technical wildlife issues.

For more information on Devon LNP see

Agreed:  That this group is needed and that the whole group should meet twice a year with task and finish / sub groups as needed to discuss things in more detail.  The group will cover terrestrial and marine/coastal issues.  The group will act as the Devon Local Sites Partnership but will focus on CWS. However, as Local Sites include both CWS and CGS, liaison with the Devon RIGS group is required to establish how the groups can best work together.  The group should cover the geographical area of Devon (incl Plymouth and Torbay). This needs to be discussed with Plymouth.  The role within Devon and Plymouth LNPs need to be clear – a two way relationship is needed with the Boards.  T of R appendix to list current national policy / strategy context (Bio 2020 etc)  T of R appendix to list current group projects (BAP, Nature Map etc)  Membership will be open to those listed in an Appendix of the terms of reference. It is expected that there will be a core of organisations who attend meetings regularly, and that the attendance of others will depend on agenda items.  Other issues (objectives etc) which were discussed are picked up in the revised terms of reference.

Actions:  SJ to amend draft terms of reference in light of the discussion.  ALL to make final comments (PB to ensure ‘landscape scale’ issues is covered), SJ to do final update and then all to sign off terms of reference  SJ to speak to Devon RIGS group to discuss how the two groups can best work together. SJ to let DWSG members know what is agreed and the current role / state of the RIGS group.  SJ to contact Plymouth LNP reg. links to this group (note that Jeremy Sable, Plymouth City, was invited to this meeting. 2. Devon State of Nature Report

The Devon State of Nature report sets out the current, known, status of Devon’s wildlife. The focus is on SSSs, CWS and the priority species and habitats which have an action plan in the Devon BAP. Issues and successes are highlighted, recommendations are not included. The report has been pulled together over the last few years by DCC, with significant input from DWT and the expertise of a wide range of partners. The report is useful in highlighting what we don’t know, as well as what we do know…….

DWT / DCC are currently developing a plain English summary which will be used to promote information in State of Nature to key decision makers. The version circulated is a more technical document that will sit behind the Summary.

Action: All to send through comments on issues / successes / missing information to SJ by Tues 27th August.

3. Devon Nature Map / Strategic Nature Areas

The South West Nature Map was developed in ~ 2005. This shows priority areas (Strategic Nature Areas) for maintaining and expanding terrestrial wildlife habitats at a landscape scale across the SW. See Note that this website is no longer being maintained – although the South West Environment Forum may be discussing the issue of SW Nature Map with LNPs.

Draft profiles have been produced for all Devon SNAs – see

~ 3 years ago the Devon BAP Working Group (no longer in existence) began to develop a Devon Nature Map – which included SNAs and river corridors (note that rivers, despite being priority habitats, were not used in the development of the SW Nature Map). The unfinished Devon Nature Map is held by DBRC. The BAP Working Group did discuss the potential for including key areas for species such as Cirls / GHBs, however this piece of work was never completed. Devon SNA boundaries have been amended on the SW Nature Map, but not on the Devon Nature Map held by DBRC.

Action: IE to set up a task and finish group to finalise the Devon Nature Map / ensure it shows updated SNA boundaries. DWSG to sign off. Volunteers for the group = Mary Rose Lane, Norman Baldock, Peter Youngman, Sarah Jennings and Pete Burgess.

4. Devon Local Sites Partnership

IE tabled a paper setting out DBRC’s proposals for updating the Devon CWS designation criteria The proposals were agreed by the group.

Other CWS issues raised included:  Designation criteria need to be clear reg. how objections to designations are dealt with.  What is the status of proposed CWS in the context of planning? - Will depend on LPA policy  How often are o/os informed that they own or manage a CWS? – No system in place. IE has looked into whether CWS status can come up during searches when buying land…….  Monitoring. DCC / DWT + others (BHAONB) have been funding DBRC to monitor ~ 100 sites each year + to collate data from other organisations visiting CWS (DNPA etc). Further information, including a monitoring form, can be found on the DBRC website (or contact them).

Action: IE / DBRC to update the designation criteria. Updates to be signed off by DWSG (can be done by email, rather than via a meeting). IE to ensure that the designation criteria clearly deal with objections. ALL to feed information on CWS through to DBRC (and ideally fill in the monitoring form) CWS to be discussed in more detail at the next meeting.. 5. Devon Landscape Scale Project map / database

DWT (with some funding from DCC) has pulled together a map and database highlighting landscape scale conservation projects across the county. To be used as an evidence base to help identify future priority work and also as an information tool to let people know what’s going on across the county. This includes marine / coastal project as well as terrestrial.

Action: ALL to send through comments to PB by 2nd week in September. DWT to update and discuss final version with the Devon Nature Map group?

6. Devon BAP / BARS

The Devon BAP (The Nature of Devon) was writing in 1998. Some of the action plans were updated in the mid 2000s. The evidence base and targets within the actions plans are now out of date. Generic priorities and actions are largely ongoing and therefore remain valid. The Nature of Devon remains a useful reference document. %20in%201998

Agreed that this group will not update the Devon BAP. However, agreed that the list of UK priority species and habitats and list of key species and habitats in Devon will be updated in consultation with appropriate experts and then promoted. DWSG to then use all evidence (State of Nature, updated lists, BAP, landscape project map etc) to agree new high level priorities for Devon in the context of WFD / Biodiversity 2020 etc.

Agreed that the Devon BAP Partnership has now evolved into the Devon Local Nature Partnership.

Action: SJ to discuss updating habitat and species lists with DBRC. Update of priorities to be discussed at next meeting.

7. T&C Planning issues

Devon Wildlife Planning Guidance DCC has worked with NE, NDDC, TDC, DNPA and consultants to produce wildlife guidance for applicants, planners, consultants. This includes a trigger table for wildlife reports, list of consultants, checklist for consultants (which can be used as a simple way to send records to DBRC), Devon guidance on Great Crested Newts, links to other information etc. The guidance is currently being reviewed / updated. Guidance on cirl buntings is currently being developed with the RSPB.


Action: ALL any comments on the wildlife guidance to be sent to SJ.

Offsetting Devon has three offsetting projects which are part of the Devon pilot. These are in : North Devon Biosphere Reserve, Exeter and East Devon growth Point and South Devon. For more information (more will be added shortly) and contacts see: Owen Paterson is keen to role out offsetting nationally. A government Green paper will be out later this summer / autumn (supposed to be July but there are rumours that it may be put on hold until the autumn).

8. AOB / next meetings SJ to send out a doodle for next meeting – January 2014. All - if there is a need for a meeting before January please let SJ know.

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