Pain Is Something All Mammals Are Going to Experience As Part of Normal Learning Experience
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General Pain
Pain is something all mammals are going to experience as part of normal learning experience and as a warning for all mistakes in life. Pain is described as a “warning” signal that is to never be avoided and ignored in life. We can “adapt” to pains if we ignore them too long, humans are great at adapting to their environment. Naturally the less pains experienced would suggest the individual is obeying nature well.
Pain is a signal that something is “wrong”, that should never be ignored. The brain functions must decide to what degree pain is experienced. Mentally some people can ignore enormous pains, even have their teeth worked on with no medications to numb the tissues and virtually every pain has to do with the brain or what people refer to as their brain. The brain functions are most likely so complicated that no human could ever dream of understanding how the full brain functions.
We can say that pain is a “learned” response and as well a chemical reaction. Our brain literally “estimates” what we should feel as “pain”. I can only assume pain is a judgment call by a major function of our being, our brain. Literally we humans seem to have body, spirit and self-will that struggle to find a balance. What many people call a daily conflict between the automated brain functions and the self-will desires. Somewhere within, a judgment is made and the feeling we know as pain is the result.
Ancient monks referred to our eyes and ears as the false profits and this is true on so many levels of human life experiences. Do we judge our life on what we see and hear or follow Nature and ignore the world? Following what others have done or do can easily make the eyes and ears the false profits that lead humans against Nature. Only Nature follows the original perfect design for all creation and the only none false teacher.
So the eyes and ears serve us well and also can be easily manipulated by others especially in the case of ‘fears” and many pains are driven by our fears. Fear by far is the number one subject when exploring human pain.
The brain seeks to keep the human body alive and functioning well. The brain experiences everything that has a bad effect on the health of the body and the worse thing the brain can do is ‘adapt” to those poisons or harmful things, because once adapted, the brain accepts the damage as being “normal” and puts out no pain signals. So all pain, every pain needs to be analyzed and this often is ignored by humans until the body functions are damaged to the point that the brain must make a change to save the health and this change can be a “pain” signal that scares the human which makes a strong argument that we have automated functions and volunteer functions within the same body and as well a spiritual connection all working together as the human experience.
1 Some suggest every cell has brain function and ability to “organize” as one body and with such tremendous speed, it is too remarkable to think anyone could ever totally understand the human / spiritual creation we accept as life, it if far more complicated than anyone can truly theorize. It is a fact, the body operates as a whole and pain is a major body function.
Awareness is the key to life. Being aware enables the brain function to self- protect the body, because the brain function is the most powerful function of our entire life; we will become what we believe we should become more than anything else in our lifetime.
To take a poison to alter or numb a brain function seems so against nature it does not become an option, unless the fear and pain is greater than the brain function can cope with at the time. This is what has lead to the mega creation of pain therapies world wide to help people deal with pain they can’t control. Naturally no one wants to find them selves out of control and in pain.
Emotional pain, mental pains, self-created pains of all kinds can be so harmful and devastating and always a state of self-control and balance between physical, spiritual and automated functions of life. We create and experience the pains that our life experiences and educations have leaded us to believe that we should experience. We become what we believe in, even if we actually self-destruct as the outcome.
Mental balance no doubt is the foundation of a pain free body. There is nothing in the entire body that the brain function is not totally aware of and in control of. Every toxic accumulation, crystal, irritation and circulation inhibiting substance within the entire human body is known by the brain function and loss of balance came as a result of physical damage and all physical damage is the foundation of mental “fear”. The Human brain function does not like damage to the body and as more damage accumulates, “fear” is the result and this fear drives the human function into response.
Fear can be created in as little as a split second causing a total body response or fear can be a lifetime of experiences piling up until the body is forced out of fear of death, to take action. The largest mistake we humans make, is to not listen to our body and abuse it until out of fear, it is forced to make drastic changes to save the life of the body. There is no doubt that “self” operates separately from the automated body and Spirit forever present within.
2 This is my best picture I have personal information about. This person was riding a motorcycle back around 1976 and struck a dump truck that pulled out in front of him, he then was thrown over the truck and hit by a southbound car going 55 mph and dragged down the highway leaving is back exposed and kidney hanging loose. Medical saved his life and the doctor made the mistake of telling this man that he would be in pain the rest of his life, never be capable of doing work and lucky if he would live a full life. Actually the doctor was giving his honest opinion, but was also implanting a suggestive fear into the brain of a traumatized accident victim. This would be similar to all types of horrific trauma that if there were no available medical aid the person would die from their injuries.
The power of suggestion is a mighty influence on the human brain, as far back as 150 years ago it had been recognized that traumatized women could actually abort their unborn baby by the fear within their brain. Needless to say, this man never recovered from his pains just as he believed his doctor, never held a job and lived poorly the rest of his life. His brain followed what it believed and was fearful that such damage could result again and to protect against such future damage, the brain actually created a phantom pain that was real as any pain possible. A crippling pain of 30+ years until one day I noticed him getting out of his car by picking up first one leg with his hands and placing it outside his car door and then his other leg and then pulling him self up to walk. I enquired about his pains and he explained how it had been getting harder and harder to walk each year. I also personally knew this man and was friends with him at the time of his accident.
3 He came to us on the day I had made a new product based on a theory of a Canadian doctor who believed all human illness could be cured by way of using an external spray on the skin every day for the rest of the life. My version of this theory was an herbal approach and my first experiment was so successful that the first person I used it on who had swollen fingers so large he could not bend his hand and with only 5 seconds of spraying his hand, within two minutes, 100% of the swelling was gone and he had no pains, which amazed him and me, so I gave him my only bottle.
The second bottle I made I added herbs to increase circulation and the man with the bad back walked in just as I finished it and I asked him if he was willing to try a new product, but suggested that he “smell” it first, to see if he would mind the smell of the strong spices; so I sprayed the air about 4 feet away from him and he took a deep breath of the air and said that the smell was ok……before I had a chance to use the spray direct on his skin-----he proclaimed he had experienced a “miracle” and preceded to start to dance by pulling both legs clear up to his chest, something he had not been able to do since his motorcycle wreck.
I had no clue what had happened, but stated that this must be his bottle and once again gave away the only bottle I had ever made. He took it home and started spraying his wife, their friends and even their 20+ year old mule who had front leg frozen joints…..
I then made a second bottle and the next man to walk in was much older than I and did not believe my story of how this man with the bad back was pain free in less than 2 minutes and how a hand was cured in less than 2 minutes and demanded I spray the air so he could take a breathe…..I did and he did and within 1 minute he too “knew” his shoulder pain of many years that restricted him from raising his right arm up fully, was cured within the first minute, the first breathe of air that had the herbs in it…
This was 3 out of 3 cases with amazing and very unbelievable results and I set forth to understand how this could happen. I talked to many people, doctors and even monks and I got suggestions that never fully explained how this could happen. Many years before these sprays, I was working in a lead factory with 40 pounds of weights in both hands, walking on cement and loading and unloading the racks of lead bearings every 45 seconds and did this for a total of 30 years. During this time my wrist gave out and I resorted to wearing metal reinforced leather wrist braces and after 5 years of wearing the heaviest, strongest wrist supports, a man in his late 90’s seen me from a distance and knew my brother and asked his brother to tell me how I might cure my pains. Seems he was raised in an orphanage and the nuns had every child consume minerals weekly and this very old man who was near death, said as a child, he was never sick and maybe it could help me……at this time, my hands and arms hurt so badly after work that it hurt me terribly to ride a lawn mower or pick up a hammer, it was getting the point that my hands were in so much pain that after work, it was all I could do to
4 rest and be ready for the next work day and my wrist and arms were getting worst every week…..years before I could not longer throw a Frisbee or play ball, etc..
My brother told me the story and I had nothing to loose ad sure enough, within 3 weeks, I was brace free for the rest of my life…..I was cured of pains that were crippling me. Then years later I was told of an external spray method that followed a very similar theory….a theory I had already experienced. It was probably 10 years between these two experiences.
I was being shown that pain is not always something we are lead to believe it to be. As I made these herbal sprays, customers started telling me incredible story after story, proving beyond all doubts to me, that pain is not always a result of “physical” damage. I speculate that pain after 60 days of healing from broken bones and accidents should be gone and pains that last longer than 60 days are most likely ghost pains being created by the brain out of “fears”.
The herbal spray original theory was based on calcium balance and the dissolving of stones in the kidneys and the theory that clean kidneys would lead to the cure for all human disease. That year after year of daily spraying of the skin, that the hair, eyes, hearing and entire body health would be restored…..and now years later, I agree with that original Canadian doctors theory. My eyes, my hearing, my skin, my health has gotten better and this may be because I chose to “believe” because of what I saw and experienced and or physical change such as cleaner kidneys and clean kidneys result in better health….it will always be speculation and or a combination of both. I will never see pains the same ever again, such as I did as a child.
It is nearly impossible to speculate what percentage of pain that a person experienced daily in the long term that is phantom pain and what is a sign of real physical pains due to loss of circulation and function.
Pinching the skin. Pinching the skin is a method to see how much you hurt as a result of crystals being formed in the flesh as a result of poor kidney function. Those with Ouchy skin can easily be loaded with these tiny invisible crystals that cut into the flesh and cause terrible pains. Naturally the cure is to dissolve these crystals by way of having clean kidneys. Herbs can also help in the balance of the entire body in many ways.
Ponding the subject of pain seems to be endless speculation and surely each and every person has his or her own degree of problems. I have been told that pain drugs are never an option for those practicing Self-Applied Prevention and that these drugs of many different types have the possibility of becoming the source of the pain after addiction or prolonged use, due to liver damage. So in that theory, the person simply keeps digging them selves deeper and deeper into unbearable pains.
5 Pain should be an automated result of damage to the human body, such as a cut, a scrape, sun burn, damage to the skin, the tissues or any number of reasons why the body has been harmed so it can not function properly and like every sensor, once the problem has been acknowledged and addressed, the sensor reset and return to pain free.
I personally witnessed people who have never taken an aspirin or drugs of any kind, experience broken bones and flesh damage and while waiting for hours, literally deal with the broken bones with zero pain medications of any kind and when I asked why, those who were going to treat the broken bones explained that such poisons harm the liver and will result in a much longer healing period and because the person has never taken such drugs in their lifetime, that they can handle such damage much easier than those who have been lead all their life to believe they must seek drugs immediately or panic. That and these people have witnessed or heard of others never needing pain drugs to deal with their accidents.
Naturally a warning must be made, no one with doubts or fears should risk treating their pains and always seek the help of their professional care providers and note worthy is that if a person is in pain, that pain is damaging to them and they should seek professional help to get past the pains, even if that means drugs to get them past their episode.
Just knowing pain drugs are available or not possible to obtain, sets the brain up to making decisions on what must be done to solve the damage. I believe this is why so many people get hooked on pain drugs, even if they know they are bad for their total health.
My conclusion is that we need to feel a pain every time something results in harm to our body ands once we acknowledge this pain signal and steps taken to correct, then we want the lesson learned and that pain signal turned off. Feeling sorry for loved ones, etc. should never result in true pain or heart break some call it. We should feel sorry, but never to the degree we hurt our selves. Often those experiencing this type of self created pains will loose weight or gain weight or otherwise self-destruct until they snap out of it and it is a part of life that most people experience within a lifetime. Basically the opposite of being joyful and we have the ability to control sadness, joy and create a balance to make a happy pain free life.
We need to understand the foundational reason for the pains in our life and seek to correct the problems until mind, spirit, self come to a balance.
6 Deficiencies, virtually all health problems mentally and physically are quickly repaired when the body is properly nourished and not lacking in any deficiencies. It is hard to explain how some problems such as the man with the motorcycle wreck can correct a problem that lasted 30 years, in just 2 minutes and doing this with just a breathe of air with herbs in it, herbs he is clueless about. The only suggested answers I ever received believed that all pains are created in the brain and those that last too long, are all “faked” by the brain out of fears. Consuming herbs in the air by way of spraying the skin, allows these herbs to freely enter attached to the oxygen that immediately is taken up via the lungs into the arteries and within just a few seconds, enters to right side of the neck, crosses over the forehead and dissipates all within just a couple of seconds. I know this happens because I have felt it and the people I asked, believed that these herbs aids the brain into relaxing and actually erasing collected memory of a phantom pain that results in that pain evaporating within literally seconds.
My suggestion is to first work with the best chiropractor in your state or country that knows if any of your bones are misplaced and causing muscles to be out of place or pinching nerves so functions are interrupted. Once you know the bones and muscles are where they belong, you have eliminated the most important cause for pains. You may need to see your chiropractor once a month for life as prevention and when treating an accident, you need to see him as many times as it takes. Your chiropractor should never give up, should never give harmful advice, never take your shirt off, never suggest x-rays or any form of toxic or harmful treatments and normally does not work with government and insurance companies or given hospital privileges or does he seek to be in the good ole boy clubs. A good chiropractor is the only professional help you will ever need for normal daily life in my opinion, unless diet and habits leads to bad teeth, then you will need to have a dentist you can trust until you can correct your health to the point of being healthy.
A good chiropractor can often cure most of the pain problems within a few moments and solve health problems you never believed possible and often in just moments, because all the body needed was to reinstall the proper nerve function and then the pain signal corrected and turned off.
So basis steps are mental clarity, clean kidneys, good chiropractor, proper nutrition and when it comes to herbal use for total health and pains, it literally is an endless subject. All good herbs lead to less pains ands better circulation.
Mental brain functions can’t be denied, deficiencies can’t be denied. Chiropractic is a must for those who can afford professional help. Our nerves connect from our toes to our teeth; no one can solve their pains as long as a tooth has a problem. A quality trustworthy dentist is worth their weight in gold and a rarity, but obtainable to those that searches their entire country…or is some cases they may need to come to America. A real dentist works for you and never dictates what you must do. A real dentist will never put metal in the mouth or things that
7 will harm and poison. The only real solution is to be healthy and avoid the need to ever see a dentist. You will find it nearly impossible to got through life with out a good chiropractor when you are seeking a less painful life.
Herbs are just “usable” mineral sources, they are dead, they no abilities, the cure is a result of the blood stream in what they called the Co-Q1o theory of 1957. This Co-Q10 theory is an endless combination of plant and tree mineral sources in my opinion and not the crap commercial calls Co-Q10.
Can a solution come in a bottle? No, that would seem to be the impossible dream, the solution is a self-awareness of the human function and understanding self, brain and spirit and how you function as one within your environment. Can herbs help? You bet and for some, in miraculous ways that will change their life forever in how they think of pain. Those wanting “doped” into la la land will never seek good herbs and all bad herbs are just as bad as all harmful medications and never a good option ever. Pot for example is damaging as are many toxic substances and never end in health. Never use a harmful plant or harmful anything when seeking better health. Booze, smoking and every form of harmful habits and poisons are all asking for a life of pains mentally and physically,.
Pain free is not a privilege; it is something you accept as a reward for agreeing with nature and not fighting nature. You should expect the loss of health for every harmful habit and diet choice you ever made. You should never expect nature to change the rules for you and respect that world rules are eternally and always truthful for all.
Through out history people have chosen specific herbs as being helpful with pains. I chose to take a large assortment of these like herbs and blend them together with what I have seen and learned in my time as helpful ways and that is the best I can do with the subject of herbs. I 100% believe no one, barely begins to understand the connection between humans and plants and trees. I believe your faith in taking such nutrition acknowledges to the brain and spirit that self is seeking to work with nature and not fight nature. As a child asks of his father, his father seeks to reward an honorable obedient child. Each step taken towards nature should result in a healthy reward. Brain and Spirit are never fooled by self, only those making an honest attempt of obeying nature will succeed to advancement.
There are so any possible good herbs, I mean that actually every good herb should result in less pain and better life. Every good cleansing herbs and nutritional herb will help with proper nutrition and balance. For this subject, I will now show what I chose to make as herbal formulas to aid in general pains.
8 I will start with Emergency First Steps and all information is always for adult entertainment / informational use only and not your professional medical aid you find at your local E/R; when you are in doubt, seek professional aid. What I suggest here is what “I” do, not what the world does. Each person has the wisdom to make their own choices in life and I write about “my” choices only.
Lets start simple with cuts. As long as the human body can repair a cut, my theory is we can live a very long time, because the body is created by God to be restored to original design and as long that is happening then my theory is we can not die a natural death until we have lost the ability to self-repair.
Cuts and damaged / crushed flesh provides an opportunity for the blood stream to expel waste, this waste will appear as puss, fluids and leakage depending on the amount of damage done from result of accidents such as torn flesh, burns, crushed etc. damage.
The herbal solution Wound Powder for bleeding are blended herbs that help stop bleeding by way of equalizing the blood pressure and rich in natural calcium minerals. Ideally you want this herbal formula handy in your life, reachable within minutes when possible, such as keeping in car, home and on vacations, etc….always knowing where you need to go when you have such an accident. Ideally these herbs are poured direct into the bleeding wound, and then wrapped
9 with a bandage. “if” the wound is dirty, the decision is made to clean first or use the herbs first and allow the body to self-cleanse, this is all determined by the way the damage looks. For normal damage the herbs are enough, but if the person has metals, grease, glass, rocks or other debris should be washed off if possible. Naturally when in doubt, seek professional help immediately.
A healthy person when cut, their blood will barely drip enough that it hits the ground, while a sickly person will bleed and bleed and bleed as the body will seek to expel toxic waste out this opportunity. Naturally if an artery has been cut, then grabbing the artery applying pressure and seeking surgical aid as fast as possible may be needed to save the life. For normal cuts and mild accidents a person with herbal experience in self-applied prevention using herbs makes their own choices. Warning, those who consume aspirin are expected to have bleeder problems and these people can’t be helped as long as they take such drugs. Those on drugs should not self-experiment with natural / herbal methods and should always seek their doctor’s care.
Bleeders, those who are bleeding and can’t stop, have a real problem. If they bleed as a result of hereditary problems such as nosebleeds, genetic issues, etc. often this is a calcium balance problem. As an emergency treatment No Bleed Capsules taken 2 every 1-2 minutes with a glass of water can be a lifesaver. I have never seen it fail to stop bleeding within 15 minutes, but in ever case, when in doubt / fear seek professional help for all life threatening situations. This is a different formula that Wound Powder, but based on the same theories. To me, I actually believe this may be one of the greatest formulas I have ever made. For some, those that have been born with a tendency to have nose bleeds, if as little as 4 capsules per month are consumed, it may be enough for prevention and often it only takes 4 to stop a nose bleed and in case of a full blown blow out of a nose bleed where blood sprays out the nose and covers the ground out of control, 2 capsules every minute or 2 minutes has changed lives.
Always stop all bad habits when dealing with bleeding; drink water or fruit juice and stop bad habits like pop and coffee and all toxic colored stimulant drinks. If you are bleeding, your blood will seek to expel toxic waste and if you drink pop, coffee or any bad commercial drink as you are trying to solve a bleeding situation, your bad drinks can keep the blood coming. Bleeding is a traumatic experience causing great emotional fears and medical treatments can be scary and painful. On the extreme side, those born with bleeder problems can spend their entire life’s work trying to avoid bleeding to death from something as simple as pulling a tooth. In my opinion, all bleeder problems are preventable with simple habit and diet improvements and when herbs can be afforded, they often are like a miracle for those who bleed.
External and internal bleeding is a fearful subject for all who experience it; not having these herbs on hand and easily available leaves the herbal option out, because when blood is pouring out of the body, you obviously have no time to
10 order.
These same types of herbs can be used for extreme damage to the body, such as deadly frost bitten legs that the flesh has died. Naturally all extreme problems should be handled by professional hospitals, but back in the days when medical was not available or in times of chaos and no medical available, it never hurts to know things. Wrapping extreme frostbite with a heavy covering of these types of herbs and keeping elevated above the heart can save limbs. Health has to start with understanding “circulation”. Loss of circulation creates enormous pain and can result in loss of limbs and life. These same two formulas are great for prevention and treatment of heart attack. During a heart attack, 2 main problems occur; the body is dehydrated and out of panic, the blood rushes around the heart and is suffocating. Using herbs that aid in equalizing blood flow and pressure can treat even stop a deadly heart attack by something as simple as putting these herbs in the mouth and the body will send blood to the mouth and take the pressure off the heart.
Shock, nothing kills faster than shock. Nothing natural helps with shock more than these types of herbs. I have only once been knocked out as a result of falling, where I cut the back of my head open on the way down and then when hitting cement, my spine was damaged and I was knocked out for some time, upon being found, I suggested my wife use these same type herbs in my mouth and she constantly kept putting these herbs in my mouth as I was in and out of consciousness and there is a fair reason to suggest that these herbs kept me from dying by way of stopping death by shock and pain.
Accidents resulting in extreme pain such as broken bones is very traumatic to a person, especially the first time they experience it. Something as simple as a broken finger may not hurt for the first minutes and then later feel very hot and swell up if not pout in ice water. Sometimes if the finger nail is involved you will need to take a very small drill bit or needle and poke a small hole into the finger nail to allow the blood to escape before it pushes the finger nail off. Ideally do not permit swelling to happen, all swelling does tissue damage. The natural thing to do when harming a finger of part of the body is to hold it and trey to stop it from swelling up. Nature’s way of dealing with a broken finger or bone is to swell up or otherwise stiffen the flesh to immobilize the broken bones.
Again, those with fear and no experience need to seek professional help for all these painful issues.
The number one thing I do for broken bones, cracked ribs, painful accidents of any type is to immediately drink 1 quart of orange juice not from concentrate while consuming 20 Herbal Analgesic capsules and depending on the type of injury I have had to take up to 60 capsules every day around the clock to stay pain free. In sever broken bones, you may have to take the capsules through out the night and every time you get to sleep, the slightest movement of the bones
11 will wake you up, so the first few days can be trying. You also have to understand circulation and may need to prop a broken arm or leg up and you may be bed ridden or in a chair for days or even weeks as it heals.
I know of stories of extreme mountain accident where the man fail and literally splintered his leg bone and the surgeon suggested the surgery could not take place for 10 days and during those 10 days the man consumed 100 of these herbal capsules every day as the only medicine he took and was not only pain free, but at the end of 1o days the new pre-surgery X ray showed that the bones were mending and no surgery was done. This man’s friend that we know well, also wrecked his mountain bike over a cliff and his leg was ripped open and tendons cut and when he went home, he showed his wife how he could move his toes by pulling on his cut tendons hanging out the back of his leg. His self- treatment was wrapping his entire leg with Herbal Analgesic Powder and taking 50+ capsules daily. As a result, his leg grew new tendons, new muscle and was completely healed to normal, other than a mild discoloration in his new skin.
The same applies when flesh has been removed in terrible accidents. Flesh, tendons, arteries, veins all just scraped / ripped off the body or burned off the body and when using these same herbs in powder, ointment and capsules properly, the human body has been able to regrow everything that had been destroyed and most amazingly in a painless or nearly painless period of time.
The following pictures are of a little girl that was struck by a car and her foot dragged down the highway removing some of her flesh and breaking of bones. The parents removed the child from the hospital right after surgery was done to put the bones back in and you can see the stitches as a result. The parents wanted to treat this extreme road rash injury using natural method using the same type herbs as Herbal Analgesic Powder in an ointment form and easy to swallow liquid syrup. Otherwise no medical aid was used after the first day and never pain medications or antibiotics, etc.
Those in charge explained how day by day they seen new flesh appear and new arteries, veins and tendons crawl across where there was nothing but a wide gap where all the flesh had been terrible scraped away and as new flesh appeared, along came new skin, until 100% restoration was achieved and they planned on going back to medical and having the bone pins removed, because they knew eventually the body would reject those pins and they would become infected. They could not avoid the bone pins when the child was in the E/R, but after healing there are doctors that will cut and remove the metals. I took these pictures after the girl had been self-treating for over a month and she had learned to change her own dressings. This story and the treatment of all burns is highly detailed in a booklet I made back in 2007.
12 13 Note that proper leaves are used so the bandaging does not lift off the new skin.
Properly treated the foot is protected and cushioned and this girl experienced a very traumatic accident, but was not only cured with almost no pain, she also learned how to take care of the injury her self by way of watching her parent’s treatments.
Those that have been treating burns painlessly for 35+ years kept some pictorial records and have been successful in painless treatment with up to 75% of the body being burned. In recent years several hospitals have adopted or at least looked into allowing some families treat such horrible burns with medical help willing to step in if they get too scared to follow through with the entire treatment; while others never seek medical aid and take care of everything in their own homes. This is only possibly by way of being painless. Those who have experience with medical knows how horribly painful standard medical treatment of sever burns is. With proper wisdom and experience people have learned how to understand and deal with pains and treat most any accident with no drugs and not experience pains after the initial shock of the accident.
Modern day people are lead to believe that “if” they don’t go medical that they “will” endure extreme pain “if” they don’t get pain shots and stay on pain drugs and on the other side, those that never do medical believe that “if” they go medical and take pain drugs that they will take longer to heal and suffer scar tissues and liver damage as well as accumulation residue from the drugs with unknown long term side effects. So literally most everything in life is a judgment based on one’s own personal education and beliefs and try as we might, our beliefs never will change Nature.
Going the natural route ideally each patient has to stop the candy, the pop, the smokes, and all those indigestible things we know as foods, because if we fill the belly with poisons, the blood will seek to expel the waste out the weakest spots in the body and those fresh damaged spots make for an easy dumping grounds….and that stands true in all cases, even the most advanced medical cases the patients need to stop the trash and return to Nature the best they can and give their body a fighting chance.
15 So for many, many years, really simplistic herbs have been successfully helping people deal with cuts, scrapes, broken bones, burns and virtually everything that happens to human health and not all that many years ago, what we know as doctors today didn’t even exist when you consider how many years humans have lived on earth. The major question that begs to be asked, which is better? What works best with the least ill side effects and most of all---PAIN. Is morphine and all the variety of pain drugs side effect free? Many suggest even simple over the counter pain pills can be deadly with as little as 20 capsules being swallowed at one time and we know most strong pain drugs can shut the liver down when over dosed and actually, most people watch their loved ones die as a result of way too much morphine that puts their liver to sleep as they die from not eating or drinking as a result of being drugged so those around them don’t hear their cries.
There are plenty of people who die drug free and actually fear dying with morphine in their body, I have read that some doctors believed that to die with morphine in the body might cause a spiritual disaster and I don’t want to ever prove theory on myself. Many elderly Amish die in their late 80’s with no drugs and those around them watch them die and refer to it as “GOING FOR IT” all night long and sometimes for days before they stop breathing and “GOING FOR IT” don’t doubt is what makes death by morphine the number one medical choice world wide…. because no one wants to hear a person die in such agony.
I actually seen and heard with my own ears and eyes our local head intensive care unit doctor tell my mother after my dad had slipped in the bathroom and went to the e/r just to checked, that she should sign papers permitting the doctor to tie my dad to the bed at midnight and administer an over dose of morphine. He then went on to explain that he will eventually die anyway and it is best to kill him now and avoid those problems. We asked him if maybe he was just constipated and the head doctor of the entire hospital stated as fact, that if a person has a bowel movement every 14 days that is normal and ok. Naturally they were not going to give my dad an enema and send him home. So my mom took him home against the doctor’s wishes and he only agreed with sending a home care nurse. This home care nurse refused to help my mother with important medical aid such as changing or cleaning his catheter they put in him. The catheter turned green with mold and the health care nurse refused to help or even explain how to clean it or replace it and only wanted to give him morphine to end his life. So mom and my brother self-taught them selves how to do it and dad lived another 6 months despite the morphine and like everyone else, died as a result of the morphine in my opinion as it kills the liver and people just starve to death and choke on their dried out tongue.
So is the head doctor correct, should all people be killed before they feel PAIN? I have read the Netherlands is the world’s experimental country and what government likes in the Netherlands they implement world wide, which would explain the problems American have today as well as the eagerness of hospitals willing to end the life by way of medical suicide.
16 Yet, there are people who pass on peacefully in their sleep, I remember reading how the man who invented the lazy boy chairs died peacefully in his chair after a nice meal. So it is not a rock hard fact that all people will die in great pain. No doubt all their pains are just a result of living wrongly against nature most if not all of their life and poisons that killed the organs lead to a miserable last few years of life.
With organ failure comes massive bacteria over growth that literally eats the flesh and nerves alive and that surely would make the brain send out enormous pain alerts….The solution for those wanting to live and live pain free would be to keep their organ functions and bacteria and toxins at a level the body can deal with through out the entire lifetime. No one can live forever and I think mostly the elderly miss others who passed on before them and eventually give up the fight and want to die. Those that want to die truly can’t be helped and many say should not be helped. Some have written that when these people were brought back to health at the request of their loved ones, these people were angry and refused help and still wanted to die and did.
Those that have died on the table or close to death otherwise often experience one of two things, they will meet a person who will tell them that it is not their time or they will have no memory other than now that they survived it, they will one day have to go through it all again and in both cases, no memory of pain; probably pretty much like no one remembers pain from being born.
On the bazar side of close death some people under go minor operations where drugs were used to make it as painless as possible and these people return home and don’t act like the loved ones you remembered and one day, maybe even 10 days later, they will “Snap” out of it and “awaken” and be shocked that they have no memory of the past 10+ days what so ever and often demand to see their mail, newspapers, bills etc. and just can’t imagine they have no memory, but they will tell you that during those 10+ days on the effects of the drugs; they believe they were traveling the entire earth and being fed and loved by people of every race and enjoyed that time to no end….and I was told those types of drugs are used on purpose so the person does not experience or suffer from the pains of being operated upon. If you talk enough to a person who is on these drugs, it truly is as though another spirit is in control of that body and the person you knew, was not there, just like they believed they were not there. And actually, if you torment the person with enough questions they don’t want to hear, they can snap at you and say you are going to die next if you don’t quit…..
Even more bazar I posed the question one day at work on the question of how many people had ever seen a ghost or believed in them? I was truly shocked how that question turned into an all week discussion. One person as a child lived in a home where a child had died and she claimed she seen and talked to this dead child for literally “years”, while others mostly had stories about how their
17 dad or mom seen past dead family members “waiting” around the hospital room and even one local close story about how his aunt was dying slowly at home for a month and several people see 4 past family members waiting in the sick room, only to their surprise they didn’t disappear after the aunt died, but his mother died 2 days later and the 4 ghost were gone…suggesting they were waiting on the mother and not just the aunt.
So no one really knows what will happen with them after they die, but when authors have written that dying with pain medications like morphine is not something a wise person would want to experience on a spiritual level, it is something to think about and seeking more natural pain relief surely is not a bad option to preplan and have around for emergencies. An Ounce of Prevention often is worth a pound of Cure. We all know taking short cuts in life does not always end well.
I believe real pain due to known injuries is something herbs taken along with sensible diet and habit changes that encourage a cleaner body is quite doable for those who are willing to put forth the efforts. For those who have been drug free and have a good functional liver, I believe the herbs are dose related, in that you take as much that is needed and you allow the body to rest and not reinjure the broken bones or torn flesh.
People who are taking prescription drugs, over counter pain killers, vitamins and bad habits such as caffeine addiction, alcohol abuse, smoking, toxic drinking water, none pure foods, bad dental toxins and the host of endless poisons that can effect liver health; herbs are not going to be as “usable” to create the perfect CO-Q10 effect and healing will be slower and pains most likely harder to deal with. Herbally speaking there are suggested herbs to first get the liver cleaned up and working better which all involves cleansing out a lifetime of accumulated toxins. Something a person can’t achieve the same hour they got hurt; so this feeds the need for strong pain killing drugs and their side effects.
Simply put, people can’t get more out of life than effort put forth, it is that simple. Those that want to Live Well know they have to work for it and health is not a guaranteed right for anyone. Luckily Nature repays for deeds “quicker” than it took to develop a lifetime of bad habits that lead to a painful sickness. It could have taken many years to develop the problem, but when efforts put forth to correct the problems, nature repays with success in much shorter time period.
This is a fact; your success is measured in the way you look. Your skin shows the state of your internal organ health. The better your total health, the better skin health you will have, along with better hair, eyes sight and hearing. These things can feel better quickly, but can take years to restore all based on how fast the body cleanses and repairs and the person’s over all vitality. Those that refuse to change habits and diets and correct past problems naturally are not going to restore their organs and skin. We all know taking drugs to kill the pains of illness
18 does not lead to a new healthy life, but more likely the person ‘ages” quickly. This means No One can cure another person, each person must seek better solutions for diet and habits and if they are not healthier each coming year, that means they didn’t do enough and if they want to live better, they have to work harder to clean up the only vessel they have, their body.
I assure you, understanding pain is ½ the battle and cleansing the body properly helps tremendously for prevention and treatment. You cannot treat just one part of the body, what effects one part will affect the entire body. The universal poor man solution is water therapy. Learning and mastering the proper sitz bath can cure most anything and was developed during civil war time period as a method to expel bullets and treat bullet wounds and all types of terrible diseases. Nothing is more painful sounding than a 1860’s min ball bullet wound back in the they sawed legs and arms off. The sitz bath and the father kneipp water therapy from long ago were developed for pain treatment back before pain drugs. The use of cold water can not only restore a diseased body when done properly, it can even stop death. Even though we enjoy hot water, every good chiropractor suggest cold water therapy after a good chiropractic treatment for pains felt after putting bones and muscles back in their proper place. Learning water therapy is something all humans should master.
Real Pain, even though it may be a pain developed from fear, drug abuse, ill liver, limb that was cut off, tooth ache, head ache, period pains, gout pains, goiters, back pain, knee pain, hip pains, etc…..even pains that have hurt so long that you were scheduled for a hip or knee replacement can ‘all” be improved upon by those willing to put out the efforts to save their own life. Naturally those not willing to change, they require the surgeries and pain medications and will have no interest in natural methods that require change and effort put forth.
These real pains the person may have been on prescription drugs for years or been taking over counter pain drugs for a lifetime for every minor problem. The worse cases are those who have had limbs cut off and take drugs for the pains that seem to never go away and those who are bedridden and must take so many drugs every so many hours and have done so for months, even years as they wait to die. These people will not care or want to hear that the very drugs they depend upon may actually be the reason their pains seem to be never ending and lead to further disease as a result of liver damage. To them, the only thing important is how many pills they need that hour to shut down their pains. Often sever cases of wheelchair or bedridden people will never listen to anything and their loved ones will be the ones to use herbs to try to help them. Their success is measured by how many pills that person can get buy with each day and how well the ill person sleeps and causes fewer problems for those caring for them.
My opinion is that pain is a result of brain function as the brain analyzes the total health and functions of the entire body. This includes ‘all” and then the brain
19 decides the pain factor. So in reality all treatments that do not treat the brain function are certain to fail in my opinion. In conjunction treatment that does not aid in cleansing and restoring the body’s proper circulation is certain to fail. Clean thin healthy blood with proper red blood cells certainly is a requirement for long- term success.
Considering all the facts the cure can only be achieved with better diet, better habits and made much easier when a person can afford proper herbal use. Herbs are best used to cleanse / de-worm and feed the human body. All good herbs can be taken as prevention and treatment, that only makes sense, while those that won’t think of taking drugs when they are healthy, does not really make sense why you would take a drug when sick.
I have read many old books, herbal, nature cures, water therapies, light therapy and the old medical authors by far offer the most information, but a combination of all that has been learned has “value”. I personally believe herbs provide value in ways that no one fully understands and that science has only touched the tip of the iceberg on the possibilities that herbs have to offer because science does not recognize the close relationship between human and trees / plants.
The rest of this pondering of human pains will concentrate on herbal blends that I have stumbled upon and self-experimenting for years with and have never read about in other books or sources. I have a great deal of faith in these herbal blends based on what I have seen in the past 20 years.
I 100% believe that I have at best, explored no more than 5% of the future possibilities with herbs used this way and no one can understand at this time the future possibilities in long term longevity. I believe each year should result in a healthier less painful life than the previous year or the person did not do enough and must step up their program if they want to live better and not fade away into a painful slow death as the world accepts at this time for all.
At the time of this writing I did go back and research as many herbs with historical use for pain and blend these all with what I believe work for pain and made one blend of them all to use as a base formula. This base formula will be used in conjunction with my formulas that I have used previously in hopes that I can make the formula more specific for pains.
Lets start with my best base formula that I have always simply called Herbal Spray I. I have a collection of testimonies from the past for those that want to read all that has been previously reported, but for this instance I will use short examples, starting with my personal sun burn experiment. I have reddish brown hair, a face full of freckles as a child and sun burned very easily my entire life. Sunburn is very painful and most all humans have at least some experience with sunburn and can understand the extreme un-relentless pain that goes with a large area of skin being burned from sun exposure.
20 After seeing Herbal Spray I effects on total human health in the most amazing miraculous ways, I deliberately went to Florida and laid out in the sun exposing my snow white belly for several hours. I then went to the hotel room and took a shower and the beet red skin appeared as the pain started to come. I took with me 4 bottles of Herbal Spray I to Florida with me and I began to spray! The pain was coming hard and I needed to spray every 5 minutes my entire stomach area to control the pain. By that evening my wife wanted to go walking down the street and find a nice place to eat, so after spraying my stomach with perhaps a full 8 ounce bottle of Herbal Spray I that afternoon as I staid in the room and watched TV, I sprayed one more time before we set out for the evening and we walked maybe 5 miles total and I took a bottle of Spray I with us and used it a few times and gave a good spray before bedtime.
My goal was no pain, so if I could feel it, I sprayed it. Within 24 hours of the burn, life was restoring to normal and for the remainder of the week in Florida I used maybe a total of 2 bottles (16 ounces) and my original goal was PAIN FREE, but to my extreme surprise I learned something much more valuable. My burned stomach skin not only was kept PAIN FREE, it also never lost any skin and was 100% restored to normal. Never in my lifetime had I ever seen this happen, I always peeled so easily and always lost all sunburned skin. This opened my eyes to the theory that burns are not always what we believed them to be. After telling people about this, a person in Hawaii repeated my same experiment and had the same results of no skin peeling. I later tried this experiment again, only waiting 2 full hours after the sunburn and was able to stay pain free once the Herbal Spray I was applied, only that time, all the burned skin peeled. Needless to say, I have never suffered another sunburn again.
Herbal Spray I is the base for every possible spray; I don’t dare change the original formula, but can add herbs to make new formulas, which is literally limitless. I have seen Herbal Spray I cure swollen hands in 2 minutes, remove head aches in 1-2 minutes, a few have reported that people got up out of wheelchairs with just 1 spray and even a few stories how people used Sprays instead of their morphine pills until they reduced to the point they eventually were drug free, even after years of taking daily drugs to control pains. The key to using Spray I and all spray formulas is the fact that as you spray, the smells fill the entire room instantly and very small homeopathic type dose enters with the air the person breathes and this results in results people get in the 1-2 minute range and the direct absorption into the skin, aids in the removal of swelling and pain at the very same time the brain circulation is improving and “relaxing”.
I have asked around and heard various possible reasons that Herbal Spray I can have such amazing results with some people and I don’t think anyone truly understands it and I believe Herbal Spray I is just a needle in the hay stack when you consider the thousands of possible herbal combinations that can enter the skin and the lungs and the human brain / body make instant use in ways NO
21 HERBAL book has ever used to my awareness. Books have you swallow herbs and those books cover those subjects well for the past 150 years.
We raised our babies using Herbal Spray I and the kids learned to use it as the all purpose Boo Boo Spray. Everything from breathing problems to bee stings, Herbal Spray I can seem like a miracle to those that have never seen such a thing. Herbal Spray I we have used to spray the ears, the eyes, in the mouth, private parts and the entire human body and yes, all herbs work for all mammals. Nothing works better on a new-hatched chick that is not making it, more than a strong dose of Herbal Spray 1. The use is limitless.
Beyond Herbal Spray I, I first blended Dr. John R. Christopher’s famous BF&C herbal blend for all damaged bones / flesh / cartilage herbs and called that Herbal Spray II. Then to help increase blood flow to the skin I added essential oils and spices and called that formula Herbal Spray III. The very first time I sprayed Herbal Spray III, I felt it fill my lungs, then felt it go up the right side of my neck, into my brain and cross above my eyes all within a few seconds. Then I had to go to the bathroom immediately. That same day, the man with the damaged back I have pictured on page 3 and when I sprayed Herbal Spray III into the air 3 feet in front of him, he experienced what he called a Miracle in less than 2 minutes as he was not only pain free for the first time in over 30 years, he could for the first time pull both legs clear up to his chest and dance. This amazed me so much that I made my very first U-tube interviewing this man that you can watch on my website and listen to his story.
I gave this man the first bottle of Herbal Spray III I had ever made and he returned home spraying his wife’s bad knees, his friends and towards the end of the bottle, he sprayed their 22 year old donkey that had two front knees that were solid and had not bent for a long time. He saturated this pet donkey and they concluded that Herbal Spray III does not work on animals, that was, until the next morning wile drinking their coffee they looked out their kitchen window watching their donkey walking normal……he then called me begging for another bottle and I explained that I had only made 1 bottle the day I gave it to him and he called each day for a week asking if I had another bottle made yet….
There is an entire newsletter archive of many herbal spray testimonies from the people who used them the first year I made them. These stories amaze even me and I experienced some first hand and still find it unbelievable when you consider my life before Herbal Sprays.
I went on to make many herbal sprays based on Dr. John R. Christopher’s famous herbal usage. I did this my making extracts of his famous suggested herbs and blending these herbs into 3 parts of Herbal Spray I. My eye sight, hearing and total health has improved over the years, which makes me a believer in daily use for life. One side effect we noticed early on was with right-handed people, often the left hand has instant more coordination. It just truly is endless
22 and I 100% believe humans do not realize better health because they have no base to judge with as they watch all their friends and neighbors slowly age and die.
So with all written so far, all usage prior to today, the best that could be done was: The number one thing I do for broken bones, cracked ribs, painful accidents of any type is to immediately drink 1 quart of orange juice not from concentrate while consuming 20 Herbal Analgesic capsules and depending on the type of injury I have had to take up to 60 capsules every day around the clock to stay pain free. To this once I made Herbal Spray 1 & 3 we suggest spraying the face and all tender skin with lots of Herbal Spray I and the injured area with lots of Herbal Spray III.
Specifically for this writing, I took all of the herbs I could obtain with known history for human pain and all the herbs I had seen in my lifetime help with pain and blended them all into one formula and added these to Herbal Spray I and made 4 degrees of strength based on everything I know to try to achieve the strongest pain killer formula I can think of making.
Analgesic Spray A, B, C & D
23 Analgesic Spray A is Spray 1 with 25% added herbal blend of all herbs I believe have a history of helping with pain. B, C & D are progressively stronger using essential oils to increase circulation. I would still use Herbal Spray I for direct spray on face / eye areas and start with Analgesic Spray A for all adult self-experimental use of such herbs for pains and general experimentation. At the time of this writing, these formulas have been tried by no one and I made these for a person who deals with patients and pain and will send these first 4 bottles to him and he will be the first person to read this writing and the very first to smell, try and experiment to see if these types of herbal blends are of any value in his line of work. Otherwise for my purposes I know all the formulas will work amazingly just for the simple fact they are herbs and methods I have used, but just never in these combinations. I call this Professional Strength because they were made for Professional Use. These will be sold in 8 ounce bottles only.
As an addition I also made for the first time an Analgesic Internal Tonic based on the same group of pain herbs blended with known methods for long term improvement of over all pains and again, never been tasted or tried and made specific for Professional Use in Professional Strength.
Herbal Analgesic Tonic Elixir “A” & “B”
24 Analgesic Ointment A, B & C
I am adding the full blown treatment complete with use of my pain management ointments I made after a trip to Thailand where a Monk jumped on the top of my back 3 times in order to get 2 vertebra to slip back into place after my 2 best American chiropractors failed to help. This monk first used a ‘spray” that was basically made with the use of the spices I use in Herbal Spray III, only he covered his hands on the area sprayed so the skin would open up and the hot spices enter and cause a burning sensation. Then he quickly stood up and jumped on my very hurt back that was injured 5 months previously and landed in the motion of using his legs to push downward on my back and his elbows digging in and pushing upward on my spine and repeated 3 times rapidly and the force made me bellow out huge groans with each hit, but at the end I was cured, my spine put back in place and he explained that his masters trained him with this method to repair broken backs. His wife then proceeded to give a powerful massage so the muscles would relax and not try to pull the bones out of place. They then rubbed in a special ointment that “IF” you wrap it, the heat penetrates and ideal for broken bones and if you don’t wrap it, it is one of the finest ointments I had ever used.
I returned home and was unable to find this ointment sold anywhere in the world on the Internet. It was in a 1/3 oz jar that cost me $7.00 American. I also purchased his pain spray his monk master makes that he has zero clue what the herbs and method of making was and those bottles cost me $75.00 per ounce and I concluded his monk master used rubbing alcohol as their carrier and once home, I never used his sprays again. I considered my Spray III to be superior and most of all, non-toxic. After a year of research and testing herbs, I finally discovered the herbs used to make the ointment and made my own versions in three degrees of strength and we use them for the kids for sports injuries and hopefully don’t have to use them for broken bones anymore.
25 This concludes my pondering of Pain and I repeat, my opinion of total human health is that herbs are approx.1/6th the total solution and the diet and habits are at least 5/6th of Living Well.
All herbal use is for adult self-experimental use only!
To summarize:
External Sprays used first:
Herbal Spray I – all pain, all areas, all ages Herbal Spray III- all pain, no tender skin, keep away from direct spraying of eyes and if it hurts, give it a squirt. Analgesic Spray A, B, C & D – Professional Strength, professional Use only. A being mild, D being extreme.
Analgesic Ointment A, B & C After Spraying to satisfaction and desire to rub in or cover with ointment for all day treatment or through the night. A being mild, C being very strong. Not for burns, for Burns, use Burn & Wound Ointment not pictured and follow Burn Booklet 108 page education on treatment of burns to successful self-experiment in treatment of burns.
Internal herbal use:
Herbal Analgesic Capsules: prevention for bad back, hips, knees, general old age pains; 5 capsules daily. Fractured or broken bones- 20 capsules immediately with quart of orange juice or any sweet tree fruit juice and as many capsules needed to remain pain free, up to 50+ capsules daily and normally broken bones heal within 60 days to 95% and may take up to 3+ years to achieve 100% cure.
Herbal Analgesic Tonic Elixir “A” & “B” Professional Strength, Professional Use, start with A and proceed to B as a stronger formula for increased circulation.
Advanced Analgesic Prevention / Treatment Always, everything can be done “better” and there are no limits in restoration and prevention in human health. I believe everything we have learned all comes at the proper times and as steps. These steps are limitless to those that seek to Live Better and are open to allowing nature to flow their way. I call this; going with the flow. By going with the flow, I mean not resisting and accept nature as the cure for all. Returning to Nature’s original design in an acceptable manner in a modern day world. With that being said, the Herbal Sprays were a stepping- stone to understanding miraculous pain & swelling removal along with restoration of hearing and sight over time by way of herbs through the skin and lungs.
26 The next step was sleeping in what I call Air Therapy. Air Therapy is best when sleeping, we take large deep breaths of air in during deep sleep and the best doctors claimed that is when people digest their foods and the body cleanses. They suggest this is why we should never eat breakfast or lunch and only eat one meal after the day’s work is done.
The bedroom is considered the most deadly place the average human spends 1/3 of their life. If two people live in the same bedroom, those two people share all their common disease and toxins. Just one piece of mercury filling can poison the room and entire home as a result of breathing. Mercury and arsenic have to be the top two most common sources of poisons the average people are plagued with and cause a life of pains in so many ways.
The bedroom should be the cleanest room possible, free of dust and never stagnant air, mammals were never designed to rebreathe their own air or the air of others. Nature provides clean fresh air for life and only when buildings are created do humans self-intoxicate them selves with dust, paint, carpet, electronic, electric and limitless poisons from the kitchen, bathroom, basement, etc. As a result, many years ago it was suggested it is the bedroom that is the most toxic place a human spends time, often more toxic than their work place, due to the fact after they sleep, they take large deep breaths of air.
Herbal Sprays do great when spraying the face, body and room at bedtime and this lead to using herbs while sleeping all night, every night. Actually since we started air therapy our family has never been sick beyond eating a bad food that makes you throw that food up; so our kids don’t know what the flue is, a sore throat and barely ever had a cold and have never seen a M.D. since they were born. If we don’t feel right, we immediately go to our chiropractor and get our bones aligned, because when our bones and muscles move and cause loss of circulation, nothing is going to correct that as easily as a quick trip to the chiropractor. I have not had a doctor since 1981, I see my chiropractor, the same one every time I need help and that averages maybe 6x per year. Ideally I should go monthly for a tune up, but my chiropractor never suggests when a patient needs to come and allows the patient to decide when they need his help.
Breathing herbs in with the air while in a deep sleep, in my theory is the most amazing use of herbs and most advanced way to use herbs. The method also traps dust from the air and we need to have dust free air when we are sleeping.
I call the easiest method Air Freshen II that uses about a quart of distilled water and runs all night in the bedroom bringing in air and trapping the dust very small scale and I made a essential oil formula based on “breathing” & “lung” health as my first experiment and for advanced, I added garlic to that same formula. These types of essential oils are very expensive, so I also made a less expensive formula for those who have pets in their homes so where the pet sleeps the same theory can be applied at about ½ the cost. This worked so well that I will
27 not alter that original formula, we as a family have not gotten sick since we started this method. I suggest this method can be altered literally dozens if not hundreds of formulations if desired. Making the bedroom your private hospital / castle is a goal all humans should have. The bedroom should in fact be protected from radio frequencies, dust and the person’s own expelled air. The air needs to mimic Nature, free flowing.
Air Freshen II is a small / quite machine, we had it custom made in china by having them remove something’s and making it simpler. For our personal bedroom we unplugged their light, but the kids enjoy the built in nightlight. Various machines that use water to clean the air in the home would work just as well; it is the herbs that do the magic. Herbs that the body does not see as irritants and freely attach to the oxygen and with each breath, travels to every cell in the entire human body………that is my theory and the only method that herbs can be used in that manner.
On a larger scale with more power and about 50x the noise level, not only can the breathing herbs be used, the herbal sprays can also be used on a large scale using a device like this:
Air Freshen I has many capabilities, this sprayer attachment can spray Herbal Spray 1 and all of the Herbal Sprays on the body and into the air.
The spray is very controllable and can spray the pure formulas or can easily be diluted. The human skin not only breathes, it can also drink in food and expel waste. Many years ago in japan a doctor experimented with spraying garlic juice directly into the skin as a cancer treatment. Dr. John R. Christopher helped a girl who lost her throat to live on olive oil rubbed into her skin and taking baths daily for her food and water and proclaimed she was one of the most healthiest girls he ever seen after 3 years of consuming all her food through her skin.
I suggest using herbs through the skin and lungs is an unexplored avenue for longevity, so much, I am building a air therapy room along with water therapy and believe those two simplistic methods can do wonders.
Nothing is more beneficial and healthier than our sun light and fresh air and God made us humans to have a close connection with the trees and the plants, something medical for the past 200 years have proven. Medical books pre 1900 supply the greatest truths.
I end this with a small collection of pictures that one of the greatest doctors of all time learned pre 1900, the use of ocean water to restore people who were in horrible pains that were ending their lives short. Amazingly the pictures shown often were 30-60 days apart. These old medical doctors are proof that medical world wide has known the cures for all humans diseases by the year 1900, just as the late great Dr. Hans Neiper from Germany wrote in his last days.
29 Were these people in pain when they were brought to the doctor? Were they in pain 30-60 days later? Has there been any good reason for human illness since 1900? Should any human be in pain or is premature death via pain an organized, controlled method of population control? You be the judge! Many great medical doctors in the past 150 years tried to get the truths out by way of their little books.